Yanfei is my lawyer | Genshin Impact

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she is adorable she has got to be at least for me the cutest four-star character she is precious she is a deer and a deer she's so cute oh my god i don't know if we're gonna get eon yeah yeah i don't know i don't know i don't want to use all my primos but i also really want her oh i didn't mean to skip it well i got her oh my god you've arrived at just the right moment i've been looking for you hello oh what is it granny need any help oh no no you've done so much for leo harbor already i could hardly ask for more in fact my old friends and i have been putting our heads together to think of what sort of gift we might give you in return you're gonna give me a whole house a gift for pine i cannot express to you guys how excited i am about this like i don't really know what to expect but to have something like animal crossing in genji impact is gonna be so cool i will not go into too much detail but subspace creation is the ability to create a small autonomous pocket world the teapot that you entered previously was a little trinket created using that ability i'll shrink it same in the eyes of an adeptus creating a magic teapot world is just child's play huh madame pink should be a six star character i agree i'm back granny yay we get to meet her i'm so excited oh i don't believe we've met ah allow me to do the honors this child here is jen faye she's the one helping run some errands for me yen faye i believe you've already heard of the traveler and her traveling companion of course who hasn't much has been written about you in the military's records she's so cute you became one of liue's most wanted after the milliliter marked you as a suspect following the incident at the rite of dissension after which you fought off the milolith at julian karst and made contact with the fatoui before finally defeating an ancient god together with granny and her associates and subsequently being cleared of any and all suspicion by the chie singh ah what a shame what a shame a shame that we didn't meet sooner oh precious look at her little face allow me to introduce myself once more i'm yen faye a legal advisor got a legal problem you can come right to me okay jensey the lawyer oh yes here's my business card you'll find it has my contact details and office address keep it handy if you have an urgent issue just leave me a note at this address oh and i almost forgot to mention i offer a very generous discount for first-time customers are you really an adopted timer was gonna ask the same question you seem really different from the ones we've met before and adeptus uh i guess kinda my old man said he was one anyway he mentioned that he once campaigned with rex lapis for a long time and then after that was all over he went back and married my mom so granny i've gotten a hold of most of the stuff you asked for except for smaragtus jadeite i couldn't find any at all hmm hold on a moment let me have a look wow that's a really thick book what kind of things do you write in there commercial consultancy or or snes ah found him she's so cute i love her crustle you got new mail what have you been well i got well i forgot to put my camera back i got something from deluxe he sent me like food and drinks what an angel oh it's to luke's birthday happy birthday let's switch our party and put jen faye in here even though like i can't really use her because i can't really level her right now next time who needs a healer like it's a mostly pyro look at that do i have another pyro character oh yeah good eye oh my gosh it's the pyro squad hello mr crustle how's business been well yes as a matter of fact uh in the end i did acquire a small piece of miraculous jadeite and had it fashioned into a pair of hairpins oh miss yamphe i presume that you have an interest in the hairpins i must apologize i have already rented them out to a lady named chao if you'd like to inspect them the wild goose chase quite some time oh whatever shall i do yes that's me is there something i can help oh no don't tell me you lost them how do you do mr chow we understand from mr crosstal that you recently rented a pair of hairpins from him my associates and i are very interested in them would you mind letting us take a look at them the hairpins um i can't lend them to you right now how could you do that i've lost them i don't know how it could have happened i always kept them right by my side and i hadn't even worn them yet i spent so much money on them if i have to pay their original value there's no way i could come up with that amount of money on such short notice right i finished reading the contract the terms are very clear and they do indeed stipulate that you must pay mr crosso the original value of the hairpins as compensation for the loss furthermore the contract also expressly states that the amount of compensation must take current market prices into account and given the rarity of smaractus jadeite i fear that the final amount of compensation may end up being significantly higher as a result even higher oh no oh no she's gonna be in debt forever uh oh looks like she's about to faint however all of this is assuming that it is indeed genuine smiractus jadeite that was inlaid into the hairpins did you really have to pause before saying that part so hold on a moment mr chow when you first touched the hairpins what did you feel are we trying to figure out if they were real