Eula can take vengeance on me any day | Genshin Impact

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so hi everybody how are you we're gonna play some gentian impact uh which means that we're gonna be trying to pull for eula um and also do ula's character story she has a guarantee since she got to lucas her last five star oh oh you're right oh i don't even have a 50 50. i didn't even think about that so win trace what already you guys what the heck oh she's cute she looks she reminds me so much of aqua from kingdom hearts i like sword characters so i condemn you yes okay i'm ready to try her old ready ready ready vengeance ready be mine oh yeah you miss me playing gunshin i try to play it like you know every now and then i play i play it more but i just you know i play so many games it's hard for me to play the same thing all the time you know but i always i will always come back to genji i'm not gonna quit let me let me just let me just say that right now because i get asked a lot did you quit gention no i'm never gonna quit i enjoy genji and i'm gonna keep up with it um i'm just not gonna play it all the time because you can only do so much and there's so many other games to play you know i think we could do it i don't know i have some high hopes here but hey who knows i'm a little nervous okay cool that's that's not bad here we go i think we got it oh my god that was actually really fast heck yeah let's go all right we're done pulling no more i'm saving the rest of my primos uh who needs a healer right ah she's gorgeous that's that's what they do they make every character in this game look absolutely stunning so that you want them okay so let's let's start doing the character class monsta let's go i love monster if you could cosplay as a gentian character 100 gone you wouldn't 100 i would cosplays thank you for coming on such short notice honorary night i know you must be busy well to make a long story short there is a particular matter at hand that the knights requires your assistance with i love gene he's recently received multiple reports from the knights of someone within the lawrence clan having close dealings with the fatoui again but who are the lawrence clan there was a dark period in monstat's history when the aristocracy ruled over the city the hard-won freedom that followed with the fall of decarabian was lost once again as slavery spread throughout the land the first dandelion knight vanessa spearheaded the revolution that overthrew the old aristocratic system and established obsessed with leading monstat to become the city that you see today the aristocrats that had oppressed the people of monstat were none other than the lawrence clan it'd actually kind of be a pretty cool twist right if if pymon got like possessed or something and you had to fight her to get like the demon out of her i actually think that would be really cool concept you know thanks again for your help if you run into any snags along the way i'll do anything in my power to support you thank you jean all right let's go meet eula even though i'm already eula who are you who are you hello we're here too oh it's it's uh what's his name shoe something schubert should be did i hear you correctly hello huh and i suppose you think that you can simply strut up here and greet me in such an ignoble and vulgar manner given that i don't recognize you i can only assume that you are a traveler of some variety i'll have you know that you are speaking with the shubert lawrence a blood descendant of the magnanimous nobility if you wish to address me you'd best consider your words more how dare you such nonchalant manners are inadmissible and will never do now if you're somehow capable of understanding anything i've said then you will get down on your knees apologize for your negligent action don't talk to me like this introduction that is the appropriate etiquette and neglecting your manners would result in a swift whipping what but look at the world now rules have been thrown to the wayside and manners forgotten ah i cannot bear to see such degradation all right schubert has officially won the award for the most annoying impact character i want to say like it'd be cool if he was a boss because i don't like him and i want to fight him but he's not cool enough to be a boss so what did you say i'll have you know that though the lawrence clan is in decline myself and others of noble blood are looking for a chance to restore our rightful honor just look around the people are unruly and undisciplined i however strive to retain the elegance and etiquette of the nobility after all we are of a completely different breed by birth who does this guy think he now i have more pressing matters to attend to i'll take my leave okay bye well it's amber i'm just on my way out to gather some intel i didn't expect to run into you here this brings back memories being in monstat is really nice for me because it takes me back to when i first started against impact you know and it just feels so comforting hey why don't you let me try to help what's the problem master gene asked us to build a connection with someone named schubert lawrence but it turns out that he's a peculiar character that doesn't listen to anyone especially pymon aha schubert i know him let me guess he said you didn't have any manners all right so they know each other i've been on the receiving end of his lectures many a time the lawrence clan can be very particular about such things uh you mean everyone in the lawrence clan is just a big headache as aristocrats they believe there should be a certain distance between themselves and common folk ah i understand they're thinking but that's just not how things are anymore how can you understand that however there is one exception among the lawrence clan my good buddy eula yay we get to meet you live buddy that's right eula is special she's not quite like the other members of her clan she has her own beliefs and its shows in other words she