Top 20 Healthy Snacks You Can Buy - Back To School Snack Review

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hey what is up flavor family it is art and Bobby back at the grocery store for part two of our huge back-to-school healthy grocery haul last week we did a bunch of really cool items here at Walmart and at Whole Foods the video and the list was so long we had to break this into two videos it's all about reading ingredients don't just look at the front of a package read the ingredients that'll tell you everything you need to know so before we get shopping go ahead and click that subscribe button my friends because every week we are rocking out three really awesome videos on our Channel two videos on the weekend that are at the grocery store doing reviews of every single grocery I'll tell you what to buy what to avoid and why and during the week we're doing a live stream cooking demo so what you're gonna want to do is below this video push that little Mel icon and enable all notifications because when we go live you don't want to miss something we're making a recipe from start to finish hanging out with you guys doing Q&A it's a lot of fun at super danger zone right here let's go through crackers really quickly so many of these are just garbage even Triscuit it has three ingredients whole grain wheat is one of them but they're using processed canola oil best in class here is gonna be a knees or Ganic cheddar bunnies organic cheddar cheese organic dairy is the best but there is a better one at Whole Foods because look at the first ingredient organic wheat flour it's not whole wheat flour always look for whole wheat and whole grains because it's a complex carbohydrate it's not stripped down to the endosperm or there's simple carbohydrate so that's the best here but we can do better and then stuff like this looks really good it's a gluten-free Nutcracker but they use natural flavorings this is a multi seed crisp and then everything's good until they use multi dextran which is a food preservative that's very bad for your stomach I'd say the best thing here is actually old school lhasa crackers you guys look at the ingredients whole grain everything super clean I know it's not the most exciting crisp or the most exciting cracker for your kid but here at Walmart this is best-in-class now let's get out of here alright my friends this is pretty much the only cracker I can do a bobby approval on Annie's whole wheat bunnies why look at the ingredients it starts with whole wheat super important to meeting whole grains it really states your hunger doesn't spike your blood sugar expeller pressed sunflower oil flavorings best-in-class right here for an ease and don't be fooled by like the vegan cheddar cheese crackers because I have a ton of preservatives natural flavorings yeast extract and really bad ingredients but Annie's whole wheat is where it's at if you guys are looking for a gluten free paleo cracker this is best in class at Whole Foods are at a Costco the price is way way better but look at these ingredients you guys super clean they're not using natural flavorings or anything nasty it's all clean this my friends is best-in-class snacking cheese here at Walmart when we're done with this video once again go watch the video for the cheese review we tell you all about cheese what to buy what to avoid in light organic cheese is the best organic dairy cows are pasture-raised grass-fed for at least four months of the years and the nutritional profile of organic dairy is miles better than conventional this is great because it's organic string cheese the price is fantastic they do also have organic string gel's from organic valley at Whole Foods and goat cheese string cheese too but of all these snacks here I would Rock and this in a heartbeat this is fantastic for the kids conventional dairy string cheese not nearly as good for you as organic all right dips and stuff like that I'm really really stoked to see something like holy guacamole here because it is tasty and the ingredients are fantastic I was fully expecting to see something like natural flavorings and here are preservatives or something to keep it from turning brown but they vacuum seal it so you don't actually have to put preservatives in here and it's super clean once again this brand Sabra you compare the ingredients to the holy guacamole there's so many more ingredients here and they're using a ton of lime juice lime oil ascorbic acid this is gonna be an acid bomb this is gonna be one of those hello it's gonna be one of those guacamole is in a super acidic so I would not get that I would definitely get that and if you need something to scoop into there I just saw these her on a corner these are getting really popular lately their cheese crisps made with one ingredient Parmesan cheese or four ingredients before cheese parmesan crisps are cheese crisps and what I love especially the Parmesan crisp is because if you're lactose intolerant or can't handle dairy very well especially for the kiddies mahjongg aged cheese's are the way to go because a lot of the lactose is eaten away by the bacteria in the aging process