yeah what did i feel well i remember that the gemstones set into the pins were perfectly smooth to the touch like the finest quality jade my family has seen much jade pass through its hands in the past so i am quite certain of my judgment in this matter hmm smooth to the touch finest quality jade maybe it's fake imagine no it's nothing i just need to re-examine a few things let's head over to mr crosstals maybe mr crossle is a scammer it's possible how are the hairpins i trust you're quite satisfied with them about that russell are they real or not you lost them are you serious do you have any idea how expensive they were i'm sorry i'm sorry truly i am i'll pay the compensation as per our contract every last maura mora do you have any idea what i had to go through to get my hands on that jaden i don't really like crossover i i just don't forget it talking won't bring them back since miss yanfey is here i suppose we can just have her estimate the amount that needs to be paid no problem but before i can give an official estimate i'll need to do a little market research ah yes and if i may just confirm again it was in fact genuine smaractus jedi and laid into the hairpins correct of course genuine article guaranteed or i pay back 10 times the value please wait mr chao i have something to discuss with you it's not convenient to speak here so let's find somewhere that we can sit and talk in more detail huh crosstalk is kind of sucks miss yen faye what is this about are you are you here to tell me how much i owe i think we're about to get the gossip spill the tea and say no what i wanted to talk about is there is a chance that the oren laid on those hairpins may not be smiractus jade after all what do you mean are you implying that you already sneaked off and found them obviously not i'm no adventurer let alone a member of the guild i don't run thankless time-consuming errands for a living let's just say i made some deductions i don't know if granny told you this but smaractus jadeite is found deep underground and contains very concentrated elemental energy if mere mortals come into contact with it well they'll be sick in the best case and in the worst case they could even experience a dramatic change of personality it most certainly would not be smooth to the touch mr chow did you at any time feel unwell while the hairpins were in your possession if she says no then crossell is a fraud no not at all missy and faye i have to ask why are you helping me because as it happens i'm currently trying to acquire some smaractus jadeite myself i notice strong traces of geoenergy around mr crossle so perhaps he has in fact secured some he is about to get exposed and i cannot wait whether he actually made it into an item of jewelry or not is a separate matter but either way it's a lead as long as we follow it who knows we might just be able to get our hands on some smaractus jadeite also the idea of someone abusing the law to their advantage i won't stand for it but again let's not dwell on this let's go to hmm where can we find someone who processes ore ha i've got it let's pay a visit to chateau the boss of the jade mystery yeah we're gonna expose crossover crosstalk is canceled betting on jade i don't even know if he did anything wrong but he's canceled the case before us it's you and miss yen faye is is is something the matter surely not more spurious claims that that my jade betting is rigged and no one can ever win i swear on all that is sacred no nothing of the sort has a snazz nine merchant named krossel enlisted your ore processing services recently by any chance a seznaian merchant named crossley i do remember that he brought me a piece of oar claiming that it was miranda's jadeite huh if my eyes don't deceive me the cross sections and patterning suggest that these are smiractus nephrite shavings [Music] i've heard it's said that miraculous nephrite is in fact the outer layer of smiractus jadeite though no one's ever proven it a thin layer of separation huh if you must see for yourself try examining these shavings for traces of elemental energy smaractus nephrite is an entirely ordinary ore containing no elemental energy whatsoever is that so well we might as well give elemental side a shot so did you find anything oh nope so they really are different looks like he was about to sleep might i be so bold as to inquire um if you could just confirm for me once more sir mr crusoe did indeed claim that the or he brought to your store was in fact smaragtus jadeite did he not uh yes that's right i still have a record of the job with me yeah so maybe he really thought it was here it says quite clearly one chunk smragged his jadeite uncut so maybe crosshole is actually the one getting bamboozled then i have no further questions but could i borrow the processing record and the stone shavings no but but no but jen faye but yanfe could sense no no i i think i'm giving crosswith too much credit with this hard evidence to back us up dare try to deny what he did on the contrary this is far from sufficient to build a case we need to find something a little more compelling if you want to make jewelry you need a professional jewelsmith let me think missingsi i'd like for you to confirm for me once more when mr crusoe commissioned you to find him a jewelsmith did he or did he not assert that the material he presented to you that day was called smaragtus jadite yes i'm sure of it the hairpins were made using many expensive