106 Facts About the 106 Alola Pokemon!

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106 facts about the 106 alone Pokemon let's do this Roll It Roll its Ultra Moon Dexter 2 references ashes roll it from the anime it states that Rolex are known to use their trainers pockets and bags as their nests which is what Ash's Rolla does all the time Dart tricks this is what darches looks like with his eyes open decidueye decidueye is based on the still owl a bird that was native to Hawaii before going extinct so quite literally decision Y is a ghost of an extinct owl listen listen regrows his coat twice a year and when the time comes it'll set his own body on fire and burn away the old fur Torah cat Torah cast-based Beast stat is whopping 30 points higher than his Evolution incineroar and even Linton has a higher speed stat as well by 10 points incineroar and sinnerors moon dicey confirms that it has a navel which is another word for belly button but it shouldn't be possible because all Pokemon are known to hash from eggs so no umbilical cord was detached from Lin's belly another fun fact is that his son or can't learn the move incinerate which also makes no sense popplio all of popplio's balloons are made from a snot ask for him in the sun dessentry Breon brion's name could be a reference to Beyonce and Rihanna since it's pronounced Brion and also Brienne is known as the pop star Pokemon which further backs his theory primarina primarina has a high special attack and special defense of all starter Pokemon making it incredibly op for speedrunning Sun and Moon picky picky pick was a first generation 7 Pokemon to be revealed as this wireframe model was shown during the first trailer Trump beak trumbeak is one of only 27 Pokemon that have not appeared in any swish Pokemon game it didn't even appear in Pokemon Snap to Canon in the anime kahili has shown holding to Cana like a bazooka while it uses the move beak blast and what's funny is that she did this while playing golf also another fun fact is that the colors of shiny tukana's beak is pink Violet and blue which happens to be the colors of the opposite side of the color spectrum young goose young goose was imported from another region to deal with alolan ratatas since they are an invasive species and this relates to what actually happened in Hawaii in 1883 gum shoes junichi masum was well aware of all the Twitter memes about gumtree's resemblance to Donald Trump but stated that gum shoes was already in the worst well before 2016 and Gaffey did not intend the resemblance and personally I don't know about that one also another fun fact is that gum shoes has the longest driven Pokemon name at 12 letters what's the name Mongoose Specter grubbin funny enough grubbing is rickety's natural enemy and that rookity will normally fly away to avoid being pissed by Grandma's mandibles charge a bug vehicle sword Destiny states that it will often carry a charger bug as a battery to fire off powerful attacks which is cool because chargeable's unique ability is battery also there's even a card where the player can attach charge above to avika Vault to give it two lightning energies further showing that is basically a double A battery vikavolt vicavolt is slower than his pre-evolution grubbin by three points which is ironic because it literally looks like a jet also another fact is that sofikel's Vega Vault was the first Pokeball in the anime to have his nature confirmed which in this case is mild crab brawler crab Brawlers couldn't name during development was crab one which probably means it was the first crab design design and I say this because back in the red and green days there was an unused Dragon type Pokemon code named Dragon 4 which I'm going to assume was scrapped over Dragonite crab ovenable crab ovenable originally evolved by leveling up in Mount lanakila in the alone region but since that area is not accessible and strong and violet it simply evolves with an ice stone now also crab out a bull has the longest English name crabominable oricorio the colors of oricorio perfectly correspond to the names of the islands that they appear on because the name Melly Melly is the Hawaiian word for yellow akola is Pink Pony is purple and Oola is red he defy cutie flies Ultraman dicey confirmed that is able to detect Aura which could mean that if there are any or Guardians who live in alola they would probably use a cutie fly or its evolved form Rim bumbi rembumbies hit its remove pollen Puffs are used as a cooking ingredient for humans also another fact is that rambabi ties polti guys for being the smallest fully evolved Pokemon rockruff rockruff's German name is waffles which is one of the cutest Pokemon names that I've ever heard also another fact was that rockruff was the only rock type Pokemon that couldn't run the Moose Sandstorm but this was faced as scarlet and