Dark Souls 3 But It's Pokemon

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yo what's up guys chase the bro here and welcome back to another dark souls 3 modded run i guess yep just going to call these series that since we've been doing so many mod runs lately uh and a few other games that we've been trying out hello everybody what's up incredible stone gaming what's up dude david hello i am barcode welcome dude onyx yeah man a lot of people told me to try this i was gonna invade but i was like you know what i don't have too many like too much time left to complete a playthrough before demon souls comes out so i thought i'd give the pokemon mod a try what's up everybody how's it going uh yeah i don't really i've seen people just like catch pokemons i don't really know exactly what the mechanics are of it i noticed that uh right here if you could i don't think you can see my mouse oh you can okay there's like a there's like what appears to be a crab so i think different classes here will give me different starting pokemon which is really cool actually what's up guys hello uh i don't know what to start with first off let's just name this i don't know throw a pokemon character name at me or should we just make it shh i'm not gonna make it ash that's pretty common ah anthony dude thank you man throw some names at me boys what do we got misty brock ash dragonite uh are we gonna be a boy or a girl also let's do this quick let's just go brock brock is pretty cool chase catch him gotta catch him all that's funny gary oh this is where the fun begins man i'm excited actually let's just what's my favorite pokemon i guess if i had to choose one i love arcanine but i also it's tough it's tough charizard havel timmy timmy i kind of like timmy to be honest oh kaiba hey dude yeah i just i'm just going to give you guys a second to come in because i know the notifications slow and i know a lot of you guys requested this so i have to try it catch the bro oh yes catch the bro should we do that that's kind of a channel meme that works i'm okay with that that way i know are we gonna be a dude then i'm not gonna change my face to screw it i'm gonna wear armor and stuff and i don't think i have an appearance saved no because i'm on my band account to play this so i'm not gonna change the character i'll take too long uh okay then what's the difference here so the knight comes with crabby the mercenary looks like it has a farmer hollow from the undead settlement that's a dog 100 percent i've got no idea what that is what the hell is that kaiba though thank you man what is that what the that's a thrall that kind of makes sense is that a bird what what is that i mean the knights do they have bonuses okay oh yeah should i be looking at no they have all the same starting items ah but the herald comes with the heel i don't know this tough thief has that i i don't know that's a wax dude hell no to the sorcerer wait the sorcerer has sorceries i thought you weren't supposed to be able to fight as a pokemon trainer maybe they do something random oh that's tough then that looks stupid yeah the vods all stay 100 you'll be able to watch this if you can't right now this fighter is a starter i'm kind of leaning towards doggo because it seems pokemon-ish i get a dog but i want also just base armor and health is important because i'm not going to be using my stats at all right so the knights good for that reason warrior's got some good ass health yeah i want to say they waste the same amount of strength index here i really don't know what this is though but like do you think we can actually cash it spook spook is like instant cat ring though oh that could be good if you spam clerigo one more time i'm gonna ban you i see it jesus okay jesus man where did i get all the children recently spamming in my chat okay go deprived go crabby this guy's name is faze also you know he plays fortnite okay let's go with man what do you guys think it's either crabby growleth honestly it's it's between krabby and growlithe for me it's pretty it's between those two i feel like i'm gonna go i'll go growleth i don't even know what that is either jesus crabby you cat crabby's pretty good option but like growlithe i just said it was my favorite pokemon it's finally my turn to have a dog on my side imagine having a dog dude i could probably catch one strats right here what can i not catch i can't catch a crabby i can't catch the farmer hollow right now thank you cosmic dude spooked over yeah damn dude but i can catch a dog i think right there's a dog in the first area so i can probably catch one what's this anybody have answers for me what the hell is this thing what's with i think spook is useful i think i might go assassin but i want to know what the that is what is this what is this it looks like a bird there's no unless it's one of those like uh that's a gru rat man it's one of those two it's a group okay okay if it's a group i'll do that because spook is good and a grue is good and i can't catch a groove for like a little bit i'll catch a growlithe right away so we'll go with assassin token of love what is it a token of love eons ago by angus i'm going to keep that because the rest are normal items and that sounds like i should use it he's ugly can i at least be a girl i'll be catch the bro but that makes sense i'm a girl and i'm trying to catch me a bro okay all right we're about to start the pokemon mod then let me just uh bass face i don't want to put too much detail into this honestly but i do want a different face ah at least okay no no i need to give her at least a different hair color man i like my white hair where do you pick the face again where's the stay it's been so long since i've like chosen a random face face preset ah face preset there we go what's the easiest to work with actually it's probably either it's one of these two actually this stuff just randomized true true we'll go commoner and then we'll do appearance and then face detail right or how do you face shapes where's similar faces there we go i don't like the pink and the skin here sounds pretty good oh that one's not terrible ah whatever we won't see the face half the time anyway we'll just stick with this one it that's good enough i'm gonna be wearing armor anyway are we ready boys are we ready it's okay it looks fine catch the bro and it's a girl all right boom let's try this all right let's do it yo listen i have like saved faces on my regular account i am not doing that again and again [Music] oh you were right it is a groove how the hell could you tell it looked nothing like a guru to me okay so what do we have here we still have our spook oh because it's in a tournament slot okay and our stats give us a two minute yeah we have two two miss sauce to start off with maybe we have more in this game actually no i wouldn't be able to tell until i catch it so we have a heel we have a homeward bone and we have a heal your creature for a modest amount of health so it's it's like a heel for him um might put the heel for me or the heel for him there i don't want to use it by accident i want to get used to my my heel being here and then they have abyssal flask which i'm guessing is what thrown at enemies to capture them normal odds of success oh it's just like a normal pokeball okay i could parry still perry into catch true combo okay and then what do i i'm guessing i i i use the flask in some way to throw out my guru right i wonder if the rings effect creatures dude i'm so intrigued by everything okay so that's our first target should we try to hit it or catch it the cosmic i want to be the very first the very best like no one if it was damn dante okay that shall be my theme song thank you so much man let's see should i go to catch it do you think catch do you think i have to weaken them to catch it though i don't want to waste an abyssal flask if it is trash whatever we'll just attack we'll see what happens go get them grew oh you them up to be the very best that no one ever was that perfect timing on the donation actually to train them is my cause okay wait where's my screen sensitivity that was so slow it bothered me yes actually let me just no no yes no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes okay okay so yo let's go this way come on buddy how do i bring him back are you oh i almost hit him the poor little lad okay so my gru's health bar just stays on the screen the whole time i guess and he follows me oh he's cute my first groove uh you can catch them in the death animation for a good chance on low hp so if i kill them i could still catch them and i just have to dodge no groove these things are trash though do i really want a hollow look at how easy it's dying oh i got a ashen estus i don't really care about that unless he does something new but i do want to catch up a dog um catch the big tight i feel like i'd probably have to have a better monster at the start where the dogs i want to like specifically be ready to catch a doggo dude he is doing work oh i can pet him oh does that boost his morale or something he goes poop okay is there not where's the soonest dog oh there's no dogs here what i'm i'm misinformed i thought there was a dog here okay let's go this way okay actually let's just catch a hollow screw it may as well catch everything come here buddy i just got to throw a flask at him when he gets hurt right like that and then hopefully one does it shake three times like pokemon if so that's cool hey i think i did it oh hollow was caught hollow went to the pc good boy good boy yeah good boy okay so oh yeah there's dogs right outside does he poop does that give him like a i think it gives him a damage boost of some kind obviously but he's not losing health and it looks like power within okay how do i put him back in his flask like this no that's not how you make him return i guess you can only choose to sub out a different one maybe i can attune my my holo now i can so i have i have the gru and the holo and to get more pokemon i have to upgrade a tune then obviously crystal doggo yeah i don't think i i would be able to catch it right i would assume not i would assume you'd need like a better pokeball l2 oh but l2 makes me parry it stays until it dies or if you switch it out okay that makes sense that makes a lot of sense okay uh gru i choose you there you go go get em maybe locking damn oh damn bro he throws poop at long range that's cool can i hit them to like algorithm i do one damage that that makes sense though trainers shouldn't be able to already have a hollow but i can stun them so i can strategically play here with my hollow get him hollow what are you doing kick his ass sea bass get him yeah good job okay i stopped to grab all the like tight night and stuff though wait actually what would i need to upgrade would that upgrade my my pokemon i guess okay are we learning as we go maybe i should start off with the holo because he's trash compared to the rest or i don't know come on come on gru i need you no no yeah good job good job now get him with the crossbow yeah okay all right so this is tough this is a tough one okay come here i'll die in one shot so we may as well just getting us this oh he's stuck out there okay wait a second i have a plan maybe he's not stuck out there [Music] okay that's fine all right hollow no no no no hollow there's an enemy here you got to pay attention this guy this guy right here smack him kick his butt mr hollow mr hollow oh damn oh okay where is my damage like that one i start the game get him get him before he transforms quick no wait wait hollow's alive right oh he's still kicking ass holy oh good boy good boy you can have some food as the pokemon treat damn okay dude hollow's secretly a beast i don't know how but he's actually good hollow is actually a boss okay i expected him to get one shot someone said the holo sucks i will if i did i thought he might dude he dies in one shot for me maybe they have boosted stats as like pokemon somehow capture the crossbow hollow oh you're right it might be nice to have crossbow hollow ah but 15 abyssal flasks i mean there's probably better than crossbow hollow for range right i can come back if i really think it's worth it but okay let's just let's just summon out our hollow here this is hilarious and dangerous dude i know i'm so intrigued can we have pokemon trainer battles later on that'd be so cool thank you sound wine dude they are the same right i figured he would just like shoot or use his sword what happens if they get away from you okay so my hollow versus these hollows who's stronger find out little timmy oh timmy's oh he had a rival for a second but timmy him up in the end it's okay go get him bro there's more they're crossbowing at teach them who's boss yeah yeah okay i don't think i dare fight the the the swordmaster with my little timid hollow i guess i could try what happens if all my pokemon die oh oh oh it's a pokemon battle oh get kicked the slug's ass oh this guy's a trainer okay okay good boy good boy okay okay random random oh one shot gary you ain't got nothing on me man and i got a super potion good job holla you carrying me dude you're carrying me okay let's go let's go inside see see what's up with the stats and leveling come here mr hollow that guy caught a slug and my holo one shot is hollow oh npcs new npcs let me just do this quick and i'm gonna go talk to what looks like a pokemon trainer mysterious rival fainted he did who's this i don't want my holo to attack anybody i'ma just sit oh something started glowing kneel before professor curse rot okay open shop okay oh this is where i buy my quote-unquote pokeballs and potions okay is that all he sells for those infused conduit no oh i thought he did something i was like what what does that mean guess i'll have to sacrifice self offer token of love i'm guessing those are things that sacrifice self sounds like i'm gonna get weaker but my pokemon will get stronger so that's kind of cool what is leveling up actually before i level up uh what do you have just normal items probably yeah that would make sense and what about this yeah i'm going to look at the item descriptions well as you're in search your toilet spread i am so obviously we're going to reinforce us did i not get an estus flask or maybe maybe i i could have sworn i obviously i guess you can't reinforce justice i guess you just a lot it you're right you're right i was just i was thinking in my head what okay i have no need to upgrade my weapons then either okay so all the rest of the stuff is kind of like basic i guess what is leveling up to do that's a huge welcome to the i am the i10 very well then taken um okay i guess okay so you sacrifice your stats to make yourself your pokemon stronger okay so having stats is important mostly having attunement slots obviously right so i can actually have multiple pokemon but i also don't want to get one shot if i get hit by something so yeah i could still die that's true okay yeah so maybe i'll get another poke three pokemon seems nice right so i'll do that and then i'll save those yeah we'll do that oh oh but you can see what the stats give my pokemon okay i kind of didn't want to like accidentally sacrifice myself so if i hit sacrifice self oh it opens up okay firekeeper is now nurse joy from this point on oh dude the cosmic thank you and yeah that would have been a good mod they should have done that they should have like reskinned it for that reason okay so if i have a good endurance and i sacrifice my own endurance my the hp goes higher uh sacrifice luck hp regular um plus hp oh well then i may as well sacrifice luck for sure right like why would i not do that same with everything can i just sacrifice maybe not i mean i i can sacrifice really everything endurance might be kind of useful though okay i'll do that before i leave but now now i know so if i have does the more strength i have boost the physical attack that's a question or is it just sacrifice all the strength i currently have and it'll up physical attack that'll be because then i won't bother leveling these things you know but if i do and it scales like that then then that might be cool regen heals your pokemon okay oh like stat okay some miracles will heal my pokemon too luck governs crit chance okay but can i only sacrifice one thing at a time also or can i sacrifice them all like it just like go away go ham with the sacrifice yes yeah there's definitely going to be like a little bit of a learning curve oh whatever i sacrifices goes to my pokemon okay well then all the only thing i really need to level is attunement in health right i'll just get a oh i could i still five soul levels damn oh cause i never did my attunement okay i'll do this first just so i can have a third attunement slot uh and if i give him oh yeah i started with that weird token thing offer token of love what do these do i should read them before i offer them them okay so a coin awarded by angus for each uh unique creature caught okay can we turn to the professor to gain trainer levels and unlock rewards trainer levels and enemy tiers are unlocked after a specific number of tokens have been turned in oh that's sick dude so every pokemon you