The Sensei - The Emperor’s Biological Children EXPLAINED | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g a guys and G the emperor is a very sexy man at least he was before the whole Skeletor lithium battery hybrid situation he now has going on and despite being Godlike in many ways the emperor was a man who had needs with the emperor being born thousands of years before the invention of the condom he was dropping his seed left right and Center which I really cannot blame the man if I was that sexy and had thousands of years to wander the Earth I'd probably do some damage as well this resulted in quite a high number of women falling pregnant and giving birth to each children individuals with demig Godlike power as they were literally biological children of the emperor these be were called the Sensei and despite the fact that their status and the LW is Cannon or not is currently not super clear that law itself is very interesting to learn about just quickly first I'm actually getting the studio upgraded today new lights microphone and whatnot so take a good look at this [ __ ] ass setup and lighting because on Wednesday it should be a lot better hopefully in my opinion stagnation is regression which is why I'm always trying to improve even if the Improvement is just making things look prettier to hide how [ __ ] my content actually is today we'll go over the law of the Sensei detailing their power notable senses where they are now and if they are actually still Canon or not let's get into [Music] it the lore of the Sensei is very contradictory convoluted and might not even be Canon anymore so buckle up Buckaroo and get ready for some random as [ __ ] law the Sensei were either descendants of the Emperor who after a certain amount of generations the Sensei Gene would activate and then that descendant would be born with incredible power and immortality or other versions of the Sensei had them as the direct Children of the emperor some of whom would almost be as old as he was as a direct result of sharing the emperor's DNA was that the senses didn't age they' also heal very quickly from non-fatal wounds and their literal cells were anti-chaos to the core making them completely Incorruptible they were very wise and even tempered with their emotions being easily controlled as they saw the Galaxy from a state of Harmony and focus as such their psychic abilities could be used and abused without any risk of attracting demons demons or overloading themselves this also explains why the empress seems to be able to tap into the infinite well of the war power himself without any issues with corruption here is so far beyond the emotional risks of normal psychers that demons have nothing to grab on to when he turbo lightning [ __ ] some [ __ ] to death however this isn't the only rendition of the sense's law other Laws states that they can only be the sons of the emperor and that they are not psychers but are actually blanks and are invisible to the emperor which is why he never tried to find them and recruit them but this law was only in one book that came out in [ __ ] 198 eight so let's just ignore that to add another layer of spice and confusion the Sensei were directly linked with the star child as well as the Illuminati two other parts of 40K law whose position in Cannon is now in doubt with the star child the compassionate shout of the emperor within the warp being their Patron deity and looking after them while the throne Emperor is busy holding the Galaxy together while getting his crusty balls tasered but I feel like I'm getting ahead of myself let's start at the beginning of the sensei's life to give some context much like the imprison childhood they didn't fly out of the wom shooting lasers out of their eyes they aged until their Prime and then began to notice that they were different to everyone else they were stronger faster healthier and way more autistic as they were forced to leave their mortal lives behind due to their lack of Aging as well as all the Superstition back in the day they would wander the Earth much in the same way as their father did learning what they could while trying to avoid Gathering attention a number of Sensei were burnt at the Stak or drowned for being witches While others went off to form or joined secret societies like the Illuminati it seems as if none of them were ever found by or joined the emperor many sense they survived into the setting of 30 and 40K and have chosen to become wandering Heroes using their abilities and powers to help the innocent protecting them from chaos or the very Imperial tyranny that their father created they kind of act like inquisitors in a way traveling around the Galaxy with their retinue of diverse and interesting companions these band of adventurers often include Elder who see the Sensei as one of the few types of human that is worth the help and attention it really feels like if you were to join the 40K universe or role play Within it the Sensei would be who you would choose to be as they were extremely adventur ous and Powerful but not bound like the Inquisition or too overpowered as a bit of a sad irony the Inquisition sees the Sensei as these Immortal mutant who are complex Servants of chaos hence they hunt the Sensei with extreme prejudice and are the reason why the Sensei have been almost totally driven into Extinction which is pretty [ __ ] [ __ ] but this is the Inquisition we are speaking of there are even times where the inquisitors uncover that the Sensei are probably The Emperor's Children or descendants but then go nah that means we would have to face up to the possibility and take responsibility that we have been Geno cting our own God's kids which we don't want to do as for the Sensei themselves they can go through various upgrades or side grades if they stay true to themselves protect the innocent and fight against chaos they will gain the attention of the star child the compassionate shot of the emperor that he removed from himself in order to face off against Horus this shot of light power and kindness will Mark these Sensei with a specific power Rune kind of like the opposite to the mark of chaos this Mark could make them better at killing demons better protectors have better endurance