10 Healthy Grocery Items To Buy At Walmart Supercenter...And What To Avoid!

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or finally here you guys Walmart Supercenter because you guys have been requesting this haul more than any other one and I get it right not everyone has a Costco or Trader Joe's or an Aldi around them so the Walmart Supercenter is officially the store of the people I'm super stoked to go all around this place and check out about 10 or so healthy items that I want you to scoop here and a few of them to stay away from so let's go fill up this cart in a rock in this hall this aisle is super exciting and has tons of nuggets in it here but I want to start with the non-stick sprays avoid all nonstick sprays including the ones that say extra virgin that come from this kind of can because they have chemical propellants that actually propel the oil out the only one you want to buy and look for are the ones that say non propellant and this one is a great deal it's two ninety-eight per model which is very very similar to the price at Costco the one at Costco is avocado oil spray exactly this one but this one's way too expensive I would scoop this one now talking about exciting this is where Walmart is like blowing the roof off the house their oils here are so diverse and amazing first of all the avocado oil is a ridiculous price here it's 51 fluid ounces for 1494 and it has the magic words on here cold-pressed naturally refined you guys know I love the avocado oil because it's heart-healthy it's perfect for high heat cooking and it has no flavor so think like stir frying sauteing this is perfect I mean for goodness sakes Trader Joe's sells a 16.9 ounce of avocado oil for $8.99 this price here is almost as good as Costco so I would scoop that for sure but art look at this they have the most crazy fats here they have grass-fed beef tallow which is delicious for cooking they have duck fat what can you make with that hard duck fat fries for the win this price is almost as good as Costco for the virgin coconut oil but I would avoid the naturally refined that's processed a little too much always by the virgin coconut oil so that's a good price here and this is a Walmart exclusive I saw it for the first time a few months ago algae oil and I thought to myself does we actually have enough oil but evidently it does and what's so cool about this is it's the heart healthiest oil on the market it is a little pricey 1077 for 16.9 ounces mud much like avocado oil it has no flavor has it even higher smoke point and its really really good monounsaturated fat that is good for lowering the bad cholesterol and raising the good one so that's super interesting but look at this black walnut oil expensive but really good stuff flax seed oil hemp oil pumpkin seed oil I mean this is really exciting that Super Center has this kind of stuff Oil City Flav City loves oil city more kind of hipster like ingredients here like hemp arts almond flour but I would say actually don't buy this island flour here because it's 1098 for 2 pounds you can get a 3 pound bag at Costco for $12 so it's a much better price in there but if you don't have access to a Costco this is the second best price because even at Trader Joe's it's 750 a pound this is 550 a pound and of course with the almond flour we just dropped a new blog this week for my Red Lobster cheddar biscuits that are keto and grain free absolutely delicious how can you use you can use those to make Desi's pita bread that our keto grain free cheesy soft and pillowy I'm coconut oil or coconut flour is fantastic if you want low carb or keto baking or dredging the price is a little more expensive than Trader Joe's but this is great for dredging my keto coconut shrimp first in season coconut flour then in Agua SHhhh then in the chicharrón is with the unsweetened coconut flakes and deep fry it this is great stuff the price on hemp parts is much better at Costco but these are really high in fiber omegas and iron I put them in my quinoa breakfast bowl and then a really cool natural sweetener here art is coconut sugar Jessie crushes this stuff because it's a natural unrefined sugar that is lower on the glycemic index and it turns out this price and Walmart is exactly the same price this bag is exactly the same price is traitor Dessie does like the flavor of the Trader Joe's one better but if you only have access to the Super Center buy this over brown sugar or refined sugar because it's good for you it's extracted from the coconut blossom sap you can make Desi's orange chocolate gluten-free dairy-free cake that she made on Sunday night it was so good the recipe for that is down below in the description box and then down here art this is the wall of salts and art doesn't know this but we're gonna do a video very soon about salt what salts to use when to use them how to use them which one to avoid because I think a lot of you guys have questions about that my go to cooking salt is well they're out of it right now but it's this box of Morton's kosher salt not the canning and pickling one but it's 148 for this box dude I just paid $4 oh we could go at Jewel or Whole Foods it was jewel for the same box I feel like a damn fool 148 the reason why it's kosher is the size of the crystal of the salt it's very good to pinch over food so I would scoop that when they have it in stock here because that stuff is great but the salt video is gonna shed some light on more salts and it's coming at you soon the butter aisle here once again they have carry gold here and it's a great price it's 288 per brick that is the same price as Aldi or Costco unsalted or salted is great but I want to kind of shift over to butter spreads and stuff like that you might