Building a 3D HUD in DaVinci Resolve 15

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you guys said it was a good idea to make some HUDs so let's make one all right I have the Venturi's all fired up here I'm just gonna go right over into fusion once we're in fusion we're gonna open up the media pool so right up here we're gonna open this up right click in here and go to new fusion comp now if you do not see this all you have to do is update your DaVinci Resolve I believe it was added in 15.1 if I'm not mistaken and as of recording we're at a fifteen point two so once it's up here we're gonna double click on it and then it'll open up and you know it's opened up when you see a node down here so we'll just pop that over there first thing we're gonna do is just pull down a background and we're gonna pull down an ellipse tool I want to copy that likes copy we're gonna to connect that over and then we want to view this background so we're just going to drag it up to a viewer and then release it and then it all view over here and for now we're just gonna work in one viewer cuz we're gonna do everything 2d to start with so I'm just gonna click this button so we have more real estate and then we're gonna click on our mask and we can move one of these around but it would be a pain in the butt to get these to line up so the easiest way to do this is just to right-click on one of the two it doesn't matter which one I'm just gonna do the width click on expression and then we're going to copy we're gonna click right in here to get this like little another program it's called Pig web but we're just gonna bring it down here click on height and then we're gonna get height in here once that's in here what this is saying is that the value for this particular one is going to be the value of height so it's gonna look in height and it's gonna see that okay this over here is the value and it'll just duplicate it so then we always have a perfect circle so it's the easiest way to manipulate this to keep it as a perfect circle so once we have this done we're going to highlight our mask control C control V to paste it and then we just have to have this connected up and then the one that's the second so we have one mask and then we have the second mask the second one it's going to have paint modes and we're just going to change this to subtract once it's subtract obviously you won't see anything but we want to see a little bit of a line so we're gonna click on our second mask here and then this border width we're just gonna move just so slightly to get a little line now we have a nice line and this is kind of the process that we're gonna be doing for a lot of these different elements that are going to bring to this Hut so you're gonna notice that this is going to be quite repetitive in nature so the next one that we're going to do is we're going to add little circles to go all the way around so I'm gonna bring down another background and I'm going to bring down an eye or lips connect it up and now I want to be able to see it with this one so we're gonna go from the background the first background node and we're going to connect it to the output of the second background node and we'll get a merge and then we just view the merge so we'll just drag it up here and release the other way you can do this is because this is viewer two you can just hit number two and it'll view that one all right click on this one few - so number two and this is just number one and number two because we have this open this one's number two okay so through this second one I'm gonna do the same exact thing with the expression and then we're gonna make these really small so now it's really small to the point where it's either like that or nothing so what I'm going to do is I'm going to zoom in on this so I'm gonna hold down control and mouse wheel in to zoom in and then over here for this slider I'm gonna hold ctrl and move it around we're gonna have fine-tune controls or fine-tune whatever we have we have the ability to adjust it very finely when we're holding down control more precise so we're going to zoom out by holding ctrl again I'm actually going to come up here and click fit so we have in here that's still too big so I'm gonna come back make it smaller and that is probably still too big but for now we'll just leave it and I'm going to bring it up here and I don't want them to touch so they're not touching which is fine I'm going to just take both of these highlight them drag them over just a little bit so I have a little room here click on this background and then I'm gonna hit or I'm gonna hold down shift and then hit spacebar and it's gonna bring up this tool where I can search things and I'm just going to search duplicate so we get the duplicate tool and now I'm going to duplicate just this one little thing that's being fed into here so if we just view this it's just this one little dot ok that's being fed into the duplicate tool so now we can duplicate just that one little dot so I'm on the duplicate tool I'm over here how many copies do I want let's see what 15 copies looks like okay I do that you obviously don't see anything it's because there's 15 copies all in the same position so now we have to use some of these other parameters to change that position so we could take this a align and change the angle and as you can see this would be a pain in the ass to get everything aligned up correctly because what's happening is in between each one of the pieces it's changing it by 31 degrees and we don't that's really difficult the easiest way to do this is in in these little guys where you can write stuff in you can put calculations so this is obviously a circle so we have 300 noops 360 degrees and we're gonna divide that by how many pieces do we have we have 15 so we have the calculation in there we just hit enter and it comes up with 24 now they're all perfectly aligned done easy as that now we can just move on to the next item that we're going to add to this no their background and let's copy it and we're gonna connect this down to here and then view it and then this little guy going to do the same exact thing copy this