catch gives you one of these and you turn them in that's their entire purpose okay cool so i do this i level up studied toward next trainer level oh that's it okay well then should i sacrifice a stat should we try it just uh i never i never seen in chat can you only sacrifice one stat at a time or can you just sacrifice whatever the hell you want at a time the canadian flag wait is that oh yeah that didn't even like cross in my mind because i see it so much that's really funny sacrifice luck yeah okay can you yeah i'm gonna try to capture everything i guess i'll just sacrifice luck whatever i want can i can i come back and switch it though after like i'm not locked into it that's what i mean oh hang on there's more to this than i thought do i like just have those tokens or is it like huh okay weird they're static okay whatever let's just let's just try sacrificing something to test it i'll sacrifice luck because who gives a hell of a look do one what happens luck essence transferred nature ruin hp region up attained okay oh so i i can't okay oh i got one of these increases your creatures hp region applies passively while in inventory oh so if i have one of these at least and i sacrificed a luck stat for this it's like a thing that is constantly like a bonus to my character oh cool okay can i get more than one at a time if i sacrifice another thing let's say not endurance because i want my endurance but let's say faith because i don't really give a about my faith i get better defense okay physical defense physical attack yeah okay that's cool hey look at your luck before and after sacrificing okay yeah i saw i saw the difference sorry i saw so i want to up my physical attack so i sacrifice strength okay cool and i just wondered like does having more of these do like more boosts to you or something so now if i look at it there's this increases your creatures physical attack damage applies passively while inventory so if i have at least one or i wonder if they stack because if so like why would you not just sacrifice all stats i can't even fight i'm irrelevant so they prob stack oh they do stack well yeah i mean what do i need my strength for my shield just to be able to parry if i wanted to i guess other than that i guess i can cast my sorceries that i don't really care about so they stack okay i'll at least get one of everything just to get a boost except for the endurance one i actually like having endurance so sacrifice dexterity yeah i could just sacrifice everything at least once just to have one of everything physical defense accept attunement we won't be sacrificing a two men yeah goal of the playthrough basically oh i can do nine i could basically just like do all of the max and not care about my stats i'll do that after the first area to see like what i'd want to give up okay that's that's good enough let's do it okay anything else i need in this area i don't think let's go oh wait let me try to fight the swordmaster sorry and i wanted to catch a dog i'm dumb i almost forgot yeah my stats don't really matter i don't think unless there's anything specific i want on my character okay let's go try and get the dog quick capture why i wonder what you can and can't capture i only get 14 so i kind of oh maybe i should have casted this before the dog would have hit me nice he missed me get him hollow kick his ass i think he'll one shot him i'm just tanking here come on hollow i want you to hit him where'd he go no you fool ah stupid dog i can get a dog at the high wall of lothric screw that dog what a pain in the ass okay we'll go catch the dog at the lother damn it god damn it yeah i should sacrifice everything you're right whatever i should have did that now that i know what it does wonder if luck okay wait though does luck apply to catching pokemon something just rumbled here i want to catch a doggo how am i growlith i wonder i i wonder what the limits are on what you can and can't capture we'll see yeah i mean why not minus my health that's all i don't really need a lot of stamina i'm just dodging and trying to survive so let's go get the doggo i'm feeling mr dog well this one's a strong and annoying dog too i find all right everyone benefits from a dog get him hollow no i wasted a pokeball cause you missed shitty hollow get him oh no i wasted two they're so hard to catch dammit dammit all right next time i'll time it perfectly that would have been bad by me anyway they're hard to catch bro no i can't rotate oh he walked into it he walked into my catch one two no a dog then oh my god oh he hit him and i caught him i think this might work please no the dog i give up on the dog no my hollow nerf distract him no no this dog is a beast i want him i grew i choose you but actually kill the dog please it's so hard to read oh come on this is so hard maybe i should just smack him with my talisman oh i think i caught him right there no dude stop oh my god i'm wasting all my pokeballs dude please one of my one of my pokemon please hit him oh i'm so ted i'm so sad hold down the a button you mean to pet him damn it i wasted like seven okay i give up on that i don't think i'm gonna try to kill i want a dog though health effects catch rate so if i'm super healthy it catches a lot better mr hollow go get him oh but wait there's lothric knights here but wait i mean i'm gonna probably need hello hollow this one okay i must get a doggo i need one oh now you kill him okay what does he drop oh there yeah i know i know their health does i know i mean the ax hollow could be good this could be bad i just dragged both of them my holo has abandoned me bro i'm pokemonless ah where's my hollow there get him get him get him damn it my hollow's a weekly oh now you hit him what are the chances he beats this guy okay we need this guy he is an absolute monster okay wow he's a beast no i was too late i'm so bad at this i'm so bad at this that guy broke out instantly dude this is tough please give me something i need higher level oh maybe oh did it say that okay well then i guess we'll but to get my trainer level higher i got to catch more right so i need to catch a dog not for the dog though right definitely not too high for the dog wasn't what i wanted but okay okay i have to catch a dog i guess [Music] um maybe my groove can kill this thing yeah you can okay now focus your your energy focus it on doggo mr groove damn it bad throw well at least i have three pokemon now dammit i have three i have two hollows i didn't want that hollow damn it okay whatever we'll progress a little bit i need to like the abyssal flasks cost money man they cost money i can't have two of the same freaking thing bro okay okay let's just go through the area it we can we can deal with two pokemon get em grew give me souls thank you kick some ass no don't stop stop losing to the hollow he's not even strong i'll stun him for you oh boy come back wow my hollow's dying bruh oh no oh nice health okay no he's gonna die oh no he's not he killed him we're making some comebacks right here me and this guy i'll stun them forever get over here hollow me and you working our way up from the ground right here right now really dude yeah there we go there we go chris uh what swordsman like the regular swordsman either they're the same i think they're all hollows that crew is nuts i don't waste a potion of one i could just sit okay i'm you know i'm gonna sit and just skip the beginning area and run by and go to the next part oh the lothric knights i imagine i have to be a higher training level so we'll see firebomb the dog chase oh oh i do have fire bombs hey that's smart i just won't use a pokemon that's tough though with that guy up there come here poke come here man there we go really oh my god you can't oh and it worked oh my god please why please let me catch you this wasted two pokeballs on you you can't like angle yourself when you're throwing it like you can a normal item hey i got a dog okay i didn't think that would work i know okay let's go buy another one actually no we have three we have three things here that should be all we need to get through the area it'll be okay it'll be okay i'll gather the items that i need really quick actually i don't really need anything up there and then we'll just we'll get our holo i don't want to i mean they're going to get cooked by the freaking dragon that's the thing so i'm just going to sprint by the dragon really quick oh boy he did something different i've never seen the dragon sitting like that okay well there's no point in me grabbing the claymore or anything right or our items change do you think well that one's the number i can try to capture a mimic i got one abyssal flask left that would be pog okay let me just clear the battle zone here i'm probably too low level actually i'm not gonna waste the flask the mimic is probably too high level you can't just catch anything it's just like your trainer level with badges and stuff okay so let's work our way to we'll start with the guru he's strong okay go get him gru go get him are you looking that way look this way put your peepers the other way damn i okay sometimes like the hitboxes are rough for the groove are you focused on me yes yes yes good job good job crew good job okay let's go get the go get the bonfire you and me group you and me and this thing actually that those aren't hollows those are different but i can only hold three people things right now anyway so okay catch a thief yeah maybe a thief i can only hold three though the hollow's pretty decent it's not too bad yeah the pets buff them i noticed that it gives it like power with the new something okay let's go down this is pretty sick though man actually i enjoy this uh let's just use the holo he's less beast i'll distract the thief and then you come in and you mess him up good teamwork good teamwork solid plays solid plays wait there's another one up here no okay i'm anne's i need you wait is there something up there that it's trying to fight what are you doing nice catching yeah so not catching the same thing that's true that would help me level up but i only have one more freaking thing so that'd be the last thing i can catch here without buying a pokeball which i guess i could i'm gonna go try and fight for it oh hollow get him get him that's perfect yeah a dagger holoman those are digimon okay uh yeah i won't be able to do that until i can actually capture a lot of ignite i don't imagine i can capture one right now maybe though i don't know what the requirements are no the wing night would be definitely not i would think get him hollow behind you please yeah get him good okay thieves are considered okay i think i didn't catch that then i i figured i mean they're just hollow right so they can't have so many unique uh i don't i feel like none of my pokemon are going to be able to kill this thing but get him while he's not transformed hell yeah good job okay good job yeah you wouldn't be able to catch boss that'd be funny though but no i wouldn't assume so it's gonna be hard to get like these things though will it target it oh my god it hit it okay that's not so bad okay uh first try to my mans didn't miss should i bother wasting my last abyssal flask on a lothrick knight because i i want one but i mean if i can't catch one then not worth it yeah you can't capture npc so i think i read that too ow okay i guess we're going in here gonna need you know what go get him oh no he's weak to shields come back oh maybe not i can feel like i can catch him and that's like the best chance i have we'll see ah i actually had to level up that's sad okay it's okay whatever no more flasks i tried all right come on doggo actually i need the guru here these things are strong three gem descriptions uh infused to create raw weapon i mean having a shield would be good you're right like a 100 block shield that would be good hang on let me just go up here really quick it's probably still a telenate shard but i'm doing it anyway that's fine so a lot of the items are still the same i wonder what undead hunter charms do though i would assume they probably still a broadsword in here what would the logic knight spear are you good for get him brew yeah good job i know i can still parry but why may as well just dodge perry into nothing all right my guru is carrying me here uh honestly this is like a time where i'm gonna waste a bomb because really you come here dog nice solid play solid play mr gru kick his butt no that's not what i wanted i'm so used to running it's like in my nature oh my oh oh oh good clutch good clutch crew good clutch i almost died right there okay what about okay that's the shirt no what's hitting him all the things above dude thank you man it's actually a lot of fun oh wait that's not the one that has the titanite uh oh okay oh buddy whoa whoa there why is my groove up there well good luck on your own mr gru you've abandoned me embers are important let me just grab these really quick and then go get the shortcut yeah i'm gonna go back i just want the shortcuts since i'm like here bleed poison would still work that's true a poison dagger could be useful for uh catching pokemon to weaken them with my pokemon hitting them oh no return return to your pokeball okay the creature is dead don't tell me that i know i know all right you're gonna hold them off mr hollow stop him while i hit the bonfire damn it it's a bad turn of events get him hollow yeah good job get this dick yeah good job okay okay well so far so good let's go back down and there was a shield where's the 100 the what's the closest 100 block shield up by the the top of where the dog goes where i mean maybe a fast rolling build could be worth it sometimes you get frame drops while it tries to load everything oh hey did you kindly get off the ladder i mean elevator oh my god sometimes i like roll my eyes man it's hurt you're alive you get what you deserve okay i'm greedy and i want this yeah i don't know what's been with people lately they've been just spamming dude i see your comment i see i can't catch bosses on the npc's you're spamming for like what what do you want yeah i don't know if there's static health regen oh oh that was like a full-on game freeze right there okay just simmer down children okay so we get this and they have left hey what's up mates how's it going dude okay not that i'm gonna be playing online at all so we'll see oh god the frame rate is like iffy i guess i gotta start killing i want all my things to be alive though so i'm gonna just go to four right now catch the old lady trolls i wonder how strong bosses are in comparison to like what i've caught we're about to go have our first pokemon battle let's go oh i've been oh okay maybe loading into this will help it a lot all right who are we starting off with w ah we'll work our way up we'll do dog first because he's slow and the dog is fast oh my god okay go get him dog dog don't be like ash's charizard i'm gonna need you to actually attack fam yeah good job no dog get him yes stay right under his belly you got this you got this growlithe spam him right now it's your chance bite his ass bite his ass no no growling all right hollow i choose you go oh buddy that does a lot of damage oh i need to shot my hollow okay gotta go with this again that was unfortunate holy okay maybe we'll start with the hollow because when he gets aggro like that i need the heavy hitter damn dude they him up i want to do it there's someone dying no okay i think i'm gonna sacrifice all my stats after don't follow me nice the dog was messing him up at first and then he got two shot very unfortunate very unfortunate imagine complaining about a mod this is so great it could have been more in depth can you make a more in-depth mod no okay moving on then all right so this time we're gonna go with i i sacrificed some things i'm gonna sacrifice my strength and stuff next time seems like a better idea all right vort let's go show what you got and i hope what you got is shitty last time you me up no my holo follow mon please yeah dude spam him like you spam me okay i got to lure him away no hollow oh oh i thought that was me oh unfortunate okay go get him doggo while he pays attention to me this is your chance oh dawg no okay this is good this is good no don't get in front of his ice blast dude oh my trainers need lack battle experience grew you're my only hope man you gotta like fork him in the butt just get him he's not even paying attention to you please yeah yes yes drew is my ally he was my starter pokemon he will be with me till the end it's super a fat good he didn't get touched he's about hit a badass he's a badass everyone else can bow down to him okay yeah i'm trying dude uh i was thinking of hitting him just to see if it would diego that guy but it didn't so let's go give up our tokens or whatever level up our trainer here so we can so we can possibly catch better things um there we go let's go with okay offer token of love there we go drew is mvp dude he's actually mvp and then i guess we can sacrifice some i really don't need like any of my luck screw up well yeah i don't need luck screw it imagine what i'm guessing i can't get it back once i sacrifice it do i really need to