Make VOCALS Sound PROFESSIONAL in DaVinci Resolve 16 | Professional Audio in your Video

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what's going on guys welcome back to the channel it was great to see here again I hope you're all doing well in today we're gonna be talking about audio I'm gonna show you how to make your audio sound better and more professional but I share my workflow with you and hopefully it's gonna work for you too and make your audio sound more professional but hey if you're new here my name is Jade laughs ki and here we talk a lot about DaVinci Resolve little photography Photoshop Lightroom and even some gear stuff cuz everybody knows from Houston right so if you're intending those consider subscribing to my channel so now let's jump into this video [Music] all right so today we're talking audio one of my favorite things love me some gluto audio and I'm sure you guys do too so I'm gonna show you my workflow on how I make my audio sound better more professional show you the tools that I use and I think if you use these tools they're gonna help your audio sound better and more professional too so there's obviously things you can do like buy a better mic have a good environment and things like that but sometimes you just need to take what you got and make it sound better and more professional recently I picked up a new microphone to put on top of my 5d Mark for their to use not only in this situation just to sync up my audio from the blue Yeti with the 5d Mark for audio but also just to have as a run-and-gun my conifer vlogging type stuff or just being outside filming other things or I need a decent mic sitting on top of my camera I'll pop a picture up on the screen of what that is it's a tax our SGC 598 pretty good mic I'm happy with it but you can always do a little bit of processing to make it sound even better so I've already gone ahead and film the sample clip for us to use with the 5d Mark 4 and the takstar mic on top there I brought it into the mixer is off so let's jump over to resolve I'm gonna show you the tools that I used for pretty much every audio clip whether it's the Yeti my lav mic or this mic that we're gonna be working with here oh and real quick before we jump into the mixer is off you're gonna want to use some good headphones or some good speakers if you got them cuz that's the best way for you to hear the little difference is we're gonna be making in our audio I'll leave a link to the ones that I have here in the description below these are a Sony and had them for years they work really well I like them a lot but you can use whatever headphones you might have it's gonna probably do a better job than just your computer speakers but if you don't have any good headphones or good speakers then use your laptop or your computer speakers and you're still gonna hear a difference in the sound and I think you can still get better audio I make it sound more professional alright let's jump into result alright so here we are in DaVinci Resolve I've got my clip in here I haven't done anything to it yet nor have I tried to do anything so I'm gonna be going through this the first time with you guys here and we're gonna see how we can make this clip sound better and more professional again keep in mind the microphone that I was using on top of my 5d Mark 4 for this clip was $27 so we're gonna try and make this sound as best we can and see what happens here alright so let's play through this clip here and see what we have to start with on top of the 5d mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better and more professional anytime I get a new microphone or I move to a new location this is the process that I use to make my audio sound better and more professional okay so that's the clip without anything done to it and we can hear it sounds a little quiet and actually let's check our meters while we're playing through so we can see it's only coming around 20 to 30 on the meter here we want that the peak at say around 10 maybe minus 8 is usually what I go for so in order to get it in that range quick and easy I'm gonna come and select my clip I'm gonna right click and I want to come to normalize audio levels and I usually use minus 8 as my target level and I'm gonna go ahead and click normalize so in a nutshell what that normalization does is raises or lowers your clip so that the highest level in that clip matches whatever your target was so my target was minus 8 decibels on my meter maybe this is the highest peak in this clip so that peak would be at minus 8 so let's play through and see where we're falling on our meters now what's up guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d Mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my own so you saw in the beginning it did peak up and where these lines stay that's kind of where a peak is so if I come back to the beginning what's up guys just cut and you can see it peaked up here around that minus 8 so it looks like that is the highest level so you can think of normalizing as setting that peak level for your clip so now looking at the clip as I come ahead here and I'm gonna show you my and I play through I notice that it's in that 10 to 15 range which is good that's where I want my audio clip to be in that no lower than minus 15 on my meter and no higher than that minus 8 that I had originally set it at so now that I quickly normalized that audio clip to set my peak level at that minus 8 I want to jump over into the Fairlight tab and start working with some of the other tools in fairlight now keep in mind you can get way more detailed to adjust the levels of your clip using keyframes and all that kind of stuff generally I don't do that for me it's not worth the time to do that and this method works good enough for me so let's jump into the Fairlight tab click on the little musical notes here at the bottom just going to go ahead and bring up my clip it'd make a little bigger here okay so the first thing that I usually do is come into my dynamics so if you