violet lichen Rock like a rock is high with Mr mind for having the most abilities out of all Pokemon with the count being six which is honestly more amazing for Mr mime since like rock has three forms wishy-washy wishy-washy Soul form has a lowest base hat total out of all Pokemon with it only be 175 which is pretty funny given that this Pokemon in his school form is known as a demon of the sea according to multiple Dex entries Marini sometimes when a wild corsola calls for help in an SOS battle a wild Marina will appear and actually attack Corsa instead of the player's Pokemon since his corsola's natural predator which would be pretty unfortunate with shoddy hunting toxipex the anime has the toxic packs of a different color and it isn't even a shiny mud Bray mud Bray's valid exitary states that though it's so Walker mud Bray is plenty strong his Pace doesn't change even when loaded with 50 times its own body weight which means that this three-foot donkey could carry 12 125 pounds which is about the weight of three cars mudsdale hapu's muzzdale was defeated by Ash's Pikachu after a splasha with water allowing Pikachu to finish it off with gigavolt Havoc which interestingly confirms how Ash defeated Brock's Onyx in the fifth episode of the anime dupider do Potter is actually an awesome Pokemon because it's based on the diving bell spider a spider that spends the majority of his life underwater and traps a bubble of oxygen within the net of silt to keep breathing so do Potter is essentially the inverse of the spider which is a really fun concept araquinen araquinid is a terrifying Pokemon because according to his son Dixon Tree it says that when it delivers a headbutt small Pokemon are sucked into his bubble where they drown but weirdly enough is a carrying Pokemon because his Moon Destiny states that it will protect vulnerable weak Pokemon in its water bubble but wouldn't they drown as well fomantis according to a sword descent tree fobantacy missed a pleasant sweet scent when bathing in the sunlight and it will attract bow type Pokemon to swim around it but is it fomantis a grass type Pokemon so I guess this plant likes to live on the edge lurantis lurantis is based on the Orchid mantis a bug that disguises itself as a plant but as with dupeiner laurentis is the inverse of this it's actually a plant masquerading as a bug more lull more lull has the ability rain dish which silently recovers its HP in the rain but it has no way of sending up Rain whatsoever and it doesn't even learn a water type move to use max geyser with to create raid either so it's kind of a useless ability shinatic shinati's counterpart is Parasect because they have identical base stat totals are both mushroom Pokemon and they appear in the lush jungle but funny enough shanatics Ultra Moon Destiny states that it doesn't get along with Parasect at all it probably knows that the mushroom on parasect's back has taken over his body body and zombified it it probably doesn't want to get infected salad did the reason why Mel sound it can evolve is due to malnutrition since they give most of their food to the females of their species but one has to wonder what would happen if a Mel salmon was well nourished under the care of his trainer would it evolve then salazzle so lazul is pretty much the Pinnacle of a poison type Pokemon since his corrosion ability LEDs into poison still type Pokemon and even other poison type Pokemon as well so it probably has the most potent poison in the world even more deadly than Alternatives Stuffle stuffful has a tag on his butt that's meant to represent the tag of a teddy bear and no snuffle isn't a stuffed animal that came to life but this tag is actually an organ that it uses to communicate with other stuffful by emitting an odor so basically they communicate through farting but where when battling the fuse losing mean and sun and moon all of her Pokemon take on a more aggressive facial expression well except forever where who keeps the same Clues expression that beware are known to have bond sweet in little cut battles bonsuite is considered to be completely useless even on Smogon says not to use bond sweet because it's a waste of a team slot steeny being only stealing that has been seen in Pokemon media is one owned by mallow no other scene has appeared in the anime or Manga taserina according to the Now offline sun and moon website it said that task for his weak spot is his crown and simply touching it will make Tasker in a completely defenseless kind of sounds like a sexual innuendo to me comfy this is what comfy looks like without his flowers also another fun fact is that comfy is the only non-grass High Pokemon in the grass egg group which is pretty weird Oren Guru Oren guru's ultrasound Destiny tree states that it throws balls and gives orders to other Pokemon which technically means that it could be a