Dark Souls 3: Quality Build Invasions (191 Days ➔ Elden Ring)

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yo what's up guys chase the bro here welcome back to another dark souls 3 invasion stream hello everybody hello what is up what is up good evening hello off content hello man what's up lorenzo jitty hello hello roman what's up man how is everyone's day kitty meow hello hello yo what's up dr goose one second here chat let me just not see my own stream live like that there we go i think we're good hello welcome hello what's up guys how is everyone's day today today we're gonna be doing some quality build invasions uh this is the inventory for today and why is my i'm trying to open the stats for you guys but it takes a second for the mouse to realize that wait no wait what what i can't i couldn't i can't open the stat menu that's weird hang on a second there we go i don't know why that wasn't working but uh yeah just a standard quality build for it today it's going good man it's going good welcome matt fashionable bomb yeah it was a minute late because it takes like a second for obs to actually connect to youtube so when i hit go live it takes like a second sometimes thank you roman thank you you like the fashion i think the fashion looks pretty i think it looks pretty good you know can't hate on the fashion it looks great um i think we're good other than that yeah okay my controller is not acting up today this is good this is good got this and yeah all right let's do some invasion boys you love it yeah it's actually really cool a viewer made the the crown for me it's pretty amazing it's just like a re-textured armor set but it looks exactly like the channel logo so i got i got zero complaints i think it looks amazing and thank you so much roman for the support man uh it's my record work hopefully yes it does nice i'd usually just make it it's best to make a new character just go to new game plus um it's cool to have multiple characters ahmed so if you want to like have a strength pvp character you know the starting class is usually way different than let's say an uh a pyro or something along those lines so i tend to try to keep multiple uh starters that way i can turn it into whatever i want hey what's up christy how goes your day first invasion of the day um i kind of wanted to use a rapier because i've been using strength builds a lot so i've been using great swords a lot by that merit dishonest streamer hello drift good morning man you have 20 characters between two yeah honestly like when i had my playstation i made like i filled all the character slots i had a bunch of 120s and 90s that was really it hey what's up alloy good morning but i saw blue get summoned though so wait yeah yeah they've been here did i run by them i must have run by them maybe there's two blues here is that that's not the top area is it is that the beginning area wait adam blue just died i fell off a cliff where where can you fall off a cliff up by the bonfire room near lap i don't know oh no man i don't think you can fall off a cliff in your lap oh hello hey boys what's up what the hell how did how did that one guy fall off a cliff i'm really confused actually the blue just like walked right off the cliff i guess that's not very interesting oh the sun grows here now nice hello sunny sun bro oh that stun got me hit by the bloopy doopy doo start off with the backstab we starting correct and then we finish him with a nice double remove weapon perry all he lived that is a series of unfortunate events for me you're lucky mr blue you live to tell the tale because of your homie that's okay that means a longer fight for us get out of the way cursed little thing why does this one run out here hey dude i feel like this blue will die to curse just because he's like that narrable you want to get buried again i had a good time all right we go into this room let's go divide and conquer i'll take these two you worry about that one well i'm a little bit more afraid now because oh bum don't worry i got this guy yeah perfect teamwork perfect teamwork mr red oh i had a weird pivot oh but you killed us anyway hey hey get out of here good job prisoner of cutting good job man good first invasion a very good first invasion what is up lady wolf yeah the sun bro just kind of he just said backstab me basically someone take my booty the red did do good though very did well he finished off the guy that i i backstabbed and left for dead and then and then he was there to kill the host too yeah that's true near the locust is do you think that's where the blue fell off i don't know oh my mic just hit my headphones xendrek hello all right cedric um what do we want to use for zedrick depends on what xendrik is using for us i guess landon i love this game too man uh yeah so there's a mod called wax dust you can download from nexus uh it just basically uses the red ir for you in cycling areas so until it finds someone in your right level bracket hello there zedrick why sometimes you know they should really make the lock on a little bit further because like i'll be looking at an enemy and i i can't lock onto them until far far later than i assume i could it's a lot of roles sir um i think he looks like he's gonna be a roly-poly so we're just gonna use rapier yeah so get the butts of the roly-polies you need the ultra suck maybe get him involved in fighting oh i missed no mr zedrick your roles are too on point i'm gonna need you to die okay well then okay fun fight um i don't think there's a preference for rex does it just cycles everywhere wait uh the lock-on issue or what the mages if you jump into lab you can glitch through the fence and fall to your death uh oh in the in the back little area in the ring city you mean by the bonfire i've never done that that's really interesting though i mean they haven't really showed anything uh rick c but if the stats are similar i'd probably do a quality build so i can try out all the weapons as i go through that's what i did for dark souls 3 as well i was just like okay i'm finding both strength and dex weapons quality it works this has a good variety of weapons quality claymore i mean if there's a claymore i'm gonna have it on me but i'm gonna try not to use the whole like as my main weapon at least because i've used it a lot in the game uh if you marry and why not 133 i just i just have a 125 for quality as well i was just feeling it the only real reason i go to 133 for the quality builds uh is using the life ring instead of havels and then i i boost i bump my vitality but if i don't really care too much about it i can go 125 as well sometimes it actually makes you get a little bit more invasions because people in the dlc will be like 108 or one like i don't know one what i can go down 12 13 levels like 11 112 gets me a little bit more invasion some days you did quality in demon souls yeah certain games have better weapons for different types so it's hard to say that's what i mean by like i'm not sure for alden ring i don't know what the stats will even be like anyway yeah there are a lot of 150s as well you're right you could even invade at 140. i mean that's what like broad and most other like youtubers did i believe i think i don't know i've always just done around like 120 to 133 but there is variety um let's see the bloodborne cart i mean i'd rather a bloodborne too i would rather the bloodborne too uh elden ringo is way more edge in my opinion am i recording this looks fun i want something sorry boys i don't want to [ __ ] up my audio okay hello there sun bro son of the bro he bro oh you're gonna try to plunge me and you're gonna get about stabbed oh my god buddy that is some latency oh my god that backstab took a century okay i'm kind of afraid to fight the host but i guess i got no choice that was nuts realistic was that just like a packet loss or no you're pretty laden okay noted noted come on fail you think you're gonna punch me i see that house looking for the plunge okay i can't exactly fight you right next to where mr plunderlocks is chilling i gotta watch up i'm gonna watch but i can get fail out of you because that thing hurts ah you caught me thought i'd get the rotation i did not oh yeah that would have hit me okay that's okay though i can learn how to deal with this connection i just got to dodge everything platinum got here though very good very good connection very solid oh god wait is he kind of lean too hard to tell yeah the crucifix is the webcam weapon for sure well it's a weapon it's a nice little halberd whoa whoa there buddy legosaurus rex on steroids oh perfect okay um i might pull out the cursor just to roll catch this guy this connection is far too bad i don't even want that backstab oh hey clog what's up oh shouldn't be a spear let's just mix it up or do i have the weight load for this i do nice let's go slowly just to get some good damage in when we finally hit him clogger noggers a true master of his croft oh [ __ ] yo this hair will be putting in damage man yeah maybe some you know what i might go crook wheels actually was enjoying the oh my god whoa whoa am i the laggy one chad vlog is really laggy right now usually he's a viewer that doesn't i mean he's kind of he's laggy the blue is spinning so much like i couldn't even uh couldn't keep up with it it looked like he wasn't moving at all on that screen i think refined yeah i know i'm pretty sure it's heavy actually isn't it yeah that's heavy blind you're blind about that i know i had heavy sell swords the other day but i don't need a heavy split leaf this guy just needs to die honestly good night clock i just had to finish him off i don't know why that connection was so weird at the end right there seemed okay at first his airs i didn't even know it was judy that's funny if it was i didn't even pay attention though sharp split leaf it actually does okay uh it's definitely just better on a strength build though because you're tankier and it does the same damage output with less stat investment but you can make the sharp one strong too it is true excuse me no more tarnished i mean i kind of like my helm it's so cool i'm still wearing the chess piece from the tarnish that i tried to make but it's awesome look at look at it it's beautiful okay goodbye dishonest viewer goodbye man what do we got oh my god most stick again [ __ ] hang on i see sometimes if you record back to back too much the audio cuts so like i had to wait a second when i shut it off hello there my stick as if i just fought you and now i fight you again what are the odds wait is this the same team no babs of sora is different ah fail you're lucky i sense a seed in my future i don't like it i hate that weapon it's so long hey boys all right this is kind of like oh it's almost a roll catch honestly it was close why are we so why are we all chilling oh i knew he was gonna ruin it anyway i don't even think this is a good weapon choice like i can get the he can ruin my combo the team can anyway ah okay i gotta like adjust one of them has a good connection to me and then the sun bro has a very very latent one so like the great sword hits from so far away that guy's pretty good with me though i think i think his weapon actually makes see like sense great sword would have hit me right there oh i gotta dive right there i didn't think he was that weak second two hit the guy with the halberd we just grouped up right there huh boys space three people nice the nuke we can use that to scare them i'm doing good today man it's been a fun day so far anyway this guy gets backstabbed again i swear wait what uh oh yeah this guy's the guy with the connection i gotta remember him always you know what i'm gonna do when in doubt latency that's like the best thing for me i think maybe that with this i'm gonna kill phil okay there we go him first you next i thought this is just chilling up there for some reason really unsure why this is an odd strat how is he alive that guy's actually the dodge god can i just like take a moment to appreciate that man what a chad hosty why did you chill hello ggs man over the sun bro was god damn fans let's go mean you mean you babs heal up like i had the yo like i was in the matrix oh babs is so kind you could have a 99 inverse man that was a fun fight though uh yeah refined is actually better than heavy for the twin x does more damage hello buddy um i mean if you want to just let me kill you you want to see something cool at the very least wait my inventory is all whack i can't do it it's too unorganized oh another blue this is better i actually like this more it's not organized for any weapon swaps hello smile you don't want my gift either you just ran right over my gift like it like it meant nothing no one wants my embers how dare you not want my glorious embers there's 99 embers right here sir all right babs we'll just kill you in a fun way then no i don't want to say this there we go fun fight babs the best just this off my menu that was a fun one ah they do sometimes jr it just it depends on the host man i don't know maybe he can't see the gift maybe i don't know stats gavin i got you uh it's 40 40 and this one's actually pretty it's pretty nice for ocd you know it's perfect almost like zeros across the board except for the stamina all the top three but it looks nice 30 40 40 10 10 i love it oh wait i'll keep it up for you while i wait for the invasion hey what is up hello dr goose princess samurai ps4 controller always yeah it's always the ps4 controller i'm pretty sure when alden ring comes out i'm still gonna use the ps4 controller if it works well with steam still like i don't see why it wouldn't but i have a ps5 controller they're just not they're not as comfortable to me i don't know they're just not as nice yeah i actually have one yeah okay i just i prefer the ps4 i like the way the touchpad is better i like i like that it's not as like high vertically so it's easier for me to claw and move around when i need to for my swaps the ps5 controller is very comfy if i was playing like a shooter or something i guess i would say like for the analog positioning but for like clawing the controller it's not as comfortable as the ps4 for me anyway because i use the ps5 obviously for like the two three months i play demon souls but for dark souls 3 ps4 better for me anyway feels too small i like that it's small over on it's actually so much easier for me to like reach around and hit all the keys i need quickly that's probably why i prefer it oh this guy died like when i'm running and menuing my thumbs on circle my index finger is on the touch pad and it's just easier the closer they are together steam controller i've never tried a steam controller actually i just realized that i i died in your in session last stream but you died i actually didn't die last stream at all i'm here i don't think i don't know if you invaded me i didn't get invaded anyway i'm the one invading i don't think trying to remember i don't think i died to fall damage though sometimes i fall off cliffs oh no i usually have like a death or two in the end of the stream in like a four hour period to something but i don't remember dying and falling oh [ __ ] i see yeah i don't think i died last stream though like i do have deathless streams kind of often and i'm pretty sure last stream i didn't die here the four people gank and that i just fought oh were you the blue that died a mirror out of nowhere like i i didn't know how the blue died were you the blue that would make sense oh we co-invaded oh i don't remember i guess my teammate died i don't remember i have the worst memory to be honest i'm surprised that i remember certain things oh that's unfortunate to me if you were my teammate i didn't see spawning into a seated world is always fun there you go there's your seed a viewer that asks why i never get seated it's right there you died the moment i arrived i this stream oh oh i know what you were talking about yeah okay sorry sorry last stream at the first like 30 minutes of the stream uh i was having a lot of fps issues and i was just kind of like trying to fix them i do remember that i just got like blundered by four people as i was trying to fix my frame rate i remember that now i know what you're talking about i don't know what was going on i had to reset my pc though my game was running at like 30 fps i remember now i remember hello there susan wait i don't know if i'm recording yet i kind of ran into here i was [ __ ] i need to stop doing that and then i leave my invader i'm sorry dude i'm bad for two seconds survive oh i'm here brother recordings are more important apparently get off them i saved your ass well first i left you for dead i'm sorry okay now we're gonna win that is super unfortunate honestly don't go near the heralds when seated other uh don't do it you fool you fool now i have to help you we're gonna get hit by heralds uh uh oh unless unless they leave the hosts all alone for whatever reason why would you ever do that why would you do that okay i take it back uh yeah well actually no you can use the shadow play to see what your frame rate was and i was getting 30 to 40. i i still don't know why um i relaunched the game an hour into the stream i think and it sort of helped but i didn't really fix it fully until i reset my computer i don't know if i had like a driver