Every Soulsborne Boss Tier List

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ava the king's pet is the tiger right from the dlc so just for the fact that i didn't steamroll it i'll give it a c but it also wasn't super memorable the terrain was really cool i really liked that dark souls 2 dlc where everything was just frozen and [ __ ] i thought the whole environment was cool but the tiger itself i wasn't too big of a fan is abyss watcher is a classic i like the abyss watchers and even get that like a helper red he just starts slapping his brothers around for fun you can't go wrong with the abyss watchers that's always just super nice oh this is that eagle guy with the huge tits oh yeah when we were doing our dale play through where i was just going around like fisting everything going for the disarm techniques with the hands of god this took like actually 40 minutes of just straight dps because i couldn't do damage because the hands of god are just the worst weapons ever made in video games i will say it's a cool boss though it has the giant tongue the big old honkers and it's controlled by some kind of celestial eagle phoenix thing aldia scholar the first sin that's the tree guy at the very end right yeah that helps you throughout the game but then at the very end you have to kill him for the final boss yeah the fight was basically just dodge his fire and then just start swinging and then dodges fire and then start swinging cool boss though like design wise i actually think it looks pretty cool but it's just not a very fun fight yes he's cool from a lore perspective yeah i don't know dark souls lore i love the idea of dark souls lore but i i'm not deep enough in it to really understand it my brain's too small i'll give aldi a b just because i think it's a cool looking boss and he was cool throughout the game but the fight with him is kind of trash in fact i'm going to drop it to a c aldrich is a pretty cool one and there's a really cool glitch where you can just go under the map and attack his little tail he has like this giant sack that hangs under the map and you can glitch out and just start slapping at it and kill him for free i don't have any major complaints about it i think this would probably be a b tier boss he uses those long range arrows those purple magic arrows and [ __ ] and he slithers around i give it i give it a b ancient dragon is absolute dog [ __ ] not a hard boss just a stupid one you just camp his left leg and he just never hits you and then he flies up in the air a little bit and then comes down the journey to ancient dragon is also a giant headache yeah there's just nothing cool about ancient dragon i think ancient dragon is just absolutely awful i'm gonna give that one as low as you can go that's going right into the f actually i'll give it an e just because it's a cool dragon i guess and since i'm already clearly taking into account how things look with the adjudicator it [ __ ] s tier with the big titties oh this is the scripted one where you go up to the top and you just the top turnbuckle and you super slam on his head and it insta kills him this is the this is the worst boss this one is awful again i guess cool design but completely useless considering you don't actually have to fight it it's just a gimmick boss and the worst kind of gimmick boss that's just gonna be an f it's a worse ancient dragon armor spider i absolutely hate that recently just did that on my demon souls replay i hate it i think the whole fight is super unfun having to like run through tunnel when he does the oil plus flame attack the webs being so sticky that you guaranteed take a shot i just didn't like anything about the fight this one's not good armor spider i'm going to bring down to an e well it's definitely not as bad as ancient dragon in terms of like its design i'll bring it to a d i guess i don't remember armored warrior oh this is the guy who says steven on the way down right or whatever stan sal who does he he shouts his son's name when you kick him off the edge robert oh roberto that's what it is yeah yeah yeah roberto this guy's cool yeah i like this guy there we go oh come on there you go oh english dub you yucky b-tier a tier yeah eight-tier yeah b-tier asylum demons a classic not like a super hard fight not a whole lot of mechanics but asylum demon is the first thing people think of when they think of dark souls this really started it all i remember when dark souls first came out there were so many people just stuck on asylum demon it's just a classic boss honestly very influential i think this one has to just go into s tiers just the actual poster child for dark souls and a lot of the videos of making my mom try dark souls and her raging it asylum demon i'll give it an a just because it's not like a good boss it's just such an influential one this one's trash this is f tier for sure it's not even a fun gimmick either better chaos absolutely all f gargoyles that's another good one i forgot they came back in dark souls too that was the first time in dark souls where they let you know we don't care if you're outnumbered you just have to get good yeah that's going to go to a is a little high for me i'm going to put that at a b oh this is dark souls 2 belfry gargoyles were they any different this looks significantly less cool they put six three at a time it was [ __ ] yeah this looks worse okay so we'll do belfry gargoyles dark souls 2 and a c dark souls 1 b here you know what just do a piece chad i'll put it to a d the burnt ivory king's the one where you have to drop down into that layer and kill a bunch of adds and then the ivory king himself comes out right in the dlc yeah super cool boss super cool concept where you take in your little soldiers with you your little mirror nights you guys drop into the shadow realm but i really was super frustrated because you have to go through so many of these guys just to get the ivory king to spawn and i'm never a fan of the difficulty coming from just ads i'd rather the boss just be difficult with fun with cool mechanics and when the ivory king actually does come out he's just really underwhelming the challenge was definitely in just defeating the guys to get there i'll put ivory king as a c also i hated that the dogs were here but it wasn't great who likes him i remember when the game came out there was a lot of love for the capra demon yeah just tight quarters the dogs come in and i just don't think kappa demon himself is all that cool i'm going to put him in c is a little generous probably yeah this oh this is the guy that comes yeah yeah yeah all right you make the run all the way over here you grab that armor set which is a really good set if i remember correctly and then you just wait out and cheese and you attack his tip right yeah that's this guy i'll go ahead and definitely put this above ancient dragon just because you have to attack his wiener there you go and then you just hit this one time and it insta kills him it's his arm no it's that is not an arm right there my man that's an uncircumcised [ __ ] yeah