Easy 3D Title - Davinci Resolve 17 Tutorial [BEGINNER FRIENDLY]

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welcome back i'm casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube today we are talking about how to make this easy 3d title with just the built-in tools in fusion i'm going to assume you know a little bit about how fusion works but we'll go over some of the basics too you know what i'm saying let's go first thing we're going to do is make a new fusion composition i'll go up here to our media pool right click and say new fusion composition it's going to ask me things about it let's do 3d title two because i already made the other one it's that's how reality works and here we are 3d title two i'll double click on that and it'll open up magically in the fusion page because this is a new composition we don't have a media in or anything so we need to make something we need to do something so let's start with the background easy way to make a background is just to grab this icon right here on the left drag it down to our flow and we'll take the output of our background and put it into our media out this will do a couple things this will set our composition size and it'll give us a black background so we don't want a black background let's do something a little bit more fancy let's go up to the inspector with the background node selected and here where it says type instead of solid color let's go to four corner four corner and we're gonna make kind of a tealish background here and this is a little trick that i like to use just to make a nice little soft interesting background this top left color let's make this kind of a bright cyan so something kind of like something kind of like this on the bottom right let's make the same color i'll just grab this eyedropper and we'll just put it sort of here something like that and now we have the dark corners and the light corners and these dark corners let's say top right let's do kind of a tealish looking thing something like that but a little bit darker than our other corners were hit okay and see that's looking nice and bottom left is going to be about the same color just grab and pick that whoo see you see what we're doing here it looks cool all right so we have our background now let's worry about the 3d text if you're unfamiliar with how 3d works inside a fusion you need at least two different nodes one is something that's 3d and the other one is a 3d renderer if we're going to make something that's 3d let's grab our text which on the right hand side of this toolbar we have all our 3d stuff these first three icons are things that you make in 3ds things like meshes text plain stuff like that we'll grab this text 3d and drag it down into the flow and then this last one is render a 3d so let's put that there and connect text to the renderer 3d text 3d has one job all it does is make 3d text and the render of 3d has one job all it does is take whatever you connect to it that's 3d and render a 2d image so that we can actually composite it over stuff think of this as the actual stuff and this is like taking a picture of it so let's take this down here and we're going to take the renderer 3d and merge it over our background just by dragging the output onto the output of the background there we have our merge and ta-da nothing's happened yay that's because our text 3d here we haven't actually given any text so right now it's like not ideal so let's say we're going to make this show about dogs i love making stuff about dogs we'll just type in dogs so we have something to type here font for 3d text i like to pick a big thick font i'm going to pick a font called mont heavy it says it's a demo but the the license says that it's fine to use so i i don't know maybe they just didn't take demo out of it if anybody knows let me know so that text is looking sick other than it's not 3d at all so how do we fix that you scroll down to the bottom of the inspector when you have a text 3d selected we have this section called extrusion we can twirl that down and now if we take this extrusion depth here and we push it up look what happens to our text ooh it does something weird but you can kind of imagine that it's sort of getting 3d although you can't tell at all and why is that well the thing about 3d is you really need to have lighting for it to make any sense and by default fusion doesn't really have lighting enabled so a couple things we need to do first one is go down to our renderer 3d select that and on the inspector here enable lighting and shadows and so we have sort of the opposite problem instead of it being bright white it's dark black and it still looks just as bad but it's the first step in progress towards actually making it look good what we need to do is add actual lights to this scene now how do we do that just like we have a merge here in our regular nodes there's something called a 3d merge and what that does is just put multiple 3d things into the same world so we can grab this icon right here merge 3d with my text 3d selected i can just click this actually let's see what happens if i click it it adds a merge 3d here and nothing's really different up here yet because we still haven't added lights but we've kind of got it set up here and actually if i take our merge 3d and hit one on the keyboard we can kind of spin it around and see that this is 3d it's just not shaded like i said this merge 3d kind of adds a 3d scene that you can add multiple things to so let's add a light the default icon down here that's a light would be a spotlight i think that's probably like the hardest 3d light to use so like i never use spotlight but i bet some people really like it i'm going to just double click off of everything and hit shift spacebar that's going to bring up our select tool panel here and i'll type light and here we can see our 3d lights as well as some other stuff that says