Every Single Imperial Gun EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal you know despite its title warhammer 40k doesn't have a huge variety of warhammers in it it does however have a metric splooge load of guns which coincidentally is the topic of this video god damn i'm not very funny am i whether you're burning shredding warping zapping exploding or eviscerating your enemies there is a gun for every situation guns are like wieners it's not how big it is it's how you use it or at least that's what you tell yourself on those long winter nights some of the guns on this list are just neckbeard versions of real life guns whilst others involve physic defying technology there is even a couple spicy miscellaneous unique guns such as the neural shredder which i'll be saving for towards the end of the video so make sure you watch all the way through gotta get that succulent watch time you know before we get started my god you guys are demonic since planting down my flag and issuing my war cry against one mind syndicate you've come out in full force you've slapped that subscribe button more times than i've watched orgy porn we have skyrocketed and now the end of those wiki reading simpletons is nigh one final push guys to put them behind us and set our targets on a new more epic foe oh yeah and i guess we're about to overtake 40k theories as well which is you know it's pretty cool i guess let's do it guys not for you not for timmy but for my superficial and likely unhealthy ego today we'll go over each of the guns that the imperium uses ranging from the most common of the last guns to the most unique of web pistols as a rule all the guns i'm mentioning here have to be portable and wieldable by at most a terminator hence i won't be talking about the guns on a tank or a titan if you want to know about those guns then don't worry chich i got you covered let's get into it when starting off a list it's always important to start hard and fast and hot just like other things in life that you wouldn't know much about hence we have the flamer which you guessed it is a flamethrower down to a tee however instead of using diesel or petrol the imperium uses promethium which sounds really bad but it's more or less just space napalm which i guess is actually quite bad hence if you're unlucky enough to survive the horrific burns of a flamer then the toxic chemical that was set on fire and thrown at you will eat into your flesh and poison you definitely not ideal i'm not sure how the imperium pulled it off but they also invented the hand flamer which is exactly what it sounds like not really sure where they store all the fuel for it or you know maybe it's just kind of like a one-shot kind of gag but i guess when all you need is a few drops of the fuel to kill someone you don't really need more than one on the other end of the spectrum we have the heavy flamer you'll notice a pattern with a lot of the guns on this list the majority of them have a big brother counterpart that is usually hauled around by space marines the heavy flame is bigger better hotter and can blow its load further it's the guy your girl tells you not to worry about the promethean in them is also generally more powerful and will have an easier time melting through armor or flesh the last of the flames on this list is the incinerator which while it sounds like the magnum opus of the flamethrowers it's pretty much just the exact same as a heavy flamer other than the fact that its promethium fuel is blessed and does extra damage to demons why use holy water when you can use holy fire am i right now we have everyone's favorite stock standard pew pew pew gun the last gun affectionately called the flashlight on the table top due to how [ __ ] it is these things actually do pack a punch a single shot you know in the law is enough to blow off your limb in a shower of gore it would be pretty [ __ ] embarrassing for you if the last thing you heard was even view before half your torso goes missing despite laser technology sounding like complex and dangerous the last gun is unbelievably reliable like if you can't find a usb port to charge this then you can literally chuck the power unit in a campfire and the heat will recharge your gun nice as i said before everything has a pistol version and the last gun is no exception hence we have the last pistol which is a smaller shittier version of the last gun it also goes but i like to imagine in like a cuter and less threatening way even though it could still blow you limb from limb finally we have the daddy of the laz the laz cannon while last guns are like flashlights last cannons are like cannons that shoot out laser beams look i'm really hungover and my brain isn't capable of making clever comparisons at the moment so just deal with it interestingly enough whilst the last guns suck at damaging anything with armor the last cannon is an anti-armor weapon but i guess with a big enough laser beam you can make it do whatever you want this weapon is huge and can only be carried by a space marine guardsmen who wish to fry some [ __ ] with a lazy cannon will