think art if you bought something called avocado oil plant-based blend it'd be really healthy for you but it's so misleading because you turn it over and there is avocado oil but then soybean oil and palm and palm kernel oil and sorry let this in I would just stay away from these spreads because they're often loaded with really bad ingredients even this Kerrygold spread here it's with canola oil the canola oil makes it softer so it's spreadable a canola oil is really toxic and refined and it's super bad for your body and even though art they say I can't believe it's not butter I can't because it has soybean oil palm palm kernel lecithin natural flavorings beta-carotene never buy this stuff don't be duped by the ones that say avocado oil spread read the ingredients and I would not actually cheap out and get the generic cream cheese I know I said I like the generic one at Aldi during the grocery haul video but you know what talk to any maker and they will tell you philly brick is where it's at the texture of this makes the creamiest deserts and the best cheesecake so I would spend the extra 30 40 cents to get the Philly cream cheese because sometimes you can't cheap out and I did briefly let's go undercover here want to talk about almond milk this almond milk is an amazing price the silk it's the same price as the silk at Costco and I really like this brand but I want you to keep in mind that almond milk has very few almonds in it it's actually mostly water and emulsifiers if you want to make homemade almond milk Dessie has a recipe on the blog for homemade almond milk three ways chocolate strawberry and vanilla we only make it a couple times a month because it takes a bit of time and it is more expensive but if you want to buy it I would go for silk the big one it's a great price okay I just came from the produce aisle because art and I are too scared to go there because they will see us for sure and kick us out cuz I wanted to grab a couple of things that I like from over there number one is the shirataki low carb noodles we talked about this in the whole foods haul this is my favorite brand-new soya pasta zero does not have any funky flavor odor and the texture is nice like a spaghetti noodle do the price here what is it 228 which is the best price you will ever see we have lots of recipes for this in our new Kido cookbook coming out in May I haven't told anyone about it but I wanted to share that with you because I'm very bad at keeping secrets if you want to preorder that up at the Amazon link down below but right now on the blog you can get recipes for our pesto pasta with crusty chicken thighs you can get a low-carb noodle and veggie stir-fry with sticky glaze Asian salmon cakes these are the best avocados here 98 cents for large avocados I was actually here on Saturday and there are 88 cents but one thing I want you to stay away from is pre chopped garlic or did you know that the u.s. is the number one consumer of pre-chopped or pre peeled garlic you never want to buy that because it pales in comparison to freshly peeled garlic and I'm watching a documentary on Netflix now called the rotten and they talk about this company I would encourage you to watch it I don't want to talk bad about them because I hear they sue a lot let's just say I would not buy that brand that's it all right check this out you guys SuperDuper stoked about the grass-fed beef here they have 100% grass-fed grass-finished beef for 598 per pound same price as Aldi they have ground bison which is grass-fed for 898 a pound that's actually one dollar more than Aldi they also have grass-fed beef chuck roast you can use force to meet for 696 a pound that's a great deal and something I've never seen before if American lamb loin chops normally lamb is from Australia or New Zealand but they only have it for 1222 a pound it's a little cheaper at Costco but that's Australian but it's something super cool they have here speaking of Australian lamb I'm going down to Australia with the Aussie beef and lamb board at the end of March if you live in Sydney I want to do a meet-up and have you guys show me where to eat in Sydney so leave a comment down below but I would spend the extra dollar over the corn fed ground beef because if you compare the actual nutritional value of grass-fed to corn-fed grass-fed is way better for you so even though it's a little more expensive in price it's actually cheaper because your body is soaking up way more nutrients from it and it's pasture raised grass-fed not indoors eating soy and GMO corn and then with the grass-fed beef you can make my Quito stuffed peppers and my Italian meatballs cooked in marinara sauce so good the organic or free-range chicken here is really really disappointing and I wouldn't get any of it they don't have pasture raised chicken and antibiotic-free chicken I learned recently is a marketing gimmick that means they haven't given the chickens Alex in the last six months of their life but they've had it before so you have to look for never any antibiotics oh they had wild salmon here this weekend but now it's gone but it's not as good of a price as the wild salmon at Costco so I would skip that all right the condiments aisle has a few cool things my man G Hughes here sugar-free ketchup it's hard to find sugar-free ketchup that's actually affordable 288 for a 13 ounce container the only thing I don't like is my man G Hughes is using a little bit of modified food starch in there so it's not the most keto compliant if you saw our video from the other week we made homemade keto ketchup that is roughly the same price as this but if you want to avoid spending $6 for this stuff at the store and let me talked about in the Whole Foods Hall pick up