materials and the asking price was quite high so we had to put this transaction on record with the ministry of civil affairs the inlay gemstone is recorded as miragus jadeite the document even has the official seal of the ministry on it really thank you sinxy now could you let me borrow this document sure it isn't serving much purpose here anyway i take it then that there's been some more trouble nothing you need to worry about just a minor issue i'll return your document as soon as i'm done with it thanks again hmm i believe we have almost all the evidence we need we just need to make one last trip let's go to boo-boo pharmacy to speak with dr baiju the weirdo with the snake around his neck what do you want to speak to him for i like him because only he can provide an authoritative statement confirming that smiragtos jadeite is harmful to the human body [Music] she's looking for the cocoa goat probably my my to what do i owe the pleasure though i'm afraid that if you're looking for our little chi chi she's out gathering herbs i see and if it isn't miss yen fae as well now that's an even rarer honor what business brings you here might i inquire some charlatans peddling ineffectual medicines again no doubt he has such a cool character design do you think we'll ever be able to pull him i suppose that you're about to ask me to write an official affidavit attesting to the pharmaceutical peculiarities of smaractus jadeite i wonder if crossell it has an attitude because he's changing because apparently he has them on him i don't know i wonder miss yanfey if your pressing business might i wonder merchant i'm here to expose you crystal explain yourself miss yanfey have you finished your investigation i trust you will now be in a position to assess the compensation due yes my investigation is indeed concluded i can now provide a final figure for the amount payable wonderful well then please could you do the honors miss yanfey of course zero dollars according to the stipulations of the contract what's she gonna say mr crossle you must pay mr chow ten times the original transaction price in maura oh my god sure wait what me pay her surely there's been some kind of mistake miss yanfey oh my goodness got em not at all according to my investigations and the material evidence that we've gathered the substance claimed to be smiractus jadeite that was inlaid within this miragus jadeite twin phoenix pins that you rented out to mr chow was in fact smiractus nephrite now the contract states very clearly that 10 times the price shall be paid should the article not be genuine accordingly you're liable for this sum which is payable to mr ciao and mora i demand to see your evidence you don't want to ask that chrystal you don't even want to go there this is a processing record from the jade mystery along with stone samples and an affidavit signed by the business owner chateau seriously even the boss there couldn't differentiate between smaractus jadin it's miragus nephrite how does this prove anything in any case smaractus nephrite is the outer layer of miragus jadeite so i had him cut away the nephrite he returned the valuable jadeite core to me and some nephrite samples remain no you will notice exactly crosswill you will not do this that's an unsubstantiated belief well these are both legally binded in some way but i guess this would probably be the i'm gonna go with this one oh come on i met the backup copy of the document from the ministry of civil affairs the one we got from stinksy of minxing jewelry how do i always choose the wrong one i always do it i am so bad at these this document proves that my hairpins are the real deal doesn't it this is the ministry seal after all it shows that the ore inlaid on the pins is indeed's miragus jadeite our second piece of evidence didn't work either and this guy's getting more belligerent by the second hmm you know you could be right perhaps the hairpins are the real deal after all of course i'm right all the evidence shown supports my story you're gonna make me choose the wrong one well hang on a moment now because i do recall one final piece of evidence that we haven't revealed yet i was right but i wasn't right the first time so i can't even really look at her little zoomed in me i love this smug face this shall serve as decisive proof of our case [Music] what's this oh i don't think he can backpedal this one smiractus jadeite springs forth from stone marrow within the mountains and will bring disaster to any mere mortals who touch it sustained contact with samaritan's jadeite over a prolonged period will in less serious cases cause a mild melody while in serious cases the patient may suffer a dramatic change of personality and fall seriously ill mr crossle were you aware of these peculiar properties of smaractus jadeite even i'm scared of her i i had no idea no idea you say hmm i'd guessed as much but for you to have rented out such a dangerous item i'm afraid that this falls outside the scope of my work but within that of the ministry of civil affairs however i'm sure that the ministry will be relatively lenient considering that as you say you were ignorant of the danger you posed don't worry mr crossle i will make sure that all the evidence presented here will be handed over to the ministry oh my god i trust that you'll give them your full cooperation in their investigations look at the look at the smug eyes what wait wait i i knew oh so you knew oh dear mr crossover but