farm any items i don't think so this is tough this is tough once i sacrifice it's gone for good i think but i can level up if i needed it but i don't need luck screw it sacrificing luck just that's what i was wondering i hope luck doesn't affect chat or effect capture it's already gone though it's gone i don't imagine it would though because [Music] that's true well we could beat the lizard but i don't want to do that i want to catch it oh look at the soul hang on does it do used to acquire many souls for it okay why does it look different yellow alpha cathedral night armor sound mind i don't think i really need that good of armor thank you though that's that's true though and timbo pity i'm at work yeah dude i'm gonna cut i'm gonna try to catch them all catch a crystal lizard to get a token level up oh well catching anything gives you a token to level up right i just got the ones that i gave away thank you though and braden dude thank you man oh okay it would have been cool for them to evolve not gonna lie but what would they evolve into you know and do i want to level myself up or do i want to get more flasks uh oh yeah i could do the jump that's true let's go see what it does let's go do the gym quick i do need more pokeballs though you're not wrong man not wrong i do need flasks i don't want to waste them i i wasted so many trying to get the dog but i got the dog in the end so i'm not going to complain i did it and then we'll flask hey it's a bissell flask okay oh yeah i don't know how how can you tell based on enemies i'll try to like just catch everything gotta catch them all right dude i got my elbows achieved okay yeah i know you can capture the lizard that's kind of a waste right test donation oh brayden thank you man i don't think you can capture npcs they would they would be trainers i bet you if i go out and i fight i fight the swordmaster right now he'll be just an npc of pokemon like the first oh i think that's what the guy was in front of the door actually hang on let's go see all the big lizards would be nice dude i want to try to catch one of the big lizards after wait did i have a i have two flasks damn okay that's true does catching any bug give me a token instantly too i mean let's just do this okay yeah that's true i'd probably do that just to get one token i need to buy pokeballs though okay wait who sells them again oh yeah the pokeman the pokeman master so open shop dude they're kind of expensive oh wait no they're not they're not expensive that's solid oh okay let's go i don't care about leveling up give me that i thought they were like 2 500 each i was i was worried that's easy that's much better we gotta live in a pokemon where pokemon this is pokemon i have holo dog and gru soon to catch more ah so you get like great balls and stuff that's what i was assuming i was just wondering how it worked okay let's go see if the swordmaster is there infused conduit oh i can infuse my fl abyssal flask oh he's there what do we test him with we'll test him with a dog come here come here buddy yeah [Music] no my god he's so strong dog come on dog go spam him no dogmon okay all right next hollow i choose you the swordmaster stands no chance no he really does he really stands all the chances swordmaster massacring pokemon like a roo but nice get him from behind no hollow you fool no all my pokemon are dead what do i do [Music] that didn't do any extra damage i'm in danger what do i do firebomb is it strong enough you die today sir you died today i got the uchika nice nice nice nice okay you guys did well you did so well the poor man was beating on them dude what's this is this 100 block shield probably not no i forget what 100 block shields are by heart i'll go look at the infusions too yeah i'll do that right now masters attire do i want a fast roll i don't know oh yeah actually i'm gonna need distance to throw my pokemon you're right you're right okay um wait i wanted to see what the infusements do i didn't want to like auto infuse it i just wanted to see what they do so if i chose this this is my abyssal flask right uh a trainer collects recall creature to flask skill oh that's the weapon art of it i do okay okay ah blessed oh do they each oh they add like it would be like a regen constantly right i mean it's not explaining to me what they are but the fact that you can infuse them what does that do it gives them abilities okay check gem description to see infusion but okay so i can just infuse that with whatever gem i get and i currently have a raw gem which uh raw weapons are easily wielded infused conduit grants raw attack power and teaches your creature the pot hurl ability okay so i get it it'll make their attacks do more damage i guess it grants the raw attack power that's all i have and it gets a hurl pod ability so i mean let's just try it we gotta try out right so infuse conduit let's just infuse it with the raw because currently it's what nothing it's nothing right yeah so we'll just use a raw one for now but to all pokemon okay so yeah let's see see how that does everything else upgraded i think i could i mean okay let me just go see what oh i don't have the tree killed so i can't do that i was gonna see what it grants me but i don't have one of those okay anything else i need here screw it let's go to the undead settlement good to go nice nice okay all right we're doing solid then we're doing solid so far i have the thing i wonder uh i wonder when i know if i can catch a lothric knight you know maybe i'll catch a few more weaklings in the undead settlement and then 10 tokens really you need 10 tokens to catch a lot of ignite that's a lot how many do i have one two three four how can i check my trainer level is that a thing uh i guess that's not a thing i thought that might be though oh at level two okay so i i there's no way for me to tell except for when i upgrade from the guy okay whatever we'll catch some stuff at the undead settlement yeah i need to catch some weaklings that's fair i have a dog i have a hollow in the guru that i started with um what else is in this area i can get the pitchfork does that count as a hollow though like what what differentiates a hollow from like other types of hollow you know or will they actually be different like will it say village or whatever like worker these these guys are just straight up hollows there's no point here you may as well get yol then right i would say uh how good do you think my dog will do against those dogs the evangelists just in case they decide to fight me i have a dog over there join an evangelist i will try yes no dog what are you doing nice okay good job doggo okay they're different okay then i'll catch it wait my dog died how what how did my dog die oh what do you think about alluring skulls i wonder how good they would actually be get him there we go oh he jumped off the cliff i didn't see it growl with no okay i feel like i'll i'll try to get the worker one then just to get him i wonder if i can kill these things they usually have one hp nope okay hollow what the hell are you doing you're slow i'm gonna need you to be faster and it hit the target sir hit him it's right here i think my hollow's teaming with the enemy he senses their plate good job get him no mr hollow he's biting your ass come on i got him stunned you got this come on literally got him in the sunlock there we go nice growl at the turn bone crunches no don't do that to my growlithe dude he tried his best okay it we'll try to catch this thing actually i kind of will they all be the same i kind of want the pitchfork one but hey whatever thing's a thing go holoman attack use sword attack right now do it oh perfect timing let's catch us him let's hope for the best boys no damn it was dead how much weaker can it get i caught it as it died okay one more chance let's go meet you me and you get him no whatever the other one walked into it there's a chance i guess yeah i know i know i guess take this off actually wow imagine i catch the full health one i i did catch the full health one god damn it okay what do you think instead of this hollow the other ones i wonder if there's a way to see like whatever when in doubt we use pitchfork man screw it let's try now we attempt peasant hollow show what you got peasant hollow oh and he actually has the pitchfork he's terrible this hitbox is terrible look at that one i got that okay all right then did you see that okay i may as well sit though because i didn't sit yeah oh wait i just said okay we're good random pot okay um i feel like the dog is super useful here though just because he's fast and these guys are annoying wait did they already come out is that okay we're gonna put the dog away i think this area specifically is really bad for a rambunctious doggo that jumps off the cliff every time just just throwing that out there just just pokemon choice here it's wise trainer choices we're just gonna get regular holo it's the second time the doggo died i mean the dog is good for bosses though because he's quick gets in that quick damage this hollow's great actually though like he's super aggressive i get his role still in these guys okay i actually kind of prefer this one to the the peasant one we'll see though maybe we'll catch a thrall if they're all seem like a good thing come on hollow in you buddy let's go get us a thrall oh there's one right there kick his ass get him no okay i wasn't i wasn't prepared i got sun that was my bad that was my bad hollow i take the blame for that one let's go catch the other one that's down here it's okay it's okay boy it's okay well i can parry maybe you get him get him brother no oh i wasted one they're really hard and they move annoyingly damn it okay well you got that one i'm gonna have to like gonna have to be strategic here yes i think i caught him at the like the last frame right there worth ow well that catches we'll fight this one nice i think we caught it also yeah i got me a fighter legit okay now now i kind of want to put the the worker away the next bonfire but it's okay we'll do it after let's go get the bone please master may i have some more okay wait what the hell's that thing fighting over here buddy over here he's glitched come get this one no you pot through at me this guy right here i'll stun him for you hollow what are you doing yeah good job good job cousin hello okay dude honestly it's so good it's pretty easy to install too man also okay something i noticed though i don't know if it's just me but i have to play uh in on line or offline mode it it gave me like an error code when i tried to do it with steam even i wasn't going to play the game online obviously but i wanted my steam to be online just because i don't like having to turn it off but i had to turn my steam offline to even load this so just throwing that out there at you guys all right just the psa also one second actually i want to see if i want to make sure i have recording space this is too funny i love this i do okay we're good okay all right here we go this is kind of scary i kind of want to throw a bomb worth i don't want my hollow to die here go get them hollow i believe in you should i try to catch an evangelist all right i feel like that's like a a thing that would need like a trainer level of two personally just throwing that out there anything that's like big like a lot of ignited stuff i'm feeling like i need a higher trainer level like look how beast it is okay but it's losing to my hollow so i mean maybe that beast nice the pothoro saved them right there nah i knew it i can kind of tell what enemies are like a higher tier just by their damage output so i'll get it but i'll have to catch a few weaklings first how many tokens do i have now to give i uh two more tokens okay let's kill these get them hollow this guy thinks he's cooler because he's from bloodborne you show him it's wrong dark souls 3 is always better oh yeah you i forgot i caught a mini oh wait i have to attach mini fighter though i got to get to the next bonfire let's go get the underside bonfire first i feel like that's easier okay let's go that way hollow's doing work too bloodborne is better i like bloodborne don't get me wrong dark souls 3 just has good combat compared to me blood warning 60 fps would be very nice though 100 come on holla i'm kind of like throwing myself out here for you i'm the giant distraction i'm the wiener on the stick and these guys are the animals okay there we go nah dark souls 3 has the best mechanics it is the newest though so i have to take that into consideration i guess oh i wonder if i could have caught him that would have been cool okay look maybe no you know i have a thrall it's fine the flame burst thralls are cute though uh what's out here anything that's brand new i'm gonna try to catch i just don't know how it works if like like a thrall is a thrall you know like do they consider them the same thing that's why thrall might be bogged okay well they have the different weapons i think they would right could you get off the roof this is the first time i've ever seen him stay up there ever okay whatever i didn't want that to happen to me thrall's all count is the same okay that's what i thought i figured like a lot of the ones that would be the identical don't kill demon don't kill the d you mean the the one with sigward why i didn't read oh what about what about the pod guys are probably also level two dude mine never stays on the roof what the hell oh you can catch the deal oh we ain't killing it then we have workers i mean i don't really need the pyromancy dude but i'm gonna grab him really quick just to have him i guess maybe he'll do interesting involved can i get by this i can with strategic planning i say i can get over there no problem goddammit god damn it okay i'll just kill it with my pokemon uh i'm assuming i i like this trainer levels okay if you're new so i think all the humanoid bigger enemies would require me to be one trainer level higher so i got to catch all the weak things i see first yeah i know ryder and i'm assuming can get captured but probably not right now i'm too too low trainer level [Music] okay no don't fall hollow i need you this is the guy that's the most annoying there we go no no no put your pot throw this way whatever he'll come eventually okay so i guess that's good enough for this general area what about the pot i probably you know i could try it it'll be a waste of a flask but now that i know they're cheap it's not a big deal i can just try to throw it and see if it says trainer level too low where'd my pokeball go but all right you did your job good that was weird i guess it phased through the staircase that's unfortunate plot hurdle destroyed him in one hit okay let's go unlocked what else can i can get a rat i can get my me a rat attack i'm looking forward to that holy that's so random um those are just workers all right mr hollow you can return for a second i don't want you to take fall damage no need for you to hurt yourself come back out now i can get there's doggos and rats can i get the big rat let's find out first i'll get a small rat obviously we need rattata before we catch raticate it's only it's only fair let's just throw this and then i'll get the no okay that works he ran into it perfect okay get him hollow i caught my rattata i think no i don't want to pet him right now i'm bad i'm bad but he died anyway it's okay ooh ratata i caught it that's all that matters okay so got herself a rabbit you know what big brain plays cestus in the offhand so i can persevere throughout a pokemon uh let's just use this one for now because he's weak i appreciate that so much dude i've actually been having a lot of fun with these runs too okay let's let's grab the big rat we'll try and catch him for dookie love oh okay okay okay mister uh mister okay brother i mean you at least kill the rat that's walking beside you man no he killed him oh well i didn't think he'd one shot the rat damn should i come back and try to catch it oh you can't catch the big rat okay sweet i don't feel bad then i'm happy about that got myself a rattata that's all that matters i don't think i like the peasant hollow he's really like slow with his attacks i feel like i'm a trade peasant hollow out for uh fighter uh yeah the peasant one's very slow and thralls are fast and spammy this seems better overall to be honest okay uh i think my level's too low for those dudes uh someone said to catch a a twinkling bug just because it gives you a token so i'm gonna do that let's see oh wait it's up there i have to come around for it yeah i can't make it fall okay there's no way any of our things could kill hodrick right whatever we're gonna try let's go thrall i choose you can you out spam you know man that was a solid try i he actually could have done it but i i had less faith in him right there no no i'm gonna save you i saved him i definitely saved his life i'm a i'm optimal trainer right here let's go oh you stupid oh please don't die get him throw yes no thrall oof oof grew i need you grew no yes i was the best distraction oh no it's just it's just hollow no he's gonna die right there from that no he he killed him he clutched it oh my first capture i think