BIG Ice Cream Review At The Grocery Store - What To Buy And Avoid!

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what is that flame her family it is Bobby back at the grocery store you did not think I was in let this summer go by without doing an ice-cream review which actually it's a lot harder than I thought because so many of these ice creams are loaded with sugar and bad ingredients but we're gonna take the time to do a deep dive into ice cream tell you which ones to buy which ones to avoid hits some good dairy free ice cream options some low sugar some key dough ice cream options we're gonna hook you up with premium brands even economical brands to buy and avoid we're gonna do it all but before we do that take a second and subscribe to my channel my friends because every week we are rocking out 3 videos on this channel two videos on the weekend and a live stream during the week so after you sub click that little bell icon right below the video that way you get a push notification as soon as we go live and these live streams are super fun we're doing a recipe from start to finish and you do not want to miss out all right let's start off with some of the more recognizable ice cream brands the ones we can find everywhere like Blue Bunny and I should I want to grab this one too I think for this video I'm gonna grab most and banila flavors because those are close to basic it's also the most popular ice cream flavor in the country but you can really get a good gauge of the ingredients they use now if we look at Blue Bunny we see a couple things that right off the bat or not good there's a line here that says produced with genetic engineering that's in bowls they're pretty much saying that used GMO product for this GML milk GMO eggs that the chickens feed on corn from but this is vanilla vanilla should lead here they have a few five ingredients eggs cream milk sugar vanilla bean that's it we look at this one there's fructose there's natural and artificial flavorings there's carob bean and cellulose gum those are okay when you start to go to the dairy-free ice cream it's gonna help make the texture creamier but you shouldn't have to put it in this there's carrageenan in here guys look at this they put karinjini we talked about this a lot basically carrageenan is a seaweed it helps with the texture of products but a lot of brand makers are moving away from that because it's fairly bad for your gut bacteria and the flora and you've got and then we have caramel coloring and annatto so this is a major no but the funny thing is if you want to get the blue bunny frozen-yogurt vanilla it's way better look at the ingredients it's actually good it actually is the ingredients it shouldn't be in this there's none of those bad ingredients or emulsifiers so I would scoop this one for sure and 397 for a big tub that's the way to go all right this one my friends is a really popular low-carb sugar-free ice cream and we're gonna talk more about keto sugar-free ice creams coming up later on there's some really good ones out there the problem is you want to stay away from this one because if you look at the ingredients once again that's it you guys this is what the video is all about it's really easy ingredients if you can't pronounce them if you don't recognize them skip it this one they're using multi dextran as the third ingredient we all know that malt or dextran is a food preservative it's also derived from corn is it GMO corn yes it's a GMO corn because it doesn't say non-gmo also multiple dextran spikes your blood sugar because it's very high on the glycemic index so that's really bad then we have mono and diglycerides that's another word for trans fatty acids so they're putting trans fats in here for two reasons to make the product more shelf stable and have a longer life but to make it more creamy not necessary at all trans fats are so bad for your heart and your health really bad stuff then they're using natural flavoring and the sweetener they're using is one of the worst it's sucralose or Splenda the second on here it's blend up it's a chemically made man-made sugar that's terrible I want you to stay away from this one alright let's go to Breyers ice cream this is something I kind of grew up with and I'm gonna grab once again the vanilla here and I'm telling you back in the day Breyers used to be good it had really basic ingredients I don't know what's happened in over the years but it's still decent milk cream sugar vegetable gum but a natural flavoring you don't need to add natural flavoring to vanilla ice cream get the natural flavor from the vanilla bean and once again we've talked about this a million times whenever you see natural flavoring on labeling it should be a red flag going up immediately because it's nothing natural about it once again a natural flavor is something you have to start with like natural say vanilla bean in a lab can't had a hundred different chemicals and preservatives to it and you can still call it natural it's not regulated by the government and it's really bad for you so I want you to stay away and unfortunately you got to stay away from all the briars the good news is come down here Hart if you want like the og good quality vanilla haagen-dazs right haagen-dazs with the brand in the 80s right art this is well we grew up in this stuff back in the 80s look at the ingredients this is where it's at cream milk sugar eggs vanilla extract boom clean ice cream 388 not too bad so haagen-dazs I can totally support I mean the sugar though you know it's 18 grams of sugar for half a cup hey it's it's ice cream after all do you want a lower sugar lower carb wait until later on we start hitting those but what happened man they sold out to Unilever back in 2000 and I swear to you the ingredients have gone downhill because once again we grab the vanilla look at the ingredients here they're using guar gum and carrageenan they're putting carotene there's no need to put that in a natural vanilla ice cream and all these flavors here have the same stuff so this is super disappointing I would not grab that Eadie's makes a sugar-free ice cream here and on the surface you might get excited about it but we see right there that it's made with Splenda so that's a red flag number one but also if you read the ingredients way to long that is a laundry list of ingredients