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no more what's going on buddy oh hey yo don't move oh I was just keep your hands where I can see him drop that hey Sarge we felt really bad about MooMoo so we got you a new one she's called numu I don't want it oh the liaison application got you down I finished that I know there's nothing sadder than finishing a nice long juicy application it's like why can't there be another essay or even a short answer no one is relating to you right now what's wrong I gotta stop by a cop last night it's time for what stop for walking that makes zero sense unless oh crap I see what happened yeah the SARS that's terrible that's so messed up oh geez I have no idea what's going on you got stopped for being black get woke Scully what happened it was right after I found MooMoo what are you doing in the saver buddy I live here listen well you need to lower your voice lower my voice did you tell him you're a cop I tried to but things escalated so quickly and I didn't have my badge on me I eventually told them and he finally looked me up in the system and let me go I can't believe this I mean nothing like that has ever happened to me and I've done some pretty suspicious things in the street hey hey there what are you doing I'm just playing a prank on my buddy sounds fun carry on he's a very good prank I totally thought I was gonna die I mean I've had run-ins with officers before but this one really stings it was right outside my home so what are you gonna do slash his tires you shouldn't do that but just out of curiosity what kind of car does he drive where does he park it you could file an official Complaint I mean Captain Holt would wield that like a hammer and crush the guy I don't want to start a whole hullabaloo all right I mean I think I just need to sit down with the guy and have a direct conversation just make sure he doesn't ever do anything like this again that makes sense you think you two can handle watching the kids while I meet with officer malda oh they could handle it calm down Charles but yes Terry we can watch the kids trust me there's nothing those little munchkins can throw at us that we can't handle well I was studying both the point the police located is it because he's black happy turkey day yes right out of the gate what what's going on we're playing Boyle Bingo Thanksgiving Edition everyone filled out their cards with possible Charles related scenarios first to bingo gets 100 bucks I had Boyle calls at Turkey Day in the center Square blue explains that they ate lobsters at the first Thanksgiving they did back in that time they called lobsters ocean bugs and I'll just mark it off for you I think I got the winning card here Boyle tells us that he played Pocahontas in his third grade play all the girls were too big this is a fun one Boyle says gobble gobble gobble well now that I know you want me to say that I'll just say it with two gobbles this sounds right that way wow I don't like this game boy objects to boil Bingo come on guys the boy says come on guys that's two for Terry well guess what I can spoil your little game by sitting over here quietly all day and doing nothing anybody have boil falls on the floor no one that's a victory that's a victory for Boyle boom boom okay we're about to walk into the land of money remember all rich people are monsters so Unleash the Beast got it open it good afternoon may I help you we're here all the time get familiar with these faces or get familiar with the unemployment line I'm so sorry but I have to check you in I need a member number I don't have my member number with me it's too bad you can't just use my AmEx black card oh that's great we can use that you you can well you think I carry around my own wallet I'm sorry sir if you could just give me aim that would be great I'll give you a name Pampa moose Lacroix I'm so sorry Miss Lacroix you're not in the system this is ridiculous no Daddy no Daddy wants to speak with you gladly hello Daddy yes Daddy no Daddy Daddy oh a good question daddy daddy wants to get this young man fired what is your first and last name uh you know what forget about it you can just go on a fantastic everything's well that's right me and my teammate Terry one we fooled you all you didn't do it okay well neither did Jordan's teammates but they still got Rings all right fine just tell us how you did it well first for my plan to work it had to happen on a day when I could control everything I couldn't let it be Halloween you faked the gas explosion yeah stupid actors almost blew it what was with that moaning Trent I thought you studied at the Lee Strasburg Institute doesn't mean anything they just take your money oh that is a huge relief I felt so bad about poking that guy's wound to make sure it was real you should still feel bad about that no it was all fake I'm totally absolved continue with your story Sarge I knew you'd suggest the highest as a distraction for my lieutenant exam then all I had to do was sit back and watch as everyone took things way too far but how'd you know we get so out of hand I spent the last six months sowing the seeds of conflict and I am so sick of Jake saying he's the only two-time Halloween Heist winner I'm the only two-time Halloween I can't believe everyone says you're not helpful during the Halloween Heist just because they all think your fingers are too big we'll show them thanks for inviting me over for dinner boy I was hung in a real prominent place isn't it not for long I was manipulated sorry Kevin don't apologize to him Gary it's his first Heist he needs to learn keep going well after I got everyone acting like maniacs all I had to do was make you feel bad by knocking myself out the banner how did you learn my voice command I didn't have to I sold you the day I wanted to unfurl when I