drag this down holding control to get those fine adjustments control-c control-v it automatically connected it for me which is great same thing subtract nice little line perfect for this line I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to break it up so there's a whole bunch of like little chunks so it looks like it's spinning as a bunch of pieces so to do that I'm going to take both of these and move them over just a little bit I'm going to grab a rectangle I'm just going to connect that and how I did that if I did too quick for people that aren't familiar with this as long as you grab the far side of one of these connection lines you can grab it and move it to something else so now that we have it over here I'm gonna go subtract then we're gonna go to invert so it's only on the inside of this box and then we're gonna change the height to make it a small little piece so something like that and I'm just gonna bring the width down and bring it right over here so now I have a little piece after the background node we're gonna do the same thing duplicate and maybe do six 366 perfect now I have all my little pieces and we just keep bad into it now the background circle connect it over view this if you wanted to you actually could copy your other nodes and bring them down and change the size but I find this easier because you have to change both of these so yeah so now that I did that ctrl-c ctrl-v pasting it here subtract and then we're just going to border again a nice thin line there we go and for this one I'm going to add a little a little bit of something extra to it so I'm just going to grab another background and I'm gonna grab a rectangle connect it I'm going to break that connection connect these two together and just view these two pieces and then this rectangle I'm gonna bring the width in significantly and the height then I'm gonna move it whoops I'm gonna move it up here I'm gonna zoom in and I'm gonna try to get these thicknesses so the thickness of this the same as thickness on here I think that's close enough we don't really need it to be perfect oops that I have that there at the after this background duplicate tool again and this one we're going to do 25 360 25 now I have this little guy going and we're just going to connect this to here have this over here I want to leave this merge and everything over here because I want that to be treated as one element itself so then we'll view this now and everything that we have going here why can't I see it out because I have another merge in here that doesn't have a background there we go and to make this a little easier to see I'm just going to change the color of some of this stuff to make it a bit easier and both of these are gonna go as white there we go the next thing we're gonna do is I'm gonna show you another way to create these to actually save a little bit of time so if I bringing the background in and I bring down one of these lips tools I'm going to connect it and then we're gonna grab this and I'm going to just copy from here so the same way so far I'm just gonna connect this up so I can see it with this and over here we're going to bring this down so we're right inside and not touching now I'm going to ctrl C control V to paste it here right but for this one for this height I'm actually going to highlight both of these so this is so five underscore one the underscore one was the copy of five what I'm actually gonna do is I'm going to grab an expression for here and I'm gonna come into this one so five and I'm gonna grab this height so now they're the same but here's something that's really cool with that is if I take all of these well actually let's make that I'm jumping ahead here so let's go to subtract and then bring it in just a little bit now let's say I wanted to make another ring if I was to copy all of this right paste it here and connect this up and now we're gonna view this guy here and if I look at this current mask we can see that this is powered by five underscore two and if we look down here because we made a copy of this this one is five underscore two so now this height control controls this one as well so we don't have to make all of those duplicates so now I can just go like that and it's perfect if I want to add some a little bit extra in here I could just drop this right here on math and connect it go to subtract invert BAM up here with like that perfect after it duplicate seven 367 BAM done isn't that pretty cool so it's as easy as that now let's let me see with that other color value that I used here I'm just gonna grab this and then come back down here where we're working I'm gonna just paste it in here now I have that same color right in there so then the next one we're gonna do something a little bit different so I'm just going to grab these again copy them paste them down here and you can see five underscore three so it's going to continuously change it and all the values on my other nodes are going to be mapped to that one slider which is part of that new group I guess you call it a group so in here and bring this height down holding control get those fine tuned or fine adjustments now over here we just have to make sure that we're playing this particular node so now I'm playing it here what I'm actually going to do for this one is I'm going to change this amount to that much okay and I'm going to change the color to white so let's do that the other thing that I'm going to do is now here at the end just an empty space just clicking and we're gonna type in paint and we're gonna get the mask paint we're going to connect this and now we're gonna in here we're just gonna click this to make a path and we're going to try to get the center of this going all the way around we can adjust this if we need to later but for now we want to go all the way around you click this button to finish the circle now that that's connected on this one since this woman's secondly and we can change the paint mode we're going to change it to multiply and what multiply does is that they have to overlap to be visible as you can see we got this wonky circle so in this mask we're gonna come up to brush controls