Farm with me! AR55 Artifact, Ore & Monster Daily Farming Route | Genshin Impact

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hello everyone and welcome back to my youtube channel uh today i would like to take you on my daily artifact farming route this is something i typically do when i'm out of resin and just want to build up my resources uh get some artifact fodder stuff like that so uh this is not my own this is not a collection of my own discovery this is this knowledge information is mostly from a plethora of other youtube videos that i've watched and resource guides that i've looked at and maps and stuff like that so uh today i this is something i started doing when i was probably like ar-45 and now i'm ar-55 and have pretty much refined this to something that i can do every day uh so i'm going to take you through the uh mostly artifacts is the main thing we're looking for uh but we're also gonna be looking for ores uh and other like local specialties stuff like that uh so let's get started uh most of this is in leeway uh before we do real quick let's talk about team comp uh this is super important uh but i recommend you can it might be helpful you don't need a lot of characters for farming uh i have these two characters i i have strong characters in here that can kill enemies because we are gonna be looking for certain enemies and then kaya also decreases my stamina consumption which is really nice since we're trying to move through this quickly beto although she is the slowest farmer as far as oars go she's she deals a lot of damage and she uh can get those ores so first place we're gonna start this is uh where i usually start is right around here in what is this called bushy bishou plain some of these artifacts will not have respawned yet uh so i'm gonna take you to all the locations i normally go to but if there's nothing there just know that it's not because i uh it's not because i misguided you it's because it hasn't responded yet so typically right here is a little treasure hoarder camp uh if the treasure hoarders have respawned that typically means that the artifacts have respawned as well so i'm just gonna kill these guys real quick i got careless i probably won't kill every mob that we run into though because it would take forever i'll probably just run in grab the artifacts and go ah yeah but i'm always running out of treasure hoarders insignias so i'll get these for now thank you um if you're in a rush and if you want to get through this quickly so there's two right here two sometimes you get white one start effects sometimes you get uh green two start effects which is always nice so three here uh we're not gonna be attacking every enemy we see however uh if you are ar-45 i highly recommend this is why i run with beto because she's not so loud uh let's see right here we're gonna grab some violet grass or are we because i just fell so far uh if you're ar-45 or higher you probably know this already in case you don't uh elite enemies start dropping artifacts uh between four three and four star artifacts can be dropped which is amazing for artifact fodder and it depends on how much time i have in the day but if you go to your adventure book and go to elite enemies you can target specific enemies and just knock them out you'll see right here you can get instructor legacy uh the exile and berserker uh which you don't really want to use but they're great for they're great for artifact fodder so uh if you want to specifically target those out i only do that if i have like a lot of time here you can get some fish typically three if you have a lot of time you can do that i usually only end up having time for that if i'm streaming but that definitely can help but if you see the enemies on the way definitely do get them because you have their easy access and you can wipe out uh and get some extra artifacts on your way around i also didn't mention that i have ninguang did i just oh no i thought i teleported to the right place uh if you need a pyro if you need to get some wap flower nectar you can take these three you pick these three and then one will pop up i don't need any right now and it's not an elite uh so i'm not going to touch it but these are lead enemies rain outlines this moment will be frozen i usually freeze these because they're so irritating i should have killed them as fast as i can did not get an artifact from that one sadly um i believe there are crystal flies up here so let me see if i can grab those real quick i try to do all of my farming ah yeah so crystal flies are often something i run out of that you can grab along the way uh by the way crystal flies typically hang out um you can always find them near there's a couple locations windrise statue of the seven starfell statue the seven i think and then here this domain has a ton there's a cave over here that we're gonna stop by uh right here this has a lot there's quite a few pretty much anywhere there's a cave you can expect yeah here here they'll be crystal fly uh so don't miss out on that either and teleport here because it's faster a daily grind this is especially good for free-to-play players because especially i mean when i say free-to-play i mean like there's some there's a people who spend whenever i see a streamer spend primo gems to get present i'm just like wow don't waste my time i didn't mean to do that i just i just wonder what's that like just have that kind of money you can get some me here which is great i'm always running out also do your expeditions as well so i got one artifact from right here um i'm gonna ignore that for now and then this is the best bye bye bye okay this is my favorite spot on the map and