Pokemon trainer another fact is that the people of ancient times thought Oren Guru was a human and call their species the people of the forest pasimian there is a band anime episode that was bit to feature pastimeon and it was band 4 well just look for yourself wimpod wimpod's first name is softkipoo which is based on the phrase sofke PA which literally means save yourself if you can so woodpot is fleeing and screaming soft kippu it's literally saying save yourself if you can golicipod kasaku nabana the designer of explained that it took six months to design it and confirmed that this is the average time it takes to fully design a Pokemon complete with moves abilities and exit trees sandy gas Sandy gas's shiny coloration is based on the black sand beaches of Hawaii which happens to be one of my favorite memories of visiting Hawaii when I was five palisan palacean's shape is classified as Serpentine which basically resembles a snake or a worm although by looking at it palestin resembles neither it makes you wonder what is under all that sand the cute Miku piku Miku actually has its own signature move purify which cures a status condition of his Target and if it does cure a status condition it will also recover 50 of its own HP as well but due to the very situational circumstances most players will run recover instead which bases a pretty obscure signature move that a lot of people don't know about type null in the anime type null was often referred to as silvally which could be because type no is simply savali but with a containment helmet on another fun fact is that in the games type note was originally going to be called type full before the eighth of foundation's experiments failed still Valley so Valley is one of the few Pokemon one that can devolve because when the Aether Foundation put his helmet on it became type null another fun fact is that savali's ability rks system sounds like Arceus when you say it slowly rks a third fun fact is that gladiana's mission survives desert tree as a boy who evolved it which might be the only time a main character has been mentioned in a pokedex entry Minier minier's ultrasound Destiny states that and lives in the ozone layer where it becomes food for stronger Pokemon and when it tries to run away it falls to the ground and in the anime episode showering the world with love we see a Rayquaza in the sky literally eating them and Ash and his friends are all delightfully watching kamola this is kamal's walking animation which is pretty dang interesting curtinator you can make bomb from turtonators poop tokede Maru tokade Maru is the first electric still type Pokemon that isn't related to the Magnemite line which is pretty wild when you think about it mimikyu there's a theory that mimiku might be the ghost of a dead Pichu that wanted to evolve which is why it tries so hard to mimic one and there's a lot of his moves and for more info on this you should check out my scary Pokemon Iceberg video bruxish brushes is bright colored in his dazzling ability might be a reference to dazzling camouflage a technique used by ships in World War One to confuse enemies as which way they were heading by using disordering patterns drampa the Pokemon with the longest name in the franchise is a grandpa nicknamed Grandpa Forest which comes out to 14 characters including the space another funny fact is that Grandpa's son Destiny states that if a child that made friends with his bullied it will find the boy's house and Burn It To The Ground which is hilarious Del Mize and Pokemon sword and shield you can randomly encounter Del mice in the Isle of armor but what's strange about this is that Del Mayas does not appear in the Isle of Armor's Pokedex jangbo jangmao was the very first Pokemon design for Pokemon Sun and Moon hakomo hakama O's ultimoon desert you stay set people make pots and pans out of hakoma O scales which makes you wonder if the place used make curry with and sword and shield are made of hakum O skills como como owes an extra Z move is clangerous soul blaze a move that attacks the opponent against KOMO an Omnibus and what's cool about this move is that it was technically transferred to sword and shield as a downgraded version for Como with the regular move being called clangerous Soul tapu Coco in the anime there's a shiny tabukuku from a parallel universe which confirms as shiny legendaries do exist but in different dimensions tapu Lele each of the tapu shells are made to resemble a different animal with topolal resembling a butterfly tapu Coco resembling a rooster top of bully resembling a bull and top Infinity resembling a swordfish along with that these four animals most likely represent the four Hawaiian Gods with the butterfly represented in the god of peace reign and fertility the roost representing the god of sky the bull rips it in the God of War and the swordfish