update i was missing or something but yeah the first hour of that stream the last stream was like terrible for the frame rate and i have a pretty beefy computer so i don't know why or what the hell happened it was bad though it was terrible yuki haru okay a fellow anime enthusiast it sounds like anyway i'm not sure though oh i came with the black knight ultra and still have the ethereal oak shield that's pretty nice yeah it's been interesting i don't know you think you think like if it's locked at 60fps it wouldn't really have any dips especially on like a strong pc but i think they just optimized the souls games on pc not the best really really not perfectly optimized it was the ladies yeah see see that's the downside to always updating your nvidia drivers i do as soon as i can my other games oh that happened before now that you mentioned that treyas that has happened to me before ah i just never think to like roll back the drivers i think they'd like quickly release like a patch for it but sometimes they don't the free to safe kind of sad that you're not uh using the weapon a lot come on the weapon are so fun yukiharu the weapon are so fun you got this the best part about that combo is even when it doesn't combo it still can combo like that it's so good yeah dr goose i don't know i don't know what happens sometimes ever seen the game play at 15 no i can't imagine it at when it was at 30 yesterday for me it was terrible mostly because it was fluctuating right it'd be like 60 and then you'd turn a corner and it's like 30. it just looked so bad i swear it made like gameplay like so much harder to having that happen oh yeah yeah pyro and wizardry is fun once in a while but i don't know as a main thing i prefer i prefer all the physical builds and yeah black knight great axe is just so fun honestly how many down there two one hang on i kind of want to make something funny happen oh he doesn't have the gate open oh wait what am i doing if i'm gonna at least troll i'm gonna troll with the bow ah no don't scurry no how am i ever gonna get my bow shots worst movie you've ever seen damn honestly nothing really comes to mind for that i'm not too harsh i'm not too harsh of a critic so it's hard for me to remember a movie that i found terrible [Applause] i kind of got greedy right there and wanted to plunge them both but you thought i didn't notice you silly i noticed you oh god i get blue juice back hello sir oh that bum it looks tasty oh no he came back last second that's unfortunate i was making a butt joke oh i just wanted to do that one damn yeah yeah that was unfortunate for the poor guy oh that was my bad i ran into that that was a lot of r1 let's get some blue juice going and we can do some fancy stuff here what can we do i wonder where is my can i uh no sir i want you to no i want you to r1 not like that i want you to r1 me when i could block the first hit okay i won me come on do it yeah oh my god first try oh first try that was sick that was sick that was good that was good it's hard to do that because you gotta ain't for one like they attack you right so it's all very dependent on the way they swing their sword and you gotta angle the back step the right way it's uh it's tough i'm surprised that worked actually i'm gonna be real i haven't landed that a ton but he seemed like the perfect test an equality bill is a better sharper heavy infusion on weapons it depends on the weapon uh you can just well you can usually tell by going to andre or if you you know have used souls planner before you can type in your stats put the weapon in and uh throw on a different infusement on the website to see what it does for rapiers and stuff sharp is usually better um for the split leaf let's say heavy is better there's certain weapons that are better refined though so there's no like there's no overall encompassing best infusement for quality like you'll notice i have um what do i have uh i should have i should have sharp because it's like 2ar more but i guess i was lazy when i made this one so they refined sharp is better for rape ears if you have 40 decks though i was just lazy um hello alpha i wonder if we can do the same thing on a vertical ultra now that i've tested that i don't know i feel like not but no it pushes you back maybe if i'm in his face i'd have to legit be in his face uh and i didn't do the back step right oh you fool ah i did it again it's actually hard to like not accidentally roll when they're hitting you you have to give you the back step and oh that would have worked actually that would have worked that would have worked i gotta get close enough to him to do it though oh my god that's actually good like it's it's honestly good no joke and i don't think people expect it what you turn on cheat engine no what the [ __ ] what happened what the what i think he just had packet loss honestly i don't think he's cheating i think he just had megalos i want him to do a regular r1 again i don't know if he will though no he's not going to okay well ah you fool now you do it no you fool what i think he's just having packet loss at moments that's all i say that's all but that's like difficult to deal with for sure ah no no i want to land it some more i'm greedy oh that one wasn't quite it ah trying to be fancy what it doesn't get that combo sadly outfit it should but it doesn't summoning whoa whoa whoa whoa i didn't sign up for that after doing all this hell nobody hell no i might be dead i might have just taken all of the damage oh god i think this guy's connection to me has been deteriorating and i haven't been noticing it that would explain a lot ah that thing got in the way of my backstab this is really behind me get this thing off me you dead throw bombs at those alpha whoa good teamwork there laptop the hero he saved him multiple times he's a good teammate though for that uh i rolled into early on that not this time though like oh my god he's so laggy he's so laggy it's unbearable kind of whoa i swear his connection was like prime though earlier oh we're summoning more and more well i'm gonna be going this way sir oh i just got a freaking huge oh yeah i got my first vaccine shot the other day chad my arm's been kinda sore but other than that it's been pretty chill wait what up why are we getting spammed uh with jesse m yeah i'll time him out oh gavin thank you i appreciate that i was gonna use the fall to give me time to hit timeout oh boy they are chasing me let's go we're gonna have to play this a lot more a lot better i wasn't expecting that they just want to talk you didn't like my tests mr host i liked my tests they were fun okay i'm very low on heals though because of the i was testing my cool backstab on that guy for so long i gotta play really sorry tight smart more like yes buff me things buff me buff me by knights oh my god some inside yeah i don't know why there are so many summon signs for that guy all of a sudden it was very strange very strange uh quality means 40 40 yeah strength index the funny bonk stick how do you keep uh c brows are different than esses see brows are like a tiny heel that's this is like a well a full heel doing damage in and out get our region [Music] a lack of weapons yeah i find i don't know one weapon per invasion is kind of weird like i like that you can switch it up get a good variety get a good amount going you can try out like if you were only tied to one weapon at a time right um and no one would run bad weapons so like invasions would just be like the meta weapons you know like why would you ever go in with like an ultra great sword let's say you know if you can't swap to something better uh shahan everybody on pc has that man it seems like an advantage to players that are new i guess but if you've been playing this game for four years you realize that all the dedicated teams you fight have those as well even on playstation honestly actually every invader should have that because the host already has double your heels they have 15 estus tier 10 or a tier 7. six actually if you want a blue fb uh so i mean you're already at a severe disadvantage and you're fighting four people so fix that like i quit out he did i didn't he totally quit out he totally cut out you totally put out that's so funny what the hell that's that's pretty awesome hallerin exactly that's a win man that's a win how was the rest of the smash night by the way man i actually fell asleep pretty early that was funny though that's unfortunate sometimes that happens though i think it's still in the game flocco taco but it's really not worth the time after he was committed you know we had this fun beginning fight i was laying those cool backstabs then he started summoning you know became a gank i'm just surprised that he put out actually i'm surprised it was fun oh yeah yeah there's like the yeah i've been using this kind of a lot what do i not use a lot as a player i guess i don't practice my spear too much i just find it kind of lacks in uh sorry i have a burp that's like in my mouth it lacks in being able to punish like a whole team of players it's good 1v1 but it doesn't have like the horizontal sweep i need to you know keep teens i guess the r2 does it's a lot easier though with like a great sword or something ah this is the wing night i mean the ringed knight the winged knights here ah maybe we'll try the mix-up of this sword people suck at fighting it even though i don't find a very good weapon the the vortex is pretty strong your katana is pretty weak sir i need to angle this better the wing knights do have a halberd though so that made that sound even more confusing come back here i want to break dance with you are you afraid of the breakdance arts it's actually pretty confusing with uh two people to lock onto with this weapon you don't like it do you i got something for you oh i thought you're trying to did i hit him with that i did i so did that's awesome okay what else what else fun can we do before we go a little bit hard okay i guess this belief is a good finish i'll let you go for the ferry oh you gotta watch out for that [ __ ] oh my god dude oh my god i feel bad actually like honestly that's so sad that pve is damaging 360. okay i don't have a katana that's one of the things i actually forgot to put on this build um here it's a big axe for you to fight it's very damaging though you can't bury this oh no he thought he did [ __ ] yeah this thing is a monster it's really slow though so people kind of have to trade into it you know so if people are playing the very passive and just spacing the axe won't work but ah this belief is more of a strength weapon yeah but it still does fine on a quality build the weapon is the axe that's called the black knight great x only really works on quality builds though and it's really heavy oh we see laptop a lot actually i'm sure i'll find him again i think i found laptop three times in one stream once oh wait did i even put tears on last invitation i don't remember yeah it's so heavy it's the whole reason i even have the amount of vitality that i have on this build for that stupid axe act strong yeah all the black knight weapons are actually they hit pretty hard some of them are easier to use than others like the black knight sword like the greatsword version one you know i love that sword but two weaves were [ __ ] poking me patches you weren't there to back me up man you're supposed to lure in the weebs what the hell is this wait what what did they just not open the gate yeah dude hallerin i'm so excited man we got six months though but you know i'm glad i was in your stream the other day and i saw the nickelodeon smash chat i don't know if you know but there's going to be a nickelodeon versions of like a smash bros game it looks amazing oh he's legit afk i'll give him a gift we don't want to kill afk boys but it looks awesome man i'm so excited for that too that'll keep me entertained yeah i think the trailer came out yesterday i think right i just happened upon it it's actually gonna be sick i'm looking at the trailer and how they did it it was good and g5 thank you for the membership man welcome yeah it's basic what is it called nickelodeon's all-stars is that what they called it because it's going to be on like playstation xbox everything uh but yeah it looks awesome looks so good oh of course look ouch hundred percent i haven't gotten to bench the past two months though because our gyms reclosed and they're reopening again but uh i don't usually lose my lift strength in two months so i'll be fine i've just been doing like bodyweight stuff and i have dumbbells here to hold me over gyms open in what's today two days they open in two days hell yeah i'm excited for that you're gonna be spongebob man yo i hope they have squidward and i hope his laugh is one of the taunts in the game please i need it yeah they they closed off and on here during like covet the whole year basically so it's been annoying oh hello there ballerino what is up man hello take me to their leader do you know where they are yo okay listen i was getting i i don't remember who powdered toastman was it's from ren and stimpy right that tv show i didn't watch it a lot so i saw the hype for that but i was confused yellow what is up ash are they all the way at the beginning still let's go yeah it's wednesday two days for me until they open i'll just run around with a cessna just in case y'all oh you meant chunky oh no i'm still the same body weight i tend to eat the same i don't gain weight easily i kind of wish i did oh hey oh hey you guys look like the dude honestly you so totally could have got me because i wouldn't have noticed you are a player over the ring knight it would have totally just [ __ ] confused me i would have been none the wiser dude honestly the dodgers these guys are okay there we go no it's just latency okay one fight though wait which one's the host this one either way we gotta move yeah they were standing like really in a really good spot as during knights though well one of them anyway really thought that was the the ring knight npc or pve really look like it excuse me sorry uh honestly it's really just time princess samurai like the when i started innovations they're really difficult especially because i mean you're outnumbered uh but the best tips i have are honestly just pay attention to where all the enemies are at once you know like try not to focus on one while you don't know where the other two are because that's how you take damage they attack you from behind and they end up healing you because i mean you're one guy versus three so you really need to pick and choose when you're gonna address one of them what is this hat it's a it's a client-side retexture to look like my channel logo i'm actually wearing the armor that you see on the left but it's retextured to look like my channel logo on my screen yeah dark souls 2 soul memory was a was a poor choice unfortunately i don't know why they did it definitely not a good call but it was a fun game nonetheless just not for that reason that's fair i mean some people don't for me i just like it because i tend to get hit by fireballs quite often and that uh that gets me blundered tears saves me that's mostly the reason i wear it if there wasn't like crystal soul spear and vestige i probably wouldn't use it as much but everyone i fight has a teammate that just throws giant fireballs that stun you yeah also i don't think adp was a good thing either because it just made everybody level adp like no one wanted bad roles right so like it just pushed up this whole level of like the meta eh those damn mages i'm sure they're coming back for elden ring and i'll be just as prepared which means i'm gonna get hit by a ton of fireballs damn foggles you're yeah i think the foreign looks good um honestly i don't know it's hard to balance the magic but making magic a little bit quicker and hit less hard would be my personal preference because as it stands in like dark souls 3 the best thing a mage can do is to be in a team setting right and be in the back firing the really hard-hitting spells like crystal soul spear a great heavy stilero on like a dedicated like super super glass cannon type wizard so if they they made the magic a little bit better to use on its own like a wizard on its own kind of has to rely on like homing soul mass or an offhand weapon if not like they get pressure too hard and they can't hit their casts so maybe make the casts faster but less damaging that might really fix it yo alberto thank you so much man i think that would help but it really depends some wizards love their insanely hard hitting attacks that are slower i know i realized that wasn't invading my bad yeah that's true the insta-toxic buildup josh i remember that that was a bad call too alberto thank you so much though for the nomination man and faizal thank you so much for the membership there's actually been a lot of memberships lately it's cool that youtube added that feature i appreciate the support guys wow two in a row two people died in a row before i got there sad ah do i know the fate today night series i do i've watched uh fate zero night and i guess unlimited blade works which is still night and i started apocrypha but i haven't finished it yet but i do know the series yeah but i think the the fromsoft likes the way they do magic