need to wheel it around in a weapons team getting a little bit heretical now we have this strangely named hell gun odd thing for a super religious superstitious empire to call a perfectly good weapon it's basically a laz gun on steroids allowing for a girthier laser beam that has a lot more penetration capability because of it being better it's more expensive and rare hence only the tippity top of the guardsman yet to use it such as the stormtroopers or grenadiers and then you know there's the hell pistol if you need me to tell you what that is by this point then you're a [ __ ] idiot one thing i do respect about the imperium is their sensible naming conventions you know for the most part a good example of this is the melter gun which is a gun that melts [ __ ] it works by shooting out a torrent of intense heat which is super effective against armor getting shot by one of these would be like getting shot with a microwave you know like the radiation waves not like someone firing a metal box at you you get what i mean then there's the multi-melter which you get by slapping another barrel on a melter gun and voila you now have a way heavier way beefier weaponized microwave this big boy can only really be used by big ass flaming space marines or nuns with guns the pinnacle of the melter technology and one of the most rare weapons in the imperium is the inferno pistol unlike how most pistols are just small [ __ ] yet portable versions of a weapon type an inferno pistol packs all the punch of a melter gun in a nice tight and portable way as a testament to the power of these weapons dante blew the swarmlord the greatest of the tyranids to kingdom come with a couple shots from his trusty inferno pistol well the last guns go pvp the plasma guns go how the [ __ ] does a plasma gun go the point i was going to until my crippling autism really interrupted me is that plasma guns and 40k are no joke using some fantasy science involving magnetics and a miniature sun and blah blah the impurities created a weapon that can fire super heated balls of death the drawback to having a mini sun in a gun is that it has the potential to overheat causing the user to tragically die more recent iterations of the gun have sought to minimise the risk of instant accidental suicide at the cost of a reduced fire rate but honestly whatever you shoot at should only need one shot to bring down and yes it has a pistol variant that is often seen as the astati's sidearm of choice especially for officers getting a bit spicy now we have the grav gun which is specializes in non-lethal capturing of enemies although you can definitely make it lethal if you want basically this gun juices out graviton particles which can either increase or decrease the weight and mass of an object increase the mass of a person and they will struggle to move increase it a lot and their bones and organs will crack and rupture you can also use it on buildings or bunkers causing the structure's integrity to be [ __ ] as it now weighs three times more than it's supposed to once again there is a pistol variant of this weapon onto a practical gun now we have the combi grav which is a bolter gun sticky taped to a grav gun meaning you can make a heretic's balls weigh 300 kilos while bolting them to pieces if they ever figure out how to make a combi sniper that would really unlock a lot of prank potential the imperium employs the use of missile launches it's exactly what it sounds like i feel like me explaining it would just be condescending for both of us the opposite to the friendship cannon we now have the assault cannon this self-reloading death machine makes miniguns look like peashooters i almost couldn't include this on this list due to this cannon being mostly used as a vehicle mounted weapon however some hardcore terminators have been known to carry these around an occasion so it's allowed not as fun as the assault cannon but still deadly is the auto cannon this is basically a bolter that mortals can use if a guardsman try to use a bolter the recoil would shatter their bones hence they instead opt for the auto cannon it's a light machine gun i think that's the best way to put it although it seems like guardsmen only really use last guns that isn't the case the auto gun is a broad term for any ballistic weaponry in the imperium and these guns pretty much function exactly like our modern day guns it used to be common place for them to have explosive rounds but due to an angry bold man having a midlife crisis the knowledge to make those rounds has mostly been lost an auto pistol is the most pistoly of pistols it's a handgun now onto a bit of a fan favorite we have the bolter only usable by space marines and sisters of battle these huge guns have unbelievable caliber capable of ripping through enemies with ease if you somehow survive being shot by a bolter then two things happen firstly ouch secondly that round is about to blow up sun yes once a bolt around embeds into its target it explodes you'll wish you didn't survive the original shot whilst the bulk gun does come in pistol form it's more interesting