How Does the Imperium Reclaim Corrupted Worlds? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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good day guys and G despite all the hectic Wars losses and victories the Imperium never really seems to be losing or gaining ground at least until the great riff opened that is because the Imperium will often reclaim lost worlds which was literally the point of the indominous Crusade after all but how do you reclaim a demon world where the world's entire ecosystem has collapsed and been replaced with lava or horny Towers or literal nalite AIDS juice taking that a step further how would you reclaim a world consumed by the tyranids in Infested by the Orcs or one that has a nekron tomb World on it well not only is it possible but the Imperium does it all the time before we get started I just got back from Switzerland and man what a sick trip I even bumped into a few of you guys over there shout out to the London lad who paid for my smoothie that concludes my Tom Foolery for the foreseeable future we're going demon mode on content baby this year is going to be off chops and yes the 2024 nude cosplay calendar is nearly finished we've gone even bigger and better this year and I'm so Keen to show you guys the result also this is Rolo my new gro Dale puppy sadly my previous boy lero passed away but that is what you sign up for when you choose to have one of these little guys today we'll go over how the Imperium retakes recolonized and even restores worlds that have been corrupted by one of the many Dark Forces in the Galaxy Al let let's get into it we'll start with the easiest to reclaim and move on from there in that Spirit first up we have the towel yes having those filthy blue bow Vines definitely corrupts a world at least from from some people's perspective and there is actually a bit of a cleaning process after the Imperium has ruthlessly exterminated the entire to populace of a world they will systematically destroy all the infrastructure and Technology on said world as even the mechanicus has next to zero interest in Tower technology this might seem weird since they love necron Tech so much but since the void Dragon is responsible for both the mechanicus tech as well as a lot of necron tech they share a common ancestors so it does make sense however the tower Tech is just dirty in [ __ ] after that is is all gone the world is suitable for recolonization without too much drama although the Imperium has been known to just exterminate artist Tower worlds out of spite the next world that would be the most difficult to reclaim would be that of the necrons a necron tomb World exists mostly underground with many Imperial worlds not even knowing that they exist on top of a dormant necron Empire however when the necrons awake and infest the planet it can be quite the doozy with the most common result being the Imperials getting the [ __ ] out of there however if a space Marin force is nearby and they're able to push into the tomb and destroy the Fon as well as his core room and reanimation protocols the tomb world will be doomed and the planet free for Imperial occupation once again this is a very challenging process however as a necron infestation doesn't really corrupt the ecosystem like a nurglite or ID infestation would I've got it lower on this list here is where it gets interesting when Orcs infest the world their spores go everywhere with a shitload of Orcs then spawning every day from there the ecosystem will slowly turn to be more suited for Orcs And squigs will start appearing completely uprooting the Orcs is a huge challenge as when you kill an orc it jizzes on itself with new orc sprouting from its corpse so you have to kill then burn all the Orcs as well as all the spores that may have buried underground some worlds spend centuries putting down random orc uprisings after an orc incursion however it can be done Anor was once the greatest orc planet in the galaxy with millions of Orcs present however when the emperor and his armies came to crush the Orcs there they were able to quickly root out and exterminate the Orcs and their spoil this world would later become Armageddon an unfortunately named but highly valuable Imperial World sure would then get invaded by a shitload of Orcs And Get reinfested but for thousands of years it remained orc free and still had a lot of valuable resources and some form of ecosystem although quite a [ __ ] one with a little bit of terraforming post orc incursion orc affected worlds can be brought back to their original Glory however something that no amount of terraforming will fix is when a world gets liquefied and then consumed by the tyranids tyranids don't really corrupt world Worlds at least not for long they consume them stripping away their biosphere until it's nothing but a lifeless rock with a thin atmosphere often worlds that are under attack by the nids will be abandoned by The Defenders even if they win as the tyranid bio corruption makes the world useless even if they didn't actually have time to consume it in that case the Imperium would often virus bomb the world burning away all the biomatter and then terraforming it from the ground up to something that could support life even if the ecosystem would now be [ __ ] however if it has been totally stripped then only moonlike bases can be established terraforming a lifeless world isn't too hard for the mechanicus but terraforming a rock with a thin atmosphere is time and time again in the law worlds consumed by the nids are often considered to be permanently lost the only redeeming Factor being that once the nids are done with the world it's technically free for Reclamation but now for the juice of the video how the [ __ ] does the Imperial reclaim a