right what a legend what an actual legend okay solid man okay i'm proud of him right there you see that hollow won that okay so i have three i need to level up to get more attunement slots maybe i can do you think this is like the equivalent of six soul levels right now i'd be cutting it close i need a little bit more to do it yeah i did notice that the warmth healed the hollow actually i did okay oh yeah i want to get the bug for the token and then maybe catch something out here what's out here that might be lower level to catch not really the thing but it we'll try to kill it for souls the groove is really strong so best chance is the group imma try to distract it it's gonna fall isn't it yeah damn it wait i'll grab the titanic just cuz the cage spider the cage spider you mean the the dude with the cage on his back night wait what oh no that's my guru not nice not nice oh team team pokemon is getting bashed right now yes yes yes no oh yes no he actually did well i should have left him out i thought he died right there it's confusing sometimes poop cage guy i can i don't think i can catch him and these guys count as peasant workers so i don't think there's any oh oh you're right you're right the poop cage you're right i was thinking of the wrong thing i know you're talking about yeah we can go grab the the cage dude i know what you mean okay come on mighty hollow you're leveling up right now i'm gonna go sacrifice a bunch of for you after oh this guy is this guy a peasant would that count as a hollow i mean he's different no that's too late he's definitely different though these guys have to be weak enough to just catch right yeah i'm pretty sure i can catch this without even like hurting it it's so weak there we go yeah that's a that's a token sweet okay oh that is a peasant okay oh boy hollow i'm in need brother no they're so fast and so little it's hard for him to hit i get this is basically a type matchup so i gotta like be very aware of the type matchup come get him stab him in the back do him like fighter does everyone no no i'll save you hollow my thrall versus you i'm better my throw has more battle experience oh yeah you're right i don't have a skeleton yet okay we'll get a skeleton what rolling at this count yep sweet i got to catch to level my trainer up right so wow you get that though i'll go down here token of sunlight and that's bright as hell damn it's usually not that bright okay you guys will have to try this if you have like a secondary account because i'm pretty sure it will get you banned so but it's so fun as a playthrough i like mixing it up for playthroughs lately so there's a skeleton i guess i i'm trying to think of where one is oh and i can get the little bug too we can get ourselves the bug i haven't caught it yet wait i don't see it though maybe i haven't satin to re like initiate the bug oh well i mean the lizard i'll do that right now ah it i'll just get a different twinkling titanite let's see that one's annoying because it's like up there and i gotta go around for it all right let's just progress a little bit what do you think can take this guy on what would be hard for him to hit probably a thrall him oh wait dude the thralls are so dude see it's because of their like hitbox they're so good they're a solid choice for sure okay oh i do need the key i could just i'm pretty sure i could survive a drop right from full health because this is percentage based i don't want my pokemon to die to the arrow oh they don't okay no i keep petting them by accident oh that arrow did hit him oh boy i forgot how weak i am damn no my holo oh well i go unlock the shortcut oh boy that thing was actually targeting me i really didn't realize it no no no that's not what i wanted that's not estus there the arrow okay i want my throwback he's strong as oh mixolations dude thank you man yeah halloween is soon i i'm trying to i wonder if there's any scary mods or games that we can play i did upload that uh new fasmophobia game today with lost fighter and prod so that was kind of halloweenish right uh the weapons don't change if i catch different ones okay that's what i wanted to know yeah the region might be good for my hollows i'm just gonna try to get more of them too the raw gems kind of bleh but we do what we can here until we get it at least i can go what's up here this is a thrall right and then the armor set i may as well grab it it'd be cool to have the thrall with the flamberg mortician's ashes yeah i grabbed the ashes here's the thing well these things block me off nope i made it perfect okay let's go get the shortcut and then maybe we can just take the drop insert can you just survive the drop without the cavern because it's just it's health percentage right so you should be able to instead of me wasting souls on the key i could probably just do that as long as i'm full health before i drop you need more health isn't is it fall damage percent based in this game though i'm pretty sure yeah you counted aigon take armor off yeah true light everything's better not at the health you're at oh i do have spook i have spook yes i forgot that was the reason that i wait i kind of like that hood better much cooler i can deck myself out whatever has more absorption okay this looks stupid i take it back i want my helm back okay yeah i'm gonna go i'm gonna just go spook it's a lot easier i know i won't die so let's just take off the who would i need to lease down there probably honestly the crew is really strong though so i go spooky spooky spooky spooky scary skeleton it lasts long enough for me to roll down right watch me die thank god okay oh hey i can catch it perfect really oh my god damn you that's kind of sad okay what else can it catch i caught a router oh there's skeletons in here i can catch a skeleton i did dude i got a shiny fighter he's been carrying my ass man what's prad up to we played a lot of left for dead today it was pretty sweet okay i need to catch a skeleton yeah no he killed it too fast this one's cool can i catch the skeleton i just need you to hit him hit him fighter hit him good whatever oh i tried to time it so he'd be like getting hit and dying whatever that we'll see please please no oh and then he killed him damn you fighter you bloodthirst your bloodthirst is too much man damn it it was fun okay it was actually really fun especially with the mods i didn't know you could mod it like that that's so cool that made it much more interesting i i don't think i have to go put in my tokens i'll be there soon i think this is the last thing i have to catch perfect yes yes please work please work please wear please work giant rat yeah okay anything else that i can catch down here i don't know i don't think so though ah get out of the way yes fighter kick his ass nice okay this guy has got some he was a pirate in his past life obviously okay let's move on you don't need to damage them to catch them i find it works better though personally maybe it's not though maybe that's just maybe a tier one what about like later tears i would assume they have to get injured because that i'm pretty sure it affects the probability well you can catch pink eye i'ma stay safe from that uh return for now little one oh boy i don't even want this talisman but i'm doing it i know i saw fraud i didn't see fighter fighters did you see though i caught you you're my number one pokemon so far yeah i have a raw infused flask i haven't found any other good gems come here arena arena touch the darkness i'll touch you little fighter's op dude he geeks it out man it's like a lightweight boxer bobbing and weaving spooky boys are useless yes yes yes sharp gem did i get a sharp gem i might have grabbed one where am i forgetting where that sharp gem is giant rat can be captured is it different can i capture more and probably not uh okay scary i'll just go get the shortcut i choose you blind clear that that's awful it's very different okay you kind of okay i'm gonna warp back after i get the shortcut and i'm gonna go i'm gonna go give my tokens and see if i'm the trainer level two yet so i can catch some of the better pokemon okay we'll get this guy out the way goodbye oh no oh i'm stupid i'm the dumbest i guess like i could go up but like and i'll go down first damn it uh i'm pretty sure all the humanoid enemies you need to be trainer level two from what i tried so far i tried to catch like a night i tried to catch a few things and my trainer level wasn't high enough so yeah you can definitely catch the outrider knights but i bet you you can't catch them at my current trainer level in before jail listen we died once it was at the beginning we got mauled and now all my pokemon had died and i was beating a man with a with my cleric stick for one damage okay so let's get the bonfire and then we'll go level up oh ryder yeah outriders are not it's not steve that definitely wouldn't be soon i can kind of tell like how their damages sell all my shields and stuff for extra souls i mean it's not that much it's not worth it 100 souls it's like whatever okay dude some of these things are going to be nuts i'm just trying to think of like the big ai enemies like obviously the demon will be insane but uh i'm trying to think of other ones that will be good should i level up first well first we'll give our tokens we'll give our tokens first because automatic let's see if i go to level two studied toward i'm still not the next trainer level damn bro that's nuts it takes a lot huh should i start sacrificing all my stats honestly like what do i need to use spook though okay i'm not gonna sacrifice my int at the moment because spook is useful until i get cat ring so there's that more health could be appreciated just so i can survive longer for my pokemans let's just do that 15 is fine oh but wait wait i can actually have another i want four okay we're going to tune it we're going to tune in first get something with bleed okay like a bleed okay i got ai enemy with bleed or like a bleed infused flask we'll do this and then i'll sell something to get to the next level because i want to have a fourth choice here my pokemans uh the dog is actually pretty good just not in undead settlement currently hmm the regular hollow's pretty good ah fire flask is great can i crush some souls let's just cross this there we go yeah all the flasks have different abilities i just need to find more gems there we go no 300 shorts damn you me the arena ring okay let me go look actually i want to see what she sells in general i want to see how the npcs are different oh god i am purchase item allows oh okay that's way worth it that's solid i even want to learn miracles what about okay question if i had a regen like this does that heal my pokemon because that would be solid too and i might do that but then i have to level up my faith yeah we're automatically putting that on man oh i don't have any rings on what am i doing just because i may as well only by the way forever uh no no it doesn't okay what's this hollows have bleed right get them hollow slave let's try it oh you can test the damage oh he's literally like a practice dummy okay okay return little fighter that's definitely snorlax obviously how could it not be wait did i find anything yeah i have another bone shard oh i didn't get should i get gray rat quick things i should huh damn i forgot about gray rat oh it would probably get like a bleed animation wouldn't it okay i could see that happening i don't think anything i have has bleed though the grooves i'm pretty sure they have poison uh maybe i should do the npc things though because they might do things like obviously arena just sold me something interesting let me just go grab gray rat really quick uh fastest way to grab would be tower on the wall okay when you go and ghost hunting dude it was actually fun dude when uh lost figured out they had we had walkie talkies that's all me and pra did for a little bit not gonna lie it's a good time okay let's just go all the way down yeah these things hurt i'm not gonna lie but oh god please don't throw a firebomb right now dodge get him fighter kick his ass he's got nothing on you dude yeah see i told you he's weak he's not trained in the ways of the troll [Music] maybe he'll sell me some special ring too well i obviously get that ring but like you know oh we always we automatically start with this two oh it's such a good quality of life thing for them to do solid yeah i forgot to burn the bone share but i was going back that's why i didn't so uh oh i got yule also hang on should we do some yol questing we're going to be ugly but like maybe he sells something also oh hello what do you have we have sorceries no random ring okay well you know what perfect just what i've always needed uh yeah i do i want to tune in it's probably the best choice right and then after that it oh god uh huffle just throws that ancient wyvern i imagine you can't capture the npcs right so don't care about being ugly we'll be the undead i'm catch the bro like it's it's already too late for me i'm already ugly oh what what do you got anything interesting there little gray rat i imagine we know at all my muffins do like one damage so i'll just give him loretta's bone let's go heavens yeah i think i gave the tokens yeah i think i did the other tokens already and then yeah i'm going to go sacrifice myself a little bit more too i just want to see if any of these guys have anything worthwhile that's new because of the mod no they don't okay well okay that's good for now we can sacrifice strength at least to five because i wanna be able to wield like the suspects just for perseverance and like casting and stuff so we'll sacrifice self further strength ups my strength so what's my strength right now it's wait let me just look at it you can upgrade the conduit what okay so i can sacrifice five strength and it'll be okay right for strength wait for strength yeah five is minimum okay so i can't even go below that sweet that's good that's fine boom let's get our stronger yeah i'm not gonna sacrifice i mean endurance is already like i don't wanna i need some endurance maybe i can sacrifice all but that's a lot that's tough dude more hp is nice what about dex i don't need faith either for now what is that up just special defense kit wait i wanna see what upgrading my conduit does though what is that where do i upgrade my conduit i mean potions might also be nice yeah the dodge fuel's importance it's like can't attack so yeah great wood would suck with this i probably will do that later and i've already infused my conduit i've already given my tokens okay oh from andre okay let's go see what we can do well i need some stats like rolling uh re reinforce weapon oh infuse oh that's how you infuse it that's fine i already did that reinforced estos no i don't see where you would yeah i was like i don't think you can upgrade the conduit it's just the you can infuse it i already did that though and i don't have any more gems for it so i gotta wait there we go and then we'll bone charted up boom okay now we can go catch something wait i'm still on trainer level two what did i not catch yet um i caught a bug caught a hollow caught a dog caught the the peasant hollows i'm still not trainer level two though damn anything left in the area that i didn't catch i caught a crystal lizard can you just keep catching crystal lizards though to do that oh my spell catalysts oh i don't really wait oh oh you can actually do it hang on i didn't look at spell catalyst you're right wait a second the bug didn't escape did it i'm pretty sure i caught the bug oh no it escaped you're right damn forgot about that no you can't you can't upgrade it andre's fell i just looked plus of the man i didn't catch a lizard though frag you're right okay um there's a lizard up on the roof i can go grab that one really quick yeah i'll go get that one that won't be too hard i have a rat actually i don't the big rat though if you can catch the big ride that's something else i can go catch i wanna be the very best like no one ever was dancing okay thank you okay uh the lothic knights are tier two i think bear bear oh the corvians oh yeah i can still progress that's right i'll get this bug and then if we don't have enough at that point we'll just go to the next area yeah that's what i figured how many how many have i given though that was like four or five and then i caught so i'm close i'm close yeah i actually did that jump first try twice i'm pretty good at that jump i used to do a lot of pve runs no damn it that's not what i tried to hit square chase your brain no yes are you serious oh wait i caught it no why they so hard to catch what the what damn yeah i'm gonna go to the next area it i don't want to like keep re-jumping up there to do that whether they are talking about the game or not is up to you thank you matthew i hope you're talking about the game giant rat yeah okay we'll go try the giant rap once and then if that's a no-go we'll go to the crucifixion woods so this will be the test here oh i have a giant water jug beside me yes okay let's do it okay can i should i just try to like throw it from up here let's just it just why not no you know what i have