somewhere that you should be going uh as frequently as possible this little cave right here respawns every 12 hours and you can get one two three four five i think that was five artifacts and one of them was a two star which is awesome this is one of the most generous artifact locations on the map so make sure you're hitting this place um what are we doing here there's one more over here oh also i said this on stream when i was farming last when you're just like roaming in the world do make sure that you grab stuff like if you're walking and there's like a little nice see like that hit hit if there's barrels like break them because for a while it's like well you know i don't really need sweet flour sweet flowers everywhere two right here in these barrels and then there's some other ones over here as well some fish um yeah there's like stuff that you don't need i guess like iron but now like we're getting the housing system this is right this is filmed right before 1.5 if you're watching this later um [Music] i don't i never kill the babies but in the past there's been these like there's no reason to have like an excessive amount of like lotus or you know more than 300 of an item and then genji rolls out this little item the parametric transformer that you can just dump 500 or 150 of any anything and turn it into something uh something valuable so just when you're out and about if there's something available to grab just grab it because you may use it later maybe not for what you expect but you'll use it um okay is that everything over here looks like there's crystal fly location or do we already go here oh no okay we're not gonna go for that okay now we're gonna teleport to a little spot right below gene karst it's not even 10 minutes my goodness i'm gonna try to keep this video under an hour so i don't really want to edit it so hopefully you guys can just farm along with me and feel free to pause too and like mark stuff on your map um as we're going through this i was just like trying to keep an eye out for unfortunately ninguang jade and uh lapis doesn't appear yeah freeze whoa i've never heard her attack sound thankfully most of these have responded so here's one right here that's generous two artifacts from that spot today and then there's some barrels right here i think it's this one that gives you nope wheat and radish and then oh man just more oh no two artifacts okay so four artifacts at these two spots right here and then this is another location that i always recommend once you get to this one turn to your right because there's an early enemy right here where i could potentially get myself a ring three to four star artifacts so that's why i like racing enemies because it just makes it easier to kill okay nothing today but this one can dream right it's also you get more you get like little drops like that oh what's the harry when you kill enemies so if they're in your way there's no reason to skip okay now let's go to the top of june karst right here as tea is delicious oh by the way it's and this might be updated depending on when you're watching this but thank you for 10 000 subs on youtube i've been grinding real hard to try to put out youtube content consistently and i think i've gone from like i'll demonstrate there's also i think there's a i think if i get this yeah there's a lot why do i keep using ninguan rain outlines your fate cool it oh oh you're kidding me this woman will be frozen in hawaii wow that's it oh no no you know what whatever okay and then there's another spot right here this usually has one one two this is like a little cult if you've never been here these i recommend having a chat with these with these homies uh so then i usually go over here because there's no artifact locations but there is i haven't respawned yet but there's two core lapis that spawn right here uh and then i think i've gotten crystal fly up up at the top before let me double check i'm gonna ignore that i think this is just food oh my gosh i'm an idiot i don't even have this marked on my map i keep using linguang sup okay apparently i didn't have the spot mark down two artifacts well well today i learned and you learned to okay uh there's not a lot over here there's some will ninguang break this no nothing much else to look at over here okay now we're gonna go to back to the teleport waypoint wrap before don't go to this one just go to this one it's higher up and then we're gonna turn to the right pretty sharp right actually uh this is a nice way to get zamora okay just kill all of these what was that like 300 more real quick you know it's not a lot but that's the thing with the artifact farming and world open world farming it's not a lot like a one one star artifact it's not a lot but when you play the game every day and you're always running out of stuff it makes a difference and now we're getting the housing system so like the white give up fry how was my timing there yikes how dare you kill them kaia anyways and especially as you get higher adventure rank your drops increase so you can get the highest level of you know uh mob drops as possible what's the harm i typically grab pretty much everything there is to offer here so one one artifact right here and then one oh a two star thank you so much oh is there or down here [Music] unfortunately i've grabbed all the core lapis uh i've been pretty hardcore farming for strongly lately so i think i've got overkill but there's some chilies over here too you want to grab those okay so we're done with jean karst uh let's hop over to yeah let's go tianju valley kind of i i know i'm not going like top to bottom or south to trade tactics i'm always ready south to north