The Best Cheese To Buy At The Grocery Store...And What To Avoid!

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guess who's back at the girls just throwing my friends that is really art and I are back because you guys have been requesting a cheese review video lately in fact it's been the top requested choice so we have to come to the grocery store and break it down because there's so many cheeses to buy and more importantly there's so many to avoid so I want to do a review video all about cheese's which ones to avoid which ones to buy and let you know that quality matters when it comes to cheese we're gonna hit block cheese grated cheese feta cheese cottage cheese cream cheese even plant-based and vegan cheese's we got everything covered in this haul before we get to that all you got to do is hook me up and subscribe to my channel because every week we are rocking out three videos now two videos on the weekend and one live stream cooking on the week that are yet after you subscribe click that little bell icon right below the video that way you get a push notification as soon as we go live and you guys these live streams during the week are super fun art and I are making a recipe from start to finish and you do not want to miss out on that okay let's start with block cheese so what do you guys think the main difference is between a block cheese made crafts say organic one and a private label one like this well it turns out the difference is really big and it is all about the quality of the dairy used we talked about cheeses that are not organic they're made with conventional dairy from cows that are fed and green like soy and corn why is that bad we've talked about that many times these cows are fed GMO Monsanto laced Roundup Ready corn and soy when you do that you're killing the nutrition of the actual dairy because when you're talking organic the omega-3 fatty acids are six to two percent higher the conjugated linoleic acids the clas are up to five times better those are really really important for reducing cancer weight loss and a whole host of health properties also organic dairy has to be pasture raised on grass for at least four months of the year grass-fed cows are healthier that cheese is healthier so I would always go organic if you can afford it that being said what's the difference between like the Kraft brand and a couple of America's favorites like Tillamook or Cabot cheddar cheese the answer is well maker right cheese makers make the best cheese at craft like a machine pushing a button over a Tillamook in cabinet they have a real cheese makers who make really good quality cheese a problem in my book is they're using conventional grain fed dairy milk to do that so that brings us to a couple options here the easiest one is to buy organic cheese because we know it's a made with organic dairy which is way better for us but you can do even better you can get this it's expensive and they don't have it everywhere which is why I've brought it here this is organic 100% grass-fed cheddar from organic valley when it's a hundred percent grass-fed grass-fed dairy those nutritionals the CLA is the Omega threes the Omega six is everything is even a way better for you also something like Kerrygold Dubliner is good but Kerry glow has been in the news a lot lately because is it really grass-fed I Got News for you it's 80% grass at 20% grain fed when it's really cold in the winter and they don't have grass or hay they do supplement grain is that ideal no but this is readily available across America so if you want to do like a starter grass-fed I think this is really really good place to start now we go up here take a look at this art we have something called organic valley raw cheese now it's becoming a little more accessible to get raw milk cheese you can get it at Trader Joe's and the advantage of doing that is that it's not pasteurized and you pasteurized milk you kill a lot of the enzymes and nutrients in there and studies have actually shown when you eat pasteurized dairy they're much more likely to have lactose issues and allergy issues so if you want to try something interesting try raw but for block cheese and cheese in general organic is the best organic grass-fed is the absolute best oh I should also mention that all these has a 100% grass-fed cheddar from New Zealand so it's a little more affordable and listen if you can't afford the grass-fed or the organic at least you have the knowledge that you can maybe get it down the road or just know what kind of cheese you're by now we come over here to these sliced cheeses and it's the same principle as before and we have a couple options Applegate farms actually makes a really good sliced cheese that has clean ingredients and it's pasture-raised it's not a hundred percent grass-fed but it's but then look at this even the simple truth brand here is organic so once again we're getting that health benefit from that and I would try to trade up and either get this or the Applegate because when you're going to the craft the ingredients once again are the same but it's much lower quality dairy and much lower quality cheese making during the process now I think we all know down here the processed cheese signals is something to stay away from and actually it's not even cheese which is why you have to call that pasteurized prepared cheese product here but surprisingly there is one choice here from organic valley it says right on here it's an organic unprocessed American singles so listen I grew up with cheese burgers with the American cheese on there if you want something that has that iconic almost like fake cheese like thing go for this one because the ingredients are really good at all only is organic pasteurized cultured milk salt vegetable enzymes and organic annatto have you noticed how a lot of the cheddar at the grocery store is orange in color it turns out that's not natural but it's actually okay because they add something called a natto which comes from the achiote seed I guess somewhere down the road they thought that Americans