an idea i'll sacrifice all my boys you get in there you go in there and you be good go get him you coward i'll pet oh go get him go get him i'll be right here with the pokeball you missed the one thing i wanted you to hit oh i can't catch it not a high enough level come back up here it's too late for you okay good to know though giant rat is level two damn it oh well the pokeballs are cheap at least it's okay road of sacrifice here we come yeah i'll probably buy some fire bombs that's pretty it's pretty good it's pretty big brain right there yeah that's good wait no i already caught the cage things yeah that's that's true okay so yeah that's a good idea we'll catch a corvian just like throw this guy out of them and we'll just go get him hollow damn i'm always a little early on that timing we'll see though no the bad bro that was a good throw do it do it little hollow look at the swag he's got his outfit on he's he's clutch yes i think it's mine nice we got a corbin sweet that's good enough i can actually attach another holo now or whatever i want i have two more slots oh yeah we almost got a full pokemon roster what's this that's a corbin got a corbin up in here and then a rat maybe or the dog like i mean the dogs are good but the rat nah dog yeah dog what was this skeleton this thing suck actually okay cool uh okay keep going on the bugs yeah if i see more i'll throw them it's okay until then we'll just push a little bit forward how many tokens do i have now i have one more i probably need one or two more huh summon corvian then swap it okay i have to wait because i just threw this guy out there but corbin oh what he's the poison corvian weird ow can you kill this one oh he poisons him that's cool oh that's cool get in there gogo okay now i have a poison that's actually kind of useful i'm not gonna lie to you uh come here oh he's fighting those things quick before they transform don't fall off the cliff oh the dog actually caused him to bleed dog is op he like has good aggro range no the pot missed but the dog's such a good one he's my little growlithe okay yeah i didn't look like the poison poison or everything no dog no damn it oh my this thing is vicious y'all you're in my way pokemon you're on my way no my own pokemon got me killed no oh yeah now you kill it damn it with trash okay at least we caught all we needed to catch though i know you definitely can't catch npcs that'd be kind of stupid i don't think you can i don't know if the poison from the corbin works yeah why is the corbin the staff one it'd be so much better if he wasn't but let's just see again we'll give it another chance here like will he transform if he's like pushed to the edge enough come here mildred hey what's up booty snatcher what the like he just transformed right there like what the he one shot mildred with what he hurt me the hyper aggressive ones would be pretty good but i don't understand he killed something right man he killed himself damn it yeah you can follow my accordion that's what you deserve oh i forgot my souls no okay i get warped back it's fine what a pain in the ass i thought i hit a on them for x out of the way i want the scythe for the in dude that's not fair hold the lions grew yeah the dog below is it different i'll try that definitely give that a shot my souls are important though damn i gotta sprint that all over again put a pain in the booty if it hits with the fire attack and melts the poison is okay that's fair because like it one shot mildred before i even did anything so oh it's a regular dog ah it's the same okay that's fair i mean anything that looks very similar i imagine they wouldn't put all the variants of the enemy where is my souls though i'm confused oh right here i spammed as i went through weird okay these ones wouldn't be different than would they no okay well then no point in catching these we move on there are the tree people though i guess i could catch the tree people right that seems like a for sure in my opinion let's go try and see if we have enough tokens yeah that'd be cool if we can get stick boy that would be solid i caught a couple so i only caught one more token is that 10 i wish i would have kept track damn it i don't still re okay how many did i give i feel like we've caught a lot i can go try the bug again just just for kicks or we can catch a tree maybe i'm at nine i'll go try the bug one more time try the ogre hmm i'm level two now how do you tell i don't think i'm level two right now pretty sure what it told me oh small crabs too okay we can go catch a stick person and a crabby and it should be okay let's just talk to andre and the boy here okay it did tell me it said training towards next level it didn't say achieved next level damn it okay that should work hopefully okay that's something and then we'll catch we gotta like and throw up hunter wait what that's what those are called what isn't the lycanthrope like those things over there that's really weird what in the hell oh yeah i can get a mushroom easy that'd probably be an easy catch come here oh fps drops dishonest can i get two for one no that'd be cool though i'm on the hunt oh there you are how useful of you okay we got a poison bug horn i didn't mean to pet this thing i wanted to pick it up okay uh we can can we actually i guess the lycanthropes would be like tougher okay so we're gonna crab and then we should be set if we get a crab okay where are you little one i'm coming for your baby oh that's not an enemy and i'm gonna go warp and see if we're finally level two no groove you don't stand a chance get out of there recall my no my guru is dead i also don't stand a chance my health my health is pathetic okay well at least we caught what we needed catch hazel imagine that'd be pretty funny okay now i want to see what happens when i hit level two that's freaking three tokens okay wait i'm gonna do it one by one so i can keep track of when i hit ten there we go i'm at ten that's level one i'm ten in okay skill mastery increase trainer level unlocked sweet okay so honestly i'm just going to keep these tokens on me and that way when i hit the next one i know easy easy things there what did that do though abyssal flask it gave me ultra abyssal flask okay so these are better flasks for the level 2 pokemon probably right oops wrong person let's do this open shop can i oh i can't buy the ultra ones though ah that's tough hmm i get one this mod it is addictive i thought maybe oh it's great sorry sorry i'm blind i'm blind i didn't see the great abyssal flask i'm stupid so this is like a great ball they're more expensive though if i kind of want to level my health a little bit though but i want great balls to catch some stronger things so kind of got to do it so that's the thing now what do you guys think here's my choices we got lothric knight who i think would be pretty good because it's got a shield and it's pretty tanky the lycanthropes because they move a lot like the actual like ones actually i want to see something yeah the lycanthropes could be useful the corbin was just trash so let me see why does it say i always because there's a lycanthrope hunter i just wanted to see what it oops yeah i feel like the lothric knight would be a go-to to be honest they're tanky they do a lot of damage i feel like we'll go get one of those the blue lothric knight does it count as the same tier if it does i'm gonna go get that because that one's a monster if so let's try if i can get the blue knight we're set if it's a red knight i'll settle i guess blue is the same it is but like oh so even if i catch the wait question it's the same as in same tier or no matter what they're gonna be the same oh it's just gonna be a normal night okay then i may as well just catch the weaker one it go do my bidding little one no shield can stop the mighty tree unless it's dumb oh i tried to kick realize i probably can't okay my pot throw one this thing sucks let's throw that up there dude this is like a test dummy my tree thing is so slow oh my god i cry for the tree boy okay go get him the beginning hollow is actually better than the tree dude okay what's weak though what would not kill this knight maybe the dog try and drag this guy no no i wasn't pretty i wasn't prepared oh my god he's murdered what do you guys think i should use the great abyssal flask of the ultra one probably the great one just throw a regular one or but i okay i'll try a regular one first just to see if i wasted oh there's one more to the right you're right you're right you're right thank you before i sat down that's actually useful yeah i think i'm gonna try a regular one i forgot about these ones to be honest with you i feel like the health has impact okay i feel like getting them lower is important is important where's my dog yo dawg what the are they supposed to warp to me if i get to get fired from me bro what are you what are you doing okay now get him that's a low health catch right there that's like ideal he didn't even die he's like two hp nerd hey try again oh yeah i can recall this no dude okay it i'm trying a great ball uh okay i should just put them all on my thing my tool belt could you not every time with the exact same thing maybe do i need the like other tiers to catch the tier pokemon oh i do i guess i do i probably do that makes sense though nice oh we got one good enough got a lot of knight now we have a tier 2 pokemon that's solid damn it the frame drops when you go through doorways though you do not okay it just it probably ups your chances though obviously okay so this thing sucked just throwing that out there i'm gonna try to put the best ones in order i feel like i'll have my beast at the front oops so we'll have the lothric knight the thrall is probably next best the hollow's been carrying me uh dog i guess oh wait no grew grew and then dog okay i don't think can you i don't think you can have multiple no because i couldn't have two hollows so yeah the the knights are all the same i i i talked to my chat about that yeah okay so what else did we miss that was a tier two the the pot throwers that could be cool let's try to get a pot thrower no i didn't catch a mimic yet i could though let's try this guy let's see how easy it is with the lothric knight on our team the potholing boy and the evangelist that's true i'll try a regular flask since they're so cheap compared hey you ugly come face my mighty oh champion jesus dude that was a lot of damage just a random plot throw to assert dominance no big deal hey okay we got a hollow man servant let's go uh and evangelist right that's what we have to do we've caught in so many i don't know we're going to go see i'm gonna go see how strong the evangelist is we're gonna have a boss team dude all the tanky oh and the big rat maybe oh wait no okay okay oh yeah perfect timing no no no ah he got out damn it okay gotta try another one that's the trouble if they if you kill them first uh [Music] it's probably easier to just sit at the bonfire than to go get the other one i don't see the stupid sharp dagger lizard i mean sharp gem lizard here so pet the knight i could pet the night i'll see what happens when i pet the night maybe we maybe we ignite him or something dark wraith oh i can get the one in the high wall of lothric at the bottom try that out no damn it get away yeah you're right well after i hit it i can just recall it it's gonna get like one or two hits in there that's the way no now he's beside the stupid thing though kill that thing first please knight do my bidding what the hell happened get him knight yes hey nice not nice can't see okay oh oh wow the tracking can i throw through walls too yeah that's right get caught through a wall i hope at least what a good night boy oh evangelist caught okay okay let's go try and get the the dark wraith now and then we take our team to kill some bosses i guess i don't think i've missed out on anything oh yeah i pet the night okay okay okay we'll put the knight let's see yes we actually we like we grab his shoulder as if we're kind of like no oh blessed weapon oh ho okay that's sick all right let's go oh we need to get the tower key hang on hang on uh i'll just grab what's his name's thing uh yeah but i can get i could just run in quickly uh no i don't wanna you're right i wanna catch that demon after is there any way i can get a pale tongue that isn't by going the sigward road right now i'm blanking on all pale tongue locations giant rat hmm oh yeah i'll try the giant rat too i got more flasks while i'm here too you're right you're right you're right you're right i can give the ashes too not that that does anything probably but oh wait she doesn't sell the i keep forgetting just go there and bone true true true true that should be okay right should that would that be okay i mean yeah it should be okay i didn't catch the dark wraith yet maybe i'll come back for it i mean whatever it's no big deal there's a pale tongue before the bed chamber yeah i wanna i wanna catch the demon so i don't wanna yeah sorry just had a really dry throat right there uh oh yeah we can catch the great axe hollow i think it's just a hollow though from what it seems like let's just go through the woods really quick and we'll go back for the dark grey if i get a pale song somewhere yeah i'm gonna equip my better ones honestly the big rat isn't really worth it i mean i get a token for it maybe but like it's a shitty i don't think the rats are that good okay so lothric knight's obviously good honestly the dog glitches out a lot and the hollow's pretty k hang on let's just do this this thing is insane it probably will always be this thing's also strong thrall is great for movement and the last one is dog or gru what do you guys think hmm it's between the dog and the groove i really i'm torn but i think the grew stronger i think the dog just gets too shot anyway okay that's true that's a baby crab that's not a big crab dog is faster but let's go try to get a big crab i could help could help a lot let's go this way oh can i catch the the beast lichens over here i probably can huh let's use the hollow man servant i want to see how strong he is that answered that question good boy okay okay i need you to do it to him now that dude oh my god get him get him i'll try to time it perfect come back don't kill it it's weak because that could be a nice addition very nice okay now you can kill everything else pot drop nice i'm sorry you weren't one of the lucky ones that got caught so you're gonna die to my pot man let's go uh yo buddy i kinda have a situation in the situation room mr man hello do the baby crabs alone and deal with this thing oh boy okay okay goddamn beast you beast i'm guessing the black knight's like a tier three i probably can't catch that yet come on smash hulk smash there we go oh yeah giant crab we can catch a giant crab though let's do this crap battle i don't have a crab how much damage do you think this thing might be oh he's gonna kill him damn that's strong as hell okay yo okay we're getting we're getting a good kill like catch rate right now it's a solid damn and i got the ring because of that okay let's just go over here i guess i'll try i kind of know though but i'll throw it for you guys but i know it's gonna be like a tier three it's too much of a boss it's not the same as a lothric knight yeah that's what i figured no don't kill it it doesn't come back yeah that seems like it would be a tier three okay we'll leave it alone then thank god it didn't die did it oh no thank god okay you killed that once i don't wait does it come back i forget i'm pretty sure it doesn't oh it comes back oh does it okay i really thought it didn't for some reason maybe i played a mod where it died and i didn't get his weapon oh it respawns okay that's fine yeah we know i think i can kind of feel what is and isn't catchable at my level although i was kind of surprised the big crab being tier two so can't talk too hard i get the shield to where is this like a stamina recovery ow jesus oh buddy where did you come from jesus oh boy pokemon go don't die no i didn't even cast it no there's a dog here nice oh boy lothric night i choose you no why is the black knight still here jesus okay honestly man that threw me off so hard holy like where did he come from okay well at least we know we can't catch the black knight though oh jesus okay i'm definitely leveling up my hp next like a hundred percent this is this is ridiculous i'm getting two shot okay there's nothing else i want here so that's not the bonfire god dammit no okay just you know skewer me and eat me brother it's okay is that a 100 block shield oh i don't have any strength okay that's the downside shields would have been nice oh great you know how hard it is to like throw out a pokemon when the dog is chasing you it's actually the hardest there we go there you go get get by my lothrick knight of beastness okay now we can try to catch things here i might just keep something out with me at all times like the hollow man servant let's go buddy oh wait should i should i attach to my better pokemon yeah that's right i forgot i caught them so damn this is sad the thrall is so good so it's like big crab where's big