HUGE Cereal Haul - What Cereals To Buy & Avoid At the Grocery Store!

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what is that flavor family it is Bobby and art coming back at you from the grocery store to talk all about cereals this was the number one vote I put a poll on the community tab last week about what you want to see in the grocery store next and by far the top request was cereal and like the videos from the previous weeks I have bad news 85% of these cereals on these walls here are no-go they're just basically sugar bombs but in my research I did find a handful of really good ones let's start here though at the mass grocery store to show you the ones you want to stay away from and why but before we do that basically what you want to do is look for cereals that are made from whole grains have less than 9 or 10 grams of sugar per serving and most importantly have as much protein and fiber as possible at least I'm talking to at least 3 grams per serving because that's what fills you up that's what makes you feel full and you don't get hungry like an hour later so something is low protein and fiber but high in sugar you're gonna get hungry an hour later it's gonna spike your blood sugar and it's bad news so let's start here with maybe some of the most well known brands here okay let's start with a raisin bran so first of all take a look at the actual raisins and the raisin bran you can clearly see they're coated like copiously coated in sugar okay so that's a bad bad thing but I kind of wanna like raisin bran if you look at the ingredients whole grain wheat great raisins great wheat bran sugar brown sugar syrup so not the worst I'd say but the sugars are high we're talking about 17 grams for a one cup serving obviously the raisins do have some natural sugar but there's an addition on 9 grams of sugar fiber and protein are pretty good we're talking 7 grams of protein 5 grams of fiber but is too much sugar I just kind of find it funny that if you take a look at the raisin bran like they do a little better job of maybe hiding the fact that it's not covered in sugar but if you look closely you can still see it there so I'm gonna say no on raisin bran I'll show you a healthier version later on when we go to the next grocery store mom and then something like over here Wheaties right we all grew up with our favorite sports athlete on the cover threatened how Russell Wilson is tossing that football the thing is I don't think Russell Wilson is eating this every day for breakfast because if you look at the ingredients here we got whole-grain wheat good sugar corn syrup and we're talking only two grams of protein and three grams of fiber in here sugar is very very low but there's not enough nutrition in here to really hold you over okay so that's a that's a noni I once here oh that I can't actually get behind maybe a little surprisingly is it Grape Nuts I used to crush these when I was a kid look at the ingredients it's just a few whole grain wheat flour so whole grain malted barley dried yeast and salt fiber Rock in at 7 grams per serving and protein 6 grams and it's non-gmo so this one's actually good but I know what you're thinking right your little Timmy or a little Erica doesn't like cereals like this because they don't have the sugar right it doesn't have the the fruit and the yogurt or the honey bunches of oats that's where I think you could pull a little swap everyone take a little bit of stevia or take 2 teaspoons of milk fruit sweetener and splash it over a cereal like this and has that nice sweetness they won't even know the difference especially with monk fruit sweetener it's a one-to-one replacement with sugar or a versus W extract it's way way sweeter and you just need a little bit but I think that's a great work around to getting kids to eat unsweetened cereals and then when did anyone think it's okay for kids and people to be eating miniature chocolate chip cookies for breakfast I mean it's very very wrong whole grain corn it's made with you don't really want to be eating that much corn sugar cornmeal canola oil so they're using highly processed highly refined canola oil sugars come in at a whopping nine grams but there's no protein and no fiber in here this is the kind of cereal that you eat that spice your blood sugar and you get sick and you get hungry one portly like an hour later so that's a no-no in Cookie Crisp defense it's not like they're not as good as cookies Thank You art then you might see something like this that looks healthy right shredded wheat here but here's the problem we look at it it actually looks decent whole grain wheat but they put BHT to preserve it a lot of cereal makers stopped using BHT because it's a natural antioxidant preservative but it does have some negative health benefits so they switched out BHT for tocopheryl so you'll see when we go through some of these they have tocopherols to preserve and that literally is 100% vitamin eat extract antioxidant - I'll help with the preservatives so you want to stay away from BHT but something like this does have no sugar and a whopping 8 grams of fiber and protein but we can do better and I'll show you later on with that same thing you'd think something like Quaker Oatmeal squares cause I think of oatmeal is really good for you but there's a ingredient here take a look that I don't like it has multi dextran we've talked about this in past haul videos maltodextrin is a preservative and it helps food stay longer on the shelf or make a creamier the problem is multi dextran is really