i'm gonna give that a d i remember the centipede demons just annoying it's not really a fun fight this is kind of a lame boss this boss looks about as underwhelming as i remember i didn't even fight him on the remaster i just didn't want to bother that's the tier for sure yeah the gang squad i remember this now this is not to dark lurker this is for the dlc fighter this is sin oh this is the sin root uh all right i did every boss in dark soul and like all the souls games when we did the replay i just don't remember them but they didn't look bad the gank squad seemed fine i'll probably just put them in a c not very memorable but you know you got havel there which is cool this one wasn't bad and then they bring in the wolf and it gets really [ __ ] intense underwhelming i tried doing this really low level and i just couldn't it was super hard for me but then i came back at appropriate soul level and it was pretty easy not as cool as sif but still cool i'll give it a c well i'm gonna give it a b actually i like that i think it's a cool design yeah champion gender is cool yeah this one's this is a free at right here champion gender is a classic easy a i wouldn't go s no big titties like the adjudicator speaking of big titties chaos which that's asked here it's a cool fight regardless of the the titties which are always great but the fight itself is also really cool you always want to be when you do a soul level one play through which i did on stream for a little while you have to use the the girl that i think it's the butcher or whatever she uses the piece of wood as well as the giant cleaver and you just have to camp and hope that she kills the the witch and that was so [ __ ] frustrating you have to [ __ ] wait for mildred to do anything but mildred's ai is so brain bad mildred usually just ends up getting stuck and abused by a key log great boss though super cool boss why didn't you help on a soul level one playthrough you just died at anything that she throws out so the strat for soul level one is you have to just let mildred do most of the work and then you finish it off you can do a uh sneak attack off the back wall insta-kill if i remember correctly on the corrupted monk just a cool looking boss cool fight i'm just gonna bring that to a bee oh it's this guy that just rolls around the job of the hutt thing yeah uh pretty shitty boss really it looks like that thing that pops out of that dude's chest in total recall like the little baby man i think this is gonna have to be yeah probably f this is not a good boss it's just so stupid all right easy crystal sage not a great boss either it's kind of boring you just have to keep guessing on the proper one and he only really does two attacks you don't see very many like wizards kind of looks like wizardmon from digimon i think the design's cool but the fight just kind of sucks there's just a free bit of souls i'm just gonna bring that d is a little too low i think i'll just bring it to a c cursed rotted great wood that's the scent the tree with the nuts on it right you just have to keep popping the zits around it and then he just spins around then eventually he breaks the floor and he like stands up and sits down and there's no [ __ ] too which is another thing that stood out to me because in um like bloodborne for example there is actual [ __ ] physics well physics is probably the wrong word they put [ __ ] on like the pig which i feel like would have been really cool to add to this boss because he's in like a prime goatsy position almost but they just didn't put the extra effort but yeah the boss even aside from the missing anus is just trash i don't think it's f tier but i'll just bring it down to like an e i'd say down there with ancient dragon seems to fit right at home the dancers s oh that's such a fun boss i really like dancer i think it's a great fight so many good attack patterns and it feels so rewarding when you do it at like a low level oh man yeah dancer is like the actual skill test a little skill check such a good boss and the fact you can do it so early is so nice just to really test yourself one of the best video game bosses of all time dancers gotta be up there it's just such a cool boss from the design of it to just how many great attacks it has that really test you just such a good boss i remember i didn't like it because he makes that like clone of himself and they just fire the same attacks and it feels unfair sometimes i don't think it was necessarily that hard though how many tries did it take me i think it was like four i think it's a cool design because he looks like the guy from warcraft or i'm not warcraft diablo what's his name azeroth or some [ __ ] the angel guy the archangel material yeah i think it's a great boss design but the attacks like the mechanics aren't that cool i give it a bit oh he's the hallway guy yeah he's the guy who just fires the soul arrows pretty lame yeah not too big of a fan of gwyndolin then again i don't think many people are just kind of a lame fight you just keep going up the hallway at him but it's definitely low tier i'd probably give it a d but d might even be a little generous maybe e hmm i don't think it's nearly as bad as ancient dragon or the curse would we'll go d deacons of the dense kind of [ __ ] i'm just going immediately dee i already know where that's gonna fall all you do is just keep charging you just keep attacking some geriatrics is this like some [ __ ] cult dudes he's coming here and ruined their party and he's kind of fun just to like blast through them this is not like a really good fight there is just something fun about plowing through a bunch of enemies like this like in dynasty warriors oh this is just the recolored asylum demon swing at him so his swings go over you and you wanna does he do anything else or is it really just the recolor has fire effects added to the attacks but no new animations i'm gonna keep it enough then i just i've never liked just reskins or recolors of things but then again is it as bad as something like bed of chaos and covetous demon probably not on spring to e demon of hatred i'm giving s t here [ __ ] fun fight from sekito i don't think it's the hardest boss in the game like a lot of people seem to i still think that title comfortably belongs to sword saint ishin but i really did like this fight a lot i thought it was super fun and it also goes against everything the game taught you up until this point there's very few things you can actually like block and parry here it's all dodge checks i think demon of hatred belongs in s tier [ __ ] cool boss demon of song is that toad guy right who like pops out of the like eyeball like the like the skin it's like a bunch of skin like pops his little goofy face out the foreskin boss yeah kinda bring it to a d oh this is from the dlc this boss slaps yeah yeah yeah yeah this was cool i like this one i don't know if i like it as much though as the other s tiers it's either a or s for me and i can't decide because the other ones are immediately memorable for me i didn't immediately