The Most NUTRIENT DENSE Foods You Can Eat - Healthy Grocery Haul

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flavor city fam what is up it is art not coming at you from the grocery store actually a pretty empty grocery store because it's black friday most people are like getting flat screen tvs going to target going to walmart we're at the grocery store because i want to make a video about the most nutrient dense foods and not knock out on one of those railing over there the most nutrient dense foods at the grocery store i'm talking about foods that pack serious nutritive properties whether that's protein whether that's fiber whether that's complex carbs i want to walk around the grocery store and tell you what to look for when you're buying products to make them the most nutrient dense i think it's going to be really interesting and it's going to really drive home the fact that you have to read labels i'm going to show you exactly how to do that before we go into the grocery store you know the drill like subscribe share all those things are lovely there's also a bell icon below the video because we have so much content going live every week you want to get a push on your device by enabling the bell below also this video is sponsored by the longest sponsor of the channel thrive market everything you would get at this grocery store or any grocery store all your favorite keto paleo gluten-free non-gmo items are on thrive market for cheaper normally you save about 32 dollars per order and the box comes to your door but one of the coolest things about thrive market is their app every time i'm in a grocery store i take out the app they have a price scanner feature on there you can scan a barcode of anything at the grocery store it tells you if it's cheaper on thrive market which it usually is or if there's a better alternative meaning maybe a healthier alternative also all flav city fans get the hookup in the description box down below is my link all first time members get a free gift up to 24 one of those free gifts right now is a box of grass-fed chomps beef sticks which is great and here's the deal it's 30 days risk free if you don't love it you can always get your membership refunded but i think you're going to love thrive market they've been a huge sponsor of the channel so check them out using my link down below okay let's mask up let's go shopping and show you what to buy and what to avoid what is the most nutrient-dense bread at the grocery store something that's actually hard to identify but i'm going to show you exactly how to do it so when you're looking at bread ideally you want whole wheat bread i never eat white bread because there's no nutrition and i don't eat any gluten anyways so i'll get to the non gluten breads too but when you get something that's whole wheat don't just stop there so here's a loaf and when you look at the front here it's like okay natural oven it's got a good name it's whole grain bread always make sure make sure the ingredients here are whole grains so i see whole grain wheat flour which is great but then i'm looking for nutrient dense right so i do see oats and buckwheat and amaranth that's really nice but i come down here you're a lot of times you're going to see a little bit of sugar in here but we're only talking one added gram per slice but i see soybean oil here and is it non-gmo bread i don't see that so it's gmo soybean oil which is totally not needed here and none of these ingredients are organic so not bad right but we can do a lot better i'm going to warn you you've probably heard me say this before but when you're getting grains like wheat always get organic non-organic grains like wheat score high in glyphosate the active ingredient around up and that's true with oats too and legumes why is that the case because roundup is so pervasive in farming today it affects a lot of other crops by just kind of bleeding over to those farms and those crops including wheat so we can do better than that i'll just go straight to the best one here and it's sprouted bread sprouted bread comes in many forms here silver hills in the freezer aisle there's ezekiel i'm going to tell you one that is the best for kids too because a lot of times sprouted bread's a little hearty and healthy and the texture isn't kid approved this one is this is my favorite one silver hills makes sprouted bread this is little big bread look on the wall there's a lot here don't get confused there's a bunch of other ones here but i want you to go with this one because if you could be my hand right now we had squeeze of vision it's soft and pillowy and it's kid approved i actually made a best-in-class grilled cheese sandwich with this and it's so good and the kids love it but look at the ingredients here so everything's organic and everything is sprouted there is a touch of sugar here too but if we look at how much it's one gram per slice it's very common in bread making so why is sprouted bread the bee's knees because when you take a grain and you sprout it you boost the nutritive properties you boost the enzymes and it's easier on your tummy to digest so sprouted bread is where it's at and like i said the biggest complaint against it is that it's very healthy tasting it has a healthy texture get this one uh all