come over to your mixer if you don't see your mixer you have a little toggle button on top here you come down and you want to come to dynamics and if you don't see your dynamics here for some reason look at these three little buttons here and it's got all the different items that you can see here make sure dynamics is checked on so double click on dynamics so with the dynamics window open here I'm gonna go ahead and turn on the compressor so the compressor is gonna compress your audio once it gets past a certain point or threshold and that's going to help limit your audio from peaking or going above a certain level that you choose so with the compressor turned on the next thing I want to do is take a look at my makeup and just as a quick way to think of makeup you can think about it as boosting the volume so the more you push up here we can see our graph Rises and it's gonna make your clip louder now you can see if I go too far we get a red line here and that means that your audio is gonna be clipping or your track is clipping so you're gonna be peaking and you don't want that so a few ways you can handle that you can either bring the makeup back down or if say you're way up here and if for whatever reason needs to be there you can come and take your ratio and drop it down and drop it down you can see the ratio changes the amount of your compression here it's so I'm gonna go ahead and reset then I'm gonna bring my makeup back down till the compressor is just before that 0dp all right so I boosted my makeup a little bit we can see it increase the overall volume I'll call it of the clip let's play through the clip watch the meters and kind of see where our clip falls new microphone on top of the 5d mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better and more professional anytime I get a new microphone or so I can see now my levels are coming up higher it's a little more consistent in where it sits and if you wanted you could even turn the ratio up a little bit on the compressor and let me play through that see how the meters look with that I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better and more professional anytime I get a new microphone or I move to a new location this is the process that I use to make my audio sound better and more professional ok so I think that's pretty good starting point right there so I'm going to leave that as it is next I want to and click on the send button the send button tells DaVinci Resolve who send the signal of this channel out to any other channels that may be listening so why is that useful it's useful because let's say you want to lay a music track below your video and below your talking well when you send out this signal you can go on to your music track and tell your music track to listen to this track and you can use your dynamics to set your music track to duck the audio underneath any talking that comes on this track might sound a little confusing we'll save that for another video but audio ducking is something really cool it's a great feature here in DaVinci Resolve so you want to make sure you have this send button turned on in case you want to use it for audio ducking later on the next thing in the dynamics panel that I like to take a look at here is the expander and the gate so this just has to do with the dynamic range of your clip you can see if I turn on the expander it's gonna drop those levels down once it gets past a certain point so I can usually turn up my threshold here to anywhere between 25 and 30 and this is also going to help get rid of some background noise if you have any so I don't know if I left a big enough spot where we'd hear background noise but let's play through the clip here with the expander on I'll turn it on and off while the video is playing and you can see if you hear a difference what's up guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d Mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better and more perfect alright I'm just gonna see if I have a little extra dead space here at the end of the clip so we can try the expander there sessional anytime I get a new microphone or I move to a new location this is the process that I use to make my audio sound better and more professional so you can see the difference right there so the expander does help knock down some of that background noise the staticky kind of noise that you hear and if the expander isn't doing enough to get rid of that you can come in and use a gate so the gate says anything below my threshold drop or reduce that volume so I don't hear it or so it's just reduced and not as loud for example let's just leave the default settings here I'm going to play this static area with the gate off and then I'm going to turn the gate on and see how it sounds so you can hear the difference there and if we look at our meters bring this back here bring dynamics over now watch our gain reduction here I'm going to turn the gate off and you can see how much it's reducing here of that background noise so how does that sound when we play through our clip well let's come to the beginning we'll leave the gate on at the default settings and play and see how it sounds sup guys just got a new microphone on top of the okay so you can see it's cutting in and out a lot and that doesn't sound good at all so what would I do there I might bring the threshold down a little bit I might bring the range back up so it's not cutting it out as much once we get below that threshold and you can also come down and adjust your attack hold and release I'm not going to go into specifics of all of them now but let's just boost them up a little bit and you can see how that sounds I'll leave the attack where it is bring the release up a little bit and let's just see how that sounds what's up guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d Mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better and more professional anytime I get a new microphone or I move to a new and we're gonna fast forward here but you can see in