I'm gonna personally change it to this brush so we don't have that soft edge and I'm gonna increase the size so that the brush is actually larger than the ring that we have so that when they overlap it's a nice clean crisp circle right so then you might say okay why did we do that here's the cool part because we can keyframe now so let's come in we're at 24 frames per second so one second would be 24 obviously we can come down here to stroke controls and we have a right on right so we're gonna keyframe the end we can come down to the beginning and now we're gonna bring this in I don't know if you seen that over here but now if I play this it writes on so that's the cool thing because now we have this right on thing that we can add in okay so now that we have all of this I would say it's looking pretty good these circles are a little bit big so let me go over and change the circles I believe it was this guy possibly or no is this one so we're just going to change the size of those whoops a little too small I would say something like that it's probably a little bit better and I think we're looking good we might want to do one more line inside at yeah I'm gonna do one more line inside and we're gonna change this color as well come in here copy actually you know what I said I'm just gonna go to a to make maybe a blue maybe a little less saturation this is something like that okay so I said one more on the inside so I'm just gonna copy this one that we were a bit copying look I don't know what pasted it up there connect this up take a view at it and come over here change this size something like that and I think I'm happy with that I might just want to change the color and I think I'm going to change the thickness as well make it a little thinner maybe even more thin Morphin thinner even thinner I don't think morphing would be proper English okay so now that I have that let's for all of this at a background in as well so we're gonna get a background node and I am just going to grab a blue it's like there I'm just going to connect from here to here so that all of this overlaps on top of this background so that's what we're working with and now I'm going to add another node over here I want to grab that same color come over here paste it in and I think I'm gonna go less saturate it for this so maybe you're right there and then I'm going to grab a rectangle connect that up and then after this background I'm going to do a duplicate node and then from the duplicate node we're gonna connect these two together like that so this rectangle I'm now gonna do full height onto the height one first whoops and then I'm going to do like 0.1 and bring this all the way over to this edge then and copies I'm going to do 25 I'm just making these numbers up so it might look good it might not look good let's see how it looks though and now we're getting that those lines going across I think that looks good and then I'm going to just take all this copy ctrl C control V to paste connect this the hell connect this to here and then connect that in and then for this rectangle we're gonna go 0.001 and full-width and we're going to recenter it and bring it to the top fit let's go up a little bit like that and then here we're gonna reset it and pull it down and I think that's looking pretty good so now I have like a little bit of a grid go in there alright so now that I have all of that we pretty much have all of the building blocks to make this animation work so next thing we have to do is we're going to make this into 3d if you're not saving it's probably a good idea to save now so just I just hit control s save so now that I have everything pretty much made I'm going to look over everything so I have all of these merge nodes and then I have all of these like little elements so by themselves they're pretty good standalone elements and I want them stay like that there's a couple there's like this one that's the line and then these little dashes I want that with the merge here so we're gonna take each one of these and make them their own elements so then we can manipulate them in 3d space so if they're not all together because currently they're all Trudie we need to make them 3d objects so all we're gonna do is I'm gonna come over here and to zoom in and out I don't know if I said this but you just hold ctrl and mouse wheel so mouse wheel in and out and I'm going to grab a plane I'm going to grab a camera I'm gonna grab a renderer so now that we have all three of these elements we just need to figure out how many of these image planes do we need for each element so we have one two three four five six seven eight so we have eight nine because there's two here so we need nine so take this copy one so it's two three four five six seven eight nine the reason we did that so we don't have to do all those connections and then we'll connect the camera into this merge as well and then out of this merge we'll go into the renderer okay so now we can just go through here and delete these and then just connect these up take this connect it in connect it in let's get rid of these merges delete those delete all these delete these okay and then connect this over to here and we'll connect this one on here this one on the here this one here and then finally so you can see we have emerge in another merge we're connecting all of that onto here now we have everything connected into three 3d space and they're all their own little elements so if we take this renderer and we play the renderer we're not gonna see anything and I'll show you why if we take this merge when we played over here we'll see all the elements and we're gonna close that media pool so if you've never worked in three-dimensional space there's a couple of controls that you're gonna have to know scrollwheel in and out just goes up and down if you hold control scroll wheel zooms in and out if you hold down mouse wheel will move around like this so middle Mouse he'll move around like this if you hold alt and middle mouse wheel will spin around like this okay so currently the reason why we don't see anything is because our camera is actually through the whole animation so we'll