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What? Adam we've been dating for six months. You still haven't asked me to be your girlfriend Eve I didn't think I had to there's literally nobody else to date Except maybe that snake what what? Every Boyfriend Ever Dude, that's like the third time she's calling you're so whipped gosh, you're [oh] me. Oh yeah Oh, yeah, finally a real man All right It's on you All right, sorry I missed your call baby. Boo. Almost done here with the guys I'll be home before 10:00 and don't worry I got to dry-cleaning, and I'll pick up your special soy [half-and-half] on the way home. Love you Hmm every boyfriend ever wow. What is this just a little something I whipped up for you Allow me. I could do it. No, please you work so hard all day. I want you to feel like a queen. Oh allow Me [I] Could do it myself. Oh, please Look, I know we're all equal here on this earth History is her story too No no no no no allow me What the **** are you doing? Babe? I didn't want you to tire your perfect teeth Babe? Babe. I need you Every boyfriend ever Are you serious? Yeah I know right? Right? What do you think Barry? Yeah what? Are you even listening? Lisa's Keurig broke You never listen to anything! Fine. You know why I don't listen? Because it's a totally useless and stupid subject Who cares if Lisa can't make coffee pots at home so she has to go get coffee which adds 20 minutes to her very, very long commute When she would normally do her makeup Okay so what do you think is more important? Choosing which faction to side with in Fallout It changes the course of the game We're official What's wrong bb? Maybe we should try something different in the bedroom You know, change things up Got it! Hey babe, what-what the hell is this? I thought that you wanted to change something in the bedroom bb Oh she meant like change the sheets Got it No I love you more So why did you break up with Kyle? He was just a lazy slob with no sense of humor he was just fat and he just kept mooching off of me Britney? Is that you? Kyle? Hey Look I guess I should tell you that you breaking up with me was the greatest thing that's ever happened to me It really made me reevaluate my life and get my ass in gear That's great Yeah It all culminated in meeting the love of my life She just got her PhD and she's also a supermodel It's great I mean Oh my gosh, wow Look at that! I just won the lottery Oh my gosh! Life is good Go Kyle Yeah go Kyle Come ******* on You just wanna stay in and watch netflix for our anniversary? Hey babe how are the pancakes coming along? You need some help? Woah back off now why is it that ever since we moved in together you're always up in my business I barely touched your shoulder Babe I need my space Is this better? What? I'll come closer No too close! Just text me whatever you wanna say but don't expect a quick response because you'll just come off kinda needy What? Why would I get you flowers? Those will just die Happy two year anniversary babe Thanks babe So I thought it'd be fun if we went over all the things we love about each other I'll go first I love your smile, I love that you're thoughtful, I love that you take care of your body, I love that you make me feel safe I love that you always listen to everything I have to say And we go together like a cute puppy puzzle What do you love about me? Uh You're hot Every boyfriend ever Hey guys thanks so much for watching Click the video to the left to watch bloopers from this episode And this deleted scene Oh yeah! Get in there deeper babe Work out that butt knot I got Work it! Yeah! And click the video to the right to watch Every First Date Ever And if you're on a touch screen device click all the links down in the description below
Channel: Smosh
Views: 17,415,058
Rating: 4.9037786 out of 5
Keywords: Smosh, every blank ever, every ever, every boyfriend ever, every boyfriend, ever, boyfriends, boyfriend, boy friend, girlfriends, girlfriend, relationship, relationship advice, how to get a boyfriend, break up, anniversary, anniversaries, love, massage, adam eve, adam, eve, nice boyfriend, mean boyfriend, EBE, smosh ebe, Anthony Padilla, Ian Hecox
Id: pMGXJQkX2lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2016
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