and so on there is even a type of Sensei that upon defea deting an enemy foe can choose to use their Mark to spare them flooding the defeated foe with awe and light at such an act often resulting in them renouncing their previous Allegiance so if this Redeemer Sensei defeated a chaos Lord of nurgle and then spared him that chaos Lord could then renounce nurgle be completely cleansed of corruption and then become an agent of the star child dedicated to the destruction of nural I'm sure you can start to see why the Sensei have been quietly pushed out of the setting if a Sensei has become extremely righteous and follows the path of the star child eventually they will reach apotheosis the Starchild will teleport them into their domain within the warp and speak with them if they are not actually ready the Starchild will give them a small power boost tell them of their nature and connection to the emperor and then send them back however if they are ready they will Ascend gaining even more power wisdom and their physical form will change they then returned to real space as a Sensei Master the greatest form of a Sensei that wields a shillo to power other Sensei have been lured in to join the Illuminati as part of a special plot to save the emperor basically the illum Illuminati are tricking the Sensei into becoming Sensei Knights who Safeguard the Imperium against chaos from the Shadows this is just to keep the Sensei busy though the real intention is to gather as many Sensei as possible and then sacrifice them to the emperor to restore the emperor back of flesh and blood so that he may lead mankind once again the Illuminati are also aware that the emperor probably doesn't want this to occur hence they keep it a secret from him the final type of Sensei are the worst those who despite their biological resistance to chaos have chosen to join the ruinous Powers anyway creating powerful and extremely evil graay Sensei they stand above other Servants of Chaos in terms of naughtin as they are completely willing to serve chaos without any form of Mind corruption or manipulation as they are Incorruptible maybe these are the Sensei who lost their allies and Friends through inquisitorial attacks or maybe they've just become jaded from thousands of years of wandering in a [ __ ] hole Galaxy either way a gray Sensei would make for a great antagonist finally giving us a villain who wasn't just this insane chaos s but actually had great motivations unclouded by sles [ __ ] in his ear there aren't many named or known Sensei however there is the wandering Inquisitor who was a Sensei that wandered the Galaxy helping Imperial citizens much like an Inquisitor would he was nearly killed by the Inquisition however was saved by the Illuminati there was also the Lucifer PRP who declared himself a son of the emperor and led a world in revolt against the Imperium the Inquisition tried to take him out but they didn't and that story just kind of ended after all the book that was featured in came out in 1995 before I was [ __ ] born seriously though read the synopsis of this book L back then was wild so with all this happening where are the Sensei now well they have been mentioned as being alive and active in the 41st Millennium however the setting has been about the 41st Millennium for 20 years now so that doesn't really mean much it does seem a bit like GW has been moving away from the Illuminati the Sensei and even the Starchild for a while now instead putting in new law VI the Horus heresy stuff like the dark King for example however as gdw doesn't just like reconning things out of existence because it is obnoxious and shitty they introduced that everything is Cannon but not everything is true policy which is a bit of a pop out but I can understand why they did it basically what that means is that the Sensei were a thing but now they aren't how this happened was that firstly the Illuminati were destroyed a few years before the current setting as a side note most likely the Inquisition catching wind of them and destroying them as for the Sensei a large amount of them were killed on Le Lenor 4 by the salamander Space Marine chapter from orders of the Inquisition as they were believed to be a tits nichan cult however not all Sensei were present there with a few surviving in case GW wanted to use them again in the future but the main thing is that the Illuminati sense are dead or scattered the Starchild Sensei are mostly dead and the gray Sensei haven't been mentioned in decades and are probably dead interestingly enough though the star child seems to still be very much a cannon and is currently being brought back into the setting by The indominous Crusade with the psychic Awakening flooding the Galaxy with warp energy and empowering the emperor many Imperials are getting visions of a Godlike child Awakening whilst the final Horus heresy book will finally reveal what the emperor had to do to defeat Horus as well as answer the question about if the old law about the creation of the star child is still correct or or not personally I don't mind the Sensei being in the law they just need to be revamped and done right keep them at a set number maybe like seven Sensei ever exist with each one being an interesting and morally complex character but also in saying that they don't really need to exist we already have inquisitors and Rogue traitors for those spicy unconventional stories we already have perpetuals for Immortal powerful beans that are connected to the emperor and we already have primar for the emperor Sons so while I appreciate the old hectic lore of the Sensei the Illuminati and the Starchild I don't think the setting is missing much by the Sensei no longer being around if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be where we have a live action nude Warhammer cosplays original 40K fan art and a boatload of battle m 40 million hentai hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more sensual content join the Discord from more memes and I'll see you in the next one [Music] peace to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
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Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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