recognize the demon princes by name or anything i think this has to be eightier yeah ring city that whole dlc was so good dirty colossus sounds like a sexual euphemism like the cleveland steamer who's the dirty colossus oh this is the guy in the uh the swampy area he's actually just the stink master i don't remember this being a good boss and it definitely doesn't look like it either right now every boss in this whole zone is pooped here i'll probably give this one an e divine dragon super cool boss but not very interesting as a like a fight even though i don't think it's supposed to be it's more about the impact of the moment like this whole like fight is just a ton of buildup to get here and then you get a really [ __ ] visually beautiful boss it's just a really cool gimmick boss yeah i i think it's an a tier again the fight's kind of lame it's super easy it's just a gimmick but it's so cool looking i'll give it an a yep i hated this one this is the one we have to bust through a bunch of rocks in order to make it to the like the ballistas or whatever yeah this boss absolute dog [ __ ] [ __ ] abominable tear i hate this gimmick fight it goes on for so long there's nothing fun about it you have to wait for him to not be looking at you the only good thing about dragon god is how he looks it's a really cool looking boss but my god the gimmick is horrible it's so anti-fun that's going after such a wasted beautiful design kind of looks like a diet madeir yeah i don't really remember it that well but it seems like a fine fight doesn't seem like it's like bad or anything i'll probably just put it at a b just because it wasn't memorable enough for me to like actually remember my fight with it apparently i did it on the remake on stream but i just don't remember not the greatest of bosses not the worst either i think c tier is a little too generous it's just a super underwhelming boss i think i'll probably put him in d making him fall off those good fun oh this is e i'm a d dragon slayer armor i think is a cool looking boss i don't remember being necessarily that hard though he does have like that one big charge i remember yeah that right there that one [ __ ] me up a couple i'd probably give this one a b i think this one's probably either b or c i can't decide i'll probably give it a c i think these are better in b that's the dlc lady from uh dark souls 2 right the one where you jump down to the very bottom and then she also summons a random enemy to fight with her right oh my god she was such a [ __ ] pain in the ass i i had i think more deaths to her than any other dark souls 2 boss she was so [ __ ] frustrating and it wasn't even her it was these goddamn skeletons man bro mr bones wild ride was going wild in this [ __ ] fight they were nutty i guess not well she summons she summons someone big to help her i'm gonna give her probably a b well i'll give her an a she was really challenging and she made me really [ __ ] frustrated but i do think it was a pretty cool fight overall i'm gonna drop it to a b just because she did do a lot of ad drop for the difficulty her herself didn't have that many mechanics but she just kept summoning ads which is one of the more lame forms of difficulty i didn't like chariot very much the ost is goaded e tier is too low i don't think it's nearly as bad as the other things in e tier but i do not like it i did not like chariot so probably d flame lurker was cool i did flame lurker on demon souls remake using it was the first boss i did and i was using the uh the [ __ ] was was i using a mate no he has really high like strength defense so you're not supposed to use like a strength based weapon but i did anyway and it took me like [ __ ] like 20 attempts but i finally got him and it felt so good did i use a pickaxe or what did i use on him it was something stupid yeah flame lurker's great i think flame lurker is a fantastic boss club that's right i was using the giant club because i was doing a caveman playthrough yeah flame lurker's fantastic that's a tier not a very challenging boss also not a very cool boss i think it's just like a comfortable little c how does he [ __ ] well it's like cat dog they don't really [ __ ] they just come i don't know i'm not a [ __ ] anatom and what's what's a profession that just studies anatomy i was gonna say anatomologist but that's clearly not a real thing folding screen monkeys i'm giving a b tier just because it's kind of frustrating but i do like the folding screen monkeys there really isn't a whole lot of fun to be had just chasing around endlessly i think that's way overzealous putting them in b off rip i think c is much more comfortable especially because once you spawn you just turn around and swing at the air and you kill the invisible monkey i'll drop it one more for d but i'm not budging on that i still do think it's kind of a neat idea fool's idol wasn't very good she just this is kind of like crystal sage she just spawns those clones of herself and you just keep attacking one unlike crystal sage though there's a tell on which one's real fool's idol and maybe crystal sage has one too but you never really need to know it because you can just blast through all of them so quickly i'm going to give fool's idol e i also do prefer crystal sage because at the very least it doesn't last that long whereas fool's idle can take quite a bit because they're tankier four kings kind of trash is the one wearing you that you're in the pure darkness and you just chase them to the back ends and just attack them a little bit they don't really do anything either like you're just kind of the bad guy here the four kings were just chilling just [ __ ] hanging out and then you bust into their home and just beat the [ __ ] out of them well easily is it as bad as something like demon fire sage an ancient dragon nah bring it to d that's not as bad aesthetically cool aesthetically cool in four kings it's a cool place the fight happens but it's just a boring fight man fume night very over hyped but still a cool boss i think fume knight a people are saying hardest boss in the game by far i didn't get that impression i don't remember how many tries it took me i think it was still quite a bit i think it was like eight tries or something but cool fight a bit over hyped and it also does have that prestige where in dark souls 2 people immediately just say things like fume knights unbeatable and [ __ ] so i do like fume knight b just for the whack oh he does have wacky hit boxes oh yeah i forgot about that this dude's got some goofy goober [ __ ] for his hitboxes i'm gonna keep it at an a though it's dark souls too it's full of jank it's not exclusive to fume knight half the [ __ ] game is janky and i think fume knight's still cool gaping dragon i'm putting to a b cool design not a cool boss not a bad boss either though i remember when i first played through dark souls i accidentally ran into the gaping dragon and was [ __ ] terrified i was hoarding so many souls and i thought this was the right way to go and i ended up accidentally finding this goddamn