chaos corrupted world or even a demon world after all they do it all the time well it depends on which chaos goddess claim the world all of of them will ruin the ecosystem but nurite corruption is by far the worst for that when kaaos invaded the fenis system all the worlds were reclaimed by the Imperium except the one that Nole invaded that one had to be extermin artist however the thing about chaos is once you remove its source or turn off the tap as they say it vanishes pretty quick closing a war portal can cause a demon Army to evaporate like there were nothing often it's either ambient warp energy a powerful entity warp artifact or warp portal that allows cows to maintain a foothold real space so if you were to kill the demon leader or the Summoner or close the portal or destroy the artifact and so on the cow corruption would begin to evaporate leaving behind a scarred but no longer corrupted world then after some terraforming you could bring that world back to its former self with nurite corruption it takes a bit more effort as even with the chaotic Force defeated the world would still be covered in pestilence and disease jungles you'd probably need to virus bomb the world burn it to Ash and then hopefully terraform it back into something worth reclaiming on the flip side cornite demon worlds would be the easiest to reclaim as the source of the corruption would be painfully obvious with you just basically needing to Beast through and kill a shitload of demons like a literal Doom guy unlike tits snit or slanesh that would hide their corruption behind some rid logist down there urethras tit nit corruption doesn't actually seem too bad on the surface Crystal Towers pretty colors however all that warp energy basically guarantees that you'll mutate into something ugly quite quickly to undo a tits snitch's world's corruption it would be less about overwhelming Force unless you're space Wolf and more about solving some kind of obnoxious riddle to discover a weakness to exploit since the Demons of titn rely so much on the wolf and its magic removing a warp Nexus would cause it to all come crumbling down pretty quick as for sesh I don't know just uh don't lick the tentacles and don't shove your dick in any of the orifices while also making great use of chassity belts and flamethrowers and you should be good a cool example of cleansing a joint cornite and slany corrupted world was when sanguinus and his blood angels fought them at signis Prime the entire system had been corrupted with Korn using that corruption to temporarily make the Angels full to a baby version of the black rage however by destroying the entire demonic Army killing both greater demon commanders and then one of the blood angels sacrificing himself by absorbing a warp artifact this dispelled the corruption on the world and basically left it a lifeless husk that the blood angels then abandon that was actually a great example which really proves my point however if the world has become a full-on demon world it's significantly more difficult of a challenge as the world has now created its own self- sustaining source of warp energy killing a Demon Lord or closing a portal no longer does much no point turning off the tap if everything has already been flooded even extermin arising often doesn't work super well on demon worlds due to their War [ __ ] however the mechanicus did once fire an experimental gof field bomb which did actually dispel the planet's War energy and return it to a non-don status however it did so by teleporting the warp energy to where the bomb was built instead of dissipating it thus it wasn't a very good solution ution the necrons could probably do it using their War pylon Tech which Belarus call is currently reverse engineering so once the Imperium figures that out the reversal of demon word corruption will really open up which is quite cool in saying that I do believe that cleansing it of demons and then bombing the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of it until it's nothing but glass and Bedrock could also work but then there is not really much point trying to recolonize that planet from then on anyways because demon worlds are so hard to reclaim the Imperium will almost always exterminates the world just before it becomes fully corrupted because then at least it gives them something they can rebuild upon as an interesting case study Tera Loki became a demon World during the siege of Tera existing half in the warp and looking pretty [ __ ] however after the heresy it was returned to a stable non-corrupted State probably due to the emperor having a radiant [ __ ] off chaos Ora so the step-by step that generally works for reclaiming a corrupted world would be to kill the occupants remove the source of corruption and then terraform and recolonize the world after all the blood Angel Homewood of Bal already in a radiated Wasteland desert That Was Then corrupted by the tyranids was mentioned as a prime candidate for terraforming even to the level of making it a green verdant world so if Bal can become pretty then pretty much any other world can as well unless it's a nurite demon world if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be where we have a bunch of liveaction nude cosplays battle m 40 million hentai and also where I'll be uploading a lot of the cosplay content behind the scenes soon hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more corrupted content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one [Music] peace bow to [Music] me
Channel: Majorkill
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Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: tC-3D4l5B1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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