carrageenan that using the natural flavor they're using tons of preservatives and countless of chemicals in here this is where its that instance where you take out the sugar and you put in so many other bad ingredients that it's worse off for you actually better off eating the sugar at that point something that I'm so close to liking is right down here first this takes us to our first trip to dairy free land this is a good brand of dairy free ice cream it's so delicious they have different nut milks and cashew and almond and coconut but this is the no sugar line and we'll see more of those when we go to Whole Foods next and I like everything on here except the dreaded natural flavoring is the last ingredient I'm gonna say still if you're dairy-free and you want sugar-free I'm gonna support this even though I don't like natural flavorings it's really hard to find ones that don't have natural flavoring if the sweetener is erythritol everything else is good and they're using look at that monk fruit extract a really high quality sugar substitute along with our erythritol if you do buy this one let it sit on the counter for 15 minutes before scooping it otherwise it's really hard because of the sugar free sweeteners alright let's talk about the ice cream that is taking over the world halo top and the first thing you'll notice about halo top and arc did to which light is a feather right because it's a whipped base cream so the reason why it's so light and a lot of the macros and nutrients is because there's a lesson volume in here so keep that in mind the ingredients are not bad right we look at it everything looks good there using erythritol in here as a sugar-free sweetener unfortunately it does have the natural flavorings but when you look at the macros it's not quite as low-carb as it used to be and maybe as you think total carbs are 16 - the fiber is 13 - the sugar alcohol is 8 so 8 net carbs for 1/2 a cup is a little high it is light though so if you're looking for a light in terms of calories and fat this is where you want to go but you're going to end up eating the whole thing because it's not as spilling as satisfying as another ice cream so I can't quite give up my stamp of approval because it has a natural flavoring is high in sugar but keep that in mind when you're buying halo top another thing like right here this is popular I love the ice cream selection here at Walmart they actually have a lot of stuff Arctic zero it's a light ice cream - I don't like the fact once again they put natural flavorings in here and it is high in sugar so it's not low-carb and the texture of this is no good it's very hard and frozen and the flavor is super muted I would not get that now something we talked about a lot last week in the cheese video is organic organic dairy is a way better than conventional watch that video I'll tell you why look what they have here they have tumbled Creamery organic ice cream they have coffee and vanilla and the ingredients are really really good everything was good on the back and the organic the area is way better it's 298 for a pint it's actually cheaper than the haagen-dazs but art did notice that even though the argonauts is 388 it's very heavy and dense right art so you get more bang for your buck alright another dairy-free ice cream is cod Oh makes sense right it's fatty and creamy and it makes a really good dairy-free base the ingredients are really nice here it's not low in sugar keep that in mind I did see a vanilla one at Whole Foods that have avocado oil not any of the avocado of meat so I wouldn't get that because you want that meat there's a lot of good fiber in there I'm going to dairy-free bars so delicious makes fantastic cars also when you're buying so delicious I would always get the cashew milk one because cashews are really rich and fatty and dense way better texture than coconut or almond but it does have high sugar and it has 18 grams of sugar for a half a cup so keep that in mind but if you want dairy-free this too is a fantastic bar yes so once again the only thing I don't like about the so delicious brand is that it has the natural flavoring I'm hoping at Whole Foods that have coconut bliss bars by Larry and Luna those are one of my favorites dairy-free ones but then you go right next to it this is a magnum plant-based Dairy Bar but all you have to do is look at the ingredients and they have natural flavorings they have the trans fat in the terms of the mono and diglycerides that have carrageenan and they put wheat in corn in here that's a GMO so I'd stay away from that one for sure but there are a couple more bars down there let's check that one out let's grab a few of these pops here and see if any of these are Bobby approved with actually this one is checking out Johnny pops I had never heard of this before your dad probably has with John my dad John EPS yeah super simple ingredients like it says on the box here everything is clean and no preservatives nothing to artificial on here so this one's a go I'd like to recommend these fruit bars here but look at the natural flavor in here WeightWatchers I mean I'm always skeptical to anything by Weight Watchers well we look in the back here they're putting carrageenan in here but the ingredients are not very good and I really want to like this brand yaa soz because you're using Greek yogurt here once again they do put natural flavoring that's the only bad ingredient in here so that's it you guys we covered everything at Walmart let's go over to Whole Foods because they have a lot more really high quality ice creams that I think you're gonna like before we leave I'm doing a cookbook party on August 3rd here in Chicago I'll put the link down below it's gonna be funnier guys we're doing recipes from the cookbook drinks appetizers everyone who buys a ticket is gonna get a signed cookbook and I'm doing a VIP cooking demo our there's only like 70 tickets left I'm gonna put that link in the description box so if you live in the area we would love to see you there all right you guys Whole Foods has some new options here including a low-carb and keto ice cream which is super exciting let's start with enlightens this is the first low carb right I want to talk about the only one I want you to get is the vanilla because if you read the ingredients they're clean right they're using erythritol and monk