represent the god of the ocean tapu bulu tapu bulu is responsible for destroying a village on the island of guards because it was enraged the locals built a Thrifty Mega Mart near sacred grounds so if you're wondering why this area looked pretty beat up that's why top of Finney as shown in the anime tamifini is capable of creating a fog in which people would think and see and Converse with their deceased loved ones which is actually a pretty awesome ability cosmog despite the fact that cosmon cannot learn any attacking moves there is still a way to see his attacking animation in battle and the way to do this is to use Azora or Zoroark with their illusion ability Cosmo M Cosmo M has at least Noble moves out of all of all Pokemon with it only knowing three cosmic power teleport and splash and two of them are from his pre-evolution also Cosmo and his taiwistel Stila for being the heaviest Pokemon and Ash just casually held it in the anime solgaleo solgaleo shiny is based on a solar flare while his counterpart lunalized colors is based on a blood moon lunala as a Pokemon Journeys little and Zapdos have identical cries just listen [Music] [Applause] [Music] I guess I can understand why because Zapdos had a pretty questionable cry in the previous anime [Music] but nothing beats his Pokemon Stadium cry sounded like a horse bird thing naligo in Pokemon Journeys there's a shot in the Lego that belongs to luzumi's family and this sound Lego happens to be named Lily named by mon who had no memory of his family after being lost in the ultra Wormhole and I wouldn't be surprised if there's an alternate Dimension where humans are Pokemon and this is the counterpart of Lily from that world not to mention that pharamose looks a lot like luzamin which lends Credence to this Theory buzzwole buzzwo Lily slurps up as Snorlax in the anime which is pretty terrifying looking feramosa in Pokemon Sun and Moon pheromones's catch rate was 255 the highest catcher the Pokemon could have which meant that was a guaranteed capture exert tree exert tree a Pokemon with no nose or mouth killer the moves snore which makes absolutely no sense another fun fact is that azurgy can learn a ton of grass type moves because it's a play on the name power plant which is something is actually invaded in his home world is practically a humongous power plant and in itself celestila celestila babies actually exist as seen the anime kartana in the anime Cortana speaks in the human language except in reverse and this is what it sounds like once again I got a worthless object once again I cut a worthless object cut again again again I cut a worthless object once again worthless object again I can't again yeah that was pretty creepy guzzlord guzzlord is one of the first Pokemon confirmed outside of Dyson tree to unlock a character with the character being a follower who is working for Looker necrozma Pokemon cannot decide whether necrozma is an ultra Beast or not because in the main Series games and in Pokemon home it is considered not to be an ultra beast but in the Adventures Manga it is an ultra beast and is even captured by a beast Ball but then in the trading card game his base form is not an ultra beast but his other forms are and then in Pokemon duel all his forms are classified as Ultra beasts so it's pretty unclear what the heck necrozma is exactly magirina magira's event codes never expired they all still work to this day it can be found on Bulbapedia go ahead and pause this video and get his quranco for a free magurina and Sun and Moon but wait click on the Subscribe button after you pause the video alright got it nice and here's a Japanese Taiwanese pal and Korean QR codes if you want those too more Shadow marshadow shiny 4 may appear indistinguishable from its regular form but its true shiny colors are revealed in a Zenith form which can only be seen when it's in action poipole according to his Ultra Sun dexton tree POI pulls a popular starter Pokemon in its native world with his native role being Ultra Megapolis maganadol every single based out of every Ultra Beast is a prime number which is a number that's only divisible by itself and one every stat of every Ultra Beast is a finale speed which has a value of 121 which is odd and OCD inducing stack attacker According to some in-game dialogue stack attack is actually composed for approximately 150 different life forms which is pretty wild blastful on a shiny scribble that sketch of blasphy's mind blown move we'll launch a shiny blast one's head which just looks hilarious Za Aurora zayor's shiny is probably a lot more common than this regular coloration since over a million sword and shield players took part in the max frame battles against zayora which rewarded a shiny zerora so basically it's a new Red Gyarados Melton despite the fact that has an evolution melting can be affected by the item