between the breaks where I'm talking it'll reduce or cut out that background noise or background hiss so you have to play with the settings and get a setting that works good for your particular clip but the idea is that it reduces that background noise between your clips and anywhere where you're not talking so let's just play through this last little bit here and see how it sounds more professional and you can hear it cut out right there so the gate works really good I use it almost all the time I may not use it as much as we're doing right here but I definitely use the gate a lot because there's always a little bit of background noise that maybe you want to get rid of whether it's static fuzz whatever it might be you want to get rid of it and the key does a good job of taking care of that so I just did it just a little bit more there and now let's move on to the next step so now I just want to play through I want to watch my meters and make sure that I've got good levels that my levels look good they're not dipping and dropping a lot that it's fairly consistent and I just want to see overall where are my levels on the meter here and again I want to be in that 10 to 15 range with a max of around 8 and preferably closer to 10 so that I've got the volume that I want once the videos finished here so let's play through and just kind of watch the meters and see where we're at what's up guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d Mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better and more professional anytime I get a new microphone so it looks like it's peaking a little higher than I want so I may even come back into my dynamics and bring it down a little bit boost up my compressor so this is all stuff that you got to play with and find out what works best for your clip and I'm just trying to give you an idea of my workflow and how I go through each one of these tools here alright next up is an important one next one is EQ so sometimes when you're scrolling over here on your Trek you can't get to the ones you want I don't know why that is but if you can't get there click on these little dots and turn off some of these guys I'm gonna turn off inputs and ok now I can get to the EQ here so go ahead and double-click on your EQ so I think almost every clip can benefit from a little bit of EQ I'm gonna give you some basic tips here again you're gonna have to go through because every microphone is different every recording situation is different you're just gonna have to try things and see what works best for your clip but one of the good things is once you figure it out if you're recording in the same places or the same ways you can save a preset apply that preset next time and you're good to go so the first thing I always do is turn on band 1 which is your high-pass filter so it means it's going to cut all these frequencies below a certain level it's gonna cut all those out so I usually roll that guy on up to about a hundred and you're not going to need anything below that that's just a frequency that's just gonna make your audio sound muddy the next thing I do is come to band 6 I'm going to turn that on and I usually roll that back to say around 10,000 because this is where you get some hissing sometimes or just high-pitched unwanted noise so turning on your fan 6 and this low-pass filter here usually does a good job of knocking out some of those highs so let's play through I'm gonna turn the EQ off and with just these two changes let's see if we can hear the difference what's up guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d Mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better and more professional anytime I get a new microphone so I don't know if you guys can hear but it sounds just a little bit cleaner to me and it's all these little changes that we're gonna do that add up to making a big difference between your processed audio clips and your final audio clips so it does make a little bit of a difference there and I think we're going in the right direction on the EQ here so the next thing that I do is I just start going through my bands and I want to find frequencies where there's things that sound bad so how do we do that so let's start with our band to here I'm gonna change my type to the second one down so first you have frequency here that's going to tell you what frequency are you at the next one down is your gain so are you raising the level of that frequency or are you reducing the level of that frequency and then you have your cue factor so if I just boost this up the Q factor tells you what is the spread of the frequencies being affected so do I want just a few frequencies affected by my change or do I want a lot of them affected and just depends on the situation is what you want to use so in order to find frequencies that are bad you want to play through your clip and you're gonna sweep the audio is what I call it so you're basically gonna grab your point you're gonna boost it all the way up sweep around until you find something that doesn't sound good it sounds bad you're like ooh that sounds extra bad and we're gonna stop and then we're gonna reduce that signal so let's play through the clip and see if we can find something that sounds bad what's up guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better and more professional anytime I get a new microphone or I move to a new location this is the process that I use to make my audio sound better and more so there's something right around here that doesn't sound good around 473 I'm gonna come back and try a little lower and see if I can find anything lower on our frequency scale here so so let's come back here we're gonna play through and see if we find anything lower that doesn't sound good guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d Mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better and more professional anytime I get a new microphone or I move to a new location so right about there sounds like there could be something that sounds