if you knew of smaractus jadeites dangerous properties beforehand why would you this really is like playing phoenix right huh no i the hairpins aren't actually aren't actually inlaid with genuine smiractis jadeite is that what you were about to say you do understand mr crusoe that this means that you will have to pay mr chow 10 times the original price in maura mr crossle your answer please my client and i are waiting i i yeah he's seriously intimidating right now it's like she's a different person i admit it i confess the ore i hadn't laid on those hairpins was was miragus nephrite but i'm a victim in all of this too i invested a great deal of time and money into acquiring that small amount of sporadist jadeite in the hopes of turning it into a piece of jewelry that would fetch a fine price but after receiving it and carrying it around for a few days i started to feel extreme that doesn't make you a victim i couldn't sleep a wink or eat a single bite i i was in a constant vegetation that does not make you a victim how are you gonna sit there and play the victim all right let's cut the appeals phase right there i failed to see what bearing any of this has on your transaction with my client yes according to the contract you must pay mr challenge ten times the original price in mora and that is final yes 10 10 times looks like he could faint any second as for me according to my contract with mr chow 20 of that sum will go to me oh my gosh gente is a girl boss twenty percent that's as much as i spent on that sporadist jadeite um there's no need it's fine you don't have to pay me that much maura even if this miractus jaded on those hairpins was fake i still bear responsibility for losing them legally or not i think i owe some compensation for that you're too kind you're too nice miss yanfey i'll turn this miraculous jadeite over to you i trust that it will suffice as remuneration we did it we did it well um that's not quite how the rules say this should go but whatever it'll do best lawyer whatever fine we can break the contract that's okay thanks so much for your help this time miss yunfei when you have the time i'll be sure to visit and express my thanks more appropriately oh come on no need to stand on ceremony now if i may confirm this again mr chao have you and mr crosstalk come to an understanding well yes i believe we have i'm so excited with a teapot then that's good mr crossell it seems that my client has no further claims against you is is that so that's good that's good actually mr crossle i'd like to talk business for a second if i may oh i could see from the hairpins you produced that you're very skilled in jewelry design my family on the other hand works in the ore business and we have a fair stock of fine oil honestly she is way too forgiving can you imagine getting scammed like that and almost having to pay a massive amount of money just for losing earrings that were sold to you fake and now she's like do you want to work with me i could never if we could join forces your jewelry designs and our choice ores i think we could do some fine business between us i uh let me think for a moment [Music] well that's that and we've got this miraculous jadeite that granny wants too i'll swell that enzuela this has been such a cute quest i loved it so much it was so relaxing this is like exactly what i needed tonight yes so there were some twists and turns along the way usually when someone tells us they've lost something we end up searching all over the place for it but this time you managed to solve the problem with just a big stack of documents even though the solution didn't involve actually finding the hairpins the right solution depends on your perspective on the problem the objective of my client mr chao was to reduce her liability to pay compensation so rather than looking high and low for some hairpins proving that the rented item was nowhere near worth what the vendor had claimed it to be was the more efficient solution can't say i've ever met an adept like you speaking of you took part in that battle didn't you in which case you would have heard what granny said leo harbor is now a city ruled by humans the title of adeptus means precious little to me compared to my job as a legal advisor in any case don't you think that the leo harbor of today needs legal consultancy far more than it needs adaptable powers that's so cute follow your dreams there's no need to follow the traditional path of being an adeptist my mom can think of someone who would definitely disagree with your reasoning well since we got what we came for it's time to pay granny a visit i bet she's been on tenterhooks for a while now oh my god i'm so excited we're finally here we can go get our teapot i assume yeah that was that was a fun quest i enjoyed that a lot you've returned how did it go were you able to find this miranda's jadeite we were good good that we have all the materials we need well if we're all set granny i'll get going now got a ton of clients waiting for me back at the i'll miss you oh you all right then go see to your business granny should be able to handle the rest i'm off then bye oh yes traveler make sure you don't lose the business card i gave you i've been looking into the laws of other nations as well if you should ever bump into any trouble with the law come find me directly regulars get discounts too that could perhaps be foreshadowing that we might get to work with her later come now child are you