light but i'm going to pick directional light because this is just a lot easier to control and we'll hit add and let's take the output of our directional light and pipe it into our merge 3d and look what happens magic happens friends magic so this is starting to look somewhat decent the problem is that we're shooting this light directly at the surface so really what we're doing is almost lighting it in 2d because none of the light gets to the other faces it's just on these front faces of this word so we can fix this by having our directional light selected and going here to the inspector to transform and messing with these rotation controls because if we shoot this light at a different angle it's going to light up different faces and it's going to actually look 3d so let's grab this y-axis and we'll just push this around and you see what we're doing here you see how it's starting to look 3d that's cool and maybe we'll also rotate this on the x-axis so it kind of comes from above and we can play around with different kinds of shading and everything here we basically play around with it until it looks nice yeah that's pretty cool so that's good for now it'll at least show us the shape of these letters and let's kind of set up our words to actually look the way that we want in a previous tutorial i made this say some show so let's just do that down here with this text 3d i'm going to make sure this looks nice actually so i'll select this and this is going to be some and our color let's pick kind of a pink i like this kind of pink looking color that looks good and one thing is i feel like the edges of this just look too sharp so we can actually bevel these edges if we scroll down to extrusion there's a couple controls called bevel depth and bevel width and we can start to push those up a little bit both of those up and we'll start to see that it adds sort of a rounded corner to these words which always looks nicer in my opinion just make those pretty beveled dial it into taste we could even save some processing power by clicking off bevel back because we're not really ever going to see that and that's looking pretty nice right and now let's take this text we're going to select this and hit f2 to rename we'll say sum underscore 3dt for 3d text and i'll hit ctrl c and double click off of this so that nothing's selected and hit ctrl v and this one's going to be show some show underscore 3dt i put the underscore just so we always remember what it is so underscore 3dt is 3d text however you can remember that as good we'll take the output here and pipe it into merge 3d and now we just have to go up and change some to show and let's make the color almost white let's do kind of a bluish white and take the brightness down a little bit something like that maybe hit okay and now we're stuck in a video game what are we doing these are just trying to occupy the same space and has no idea how to actually show that so what we can do in our merge 3d is just grab this one and bring it down here with our little widget and that's nice right cool some show but we're getting to the point here where this text is filling up too much of the screen so we could push both of these pieces of text back there'd be nothing wrong with doing that but we're going to animate and kind of do some stuff anyway so i think what i'll do is add a 3d camera one way to do that is just grab it from the toolbar here camera 3d just drag that down to the flow and take the output and pipe it into the merge 3d what this will do by default is start looking through this camera 3d when it renders render 3d render looks for a camera here that's attached somewhere along the line so we'll take this camera 3d and if we look at our merge 3d here over on the left we don't see anything here because our camera is actually behind our text and it's just shooting out into nothing so what we got to do is take our camera i'll just grab it on the z axis and push it back like this and look what happens oh baby pulling this back so we can actually see stuff yeah have it right there for now what i like to do generally is set the camera where it's going to end up and then we'll animate stuff in a minute but we want it to end up somewhere along these lines and i'll even push it down just a little so there we go one thing i want to do is rotate these 3d texts because it's just a little bit boring right now as well so let's go to our inspector here and under this fifth little tab the one that says transform but has the arrows it's confusing isn't it that's fun this fifth one that has the arrows we can rotate this on the y-axis and add a little character to this so we'll maybe rotate this like this select show and rotate this one the other way and we just kind of make this a little more interesting maybe i'll take this text size bring it down we can even adjust this in 3d space to be maybe a little closer maybe bring it forward a little bit maybe we won't rotate this quite as much and click this little icon over here in the upper left hand corner to give us a widget and kind of move around that way now we have these kind of stacked up like this and that's looking pretty good here now that we've messed with stuff let's change our directional light a little bit and make sure that that is doing everything that we want it to do again we can probably play with it like this i want that to be nice and bright maybe something along those lines just play it with all the rotation just to get it looking how you want that looks pretty nice i'd say in fact one thing i might want to do just to give this 3d text a little bit more 3dness i'll select one of our text things show and in our inspector let's go all the way down to the bottom and here where it says extrusion depth let's make this even more let's extrude this a lot let's do like 0.6 there we go then these words have a little bit more depth you see the difference