thing and i was so upset because i knew i wasn't going to beat it first try and i didn't and then i died getting back to it lost all my souls and was so upset kenichido i'm going to give probably an a i'm thinking a or b and i can't decide which yet the only reason i wouldn't put ganicito at like an s or something is just because you fight him so many times you fight the you fight the guy like three times so it really starts to overstay its welcome it's a fun fight every time but it's not like he drastically changes through those three fights he just says stays exactly the same you just have to keep beating his ass it is the spongebob meme of how many times you have to teach you this lesson old man you fight him once in the beginning you fight him once here and you fight him once at the end but it is he's a good boss i'm gonna put him in an a i don't want to disrespect him he's cool giant lord kind of sucks lame boss this is the one when you're in the dream doesn't really do anything you just keep blasting away at his ankles he's got a bite on his little tootsies until he dies i think this is definitely trashed here this is f yeah i'd say it's on this i'd say it's on par with the covetous demon grave lord nedo oh hey or s for me i can't decide i don't like the ads about him but he's such a cool boss i love neato again like i said i think adding tiny enemies just little trash mobs to your boss fight in order to artificially make it harder is lazy but neato is still so cool yeah i'm gonna have to go a sif s boss fight kind of shitty with sif i'll be the first to admit but how can you not like sif andy comes back in the dlc and you get a little bit more from him it's one of like i don't know dark souls more i really don't know it very much but in the artorius dlc you have sif who's like captured and all sad and [ __ ] then you free sip and he helps you fight um [ __ ] is that boss's name monis it's so cool sif is so cool yeah it's not a great fight but when it comes to sif it's more than just a boss fight and you feel bad too when you kill sif especially after doing the dlc you get a little special extra scene right you get like a little bit more from it sif absolutely ass for sure owl also asked here i think owl is a [ __ ] great boss especially the improved version of owl and insecure are they separated or is it just going to be one all-encompassing owl let me see oh no they are separated okay so then we'll do this standard owl still cool father owl which we'll just do now since we i brought it up father owl even cooler now i don't think normal owl is very hard but it's still again fun cool good boss good design owl father beat the [ __ ] out of me that man absolutely fed me his ass i was getting blasted by owl father it was a significant significant challenge increase it they completely revamped them to make them much much harder and i appreciated it it was fun i don't remember how many tries it took me on the most recent replay of sekito but it was a lot it was definitely more than 10 i think i'm honestly debating guardian 8 between a and s i think guardian ape is also one of those bosses where the first time you get to them you're gonna struggle i think it's a fair fight it's a hard fight and it's gonna make you a better player by the end of it it's like that dad who's teaches their kid how to drive a car by making them sit in the driver's seat and then they just like [ __ ] put a brick on the gas and you have to figure out like how to navigate it guardian ape is just a really tough boss out the gate and then it has a phase two which no one expects first time around i think guardians probably s and it's just a cool boss too oh also they did put a butthole on it didn't they i'm pretty sure guardian ape has an ass andy farts and throws [ __ ] which is also cool but i'm pretty sure he also has a butthole which obviously is a shoe and for s tier we have the goddamn adjudicator up here so we really take into account those kind of things oh this is the one in the cage lame super lame this fight is literally just dodged that aoe fire and that's it there is really nothing else that's lame i'm going e to be honest i think d is even a little generous so i'm going e gwyn i'm calling b gwyn's not a super good fight but it is a nice finale and it's fun to get that instant parry when he does that jump attack on you to start oh he didn't do it lame come on man how you gonna fight gwen without getting that first parry yeah i just didn't think yobu was super cool just kind of a boss that attacks a couple times then runs away and you just latch on to him attack a little bit runs away just not a fun fight i'll probably give gyobu a c as the covenant boss kind of like the old monk old monk is [ __ ] cool though he gives you that giant the giant head gear it's like a [ __ ] bee hive and i don't think i actually did it did it in pvp so probably didn't help me very much i'll just go ahead and put it in like c since i a don't remember it very well and b didn't do it in pvp in the first place hi lord wolonier that's the one where you just hit his rings right like on his wrists this is another one of those things where the boss design is super cool but the fight sucks disrespect is drip i'll probably give that one a d it's just a pretty lame gimmick boss that just happens to look cool iron golem's not bad you can make him fall off and that's kind of cute he just loses his footing so often i would wager the majority of players who played this game like on their first playthrough just had this guy fall off completely by accident it just happens so naturally it almost seems scripted i'll give him a c just because i think that's kind of fun well yeah i'm gonna give it a c that's kind of fun non-sword saint ishin b just a super easy version of ishin he doesn't do anything very cool very straightforward nice nice sticking with b there isian sword saint is an s that was so i think it actually took me two hours the first time and i cheesed him sword saint can just pop off plus it's not only [ __ ] it's four phases right for each in plus gonichito or is it hold on i need to remember now it's been a little bit it's three it's a four-phase fight because you have to go through genicito first and then ishan has three phases it's so brutal andy's cool like he's just super cool i think sword sane is by far the hardest in the game and honestly one of the hardest in all of souls sword saint and orphan of coast took me the most tries out of anything in souls orphan of coast took me 27 and sword saint i think took me more i think it's a great fight [Music] he takes out his glock when the swords aren't working true he also just pulls out a [ __ ] blaster yeah there it is just starts letting it ride i think he's fantastic such a good boss uh this is just bass gandhir so we have to put him below champion gandir so b tier same thing just not as cool as champion wrong boss is not the right one oh i forgot all about the [ __ ] slug i completely [ __ ] forgot yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so not cool