doesn't really adhere to the strict rules and conventions of her family well that's good however she's still quite knowledgeable about dealing with the lawrence's i'm sure you'll see what i mean if you meet her in fact i think she's out in the wilderness on patrol this morning you should be able to find her around storm bear mountains thanks amber all right you heard her let's go find eula i'm excited you two i've got my own matters to investigate amber so cute what are they doing here i'm not very strong i am kind of weak [Music] luke is strong i love having to loop so much i'm getting sniped oh my god [Music] oh this is so cute i love this the music okay stop wait this is so good are you kidding me you don't think twice before reaching for your story that was amazing do you have any idea how long i've been tracking these targets hello that was so cute ice mom and now you get to stake a claim you think you're stronger because you got to them first mark my words vengeance will be mine uh what hyman thinks she's pretty strange although at least we can communicate with her you dare to call someone you've just met strange forget the aristocracy that's rude even by normal standards speaking of which how do you know my name this is the honorary knight of the knights of vivonius and speaking of rude we're trying to investigate an aristocrat named shubert lawrence he's so obsessed with etiquette that he's not even willing to speak with us oh it's her uncle that's my uncle all right oh i'm so sorry you must be fun at family gatherings but why do you mean to investigate him i see you have some nerve to faming a family member right in front of me i will have vengeance for this too no no no this is an assignment from master gene it's just an investigation that's all to the everyday citizens of monstat everyone in the lawrence clan is scum it's natural for rumors and unwarranted gossip to lead to such suspicion listen it's not a rumor that your uncle is rude he's rude curious we've only just met and you've already given me three causes for vengeance why do you seem so i've encountered anyone as interesting as you i assume you need me to teach you the conduct of the lawrence clan only then will you finally be able to communicate with my uncle correct that's right amber told us to come and talk to you well then let's begin your training immediately it'll be easier to train when we're back in monstat ah you finally arrived there's no time to spare so we'll begin with our first lesson don't worry there's a time and place for exacting vengeance besides i'm not in the mood for any right now best save it for later uh you need to be in the right mood for vengeance i already have a long list of vengeance to exact even if i wanted to begin now i'd have to start in the right order who knows how long it will be before i get to you no guide mark my words vengeance will be mine okay you there lowly worker i yeah i've already heard it all before look just spare me the time our answer's always the same we've got nothing to say to the likes of you i mean seriously can't you just take it i kind of feel bad for you love calm down we don't want to cause any trouble ah i know she's a knight of freevonius and that the knights wouldn't misplace their trust but the name lawrence carries too much weight with it even to this very day the descendants of the lawrence clan are still scheming to reclaim monstat and reinstate their aristocratic rule and if that wasn't enough here you are purposefully using their awkward way of speaking just to put on an act don't you care for the feelings of us ordinary folk they're kind of disappointed i think you have to but mark my words this transgression will not go unnoticed don't worry what with me being a knight of fivonius they're usually willing to speak a few words with me perhaps my aristocratic manner of speech provoked them today believe me it's not a big issue so this is the way things are normally for you there's no need for them to direct their anger at you personally oh that reminds me that last person will not escape my vengeance either let's leave it at that just think of it as something i like she pretty much has a hit unfortunately you probably didn't learn much from those conversations it seems we have no other choice but to find more people to talk to ah no need besides the traveler's pretty sharp and nothing gets in our way on an adventure pymon thinks we got the gist of it now it's so cold does aristocrat training really need to be done here if you wish to truly achieve the dignified conduct of an aristocrat you must learn to remain composed and elegant even amidst harsh conditions for example you can see that part of the path up ahead is quite but a well-trained aristocrat would not only effortlessly proceed forward but do so without a stain on their garment and their elegance fully intact hyman thinks we've left the realm of aristocrats and entered the realm of adventuring compared to what we've already seen this should be a piece of cake tymon thinks so too but you've got this in the bag you look pretty confident this time all right let's get started remember you must be graceful and elegant don't get knocked or launched into the air that would be most unsightly ah okay i'll uh do i am i really not supposed to get hit at oh all won't do you've exposed your shortcomings head back to the starting point and try again don't don't not bad didn't make it true good thing we didn't get stuck mom so are we a christocrats now don't flatter yourselves we've only just begun there's more i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared well done your performance was most impressive like simon said adventuring is our specialty so that's it for our training right then let's get out of dragon spider probably not someone turns into a popsicle she's definitely gonna make us do something else hold on i was commending the traveler's performance just now oh you on the other hand seem to have made no