your kids will love it make sandwiches for that it's fantastic now you'll see right above here a lot of people love this dave's killer bread and it's so close to being perfect but when we learn to read labels and looking for nutrient dense here's what i'm going to show you it's 21 whole grains and seeds right look at the ingredients here they're really nice there's tons of grains actually 21 grains and seeds everything is organic too but there is cane sugar here too and i don't love the fact that they're using canola oil even though the canola oil where is it out do you see it i'm looking for the canola oil and art and i can't find it so they actually got rid of that which is nice but look how high up here the sugar is and we look at this this is a little alarming to me there's five grams of added sugar per slice and that's cane sugar so if you make a sandwich with two slices of bread that's 10 grams of sugar which is two and a half teaspoons so even though it's organic and tons of nuts and seeds in there too much sugar which is why i would just put this back and i would get the sprouted bread but the kind of bread we actually eat at home is around the corner here here this is my favorite keto and paleo bread to eat at home two companies base culture and unbun this is actually our favorite and desi and rose love this this is keto paleo cinnamon raisin bread so if i show you the ingredients here i think this is really what makes it so nutrient dense there's no grains in here there's no legumes in here it's just all amazing stuff like almond butter golden flax i mean look at this psyllium hospital coconut oil and to have these kind of macros here for bread is fantastic and this one is fantastic it's a little expensive but it's really good and one that's on sale right here if you want a keto paleo dinner roll these guys unbung from canada make these buns that are fantastic look at this almond flour based with pumpkin seed protein coconut milk here we're talking i mean look at this five net carbs per roll this is fantastic now this is also gluten free and i think this is really the kind of bread you want to eat because all gluten whether you're intolerant or not is inflammatory and i just don't think it's great for you you're better off going the grain free route of paleo bread if you want a gluten-free bread that's different than this this is the best nutrient-dense one on the market do they have it let's see i don't see the actual bread but these guys canyon bakehouse their multi-seed gluten-free bread is the best because it's made with complex grains and there is another newcomer right over here by art to the market these guys are making a lot of cool stuff it's farmers we know this is organic sprouted flax and spelt bread this is not gluten free but if you're going to eat grains look at this i mean sprouted whole spelt water raisin puree flax seeds really really cool and actually to be honest not that high in carbs either another fantastic one so when you're looking at bread nutrient dense matters sprout is even better and if you want to avoid grains altogether those two make fantastic nutrient-dense paleo and keto breads too arthur and i have entered the breakfast aisle something that's very important because a lot of breakfast items could be sugar bombs or made with grains that are not whole grain so i'm looking at the wall here of granola something that's very popular you have to be careful when it comes to granola so case in point i'll get something that looks like it's healthy here so this is nature's path organic honey almond oats have to be organic otherwise they score high in glyphosate so you're good to go right organic non-gmo boom i'm going to buy it well let's take a look at the ingredients here there's not that many which is nice but we have gluten-free organic whole oats we have cane sugar i don't care if it's organic or not cane sugar we have organic sunflower oil that's not necessarily expeller pressed and that's a oil that's inflammatory and then we have honey honey flavor but we look at this there's six grams of added honey and cane sugar so listen i've seen a lot worse especially if you shop at other grocery stores but not something i would get because of the cane sugar and because of the natural flavors what did i say about the bread a second ago i would actually get granola that's paley or grain free meaning you swap out the oats with just nuts and seeds so come on the other side of this panatona here which looks lovely this row right here this is one of my favorite brands for breakfast purely elizabeth it is an amazing company here so this is actually grain free granola meaning you're not gonna see any oats here they swapped it out with pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds instead of cane sugar they use one of my favorite paleo sweetener coconut sugar which is amazing they actually put mct oil in there and a bunch of seeds and nuts it's only four grams of added sugar per third of a cup this is nutrient dense this is non-inflammatory this is what you want to pour in your bowl with your grass-fed milk or your good quality uh almond milk this is fantastic and it's a little pricey here at the grocery store 6.99 but if you flip open the thrive market app and turn on the price scanner