king alan slug monster man that's an f i think it's supposed to be shitty obviously because it's just king allen devolved into like an actual pile of motor oil and then like where's fake king aland well it doesn't seem like they even put oh here it is old king allen i'd put the like like cool king aland probably [Music] probably a i think he's a cool boss knight artorius that's it that's an ass artorius just slaps like this is just no questions asked easy-est here i don't know where i put lady butterfly not bad definitely not like definitely not a c i'm debating between a and b i think b leech monger probably enough yep that's definitely an s or f just a stupid [ __ ] boss not fun dog [ __ ] nothing cool about it i don't remember does looking last night do anything cool like anything unique or is it pretty standard i don't remember if that like mirror shield does anything it's been too long he can summon real players really i don't it's you need to remember when i recently replayed these i had to do it offline because of hackers that can actually just corrupt your [ __ ] so a lot of these pvp bosses like the half light spear and i guess looking glass i didn't get to experience the pvp parts of it so i didn't know that seems like a pretty normal boss without the pvp nothing too crazy i'll just go ahead and put that in i'll just do b since i don't i didn't experience the pvp with it i don't remember this boss super well i don't i really don't remember the loss center uh just from what i'm seeing here it looks like a kind of lame boss kind of jumps around mainly thrusts has like two swipes i'll just go like a i gotta see since i don't remember too much about it hey here's the lothric prince i like him now are they i need to look in the tier list if they're divided i thought this was a cool fight not a super challenging one but a cool one then the younger guy gets the piggyback ride halfway through [Music] i think it's a cool fight i don't think i'd put it in s tier though i think all of these fights in s tier uh bar the adjudicator are not only really cool fight and also nuts if are not only super cool fights but also really challenging whereas the lothric princes are pretty free so i'm going to go a tiger you fly this is trash it's just a reskin and you get two of them i think this is absolutely damaged so yeah the second one yeah no [ __ ] doubt that's definitely f down there with the leech monger and covetous demon oh this is the oh yeah this is just the girl that's sitting in the blood and you just beat the [ __ ] out of her for no reason if you kill him she offers herself okay i guess that's what it is the only boss in dark souls to kill itself on purpose there's probably something to be said for that kind of unique i'll just go for b not a great reason but it's kind of different and wacky it's this guy this guy was [ __ ] tough oh this guy was really tough for me i remember this he transforms like three times and he kept pushing me off the edge and the terrain was not helpful at all like he'd either get stuck in some [ __ ] or i'd get stuck in some [ __ ] and it just got so goofy or maybe just because it was like actually challenging even though i don't know if it was necessarily the boss itself being challenging and the fact that it was so easy to fall off or get stuck we'll go see oh modest s modes is so cool and you also have sif that helps you fight him if you want sif super cool i think i think manas is great very hard boss very fun boss it never really felt unfair it just if you're trash you get punished that's just the way it is good boss probably the best boss in dark souls one i'd say madeir this will probably be controversial i don't think madeira's ass i'd give him a deer and a i do like madeir i thought madeira was cool but i wouldn't necessarily put it in the s tier with the other ones definitely a cool a cool boss everyone remembers madeira fondly i just prefer all the other ones in s tier i don't think madeira quite gets up there but it's still really good boss too much [ __ ] hp otherwise amazing it's really tanky but that doesn't bother me i don't think it having a lot of hp is a bad thing it makes sense i mean it's a giant [ __ ] dragon it should be pretty tough to kill it should take a lot and i do think it probably is the best dragon boss you'll notice that there is no other dragons in s tier i think um for the most part most of the dragon bosses end up kind of not super interesting madeir though is very interesting and very fun it's either d or f for me and i haven't decided yet i'm leaning towards d because i don't think it's as bad as like covetous demon and [ __ ] though this is pretty [ __ ] bad yeah it's going to be off nevermind i forgot that it doesn't do anything besides fly out there it goes down quickly though so you don't have to stay too long super easy boss super not cool boss carrying its own head i guess is kind of cool just because she throws it and explodes but just not a really cool boss overall not a very fun fight i'm gonna go d i think these probably that one's gonna live nameless king is an s i don't think this one needs any explaining either nameless king is just a classic i actually died the most times to nameless king than any other boss in dark souls 3 on my most recent playthrough i've got madeira in four tries i think i got gayle in four or five tries but i i could not kill the king of the storm man nameless king was just nutty took me like 17 tries on uh what the [ __ ] is storm king is that the gimmick boss where you just like fire things at the floating mana rays yeah it is also i made up my mind on storm king i had plenty of time to think about it while the internet was getting [ __ ] blasted or whatever uh it's gonna be a c for me because at least it's kind of a fun gimmick boss what if putin is to attack steam servers before elden ring releases well then you're going to have to get it on console gamers have so many ways of playing he can't stop them all all right i think we can continue now nashandra is the final boss in dark souls 2 or at least the base final boss and also one of the worst ones i think she sucks cool design i think she's a cool design looks like the tim burton nightmare before christmas guy but overall so lame just so [ __ ] lame doesn't do anything cool nothing interesting about the fight really i think i'd put in a chandra to d ah assyros the consumed king that's like the goofy guy right uh like on your way to champion gandir yeah yeah yeah i remember i killed him first try so i didn't get to experience much of a challenge when fighting him but i do think he is a pretty decently cool boss albeit a little silly looking i'd probably give him a beep and he also whines throughout the entire fight which is kind of cool i'll give him a b oh not a terrible boss not a great one very forgettable i think i'd give it probably can't be i can't decide between b and c i think i'll go b for old demon king as well to be honest well i didn't even remember they brought oh this is after you kill the the little dragon on the