because i'm pretty sure in one of the early trailer leaks there was a homing soul mask so i mean that's coming back they like the way they do their magic apparently i did not know that lizard but that explains why the art is so good yeah has this vita i guess that's right here's been in every souls game dark souls game right not bloodborne but like dark souls i like i it doesn't have the thrust the zveyhander does not have the thrust r2 but i do like it's r2 it's r2 is really good for roll catching it's like basically as good burger king oh i think i seen that meme i know you're talking about no way larry that's funny the moonlight greatsword is in every souls game all right except sakira but they did they did blatantly say that sakira was not like a souls so that makes sense i could see that i wonder why this is such a invasion hotspot you know it's a weird it's a weird thing like who dried fingers here yo dimitri thank you so much man i hope you're gay your day is going well hello is that rapier straight sword it is a rubio street sword that's funny okay we could have more fights let's do it do i have an stock i do that's the one cool thing about quality builds oh so you can heal but not me i see whoa you think i can't heal though you're mistaken you are sadly mistaken my dear oh good perry i'm very man oh god in a blue oh [ __ ] this has got way more heated and it's a lightning arrow blue on top of that is it always a lightning arrow dude oh and it's a cell sword blue nice and people survive this quite well honestly i have to give it to them geez they really do be surviving man i love that he was a deck spilled with uh the cell sword so that's pretty [ __ ] amazing oh i didn't see you there blue this is turning out to be quite interesting i'm liking it oh it's caught on a tombstone oh i'm seated also i didn't notice that okay yeah i really was out here not noticing that i got seated wow i i guess that proves these things aren't that strong honestly well i'm chilling we're good that was a sad fall did someone fall i didn't even notice that someone fell did he run by i think he did maybe he had to afraid the blue fell i didn't even notice that's funny oh there you are hello sir i don't like fighting on stairs this guy's kind of just very spamming so it is what it is i cross book people that just parry spam they get what they get fun fight though yeah it's been a good stream though it's been fun chase though yeah is that my next character name yo it's a good counter though parrying is very strong honestly in this game it can be that was a fun fight though fortnite balls what i mean i'm not ignoring it that's just something a child would say so i'm just confused uh okay there are you happy oh no my game crashed wha that was a weird crash it just stayed in place i've never had a crash like that just straight up hmm hang on i gotta no not the tasmanian devil what the [ __ ] task manager oh man that was weird i go to type in task manager i get tasmanian devil i thought the stream crashed no it's just the game that's weird though i've never had a crash like that usually when my game crashes it's like it just freezes white that time it was like fatal error crash it actually gave me like a fatal error thing hmm i'm intrigued i am my search history yeah tasmanian devil that's the first thing that popped up i'm uh i'm interesting have i ever seen one irl i have not uh currently i'm using a blue sentinel just because it's been getting updates so if there's issues with it it gets fixed that's pretty nice i i am i am steve i just don't keep the over well i mean even if i did keep the overlay my obs doesn't show it because it's capturing the game not anything above it you know what i mean so that is how she goes bubs dishonest boobs right kiwi how good does this look man it actually looks great oh my god it looks optimal i'm trying to think of like other retextures that i could make that would make the character look nice i don't know we're approaching close to elden ring so i was like thinking um more of the tarnished look but i don't know i like the crown you guys have any other armor pieces you think would look nice with the set let me know i could maybe put it on nexus 2 if the creator would be okay with that i think he wouldn't mind though it looks pretty good bone fists i have the demon fists which are pretty cool the weapon art on the demon fist is solid they have that helmet on a character in brawlhalla no cap no cap like this like a crown on a on a night set as it's the lorien uh helm mixed with the elite knight uh sorry laureen helm elite night helm i'll show you what it looks like when i am [ __ ] on the second game i'll show you the armor set though it's it's if the elite knight helm was mixed with the lorian home i i think the guy's gonna make a tutorial on how to do it but like i'm actually wearing the exile helm so like on your screen if you fight me you'll see the exile hem but uh it's just like a re-textured helmet i can ask him to put it on nexus though if you guys would want i'll try the fist out too i shall try the suit i don't know how they do it honestly it's a lot of work how do we get the roll midair weapon art on demon fist the roll mid air weapon are i'm not sure what you mean master sword like you can hit l2 twice for the weapon art are you talking about doing that in the air i don't even know you could do that if that's possible i've never seen it there we go [Music] let's try the demon fists they lack range but they're beautiful is he down there oh you must be like below below uh yeah only client side ones are safe anything that doesn't actually affect the game in any way and only on your screen for armor changing is safe so i still have to have the correct stats to you know be able to wear this good armor set i just make it look like this on my screen so it looks pretty oh oh oh yeah for that i just usually use the crow talons or the crow quills weapon art it's easier to do than i think maybe the demons fist works i've never done that with demon fists maybe this is the chance to use the bow boys i have not gotten one bow kill yet this might be my opportunity maybe i swear i was hearing him though and now i don't i saw you roll and jump before the fire punch on the ground oh i mean if you hit l2 twice you do two spins and then you punch the ground and fire comes up that's just the basic weapon art but i don't remember rolling and doing it the [ __ ] oh maybe he's in the ring city hang on i just realized that you could probably hear below the ring city from up here that that makes sense right wait no wait what hang on are they firing down and inside because he's in the ring city down there i guess i'll go check i'm at a loss right now yeah that's weird right weird to me too man first try i don't know usually those things don't fire though if you're not i don't want to get winded what whoa okay he's already killed these things why was the why was the arrow guy at the top firing what oh hey luna hello i've been i don't know i don't know i got i got nothing i have no idea why in hell your uh your arrow dudes were firing at you from like up there that's so weird that's kind of creepy yeah well it can't bring zero fall damage until it's too high to fall that you die and that's when you're like hmm what depicts this like that elevator if you go to fall down that elevator with the cavern you're gonna die so that's that's always interesting hello luna i i don't know what they depicted as a survivable fall i didn't think you would uh guard that that's unfortunate oh i thought that would have been a cool backstab man that hit box is pretty huge huh oh boom is alive dr goose how was it i said do you have to invade other people with the mod as well like they they need the mod in if so i'm surprised that people are still doing it what's the name of this sword uh it's gayle's greatsword so i don't want to spoil it but it's a boss weapon from the dlc if you've never played the ring city dlc you think it's kind of thick yeah that's true it is it is i'm pretty sure embered health is used in the equation for what you can survive so when you invade and drop from a certain height you can still die from heights that you normally wouldn't if you remembered which is interesting [Music] definitely an interesting thing they but the cat ring works for that so it's okay um well it's extremely hard to tell which one is laggy the only reason that like i ask my chad if my stream is lagging is because dark souls barely uses any internet connection at all you need like maybe two megabytes up and down to not skip around and not have packet loss and if i was laggy my stream would not work in 1440p you it would look like trash like if i had that kind of internet connection so that's why i usually ask if my stream looks good if i'm fighting a lot of laggy players because well it gives me the know-how that hey it might be me or it's him you know watch out for the drake blood i warned you [Music] but also if it's happening to everyone you fight it might be you hello wario i mean i kind of just want to parry that honestly do the weapon art do it do the weapon art mario you know you want to mario you know you want to do the no no weapon art all i really wanted you to are you like a free to cosplay without being a free to cosplay ah they rolled away from it imagine not being afraid to cosplay with the free to scythe no one expects four r1s or do they oh now you do it damn you mario what's this what was the off hand you switched to i'm intrigued is that is that a cast tool ah fun fight mario that's interesting i should have where's my shield okay so i just need to okay i wasn't sure what my inventory looked like uh i can't on my quality build free manly but i do have them on my well i have at least letos on my strength build so i usually have one of the other dude mr krabs and plankton will be the real fight you have to watch in in the nickelodeon smash speaking of that well i was most hyped for because i was kind of slow and it took me a second to realize that avatar like the last airbender is nickelodeon so those characters are gonna be in the nickelodeon smash game that got me hyped that got me excited you can parry with the demon fist yeah uh you can pair with any fist weapon i believe as long as it's in the off hand hello hey hello elden ring we expect you in 190 days good sir blood bending oh yeah dude i want saka i want saka and his boomerang to be a playable character and thai lee with the martial arts you know that'll be cool yeah it's not out yet uh samista but the trailer is does it say the release date i don't know if it does but you can pre-order it so that'll say the release date at the very least i'm probably gonna pre-order it just for fun i just wanna look at it after i stream timmy turner what's he gonna do though he's gonna have cosmo and wanda i guess that's the only thing he can do really right oh my god you're getting birded the chance of a lifetime bird holds your ground for one more second hold your ground oh come on how did that not hit him oh but that did sure chase only hits the hard shots i can't hit the easy shots sure i'll take it that one look better anyway i missed the one where he's standing basically still but no i hit the like the prediction launcher we're doing a little archery just a little that was awesome that was good that's good that guy i just shot his name was the fallen one you're right i realized that but it didn't wait wait okay we're gonna basically make this an entire ambush invasion then just to just to keep the theme going so i'll be patient here backstep maybe hit them both at the same time do i have lloyd's sword on this build i don't i'm a failure i have lord shield this is turning into a lost my sanity stream ambushes and traps open the door peasant no son bro you can't do it the host has to do it this is evil it really is oh you escaped now my evil laugh goes unrecognized how dare you your big chunk stick versus my big strong stick finally break dance to win then best stamina i've ever seen how did you do that damn this guy's a survivor holy [ __ ] how much stamina do you think he had to be able to guard that geez okay the second time that makes sense very fun fight sir that was nice you must have had like like a pixel of stamina left the first time that was a pretty awesome invasion i cannot deny yeah that was great uh what's my stats look like just like this man oh wait uh that ring is confusing to you guys uh do you plan on making any more weapon show cases yeah i definitely do uh closer to elden ring i'm gonna finish off the series so i can start it for eldering i don't have a ton of weapons left though alex that's why so i haven't been doing them consistently uh and then it'll lead into the weapon showcases for elder ring i thought that was a good idea to finish off the series joe mama is that the host name man i really don't pay attention to names much starting to realize that thank you so much though alex i definitely will be yeah for sure to finish off the weapons showcases how did you ever show the power it's also it comes down to i forget what i have and haven't used so i haven't used morin's noted i'll write a list of the ones that i haven't done because like it's hard for me to remember what i have and haven't done i have to search my own videos on youtube you know how funny that is i have to be like chase the bro and then i type in the weapon and i'm like did i do this and a lot of the time i have oh i missed the backstab because i didn't guard i'm not getting parried not today cody oh that would have probably hit me that's the unfortunate thing for him right there oh whoa he smacked me cody that was a fun fight though and i like your fashion i don't have one for the store oh see it's confusing because like back in the day i did one like but not like weapon showcases i just made build videos and they had those weapons did i really not use the astora interesting i definitely use the dragon slayer sword spear though i remember doing that one oh yeah i know it happened honestly it happens more to controller than keyboard i think uh because on keyboard when i move around anyway i let go of w before i run backwards you know what i mean so like i never hit them both at the same time i guess it can happen if you do it really quickly yeah but if you let go for like a millisecond you're fine which i think happens more on keyboard controller people will be like more likely to pull their analog back i think anyway hello boys [Music] you fight that boss with only two phantoms not three bad your dragon damage got destroyed first i'm joking you think so damn i don't know i guess it also is because i do use great swords quite a lot and you can't get that stupid pivot animation while you're two-handing a greatsword so then again i use rapiers a lot too and i never have it happen to me but i'm used to like guarding while i move around or i let go before i pivot right crescent yo g5 thank you so much man uh i don't actually have the twin spears i do have them on my dexterity build though which i think i'm gonna use next stream because i've been i did like strength strength dark quality and then i'll do dex next so i just got to remember to have them in the uh menu for you men i will try though they are very good for rolling l ones they are solid yeah people are like why do people like great stories it's like well there's this mechanic in the game where if you turn around too quickly you slide and take counter damage and ultras and greatswords they counteract that so it's why i like running around with a great sword i wish they didn't have that though i wonder why they decided that was a a good thing to have you know i don't i don't quite see the benefit of it certain weapons you know i don't get it this build has decks yeah it does but that that's more of like a full deck spilled weapon kind of like cell swords i don't i don't keep swords on my quality build because imagine like you're getting the the deck scaling but you only have 40 dexterity at at so level 125 that's pretty bad they lack damage that they should otherwise have way more of which is why quality is like not considered the best dps unless you're using weapons that are made for quality builds like let's say the black knight ultra the black knight great acts or uh i guess the abyss watchers swords ring knight straight sword like those are all weapons that are made for the quality build but like my my goddards and stuff don't do the most damage compared to next i know right wouldn't it be it would make more sense that you get that weird little this pivot animation here when you're holding a big weapon because like you're flinging around a bunch of weight but no that's not the route they chose npkcs is a quality weapon too yes this is also quality so there's lots of weapons that do far better on quality but there's sometimes like rapiers that don't but i still have them just because i like the way they work i think they went to media unless they buy the other boss i'll check them if they're buying media i usually just leave though because they're going to follow me yeah quality builds are definitely the way to go in a first place here you get to try out all the weapons mostly i mean there's some that require ants and faith