you can scan this barcode which i just did earlier and pretty much what i do at the grocery store all the time it's on sale for like i think it was 30 or 40 cheaper than right now this is one of the best in class bobby approved granolas use my promo link down below get some of this get your free gift for flavcity fans this is fantastic stuff so keep that in mind you're looking for oats now there are a couple new products i've never seen before if you come down yonder that's what i love about coming to the grocery store four or five times a week you just see new things this is brand new look at this art how would you pronounce this here i say kia kia like the car like the car okay this is the car version of breakfast kia creamy coconut this looks really interesting oh it's made by nature's pet the same one who didn't who makes the granola i didn't love but this is interesting look at this so organic rolled oats dried coconut buckwheat grouts inulin which is fiber chia seeds ah there's flavor in there oh that's natural flavors it would have been really nice because the macros are nutrient dense let me see if this one has it too i could have swear i saw this the other day okay get this one this is the cinnamon pumpkin seed no flavor that's nutrient dense very very very cool stuff here and then if we come up here these guys are taking over look at this one degree they make a lot of interesting stuff look at this they're one of the few products out here that actually say glyphosate free on oats look at these ingredients here sprouted gluten-free oats coconut sugar cacao nibs that's like roasted cocoa that's just the nibs and real vanilla it does have a touch more sugar than i love nine grams per third of a cup but it's a paleo sweetener so i'm okay with it these are the only guys who make sprouted oats and once again if you sprout a grain like oats you release more nutrients more enzymes and it's easier for your body to digest this is super cool and like i said earlier you have to get organic oats legumes and wheat in my opinion because non-organic score high in glyphosate they're the only ones that do glyphosate free oats super super important and super cool so look for those things in the breakfast aisle if you want to learn about cereal watch my cereal video when this is done that can be a total landmine when it comes to nutritive properties if you're going to get the most nutrient-dense yogurt it has to be yogurt plain without sugar the amount of sugars and some yogurt can be astounding case in point i could pick up pretty much any flavored yogurt here let's get this one that's flavored with brown sugar and oatmeal here so we look at this the sugar is just going to be the first issue here so added sugars nine grams there if we look at the actual ingredients here we have a low-fat milk with the cane sugar non-organic oats and is there any natural flavor in here yes natural flavors right here boom so issue number one is the sugar when i say issue number one it reminds me of the frank sinatra group on seinfeld art issue number two is that it's low-fat yogurt i'm gonna make this very simple for you when you're getting dairy get organic even better grass-fed get full fat because low-fat is actually worse for you when you get full fat it has more nutrients in there like omega-3 fatty acids and when it's full fat the fat combines with the protein and keeps you satiated longer and ideally get ones that are grass-fed like i said which there's some great options here if we look down yonder these are two of the best options and there's a new one here so there we go this one so two great options here maple hill organic whole milk grass-fed yogurt in stony field greek 100 grass-fed yogurt greek could be a little better because when you strain the yogurt you reduce the sugar the natural sugar see this has five grams of natural sugar per three-quarter cup and this one that's non-greek style has eight grams per two-thirds so it's a smaller serving but more sugar i'm okay with that because it's natural sugar but if you're watching your sugar intake greek is strained and what lives in the strained part the lactose the sugar so you want to get that but please when i see people getting low fat and no fat there's no point in doing that because you want the full fat the fat combines with the protein satiates your hunger and you have to avoid the sugar and if you don't get organic or grass-fed you're getting gmo milk something i think you really want to avoid if we ever eat rice at home because we don't typically eat grains we eat one rice in particular it's wild the rice which is the most nutrient-dense rice you can get i'll show you in a second but if you eat something like just regular white rice either jasmine or basmati white rice dessi and i once watched a documentary and the person referred to white rice like this as nutritive dead food and because you think about it it is this is white rice it used to be brown rice meaning it used to have the fiber the hall the bran all of the good things on there but that's taken away so all you really have with white rice is starch a food that's really going to spike your blood your blood sugars it doesn't have any nutrition really so you can do better your next step up would be this right here this