way you get the ornstein rematch but not nearly as cool yeah i mean i think it's supposed to be on the nose that this is ornstein like i don't think it's supposed to be like a reskin or anything it's just supposed to be here's ornstein again yeah i think it's fair to probably put it i don't think it deserves to be an e just because it still is ornstein ornstein's cool i'll probably give it d old heroes cool looking i i don't remember the fight being hard the dude's just actually blind so you just wail on him he looks dope yeah he does he really does but it's just a super easy fight i think i think i'll just put it in b anyway though because he i do think he's pretty cool i really do think he's pretty cool the deer is also blind yeah but madeira doesn't have a mechanic where he's just like feeling his way around like it's super different old hero is like actually blind looking for braille on the walls madeir his lack of vision doesn't play into the fight who's the old iron king is that the guy out in the like the deep lava yeah it is i remember there's a hole in this arena that just kills you just a hole in the middle of the arena that everyone without fail their first time faults in this is like a really good [ __ ] demon or dark souls 2 rick roll i'll give it an e not a good fight it's a boring fight i did get to experience the pvp fight here so this one was very cool and this was also the birth of john souls and for that that's gotta be esteer ornstein and smog okay obviously asked here i mean come on i don't think anyone will ever put ornstein and smog in anything below highest tier it's just such a fun fight especially for its time that still holds up so well wasn't that lame i thought penetrator is pretty lame there's nothing really fun about the fight it just he kind of just does the same moves over and over there's no variety to his attacks i did think it was cool though that they hid his armor through so many layers of easter eggs that it took the community like a year to connect all the dots and actually access it i really enjoyed that it took less than a month did it i remember when distortion was posting the videos so frequently i thought it was over the course of like a month i'll put penetrator in c phalanx is that giant pile of slugs this one's just boring you just throw firebombs at it if you don't want to throw fire bombs you just be patient take openings this is probably e i think this is just garbage it's nothing fun here they're just fighting a sentient septic tank i wouldn't put it f i think these are worse pinwheel easiest boss in dark souls also a classic that's got to be it's got to be at least a how can you not like pinwheel this is such a fun little fight just to make players feel good a little reward like a little dessert and but it's also the most stressful boss for people that are streaming the game because if you [ __ ] up and take a death on pinwheel chat will never let you hear the end of it so there is real stakes with the pinwheel fight see like sherman just he can't escape it even just bringing it up people immediately bring up germa's death the pinwheel it's just one of those things man people never forget when you died a pinwheel so it's a very important boss but also a really really easy one thanks for your sub devin sullivan probably can't decide between a and s i really do like the sullivan i'll keep an s for now let me rewatch the fight it's a really fun fight yeah i think i'll stick with this just a cool boss cool fight dual wielding flame plus the [ __ ] giant soul sword thing just cool i'll keep it s and the music slaps oh is this the thing that happens inside that church that really tight quarters yeah it is this is probably an e this is exactly the kind of [ __ ] i hate super easy boss the only difficult thing is they just throw a bunch of little enemies at you either an e or an f i think i'll probably just go f this is trash the first challenging boss of dark souls 2 but there exists that fun way of killing him with the ballista [Music] he just really blast him open just spread his cheeks with it i think it takes away what like 80 of his health or something if you shoot the ballista at him so even for bad players there's an easy out for it i'll give it a b royal rat authorities trash just a bad fight bath salts master splinter then he summons other little rats nothing cool about it i'll give it e not as bad as the others that's also in dark souls 2 what how many royal rats were in this i don't actually remember vanguard it's just a bunch of rats is this the is this the boss right here it's just you fight all these little rats and that's the voice crack and that's the vanguard oh okay that's gonna be an f i don't think they're amazing but i do think they're cool and the stress that comes when you get all of them or having to fight more than one i'll give ruined sentinels like a bee yeah i'm on the d very average yeah the attacks might not be anything special but it's a cool little chimera thing i'll give it a c oh oh oh she's like the great value uh q log yeah yeah yeah i remember her everything right they did with q log or q lag however you say it they did wrong with scorpioness it's fundamentally the same design woman with titties out with the body of some kind of insect but this fight just sucks it's so boring man scorpion tark what the [ __ ] is that what her husband so you summon her husband to help fight so you turn it into like a whole domestic abuse case i've never i never saw a man scorpion tark oh [ __ ] it's the rock good mummy reference yeah some of the mummy two [ __ ] look up man scorpion lore and i don't think i will uh scorpion s probably d as you can as quickly as possible be sure to hit as close to the tip as you can not an s tier but probably a tier very cool looking boss pretty fun fighting around you'll need to lure them a bit into this reminds me of stardust dragon from yu-gi-oh on his tail can be done with a little yeah i think it's just an a i think it's just easy a i don't know if sin is cooler than madeir though so i'm thinking probably be yeah i think b's probably the play oh sir alani or however you say his name i liked him a lot he's the samurai guy he was a really fun fight worst part about it was the run though i think the run back for this guy was one of the worst i [ __ ] hated it but a cool fight i think that's gonna be an s tier honestly oh yeah true he also has that cool mechanic where if you do it hitless he kills himself only the second boss in all of souls to i guess just take their own life yeah because he does the sapooku oh sister oh man she's one of my favorites i [ __ ] love sister freda so good so [ __ ] good honestly one of the best in the entire series really this whole thing so [ __ ] good music slaps the fights really hard it goes on a long time too so you really get to like dig your feet in it's just it's great so then after you kill sister freda then you get him coming out with the [ __ ] pot man gets the latrine out then you fight him both so good skeleton lords is e i don't even know