let's actually change the shading of this viewport if you up here where it has this circle you can twirl this down and say like lights so we can actually see what's going on a little better and let's also make this one a little bit thicker over here to extrusion depth under text again 0.6 mess with our light a little more and you just kind of got to tweak it until it looks right also grab this light here in our merge 3d and bring it out just so we can see it a little better the directional light doesn't really matter where you put it in 3d space i like to just put it where i would put a real light you know so that i kind of know just by looking at this like oh this is the key light you know this is the main light we'll turn this just so it isn't flipping all the time there that looks pretty nice and i think what we'll do um let's rename this let's call it key light let's duplicate this hit ctrl c double click off and hit ctrl v this is going to be kind of our rim light let's grab this and put this into merge 3d and this is going to start out by just making it really bright but we're going to change the rotation of this and just light this from a different angle so that we can kind of pop the edges of this 3d a little bit so we'll just rotate this so it's like if you look here in our 3d port we have a light basically coming from behind just about and shining down here from behind the words and this is just how you would light something in real life too is it's nice to have a key light and a backlight to kind of give that nice little edge highlight on stuff and so now if we turn this off and on we'll see the difference that makes it's a really big difference that just it turns it from yeah it's pretty it's all right you know it's okay it's all right to like oh dang that's some tasty words those are tasty words let's grab this top word and maybe we'll push it up a little bit because it's kind of getting rowdy getting a little rowdy i'd say all right so this is looking pretty good the last thing i want to do is animate this a little bit one way that we can animate this is with the rotation of the words so let's say within about a second or so let's just pick 30 frames ish it's going to end up here so let's grab our some text and go to 3d transform here and i think what i want to animate is the x rotation so that's like up and down rotation right so let's set a keyframe right there at frame 30 same thing for show and then at the beginning of this let's bring it back to zero we're just going to offset some of this a little bit so we'll tilt this down just a little bit and this upper text will tilt it up just a little bit so that it over time kind of comes together like that it's subtle but subtle's good there you go that looks nice we're also going to animate our camera so let's select our camera right here go up to the inspector transform and again maybe we'll have this end at about frame 30. you can pick whatever frame you want and this time we're going to animate the translation in z because i want this camera to kind of dolly out so let's keyframe that z and at the beginning of our comp we'll have the camera push back like this and so really what it looks like is the text is coming towards you because you don't really have any reference point like that and i think that looks pretty cool one thing i might do is change the camera controls a little bit because i like to have sort of a wide angle on stuff like this so this angle of view here we can push this down a little bit and give a little bit more lens distortion something like that maybe switch this to like 9.3 and this time we'll we'll stop like here and then at the beginning of our comp we'll actually be way back way back so now this will come yeah we'll actually have this maybe bounce a little bit so like frame 20 will be really close and then frame 30 will back off a little bit keep it tasteful so now we have this coming in it gets really big and then kind of bounces back the general motion is pretty good we need to smooth out those keyframes though because it looks janky so easiest way to do that is with the spline panel up here and click on spline and this is just a graph of everything that's animated let's just checkbox everything that's animated here and we're going to select everything just box select everything and hit f on the keyboard for flatten and that's going to flatten out all of these handles which basically means that everything's going to be smooth so check this out there we go so now we have this kind of cartoony i think that looks sick some show yeah some kind of show and that's the idea you could even do stuff like animate the z rotation on the camera and have it tilt everything right of course we'll want to make sure that we soften that as well select all those keyframes and hit f there's our schmancy title some show you're welcome hey if you stayed to the end make sure to give me a thumbs up that'd be awesome and if you want more fusion tutorials well we got a bunch right here check them out and then you too can make some show you can replace this text man with whatever you want uncle jebediah or david's show or some david you know your heart is a blip let it fly
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 18,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Easy 3D Title - Davinci Resolve 17 Tutorial [BEGINNER FRIENDLY], title, 3D, davinci, resolve, 17, beginner, tutorial, how to, graphic, animation, text, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve fusion, fusion tutorial, blackmagic fusion, 3d text, motion graphics, text animation, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, blackmagic design, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, text effect, animating text in davinci resolve, resolve 17
Id: DxWOFzNyuBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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