worse than the areas around it so I'm gonna start there and just drop that down a little bit we're gonna say maybe 5 decibels and see how that sounds what's up guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d Mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio alright so I'm just gonna leave that there now I'm gonna go ahead and do this with the third point here as well as the fourth point and see if I find any other areas that don't sound good again I'm gonna come and boost up my queue on band three I'm gonna boost up my gain I'm gonna play through the clip and I know that generally around 1,000 to 2,000 kilohertz here you're gonna find something that doesn't sound good though you most your vocals are gonna be in that 1000 of 2000 range and the tone your voice just will dictate where exactly that'll fall but let's play through and see if we can find something that sounds bad for my voice here what's up guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d Mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better and more professional anytime I get anyway so right about there doesn't sound so good so I'm gonna drop that down a little bit and how much you drop these down is really just based on sound so I'm gonna play through and just do whatever I think sounds good sup guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d Mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better alright and then I'm gonna do the scene with 0.4 here and like I said usually somewhere around the 1 to 2 thousand range you're gonna find something that doesn't sound so good so let's see what I can find here what's up guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d Mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better and more professional anytime I get a new microphone or I move to a new location this is the process that I use to make my audio sound better and so feel like I'm finding two bad spots here or things that don't sound so hot it's a little over two and a little under one so I'm just gonna play it again see which one of those I want to try and bring down and go from there or here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audios alright so I think that sounds pretty good now let's play with it off and on what's up guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d Mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my work okay it sounds like it could use a little more low end so let's see if I bring this to back up a little bit what's up guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d Mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better and more prefer so I think that sound a little bit better again the microphone was a little far away from me so it just it sounds a little distant okay you know there's gonna be things that we can't fix but you know overall we got to try and just make it sound better one thing I can try is just to bring up that that - number 2 point again let's just see if that helps at all I'm gonna reduce my queue so it brings up those low frequencies to bring a little more body to my voice maybe what's up guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better and more professional anytime I get a new microphone so I think that sounded a little bit better to me anyway I hope you guys can hear the difference too so I'm gonna go ahead and close the EQ we're just gonna settle with that for now and the next thing that I want to move on to is a multiband compressor so I'm gonna click on the effects I'm gonna come down to dynamics and then Fairlight effects and over to multiband compressor so generally I'll start out with the default settings here and see how that sounds and then decide if I need to make any changes a lot of times the default settings work pretty good so let's just play through I'm gonna turn it off and play through and then we'll turn it on and see if you can hear the difference what's up guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d Mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better and more professional so I think I want to bring this over a little bit so the line you see in the background that's actually your a vocal track or whatever track you're listening to so that shows you where the frequencies are falling so you can make adjustments to your different bands here if you need to you know anytime you get a new microphone or I move to a new location this is the process that I use to make my audio sound better and more so let's say I wanted to bring this back a little bit I'm on band 3 here and you can just grab the gain and dial it back a little bit and as you make some of the adjustments here you've got all kinds of different tools I'm not going to cover all of them right now if you're interested leave a comment down below and I can always go over this more later but you can make small adjustments here to your different bands the gain is maybe the one you'll be most concerned with so as you make these adjustments it's gonna make the volume a little lower so you always need to come in boost it back up a little bit so let's turn it off play a little and then turn it back on and see if we can hear the difference what's up guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d Mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better and more professional anytime I get a new microphone or and so the multiband compressor can really help even it out and just give it a fuller sound at least I think so I think for now I'll just leave these settings where they are and I'll this back a little maybe to take out that echo noise maybe actually bring back that band for just a little let's play that one more time and see how that sounds what's up guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d Mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better and more professional anytime I get a new microphone or I move to a new location this is the process that I use to make my audio sound better and more professional alright so I think