just take our camera we'll pull it back and then we'll start to see everything once we pull it back far enough we'll see everything and now the next thing that we have a problem with is the camera because all of these are on the perfectly same there's nothing between them like it's a perfectly like thin thing the camera thinks that everything is together and it only really sees that background so what we're gonna do is we're going to push the background back so we can see all the elements so the background when we were working on the background of us this bottom thing so this is bottom node here that's the background so clicking on that now you can see it went around the background and we can just grab this little control here and push it back and now we can see everything over here okay so now that we see everything now you can see that all of our elements are here and then we have the plane back there all right so now the next thing I do is you have to bring this to life and we need to make it like have all those movements there's so there's a bunch of key framing that's gonna happen now the biggest thing that I I'm going to do next is as you can see there's not much space here to work with so if we were to take the camera right and let's say we brought it in but if we took the camera and we rotated it come back over bring it over there would be like to get that everything in there like you wanted you know always an edge that's showing so we just need to make that background bigger so to do that this bottom one we're just gonna move it down because it's the only it's the background and we'll just bring it over here out of this background we're gonna do a duplicate as well but it's going to be a 3d duplicate so dupe 3-d duplicate and this one works a little bit differently so we're gonna do two because we only need two here and I'm just going to move it down so as you can see we have this selected and if we move this down I don't know if you can see that but we're kind of growing this see that the second one so all we're gonna do is just make this negative zero or 0.5 so now we have them together down here and if we're gonna do the camera angle like the one that I did previously what we're gonna do with this image plane is we're actually gonna pull it up because we're gonna swoop down to see everything so if we're look at it here we're just pulling this up a little bit so we kind of want the project to be in this corner over here and we'll take this over here just a little bit not much so we still want it to sort of be in the middle okay now that we have that done we're not really going to play with the camera until later now we're going to just do the animations of all the different elements so there's a couple of different ways that we can animate this we can have them spin and then we can also have them break out to do that because we have everything broken out if we were to take one of these and move it you would see that that particular piece moved right you can see here it moves you can see here it moves so we just have to neatly reposition them the reason why I said neatly and joked about is because this can be a pain in the butt when you're first starting out with 3d you don't know what you're doing okay so I'm going to just have it start just start out with no animations because we have this like fill up thing and I kind of want that to do its thing for a little bit cuz that my envisioning was that it's going to be straight on and then as time progresses it's gonna lean to the side and you're gonna see it like explode out and do that 3d so I'm gonna bring the first element over here just to see what which element this is and this is just the ring I'm not really gonna move that ring much and then this is the circles so I think what I'm gonna do with the circles is we're gonna come to frame one keyframe here and then I'm going to come all the way up and then I'm just gonna have it do like one circle so throughout this it's just going to be spinning okay so that we have that done and there anything else I would do with that no I just I think I just want that this good no let's have it like from frame fourteen we're gonna have it punch out a little bit so frame fourteen it hasn't done anything and then from fourteen to let's go twenty-eight it's going to just come out just ever so slightly just a little bit not much just a little bit okay and then let's go to the next element what is this this is the first set of lines here so for this word it where was this 14 and 28 okay so for this I'm gonna pretty much do this same thing here 14 I'm going to change the position 14 and we're gonna go with this one to 34 just to switch it up make a little dynamic we're gonna bring it out just a little bit I would say something like that not a ton but what I'm also gonna do is I'm going to change how those keyframes work so currently were we have that one highlighted so I come over here show only selected tool this one once elected so we only see this keyframe this can get this can start to get a little hectic that's why I bring that up because we'll have a lot of keyframes in here so the first thing I did let me undo that so the first thing I did is just highlight it here and then I hit F to add a ease to this and then if I hit T it'll bring this ease in so I'm just going to increase this a bit this is something like that so it'll just it'll move out quick and then it'll slow down to finish its move I think that looks really nice so then the next one let's see what that is okay that's these circles that I think is gonna be consistently spinning so I'm gonna start it here I'm gonna bring it over here and I'm gonna go to negative 180 so it'll spin the opposite way and because these are so far apart I don't need to add any easing to that and then I'd say I'm gonna come to frame 14 and we're gonna keyframe that position and let's go with 26 and 26 we are going to bring it out a little bit let's see where we're at with everything okay they're starting they're stacking a little bit so we did the circles we did this line and then we have this this little guy okay that's looking good and well click this