progress at all uh what you mean was also part of the training yes of course you are frantically flying and dashing about throughout the entire thing not an elegant sight at all well regardless i'll play 14 tonight whether no matter what whatever it be that we do i'll play did you even listen to anything i was trying to teach you uh maybe the weather is just too cold yeah that's it it's too cold here uh besides pineapple is paying attention to the traveler whatever the reason not heating my instructions a cause for vengeance perhaps now drink this huh what is it oh are you trying to poison pie mine certainly not it's warm milk what okay thank you for the warm milk you oh thank you um are you still planning on the whole vengeance thing if i wasn't then why would i care about you being cold if you turned into a pokemon popsicle that would ruin my plans for rentals now wouldn't it what why you already ate get over here now come here come here how dare you scare me like that i'm so mad at you i'm trying to i'm trying to accept eula's warm milk and what are you doing barking at me look at the strut she's a model oh hey eula i see you've met the honorary night we meet again amber seems we're just bound to run into you these days well i just got back and was thinking about grabbing a bite at good hunter but now that you're here why don't we all eat together hold on a moment is this satisfying salad also something that amber ordered no she didn't order it but because she didn't order any vegetables i thought i'd throw in a salad on the house you know to contrast all the meat dishes let's sweet of you so we clearly didn't order this yet you prepared it without authorization mark my words this transgression will not go unnoticed taking it a little too far eula i think um uh you're gonna take revenge on her for giving us a free sound delicious unauthorized delicacies sarah will pay for this why would you choose get brought to this fly schmidt sauerkraut as a gift for your uncle hyman's never even heard that dish before this dish isn't actually on good hunter's menu only long-standing patrons such as my uncle would know about the dish the old aristocrat seemed to take a liking to it because of the sour flavor of the sauerkraut not too many people are fond of it these days i guess it's become less popular over time eula treated me to the dish once and i couldn't even finish a bite i've nicknamed it gebratinus schmidt vengeance ever since i never expected us to have such completely different tastes in food if i weren't in such a good mood i'd say that constitutes grounds for transgression eula of course not it's hard to find someone in monsta that attracts contempt as much as she does it's fine when you're just joking between us but i'm afraid our honorary knight might miss out oh yula you let me in sarcastic okay okay eula's always talking about vengeance but that's just how she is it's nothing you should take too seriously but i am serious and i'll remember every transgression committed against me it's no wonder so many people dislike you i'm starting to realize that you is actually a very good person there's no need to be so awkward when you want to say something nice she's just a tsundere the ted seems to be pretty tattered but there's a really fancy chair why is there an echo oh cause she's thinking could this be another aristocratic custom her head is so hollow that it echoes ah it's you again i thought i had rid myself of you too if i may be so bold as to say a few humble words very well i'm certainly not one to be narrow-minded i'll overlook your previous misconduct for now and listen to what you have to say thank you shubert wow this guy thinks so highly of himself it is an honor to stand before you here immerse in your supreme brilliance hmm it appears i have misjudged you supreme brilliance the glory of the nobility that continues to this day a true loyalist schubert relishes the yes ah yes this aroma just as i remember it and this exquisite sour flavor a delicacy that only us noblemen and women could appreciate my dad used to make sauerkraut when i was a kid i don't personally like it why have you put on a mask all of a sudden oh it's the mask okay um it is only proper for aristocrats to wear a mask no i really shouldn't say that because then he'll be like well i'm not wearing one it is well consumed spacious this is not a good painting it has fallen into disrepair and does not suit the tastes turning around we simply have to make due for now uh sorry um can we walk any faster of course not an aristocrat always moves with grace in his steps moving hurriedly is unacceptable [Music] we always see them around the city um they must be very powerful where have i seen this person before and who may i ask is this we mustn't bring just anyone in here this is our new ally that i've recently met they are completely trustworthy you have the word of the lawrence clan are they gonna recognize my voice our plans are strictly confidential it's not wise to bring in an outsider at this time i gotta ask i don't know how this little mask that just covers my eyes is enough for you to not realize who i am it reminds me of a cinderella story uh that movie always made me so upset because how did you not know it was her all she was wearing was a masquerade mask and you really can't tell that it's her really now to the matter at hand did you bring the diagram of monstat's defenses as promised oh so that's what's going on here yes of course here it is let me see shubert ah we're not gonna do that why is it so poorly drawn everything's so squiggly and crooked and what is this shape supposed to be excuse me i'll have you know that i went to great lengths to carefully draw this map by hand myself that shape is the symbol of the knights of favonius ah i see crude but i can make do are you able to verify that this is all reliable information through his own map of course you needn't worry about that don't forget what we agreed upon the flag