say YouTube that's gonna work I spent eighteen hundred dollars on that thing you did you did Amy stop interrupting Terry's doing his big speech anyway once my fake concussion was on display I created the perfect distraction for my partner to do his job cheddar you duplicitous I've been training cheddar for months wow what a fun improvised song I'm Gonna swap The Hoots words I put a magnetic collar on them from there cheddar followed us all the way to One Police Plaza where he hand delivered the bracelet to me right outside this room well wait what about the Lieutenant's exam aren't you supposed to be taking it right now hell no I took that thing weeks ago and I passed I'm already a lieutenant you are that's incredible Lieutenant Jeffords this is amazing I'm so proud of you Terry all right you've overstepped that bill yeah it's weird you're here bill can you tracked her I got this hey me and come out with any new binders recently I don't want to talk about binders Rosa all right that was my big gun she's just gonna feel this not necessarily I was just checking to see if there's anything we can do to help and I hate to say it but I think there is oh you think he's gonna get me drugs from evidence uh no something way weirder is happening hit it Jeffords [Music] I am definitely distracted this was a mistake we have to get Landon not to stand now what why and how would you describe the lieutenants he works for Hawkins he put the money in the accounts Melanie Hawkins was the most honorable cop I ever worked with and the only reason I am here is because of that man Jake peroca he offered me three hundred thousand dollars to lie and say that she set him up okay okay this is bad this is really bad but just remember we are not going to jail we didn't do it we're innocent guilty on all charges oh guilty very cool cool cool you see Jake I'm always gonna be one step ahead of you you've lost the ability to surprise me you just plain boring again weird take on a very loving relationship and it's midnight so I guess I'm an amazing human slash genius yeah although you might want to read the inscription on that they're built why oh no what does it say Amy Santiago will you marry me surprise I'm so confused I don't know what's happening right now I'm so confused I don't know what's happening right now title your sex tape shaking I'm definitely gonna cry title of your sex tape wait is this really happening is this part of the heist if this is part of the heist I will dump you so hard no please like it's really happening okay it's not part of the heist I promise this is real it is yeah okay here goes Ames I love you I love how smart you are I love how beautiful you are I love your face and I love your butt I should have written this down first no no it's okay go on I love how much you pretend to like die hard I like the second one you don't have to okay you're kind and you're funny and you're the best person I know and the best detective also for reals I love your butt I love yours too gross Amy Santiago will you marry me Jake Peralta I will marry you so two keys huh that's a lot of snow if you can't handle it we're happy to find someone who can don't worry about me friend I can handle it Marissa baby go get our guests something to drink would you we don't want a drink what is this a social car it's not a tea party it looks like five-year-old girls Gentlemen please have some patience two keys pure as a Catholic school girl did you bring the cash oh we brought something much better than cash what's that our guns NYPD you're under arrest [Music] boss man's gone we go [Music] thank you kind little lady [Music] geocosta you're under arrest what that drink now Hitchcock Don't Mind If I Do Scully Don't Mind If I Do is uh everything okay Santiago no I lost my ring did you see where it went actually behind one of these three doors why don't you pick one are you trying to Monty hole me it's unbelievable I don't need Monty Hall ruining my place of work but Monty Hall has already ruined my home life come on Sir the math thing isn't the problem night shift's keeping you and Kevin apart you two just need a bone what did you say I said you two need a bone oh Dare You detective Diaz I am your Superior officer phone what happens in my bedroom detective is none of your business boom don't ever speak to me like that again [Music] nose problem solved so do you recognize any of these men I was hiding in the bathroom stall so I didn't see his face but I heard him he was singing along to the music at the bar do you remember what he was singing I think it was that song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys I'm familiar okay number one could you please sing the opening to I Want It That Way really okay you are My Fire number two keep it going the one desire number three believe when I say number four I won it that away tell me why ain't nothing but a hard day tell me why you ain't nothing but a mistake now number five I never wanna hear you say [Applause] ah chills literal chills it was number five number five killed my brother oh my God I forgot about that part [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: Peacock
Views: 1,289,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peacock, peacock tv, peacock streaming service, brooklyn 99 funny moments, brooklyn 99, andy samberg, jake peralta being a good detective, jake peralta, brooklyn 99 jake peralta, brooklyn 99 jake peralta best moments, raymond holt, raymond holt best moments, brooklyn 99 raymond holt, brooklyn 99 raymond funny moments, brooklyn 99 raymond, brooklyn 99 ray holt, raymond holt brooklyn nine nine, brooklyn 99 thanksgiving, brooklyn 99 thanksgiving episodes, Andy Samberg
Id: JAV2kU-rJ8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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