you know so hello there uh but then you know i never really use this so we'll have a go unless someone's like sweating on me then i'll use it but for the most part where's the other glue gun spawn this guy actually uses r2 a lot he's really uh not getting roll [ __ ] is fat and backstabbed i'm confused where did the freaking blue spawn what the hell are they down here still goodbye drift enjoy the rest of your day man i have no idea where this guy is unless he's like camping right at the fog wall i got no idea uh i think personally the pk is but the r1 the black flame damage potential is pretty nasty but it's it's the range on the pk that i think it really makes it better [Music] yeah they're definitely sitting by the fog wall a hundred percent this way in the fog wall uh it depends like if you find for like a quality build playthrough i would say if you find the weapon that you want to use and start with those stats and scaling right but what i like to do is like my my first goal is probably to get my my decks to the minimum requirement for a lot of the weapons so like in dark souls 3 uh a lot of the weapons that you find will have like a min requirement of like 16 to 18 decks so if you start with that and then you get your strength to like 26 you'll be able to two-hand all the strength weapons and get the damage bonuses and then you start leveling your dexterity because you can have 26 strength and like 40 decks and it'll it'll actually do basically the same damage as my build when you two hand a weapon so like if i grab gail's greatsword and at 26 strength the two hand i do a little bit more with 40 but not too much more just because of the way the the scaling works in this game or 20 i guess 20 26 is fine the 27 is okay as well i just got 26 i don't know i like the number better hello there lowly tarnished yo oh that's what i should have on this build the wolf of the old wolfnet cursor it looks beautiful and it does really good damage on the quality bills like insanely i i always forget curved grade swords in my menu too when i'm making the the inventory i always forget that they go like right after curved swords and i could have them honestly yeah at 20 wait no 27 you could two hand oh god whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa sir sir sir come back come back router from hell that was freaking whack fun fight though yeah i always forget them i just forget i could have the old wolf curved sword here and then uh get rid of the fearing great sword my menu would be fine but that's so [ __ ] weird whoa whoa how to move items in your inventory uh well there's a limit to what you can do so like i default order mine meaning that it goes like daggers uh straight swords great swords ultra grits those curves curve great swords axes great axes spears halberds like there's a there's a default order to it and they but you could use something like weights where it organizes lightest to heaviest or like reverse it by hitting square like reverse weight so your heaviest goes on top uh there's a ton of different organizations i tend to prefer default though but you can that's all you can use i really hope if eldon ring has a menu system that is good which i hope does because like some of the souls games have had not the best menu system i hope they let you choose where your weapons go i don't know why they would limit that and not be like oh select you know or like highlight this and move it it just it would have been so much better for the game i'm pretty sure some of the souls games let you do that right or do they i didn't really dive too much into all the other souls games so i don't exactly know for that sorting i know sorting's on all things man uh soul reaper just click your left analog while you're in the menu it'll allow you to sort sorting it just doesn't tell you that you can do that but it's there wait what oh god i mean this is just kind of bullying to be honest kind of feel bad i mean even if he did the survival on his own i mean i guess we could hurt each other now so you can you can you can cheat engine unlock the summon limit on pc uh it's kind of annoying though because i don't want to be five people chasing one guy i mean this is himself you know kill my teammate oh hang on a second what your itches it's too many people so i don't like fighting four [ __ ] reds is annoying they all just hurt each other did the other one leave i think so oh my god the teammates just [ __ ] hurt it's got really high latency too though yikes oh i'm gonna just be the lesbian dude i guess i don't want to gank them but i mean what am i going to do i don't want to be here all day and those reds that are just going to keep coming in so it is what it is you unlock the summon limit you do it to yourself man i've been this guy so like i feel his pain but i'm really going to try my you know this is good training for me i won't hit my teammate he just died well on the bright side oh wait i killed a teammate i'm sorry i killed the teammates [ __ ] oof ah [ __ ] i was gonna say i was a good teammate i forgot about the naked dude with the mercy [ __ ] i just you just kind of expect the murky players to quick step out of your r1s you know i'm so sad i'm so sad sorry murky man i'm sorry you missed the funny end and that's my fault i blame myself i dishonored i dishonored the family oh [ __ ] always [Music] yeah i i don't tend to use any glitches unless i fight somebody's using them the second i see them using it i'm like okay well they want it so other than that i won't glitch on any innocent players in the past i have because someone donated some large amounts and i'm like okay i can't dishonor you if you want to see like a weapon swap i will but i tend not to do it unless people want it yeah it's fair then exactly keeps it fair some people actually like fighting with them which is why like i don't mind if i fight them but like you know just to not spread it to the people that hate it i won't do it where are you sir holy [ __ ] i'm lost stevie you've been in here all along oh hey look alito someone wanted to see that earlier um what do i use against the lido to make it fair i mean the great axe is kind of going to get destroyed by letos but [ __ ] it stevie no no don't heal yourself so what dude there's literally pve around here what are you doing stevie you crazy man oh wait do you want to fight me or here you can have why would you do that there's literally wolves around you okay yeah you take that take that why would you do this do you do this every time an invader invades if so you crazy god that space thing was beautiful dude no there's a wolf and now i feel bad you should i would have been fine with your healing honestly man you're using a lido's hammer he like he drank all his justice to show that he wanted like a fair fight but i didn't want him to do that because then the dogs and [ __ ] you know the game is balanced so that like it's i think it's balanced pretty well even i mean i know hosts and their gank have the advantage obviously because like there's four of them and they have way more heels together but like you can use the pve to separate them you know if it's there that's why dark souls is balanced elven ring why you do this to me but if i'm gonna do what i'm gonna at least do the interesting one yeah okay just gotta remember that it's kind of awkward to do fair fights there boy you're just like lost you feel that way as well you like the the ambush the the war i i agree though i do like the war of invasions that's why they're more fun than arena fights i 100 agree i'm not really invading looking for fair fights anyway well i have to try their best to enter how else do you balance it you know i really wonder what they're going to do for all dinnering though because they said there's not going to be an item that ties the online play and they tried to make invasions and pvp less annoying for both sides and i'm just like what does that even mean like what could they do does that mean no more like embered health for the host or like all of us have full health maybe i don't know i don't know what that means it's really hard to judge hey what's up blue crystal panda how goes your day man uh well they said there's a lot more optional things to do muhammad so it's like there's there's six main areas right but half the bosses are optional i think that's what they mean it doesn't seem like it's going to be easier from what i've seen like from what the boss fights look like but there's less you have to do but still they said the play time for like just the main story and just the main things it's like 30 hours so that's longer than most souls games by a decent amount if you take into account like that being half the main bosses you know there's other other areas that are unimportant that you can search so i think it'll be a really long really good game yeah they did say the covenants are going to play a huge role as well so that's cool so maybe that's what they mean less like i don't know like let's say to progress in dark souls 3 right you need to get the small doll from the cathedral and then you need to get the grand archives key so you got to kill all the main four bosses maybe just less restrictive things like that i don't know i really don't know yeah the i mean you can already the variety is already really good in dark souls 3 so i don't mind them adding more i think i think what they mean by that is those like summoned npcs you know those will technically make it easier because you're like you're being the support role and then your phantoms are the main you know so that that could be the case i think i probably won't use those too much but oh i'm coming man you're all puker gross out of all bodily functions puking disgusts me out the most i don't know why i really don't just always hated it hey man how many are in there i'm going in coming in hot i have to do the elden ring uh swap thing i will i just gotta get the hostie alone or you know what maybe we can make it hilarious right now with two of them oh [ __ ] that's there wait oh that's the wrong thing okay my bad it's gonna be hard to land but that's the challenge right i would prefer to fight the the host honestly this guy's weapon is super annoying to weapon swap now it's my time oh oops oops it's so awkward it's in such a bad spot all right we're just going to hail mary's oh no i got it that's so difficult but you said kill someone with it uh so give me a second you give me the most annoying challenge how dare you okay he's low wait i'm on the i'm on the wrong i'm on the wrong dagger this is rough i [ __ ] up i don't know if i'll land this for you man it does combo yeah i used to use this quite a lot back when i found out about it honestly i was having a field day with it in my hosting sessions ah he's dead but it's really awkward in my inventory right now so it's definitely not optimal oh no well i landed it i i you know i'll take it run you heal i need you to heal yes oh ran watch out i'm so sorry it's actually so difficult with the way my weapons are set up i think i did it oh but he was out of range oh curse you elden ring curse you oh i try to be i try to be nice honestly thank you i don't want to i don't want to spread any talks you know we're all in it for the pvp and it's fun so i think he's dead yep i did it there you go there you go elden ring request honored a man of my word dishonest it was it was at least it's difficult to do though because i have to hit r2 up x like it's not it's definitely not optimal so oops [Music] yeah it was fun though thank you i appreciate the support of the channel man go on xbox players are better but invasions just don't happen that doesn't sound like a good time michael honestly pc is pretty it's a godsend for the wex dust it really is makes like streaming innovation so much better you get instant battle you know people don't want to see you look for an invasion they want to see the battle so [Music] it is what it is um [Music] i can have a shield with it so that's kind of cool yo the achilles thank you so much for that man oh yeah well that was so long ago huh now that i think about it a chase that is so i would love that i'm really i'm really debating i put a poll on my channel uh asking what people are gonna buy it on steam well i said pc playstation or xbox oh these dogs are dead i think and uh most people said pc which you know i was actually kind of surprised that i thought it'd be more of an even between playstation and pc but then i remembered that ps5 is pretty rare still and people probably don't want to buy elden ring on their ps4 as much as they would rather like a pc or the ps5 so that kind of makes sense hey what's up man i get it yeah exactly exactly henry's so you see where i'm going with that but uh i still think i want to buy like a hard copy for maybe the playstation so i could fight viewers on playstation for once since i haven't been doing that a lot with dark souls 3 because pc is just way more active with vex dust but that's not going to be a thing in elder ring right away right so i'll try to maybe do both i'll probably do my first playthrough on pc because well graphically it's going to look better even i have a ps5 right now and mine about the [ __ ] okay and uh when i play dark souls 3 on my ps5 it still looks washed out like color wise compared to pc i don't know i guess this may be just the advanced settings you can do but it's it's it looks a decent amount better on pc still even though the ps5 is good i notice it pretty pretty heavily we got pcs but the ps5 is out of reach yeah it's still i guess it's still hard to order i said i figured it'd be a lot easier by now but i guess not same with the the new graphics cards for pc though as well right i i've actually been trying to get one of the 30 series not that like i really need it but like to future-proof my pc and for upcoming games that i want to stream more of hopefully ellen rings pretty good graphically i know it won't be anything insane but you know if as long as it looks like dark souls 3 or a little bit better i'll be happy you managed to get a 30-70 that's that's awesome actually any of the 30 series would be welcome if i had to like spring for it i'd probably want the 80 or 90 if they're available just cuz me as well but yeah i think i think the new uh graphics cards are harder to get than the ps5 but you know jonesy dude you did this before as well man that's insane thank you so much man keep up the good work i try i try we'll be i'll be doing some invasions until elder ring you know uh but now the ring comes out by the way i'll probably be streaming like every day again right now it's closer to like every second day just so i can like think of like interesting things for the builds and edit more uh but when elderly comes out oh i'll be live like 24 7. happiness among streamers today keep up the good work oh whoa is my is my stream buffering right now it is it is it having an issue yeah my youtube just told me that but my obs doesn't tell me that that's so weird it's better now okay yeah it's at the youtube ingest servers we're buffering interesting very interesting that's stupid i hate youtube for that i swear like sometimes it won't even be the streamer because your obs tells you like your streaming software will tell you if you're dropping uh network frames from streaming and i wasn't so it's just youtube sometimes it is me though there's been times where it has holy [ __ ] i'm not recording no i want to be that was such a sick spawn point okay now i am hello there mug zug hold up let me just apply the if i get blundered i'll be okay but okay um let me just uh grab a weapon here to my liking there we go thank you thank you whoa aha you little ambushes i see i see you i see what the plan was you went around that is some great effort to blender me sir that's right that was that was what am i stuck on a tree okay we're good we're good that was that was quite spawning i'm i'm chill now though i want a more open spot all these areas are little tiny corridors that they could blender i need that to not be the case i need a little platform here would be good okay i'll try to get someone low and then i'll try to finish them with the shield i suppose that would be the way they don't like me i've been dodging them rather too well i suppose oh dude achilles thank you so much man jonesy again dude that's [ __ ] crazy i don't even know what to say okay this is better you know what i hate freaking camera it's not like the camera's bad it's just when there's a wall near the camera is extremely bad you know and that happens kind of often holy [ __ ] he's got the backstabbering on for sure that is unheard of all right no backsteps just combos well backstabs on other players but not on the host that was worthless 380. holy [ __ ] what did noah damage oh you're dead oh this walker what the [ __ ] hello prisoner are you a prisoner of war i don't even know what to say you guys are crazy sometimes okay i gotta land something cool what was i supposed to do kill someone with a shield right honestly killing the host of the shield might be kind of hard i'll try there we go well i mean i'm along with the host for a second all right abyss walker for you let's use the two-handed straight sword no one knows how to fight this i don't know