of the lawrence clan will fly above the knights of evonius headquarters the rights to that building as well as the whole of monstat belonged to the lawrence clan he really thought he did something here he really did but he didn't perfect just as it once was and just as it should be i mean he is not intimidating in the slightest very well huh what are you doing that's right it's the honorary knight and their trusty companion we're here to crush your evil schemes into dust dust and breathe so this was all just a ploy to deceive me yes schubert yes it's your own fault who would put so much trust in someone based on their manners after so much planning this is how it ends huh we'll see about that oh hey eula oh eula looks upset with her uncle i would be too to be honest it seems we finally caught up with you this place is crawling with fatoui so you're the one that taught them our etiquette and i thought you despised such pleasantries don't talk to your niece like that schubert furthermore there is a rule in our family such traditions are never to be taught to outsiders ah yes rings a bell so what i had no reason not to teach them you have brought shame to our family ruined my plans it's all for naught now it's time for vengeance sir schubert should be the blood of the lawrence clan flows in your veins you must comply with the will of the family since when have i ever complied with the will of the family why you you unruly maid sir if anyone should be angry it should be me as a member of the lawrence clan you knowingly plotted against the city of monstat and threatened its safety listen if i was her i would have already fought him had you considered how many enemies you would make trying to keep the plans under wraps she's so common for what he doesn't deserve that you dare lecture me that's right in the name of the family that you so dearly revere uncle schubert i've never experienced the age of glory you always speak of and i've never understood our family's incessant pursuit of it but i am capable of discerning right from wrong and i deeply understand what freedom means to the people of monstat the lawrence clan should never and will never become what you've dreamed it to be ah oh the disgrace of it all how could such a rebellious monster emerge from our own family things are starting to get pretty hysterical here politeness and elegance seem to have gone out the window that's enough fuss for today you too take him away and there was me thinking that he was just another elder of the family and a lazy one at that i never suspected he could stoop this low so stubborn mark my words vengeance will be mine all the vengeance focus has now shifted to good old uncle schubert this must be it they may very well have already made a copy of it but without my uncle as their puppet there'd be no use in them attacking the city anyway i'll inform the acting grandmaster she'll know how to handle things from here oh yeah you suddenly appeared at just the right moment true right as that this is the second time that's happened yeah about that because you stole my targets by attacking the future i'd been tracking earlier i came to exact my adventures you tried to do my job for me and i'm here to return the favor so that's her definition yeah that's cute getting the diagram of bonsai's defenses was your way of exacting vengeance finally after all this time that's so cute you don't look too bright but it turns out you have a knack for scheming no thanks you love and mark my words i'll remember that you don't look too bright hey what do you mean doesn't look too bright you have seated a deep enmity between us just you wait even if you were to be completely destroyed i would never forget you why bring it on i love this like that you will and make sure not to steal my targets next time it's so cute i love this oh it's over that was so cute i loved it oops she's so stylish why don't you wait is he supposed to speak uh they could have hired me i would have done it for free i'm glad you asked one trace is a game that's all about monstat's history the current disguises wine kegs and wooden crates all right get away my anxiety i'm not there's still plenty of time for her to find me and i'm scared to move i feel like she's gonna find me if i move don't don't don't get away from me i'm not no stop it stop it right now missy so close but so far what i don't want to be a lantern but why am i that is that sticks out like a sore thumb what i feel like i feel like i kind of stick out a little bit i'm not gonna lie i feel like i feel like i should move over to those other lanterns i don't know if i could like position myself into the lantern because he art nope don't tell me you didn't notice that there are two lanterns yeah no get over here get over here come on come on really just are you serious i i made it as obvious as possible for you just take me oh that was so fun perfect i'm so excited i don't really know what any of this does so that looks this looks like it would be somebody it's not but it looks like it what oh hello wait oh i see you chichi what are you doing up there oh wait i just saw a lantern moving what are you doing hey do you know what wait where was the other person but i i thought i only caught one person i caught two wait i caught the lantern i didn't even know that i caught them cool was fun wow two victories in a row that's what's up that was fun [Music] you
Channel: SarahKey
Views: 107,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sarahkey, keybladesarah, gaming, kingdomhearts, vlog, lifestyle, games, twitch, style, kingdom hearts, kh, kh3, kh2, square enix, square, nomura, animal crossing, ac, acnh, nintendo, reaction, genshin, genshin impact, playthrough, let's play, walkthrough, video games, eula, vengeance, windtrace, hide and seek, reactions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 18sec (2058 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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