to south or anything no i'm not gonna worry about them for now i'm not going the right way i am so go north no my sword no his sword what's the hurry neither of these none of these are elite enemies so i'm gonna ignore them for now don't push your luck hey yeah how do you survive whatever so along the way here there's two corlapus especially if you use a lot of geocharacters make sure that you grab those can you go away can't you see i'm filming a youtube video what's the hurry uh it's the fireplace over here which i don't know i actually don't know what i use them for but they're there babies oh they're so cute i think there's one right here is there another one over here i can't remember [Music] i don't think so i think it's just the one why do i keep using ninguang stop she's only there for the oars yeah so it's just the one over here nothing too fancy but if you're considering skipping one this is probably one of the weaker areas um okay so now let's hop over to salterate oh yeah this one may or may not have respawned yet we'll just have to see this one is this one responds like every 24 hours i think this one might not have responded yet but inside this little tent there's usually i want to say five oh they have respawned yay i don't even have to tell you so there's three spots um one two three and i think this one has food no six what was that five five artifacts right here and then there is some iron over here white iron if you want to grab that as well can't wait for the new housing system and eggs also not not a mandatory but if you want to have your uh compass on you you know a chest response so you might grab a chest on your way oh also just a quick hint if you see anything in a pattern like this one two three that usually mean something's gonna happen when you get them all not in this case but in general if you see things in a line i bet that was a chest at some point but if you see things in a line that usually means there's something to get there so that's a great location um okay let's hop up to key safe village this is a nice easy this is actually one of my favorite places on the map um there's two songs that play here there's one at night and one during the day oh wait i missed one um this one this song is called fading stories and if you paid attention during the uh zhao festival you have like some you have some quests over here some journeys oh what are they called so she started again uh you get to talk to some of these older folks that are here and you'll notice this um there's only elderly and children who live here and i can't remember all the details of the lore but essentially like these are people who don't want to live in the city or like their parents were open like their parents live in the city so it's a very weird mix of like youthfulness and elderly here and i just think it's cool that um that that the song that plays at night is called fading stories as kind of as a representation of these elderly people who are thankfully able to tell their stories to kids these kids who are here oh dang it sorry i talk i accidentally talk to you like every day i'm not gonna feel bad about that apple okay nice now let's go to we'll get this one first by the way i'll link some videos um below with some i always go the wrong direction i'll do some videos with some more specific farming tutorials uh stuff that has where to find corlapus where to find jade uh i'm not particularly farming either of those hardcore anymore so i don't target them but they are there uh those videos do exist so i'll leave them oh see oh no you better not you better not teleport up to the top i'll lose it no no no no oh thank goodness but one thing i will say is that if you do kill like any enemy that's on the route and routes to i'm just coming over here because there's some bamboo shoots um you will be happy you'll thank yourself later because you'll rarely ever run out of anything uh let's pop over here real quick because there are two lapis that you can grab real quick also free board there's an achievement by the way uh that gives you like five prima drums or something teleport here with 150 hp and the board will hit and you hit you and you'll die um you can get i think it's it's like death by boar or something um it gets up corlapus i think responds every 48 hours or something like that [Music] and plunge attacks help the best [Music] bamboo okay oh we probably could have just walked here dodge this because we were like right there whatever i got to show you guys the achievement all right anyways um okay let's go to wong hill i'm so excited i want to go to the caves and stuff oh wait no no sorry this is where i meant to go but still this is actually a good spot i take it back never mind i totally meant to come here um here they might be gone but there is jade that spawns here and an elite mob um that you can knock out real quick and i potentially get an extra artifact oh so sorry how dare you move during my olds like you huh well you what sorry what was that didn't catch that dang it's no artifacts and you can kill these with fire but i don't have any so i'm not going to okay anyways up you know what not my problem let's go to stone gates not my problem not my problem uh okay so over here if you go to this kind gentleman right here you can you can buy tea from by the way uh you can get one to two artifacts and i think this is or no cabbage and then right here you can get some iron three iron chunks uh go back to this spot i really should have albedo on my team but right here here will this work i don't have anything anyone who can place something okay let me swap her out for alberto real quick albedo alberta away