button because we have multiple sets of keyframes in here we'll click this button and we'll see these long ones but we are only concerned with these two right here so we'll click this we'll just zoom in here click F have that ease alright so the next thing we're gonna do is come down to the next one what's the next one next one's just a circle so we don't need to add any rotation here but we're gonna come to frame 14 again keyframe here and then come up to 26 I'm just going to bring it up just a little bit holding control to bring it up let's see them all again how we look in I think we're looking pretty good we got like a stacking effect going here okay moving down to the next one or actually let's go back to that one right here click this button gonna add easing in here as well alright next one are the circles so I think it's yeah so we're just going to come over here rotation come to the other end and in here I'm going to do 175 real random numbers and frame 14 to frame 28 and we're just gonna bring it up these numbers you don't have to you know be exactly if you can pick whatever you want it's completely up to you bring it up just a little bit more something like that okay and then for this easing it increase it perfect next one just the circle so we just need to have it punch out so here offset and 28 and have it come out now we don't want it to come too far out because it'll at least from this angle that we're looking at it'll come out a little too much and overlap but I think we're fine you think so something like that okay and just one more actually come back that's an easing in here actually I'm gonna do it to both sides so we have a little transition like that switch it up a little fourteen offset twenty-eight BAM and we're going to bring this out like that I think that looks kind of cool that it's in just a tad okay hit this button at ease in the both sides and we'll call a day there now that looks great you know but there's a big hole right here in the middle so let's fill that with the elements that we already have with the animations that we already added so all we're gonna do is just right here just click shift spacebar and we're gonna do a merge node 3d merge this time and we're gonna grab all the elements that we want to have added in and I think I would want to grab everything but the the SERT these dots and this line so we'll grab all of these except for that and I think these top two are that so I'll connect this over this is why I love nodes as you can just grab a source from anywhere and there we go now that we had that we can come over here and we do scaling and we can put point five right and now we can connect this into here and we have it here how cool is that so the next thing that we can do is we can add to this animation a bit by a couple of different ways one we can come to this side we can add let's come in a little bit so I can see that animation so these right now look the same right so let's change that up a bit and have that like that so I you know this line and that line that fill in are a bit off so we'll start it there so we'll just key framing there and then we'll come to the other side and we'll just go by it not a ton but just a little bit thirty degrees and then the other thing that we can do is adding to this animation so most of this stuff was stopping at thirty four so if I go like twenty six and do a offset and then come up to like forty six and pull all of this out a little too much something like that I think my scallion I'm gonna do like 75 okay that's not enough point six point five five okay I think five five looks good so now if I look at this starting to look you know a bit better starting to look pretty cool and they all have like these different types of animations that they're all like poking at which is kind of cool and now coming out of that I can add a little bit more and do a duplicate 3d coming out of that I have this at 2:00 but we need to change the scaling so let's do like point 5 now we're really starting to fill this in I think before I had 5 5 yeah and that looked nice ok so now we're starting to really fill this in and I just I can change the let's change the rotation on this to 80 degrees so now we have like the little opening here a little opening here a little opening here it's really starting to feel like you know there's a lot different going on here as you can see this guy so we're going to do the same sort of thing here where where was this last move way up here so I would go like 30 I'm going to come over on here and have my offset and come up let's go to 48 and I can move this around a bit have this pump out come out just like that so now we're really starting to get something that looks pretty wild right so remember the safe if you haven't saved yet now the next thing that we're gonna do is we can play around with the camera because I feel like where it's pretty full now and it's looking pretty good now the camera moves are the next big thing to do so I'm going to zoom this out a little bit and we are going to Center this up a little bit so it we're right on there that's looking pretty good to start so maybe that's a good start point where it's all starting to come out and get created and if I'm going to just show this over here so it's starting to come out it's getting created still all flat so camera I like to just key frame everything because I don't know where I'm gonna take this really but we're gonna come let's come so by here we already have a bunch of stuff moving right and so I'm gonna bring it out let's say something like that and now we can just kind of manipulate this camera now we have to see this but we can manipulate this camera to a position that we would actually like so rotate it maybe turn it a little bit bring it up something like this maybe bring it down over this way so maybe that would be a good spot for a keyframe and then I'm just going to take all of these keyframes hit F just to ease them and then maybe come in a little bit more and we can continue with this path just be cautious like when you're moving this around that you don't see the edges like over here if you would see this