why but it works so well for me on occasion whenever i oh i need to oh there's the blue okay let me just kill the blue quick they'll hit box porn today i suppose okay fine i'll use the the you die weapon oh i'm fat rolling we're good i'm expecting that i gotta throw him about more bombs but he hasn't ah i wasn't quick enough with the bait you guys like the ultras huh do you like the big box sticks well his is a big bong stick mine's more like fancy looking another blue oh this is turning up pretty cool okay i might start fishing him oh that guy's got the uni geary that's not good jesus this is uh turning into a war here okay how many phantoms have been killed four please don't get another no you don't [ __ ] well me you coward i've killed an army i deserve to kill you that was dangerous as [ __ ] i don't know how you got out of that combo but he did artillery is it stop with the bombs what are they accomplishing absolutely nothing oh that looks like lag what i mean i knew like i was lagging a little bit at the beginning but i didn't think he was that laggy i didn't want to cancel there so that's good almost did that by accident jesus that was something though i have to say that was interesting what in the hell what is this invasion why are you guys throwing so much [ __ ] i'm so confused what the hell get back here i'ma murder you with a shield hang on let me get them real low real quick like what even that was so weird that one more hit one more hit and then we'll go to the shield coward coward fine we'll just kill this guy because he's just summoning the [ __ ] [Music] world jesus [Music] this is nuts how many more phantoms can get placed here i don't what just how just why oh you die you die out of spite you died you are not gonna survive sir no oh wait was he any heels you think oh probably jesus what was that in this little corridor you know i could understand it in the marine city but like wow the amount of summons today it's been pretty cool but pretty nuts vodka chase oh my god yeah i know something's not dishonest it was funny though uh flame damage at the end of the combo oh do you mean with letos michael thank you so much by the way of this walker it's crazy i had to win that one for you because yeah [Music] do i have the ring knight spear i do i do oh you just want to see the damage that it does yeah no problem i thought you meant like using a swap on it or something perry-only invasion i don't want to be that guy oh hello hello i can't breathe hang on you got a blue over here and he's got the tiniest legs you ever did see you get the crown that's amazing what are hit boxes yeah let's see the ar 520 on a quality build okay hanukkah do you like it i'm going to ask him to upload it on nexus if people want to rock the the covenant the chase covenant helm uh but uh a viewer name not or seriously casuals his youtube channel he made it i will become the next wizard kong oh no you know what if wizardry is actually really fun in eldering maybe y'all mean it who knows you can never truly know as it stands right now in this game i prefer well you know you know what i prefer chase will become the next wizard king ah damn i thought he'd let me do a shield attack that's insane man i got no words let's land some cool combos for you i got red this is mine oh he's in the corner wait no i can do an infinite oh wait no i can't i can can i how are you live whoa blue you're the best roller i ever did see oh a little bit of latency makes sense this blue is a god how are you alive that's all i want to say oh no oh no i can roll catch so well with this don't panic roll it it's literally the end of someone if they panic roll this on me i don't know why i roll catch someone with the stupid axe but i got the timing done fun fight blue very fun fight the blue is a god that blue was a god but yeah i'll definitely ask him to put it on the nexus mods god water went down the wrong hole how are you not getting matched with hackers i mean there's not too many i mean i know people think that pc is like full of cheaters but it's not like full it's not infested i'll come across a cheater every once in a while but not like daily you know yeah it actually is it's the less hit stun weapons that are really difficult for sure it's like reading all the chat sorry i missed like all the comments at first for a second it like loaded really quick right there okay i am ready what about the emote item that you put in your inventory emote item oh oh you mean that that that cheat that people were giving you emotes in your inventory to get you banned yeah bandai actually did something about that by not banning people with invalid items given to their inventory so even if that happens to you you won't get banned anymore there was there was that one month where it was super rampant with people doing that you're right yeah it's kind of sad i hope eldon ring does have a better anti-cheat just because like it is annoying to come across those players but you don't come across them like you know every second invasion i feel like people make it seem worse than it is at least i don't you know do i ever play with a faithful i'd say faith and like magic builds are my least played build for sure but i have done faith builds for like quite a lot in the past as of right now though i've mostly been like strength decks quality dark chaos [Music] i encountered a hacker today yeah i feel like they're they're actually more common at low levels from what people tell me you know which is weird what the [ __ ] way to cheat on the new players like bro what why that's true i yeah even looking at my screen yet homie you were ready i i'm so excited to see that backstab i landed earlier oh wait i want a shield i thought i had a shield in my hand i like pulled it up and i punched the air you're fat rolling sir that is not the play ever never the play oh my god where where were your stats because they never made it true it was sneezy that's funny that's true though i heard a lot of talk about like everybody wanting dark souls to have well not everybody but a lot of people complain that there's like no easy mode but like dark souls has summoning phantoms you can tackle it like the bosses at a range of spells and stuff like adherently if you want to play easily there's ways you know and i think what these people don't understand is that like i've seen explanations like oh we could make the all the enemies have half the health or less mobs on the easy mode but what they don't understand is if they're playing online that really doesn't balance the co-op and pvp mechanic at all because now you have four players no mobs and you can still like be invaded and then the invader is just like getting destroyed so i think when they think about those modes they don't take into account that like dark souls is an interconnected game between all online players in a sense so i i think they completely disregard that yeah i mean play offline i wouldn't mind it sure if you want an easy mode and it doesn't let you go online i'm i'm all for it but like the way the souls games are created they're very intertwined with the online player base so that's just that would never work yeah like i don't know they don't take that into account what the oh [ __ ] i'm reading my chat [Music] yeah also i feel like i feel like people get frustrated when they die to bosses but like that's what teaches you like the move side of the boss and to dodge and punish when there's an opening you know it's not like a hacker slash where you just run through the mobs and just you know that's not what dark souls is and i think what they don't understand is like oh all games should be accessible like that to people that want it like that but it's like what about the people that like dark souls the way that it is and want it like this now they've lost the one game in the world that has played like how they like you know so i'm very glad that fromsoft doesn't cater to that because people really have a one-sided mindset when it comes to that argument they're like oh it should have an easy mode that'll make it fine like who cares if someone else plays an easy mode it's like well the game is kind of connected online so like how are you gonna do that how you gonna how you're gonna do that and balance it it doesn't really work so i i don't know what they want yeah like i like man there's tons of other games that you can play like that that's and then they say well what a that's stupid you shouldn't lock up people from your type of game it's like well they're not locking them out you're choosing to not play their game you know you're choosing you're the one who wants to not play it because you're dying like you just take the time to learn the move sets and stuff it's actually not that hard honestly coming from like i don't even play a lot of games similar to this at all this was the first game i really played like this and you fight a boss you're like okay this is what he can attack i need to not be here you know blah blah blah yeah exactly fiona i'd be okay with that if people want some easy mode where you lock out the online sure because that's not gonna affect anybody else's experience but you know if they go down that road they're going to be like well i want to play with my friends it's like dude you can't just do that it won't work i don't know how from soft would do that honestly i wouldn't even care if it was an easy mode personally but i would care if it like unbalances the online play aspect so i don't know how they would do that yeah exactly exactly and also i see i see people complaining about invasions it's like i just want to go up through the game it's like yeah but this game becomes relatively extremely easy when you i don't know i'm trying to think of like a scenario where like um i don't know just co-op in general does make the pve a lot easier and invaders are there to balance it and this is part of the game and there's another game that has invasion so it's like what all the people do that love invasions and the pvp of dark souls go to if they took that away you know you kind of ruined their one game so i i guess i guess they'd understand if they played it it's coming from them not really taking the time to play through it and i don't know where this man is we're having deep conversation and i have no idea where this guy went yeah leave exactly that's what i did yeah exactly reid like you just got to put time into the game you want to learn you know that's all that there is do it that's true people did say that securo had a higher learning curve which i guess to an extent was true because you don't have different builds you know you can't make magic and go through bosses from a range and summon your teammates that is true so see you think they'd realize right there that co-op is making it easier which i love because i love co-op and i love i love invading you know so i love the online aspect and sakiro really didn't have that sakira i mean it was fine i did the play through it was fine but it really didn't have any replay value for me as someone who likes online play it wasn't as it wasn't as huge of a game series as the souls games i can see from like the boss fight design though in the play through people love that i get it i think dark souls is better though because it's variety you have builds that you make way more weapons by the way not just [ __ ] different variants of a katana uh i think dark souls 3 is way superior to sakura but that's a preference of course some people love sakura hello mickey what is up man and i get why they liked it it was a great game don't get me wrong let's go up here to fight let's pronounce sekiro not sakiro yeah i know sometimes i don't feel like saying sekiro though all right mickey it also confuses me because there's an anime called sekiray and whenever i say that i don't know if i'm mixing the two yeah it's a lot of people's semesters it's a lot of people's favorites from game uh for me though it's just dark souls variety you know got the good of the series oh mickey do you not to fight i've been having a lackluster invasion time here but if you're like pveing alone you know i don't need to kill this man you know i'm hunting for the for the teams oh now you want to fight me what the hell how dare you big titty hair ninja yo listen a friend told me to watch sekiray it was great it was a masterpiece it was funny as hell yeah dark souls 3 has much more replay value i mean there's different builds weapons pvp online you know i'm truly a culture man i run out of shows to watch i literally watch everything especially since like canada well most of like where i live anyway in ontario was in lockdown so long the amount of shows i watched was pretty immense evening peeps good evening same with like when people ask if i prefer bloodborne like i still prefer ds3 bloodborne's great but like i prefer the the mechanics and fight style of dark souls 3. hmm okay he's over there i actually have 25 hal birds i don't know if you guys know this but if you're in your menu and you hit r2 or l2 uh you skip up and down five inventory page slots so i can go from whatever weapon i have after i backstab to gundu for the weapon art i used to do this with cat ring as well but i made my inventory optimal to where i know exactly where the cavern is from every ring so i'm good um i've even done it with shields to parry before but you don't really need to the gun to your one is useful though one strength and quality builds very useful all right sir um i don't know what i want to fight you with i've been using a wide variety let's go with the wing knights nexus kind of easier to parry which makes me instant change my weapon because the first thing this guy did was [ __ ] buried oh god high latency let's go high latency running attacks holy [ __ ] this is some lat this is as bad as that one guy i'm okay with that too much latency yeah i love crossbows for the super high latent battles because i can pre-fire it when they roll in at me and it'll hit them still you know and you won't get that random uh lag perry oh it was a real dragon i was surprised yeah you can play with either it's really preference honestly there's i would say slight advantages to both the the 360 movement i like on the controller the keyboard is a little bit more annoying you have to angle the camera but if you do get used to that i it's not a hindrance at all and there's some advantages to keyboard as well i like both but i i learned dark souls 2 on the controller so i i didn't even think to use keyboard when i played this not to mention i played dark souls 3 for the first like year and a half on playstation so i couldn't and then when i got a pc you know i wasn't going to relearn it just for the keyboard what amount of poise do i import it depends on the build but for the most part uh i like 40 boys lets me uh roll when my poise is set a curve sword hit and i won't get stunned so if i'm fighting a team of like oh a team of like light weapon users katana straight swords curve swords i can roll and i'll take a hit but i won't get stunned super useful for not getting blundered by teams every age this kind of looks like patches what the [ __ ] rubbish to one such as i devoid of all worldly wants wait his mouth didn't move i don't know maybe it's just the way we are i'll stick you in my prayers have fun spoilers ah [ __ ] i just spoiled some [ __ ] for you guys who haven't played the ring city it's not my fault it's not my fault it's not my fault this guy just did this on his story god damn it well god david i guess they have to show invaders cut scenes i was thinking away around that but yeah there really isn't one they kind of have to spoilers that's true that yo listen this game goes on sale a lot though michael and then people only pick it up then so like it gets influx of new players every sale but true hello brother this looks like a job for random this [Laughter] now i am patches that was awesome that's a cliff you think i don't know that's a cliff dude i've fallen off there you think i'm not gonna remember it do that damage though dude uh the dragonslayer great axe as much as it seems like it's a strength weapon it's actually a quality build weapon it scales a decent amount higher on a quality build fun fight music also they got hit by both the lightning part of the weapon art and the actual great axe so they took like full damage that sombra just died uh what's a quality build lord avion i guess in dark souls 3 it should be called a refined build but it's uh a pretty even amount of strength and dexterity so weapons like uh the black knight weapons uh dragon cellular great axe the gaels great sword they all scale really well off both strength and dexterity so they're a quality build weapon he got the bonfire though i'm kind of happy no worries yeah i know it does i think that the other quality build reference carried over from the first souls game where demon souls had a quality infusement instead of refined but yeah i guess now it's a refined build did that one shot they did it did frederick but the sun bro only had like what a thousand hp or maybe a little bit less he was hurt from the pve i think my crown also scales off quality true that's true you can make it a lot of different ways as well um you can go 26 or 27 strength i guess 