fruit is a sweetener which is fantastic and then right below that is slim twin this is a part of the three twins family and it's really good because it's a little lower in fat and sugar and instead of using actual sugar as a sweetener they're using a monk fruit and erythritol and once again we're only talking about 13 minus 6 so 7 minus 2 5 net grams of carbs for this any one of these is fine here I don't have any natural flavoring so this is fantastic then I brought with me because they don't have it here this is probably one of the better Aikido brands of ice cream here this is a rebel Creamery look at the ingredients they actually use cream once again when you have these among fruit or erythritol sweeteners let them sit on the counter for 15 minutes or they can really soften up I wish this was organic but this is one of the better ones here's another great brand you guys this is Alden organics it used to be called Julie's mom it's not low-carb but the ingredients are super clean organic dairy right higher in omega-3s lower and omega-6 is higher in conjugated linoleic acids really good stuff the Stonyfield here is okay it's not my favorite even though it's organic it does have natural vanilla flavoring in here but it's okay I'd much rather get the all dinner graters is really popular it's probable hi oh I believe where Jenny's is from - I would only get the vanilla flavor because that's the cleanest one the other ones have natural flavoring and then Jenny's I love Jenny's art love Jenny's the thing is I have to verify if it's a hundred percent grass-fed because it always says grass grazed and I couldn't verify yet it's not low-carb it's not low sugar but it's some of the best premium ice cream you can get just like a slim trim this is the three twins and the Maxine's these are organic super clean not low sugar not low fat but really good and organic ingredients the kind of stuff you want to see so I would definitely scoop these the thing is I'm kind of on the fence about cilenti for a couple reasons number one if we look at the not look at this one the Sicilian pistachios my favorite gelato flavor they put natural flavorings in here and carob gum real gelato doesn't needi emulsifiers like carob or gellan gum and it has a natural flavors here but you don't need so I would pass onto lenti and then I says the wholefoods effect in real life here look they have the kado ice cream - it's on sale but the regular price is $6.99 they had at Walmart for $4.99 so Whole Foods is not always more expensive but usually for the third-party brands they are let's go check out some more sugar-free options as we come back to the dairy-free and the sugar free here at Whole Foods they have a much more extensive so delicious dairy-free collection I would say you really want to try the cashew milk ice cream because it's super thick and creamy you want to try something even creamier the oat milk one is really good too but it's even higher in carbs because notes are super high and starchy and then they have more of this so delicious dairy-free and sugar-free but just be careful cuz unfortunately once again they have natural flavorings in here but it's pretty cool that it's a dairy and sugar-free one and then right next to that is almond dream which is dairy-free made of almond milk but this one's loaded with a ton more bad stuff than the so delicious we have multi dextran and natural flavorings in here and tapioca maltodextrin so I'd much rather they get the so delicious otherwise and then if you want more keto options that rebel is available at a couple grocery stores you can also order it online there's one called mammoth creameries it's mostly in Texas but you can order online killer creameries in Colorado but you can also order online and kido pint is online these are all really high quality keto ice creams are gonna put the link down below in the description box alright we might as well do cones and toppings to kind of slim pickins here right but once again three twins who makes the organic ice cream make organic cones I mean the first ingredient is a wheat flour which is processed and rich flour but they don't have any natural flavorings in here or any really bad preservatives so I would get this I kinda like the look of this gluten-free cone here but when I looked at the ingredients that have expelled press palm oil so that's a no and then I mean you can get chocolate syrup like this but keep in mind it's basically a mixture of sugar and cocoa powder at least these organic and at least these don't have preservatives chemicals and natural flavorings so these two would be okay and the cherries are just way too sugary these are just off-limits and then I want to do a quick note about the ice cream at Trader Joe's they have a love affair Trader Joe's with carrageenan and natural flavorings pretty much all of their ice creams have that and the dairy-free coconut ice cream has mono and diglycerides on there it has that trans fat so read the label cause a Trader Joe's it's really really sneaky so you guys that is it we just covered all of the ice creams it's not the normal haul because it's not about healthy it's just about finding the ice creams with real ingredients not too much sugar trying to find the keto ones and use real whole ingredients it shouldn't be that hard but unfortunately it is so that is it you guys are recapping all of my favorite ice creams whether they're sugar-free keto and the real deal is down below I know there's a lot of information we'll put it all in the description box we got two more reviewing haul videos going below us right now but art and I will see you very soon until then hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace
Channel: Bobby Parrish
Views: 1,647,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ice cream, ice cream review, review, dessert, ice cream reviews, rebel ice cream keto, keto ice cream, keto ice cream brands, keto ice cream review, low carb ice cream, jeni's ice cream, dairy free ice cream, sugar free ice cream, so delicious ice cream, grocery shopping, grocery haul, grocery store, shop with me, grocery haul 2019, shopping haul, halo top ice cream review, healthy ice cream, halo top ice cream, bobby parrish, flavcity
Id: bcdk0YIZYUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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