like to each other that is orange but it's actually white like that that's the natural color but it's a hundred percent safe Norton a chiral normal food coloring so you don't have to worry about all right let's talk about snacking cheese's right especially for the kiddies I would avoid the laughing cow cheese is because they do have a few preservatives in here and everything but if I turn around and look at the ingredients this one also has natural flavoring in here so you think it'd be natural but it's not but right below it I would actually get any one of these baby Bell cheese's there are a hundred percent natural they have no preservatives and they're great for snacking but just keep in mind once again it's not a super high quality dairy with that if you want to scrub that out for a much more nutritious treat I would come down here you guys we go to the childhood treat of all treats for me at least string shoes right so we have two kinds of string cheese the kind most of us had growing up the basic one but now they're making organic stream cheese which is fantastic because once again we're getting the health benefits of using that organic cheese this stuff is the conventional in my opinion bad quality dairy this is the good one which is fantastic oh they also have organic private label string cheese at Walmart and they have a goat cheese string cheese at Whole Foods if you don't want to have cows military alright let's talk about shredded cheese this for a second if you're a long time cliff city follower you know we've stay away from these because whenever they pre great cheese's they cover them in powdered cellulose or wood pulp or potato starch or other starches it's basically an anti-caking agent but I don't like what it does to the texture if you try to melt that versus freshly grated cheese there's no comparison but freshly grated stuff is way better and cheaper I mean I guess if you have to choose a grated cheese we'll come over here and we'll say it once again the Applegate is nice because it's pasture-raised but if you have to do one look for an organic one you get the benefit of the organic dairy but really if you have the time grate it yourself and it's gonna be a lot cheaper so you might see on a lot of these cheese labels some say reduced fat alright some say fat-free but really what's the difference between reduced fat and regular it's all about the kind of milk they're using for the reduced fat they're using reduced fat 2% milk for the regular the using whole milk when you're buying dairy I urge you to always get full fat milk because that fat is actually good for you especially when it's coming from like an organic or a grass-fed source like this what do you think you're getting those fatty omega-3 acids from it's from the fat so when you skimp and get fat for your low fat you're actually not getting that so if you eat dairy eat good-quality whole milk fat it's actually very good for you the feta selection here at Mariano's is very lacking so luckily I brought my own so which one do you guys buy if you buy the palak feta like this or the crumbled feta like this I know this is convenient and easy to use but you never want to buy the crumbled feta for a couple of reasons the flavor is nowhere near as good as the block and once again just like the shredded cheese is it's covered in anti-caking agents and it doesn't have the same texture and melt nearly as well so by the block and then the cool thing is a lot of people avoid dairy because they have a lactose intolerant well you can kind of experiment with cheeses made from the goat or sheep's milk especially with feta cheese they have smaller fat globules so they're much easier to digest and goat and sheep milk cheeses have higher 8qu protein a2 is the easier to digest casein protein a1 it's a tougher one so if you haven't tried it yet try and goat milk feta or a goat milk aa regular cheese right we all love goat cheese with like crackers or with a roasted beet salad once again if you're intolerant or sensitive to lactose goat cheese could be one that you could really tolerate I want to talk quick about aged cheese's like parmesan we all know parmesan is salty and nutty and delicious but the real stuff like parmigiano-reggiano from Italy is expensive I actually liked better than parmigiano is pecorino romano this I call it the cousin to parmesan at the sheep's milk sheet sheep's milk cheese from Rome it's salty and nutty and whenever I graded over pasta or anything at the finishing cheese it is fantastic it's also cheaper than parmigiano-reggiano and there's a big advantage to aged cheese's aged cheese's are much easier to tolerate and digest for lactose intolerant people because the lactose is eaten by the bacteria right the sugar and the lactose is consumed during the aging process so once again if you're sensitive to Dairy try aged hard cheeses like this and if you want to try pecorino romano they always have it at Trader Joe's it's a really good price alright I couldn't make the cheese video without talking about the vegan cheese and the dairy-free cheese to hook up all my lactose intolerant and friends out there so there's not too many selections here but I did some research and I've actually experimented a lot with these here's what I have to say read the back of the ingredients it is a highly processed product right when we're talking about something that's not cheese turning it into cheese so it's gonna be processed much like the beyond meat burger that we talked about the other week the thing is something I noticed in all vegan cheese is why there is daya so delicious follow your heart they all have natural flavorings and we try to stay away from natural flavorings because there's nothing natural about them at all they actually have a ton of chemicals and the only one I've found that doesn't have them is this one it's called the wildlife and I made a grilled cheese sandwich with this and it was pretty good now I want you to be careful because there's a difference between vegan cheese and plant-based cheese or