edge it would be it would have this background and then this would all be black so just something keep in mind so I'm thinking that something like this maybe we can come out a little bit something like that maybe and just ease all of that and then the final thing to the secret sauce if that's what we're calling it would be depth of field and this is where it's gonna start to really tax your computer if it hasn't yet if it has or if you're just watching this and then you're going to do this later one thing you can do is all of these pieces that are beforehand you can if you're if you're done with them the ones that have the duplicate nodes these duplicate nodes they typically take a bit more resources so you could just come tuck and node like this and you can go cache the desk and then I would just do lock branch and then what's gonna happen is it all render all of this and then it'll make like a file that fusion can play for that for whatever is down that branch of the node tree so all of these won't ever be rendered in real time again it'll just read whatever the file was that this meet so it would be like it makes a video I guess you could say of everything that happened previous to that and then it would go into everything else so once you have our camera moves set and they're looking pretty good we're moving we're sort of moving here oh the other thing that you could do is you could right-click in here internal high quality and you can even turn on proxy and what compras you'll do is depending on what your settings are in this Fusion under view now general here it'll do a thirty to one compression so yeah if that's what you have it set on I'll save a bit on resources so now that I have this done I'm going to come to my renderer and go to OpenGL renderer and then this little drop down accumulation effects will just enable that and it's gonna look all crazy I can boost the quality the higher this goes obviously the more time it's gonna take the render more resources I'm just gonna put up to 25 and then I'm gonna reduce this amount of depth of field blur I would say something like that is looking pretty good and next I want to go to my camera and in my camera gonna go over to the camera tab control visibility I'm gonna turn on this focal plane and they just turn up the divisions a bit and now we can see this green box thing and that's where my camera currently is focusing so if I changed the focal plane to where everything is in my project you can see over here it's starting to be in focus I'm just going to like that so I can see where it's going you bring it up that is oh geez when we don't that is pretty close and this is looking go to a sharp so I'm happy with that is a little behind okay perfect so that's where I'm gonna leave that so my nothing starts moving till here so I'm just going to keyframe that location and then I'm just gonna come to my couple of points my location points and just make sure that my focus is in a nice spot so for here it's a little back I think I would want to bring it to things that are a bit forward so I would say like right there so added a keyframe there and then coming to here I think I kind of lucked out on this one and we're in the back again so we'll just come a little bit to the front something like that I think that's looking good if I come over here to my renderer I can increase that the blurry bits if I want to so now this is starting to go out of focus I think I like that in that way and then that's kind of that's kind of it so so the next thing I'm going to do is I'm just gonna do a quick render this to disk and then I'm gonna preview it and see how we're looking so far alright so after a little bit of rendering as you can see down here everything has a little lock on it and this has a little harddrive symbol so it's just reading off of that one node the files that I created off the drive and that's kind of what I came up with I think the only thing I would change with this is I think the background is a little too light and you can't really see the lines so I think that's the only like real thing I would change on here it's just darkening that up I might make the the the little inner one that pops out like make it change the easing and how they work so I would have the it move start to move really slow and then at the end ramp up to that endpoint so it like punches out well than that that's kind of it's kind of how you would do it and I mean you could take this a step further if you really want it to and on the side here you could maybe the title to a series but yeah I think the only other thing that I could say is if you're working on a project like this I know some machines are probably going to chug is just work on just small segments so like we had this whole intro right we have this whole intro maybe he just worked on the intro until you got that to look good and then you moved on to another part so your computer can cache those different areas and then you could just move these in and out points to wherever you want it to have it loop so you could only see that portion right and then you can just cash just that portion so I could just cash here just this portion or whatever portion that you want it may be right in the middle and they can just work on different segments if your computer is struggling to render this because there are a couple of elements that could be a little difficult to render so just want to give you a couple of those pointers but I think that's pretty much it for this one yeah let me know in the comments what you guys think about this one if you have any ideas or suggestions leave them down there below and with that said my name is jay arne thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 35,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, Step by step, fusion, davinci resolve 15, 3d, hud, sci fi, tech, elements, video editor, video editing, motion graphics, 3d camera, 3d depth of field, guide, cool effects, mograph
Id: bKlhNd9NVWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 55sec (2995 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
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