is brown rice which there's something really interesting about this because rice could be high in heavy metals specifically arsenic but if you get rice from the usa even more specifically california it's one of the lowest heavy metal rices if it comes from outside of the country you've got to be careful and this farm actually does a great job lundberg farms what does that make you uh remind you of art off space oh yeah art i'm going to come in tomorrow early so this is lumber farms they do a great and this has the the hall on there the uh the bran the fiber this is way more nutrient dense the thing is i think you can do better than that you can do this and it's actually a little tough to follow by the way if you want to get some brown rice it's a little pricey this is 649 for uh two pounds if you scan this barcode you'll see thrive market has their own brand of usa uh organic brown rice for way cheaper than this i would get that for sure using my link down below but this wild rice is actually not rice what is it art it's a weed it's a weed man you put your weed in there it's an aquatic grass and because of that it has no heavy metals are arsenic and it has the most fiber the most protein the most nutritive dense rice on the market actually in our new cookbook coming out actually tuesday what's crazy which is a number one bestseller on amazon i have a five ingredient wild rice fried rice with chicken using only five ingredients and it's fantastic you do have to boil it for an hour but if you eat rice just try making a pilaf or a stir fry or a wild fried rice using this it's amazing now a way around that is to look up here this is actually rice made of chickpeas this is bonza legume rice i just wish it were organic because earlier we talked about legumes being organic so not a deal breaker but if this was organic it'd be perfect and they took chickpeas which are not uh starchy rice it's chickpeas which are loaded with protein and fiber so way more nutrient dense and you can make this like any rice you want or risotto also in the cookbook we have a risotto called risotto-ish made with a rice like this but if you want something i call the home cook's best friend that's on standby whenever you need it and it's brown rice let me show you something in the freezer section here it is check it out this is such a cool product that even i have in my freezer for really quick and easy meals this is organic brown rice that's pre-cooked and frozen and the cool thing about getting it is it's also a product of the usa this is literally ready in five minutes it says to do in the microwave we don't use a microwave in the home i don't believe that's safe for you throw this into a skillet with a shot of water or bone broth i've made fried rice out of this it's just a home cook's best friend because what normally takes about 45 minutes to make it's already done for you and it's super super easy always have this or they don't make wild rice but if you want to make a big batch of wild rice and then keep it in the freezer that would be another way to have a nutrient-dense rice on hand that normally takes a long time now we're in the frozen food aisle which has really seen the game go up and up in the recent years let's find some nutrient-dense frozen foods that are really really healthy and pre-made so if we come down here this is one of the newest players on the market but primal kitchen which we call the goat right the greatest of all time everything they make pretty much is bobby approved has these these are frozen skillet meals and my favorite by far and i just had it last week for a quick dinner this organic chicken fried riced cauliflower is fantastic look at this it's paleo it's got none of the nasty ingredients and it's made with organic cage-free eggs but have you ever seen a frozen meal with these ingredients organic chicken no soy sweetened with aminos this is absolutely fantastic it's not super low carb because it has the peas in there but this is really really cool and it's on thrive market too it's a little pricey it's 13 but it's fantastic and then to go around here there's a couple cool items right here if you want a frozen chicken sausage look at these applicator organics right here it's very important to get organic chicken or organic pork they don't have any organic pork that i see but they do have this right here organic chicken and maple sausage chicken really has to be organic otherwise it has a strict gmo feed but look at this ingredients here oh no i don't like this one this one has cane sugar no this one i don't like hold on i know there's one i've seen in the past that's good hold on there we go this is the one this is why we read ingredients right look at this organic chicken organic apples which are on the dirty dozen organic honey not nasty cane sugar and that's it and even the sweetener it's only three grams per three links that's nothing so this is super cool to have in the freezer for a healthy nutrient-dense non-gmo chicken apple sausage okay a fantastic product but a little expensive is this capello's makes grain-free pizza pizza crust and pasta the pasta is made of almond flour it's pricey but it's amazing it actually has the texture and flavor of freshly made pasta but look at the ingredients here instead of wheat