why i bothered to throw that back on it's it's e you just fight garbage actual garbage slave knight s ring city is just one of the best dlc's man it really is i didn't think gale was necessarily that hard like i said i think i think i only took four tries but it's such a good fight such a good boss actual chef kisses here smelter demons probably like a c or a d i think i'll go see it's not that bad it's not great but it's not that horrible either not like the other [ __ ] down here solo cinder's fun i don't think it's amazing but it is fun either b or a i can't decide probably a i actually really do like this whole cinder design but i don't think it's an amazing fight just a really cool climactic one great environment super cool arena it takes place in his second phase is beautiful ost is an s pretty much all dark souls music is an ass man dark souls music just slaps straight demon is again just the recolor or the reskin of the abyssal or the abyss the [ __ ] is it the asylum demon jesus okay that's just gonna i'm just gonna throw that in f i i just again don't ever really like repeat bosses reskins or whatever it's just trash it's the second boss that most players will fight and it's pretty tough they come out of the gate swinging gets players acquainted to the difficulty most of them don't do the plunge attack to start either tight quarters maybe they fall off maybe they get lucky he falls off it's just a really fun fight where a lot can happen especially to people that are new to the franchise i think it's a good one i'll probably give it a b obviously doesn't hold up super well in like modern souls as a boss but for its time just like what i did with the abyss demon it was super important oh this is that spider boss garbage ugh better than armored spider i hated armored spiders so much more than this did i put armor i put armored spider in a d i [ __ ] hated that fight i guess i'll just put this in a d as well even though i like this more than armored spider [Music] super easy boss nothing super cool about them this is pretty boring honestly [ __ ] face yeah i'll give this one probably an e the protein what the [ __ ] is that oh the rotten oh what the [ __ ] is the rotten i don't remember that at all he kind of looks like the leechmonger but with people instead of leeches oh i do remember this this is the guy uh uh you go through like the abyss thing there's a bunch of those worms that keep popping up right it's that guy isn't it at the very bottom of that he's a super easy boss right he doesn't really do anything uh we'll give the run probably like a c or d not special but not terrible either the design's pretty cool i'll give it a c i remember there's a cheese for these guys where you just go off to the left not amazing not terrible this is probably also just like a comfortable seat here i don't have any major complaints about it i'll probably just throw that in the seats here a or b since he's memorable and cool he is memorable and he is cool as far as bosses where you just whale on their little feetsies he's probably the best one i'll give him a b tier that's fair i'm fine with that true corrupted monk is the one that you fight on the bridge right yes that's probably an a tier this one's great i really like true corrupted monk yep easy hey i i forgot this was even a boss fight it's just dragon rider again but now there's two of them and you can't make them fall off i think this is probably just an e tier dragon rider already wasn't that cool but it's even lamer here it's just kind of sad that's just going to be an e no i'm not going to do an f because it's not nearly as bad as something like the covetous demon because at least there's a fight here right like at least there's something to do here unlike the other [ __ ] so e eh you know [ __ ] it yeah fine i'll put it in f the first boss ever yes the guy really started it all back in demon souls you can jiggle his ass as tyr true he actually does have ass jiggle physics which is awesome you see every time that he gets hit it's just full-blown shaking it's really nice yeah i think just for that we'll put him an ass up there with the adjudicator and he is genuinely like the first souls boss felt sad deep here in my opinion [ __ ] boss rory is in the game he's not hard yeah he's not a challenging boss at all there's nothing special about like his actual fight his moves pretty generic cookie cutter so i'm not going to put him super high but he has a cool design i like his uh his armor i'll probably give him legacy is this the malnourished old man with a big sword that he drags around vendrick hits hard when you first see him well yeah he one shot too this one i'm probably not even gonna put in c though because the fight is even less interesting than velstad but i do like vendrick vort's tough for me because he's not a good boss he's a free kill basically but my god this soundtrack has transcended souls i'm sure everyone everywhere has heard this at some point in their life by this point is so [ __ ] high it is but you can't deny how hype everyone got with vort the first time and like i said the boss is cool looking the soundtrack is probably one of the best there is in souls i still really like the vort soundtrack so much yeah i'm gonna stick with a i do like fort i like ward a lot i'll probably go probably go b b or c can't decide i'll go be feet here oh [ __ ] yeah [Music] oh she is barefoot oh nice i think i'll go see i actually don't remember the fight i just remember the character here we go baby we're into bloodborne now all right we're getting to my favorite boss in souls every so in bloodborne every boss is so [ __ ] cool there's not a single bad design in all of bloodborne for like anything oh god the game is so good i love bloodborne man um for amygdala probably a beat here most people when they fight this use the pungent cocktails in order to get it to the corner and cheese it but if you actually fight this bad boy heads up he will blast you man this guy will rip your dick off it can just go in it has a crazy combo game either way okay i'm getting lost uh bloodstar beast is an a tier for me i think it's a great boss actual [ __ ] boss fight though probably one of the worst in the game i'd say but i really like these goofy little guys and then they like come together to form a megazord testicle or actually i think one of them just transforms straight up i don't think they come together i don't remember let me see when does he come out oh there he goes there he goes yeah a stupid fight not a fun fight at all but i like the design that's probably just going to be a prime e tier well yeah probably need tier it has to be unfortunately cleric beast was the first boss i fought in bloodborne and i was struggling i kept trying to like shoot it in order to get the visceral and i just couldn't [ __ ] do it i was i was so dumb i just wasted so much time it's a great first boss though for bloodborne i thought it was fantastic it is iconic i can't give it an s tier though it's gonna have to be an a tier dark beast pearl's kind