leaving or are you not if you have no wish to leave perhaps you'd like to help me clean my teapot hmm her voice is super relaxing i agree i want madame ping to read me bedtime stories i'm leaving i'm leaving that child goodness knows where she learned to be so rambunctious her father was hardly so riotous or fond of talking nonsense back in the day when he stood beside rex lapis ah indeed she is leo has changed and the adept i must also learn to change jan faye might be overly careless but she is also the most intimately acquainted with the city among us all ah leo is not the same place i once knew all right then let us speak of this no more back on topic i believe that i still owe you a little gift yes let me in right now oh peyton's so excited how is it made it is but a single teapot it shan't take long at all just wait here for a i've moment waiting for this moment there we go this serenity part is all yours now hold it firmly if you were to drop it oh goodness who knows what might happen take these blueprints with you as well you'll need them if you wish to make your teapot a little more lively inside that definitely reminds me of animal crossing like the diys wait a minute granny how exactly are we supposed to use this teapot oh you needn't worry about that i've already arranged for a certain little helper to await you within this teapot she will explain oh yeah everything you need to know about it we saw the helper in the trailer i remember it was an animal i can't remember what kind of animal was it like a teddy bear or something i don't remember or a penguin or something this is a peaceful neighborhood oh okay so this is how we oh my okay so you can pick floating abode emerald peak or cool aisle i'm thinking of floating abode but cool isle is giving me some destiny islands vibes but floating a boat is just really cool oh i can click the magnifying oh yeah yeah oh pretty that is very pretty that is also gorgeous oh you guys this is not easy okay i'm just gonna go with this one because it was the first one that caught my eye hopefully i made the right decision wow this teapot seems even bigger inside the madame pinks there's even a great big house in the middle too i do really like the sky here i don't know if the time ever changes but why is oh that was weird wait whoa okay this is pretty i think this is a good choice huh but there's just a whole load of nothing around it go dig a burrow to live in for now i guess what i can't do that get chiseling well you're the one with the sword anyway you do it still why is it so empty here apart from that house oh wait a second what is that there they are hello wow it seems that we have a visitor [Music] excuse me i am not a finch i am a teapot spirit and you may call me um hang on a moment what am i supposed to be called again do i get to name you oh call me tubby i suppose you may call me tubby tubby so you're the little helper madame ping mentioned madame ping oh you must mean ping yes she did summon me here she told me much about you you may leave all matters regarding the upkeep of this realm to me your journey may be far from over but at least this way you will not want for a comfortable place to sleep each night though it is the adapti who create realms such as this they generally do not have the time of day to attend to the banal matter of their maintenance thus we teapot spirits were created to help guard their realms and manage their affairs i love tubby you may consider me a butler if you will now allow me to explain this realm to you have you any blueprints on you specifically blueprints with beautiful rooms chairs and the like i do as long as you have a blueprint you can refashion this realm however you please blueprints oh that's right granny handed us some when she gave us the teapot didn't she let's take them out and have a look oh this is so exciting what the heck oh my all right um this is like pretty much all i have so far um but i'm just gonna put it right here i guess let's see how it looks nice okay so now we can forge it's so empty in here but it's also so pretty look at this we got a whole new house to ourselves it's a it's a mansion too are the houses at the other areas this big it's huge ah okay here's the table wow cool i put a table down check it out i built a table this is fun i can't wait to see what other things you can get oh no no incinerate how do i pick this thing up oh this is a problem oh no it's just a core okay we gotta go attack some trees yeah [Music] oh [Music] i'm sorry kitty gang [Music] for now i'm just gonna put it right here next to it put that on top lovely stunning now we've got this plant [Music] also beautiful actually i think i want it like like that ah this is way too fun i just wish that i i do i do wish that items were easier to get nice trust rank two [Music] let's go check on our cat yay that was fun i think i think it came out pretty not bad for the first day i would say [Music] you
Channel: SarahKey
Views: 67,000
Rating: 4.9560905 out of 5
Keywords: sarahkey, keybladesarah, gaming, kingdomhearts, vlog, lifestyle, games, twitch, style, kingdom hearts, kh, kh3, kh2, square enix, square, nomura, animal crossing, ac, acnh, nintendo, nintendo direct, reaction, genshin, genshin impact, playthrough, let's play, walkthrough, video games, yanfei, 1.5, teapot, quest, cute, pull, pulls
Id: mAVf73gM3Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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