40 dexterity save yourself those 13 points if you don't have any weapons that require like 36 strength like i do or 40 strength you could do that also you can two hand weapons that you don't have the strength for usually uh but i hate that x i hate when you go to switch your weapon and it's like you lack the actual strength to use this weapon and you're like [ __ ] i know let me pick it i'm gonna two-hand it uh as a new player what builds would you what would you recommend i try out honestly i think it'd be a good time for you to use like a great sword so like you can get the claymore in the first area really great weapon to go through the game with uh a great sword a straight sword and maybe a spear to like learn the the three different like types you have your hyper armor weapon that can swing and trade through lighter weapons you have like the straight sword so you learn how to space like dodge and attack and then punish people and then the sphere is really good range for uh quick in and out attacks i think that would help fundamentally oh god it's so loud jesus sorry if you didn't hear me i didn't realize how loud the fire was so loud but not in here by the way it's loud when you stand outside the church because that makes sense they hid behind the fog wall and through fireballs uh are they still behind the fog wall hmm i'll look upstairs if he's not there then yeah i'll leave if this is the same guy you just invaded that did that because that's not gonna be a fight let's check it [Laughter] hello then no cheese fog wall for you you're right though that guy was full of cheese the fog wall and he tried to ladder bomb me that's funny it has the pot covenant i keep trying to read any new interviews and i actually found another interview with miyazaki from uh i forgot what studio it was it was in japanese though and it got translated well i mean you could just use your web browser to translate it but it had a few things in there what was it that i thought was unique that wasn't mentioned oh yeah it had uh so if we all have the same password right there's obviously a limit of four players to co-op like it says uh in all the interviews in the game announcement but it's basically the password links all the worlds of the players together in a way so let's say i write a message when i'm let's say i'm streaming it right and i have a password as i go through the game if you guys as viewers are going through the game too and use the same password i can see your messages that are written directly and your blood splatters and the other things that interact with the world you can see and there's no limit to how many people can be linked via that password so that's really cool i thought that was like a unique little add-on still a four-player limit for the summons but uh that was a unique little add-on that i saw in the interview uh yeah uh one of the other interviews the guy asked if there's going to be invasions any confirmed invasions as well as optional pvp so like arena or something like that i don't know i don't know what optional pvp is to stand for in dark souls 3 i would say optional pvp is arena though so probably something like that uh how would i improve swapping weapons right after a parry honestly the best way is to just oh just practice it maybe on uh you can use the drake blood in the arc dragon peak area really good practice for perry's because he mostly spams our one so you can you know get out of cestus try to time it uh and you just you just want to get used to parrying and opening your menu and hitting x at the same time so it's like parry menu x and then you're just waiting on the menu to open up for you to be able to swap so like that's what you'll notice when i do carries i instantly do that with the menu and then the second the menu lights up or if your character moves whatever you prefer to look at i tend to look at when my character is able to walk uh it i'm just having more time to my brain then i just swap in one of the four directions or two down like depending like i could easily just be like oh my black knight great access here and then you get to it it takes a while to get the menuing down but the more you practice it the better it really is listen there's no real secret i use a controller then the controller is just something i'm more you yeah used to dakota here chase is still the best eager oh wait that's my girl thank you man i appreciate that crusader fox thank you man thank you thank you creepy [Music] very creepy thank you so much i thought you said e girl yeah look at me go i got the badonkadonk yeah it's really just muscle memory i don't know maybe cheats possibly i don't know he's summoning a phantom though oh yeah for sure let's go set up a squad voice what do i got i've been using gales let's do a little bit of fishing oh my arm's still a little bit so actually it's getting better oh my god it's almost gone yes my shoulder was solar from the stupid coveted vaccine shot feels better today though hello clarice hello oh i like your outfit i gotta maybe try that chess piece that might look really good with my uh set here mind if i cop the fashion did you destiny yeah i didn't feel any dude honestly i'm surprised how painless needles are sometimes oh god what is this oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i take it back i want a different weapon i want a different weapon this is terrifying all right we really gotta we gotta group up here and not get vestige otherwise we're gonna be in for a time oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right everybody's a pyro i didn't realize that at first no that actually stopped my r1 spin aha oh no i missed i missed oh lord four of us to just start that's a possibility right now do you know how scary that is oh man i'm gonna need i need some big boy damage here we ain't gonna win this with no little swords i'm gonna have to land the ultimate uh combo oh it ticked me actually maybe they're quality builds they don't exactly look like pirates oh wait one of them takes a lot of damage i think it's helios not sure but he looks like he do be hurting nice backstab oh boy this could be bad could have been bad honestly could have been very bad oh oh the hand axe combo i like it i like it no i don't roll off the cliff trying to protect you there's the arrow guy and he's doing some work man arrow man has he's got the big peen energy i'm surprised no one got hit right there oh that was a great arrow wow that's awesome actively great it stunned me for that yeah i think wait are they all using demon weapons i didn't really notice that they were oh red got the parry everyone converged i love how the whole gang just went to it that was amazing nerd oh oh damn this could be the end no i'm good actually i didn't think vulcan had a rapey or else i wouldn't have done that charge do you think that would kill that would kill wouldn't an organized four vestige would totally kill that would totally kill oh my god i didn't even think of the capability there but yo if they organized that they could have so [ __ ] hit us and killed us my meme if i was wearing hornet ring he would have been dead yeah four vestiges can stagger you infinitely that's what i thought that's what i thought to say yeah oh [ __ ] that's terrifying when you think of it oh my i took the damage just for the next step oh no clarice not like that clarice not like that oh man the air doesn't actually work oh man damn that that arrow's actually hurting a lot putting in work oh he was swapping come this way red come this way come this way yes yes yes yes yes exactly exactly there we go using our teamwork now that hurt though that hurt quite a lot well that guy did some damage by the way that like my teammate my teammate does some damn it get um well you're on the wrong side that's totally fair no red watch out they're kind of surrounding you no i hit you i'm sorry clarice dude i know i [ __ ] hurt that straight sword damage was not a joke oops didn't mean to do that i meant to eat my hidden blessing but that's okay okay they're going together though oh not my combo that vestige was huge whatever one of you decided i'm gonna throw the vestige instead yeah you you were the genius right there you you got some work done you got some [ __ ] work done over i need to watch oh [ __ ] i missed oops lord of the flies in here okay that was funny that was a drive-by kill i did a drive-by oh [ __ ] i did a nice dishonest drive by oh yeah somewhat heals oh clarice i'm coming come on clarice i'm coming get off [Music] clary's i think clarice is dead i tried so hard for you clarice i tried homie i tried i tried clarice i couldn't keep them all off you did well to survive though you did well you did very well i don't always that's the host oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] damage them while i can dude that was so fun man i'm not sure who was who though i was trying to figure that out but your names are pretty well hidden um i remember raw with someone's name before i just forget who is that is that is that death that's death maybe and then uh who's helios i remember too i think that's banana though i think bananas oh my god oh my god double the sun terrify me oh [ __ ] this is tough egyptian god raw yeah that's what the name comes from right raw oh my nose is itchy hang on okay my dishonest nose oh i got hit guarding that y'all oh [ __ ] that ain't good ouch i like helios build though very cute he's got the most like intriguing uh does he have the arrows yeah helios is the arrow yeah i love the sound of it yeah i think it is it's a good balance you know i might get hit by the fire on the way out but that's two tears broken oh i don't know if that was the host or not two look identical ah it was i confused raw and helios that was fun though they like both rolled behind me with a yellow cape and i just locked on that was fun though yeah that's the that's the viewer squad i love that that's always fun the recording should have went well yeah that was sick gg man wait did which one's oh i thought two of you were alive at the end right there epic fire battle epic i love the the firestorm yeah the four best dishes are scary yo you guys are the fire nation gg to the fellow invaders that came in i think there was only two other ones but they were fun good teammates very fun uh i forget one of the i don't remember what the dragonslayer person's name was was that raw yeah that's fun no acne okay yeah that works isn't it agony is that a i feel like that's a witcher spell that's igne my bad oh yeah but it could be scary if you guys like orchestrate like throwing message at the same time at one invader they're like oh no oh you know what's better uh you can't throw them at the same time you have to throw them like a split second after each other so it's like a rail gun if it's they just that would probably kill somebody if you didn't like have a way to dodge sideways that would be destructive or agony kai i was thinking that too yeah oh that's awesome dude that's always fun like a viewer squad thank you so much man i wish i could pronounce your name for you it looks like a reoperant to me but i bet you that's not it speaking of vestige hello dark king bran imagine being brand oh [ __ ] well fun fight though i don't know why the sun bro didn't participate oh what anime is that from iris look at you ed weebing me i don't remember an agony i don't remember oh today's wednesday too nice i think the season finale for loki comes out today i think i'm an episode behind that's actually been a really good show speaking of tv shows and animes i know that's not an anime but it's a good show i enjoyed it you did nice nice from fire punch same author as chainsaw man oh yeah i've heard a lot about chainsaw man getting an anime too i've never really read or heard anything about it so [Music] yeah today's what wednesday yeah wednesday was the day they come out i checked that out because i was intrigued by the show um i'll remember that though fire punch and whenever chainsaw man comes out that'll be cool ah these are the the appearance of morin's leggings is on my character right now that's true the ethereal oak shield doesn't have a parry medium shield parries are pretty bad anyway though so i probably wouldn't go about pairing with them greetings oh i'm stuck on the curse grandma hello joe it's mr fister i remember the squad man i remember mr fister at least you see i have a terrible memory but some names they stick out pretty well i'm stuck on the stairs blue blue afk oh he's not okay nice let us they really gotta fix the the walking though in the game at one point this is weird blue where are you going i'm fighting you hello laps well that guy's dead that was a lot of rules that was a lot of rules my good sir okay um what's good against the wizard surprise dragon slayer great axe it's good though [Music] i told you guys it was good that was unfortunate though the funny part was i was actually aiming at it for mr fester uh i didn't even know the host was standing there i think grandma was like completely obstructing my view i did not notice those i was like nice mr fister is gonna swing that is unfortunate this is why you need a nice dragon slayer great axe you know just for the random okay everyone's gonna attack me let's go that was fun grandma no no no well maybe i was talking about like the little grandmas that throw lightning you know little creatures maybe i confused that for those with my snake vision uh yeah i heard about that uh algorithm i don't know did they implement it or is it already like is it already a thing or are they going to release a patch i remember reading it and i'm happy for you guys to play on xbox it sucks that you had the xbox like one and couldn't play this game at legit like more than what 30 fps was it locked to took them a long time to do that ah it's already out yeah i see i don't own an xbox so but good to know though very good to know the damn sex box what the hell yeah like i mean it had the power to they just uh they just never released a patch for it to have the unlocked frame rate that ps4 got so sadly i'm kind of i i don't have my hopes to i but i was hoping elden ring would either a have unlocked fps or b at least aim for 120 because new gen things you know like they're not going for new gen graphics so maybe they'll try it at 120 fps like a lot of the ps5 games can now and then the new xbox as well i was hoping but i i feel like it'll be 60. it's not that awkward i just i pick the words that aren't yeah that's really weird nikolaj i don't know youtube you like that man i find the whole system of subscribing and then having to ring a bell so weird if i sub to someone you know i wanna i wanna get a notification for the video like i'm subbed to that channel but you gotta go through the whole bell thing which is just weird [Music] sometimes they just don't give you notifications i did i did enjoy demon souls magmas uh it's just that they didn't update the game mechanics themselves so it's still like playing a 2 000 what seven game just with super pretty graphics uh so it's just a lot clunkier and mechanically worse for pvp anyway than dark souls 3 is this is the newest game engine of the souls games really for the pvp so that's why most people still play dark souls 3 for like the pvp demon souls is a fun playthrough though and then you got jamerrill i get notifications without the bell damn i don't know it gives them to you less oh is that how that works that's weird but okay yeah that's that's the bonus too a lot of people were saying like i want elder ring because like dark souls has become a pretty heavily like offline modded game in terms of like playthroughs you have like the cinders mod that changes up spells and enemies ascended as well uh convergence there's lots of them so i'm sure for elden ring as well down the line when people do that they will have mods for it that's another bonus for pc i just hope they have like a decent anti-cheat for the online anyway um i've heard good things about neo2 but i never actually played neo one so if i wanted to i would probably go and play neo one first i mean i'm going to give a demonstration since people never really know how to do items in the game okay well i'm going to world basically though what you want to do is if you have weapons like i mean you could buy bundles in most things but let's say moss clumps c brows certain ones that you want to have lots of on a character okay you grab all the ones that you have out of your bonfire you drop them by the bonfire so you can hold 10 at a time right you can hold 10 at a time drop all that you have by the bonfire go into your inventory grab the rest refill drop them again until you've pretty much dropped the ones that you own you have a friend pick it up and then you back up your save from before you drop the secrets so you revert your game to how it was and that you guys have duplicated those items between each other people have been doing this since freaking dark souls actually probably demon souls i didn't play demon souls though i learned about it when i played dark souls 1 and 2. so yeah hello what is up that's the fastest way to drop items between friends salute hello salu salu assess okay i'm pretty good at timing my attack to win uh perseverance