that sounded better than the original so I'm just gonna leave the multi-bank press or at that close that now the next tool that I want to do is come down to the effects and generally I always apply a de-esser so if you come down to noise reduction fairlight and de-esser so usually I'll just start with the default I'll come down to male ESS and then I'll change this to the little tight frequency here and I'll play through see how it sounds and sometimes I'll reduce this so with the amount slider here I'll bring it back up because it doesn't always need to be solo but let's just see if we can hear a difference and we're gonna watch our meter here to see when those s's are being reduced what's up guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d Mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better and more professional anytime I get a new microphone or I move to a new location so I dialed it back just a little bit but you can see it's working to reduce the harsh sound of the esses there so I always use the DSR I just think helps clean it up a little bit and consider those harsh s's that you can sometimes get now sometimes depending on your clip you may have a lot of background noise and if you do you may need to try and remove some of that background noise check out the link above here that I'll have pop up on the screen go check out the video where I did a whole video about noise reduction and some of the techniques you can use to reduce that background noise so check that out if you need to reduce your background noise so there are other tools in here that you can use these are the main ones that I use on every one of my audio tracks for my youtube videos here there are some other handy ones sometimes you can use if you check out the dialogue processor here so in the dialogue processor here they've got a bunch of different things that you can use to work with your audio and it's more simplified version of some of the tools that we did use already so you can try these out sometimes it works you got to play with it and see what sounds best for you know for your audio clips they do have you know a female default and a male default you can try those out and see how that works but generally I don't really use this too much I like to just use the few tools that we already talked about some of the other tools in here that you may need once in a while you have reverb here if you've got a really dry send you need to add a little bit of reverb you can add that in again you have all your noise correction tools and just some different tools here that you can work with and under Uncategorized if you do have the option of adding VST plugins or not sure what the EU stands for but I do have a bunch of plugins here from a cue Sonos i'll leave a link at the top of the video you can go check those out if you want they're pretty good and work well on our videos here too so you can check those out and add any of your own aftermarket plugins that you want right here in DaVinci Resolve so you can use all those too so now I just want to quickly copy this down to another track here I'm gonna play the before and then the after and tell me what you think leave a comment down below does it sound better alright so let's play through here is the before clip and then we're gonna play the after and you tell me if you notice a difference leave a comment down below curious to see if you can hear it or not alright let's play here's the before clip more professional anytime I get a new microphone or I move to a new location this is the process that I use to make my audio sound better and more professional okay that's the before so I'm gonna go ahead and mute that and now we want to come and play the after clip let's see how it sounds hopefully it sounds better let's try it what's up guys just got a new microphone on top of the 5d Mark 4 here and I'm gonna show you my workflow to make my audio sound better and more professional anytime I get a new microphone or I move to a new location this is the process that I use to make my audio sound better and more professional so I don't know about you guys I think this does sound a lot better than our original clip I would go through and spend a little more time maybe working with the dynamics and stuff and coming up with some better settings but I didn't want to drag it out too long here for you guys I want you to get the idea of my workflow the tools that I use and how I make it sound more professional alright guys so there you go that is how I work with my clips here in DaVinci Resolve that's my workflow the tools that I usually use so you think did you hear a difference did you like it did you not do you think it sounds better does it sound more professional leave a comment down below I'm curious to see what you guys think and if you had a chance to try out this workflow on any of your clips how did it work out it's work did your audio sound more professional let me know I'm really curious to see how it works for you guys so if you liked this video give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and you like this kind of stuff and you want to see more of it make sure you hit that little Bell notification button so you get notified when I put out new videos too so thank you guys for watching and I will see you in the next video peace [Music]
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 64,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resolve 16, Davinci Resolve 16 tutorial, Davinci Resolve 17, Davinci Resolve, Resolve, how to use davinci resolve audio, audio in davinci resolve, audio, professional audio in video, professional audio for youtube, better audio for youtube videos, youtube audio tips, improve audio quality davinci resolve, edit audio, how to make audio sound better davinci resolve, how to use davinci resolve 16 for beginners, how to make audio sound professional davinci resolve
Id: js05XPdRy-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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