their low-carb their keto friendly and they make a great ship or a crisp to dip into guacamole or a crumble or a salad these are really cool they have an amazing deal on this at Costco I would scoop this one all day long cookies crackers I really want to find something here because I want to believe there's a clean cookie out there but you guys I cannot find one anywhere case in point this is a great brand here it's actually based out of Chicago it's gluten free they make fantastic gluten-free crackers you can actually get them at Costco for a great deal but all the ingredients here are super super clean except for organic palm shortening hey guys that's palm oil that's been hydrogenated into basically palm Crisco this stuff is really bad for you I would not give that to your kids then you look at Annie's I mean Annie's disappoints me in some respect and then in other respects like I'm gonna show you what their mac & cheese is amazing on they're using organic wheat flour it's not whole wheat flour so I'm not a big fan of refined wheat and then they seem to put natural flavors and a lot of their stuff so that's a no and then this brand here makes really good granola which I'll show you in a minute you can get it at Costco too but they're tricky here they put apple flavoring in here apple flavoring is another word for natural flavoring and they're using palm oil and sunflower oil so that's a no for this one too and I mean I just hate to say it I can't find a cookie here you guys know of a really clean cookie that uses real ingredients no natural flavorings or no bad preservatives leave a comment down below but I just saw this on the endcap so we all know that I really like the Larabars over Waldo alright employees are gone but it's getting a little crowded in the aisle a lot of our kids super super clean ingredients you guys look at this buckwheat flour honey real vanilla extract chia seeds coconut oil this is not only what you want to feed kids this is what I want to feed the big kids baby Bob you wants this kind of stuff too do you notice how they're not using any kind of natural vanilla flavors and kind of crappy oils this is where it's at Lara whoever you are big high-five to her talk about dried fruit and such I'm very very interesting the rule is just stick with regular basic dried fruit but even then there's something troubling about a lot of dried fruits including prunes if you read the ingredient it's always two ingredients it is prunes and potassium sorbate sorbets is it preservative it's also very bad for your gut and your gut bacteria and your intestines some places like Trader Joe's sell a non sorbate prunes I would HIGHLY buy though highly recommend buying those because once again when you're a child your microbiome has never been stronger you have the most amount of living good bacteria in your gut foster that nurture those bacteria don't kill them as sugar and bad foods because your health is dependent upon your gut and something you might think like weak yogurt coated craisins look at the ingredients you guys first of all there's yogurt there Greek yogurt which has good probiotics and a protein but they're combining it with a ton of sugar when you combine sugar with yogurt probiotic bacteria you kill all the probiotics so this is just candy but come down here to the nuts and everything once again nuts will almost always have natural flavorings and bad oils if you go with flavored ones pick ones that have two ingredients nuts and salt or nuts and no salt that's it it's super super easy a couple people asked me about this on Instagram so Russell Stover sugar-free candies they're like the happy they're delicious and they're super clean and alright well clear just look at the ingredients you guys all we have to do is read them there's so many preservatives in here there's natural flavorings there's a malted tall two or three times in here along with natural flavors Multi tall is gonna kill your stomach especially young kids you won't poop your pants if you eat this much you're gonna get a call from the principal saying young Timmy poop their pants pick them up from school right now all because you gave them this horrible chocolate so go do that alright let's go the coast is clear we tried to do this shot now four times fifth time's a charm more chip we have here we have a lot more chip varieties here and I want to talk about something that I call marketing misleading right I saw this the other day their cauliflower tortilla chips you would expect the first ingredient to be cauliflower right well take a peek my friends it's once again cassava starch cassava is that South American starchy root vegetable that's relatively cheap right it is grain free but don't be putting that as a number-one ingredient when you're calling this cauliflower it's $4 for a small bag like this we're talking four ounces that comes out to like $16 a pound not cool at all cf Ted chips if you're a grain free or your child is grain free this is the perfect chip for you it's made with really clean ingredients like avocado oil and coconut flour cassava flour once again is the number one ingredient but