bad your gut bacteria I will say that the protein is pretty good the fiber could be better but it does have 9 grams of added sugar 9 grams is over 2 teaspoons of sugar we eat in this country nineteen point five teaspoons a per day the AMA recommends that we only do 7 oh okay we're about to get kicked out so let's actually go to another grocery store that actually has many many healthier options and not these monster bags of coke oh whatever that we're actually eating in the meantime just want to plug in the book one more time in our new keto meal prepping cookbook there's a whole chapter called wakey wakey eggs and Bakey and if you get tired of eating the same kind of things or the same egg dishes on keto try some of the recipes in the book we have an amazing spinach and feta keto fat bread muffin Dessie has a recipe for everything bagels that are low-carb sheykh suka with cheesy pita bread we have these Starbucks egg bites we have a mini meatball breakfast hash and then my favorite one is this one the sausage McMuffin sandwiches that are my version of the McDonald's ones with coconut chia seed pudding and bulletproof coffee recipes so the amazon link is down in the description box you guys it's been a number one you released on Amazon for over a month now so thank you so much for the support if you know someone who needs keto and healthy recipes in their life spread the word thank you so much now let's get out of here before they officially kick us out all right new grocery store Spice Girls rocking on the intercom you know we're in for a treat here and we actually are in for a treat because there's so many cool Sears here that I cannot wait to share with you guys let's start with this Barbara's puffins normally the rule is if there's a cute mascot on the box like this it's a no-go but this one is actually a go Barbara is doing it right five grams of fiber three grams of protein could be higher but only five grams of sugar and really decent ingredients a whole grain oats we got unsalted molasses and if you want to get a little sweet in there for your kids what's so cool is that even with the peanut butter it's all-natural peanut butter flavor which is not the case on some of the PB ones I saw the other store pay very close attention we look to serving sizes because this puffin is 3/4 of a cup this one is 1 cup or a serving size part and I saw one in a third cup and another one so when you're counting the fiber and the protein and the sugar pay attention to how big sighs is I mean art when you ever have one serving of cereal just a half a cup of anything no no we're all doing at least a cup to a cup and a half well Barbara is doing it right I think you're talking about like straight up like right as rain Art's getting jiggy over there guys when they blast the Alpen muesli this stuff is so clean look at the ingredients you guys whole grain oats whole grain wheat raisins no sugar added zero additional sugar it all the sugar comes from the raisins we're talking about all whopping 8 grams of protein 7 grams of fiber this is one of those cereals you can put a little bit of monk fruit sweetener a little bit of stevia on for your kids this is gonna fill you up and not make you hungry they're like 11 o'clock and bum-rush those and doughnuts in the office sticking in the awesome aisle here is equal we all know they can make that sprouted bread that we love but they make really good cereal with sprouted grains like barley millet sprouted wheat why is it important to be sprouted what's the whole deal sprouted grains or sprouted germinated grains have more nutrition and digests a lot easier so it's a lot better to eat sprouted grains when you can and any of these the golden flax the cinnamon raisin they're all super clean ingredients that really the only amount of sugars that come from the cinnamon raisin version of his equal is from the raisins himself they're not coated in those crystals of a white refined sugar like they were over at the raisin bran aisle what else we got here what's Oh probably my favorite gluten-free cereal for all my gluten-free friends out there love groan they make a bunch of different kinds of cereals that are made with beans so no grains at all it's like a look at it it's navy beans lentils garbanzo beans the sugar on this is not bad we're talking about 7 grams for something that is bright and looks like it's sugary the protein in the fiber could be a little higher but love grown makes even plain ones over there I would highly recommend Matt nature's path fantastic all once again a whole grains and you'll see when you read this all the good brands used to Co paroles then once again that's the antioxidant preservative we don't use the other one that is bad for you the BHT and this one has organic sunflower oil so it's not the highly processed one and then let's go over here this brand right here is fantastic this is Arrowhead Mills organic spelt flakes even the maple buckwheat's are delicious even use any sugar at all they're using fruit juice concentrate in the front of apple or pear and it only has 2 grams of sugar that's amazing right the fact that they're going above and beyond and using fruit concentrate is amazing you could get a little more fiber in protein there's only 3 grams and that's really really good stuff and then if we go to the maple buckwheat that has the gluten free because buckwheat is gluten free so this would be a great cereal for gluten-free people and sometimes you will see a cereal where the ingredients are gluten free but it doesn't stay