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then he lifted the car off of my body and the rest was history so how did you two meet we were actually highschool sweethearts Wow no offense but I didn't think that high school relationships lasted I'm taken we made it work well so being with me is work why do you always have to be like this because you've always been a must but family okay great so it's just like that's great I'm coming all over again told you what's me I'll tell you a hundred times nobody knows what a boutonniere is oh you don't know what a boner is because you don't care about my feelings every couple ever I am no longer welcome at that pier one mm-hmm make sense Oh Caleb's gonna come by later oh cool wait no he's not gonna bring his girlfriend is he yeah I told me she could come why because they're always all over each other and it's kind of weird I'm gonna guess you're right but they're just in the honeymoon phase yeah but then like why even leave the house like what's the point if you're just gonna be making out and ignoring everybody the whole time all right well I can't just uninvite her so you have to deal with it yeah okay that's fine oh so what game do you want to play a pandemic or tickets right uh you know what let's do pandemic I'm so glad you're the only person I'm ever gonna have sex with until one of us dies [Music] hey so are we hmm you mean like a label because I hate labels yeah me too but we're exclusive oh my gosh of course yes and where each other support system cool and you're my emergency contact you're mine - and coffee at this talk yeah me too it feels good to like define stuff I just summarized like a word for what we are ooh do you mean like a label because I do not like labels yeah let's do it's like use a spatula are you stopping what I've been dating the guy three years and I'm still worried he's never gonna call me back oh my god okay so how is the single life actually Zack and I got back together I'll be back hey babe oh crap I talked so much fun while they were broken up dude I poured a milkshake on him and called him a cheese stick I don't even know what a cheese dick is what are we gonna do just be supportive and the next time they break up we keep our mouths shut right yeah I'm not gonna say anything think only nice things yeah Zacks an app I never liked it I love you snooty buku buku we can never date anyone else yeah like whenever one of us isn't looking we take little bites out of the other person's food we also make songs about her dog Bailey Bailey party Bailey's going just weird okay so do either of you want a refill oh nothing yeah and by the way you're not really that weird what you just described is what happens in literally every relationship is that true are we really not weird I guess so yeah this doesn't feel like the bachelor at all yeah what do you wanna do for dinner oh well we can go to that Thai place no I could you taco you know I hate tacos pizza no sushi no what do you wanna do for breakfast but just cuz we got engaged doesn't mean we have to get married right where's the thing it's on the tall guy it's the fully stole Ricky yeah I'm sorry I'll get to it I know what was all that Oh Emma's old camera is on the bookcase but the ladders busted and and I said I would fix it or replace it about a month ago and I have it and and she wants to know if you want to join us for Applebee's later Wow your shorthand is crazy I could have gotten some of that but definitely not Applebee's that's cuz we talked about earlier today then I guess I'm not that impressed then and uh no I all needed Applebee's alone I'm not looking for my soul mate but I'm definitely looking for my Netflix and wine me you know any mean I had the way that I love your shirt oh that's mine my wardrobe basically doubled when we started dating one of the perks of being gay I'm sure it doesn't make up for all the homophobic remarks the threat of violence not being embraced by your own family and constantly having to fight for your own rights and everything else hey at least you have the shirts yeah at least we have the shirts I'm meeting our parents tonight help me Oh should I get this surveyed yeah babe you look hard not bad thanks babe but wait though babe would this look too much like my other shirt babe whitshire bed I really don't know if they're babe oh babe I know the shirt babe no babe you're good babe thanks man of course the bed my two fears are the dark and commitment our dog is our child you about ready to go yeah oh damn it oh you know I am not changing this time cuz I changed last time yep I literally don't have any other clean clothes okay then I guess we're just gonna have to be one of those couples that wears matching outfits okay fine but if anybody says anything we're gonna make it absolutely clear that we're not doing this cuz we think it's cute oh that is so cute you guys are wearing matching clothes so cute no it's not cute he's did the slob needs to wash his clothes no she is stubborn he need a breed out of a trash can once wait why I told you not to tell anyone about that and for the record it was a taco out of the compost that's not better I know I just wanted to be honest you know really like she wants me go home Bam Bam oh my god the pig movie baby yeah baby hits the big city team was always laughing at you smooth he's don't embarrass us at our local Red Robin shut up sorry man he just pizza yes what the what is cheese dick means it's a cheese hold on one second was the cheese dick so your mom gonna call me upset about this today - yes she is what I tell her cute yeah listen at least you I didn't marry your second cousin mm-hmm we're technically related through marriage but also blood yeah we need more games no we do I don't even have a frickin monopoly we don't have a monopoly our games lectures they got Star Wars Monopoly game of Thrones monopoly [Music]
Channel: Smosh
Views: 4,618,469
Rating: 4.9300318 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, every blank ever, smosh ever blank ever, every couple ever, smosh every couple ever, dating, relationships, couples, long term relationships, ian hecox, courtney miller, shayne topp, damien haas, kimmy jimenez, noah grossman, keith leak jr
Id: ug1FCSQ05u4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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