they're not advertising that it's a coconut flour chip just keep in mind it is a starchy high carb chip but it is grain free probably is it true that Stacy's mom has got it goin on well I don't know what she doesn't have going on as a fact that I just don't like her chips I don't like any pita chips because look at the number one ingredient it's in a rich wheat flour I really think it's important for kids and everyone state meeting whole grains if they're gonna eat grains enriched flour it's just stripping away all the good part of the wheat and only having the endosperm left that is the simple carbohydrate that will spike your blood sugar which is why I don't like pita chips you're much better off using a whole grain or some other kind of tortilla chip like the siete so ideally I try to get organic potato chips because potatoes grow on the ground they're very susceptible to chemicals and pesticides well here's a kettle organic potato chip but it's a double-edged sword because even though they're using organic potatoes they're frying it in organic safflower or sunflower oil it's not expeller press kind of a bummer then I go to these kettle ones that are cooked in avocado oil here right so it's not organic but at this avocado oil which is very good but then because it's flavored they're using natural flavorings and a couple other things like malted dextran which is that preservative that I just don't like so if you're gonna go for the avocado oil one this one just a straight-up potato avocado oil and sea salt this is a really good one even though it's not organic I'd rather get this over the organic one that's cooked in the crappy canola oil or this brand is really good here Jaxon's is our purple heirloom potato chips slow-cooked in organic coconut oil so those are my top two choices but it's very tricky because either it's not organic and it's good oil or is good oil and it's not organic and then I see two more popcorns here that are way better than what we talked about skinny pop but you want to stay away from cuz they use bad oil so many you guys on Instagram have been sending me pictures of this brand les lesser evil which I love that name this is amazing how to look at the ingredients organic non-gmo popcorn organic extra virgin coconut oil and Himalayan pink salt dude high-five boo dub that is awesome namaste let's stick to the plain one because the flavored ones start having natural flavorings and this is a cool brand out of the Midwest tiny but mighty it's an heirloom variety of popcorn which is easier for your body to digest it's also cooked an extra virgin coconut oil and it's non-gmo fantastic if I have to choose one I choose a little Buddha here because he's just so darn cute but these are starting to get to really cool popcorn options way better than the crappy skinny pop juices were obviously a popular choice on Flav City Instagram which by the way if you're not following me go over there because we do stories of what we're making for dinner every night and it's a lot of fun the thing is you guys I don't see one juice I can recommend at least here at Walmart maybe at Whole Foods later on all these are either highly processed highly pasteurized you kill all the good nutrients in there have sugar or natural flavors even something that's basic like I mean this is not a juice but this is shelf-stable milk if you're wondering how they make it shelf-stable it's called UHT ultra-high temperature pasteurization while it does kill a lot pretty much all the living organisms or enzymes in there it's still better than this because it's lower in sugar has more protein but stay away from chocolate milk you guys any kind of chocolate milk or chocolate non-dairy milk has scary amounts of sugar we're talking about 1/8 ounce fluid box has 22 grams of sugar you guys there's 4 grams of sugar in a teaspoon so imagine little Timmy a little Erica getting over I've teaspoons of sugar they're gonna be bouncing off the walls it's totally nutball and then wait a second I did spy this out of the corner of my eye and honest is a good brand but you might think it's gonna be clean because the brand is trustworthy hey guys look at the ingredients natural flavorings even in apple juice that is super super sad so like I said there is not one juice here that I can recommend one of the only flavored sparkling waters I can find anywhere without natural flavors is spindrift it literally is just the real fruit water maybe some lemon juice every other flavor drinking especially Lacroix has natural flavorings the Correia is ballsy enough to actually call it natural essences which is total a crock but this stuff is the real deal and I love it you can buy it by the Canon Trader Joe's - are you guys ready for the best in class mac and cheese you could ever feed your family it comes from Annie's and she's totally redeemed herself from the gummies we saw earlier it's organic grass-fed mac and cheese grass-fed dairy is where it's at it has the highest nutritional profile of any other dairy I've never seen any other brand anywhere else make organic mac and cheese from organic dairy it comes in three flavors it's