understood here you can fly up on this wind current there's two and there's a little house over here that you can grab you can rub on i think it's one one artifacts one artifact this one there's a few spots that like consistently drop two and then there's some spots that's like you might get one or two or you'll get two one star or one two star just depends right on this table here just the one oh no two uh wow that's so nice okay uh we're done with this spot here now let's teleport to actually let's go here wong xu in the way her recommend doing this you can buy violet grass i don't need any and you can buy these kind of annoying to process materials if you want so if you're looking for silk flower and violet grass you can grab some from her uh but down by the docks here at these i oh i want to say it's this one nope there's nothing there right here right no which one has the art of i don't remember iron oh i don't think it's oh my gosh the sparkle didn't show up until i was okay whatever you know whatever whatever no whatever and then i'm actually gonna go uh i guess this is probably faster you know how venti says that gliding is faster i don't think lighting is faster i think sprinting is faster wink lighting be faster [Music] close down uh but make a stop right here because you can get some weapon fodder this is actually one of the very few places i think probably the only place on the map that drops weapons uh so make sure you stop there on your way about [Music] albedo's noises are so it's just a lot money [Music] 300. that's so nice okay and right here this is great i actually thought most of these places were gonna have to we're not gonna be spawned or respawned i'm glad they have so that's two or no three right there um i don't know what that is okay so we went here okay now we'll do yeah there's only one spot here and then i think there's one more significant one okay well let's go here first grab this one this one may not have respawned because i remember going there like late yesterday but if you start from this waypoint and i think you just dropped down this one is definitely worth going to um there's a little little encampment right here i think this has four four artifacts maybe two two hmm i feel like i usually get more from that whatever it's still worth going to okay still worth it okay there's one more where is it one more like significant one oh yeah you can probably go through this a lot more orderly than i am but you know it is what it is okay go to that waypoint literally just walk straight back and you'll find two artifact locations right here two and then one more oh i think there's actually lapis over here yeah there is they typically spawn in one or two at a time sometimes three which i will show you that spot in a second give me the lapis goodbye uh i think that's the only thing really worth traveling over here for um i swear there's one that i'm missing it's like a pretty big one too this one aha go to minion village minion village and then you're just gonna turn around i think which way is it okay you know skip past this you know you think there's something in there but i think that's a time challenge if you've never gone there but afterwards there's nothing um right over here there's another little tent denty tent um if you want to pass it real quick to grab the flowers here this one and then ah this is the location i was thinking of that has one no way is it really only one yes very good i swear there was one more whatever irrelevant okay so now let's this is the last uh significant artifact location is right here teleport to the the statue of seven and we're just gonna fly through the stone forest man being over here always reminds me of the first time i like really fell in love with genji effect it was right after i'd pulled ninguang and we went up i think we probably went right there it was during sunset and i was still honestly trying to figure out the game at this point and it was just so beautiful and i was enjoying it so much and like people were excited about it i was only averaging like [Music] hmm gosh i don't even want to i don't even know maybe 70 viewers at the time maybe less probably like 60. and i i kind of stopped playing against new pack for a while because i was like you know people aren't really watching it doesn't seem people are all that excited about the game but i kind of just like at that point decided like i like this game i know there's an audience for it somewhere i just need to find them and i just kept playing and i posted content about genji impact and my viewership has grown like pretty pretty dramatically since then um which is really exciting so yeah anyways enough about that sorry this song just brought back all his memories um okay we're gonna do a little bit of lapis and ore farming real quick um that's about the extent of the artifacts locations i think there's a couple more that i don't have marked but it's they're typically just one elite okay so i i don't have a ton i pretty much just have locations that have elite bosses and uh wars that i want uh this is a location i usually go to to grab some crystal crystal you need a lot of by the way um mystic and chaminor can be either made through crystal at this point in my farming i usually grab um i usually swap out beto for razor um unfortunately i don't have razor builds but i've gained joint requests man you know i would but since i stopped hiding my uid i know i have it hidden right now but like since i stopped hiding it i don't know where these games are wow that was scuffed i didn't get i only got one okay well there's four there's this oh no there's five there's five that spawn in here you want