that one you could also use that as the base for my Kido barbecue sauce which dropped last week interesting items that I would not expect to see here organic coconut vinegar have you ever seen that art so it's basically very similar to raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar it's the coconut blossom sap that's fermented and it has the probiotic mother in there the nice thing about it is that it's a little sweeter and not as bitter or sour as apple cider vinegar so if you want to try something different that's cool the price on Bragg's here is not the best but once again they do have the knockoff brand but just like Aldi mother's missing where's mom mom where are you you want to see that probiotic bacteria in the bottom so I would get it at Trader Joe's or I just discovered at Costco they have the most insane price on raw organic apple cider vinegar that we're going to cover in Costco number two Mayo section here is pretty lacking they don't don't have any really good quality avocado oil mayonnaise luckily art doesn't know this but as soon as we're done with this video we're gonna go home and film an avocado oil mayonnaise video but a lot of people like Dukes and it doesn't have any sugar so major props to them but art they use soybean oil to make it so I would stay away because soybean oil as we talked about in the cooking oils video is very highly refined and not very good for you because they changed the DNA of the fatty acid so I'm not a big fan of any of these avocados or any of these males here but we're gonna have a video coming up very shortly how to make avocado oil mayonnaise for cheaper than this in a way better all right there is an amazing buy here in the ice cream aisle I've talked about this briefly at the Whole Foods grocery haul but this cashew milk dairy free ice cream is the best dairy-free ice cream I've ever had you want to make sure it's the cashew milk because it's credibly creamy it's kind of like gelato and do the price look at that it's 447 for a pint at Whole Foods the exact same thing is 669 they don't have these in all Walmart's like the neighborhood Wal Mart in Chicago doesn't have it but the super center does also these guys are the cashew milk ice cream bars amazing flavor the best dairy-free ice cream ice cream bars I've ever had so I highly suggest stocking up on those because the price is right here at Walmart there are not too many things here in the snack aisle that I couldn't approve of even something like skinny pop which is really popular and people love it if you see what kind of oil it's cooked in its sunflower oil and it's not expeller pressed and once again we talked about this in the cooking oils video sunflower oil is highly refined and not good for you you want it to be cooked an expeller press on flour expeller press safflower expeller press peanut and be okay with but this is not good because the oil quality is bad but I can get behind this snack right here chichay runs the price is good 178 and if you remember from the keto coconut shrimp video we use this as our low-carb breading first we dip the shrimp in flour egg wash and crushed up cheap chowder on and on sweet and coconut flakes the only problem is I don't know the source of the pork fat here and my guess is they're using those commercially farmed pigs that are crammed into the farmhouses eating soy and corn it's not past your raised pork but hey sometimes you got a you know sacrifice your values and the price is really good for this so I can get but I can't get behind the one that has the barbecue flavoring because I use a lot of preservatives and chemicals for that so chicharrón for the win now once in a while especially when I'm traveling I like to get a good protein or energy bar but you have to be careful because they are very sneaky at putting in refined sugar in some of these my favorite one is these guys the rx bars right now good the packaging is brilliant it says what they have and no BS and it's a really good deal here because it Trader Joe's there two bucks a bar here it's only a buck 58 per Mar I'm the only thing I don't love about these is that the egg whites are not pasteurized egg whites they might be cage free but if you're looking for a good one this is the one to get now that's pretty much it in this aisle except art is in love with cinnamon toast crunch and Cheetos which i think is incredibly wrong no children should be eating that or who in their right mind approved the idea for Cookie Crisp why should anyone be eating miniature cookies for breakfast this is so wrong you grew up on that and somehow you came out all right art but please then all these all these cereals here are loaded with sugar and GMO corn what are we feeding our kids this is so wrong make my quinoa breakfast bowl for a little Timmy put some yogurt on top and call it a day look I promise you that Russell Wilson does not eat Wheaties every morning I'm just guarantee you that and it certainly art does not eat cinnamon toast crunch kudos I'm sorry lo siento amigo I want to quickly talk about the peanut butter aisle which I'm really disappointed here at Walmart Supercenter first I want to hit on this peanut butter powder this stuff is getting crazy crazy popular and I understand why but the problem is both with the name brand and the generic look what they put in here art sugar why do they do that each one of these has sugar you don't need to add sugar to peanut butter or peanut butter powder so that's really disappointing and it's not organic peanuts are legumes that grow underground they really soak up the pesticides and chemicals that farmers use so I always tell you to buy organic I would get the one at Costco or Trader Joe's it's a great price at