a little pricey but if you can afford this this is the only mac and cheese I would feed my kids that is amazing this caught my attention out of the corner of my eye you might want to give your kids oatmeal in the morning for breakfast and Kodiak cakes is a very popular brand the thing is when you're giving oats to kids or in general always get organic oats because conventional oats are often sprayed with glyphosate typhus a is the active ingredient in roundup from monsanto super super bad news and I don't see any organic oatmeal here I'm pretty sure they're gonna have it over at Whole Foods so something I just wanted to let you know and you know what I caught this out of the corner of my eye - it's this stuff birch benders and I get a lot of requests for this on Instagram first of all look at art and I just saw here ikurou pancake curry it's a first dude guy and for the microbreweries but a microt pancake Curry's a little much here's my beef with companies like this you're charging a premium price for paleo 488th here but you're using cheap ingredients what do I mean by that then one ingredient here is cassava starch cassava starch is a cheap starchy root vegetable from South America on top of that it's also very high in carbs and simple carbohydrates that spike your blood sugar then two ingredients later is the almond flour I would much rather almond flour be number one in cassava be much much lower the reason they're doing that money right what does mr. Wonderful's say on a shark tank it's all about money stop using the cheap filler and charging me and you the premium prices that ain't cool that ain't cool at all before we leave this aisle if you want to know what's serial to feed your kids watch our cereal review video we go deep into cereal spoiler alert 90% of these are just sugary starchy messes but there are some really good wants to feed your kids this you guys is maybe one of the most exciting drinks I've seen in a long time it's vital proteins collagen water and once again whereas your kids might not need it you might need it because once again I get older your collagen goes away this is a great supplement and they have flavors blueberry mint strawberry lemon how do they get those in their natural flavors other nasty stuff right know with blueberry juice with lemon juice with a monk fruit extract lime oil and peppermint oil zero added sugars this is one of the coolest things I've seen to help you keep cool this summer they have it now at Costco in variety packs either way your kid should drink it you should drink it it's a little pricey but Wow the best drink in the grocery store right now isn't that I can't leave this aisle without talking about my favorite snacking chocolate don't buy it here they have a huge bag at Costco but mark vinz look at the ingredients it's just chocolate and the almonds a little bit of soy lecithin totally fine unless you can't have soy stick to the almond don't start one of the pretzel ones this for a great snack is fantastic for you or for the kids and it's super duper clean now this is a product that I fully expected not to endorse because it seems like something that's wrong you know there's like fruits and vegetables in a pouch here but I love the ingredients here you guys it's pure fruits and vegetables there's no added sugar there's no preservatives is the organic no but it is non-gmo and I'm gonna Kay with that but be careful once you start going to the blasts and the added stuff then you look at the ingredients natural flavoring so stick to the basics but once again just read the ingredients even something like applesauce here the Walmart brand unsweetened basic applesauce is totally fine because you look at the ingredients it's apples and water and ascorbic acid that's prevents the apples from turning brown in color but once you start going to the flavored ones like strawberry applesauce boom goes the dynamite natural flavorings so hard and I just crushed so many things here at the grocery store that you can feed your kids and we really want you to take the time to buy your kids the best quality ingredients you can get what next right back to school is done what do you want to see you're asking me don't ask me either you guys vote you decide we make the videos unless when you kicked out then we can't make any videos share like these videos are tough to make as you can see but we got two more of these videos going below us right now art and I will see you very very soon until then hashtag keep on cooking mad love and eats
Channel: Bobby Parrish
Views: 563,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: back to school, school food, back to school shopping, back to school haul, back to school shopping 2019, back to school 2019, snack review, snack reviews, review, snacks, food review, snacks for kids, school snacks, school snacks for kids, school snacks ideas, school snacks haul, haul, grocery haul, walmart, walmart haul, walmart haul 2019, whole foods, whole foods haul, whole foods grocery haul, snack haul
Id: PbAD83pu--o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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