to try to get them you can come back multiple times too okay i never know where they're coming from okay this little jade cave right here let me teleport to back to that way point you can grab those [Music] just texting my husband excuse me okay i'm gonna navigate to there's a jade cave over here if so if you're looking for innocuous jade there is quite a bit i think there's also lapis in here if i'm not mistaken and i know leeway is huge compared to monstat but it's pretty nice that they're all like pretty decently close to each other right here there's also crystal flying here oh no no no oh got them i'm stuck man as soon as i get john lee man it's over for all y'all anyways it's over for all y'all so there's one core lattice and then i think five or six uh innocuous jade which beton uses this uh who else uses core lapis i mean oculus jade there's also quite a few elite enemies on this beach here if you want to drop down and grab those uh now let's go to mount osan sorry from saying that wrong oh where am i going the wrong way wrong way wrong way so once you get to the teleport waypoint pretty much just drop down you can grab this if you want drop down to right here and ta-da we have not just a ton of ore we also have an elite in me which we can potentially get a freeze no my sword ring an artifact from i don't know if i can actually freeze him though i can't come on give me something by the way drop rates for uh the drop rates for artifacts from mobs is about 11 so it's like not all of them not all of them not even most of them okay i'm gonna switch to oh never mind i'm not dodge this i'll switch to razer after this because no come on just come over here and hit me [Music] huh [Music] yeah it's not worth it doesn't take so long once i have shawn lee shanley is by far the best um farmer i'll scout ahead but razer does a pretty great job i only got i'm dummy also he breaks in three instead of two at a time which is great oh no sorry hebrew i mean oh my multitasking skills he breaks um he can break a rock in three hits instead of four which beto for some reason is so slow can you break into you know irrelevant irrelevant oh that was an elite enemy too maybe i got something here ugh nothing and you can get some local specialties chi and chili's here cool cool now let's go to mount hola this is a probably the best spot for corlapus um once you get to the waypoint just turn around right here there's a spot of four and razor will bleed oh razor will break all of these easily and then there's i think one over here i love the shadow design in this game so pretty can i ignore those can i break both of these at once oh i'll scrub for these this is just me trying to keep razer alive until yeah i can teleport out of here okay now let's walk down a little bit or fly down whatever because there's quite a bit of lapis along the way i think there's two or three as you're walking down these steps i thought there was one over here yep um it might be it i believe there is some like right down here actually let me test it if i remember correctly there's like two if you drop down directly you just like run jump down yep there's two right here [Music] uh next crystal i don't know if they saw me yeah so here are two locations we'll drop we'll pop over there uh real quick dunya ruins is probably one of my favorite places to farm for bosses for elite bosses and then also right here um if you start here across pretty much just if you start here and walk this way you can get probably six elite enemies so we'll we're definitely we're gonna pop over there uh before we before i end this video hopefully we can i can actually get a drop it would be sick that'd be super nice i want to say there's like a little yeah okay there's a little entrance wait what am i looking for here oh it's on the other side i'm gonna avoid those guys because they're annoying and they're not only enemies so it's not worth my time where is the entrance i swear there's a little spot that has a bunch of of course over here but i can't find it please you know i'm not gonna worry about it right now uh i won't fight it because it takes forever but there is an elite boss right there and then elite boss right here this one all kills fast although i've seen it i've seen it said that ruin guards have better um let me leave you with better drop rates than he's easier to kill elite mobs let's just see maybe i can get one maybe i can get me one good morning good morning time to act know my story dodge come on freeze i believe maybe we will get something the man come on come on come on come on gosh the world's being stingy today my goodness okay quickly let's hop over here just so i can show you my favorite farming spot okay so pretty much just as soon as you see you'll see a two agent right there um up from there there's assistant mage here there are i think two rune guards and a ruin hunter and then another ruined guard down here so you have lots of chances to potentially get um he's looking at me to potentially get a um some forced artifacts in five star oh no no no three star artifacts um there is definitely something that i'm missing where is it there's a nice little cave somewhere i can't recall the location of oh this is a great spot let's look at this um this is typically a great place to get crystal go to the waypoint turn around yeah typically uh unfortunately it hasn't respawned yet but if you float down from here normally there is there is a uh no no no can this banner go away i'm so scared i'm actually gonna accidentally gonna wish uh right here you can find quite a bit of crystal and mystic enchantment or no not mystic magical or something and then also right here