evolite which maybe because it can only evolve in Pokemon go and never in the games Mel metal weirdly enough Mel Metals coated learn Thunder Punch upon evolving in the main Series games but again melsa can evolve outside of Pokemon go so this code is completely useless alone Rattata according to the official sun and moon website alone ratat adapted to his appearance as a result of the introduction of young goose into alola which forced it to become nocturnal but interestingly in the anime they said that young goose was introduced after ratata adapted into this form so which is it alone radicate despite the fact that radicate has existed since generation one not a single one of them was scanned by a pokedex not until lone Raticate was seen in the sun and moon anime alone Raichu the main reason Raichu takes on this Regional form is because it's diet of Pancakes so basically all you need to do to Wicket the second powers of a Pikachu is defeated a bunch of Pancakes which is hilarious alone Sandshrew along states that it can't roll his body into a ball and yet it can learn roll out garabal and ice ball and there's even an alone sand slash he's an ice ball in the anime alone Sans slash if you take a closer look at a lone stance like his arm and His official art you might notice that it's not actually attached to his body but it's set to one of his spikes so if one used to move like ice cold spear it might actually fire off his own arm alone Vol pix alone Vulpix is the only unevolved Pokemon to get a V-Star card not even Pikachu Evie or any other popular first ice Pokemon has one alola nine tails alola Ninetales is the only Pokemon in Legends Arceus that could only be obtained in game through Evolution you can literally find any other Pokemon in the game by some other method a little and Diglett alone diglis Harris are actually indicators of emotion if angry the hair stands straight up if happy they Wing around and is sad they drip down alolan Dugtrio alone dugtrio's metallic hair actually makes perfect sense in a wine based region because his base of something called pele's hair which looks like hair but it's actually volcanic glass stressed out thin this is a natural occurrence a alone Meowth the anime explains that matari's alone Meowth stole Team Rocket's meow's money to buy an airline ticket to Kanto and just the thought of a Pokemon walking up to an airport and purchasing a ticket is quite amusing alone Persian the size of one person's head is actually meant to be a pun playing on the fact that is described in this Pokedex to be full of itself or in other words big-headed alone Geodude the concept artwork for Lo and Geodude shows that it could actually lose his hair when being hit along Graveler there's an in-game trade in tapu village that offers an lone Graveler in exchange for a Haunter which allows a player to obtain a trade Evolution without needing to find someone else which is pretty rare along Golem it is stated it alone Golden Sun desotry that it is known to seize nearby Geodude and fired them from his back and this is even shown in the anime alone grimer alone grimer loves to eat Tauros poop alone muck unlike kitonian Muk alone mug actually doesn't smell bad this is because all his toxins are contained in his body another fact is that alone muck are known to eat trubbish and garbador alone executor surprisingly alone and Zeke appears 17 years before its official debut in Sun and Moon it was shown on the Japanese booster box for the jungle expansion and finally alone Marowak the flames and alone marowak's bone is said to be the spirit of his dead mother according to his Lesco Dex entry and there you go 106 facts about the 106 lowland Pokemon and if you want about the next video in the series leave some comments down below about the gallerian and ensuing in Pokemon the more obscure the fact is the better and yeah hope you guys enjoy this video hey did you know there's an evil mega Gardevoir during the X and Y era yeah and that's just one fit for my kills fact video here or if it will start from the beginning in Kanto click on the playlist right here and don't forget to subscribe and ring that Bell
Channel: Dobbs
Views: 288,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 106 facts about the 106 alola pokemon, 122 facts about the 122 kalos pokemon, 156 facts about the 156 unova pokemon, 107 facts about the 107 sinnoh pokemon, 135 facts about the 135 hoenn pokemon, 100 facts about the 100 johto pokemon, 151 facts about every kanto pokemon, 11 obsecure pokemon facts you don’t know, 14 more obsecure pokemon facts you don’t know, 100 useless pokemon facts, pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon ultra sun and moon, dobbs pokemon, dobbs, pokemon, scarlet, violet
Id: z31dHZR8A80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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