crab all the lichen i can't i can't not have this set up they're all much stronger okay let's go uh wait he needs to be able to fit in the building let's do like and throw for now let's go come on buddy kick this one's butt you he ain't got nothing on you the battle we've all wanted to see oh mine was stronger okay buddy okay all right go get him go get him champ no he's over here get him get him while he's hot oh boy that's a strong one he was the chieftain of his family okay yeah i'm gonna pet him next time he goes to fight get these three dudes they're gonna try to ram ambush me no no i'm stuck in this animation oh he's dead thank god the pot the pot saved me get him yeah good job good job good boy good boy good boy yeah i'm going to that's right it's right this way i just wanted to see what's over there actually where are my souls shouldn't they be here oh it's over here no that's a very annoying spot to be them get them liking you having some trouble so we're going to initiate crabble for the stabble good job crab good job oh yeah murder go on a rampage thank you thank you thank you thank you i think they regen just from static health like when they're not being attacked is what it seems like anyway yes crab dude crab him up all right let's go to let's go in here uh who else did we want to test i haven't really tested the evangelist yet go get him boy [Music] i was drinking water damn dude protect me protect me screw this hollow it's useless behind me behind you no you're getting up and there's a dog on me is the problem okay buddy you're you're weak for now i put you away we'll get them liking damn the dog bro the dog is a major thank you problem no attack yes kick his ass he's bass we'll beat him on him together let's go back good job good job good job all right so you know what i'm a fan of my knight he's aggressive and strong go get him wait i'm gonna pet you first go get buffed and then go get him and i'll chill here and just drink my water yes do my bidding no no not a sorcerer you that wizard up that dishonest wizard yeah next keep going go all out night go all out i believe in you oh there's one back here he's attacking me freaky tree water thank you man yeah it's like a mod that allows you to just catch like it's pokemon get to fight all the bosses and stuff like this it's pretty cool all right come here sir come here up top try to catch a mage oh yeah that's right i can catch mages which mage though which one's the most useful there's like three in here first you got to kill this thing nice okay and then we'll just go for you know what what's this this isn't a mage this is a hollow nice hit the one behind you and then okay he hit you that's free okay let's stay full health here okay oh boy that one hit you with a shield what a dishonest lad this one no no i'm not there to get the catch damn oh there's another chance i have another chance get him no oh boy no ah dude he came out of nowhere there's another one though there's one up top right we all use a slower enemy that doesn't attack in sequence like that which one would that be the hollow man servant like one shots but like at the same time he's slower so it's easier to like i gotta get ahead of him no no don't kill him right now no i'm not oh that's so unfortunate i had to roll his crystal soul spear it uh okay is there any more damn i got the rest okay let's hit the bonfire rip oh it's a normal hollow oh oh okay i'm not too sad then damn it oh well it's kind of sad not going to lie to you what else is in this area then that i can catch i just have to go get my sorcerer and then get the crystal soul or get the sage killed he's gonna go kill the wait i mean i could catch this right i already caught a small crab actually whoa nothing it up hey man this is my study have you i have enough hints feels good feels good to have the right amount of int okay so it then i guess we'll just go i'm gonna go level up some hp and then we'll fight the stage i guess oh the mimic we can try to get the mimic that's true that's pretty close to the bonfire anyway oh i i know i keep running i have this and i forget every time uh okay so yeah i'll level up and then just give me that there hp madam that's not a lot but it's enough i do i have better armor on me actually yeah sell sword armor you're right it's better i have a lot to ignite pants to some degree this is better a little bit and i got an estus flask i did yes i did corrupted hollow which one is that the one with the axe i needed it for my pokemon catches okay leave it alone it's a pretty sick mod actually i'm not gonna lie to you i'm enjoying it um i'm gonna keep counting my tokens here i'm not gonna give them away cf7 i only need like 13 more and then i'm tier three so yeah i'm gonna also use the number after ah it let's just go kill the sage and then we can catch everything new there and we can go get a what's it called after a mimik i i gotta appreciate that they went with the the canada tokens let's see how much ember health they have actually that's a little bit better you know all right so we gotta get we had a decent roster though honestly i think the mimic would be a little bit slow anyway so these are pretty good who's the best start since like usually the sage sucks at the starting probably the night right or maybe the pot throwing dude maybe the crab actually i don't know they're all pretty good i'll see the night he'll do the most attacks in sequence i think we're about to see damn that frame rate lost though okay let's get close to here him and then summon lothar tonight attack go boy get him get him boy okay let's keep him out he deserves the pride of his nation here yeah if i'm ever gonna blind i'll do that no pay attention to me okay oh then the clones get here maybe i'll just go whack the clones that'll be my stratus the trainer here no i'm stunning them yeah oh you just missed that's rough authentic right over here over here boy come get him and then i'll pet him oh boy that hurt pet get ready i'll heal i'm getting ready to whack them all this one's probably the real one of course why wouldn't i find the real one instantly this time oh boy no my locker ignite my loss there's night in my locker knight oh no go get him hollow man serpent this is a problem get hit dodge that no holla you're getting up dude like and throw the aggressive go go go go go i have all the aggro this is good yes him up no yes good job this thing is still following me what the hell good like good job man good job you get pets you get the pets man serpent did he tried his best man servant tried his best it's not hate he did his best okay let's go to that's not a lot of souls man i feel gypped on the souls i even have the soul ring on and everything god damn uh oh can i get the crystal lizard from the first area now or is it a tier three let's go try from the first area just to see what the hell am i watching you're watching life it's unfolding oh it's tier three trash okay that's sad okay um we can go get the mimic though that is here at least that's a tier two i think is what you said yeah i beat ascended mod gavin eat all the bosses did it all hell mode was hell but we beat it true the great axe boy yes i'm sure he's different get the sword ring would that i don't know if that would affect my pokemon them like there'd be no point if it didn't uh what am i here for uh i literally probably just said it out loud but i forget oh mimic yeah thank you genius chase genius no no that's bad that thing is aggressive as my my thing is not really hauling ass after me right now fine then i okay no he's going to kill them there we go get him thank you oh rings affect the pokemon okay that's solid then oh hey at night i'm sweet whoa why am i so heavy man i got no vitality the blood white ring i guess that's better all right let's go mr crabby i choose you holy kingler sorry that is jokes his face though get him uh kingler is confused there we go okay i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to summon him in here i think he's probably the hardest hitting one to be honest or at least the best to open the mimic fight with too small of his face maybe uh buddy oh i have to aggro right now get it get it you fool you gave it the chance to attack oh boy ah i hope i catch it in one shot or gg i couldn't i had the stupid shield on so i couldn't call back my dude that was close though i know mimics don't respawn there's other ones it's okay oh well yeah it's phantom that's what we're trying to do we're being catch the bro today it also respawns are you sure i mean mimics don't really respond unless like the the mod does that i could believe that to be honest oh it didn't drop the item okay let's go check it doesn't hurt to check true but it didn't drop its item in so we'll see they don't respond in normal games of course but i mean this be a mod ah yes yeah they don't normally but i still thought it might be a chance okay let's go get the axe hollow then okay i guess you wanna fight oh god please he's the most annoying enemy in the game this hides behind the stairs like a coward smash that's what you deserve okay no i imagine you couldn't catch that dragon that's for sure not not that specific one anyway that'd be utterly ridiculous to like summon in areas uh you know what the lothric night's like a great choice boom go my youngin go smash really let me just buff you fix this okay this thing next perfect okay now let's just try to throw and catch which one's the axe night he is right there oh huh you're a funny buddy you know what let's see oh no that timing though it's so slow i'll try again oh wait i couldn't catch this earlier either so these are probably the same the axe and this hall are probably identical so it doesn't matter okay out of the way damn it and it died to the pot bro what the hell's my slowest summon like dude i need i need time here you go oh my god all right now i'm mentally prepared okay now come here no no no no you want to kill that one okay that's hilarious nothing's gonna die that's what you get okay come here doggo no why him first what did what what bro oh my god i hate this i don't want the dog i already have a dog this kill this kill that thing yes yes yes oh my god can i please turn myself when i throw a poke ball please like oh no my last one i don't care it's worth it more troubles than catching things in real pokemon oh god damn yeah but i don't have time to lock on sometimes that's the problem i'm too far dodging another animal oh well i i don't have any pokeballs anyway gotta buy more gotta go back more pokeballs sell dupe pokeballs no no no we're doing it the real the great ball that but it's more expensive and i haven't had to use the great balls for like most things so oops i'll try a few more regular balls i don't want to waste the great balls yet they're expensive they're very expensive let's get like 10 more no it's got 20 more and okay the grind of a young trainer it's a tough one hey i'm gonna level my health before i go on to the next area for sure yeah but i do want to catch this first time oh that's a question i don't think you'd be able to catch a giant worm but uh not sure entirely who's to say now buddy come on come here he's right here okay when you pet the crab it heals himself oh that's op where did my thing go where were you what okay you over there with the dog face come here you must die there and then i have full concentration on this guy will recall after he hits him once go get him go get him with one swing let's go come here come here we meet again young hollow go go get him nights nights bro knights but why but why oh i don't know how but i'm pretty sure i saw distortion upgrade his trainer conduit really giuseppe maybe later on there's something you can do it i'm just going to throw the pokeballs the health makes a difference though i've noticed man they they escape instantly when they're when they're full health i'll show you i'll still try and throw a pokeball at it it won't work though okay there we go look the health matters okay i'll go through it it what about the transforming hollow let's see yeah dog's an easier catch like yeah look like it's not gonna work unless i heard him dude you guys never played pokemon before acting like you've never played pokemon come on boys i mean if i get it here no get away now now it's below half health this ups the chances what up the chances but chase with his luck i'm pretty sure the mod creator or whoever has played this told me that damaging them makes a difference okay that's good got a token solid and autumn raxwell what about the transforming hollow uh you mean the the plus of a man one i'm not sure if you can catch that to be honest whatever we got this let's i i don't maybe it is but it's probably a higher tier that thing is very strong let's go what do you guys think cathedral will go cathedral next bus of amanda's tier three that's what i thought i'm trying to get there's anything cool that i might like that i haven't caught thank you though guys for the tips and the donations too i guess we can go to the swamp huh there's a lot of things down there let's go crucifixion woods i have dark wraith that's right i can get dark braids at the swamp forgot i had nearly forgotten okay uh yeah i could level up but you know it's not too bad down there those enemies aren't bad at all yeah i can tell like they're really really beast enemies like black knights two three is there higher than tier three or is it just tier three and above we all live i'm not gonna not gonna follow suit there we go cool not that i even need those items but hey it's free all right man okay i'm just gonna quickly do i have any moss clumps no okay i'll just get this bonfire thing quick and then we'll just go the regular road josh's rotten flesh hang on what now i walked by a trainer i didn't even see josh where is he oh hello josh swamp master b nice name bam hey no no my pokemon's dumb this is your opponent he doesn't in the least feel endangered it's like a charizard it doesn't listen get him get him damn that thing is tanky you could see my guys iron spams that was great i know he's poisoned what's your next what's your next pokemon huh what's your next pokemon oh no it's a bleed no you fool fight the pokemon battle that's happening oh he's dumb okay oh that's going to hit me no it's not perfect perfect timing yes you're a master good job liking good job oh boy return go get the groove nice don't get poisoned return duty fulfilled hey i got another flask that's what you get man you challenged me to a pokemon battle weak he turned the grew against me he did dude okay back to my plan originally to get the the fire thing closed off yeah i have that groove they're all kind of the same so i came this way because i can get a dark wraith here in the wild i'm gonna capture a slug just to capture one but i didn't do it yet just want to get this quick what about the giant oh do these are these grooves all the same even though like martial art crews those things are different oh basilisks are different too forgot about that well can i catch the big dudes are they tier three i just want to throw a book you all at it to see even if it's a waste the elder group this is this will count as a different group right hopefully oh nice dodge chase really reactive i probably have to hurt it though there's no way i would catch this thing right off the bat they're two two okay sweet sweet okay let's just try to hurt a little bit oh you're gonna get up i know you're not good enough i don't want them oh no they're two three they're two three that sucks makes sense though they're strong they are strong ones get out of here okay so what can i catch a slug yeah everybody loves a weedle okay i got a slug yeah i wonder how many tears are there is there like three i feel like three i couldn't think of something so much stronger than a black knight that it would get its own tier you know as if i haven't found any moss club slowed him dark wraith is are you sure to upgrade this tier two like that would be like another two three one well the dlcs are disabled in this oh i didn't know that wreath oh i can catch a dark grey that's solid we'll get a dark wraith for sure dude yeah i think it's cool wait but yeah you can catch the demons apparently oh why did i come up here without a tool i say tool but i mean pokemon get him what are you doing nice good job stop get bopped get booped get potted okay i know just i'm rude to my pokemon pokemon are tools not friends no they are friends except for when they just leave me to die then they're bad friends oh that one's poisoned i forgot okay we'll go with the i mean el crabbo is gonna get auto poisoned so i gotta be careful he's gonna be strong though but i don't i'm poisoned okay what can handle these what are d key these are very dicky get them with the pot just whale them smack them are you so kind never mind okay good enough yeah i do have to get the frogs after i just want to get all the fires done what oh can you catch the stray demons probably the tier three um oh that surprised me get him nice one more time solid okay i did i started with the basically it was my starting pokemon oh yeah i forgot no i