dairy free cheese if you don't read the label sometimes they sneak tasty in in there and casein is the milk protein found in dairy they do that for texture purposes so there's a brand at Trader Joe's that's almond milk it has the casein and there's also one I'll put the picture up on the screen right now that has casein so read the back and make sure it's plant-based not just dairy free because it might have that casein after all but this is the one they also make feta block cheddar and then make a parmesan in the wheel you can grate I haven't had that one if you've had it leave a comment down below I heard it's fantastic but that's the rap when it comes to vegan cheese all right we got to talk about cream cheese right we need something to spread it on our bagels in the morning speaking of bagels after this video check out the video for the bread review from last week we tell you all the good breads bagels and gluten-free breads to eat so check that out um if you're baking you can't go wrong with Philadelphia because the texture is fantastic makes a mean mean cheesecake but once again they do use low quality dairy one thing you will notice in all cream cheeses is there's always an emulsifier in this case Caribbean Ghana the thing is when you start going into cheaper I love cream cheese is like the private label they double or triple the amount of emulsifiers in there this one has guar gum carob bean and xanthan gum so the texture of this is way more more like mushy and kind of like gelatinous if you want a dairy-free cream cheese I can vouch this kite he'll one is fantastic the ingredients are great so once again go for the organic cream cheese or once again the organic valley mace cream cheese because we're getting the health benefits of the organic dairy also to take it one step about above that organic dairy especially grass-fed is pasture-raised better for the environment better for the cow better for the farmer who's not stuck in like a huge warehouse with all those mass farm cows and better for us because it tastes better and has more nutrition what you're looking at her it's the one thing that Bobby was not planning on discussing here but I felt it important to point out we're shopping for cheese for Taco Tuesday you don't want a cheese flavored like salsa verde you keep them separate you've got your cheese you got yourself here today don't do this and I would have even hurt it wouldn't do that one I don't know about you guys but I have very fond memories of cottage cheese my grandma used to take me for breakfast down in South Florida and have a scoop of this in your cantaloupe and I love cottage cheese it's creamy and that curd is all funky texture in my mouth the thing is we can do a lot better than this kind of like temps or generic quality cottage cheese because look at the ingredients here but this is loaded with emulsifiers like guar gum xanthan gum carob bean gum it also has natural and artificial flavors and carrageenan carrageenan is that horrible emulsifier that's derived from seaweed that helps things get creamier it's actually really bad for your stomach your intestines and your gut bacteria luckily there's better options now well not like when I grew up back in the day we can get organic cottage cheese that if you look at the ingredients there's way less ingredients here and much higher quality also if you go to Whole Foods you'll see a ton more a high quality Cottage cheese's they even have one from Nancy's with probiotic bacteria also have a lactose free one so if you're intolerant to lactose but still want to get your how to shoes on get that one so organic high quality dairy how does she's it's where it's at this stuff here you got to leave it behind you know I wasn't gonna do it the cheese video without covering mac and cheese right and it's fully expecting to see all these and be like no no no and that's pretty much the case here they're all made with processed cheese preservatives chemicals really bad stuff but there is one that makes the grade here Annie's organic makes a 100% grass-fed cheese mac and cheese in white cheddar in mild cheddar and in spiral aged cheddar yeah when growing up I'm pretty sure the only one I had was this one how about you are huh this is all we had things are changing I say for the better this is the only one that gets the mob you stamp for approval because there's no really bad ingredients in here it's not a laundry list of ingredients either and it has dry powdered grass-fed cheddar it's a natural process by the way they can dehydrate the cheese turn it into a powder if you want to make up a healthy version of like say cheese covered popcorn you can buy grass-fed cheese powder online I'll put a link down below who dusted over your popcorn but if you're gonna have mac and cheese for your kiddies make sure it's one of these alright flavor family that is it art and I just rocked the cheese hall like a boss let us know what you want to see next I'm gonna put a poll up right here it's all about rocking the vote because whenever you guys want to see art and I do unless we get kicked out of the grocery store that we can to any event guys share subscribe sharing is caring a lot of work goes into these videos art and I have two more hauls trimming right below this video right now but we will see you very soon until then a chef keep on cooking mad love and
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 1,147,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheese, cheese review, cheese reviews, taste test, review, reviews, cheese taste test, daiya cheese review, vegan cheese review, vegan cheese, dairy free cheese, dairy free cheese review, cheddar cheese, cheddar cheese making, cheddar, organic cheese, organic cottage cheese, organic valley cheese, best organic cheese, tillamook cheese, tillamook cheese review, cabot cheese, cabot cheese review, kerrygold, flavcity, bobby parrish, grocery haul, grocery shopping, shop with me
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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