there's ways around perseverance spam mostly it's uh quick weapons you just get a quick hidden i know jin you could do that i did that on playstation first uh when i was playing on ps4 people dropped me weapons that i didn't have and then i learned about that someone taught me about that i didn't figure that out on my own also youtube taught a lot of people about that you can do it on anything like any any platform that's how everyone has so many weapons on even like whatever platform they're on oh upgrading your pc drift damn what's your current pc i actually don't think i've ever asked you that uh just their soul level jmr so whatever the soul level is of the phantom you kill and the player you get uh is it the amount of soul level souls it would take for that guy to level up to the next level is that how it works i always forget that but i'm pretty sure it's that you get the amount of souls that it would cost them to level up i think tell me that i have no idea what platform are you on that's strange though it's 50 yeah there's some weird amounts you can probably google it someone's probably done the exact algorithm to what the amount of souls is you get for killing someone it's half of whatever soul so they have on them or no i think it's it's tied to their soul level it's definitely not their souls that they have on them 15 of their last level okay so if i kill a host i get 15 of the souls that it cost him to level up one more time or the last level that he leveled up okay limit breakers did a video on this nice i did not see that good to know so that's how people can always tell what soul level the person is they've killed i should add that bot there's a bot that does that i've seen that in people's twitch chat people plug in the soul level or the souls that i gained from killing somebody and they check the soul level of the person last level up some percentage based off of it's okay so there's different ones for each i think i'll get that bot for the chat that'd be cool just to see you know what the average level of the people you invade is for what soul level you're invading it you get five soul levels that'd be nice that'd be a good way to farm what is up laptop you did tippity-topping i don't know where your host is though but we've never really had a nice little fight have we i remember it being mentioned but i don't remember do you know where the host is you want to go find them it's up to you i will fight whatever you prefer a laptop i i remember seeing that in chats though quite a lot and i was like that's a little interesting thing kind of want that then you can see what the ranges of the blues that you normally fight also you know plug it in see okay this blue was soul level whatever yeah there's a lot of viewers that actually uh do blueing do blue ink put on weight of the blue invade host when i stream which is awesome i get i get even extra content like way more battles i think because i tend to find a lot of viewers which is always fun spell beef is kind of having a tough time against the great story though because greatsword's kind of hard countering well it was one fight laptop nice mini that's awesome how much was the the 2080 currently i some people tell me that prices are slowly going down for things so i'm intrigued yeah exactly poor guy chaotic i found amish like three times what are the odds and he's like never watching the stream when it happens he just comes into my stream and he's like i thought that might be you that killed me i have fought him that one time in front of the the boss in the ring city and then the other time uh in the freaking ashes and one time is a blue yeah it's been funny laptop guy i think has a good strength build right now though yeah i mean it's pretty it's pretty good maybe you should get a little bit more souls for killing the people that you kill um i don't know maybe they'll incentivize things differently with elden ring maybe they'll have more covenant rewards too because they say that's going to be pretty heavily like covenant focused so like as it stands you get a reward for what like pay 10 pale tongues that you hand in and then 30 maybe they'll have a lot more that would really really incentivize uh way more pvp which would be even better that's good hmm my excess has been having a couple issues today though it keeps uh taking quite a long time to reset uh what are infused systems for so i have a blessed one in case like i can't find players let's say and i want to regen over time as i walk around same reason i have the simple one it regens your uh fp i don't use them too much but on occasion you know if i'm close to being full health like i'm like missing a tick away i'll like put on the sun princess and uh i'll bless offhand to reach in quick yeah i'm not sure how that's gonna work anthem we'll see but they they have like the main areas that are dungeons right so i i think that it it might be the pvp is there hello dude what the [ __ ] is if i found you again again i need to record before you summon your team i'll chill um i don't know how they'll do it though they said they're limiting movement by uh like disabling the horse when you invade like when you online connect so no horsies with co-op and pvp that's huge maybe they'll like lock out the area to some size i don't know i've always been intrigued by that when they said it was sort of open world you know what elton ring is a leak that's awesome i mean what is it oh yeah 191 days away see those of you that doubt me when i put it in the title all i need to do is look at my past stream and i know how close i am to my favorite game that's why i do it uh from what they've stated it doesn't seem like it because stamina is returning they said um you can tell that it's got the dodge roll in the trailer you there's interchangeable weapon arts so they went back to using weapon arts it's more of a successor to the souls games than sekiro hello boys oh i don't have tears on hold up hold up gang hold up one was aimed at me i was admiring the appearance how dare you see like right now i might put on the sun princess you know just to get a little bit help back you know what i like about this area though it's a pretty big battlefield so i could like maneuver around my limits are my stamina but four vestiges will always oh dear lord arc the bomb okay use that use that whip i knew it oh [ __ ] that didn't hit you though i wanted a backstab but i can't exactly easily get it okay give me some blue juice here oh okay we're back in business you know if i get hit by that weapon i'm kind of getting blundered like hell going in raw good protection you did well you did well you protected his ass oh [ __ ] did not account for that guy to be right behind me that's funny no that's kind of cool though like i ask people all the time like if uh if they think that i've invaded them that they can just look at my stream which they can oh that was sick ah are you out of fp though that's not doing very much damage oh that one does that one puts the hurt on though that one's got some love in it that was sick though i'm actually surprised that it worked oh no oh no that could be so dangerous oh my god i didn't have stamina left oh it's funny what else do we got we got an ultra oh boy it's about to get a lot more difficult my teammate went down no you needed to survive longer teammate oh [ __ ] yeah what is that i wonder what would happen if you actually got hit by multiple of those would one bullet just send you or okay yeah you know what i'm appreciating the vestige it looks so sick all right let's go into the ruins let's take this battle into somewhere interesting i guess we can just have give me hugs i guess i don't know i kind of like the area change we could we could slowly lead them there as we battle you know it would look cool in the tunnels with all the fire i think slightly scary but uh it would look very cool oh [ __ ] give me hugs you have a different building that's different that's very different of you i'm mario the protection of the whip that was sick there was far too much fire right there i could not tell what's happening do you think the ring knight straight sword would beat that oh my god oh god that was good i had to dodge the fire so it kind of trapped me [ __ ] good coverage i don't think i have enough damage on that thing to actually uh pull through i wish i was a firebender no i don't what am i i'm a metal bender i make swords appear that's how it works all right now we retreat we retreat oh wait they're not they're not hunting though oh but okay okay i like it i like it i'm digging the appearance i wonder if i mean that would be that would be menacing in a hallway i actually want to see how they would perform come this way boys follow me to the hallway of doom ah but then there's an invader coming it's okay though let's uh let's try out the tunnel and see how it does what there's in a mirror behind you you're gonna wanna gonna wanna watch out maybe i shouldn't ruin the surprise i don't think they know we're just making this better surprise oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it honestly looks oh you're still going i didn't know okay there was still there's still war being had here i have a spear what do we think about this boys should we throw a bomb okay good for here they don't know they don't know that i hold the power of the gods in my hand tim now they know now they know my ambush i wanted to make it even more anarchy in here no i don't want the rapier one oh my my god um damn's good i like his setup it's kind of cool actually it's got like a good mix of like roll catch and like it's got the spear you know so it's it's pretty good i like it i like it i think it works better with the hand axe but he's got the fire going too it's really cool where did uh these guys go oh we're over here okay damn my ambush i could have done it i could have done it i'm getting launched how did i not how did i not what is my luck sometimes i was born a luck a luck build i don't know how that didn't happen to me i think we're good punch okay i'm trying to like learn how to use the suspicious a little bit better to my advantage here mostly for the fire yep the one that has the s-stock though well that guy's got a good rapier backstab suck you got me twice last time i invaded this it did a lot of damage okay i wonder what kind of build uh the dude what the cbd is well they all have cbd sorry i wonder what kind of build the uh stock users maybe decks y'all probably dex i'm dodging that arrow but i did it with style that looks so weird i thought he was facing me that i was confused low-key that feels kind of good oh you could have created me that sucks i got i got you back raw oh no all right it's time to be a man i don't think i could trade it oh my god that stun lock is stupid that oh insane looking fun fight man very fun tight i didn't even get to see what him oh wait you had the black iron set on right here i was gonna say does this mean you're home but no you have your pc with you in hotels that's amazing that's actually amazing yeah those those builds are fun as [ __ ] and the fire can be hilarious if you're surrounded by the i always forget the freaking name of the pyro spell oh yeah you had the dragon stylosphere yeah wait oh it's a hindu fire god or mayan okay so they're all fire gods i didn't know what agni was at first i knew raw oh ow vulcan i didn't know those are hilarious actually are you trying to make the characters look a certain way too is that the reason for the the cathedral cape that we've all used before you can't deny that when you got that cathedral like basically blanket you didn't you used that for a little bit cause i did uh harmonica i learned how to actually unpack the armor set and recolor it so i can re color armors on my screen no one else sees it though but we get to see it and it's pretty uh i'm coming man coming oh i should get there quicker huh all right there's only two of them gunmen what the hell whoa the tables turned real quick damn you dude this guy's blood vestige though okay can we elden ring could we get a little less power on the the vestige that would be welcome that did so much damage with that guy i feel like 700 and something for that guy after he got hit by my r1 and then he got restunned so like yeah that's nuts i need to tone that down yeah yeah oh yeah by the way the other the other interview that i read i'll try to find the links and have all the interviews maybe archived on discord because different interviewers have asked different questions and this one was cool someone asked about the jumping uh and the jump is mostly used from what what he answered uh as a way to plunge attack so you can jump up and do a heavy smash attack like down uh and also for dodging or horizontal sweeps i know that part was obviously guessed obviously but he actually confirmed that yeah you'll be able to plunge attack with that so it's not going to be like the sakiro jump it's more like uh stationary uses you know yeah that it sounds it sounds cool i'm good with that because like all you can do out of the jump it's gonna probably just be like a vertical up and then a plunge down you know so like i don't i don't know if you want to jump over the vestiges because of the way that peer-to-peer connection works you'll probably still get hit but we'll see i'll definitely see how it goes hello boys i'm not recording it hello hello josue is there three of us or how many of us are there just three oh wow okay we got a gamer over here [Music] oh we're all buffing oh [ __ ] intertwined buffs okay one's a lightning build one's possibly a strength build this one maybe two of them they look they look similar in builds y'all they seem to love the parry button can you can you parry this please yeah i hold the power oh you saved his life it flashed before his very eyes he wasn't prepared for that [ __ ] break dancing wins so oh had i just hit that it would have been a nice backstep combo that was a good our team solid playing on the r2 right it's harder to space what a weird host why just not helpful i was watching the host camera more than the phantom because well i mean you know i'll get you my pretty you're gonna fall for this eventually no don't run then i can't use the axe damn all right well the axe cannot chase someone down it's impossible so we go to the sphere yeah i think people think perries are a little bit too easy equality build is like the most fun for me but i i can see how strength betters in some ways it depends on the situation really uh the lowest soul level i enjoy is 60 anything lower and it's just really really long battles because the health to damage ratio is not good there's so much health compared i don't find them as intriguing that's why i like meta and i like 90 because it kind of mimics it 60 i also like used to do a lot uh because it's super active that's really why but i i miss out on a lot of my favorite weapons because they're too heavy for that soul level really [Music] let's do that um laurence yeah versatility is the reason i like quality over most builds even though some of the damage lacks i like the amount of weapons i get to use well i guess i don't wow no so sad so sad i am a canadian i am i am i am um i if you want to make a quality faith build hmm i'm trying to think of like what you'd want to do for stats like do you want to keep it at meta and under lord aviand because if so then maybe you don't want to go like it depends on if you want to use spells or just like weapons that are like or just heels maybe you know like a kind of like a paladin that's definitely doable damn oh yeah we actually talked about that so i'm gonna try to get that bot if anybody in chat knows and is in my discord uh just mention to me what the bot's name is all right i can ask a few other streamers that have that bot that lets you plug in the souls you get to figure out their solo it's pretty cool it's all for lightning arrow yeah sorry yeah nick i meant damage lacks on like a lot of the infused weapons uh the ones that are meant to scale off quality yeah they hit hard on a quality build kennedy on exactly that's me uh if it's for like region then yeah you can do pretty well um i guess the best thing you could do would be maybe have like 26 strength 40 decks and then the minimum for the miracles you want invested into faith oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you could do that like i don't know how i'd have to look at a souls planner sheet to make the optimal one but i have done a strength faith i don't think i've done a quality faith myself though maybe i've done like 26 strength 30 decks 40 faith i think i've done something like that because then you get to two hand the weapon so you get all the strength bonuses from the 26 being two-handed which is basically 40. then you get the 30 decks scaling off the weapons for like rapiers and stuff and then the 40 faith for uh your miracles and then the lightning infusement of your weapon it'll hit pretty hard i think that would do well oh matchless i see what you mean yeah bloodborne weapons are all very different you're right they are very different oh gotta put on tears i see the guy at the pk yo that's not what i wanted that's what i wanted jesus lol how do you know where i was interesting [Music] okay