did it not i can catch one then i for sure thought that it gave me a token but maybe not okay let's just try to catch it and see go do work [Applause] oh wow it actually escaped that's rough that's not what i wanted i wanted this oh my god oh it turned me around when i went to throw it you ass oh maybe they are okay we're gonna try to catch [Applause] okay hurting at first is important i'm sticking by that okay we're close to the dark greats anyway i think i'll use a great ball on the dark brace they are solid um okay let's see trying to think of like enemy placement the dark rate's this way i do need the undead hundred charm though they are the same okay they are the same good to know you know it's my birthday no why is it my birthday good nice good job little one can i recall him on the staircase i can't okay what's up top there's the stray demon but that's a tier three uh so i'm not gonna go for that i stopping have i caught a damn like twinkling bug yet i don't think i have i really don't think i have is there anything up top that's different it's just hollows and the stray demon that i can't catch yet so all right i'll try to get a bug again god damn it if i can here you are going to be mine i need you for the token stop being so difficult nice i got we got one oh we got the swingling titanite that was in him solid solid covenant wolf is catchable yes great doggo i will join the covenant though just to have it oh thank you man one year older dude okay crystal lizard oh yeah it's a tier three the big ones are two three i'm not there yet i know i haven't caught enough i still need to catch um ten more things to be at the top tier so let's go catch uh a hall i mean a dark wraith i'm trying to think of where the best place to catch that is i mean there's one here but what what bonfire is the easiest to get to it from where i am and then to the right yeah i'm gonna catch starburst isn't there one like where is it is it up the stairs it's it might be kind of near the first bonfire right and then the other direction like to the left yeah it is i know where it is i'm i'm yeah yeah let's represent the coal i can go this way to right but it's probably faster for me to go left side from the beginning so i'm gonna do that okay yeah that's what i thought that's what i usually do which is fine yeah i can't catch the elder yet i'm not i'm not high enough level go this way best class to kill dancer before board uh honestly any work but i recommend get oh wait dancer before board then you can't do dark hand it's just like a long fight no matter what to be honest with you sell sword or straight sword or stock would be your best bets don't one one-shot me please being poisoned probably would have been a good choice oh boy don't kill it didn't expect that please yes we got it first try what that solid okay that's actually sick and we got the sages cool ah there's a basilisk that i need to catch here though perhaps we can do that probably best not to run through it that direction though i'll go oops not to the shrine whatever you know we can go to the shrine have a lot of money uh there's been trainers so far night fire there's still bosses that you have to kill but at the same time there's been actual trainers so i definitely need more health obviously i have the shittiest health pool i'd say like a thousand or like 900 i can make do with i want to keep my tokens i need nine more so wait what what uh the basilisks here by the door i can go around oh strength for a full block shield i've already sacrificed strength so like i don't know i could do that dodging is kind of similar but i guess that might be useful yeah let's let's tune some things here um night is so good the evangel the evangelist has been sucking he will put on the wreath what's this oh slug ha okay i don't really use shields much though so that's gonna we'll see i just wanna get a stupid froggy fastest way to frog actually the fastest way to frog i'll just i'll just continue and i'll drop down to get the frog after buy the sword oh yeah i could do that quick too one second i forgot you said it works on the pokemon just that be thank you man we'll do that that's actually useful it would be cool to have like bosses be gym leaders but i mean fighting the bosses is also kind of cool so yeah i i don't know i mean i'll buy it to see but interesting um i could get the shield ring too oh wait i can get the life ring that's worth wait i need to give her ashes oops didn't i just do that what the hell wait what do i need to give her to sell the rings i can't do it yet so these rings are good enough i'm too heavy then so we gotta adjust here ah paladin's ashes yes that's what i forgot i've gotten all the ashes so far though so sage ring would that actually work i also okay actually before we before we ruin i'm gonna grab the scroll and give it to orbeck i don't want to up my thing yeah i didn't know that i didn't know the sage ring would work like that though that's cool that's pretty cool it wouldn't yeah i didn't think it it is oh i'll test we'll see they do boost the speed okay i guess it's tied to cast speed makes sense because you can weapon with it like it's a buff you're calling it back it's the same thing as the staff so i already have a dark wraith which i guess i can fight these with let's see how my dark wraith does against the dark wraith oh i tried to beat him yeah oh that's bad perfect okay noise oh no that's so annoying better where all my dark greens got up really everyone's getting messed up here where can i get this one get him pot man get him get him there we go get him out of my way perfect oh i just refreshed uh yeah my probably had a dip for a second honestly i think i think i might i might stop after this watchers anyway maybe i don't know we'll see see how we're feeling this watchers is pretty solid though okay let's go get the froggy and the scroll here i think i might continue this tomorrow i like it a lot it's cool uh yeah i know i need to get killed so i'm gonna do the stupid thing i know hologen oh perfect hey froggers nice he jumped up into it how cool is that in the meantime go get him no really that's tough bro oh there's a pot let's wait that's my pod guy nice i got basilisk down let's go get the thing for our back here uh i'm gonna need you to do some work here dark grave have at it uh nice good i get that one no no no no no that's looking real bad we're good this is just the antiquated set right yeah okay okay i think that's all i needed from this area until i'm a tier three dude so let me go back to the bonfire we got the frog hollow gems give you the power of the missingno oh god i remember that thing uh i can't catch the crystal lizards yet okay we make we make progress here uh i already used a hollow gym oh wait no i didn't i used a raw gem sorry you're right what's the hologen infused to create hollow weapon infused quantum it gains extra f item find and teaches you creatures the metronome ability twinkling oh that's nothing triving has the benefit of undoing the okay is that really good metronome i don't know that's just random it's metronome basically okay i mean the pothead is fine two uh extra item fine though i don't really need item find to be honest unless it's for gems i guess is it actually op okay well let's just go try i guess what the hell why the hell not the pot throws pretty op to me okay whatever we'll try it summons ring city arch oh it randomly can be op okay that's fair okay i do want to try them all we've already got decent use out of the pop throw it wasn't that good it misses a lot so i'll try the hollow one let's do it oh it looks cooler anyway it like glows like a star i like it oh i haven't asked the shard they were kind of cruising through this somehow i do and i have a bone shard god damn it okay let's get okay actually do i need to talk to anybody for the quest lines yes that is a yes great rat do i really care about sending him out i didn't do cigarettes i didn't go to the cathedral yet though so and i didn't kill the demon yet because i don't want to um okay and i want to give the scroll lower back you're right that is important as long as i give him one scroll he doesn't leave right i'm never a damn sorcerer and if i'm not focusing on it oh my it's from one not even the dragon school but what so it should be okay i don't mean i i can't i got him come again uh he leaves if you don't give him a scroll and you beat the this watchers right that's part of his quest i'm pretty sure it's just giving him the scroll i need to get a level from mule i don't know if i died enough but oh wait when does you'll leave damn wait a second is yola hard pressing thing right now oh then shove it i'll just keep going more health to be honest when will oh you'll dies after this watchers oof really maybe maybe i'll do the off myself thing really quickly then that's my hollowing right now too same demon is below willner oh once i so i um okay that's true the same demon is below one year you're right you're right that's two chances to catch it i could just jump off the cliff a bunch of times right now or so wait if i kill abyss watchers and i don't go into karthus like i don't unlock the shortcut is it okay when you enter the catacombs okay so i'd have to get the catacombs message that's fine then i'll just go to two deacons for now then i could fight deacons first though just to be in order but like i'm already at the abyss watchers okay they said once i enter the catacombs that's fine i'll just i'll just kill abyss watch because i'm pretty sure that's right from what i remember i think it's been so long since i've done the quest lens i already used my shirt what do you mean already gave these guys confused yeah i just don't walk into the catacombs okay that's fine i just want to keep it in order for like recordings and stuff we already did all of i already did both of those why are you guys so confused look okay uh hugo uh chase i've been watching this stream for hours now i'm addicted dude it's actually such a good thing i really am enjoying this a lot all right let's go try and at least fight abyss watchers there's nothing i can catch here that i don't have already so it's all it's down to our boys here down to our boys oh if the wall to catacombs moves you'll die all right well i'll make sure it doesn't move i'll just kill him far away from that and then i'll just bow in the out oh boy don't get in front of me that's going to be oh really oh the crab yo let's try crab first really a game oh boy get him crabby oh my god the crab is so tanky what look at his defense he's like he can one before them no crappy go no no no no what the hell hang on now something went bad right there who did the lightning attack what the what's happening mess with crabble get the stabbo get spewed on okay okay oh that's the hollow gem oh that's the metronome what the oh yeah i forgot about that that's solid holy let me just heal you quick no he's coming i think i did good there i think i saved my brethren yeah the crabs full health oh that's so good oh and he came out smacking him oh yes oh yes buddy who needs a roster of pokemon when you have crab actually crabs down again tactical pokemoning no damn and i can't help him when he gets done like that oh that was the metronome randomly lito come on crabby we could one shot this first try man it's on you crabby it's on you yeah good shake good crap good job good job my man oh yeah i got to stay away from that thing opening i won't even let the bonfire it i don't risk it solid though that was first try that was actually first try maybe they do or something all right well now we got a lot of levels so it's like what do we want to do here do we want to buy more pokeballs i only have six left should i splurge and get a little bit of the the good poke balls you know maybe like five five of them and then we'll get like 10 shitty ones maybe 15. i always looking okay actually it's not like the worst so it's not terrible uh i can go catch some more stuff though maybe i'll get my i want my like soft cap health to be like that's fine that's okay i can make do with that as long as i don't get hit too much uh well ashen won um okay it should we go do the cathedral i'm kind of feeling cathedral anyway let's at least get to like the easy stop what do i have to catch though i grew right uh i can catch a guru easily here it's mostly how much space do i have left to record this playthrough on uh we got 97 gigs that's a lot okay all right let's just smack him with the knight and throw it and yeah and that'll be it you go get him go buddy i'mma catch me that groove i think i caught it and i got a token you're right okay solid solid uh yeah all the things that the cathedral i haven't caught yet at all so let's go back to the woods and just power to the cathedral wait crystal sage yeah yeah of course once i hit level three i'm going to try to catch all the things that i wanted to that were level three that i couldn't earlier i wish dude like i'd be like 40 minutes of my stream i recorded an high bit rate so it looks good for videos uh do these count as different enemies i don't think they would or would they already have a an evangelist and i already have one of those the herald said his aim no no i didn't think so okay well we could try to fight the np oh yo i bet you all the npcs are what are turning into pokemon trainers right maybe i'm wrong but now the exploding dudes would be memes like this oh no okay i kind of expected this to be a trainer go get them some are some aren't go get them lothric knight you're my favorite pokemon well you except for when you run the wrong direction dude get him i'm the distraction don't hide behind your shield you're an alpha dog oh my god metronome will appear what the hell you're right that's crazy and it happened so often what the hell came along little one we have another npc to bully i can go get the shield here i'm the ultimate distraction get him back yeah we keep popping them no all right let's get good okay let's just go grab the shield just in case i want it oh i have the paladin's ashes you're right i can get the sword ring too sweet i guess that was the random metronome being active right there what the i saw that coming i just really didn't feel like dodging okay there's dogs here and hollows all right these are like the rattatas you just ignore it in the wild because they're not worth it the exploding no he's just a hollow i wish you can get them but he's definitely still just a basic hollow uh yeah every stream i do guys like even if i make edited videos for people that like to see like the the better moments and not just the whole stream my vlogs always stay on youtube they're in my past live stream tab okay boom you already have a holo little dragon fella oh the roly-poly dragons that could be interesting okay yeah i still haven't got a mimic so i can get the mimic that's here yes i can okay what about this look we can get the stupid uh bloody slugs do you think i wonder what do they count as but i think you can because like i had one hey dark wraith what the hell why do they not realize what's enemies and what's not sometimes give you kindly thank you this takes it a second i guess oh boy whoa good job dark gray i think i'm going to try to get one of the giant these things yeah uh did i do that now oh that scared me damn okay let's just try and do that now quickly good night man okay we stopped 20 flasks uh i don't want to get blood i don't want it to kill it either though perfect hit it that's all i needed from it nice i think i caught everything some drinking oh nice we got it i wanted the blood dudes that's a bleed type for sure if it's not i'm sad and i'm depressed that 100 deserves to be a bleed type i'm gonna go around and get the shortcut though oh uh yeah you have to play this mod offline 100 oh oh i can get a grave warden too i don't really want any of these ugly skeletons there uh yeah i think they'd be a hollow also they look like the exact same model like i mean maybe i could catch one but they're probably so bad but the grave warden we're gonna get one of those they're just corpse grubs too okay i mean they they all are kind of like that that's true i'm gonna try to get that one warden one might be hard though i do have one i already caught one of the corpses just in case yeah the gray board is solid i gotta isolate it though so i'm gonna bring it this way no i forgot those things are there hey you come here your opponent is right here i have summoned him no ah damn dude sometimes they do too much damage it's okay there's a lot more of them i guess wait i should just get the shortcut anyway just in case oh have a good night ops this yeah i'm just gonna go until i get to the cathedral boss for tonight so you guys won't miss much if you get if you're dead what did that heal him damn putting in some healing here oh boy okay oh i wonder if i can catch the cathedral nice i know people mention that but i wonder if it's like a tier three or a tier two yeah weapons don't do damage at all let's get him wow what are you doing good job so far my crabby is my best holy i'm blinded hit him okay oh we already have the thralls too