uh we won't worry about that for now oh here's the other cave right i'm going to ignore these guys because none of them are going to give me drops just going to climb up real quick and drop in right here this is a crystal fly heaven fortunately i was hitting the wrong keys so i did not again i'm not gonna get any of them um except three there's also usually quite a bit of enchantment uh i'm still burning okay this is illegal i don't like i don't want to be here anymore normally there's a lot of more okay we're not going to work okay last thing we're going to do is we're going to get teleport to leo hopper and then we're going to teleport to monstat this is something that you can do every i'm still burning body and mind uh we're gonna go to the forgery you can do this every day go to mastersong ask him about leeway's mining products and he will mark locations on your map where you can go and get a dense amount of crystal and mystic why do i keep saying that magic or magic ore okay it's nice and fast and easy um i'm gonna ignore i'm gonna ignore non elite mobs because i don't have time for it today stop and they're too slow to really do anything anyways and two right here yeah for some reason i remember there being some lapis down here but i could be wrong i feel like they're right behind this rock yes no maybe done it i thought there was what's the hurry i uh no more out of you thank you though you know whatever again i'll link some videos down below of some oh my gosh i'll link some videos of more specific locations if you're looking to hunt down specific elements apparently there's a lot of crystal down here where's the question ah i don't think i've ever had this location it's quite generous um and this you can convert into mystic enchantment or and i believe it's going to be usable in the uh housing system that we're getting in 1.5 oh crucifly no come here come [Music] uh here it i'm an idiot but you can see they normally hang around in dark places um yeah this is a nice little cluster i like it [Music] so these locations that you're given um i'd recommend marking some of them on your map because these do uh so he's specifically giving you locations for magical crystal chunk but even when there's no magical crystal trunk at this location on this day this is still a good place to actually go and get magic go and get just regular crystal hit oh all right so one more two more over here look at all that that's a lot and they give you between one and three for per like break which is great hey oh i had the storm by the way oh damn i didn't hold they do give you uh actually let's test it out is that a what are my orders hold on a minute what's that is that real i'll come back here later yes eye of the storm can give you artifacts uh so let's see if we can get lucky at least just one time just one time in this video would be pretty awesome [Music] they don't give you anything else though which is a bummer you don't get they don't have their own like nope unlucky very unlucky today okay anyways let's get this last little spot here see i had this marked uh and today there happened to also be uh thought i was gonna die also be the magical crystal as well i believe there's also a crystal spot next to the pyro regivine and the cryo regimen sees a lot [Music] nice cool now we're gonna go i think that's all i think that's everything for leeway again there is more stuff to find here it's just quite tedious so uh these are this is something that i hope that you can do consistently oh actually this is a good spot let's stop here real quick there's a tiny little tiny little cave right here tiny baby cave there is some little violet grass what was i saying lavender grass [Music] nice he didn't see me you can grab some lapis and other materials as well okay uh there was one more cave that i wanted to try to find but oh i missed that there are also two lapis here and here you want to mark those down oh there's definitely one more i can picture it in my head oh wait wait wait it is ah yes here it is haha i remember it well my map reminded me we'll go here real quick and uh just a reminder i'm not gonna go through it because it's pretty repetitive but um if you go to monstat and ask the um the the the blacksmith the same question that you asked earlier uh in leeway you can get the he'll give you locations uh i think it's like right here no feel free to get these uh rain outlines these moms as well this is a race to keep this under an hour man no drops no drops for me ever i will find this cave so help me oh oh we're close we're very close i think it's under the stairs or something what's the hurry somehow he has they haven't seen me oh they saw me i've been seen loser spinning in circles here it is my gosh razor we almost lost razor okay that's about all i wanted to show you let's go back to this nice location all right guys that is my pretty much complete uh farming routine again feel free there are lots more elite enemies a lot more potential to get more artifacts but real quick i'll just show you what we gathered today all this all this nice stuff free artifact part of you okay uh thank you for watching uh feel free to hang out on twitch sometime forward slash dish feel free to ask me questions uh and check out the links for videos down below for more in-depth details on all the stuff alright thank you for watching bye
Channel: dish
Views: 499,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crystalfly, artifacts, farming, genshin impact, dish
Id: Zq0nNjUMfg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 40sec (3580 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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