they're actually not i figured they were gonna pay for spamming careful vita third yeah just a chase down gang squad yeah yeah that's not gonna be good we're gonna wait for a teammate they're just four man chasing currently yeah gross and they have everything killed yeah they have everywhere clued they're four rabid r1 chasers so we're gonna have to slowly pick them off let's see hmm where did they go may as well take the time to get some regen oh i don't have the harp damn yeah that's the plan they're chilling over there in the middle i don't think my great book can reach but when it's a co-invader i'll go in though until then we wait yeah i did equip the ring that makes me invisible yeah so they can't just rambo oh not a gamer okay i got a teammate i'll wait till it actually connects then ah no i do i do have mods to get rid of the spam i just don't notice it here i'll block it for you guys hide user on channel boom done taking a long time for that teammate to get in though i don't know i don't know what like makes uh the bots on youtube get triggered like that it's really weird all right please please please where you at we're going in hot bro we're going in hot i gotta find him i think he's gonna spawn up here though maybe oh he's over there i see i see hello boys the ploy the absolute ploy was confusing uh this is uh interesting why did he use the untrue white ring so they'll have to worry about each other i guess maybe oh the latency is garbage oh my god that was terrible on that guy anyway i can handle gary pretty quickly if i can get him alone ah that would hit me okay okay i can judge the distance now oh look at that oh i'm not even gonna know when i hit him how am i gonna know he's gonna assume i guess which will kill me basically i assume i've hit him damn dude that is some net and a half i don't even think this would work out well if i had the pk that is some lee 10c homie what is the best weapon i could use oh that works that works oh that doesn't work because he just trades with it after even though they both go through him okay thought it might work yikes it wouldn't be so bad if like how are both of them so high ping that's crazy like two of them are at least the worst connection i've ever seen like easily terrible seated yeah okay yeah i know my teammate died i saw i saw i saw jeez though the net is terrifying careful though malik i see you're in here i'm maneuvering around gotta watch out for the the pve because we're seated currently oh one's fighting gary okay that's cool the other two are really hungry for me that's this is so useful okay we're good now you think i'm gonna fall for your parries easily good sir daikon boy like the vacuum he got [ __ ] on in a second that's funny okay oh nice range do that guy has the best connection to me if i was alone with him for a second he'd be dead this guy though that guy does not i'm gonna have to parry eons in advance for daikon that's fine oh is that a stamina oh yeah i forgot about that wait this guy's cheating i just realized he's fast running isn't the host fast running and i think he has infinite stamina too this guy has the fast run in full havels like he has the faster on animation i can see it yeah that guy's cheating the host is cheating this guy is cheating that or he is not he's 100 cheating while also getting [ __ ] on might i add i know he's not unscathed uh lucent no tells you when they're unscathed he's just straight up cheating his inventory equip load and maybe infinite stamina it kind of seems like infinite stamina yeah the host is the host is the host you can't unscale yourself he just cheats [Music] yeah he's fast rolling you're fast rolling and full have like crazy and he definitely has a limited stim though okay so definitely cheating good to know i mean if one of you want to fight me sure i'd rather not fight the cheater but i'll fight either of you okay the infinite stamina cheater though not really down for hmm i mean i think they'll just kick me if i do that that explains why the whole world is gone yeah you're never gonna come as if the guy with the the cheating guy will not fight me alone his teammate needs to stick by him the whole time but it seems like he never stops running yeah he threw that knife he rolled yeah he is infinite stamina i thought so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna take him on a tour really quick [Music] he's only missing the black flip exactly that was tactical because when i jumped my stamina regions so that actually gave me some stamina although like at least there's not like like malek's fighting the non-cheater that's fine i think you throw a knife all you want man yeah malik is still in here but i mean the guy cheating with the infinite stand what am i gonna do about that i'm fine fighting at risk tackles i don't know if he knows his host is even cheating if you want a pk fight though i got you man i got you on the fight you guys really don't they had much of a chance with the cheating host by your side but you can think you do yeah the host has unlimited vitality basically um unlimited stamina and then he's got a really like high amount of laggy friends like look at this what even is that man that's just gnarly i mean i'll kill you quick if you fight me but your teammate over there sir lags asaurus reckoning i don't know how to deal with him he's got the ping of god surprise that didn't almost hit me honestly gary oh and now when that like has the infinite dude though like whoever has the cheater on them is gonna have a tough time you know like what are they gonna do like like i can literally chase you infinitely and he's got a straight sword and full howl's here and then you got the guy from the moon right here mixed with the pk lord but the pk guy's fine it's more a mix of the uh actually the moon guy is definitely harder to fight than the pk guy i have to dodge from the other side of the plane i can't believe i'm actually timing these honestly though i'mma be away with you i can't believe that okay i see where i'm running now it's going the wrong way oh jeez i really thought i spaced that one like when yes yes yes yes yes oh oh you get to cancel when it's convenient huh nice nice okay you weren't doing it earlier but now now you'll do it okay i see how it is brother i see i'm just like working like the pk guy is a stage hazard basically the other guy is the real trouble i need to watch out for his god range oh this guy has a little bit excess range too actually oh my that would have hit me that would have okay permission to cancel i mean yeah we should like they might kick us i don't know they haven't they haven't actually canceled yet they're just cheating like actually just cheating cheating i don't like i don't think gary knows he doesn't seem like the type that cheats and that was obviously malik dying because like what could malik have really done there like that guy's just cheating there's not much she could have did no i mean honestly i don't even know like surviving against the cheater is like the best that you could have done there like i literally could did not stop attacking i don't mind the cheesy it's just the fact that the host is cheating the host has infinite vitality stamina and yeah ooh a teammate amir mostly i just want to find out if there's a way to see like what he's doing it's so annoying he didn't auto res though no oh but he's got infinite miracle heals too i bet she's got infinite fp too uh yeah i look at him just casting that back to back four times what the [ __ ] why are you even drinking the fp flask why what even is the point geez that was the wrong ring i'm coming here oh careful careful bro uh yeah of course of course through marion murky sucks but actual cheating sucks too like what are we gonna do here do you see can you see what he's doing in any way shape or form you know we could just cheat kill those it's this guy wait what what yeah you may as well cheat back [ __ ] that oh yeah you stopped the cheater hell yeah dude that's amazing [ __ ] yeah that's fair that's fair their gank still gets to survive the cheater's still here but now he's nerfed and he can't roll oh unless he countered it he might have countered it my god dude did you see how late that guy took that that's nuts my god man like why do people do that why not just play normally i don't understand yeah like don't dude no one wants no one wants a host cheating 24 7 in the ring city such a pain ah such a pain i don't mind fighting these two these two or whatever it was really that other guy that was super annoying you know cheats and all gary though you're all so difficult to fight because you can hit me from the other side of the planet that's uh becoming extremely difficult just trying to try to make up for it trying to manage it don't exactly know how but i think i'm doing an okay job gary's chill he's just super late and it's not gary's fault is it difficult to handle hell yeah but is it his fault oh oh okay what did he do to cheat kill you for 1200 damage out of nowhere cause uh yeah that looked real suspicious over there that looked real suspicious i'm just not gonna you know that looked real suspicious oh okay good good we're lessening the load somehow i don't know how but they're cheating isn't gonna last much longer and i have a mirror to thank thank you brother wait what was that fire effect that just went on me i'm missing the fight i want to see what's happening over there get out of here laggy boy i want to see what's going on our fellow dark knight they cheat fighting over there yeah oh okay yeah i guess he probably killed the host and when i was quit out that's what they get man what was this his steam is noise i didn't get to see it but you know what he got what he deserved who was it i can look at my log register [Music] um i don't even know what the host name was okay i see that's second he fast rolled i knew it i knew it it's just so sad man that's the one downside to the pc right there man one's one downside since like dude why did they even bother doing that man it's crazy were you able to see what he was doing in here like is there a way to see if someone is like just has you know unlimited vitality stamina it's nuts and yeah i'm pretty sure he was changing his color to be a white phantom also not that that really matters but it's just like why man why why i would like to yo actually my girlfriend has been to brazil sounds super nice okay now a normal invasion let's go [Music] let's go that invasion annoyed well i mean honestly it wouldn't have been like whatever the gank was they were some of them were decent but like just having unlimited stamina in this game you don't realize how insane that advantage is it's it's insane especially in this game good fight sophie i just had to be those guys oh dude yeah you couldn't do anything glenn like the second you output damage on one of the phantoms the host was there just chasing you the whole way and had full stamina still like there wasn't much you could do i just had to run in chip damage as well i mean i crit him that worked but then he's got his friend there you know oh wait does this guy have does he have iron flesh on whoa that damage i don't blame yourself at all man i honestly didn't even know he was cheating either until i got a little bit suspicious when he was fast rolling with with the full heavy armor set it got quite suspicious yeah managing your statement it really ow is half the fight yeah blue sentinel can't detect everything sadly there's there's no way for them to detect unlimited stamina if you maxed out your like not vitality as a stat but just gave yourself like a different equip load like there's certain things that people can do that blue sentinel can't tell which is i i understand i don't even know how the people that make the anti-cheat on pc make it notice these things anyway but my god all right helios you know what we'll end it with this because this will be the most entertaining and wholesome invasion definitely more entertaining yeah i mean it's it's there's no way to tell everything so i mean i'm pretty sure that even the anti-cheat couldn't tell if someone put their weapon to do like a thousand damage and hit you like i don't think it would know that you know what i mean but hey look see one cheater in like four hours not not the worst i honestly could have just left the invasion i'll probably do that next time but like i was already committed because i was fighting for [ __ ] 20 minutes and then i realized that he was cheating oh he's down he's down there i didn't even notice oh and now we're fighting in here wait wait wait are we in here where are we oh i think i know where you are yeah exactly michael whatever you know you find a cheater whatever it's fine because the rest of the interactions are awesome so it doesn't matter really he's on the game oh my mom um these things make creepy sounds just want to point that out are they now the question is are they by the bridge or are they here based helios yes he knows where he's he's calling me ah yes wait wait ah yeah we just yeah yeah this looks better for a thumbnail battle ah yeah hang on i don't have my hood on wait a second oh wait no no uh uh no no no i gotta dodge and i also uh uh where is it where is the hud oh dear god okay i'm good i'm good i'm good i never go to that side of my menu it's not like my swaps oh god oh god i was having a menu problem believe me i blame i blame the the vaccine it's making me think funny my fingers are doing opposite of what i tell them to do get them my children get them blow smoke smoke screen this looks green these pillars are hiding your movements well boys i do not see all of you at once i may have been sneaking oh god oh god oh god okay what's behind me oh hello wait what oh is that a sword cosplay oh lord it lordy lord are you coming oh [ __ ] that's not very damaging thankfully oh through the tree dishonest this one is fire through the tree that was funny wait why can't i run is that a stamina that was weird my brethren get them my rat protege get them oh my god parkour you thought surprise attack surprise attack through the fire yeah yo honestly like i was just like threw the fire in flames dude i i did not oh that was star platinum you killed star platinum what the hell rude and inconsiderate imagine killing star platinum oh i feel so cheated that was beautiful right in his crotch right in the crotch dude brampton oh god god god this is awesome i'll make an ambush happen you guys don't hear me you're not watching the stream no no no no my ambush soiled oh god okay that was cool though i mean it's as scary as that is that looked really cool the turrets they're firing get them demon get them oh and i'm getting back that's another stamina oh no this'll be bad not that bad could've been very bad i have artillery support you know nothing oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] apparently i know nothing oh god all right got some some goings on here no oh no oh close oh who is this that's not my ally i hate how i have a straight sword at the top there not a corbin that was good that was a good mix of apartment behind you careful there are many i broke agnes someone died okay i thought i was like was it a mirror was it the host that was a blender i was committed to the joke i had to do it no no word hit me again do it again wait oh [ __ ] fun fight man that was a good way to end it different fashion gg boys sounds awesome we end on a happy note not a cheater note it's all worth it it's all worth it um all right let's go see if we can give a host to somebody today's stream's been [ __ ] awesome actually i love i love quality builds man they're so they're so fun they really are they're so fun man um who is actually in the dank souls world currently lost is doing art interesting uh knapp's been live you know what let's go let's go to his host nap he's playing a dark souls 2 playthrough what is it he's trying deathless i don't do much dark souls 2 so if anybody wants to get their feel of it god that's where i have hiccups and i think it's killing me there's nap stream super wholesome dude i love the content i'll be back next stream with what a dex build what do you guys want i've been using my strength and quality quite a bit but it's because there's so many weapons man there's so many fun weapons especially the dragon slayer great axe the kills we got today with this my god so fun i loved it truly awesome though i will see you guys next stream uh yeah probably deck spilled but good night all i enjoyed the times good night good goodnight
Channel: ChaseTheBro
Views: 290,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark souls 3 invasions, dark souls 3 invasion build, dark souls 3 top invasions, dark souls 3 top weapons, dark souls 3 pvp build, dark souls 3 dark build, dark souls 3 best build, dark souls 3 best weapons, dark souls 3 how to, dark souls 3 backstab, dark souls 3 parry, dark souls 3 girlfriend, dark souls 3 gank spanks, dark souls 3 top build, dark souls 3 meta build, dark souls 3 funny, dark souls 3 strength build, dark souls 3 cosplay, sasuke uchiha, convergence mod
Id: lsGLD7jWHgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 28sec (14368 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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