least they do have this really cool powdered almonds here and it doesn't have any sugar is just one ingredients nuts but it is $8 but that's really cool and I know we all love Nutella and everything but deci is gonna hook you up pretty soon with an all-natural version of Nutella because y'all if you turn around the label the number one ingredient is sugar and then palm oil which number one isn't the best for you and is devastating for the environment this top is not good we should not be having kids eating this we should not be having nutella bars at the Mariano's grocery stores and italy's so just wait for Desi's all-natural version of that i did a poll on felicity instagram stories for viewer requests and somebody was asking for keto rapidfire coffee which i don't think they have here it's only online and i checked it out and it's very good the ingredients i'm back are good like MCT oil grass-fed butter instant coffee so i do approve of that but you got to read the labels cuz a lot of people are taking advantage of the keto craze now and you want to make sure the ingredients they're putting in there are good they don't have it here but it's only on walmart.com but thumbs up on if you're not following me on the Flav City Instagram stories head over there you could ask me any question you want and every night I'm doing stories and what I'm making for dinner and it's a lot of fun now in this aisle I actually love to get dried fruits but I want you to be very careful in buying pitted prunes because even though the price is really good here read the back here art there's two ingredients there's a prunes and potassium sorbate almost all the prunes and apricots are covered in sorbet and it's a preservative it keeps it kind of soft and chewy the problem is it's a really bad fear and gut bacteria just like maltodextrin potassium sorbate kills gut flora and got bacteria and that stuff is really really important for keeping an overall healthy body so I would go to Trader Joe's and buy the non potassium sorbate prunes they don't have those here unfortunately and excuse me the same is true for nuts I always buy either roasted unsalted nuts or raw nuts because if you buy honey roasted peanuts obviously they put sugar on there but it's covered in modified potato starch in Malta they load these things with preservatives so only my raw or roasted nuts that have salt and that's it one thing I would stay away from is this kind of coconut water like avoid vitae Coco this stuff is getting crazy popular last couple years a problem is it's pasteurized meaning all the natural enzymes and good living stuff in the raw coconut is killed you're only left with the vitamin C and that's about it and you're overpaying for it you're much better either buying this really good brand called harmless harvest that is a hundred percent raw but it's pricey or dude go to the Hispanic market Whole Foods or Asian market get the young Thai coconuts crack them open there's so much water in there probably half of this container and you get that sweet delicious creamy meat you can make smoothies out of and it is so good but I would just avoid this because it's all hype I'm actually super disappointed with the bacon selection here because they don't have any that are cured without nitrates or without sugar so they're not paleo or keto approved and they don't have any in this great wall of pork here that is pasture raised or organic pork it's all commercially raised pork which is terrible or tucked into these large indoor farms elbow-to-elbow the e GMO corn and soy so I unfortunately can't get behind any but look for pasture is pork without salt cured in the process and by that or whatever you can and now whole foods have some or maybe at a market by you alright the cheese aisle is interesting because I never want you guys to buy pregrated cheese this stuff has an anti-caking agent on it made of corn starch and it prevents it from kind of clumping in the bag but if you grate the cheese yourself it's gonna melt better and have a better flavor if you're gonna do it I wouldn't buy the Walmart brand I would actually spend an extra dollar and get some good quality till I'm up cheese and once you have this you can use it for my Kido Red Lobster cheddar biscuits but regardless get rid of the pregrated stuff this stuff tastes better and melts better all right you guys that is it art and I just crushed this Walmart Supercenter haul like a mouse how surprising you we did not get it down you guys there were people everywhere but nothing gonna stop us from bringing you this haul we've done Aldi we've done Walmart now Costco Whole Foods Trader Joe's art doesn't know this also but we're gonna take the show on the road we're gonna go to other stage she doesn't know we're gonna do little hem we're gonna go a sprouts farmers market so let us know where you want to go maybe you can meet us there and be our security guard so we don't get kicked out check out my other haul video is going down below us right now but we will see you soon until then hash tag I keep on cooking mad
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 2,058,657
Rating: 4.8768306 out of 5
Keywords: walmart haul, walmart grocery haul, walmart shopping, grocery haul, healthy grocery haul, healthy haul, healthy groery haul, walmart grocery shopping, walmart haul 2019, walmart haul grocery, walmart, walmart supercenter, walmart super center, food haul, shopping at walmart, what to buy at walmart, walmart shopping tips, walmart shopping trip, grocery shopping, walmart groceries, grocery haul walmart, haul video walmart, flavcity, bobby parrish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2019
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