gluten free on the box that's because it's processed in a facility that has gluten flying around everywhere so they can't certify it whereas like they do certify the cheerios here as gluten free but I almost want to approve Cheerios we look at the ingredients whole grain oats is great but then they're using cornstarch in there using GMO corn starch which is not the best this is a fantastic brand right here Cascadia farms I would be careful you got to read the ingredient because this one here the cinnamon crunch has malted extra in it I saw that in an ingredient in the other grocery store malted excellent once again is that preservative it's not very good if your gut flora and your gut bacteria so this one is a no-go but if you stick with the other ones like Cascadia Farms Raisin Bran or multigrain squares then we see there's no malted extern in here that's a bunch of whole grains we're talking 6 to 7 grams of fiber and protein and sugars are under 10 so once again keep in mind serving size if you go under 10 grams I'm totally cool with that now art which is your cereal of choice this one right now alright this falls under the category of colon blow for me because if you reading Radiance do a 1 in 1/4 cup serving has 12 grams of protein 13 grams of fiber this is like if you eat two servings do not stray too far on the toilet bowl because this is pretty pretty good stuff any of these it is cheaper other places very true um the other ones that are really yes well low sugar high fiber this is one of the best ones right here check it out this is about as clean as they get look at the fiber in there we got 7 grams of fiber zero sugar um I mean it fits clean it's a little bland if you put a little bit of like monk fruit sweetener I'd sure I thank you all right I would also say that pretty much any of these cereals by Kashi are super high quality just a couple ingredients including whole grain wheat very minimal sugar now if you're wondering are there any low-carb heat'll friendly cereals out there the answer is like slim pickins on there is one available online I brought the bag with me here called Julian and bakery this is expensive two bags is about 23 or 24 bucks but the ingredients are amazing that's more of a granola look at the ingredients you guys everything's organic the key to this is they use a digestive resistant prebiotic tapioca flour but tons of fantastic ingredients only 2 grams of net carbs per serving because there's so much fiber in here month fruit is the sweetener so I wish I saw that I wish we get to the point where more sweeteners where monk fruit and stevia but I'll put the link to this down below this stuff is really really good even though it is pricey and there's a couple other brands that are low-carb I'll put those down in the description box you pretty much can't find them at the grocery store only online alright let's talk about oatmeal really quick if you're gonna do it you want steel-cut oatmeal it actually has more fiber and it's lower on the glycemic index than a rolled oats the problem is steel-cut takes a long time to cook I would much rather grab a packet of this Bob's quick Mill about a surrett mill quick cooking steel cut oats it says 7 minutes on the box but art I cooked mine about 17 together the way I like yeah still it's much quicker than the traditional one just be careful if you're buying the ones that are in here it's gonna be rolled oats which is fine because it's portable and convenient but don't buy the ones that have tons of added sugar and tons of mix-ins go as basic as possible if it has sugar it should come in the form of fruit not from sugar okay that is it you guys I think like granola should be a separate video because there's a lot to talk about there but in terms of cereal once again as low in sugar as possible if you want sugar add your own and the form of honey or a monk fruit or stevia as high as possible in protein and fiber that's what fills you up that's what's a she it's your hunger and gets you through to lunch avoid stuff like rice and corn in there that really is filler that doesn't have much nutrition at all stick to the whole-grain oats and wheats and other stuff like that but I'll put a list down below in the description box of all the good ones and all the bad ones you want to stay away from and I just caught out of the corner of my eye here the alternative milk section which was the number two requested video when I put the poll on the community tab of YouTube so coming up maybe next week aren't I gonna hit all of the alternative milks that come in the middle aisles and the refrigerated ones I call them alternative milk are calls them box milks are not milks let us know what you want to see you next and more importantly share this video sharing is caring we got two more review and haul videos going down below us right now but art and I will see you really really soon until then hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace
Channel: Bobby Parrish
Views: 1,481,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cereal, cereal review, new cereal review, grocery haul, grocery haul 2019, grocery haul healthy, shopping haul, grocery shopping, cereal time, review, healthy cereal, healthy cereal for weight loss, healthy cereal breakfast, healthy cereal taste test, is cereal healthy, is cereal healthy for you, is eating cereal healthy, shop with me, healthy breakfast, bobby parrish, flavcity
Id: kmb1vw9wRUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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