okay there's thralls and hollows here nothing else useful to catch except for the great wardens guy oh but those two okay i have an idea i actually have a really good plan so what i usually do is i speed run this part right here basically except for when that gets in my way and the the two uh grave wardens that chase you they always end up getting hurt by the exploding npc so we'll just i'll grab it we'll get it hurt and then hopefully they're like half health and we can catch one i did some damage this is bad though i don't want to kill it but like this might kill everything be gentle with them okay okay okay you killed one don't kill that one don't you dare lock on to that one oh my oh he walked into it oh my god the best luck i've had ever oh but there's a thrall here oh and that was too weak why are there so many thralls i really don't remember there being that many get blocked by my pokemon oh okay oh my god that is not what i wanted if not i might use a great ball on these these are pretty strong yeah okay you get the great ball you little bitty better catch you i'll be cheesed oh my really man really you that's just rude no don't hit it again nice please oh my god there's such a high maintenance pokemon i already tried the great ball it escaped damn it ah yes thank you thank you good sir that's all i wanted really you're alive deal with this lots of knight finally oh wait what about these things can you catch these things just know that would have been a backstab oh i can catch a slime dude how is everything still alive here like what is my knight doing there we go can i catch these no oh you can't okay they're not tameable makes sense they're like people i guess i'll go back like yeah the slime would have been a good thing to catch just because just for variety and the tokens the shortcuts important though damn damn been in here i want a cathedral night also to be honest oh what about the spider what about the curse spider yeah i don't know how easy that is to catch or not spider cat cat cat cat spooky kit kit ah tier three a lot of things are tier three i got another bone charge this though that's cool i'm guessing i'm just gonna go out on a limb and think the giant isn't catchable right that would make sense to me you know would make a lot of sense imagine summoning that they're catchable what two three though okay but like what actually how the hell when you throw it like what if you're in a building we start this battle the royal rumble between this and that oh boy i was half health that's good enough whoa damn you really oh he came out trying to eat me that's damn it i need to hit him with one more hit no i tried to time it so he would touch him once no damn it what okay i'll have this one out just oh yeah damn him dude no i can't put him away now he's in the way no um bro oh very unfortunate though i know what okay what about a cathedral night no you oh it's its own kind of battles here the thralls are really rough for like some enemies that are slower i think i can stun them though nice okay now how strong are you gonna hit him not very actually okay i could have i could have chilled right there for a second that wasn't a lot of damage that hair oh my god thank god holy that did so much damage to him that was like his whole health bar and one kick thralls are zubats no you dare not escape me again i want a cathedral night they regen in fact i'm willing to use a great ball on it if i have to come on yeah i didn't have to solid okay that's solid did a lot of damage okay now what else can i catch a tier two in here how many tokens do i have i only need four more and then we're tier three oh uh okay oh slime i can catch a slime that's right wait i'll get the shortcut first just to be tactical oh and the deep ring you're right i gotta go up top anyway maybe i'll do that right now and i'll get the slime after but wait if i get tier three right now we can go to cigarette's questline and still wait did i already up secrets questline i don't think so as long as i don't progress kind of further in here right what's the thing that triggers his quest line honestly i really don't care about stickers questline though i don't even need the titanic slap so whatever don't go to the rafters yeah that's true so where patches is is what yeah but i need a tier three token to get that i need four more catches i can catch a slime that's true you're yeah you know what okay so i'm gonna try to catch a slime really quick and then we'll try to catch three more things before progressing in the cathedral okay yeah i won't open the door up top that's what triggers it i think but still man grubs also did i not catch one or do they count as different mangrove ones really big pain yes yeah they are the same already caught a mangrove oh my really okay all her one perfect this one go for him really they have such a weird hitbox and i meant to fight like that night again please actually catch the right one no damn i knew that would happen watch me catch that one anyway though solid okay uh giant rat is different okay i'll go do that and then we have i did catch a fighter yes yes i did yeah i'm gonna go tune my things anyway to try them out but i caught one of these things so i need i need three more what did i miss does catching a twinkling tight net bug give me one every time because i think i haven't gotten one or two of the bugs which is tough but yeah i can grab the d-ring too yeah i should do that first oh well the slugs no i can't go up there the thing is i need to i want to go do the demon quest line at with sigward before i get to tier three so i need to catch three things that i haven't caught without going up there oh it gives you a drop okay and i i didn't catch the one upstairs i don't think or did i i remember i went upstairs but did i actually catch it i think it escaped i already caught i did i not i think i caught that right the the other hollow type i think i did yeah i already caught one of the true tree wielding hollows too uh a mimic would help me okay i'm gonna go up and try and get that bug though but uh i have 17 tokens i thought i needed 20. i thought i needed like 10 and then 30. i have the sword ring oh wait no i have this oh yeah i do no i did i did i i can show you in the attunement thing i do have the other hollow i'm pretty sure i caught it like 90 sure i'm forgetting kind of but i did catch that though i think 10 20 and 30. oh damn oh i can go to tier three oh no i think i tried to catch this and it didn't get caught i'll check though i remember it escaping and me being very disappointed yes see it escaped me oh you're saying okay i see what you guys are saying like i thought i asked chad a little bit ago if every crystal lizard gave me a token and they said yeah so i thought okay nevermind yeah i know i have one i just thought i got one like crystal this is really special thing that i gave you one every time i see what you're talking about though really chaotic i always do that in my old like uh anime character runs this is an easy crystal or twinkling tie knight ah they're hollows they're still considered hollows the the wizard dudes so yeah giant rat we'll go try and um whatever you was thinking of giant rad is a for sure one i didn't catch yes only three more okay giant rat you shall be mine i have a cage hollow too actually all right go get him lots of ignite you know i'm just gonna throw another one just the case you killed the other knights damn it really i'm just getting closer maybe it is luck i need to buy bombs go down there at night go okay it i'll go down here with my knight you can come down it's okay no it one shot it damn damn i need to catch that thing maybe i should equip a weaker thing to fight it a little bit yeah i know fire fire bombs do normal damage i know let's just hit it with something weaker um what's mid tier damage here my regular holo maybe no you know what the peasant hollow is very slow this could help oh my sword ring also being off would help also oh yeah okay let's just get him down there really quick and get in there nice half health yeah i hate you get in there get in the pit oh nice no still strong i'll try to use a great ball i guess i like to save them for something i actually want to catch though i don't give a about this rat i just need it for what i want to do one more try with this guy okay i'll use the great ball i don't know why they didn't one shot him earlier i do have a cage monster i could try that i guess everything one shots it like uh this didn't earlier though oh that was a critical hit oh okay oh my god again with this bro oh my god i'm just gonna use all my shittiest team right now let's go what's a weak ass team something weak as hell the slug the poison mushroom crab the uh cry these there we go poison bug i choose you get in there poison it all right then cage spider you're next get in there get in there go find lord slug oh boy oh my god that's still one shot that thing i'm scared for the giant rat get him get him i have anything i can throw bombs oh that's half that's good enough that's about as good as it gets man oh you fool you know not to the pain you've befallen me oh well now it's feeling powerful but i'm still gonna try to catch it oh my fine fine dude fine you shitty rat come out of my great ball i'm mad oh my really this rat isn't even good dude not even strong why is it so hard to catch it oh and then i'm gonna die because yeah why are there so many rats down here still get it do it do a cage thing i think they're all dead all right then last ball i'm throwing at you oh random but could be great oh you me are you okay the rat that's stupid doesn't even make any sense like bro i think i literally caught that was the most perfect thing i could have done right there and it still didn't work what are you talking about what are you actually talking about man come on put your shitty ass in there cage spider okay you're the most annoying because you won't go in the pit you go you're the stronger slime kick its ass it it's done dirty dude done me dirty nice oh my god that's the best anyone's done so far that's below half hp good job little slime good job dude apparently this thing's a lugia it's not even good i won't even use it oh my bad throw my go get it slug dude love thank you so much man not even that good it's not even good it's so i'm not even gonna use it this is the shiny rat bro it's a shiny it has to be i see no other explanation oops do some work slug do some work do some work hit it damn it come on i used to kill one thing now attack that thing come on i need it because i need a variety to get tokens to catch more like better things go by firebombs if it comes down to it there we go again it was just hit come on man your your your pride is wounded a slug hit you okay a slug did half your health mr rat oh you oh yes didn't lock on great job oh god what is keeping you from becoming mine you make no sense oh you mother what the though i'm not using the ultra bowl on this shitty rat this rat i'm gonna think of something else to catch what have i not caught other than the rat um lothric hollows and the crystallizers that i can't catch yet um yeah i'm just gonna go see if i have enough for tier three you never know i just wasted like 15 pokeballs mimic i know it makes dead though maybe i was wrong maybe i don't need twenty so i'm gonna chat said i need 20 but maybe i didn't i did i need three more wing knights are tier three though i can only do tier two anything else that's like random as an enemy that i'm blanking on the road of sacrifice has the tree dudes the dogs the crabs that i caught i thought the man is the standing group different though i have a tiny crab actually i catch the giant there are two three i can't catch giants right now it is different okay if it's different that's something fastest way to a standing one is this way i guess a standing gear is not different okay that's what i thought the trainer had a crazed groove did he and i just had a groove right let me just see the name of this where is my group grew maybe there is a craze guru dude if he didn't if it said crazed gru then there probably is one yeah i'll go give it a try i already caught a normal group for the token actually didn't i thought i did you can only catch regular girls can confirm okay well did i catch a regular guru though i did catch a regular groove yeah that's what i thought where are we when i have two of them though i guess not i guess there's only one icon yeah number held two see i did catch one um dude i don't know then honestly the elder grew i can't catch at my level that's i might just have to say secrets quest and just do the cathedral uh yeah where is the did i grab the yeah it's a hardened hollow he's right there i do have that let's go to karthus yeah i can just do yol's quest i can just go to car this let's go die a couple times that doesn't up at all let's go find my spot where is it i like it right here just walk off what's my hollowing right now two yeah i need to die what do i need it to be to like complete y'all's quest line all the way 16 right something like that about to die eight times 15 okay yeah so i thought very close very close i just want to miss the souls ever suck no honestly i think i'm gonna level up and then i can go into the i think i'll stop there though i don't want to do a whole other area today i'll be back tomorrow with it pretty early i'm quite enjoying this actually it is pretty good dude okay last one there you go perfect some of them should but whatever sorcery hollows are just yeah all the hollows are just regular hollows so the blue lothric knight is the same too as a regular lothernite i did gaping dragon i did yes that rat or i can just go you know for the rest of the stream try to catch the rat and that's my accomplishment i might do that with the rest of the flasks that i have i'm down i need to catch it anyway so let's do it it just give me that just give me health honestly then show it and then i guess attunement i can have six more attunement after grab some bombs you're right i'll grab some bombs that's a solid play i don't need to buy anything from him i already i didn't get the gesture okay sweet peace yeah if i can get him half at least i can who sells good bombs this grave damn i didn't talk to him yet i don't think luck helps with the catching to be honest it i'll just buy like 30 or 40 of these they're annoying and useful though what did i want to buy like children also could that be useful yeah action what are my rings anyway yeah let's do shield for now and then we go try and catch the stupid rats okay yeah i'll try to throw something out there to hit him for like half and then what can i use that's also weakish what i have is kind of two weeks sometimes i feel like the tree is like a slow one hitter honestly thralls do chip damage maybe the thrall is the best play here they don't they don't ever like do insane high damage to one shot it but they they do good damage and it's pretty quick let's see how it does the it did like two damage that's actually perfect no don't touch it oh that's perfect oh my god and it got rid of the little ones just what i've needed okay that's hopefully this doesn't kill it oh we can't handle another bomb hell no that's as low as we're getting it now we sit here until we capture this really first try oh yeah you would do that to me you would do that to me oh well though i'm happy about that i did catch a skeleton down below so i got a thing i'm gonna i'm gonna look through the wiki for the enemies that i haven't fought in the areas that i have and then next time i'll i'll know what to catch right away that was some ending it that way this is actually a solid mod though i wish i would have tried this before ascended because it's much chiller but since we're going to be continuing this let's go look to see who we can raid i'm cheesed bro actually actually cheese um do we still have nap doing okay no he's not playing dark souls well all right then boys you go do whatever you're free to do no one's doing any challenge runs or pvp that i follow so i will see you guys tomorrow i'm almost at tier three i need two more pokemon two more and then we're good so i'll be there tomorrow i just need to eat food i haven't eaten since this morning when i had eggs but yeah oh yeah go to the mirror if you want guys just link it or whatever i will see you have a good night good night boys great fun boys great fun bye goodbye
Channel: ChaseTheBro
Views: 440,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark souls 3 invasions, dark souls 3 invasion build, dark souls 3 top invasions, dark souls 3 top weapons, dark souls 3 pvp build, dark souls 3 dark build, dark souls 3 best build, dark souls 3 best weapons, dark souls 3 how to, dark souls 3 backstab, dark souls 3 parry, dark souls 3 girlfriend, dark souls 3 gank spanks, dark souls 3 top build, dark souls 3 meta build, dark souls 3 funny, dark souls 3 strength build, dark souls 3 cosplay, dark souls 3 ascended mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 6sec (14166 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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