of just a sad throwaway it's a really not good boss it just dies super quickly and it doesn't do much it's mainly just a couple aoes i'll probably give it a c oh ebrietus oh such a tough boss there's so much dog [ __ ] with this boss though it's not just hard by design there's some real jank to the abriana's hitboxes especially like her little like swooping [ __ ] bombing run like carpet bombing it has some jank to that hitbox but still a really cool boss fight hardest boss in the game in my opinion we'll get to the hardest one i think abriadis is second for me plus another thing she has so many little tentacles and little like hairs that make it like obstruct your view and make it hard to find yourself in space so there's just a lot of factors here that make a breath [ __ ] rough but still overall a really cool boss i don't think i can give her an s tier though i think i'm gonna have to go a again such a great boss and the lore's cool too i think father jesus i think the fight's a little too easy but still a really really good fight regardless especially for like second boss really fun really cool [ __ ] yeah yeah father jesus baby oh german tonight gammon joins the hut oh such a great line too yeah this is back-to-back ass i think garmin's just awesome and also just the environment for the fight is so good too lady maria was great she was really easy but awesome i would say she was really easy i think i actually got her first try but i still think the move sets pretty good like it's a pretty tough move set for a lot of players i imagine she's inspired by frida and sister freda's up here sister freda is probably my second favorite boss in the entire soulsborne franchise his boss was pretty cool not like amazing it definitely wasn't easy it took me quite a few tries actually but i don't think there was anything super special about the boss i'm thinking probably a b tier it's definitely not a reskin there's definitely a lot more than just a reskin it's just the same general design because they're supposed to be of the same race i believe right so it makes sense that they're similar but it's a lot harder so i think i'm gonna give this one probably a b living failures oh this is from the guys that just like worship the moon right they summoned the meteor is that what it is yeah this is not a fun fight you just go through a bunch of them that's all just clearing up trash that's probably going to be where did i put celestial emissary i think they're a little bit better than the celestial emissary so i'm gonna put them in d and i think the only reason i like them more than the celestial emissary is just because i think it's really goofy that they just keep like their arms up the entire time and then throw their head down not a great boss though by any means hey ludwig the holy blade i got super lucky on my first playthrough of the dlc when we streamed it because on second phase which is apparently when he pops off he just locked himself into the same three attacks and just let me beat the [ __ ] out of him super cool boss though i think ludwig the accursed is fantastic so [ __ ] cool yeah that's definitely us here man there's already four s-tier blood-borne bosses and this is what i'm talking about with the [ __ ] physics or the [ __ ] animation or design they took the time the painstaking effort to model a little butthole on the boars this is just chalice demon or dungeon i know but still you get to see the butthole what i would have really liked though from future from software games where they want to include buttholes i wish you would do it red dead did where the horse testicles shrink they should have the butthole kind of like pucker a little bit and maybe like pulsate i think it'd be cool like a nice little quality of life change i don't think it'll be s2 though i'm thinking a tier for legarius i do really like it but i think that i i really don't like in the second part um the jump spell whatever the [ __ ] it was i thought it was [ __ ] made me mad made me upset i'm thinking a tier not s tier probably a tier this is probably one of the probably a c tier you just chase the guy around kill some adds but yeah you just genuinely chase this guy around for so long it's not fun not a fun fight at all mikalash probably gonna go either c or d for me i'm thinking d this one was super [ __ ] cool i don't think it's an s but i'm thinking either an a i guess maybe a b i think b is a little low though fight is ridiculous it's it has like two attacks and no help i thought it had more than that doesn't have like three different jump attacks everything else uh i think i'll stick with b you're probably right you i i don't remember the moon presents move set that well so i'll go b fine very cool looking boss though well i guess gimmick boss is the wrong word just not a fun boss boring boss it's not really a gimmick this is boring i think i'm gonna go e except maybe celestial emissary in fact just yeah i'm gonna drag celestial and this area down i think that's only fair that is probably the worst boss in bloodborne to be fair and here it is the orphan of coast orphan of coss however you say it absolute esteer and my favorite boss in all of souls i love the orphan it is such a beautifully designed fight brutal it is the boss that i took the most deaths on it took me 27 tries to kill orphan and i loved every second of it when i finally beat it it doesn't feel unfair i guess maybe there's a little jank on this hitbox here for that like uh pus sack thing it can kind of hit you in wacky ways but it's just so good the orphan of cost is just an amazing boss sometimes you'll get one shot sometimes you'll get comboed out of this [ __ ] dimension and every time it is just it's so good i think orphan hands down best boss in all of souls games up until this point vacuous spider i actually hated that boss rom i just thought this whole thing was bad i really didn't like rom at all not nothing really cool to say about rum that's just d for me shadows of yharnam are cool just like a bunch of nas ghoul i'll give it b i still think it's a fun fight i don't think amelia is average at all i think amelia is great yep amelian to a tier i like amelia i think amelia's great witch of hemwick is trash this is just that like old fragile lady that you chase around someone's grandmother got let loose and she just goes invisible so you have to go hit her a few times or something not fun at all i wouldn't say she's as bad as celestial emissary though i'd say they're about even i'm going to put her left here i did not do her though we didn't go this far in the chalice dungeons so i can't say where she'd fall on the tier list but she seems like a cool fight we did it every boss except chalice dungeons ranked god damn so many good [ __ ] bosses
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,640,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fDcN9tlxR18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 6sec (4566 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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