almond flour cage free eggs it'd be nice if those are non-gmo a little bit of tapioca flour and xanthan gum an eight ounce serving to be honest is not quite enough for two so it is pricey but i've had their sweet potato gnocchi i've had their fettuccine it's really really good stuff but actually i like their pizza crust even better i always have a pizza crust in the freezer and we make homemade paleo pizzas and they're fantastic well i think it's good enough for the frozen section so there are some really good options here and it's way better than when like art and i were growing up when they didn't have any of this wow i've never seen a bigger wall of protein bars and snack bars and actually that's a very common question i get which ones are the best and i've only recently started to look into them and you really have to be careful because something will look like it's healthy but it's not so i can probably pick anything off the wall here if i just grab what's a very popular quest bars so quest is very popular because it's low carb and this is a birthday cake one i get very nervous when i see birthday cake now this is what you're gonna see you're gonna see 21 grams of protein you're gonna see less than one grams of sugar and only four grams of net carbs but check this out so how do they do that well they do it with uh gmo milk protein isolate but there's palm oil in there and there is a bunch of natural flavors not nutrient dense okay when you're looking for nutrient dense you also got to make sure it's clean palm oil is devastating to the environment and it's just as processed as canola oil so i put that one back i know a lot of people think even something like this a flavor city fan uh was asking me about this recently it was uh uh maddie actually maddie was asking me about this so this is go macro bars but when you see the first ingredient is sugar in the form of brown rice syrup and when you see they also add natural flavors here this should be one of the last ingredients the sweetener here so i would put those back it's very very confusing right but i have found probably one of the best nutrient dense low sugar and lowish carb protein bars is this bulletproof is such a sleeper everything bulletproof makes is really cool so this is their collagen protein bar here and what i love about it is the fact that it only has two grams of sugar the protein is not super high but if we look at the ingredients do you see nasty palm oil no you see coconut oil what else do you see in here you see a nice mct for the brain boosting abilities here you see cashews what kind of sweetener do you see here just stevia leaf extract that's macros you want to see i'd love to see the protein a little higher but when you have low carb and no added sugar with two total wow wow wee wow very cool you could scoop these on thrive market too it's definitely cheaper if you want a snack bar my friends over at epic make the most delicious non-gmo pasture raise or transition transitioning to pasture-raised chicken bars we all know that we all know the beef bars but art and i just saw this and it's the day after thanksgiving they have non-gmo turkey bars with almond and cranberries and these guys never add cruddy ingredients look at this how do they sweeten the cranberries with apple juice not cane sugar really really nice stuff and a sleeper is this one the breakfast bars chicken egg yolk and apple unbelievable 13 grams of protein in the morning that egg yolk makes it so fatty and delicious there's no natural flavors and they're actually transitioning all of the pigs and all the chicken over to pasture raised epic does it right not necessarily a protein bar but between that and between the collagen and bulletproof bars you have it made in the shade but man oh man they don't make it easy because a lot of these products have one or two suspect ingredients now that we know how to read labels you can read them out how's it going jr all right flavor city family that is it arthur do you have anything to add to this video nothing i can think of okay you let us know if they change your mind uh so that's it that is the most nutrient dense products at the grocery store i mean there are more you probably know them from watching more videos but we can talk about that in the future please let me know what kind of videos you want to see in the near future leave a comment down below spread the flavcity love the only way this channel keeps growing and the only way you uh we help you put the best quality stuff in your body and your family's body is about you spreading that love uh two more videos are below us right now uh but for arthur for destiny for rose and myself we leave you like we always do hashtag keep on cooking mad love and peace later later
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 128,058
Rating: 4.9235449 out of 5
Keywords: nutrient dense foods, nutrient dense, nutrients, nutrient density, nutrition, healthy grocery haul, grocery haul, healthy food, healthy eating, grocery shopping, grocery haul 2020, shop with me, nutrient dense diet, flavcity, bobby parrish
Id: 3TBHcDe4omc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 38sec (1538 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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