variant is the heavy bolter you definitely aren't surviving the initial shot of this one i'll tell you that much chitch even the kinetic energy of a heavy bolter shot flying past you would be enough to crack your bones and fry your organs these things make an absolute mess this next gun has a pretty funny name called the exodus pistol it's used only by the vindicator assassins when they need to exit the area after killing their target it's unclear if it's like a glock or if it just shoots one big ass bullet that ruins your tits but either way if it's a gun that only vindicates assassins use then it's a bloody good gun the vindicators also employ the use of a unique sniper rifle called the exodus rifle named so as uh that when you are shot with this rifle your soul exits your body yeah sure let's just go with that reason this rifle comes with a number of different ammunitions such as the shield breaker rounds hellfire rounds and my personal favorite the turbo penetrator rounds nice now we have the heavy stubba which honestly looks outdated even in comparison to real life but the best part about guns is it doesn't matter if it's 1 year old or 100 years old they can still [ __ ] you up it looks like a world war ii trench mounted machine gun and is often found in the hands of cows cultists because those [ __ ] are too poor to be able to afford real guns the precursor to the autocannon we have the reaper auto cannon which sounds way more powerful and badass than a normal autocannon but you know just isn't sharing a similar aesthetic to the heavy stubborn this deliverer of death is often used by chaos terminators because they too are poor as [ __ ] and can't afford normal auto cannons next up it looks like a tommy gun but it's called the ripper gun this old-fashioned mobster blaster is used by the ogrins as more or less just a fully automatic combat shotgun this works really well for ogrins because it means they don't need accuracy to [ __ ] up the bad guys they're also built extremely sturdily as once the ogren's run out of ammo which i know takes like five seconds they run in and use the gun as a makeshift club nice ha would you look at that it's 40 000 years in the future but these dudes still have shotguns although you can happily take this into a war zone they're generally used by the adeptus arab bytes for crowd control not the most humane way to put down a protest but you know it's wildly effective on top of shotguns 40k has basic handguns called stub guns as well as other basic arse weaponry that is just a copy paste of modern military guns halo and warhammer do share some themes super soldiers evil xenos a monstrous parasite that wants to devour your biomass and a distinct lack of graphic sex scenes they also share the needle are whilst halo's version of the kneeler is a lot more colourful the 40k version is just as badass basically it's a gun that shoots a laser which cuts through armor and clothing before then shooting a poisoned needle through where the hole is created i don't even know how that works from a practical standpoint but don't question it just enjoy it now this is where the fun begins these next couple weapons are very unique and wild first up is the conversion beamer which turns you gay as a side effect it also fires a beam of pure energy that converts whatever it touches into more energy onto the neural shredder we talked about the start of this video this weapon is exclusive to the calidus assassins and it targets your neural system causing you to seizure integrate agony or just become severely [ __ ] or you know all of the above it's definitely a [ __ ] move to use this weapon and finally we have the weber guns which shoot out webs yeah i'm not kidding it sounds dumb and it is dumb but this is 40k the weber guns are generally used to arrest criminals and for crowd control when the arbits decide that shotgunning the [ __ ] out of everyone isn't a good idea the weapon comes in a pistol and heavy variant with the only differences being how much of the white sticky substance is blown onto your enemies oh i'm such a [ __ ] child the imperium man has a lot of guns for a lot of situations and i for one would hate to be shot by any of them especially not the neural shredder that can eat a dick and that does this for today guys every single imperial gun explained if you enjoyed the video and want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be only one dollar per month give you access to a boatload of wyoming hentai hit the subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more blasty content join the discord4 memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 344,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Gamesworkshop, Fantasy, 40k, Sigmar, Astartes, Space marines, Xenos, Imperium, Imperial, Primarchs, Emperor, Cutsodes, Lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Krieg, Guardsmen, Chaos, Necrons, Eldar, Tau, Tyranids, Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh
Id: 6ueQKSGXc1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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