WE WILL BE REUNITED | Genshin Impact Full Quest

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i'm so nervous for this quest oh my gosh it's right there i'm so nervous all right you heard did you hear from gonyo and lon that the treasure hoarders excuse me of monsta and leeway have banded together and plan to get involved in some ruin associates associated with the abyss order fearing the chao i want to like cherish every moment of this that the treasure hoarders might cause through their involvement you take up the commission investigate i almost want to just like walk oh we're already here perfect is gony gonna be in this quest this is a rhetorical question don't answer it i just wanna i just i'm so excited and i've i'm already sad for the moment that this quest is over my queen i love her so much can we take pictures together oh seeing characters in the open world just makes me this makes my heart leap and sore yes yes they have the audacity to go after anything the seven dragons gods no ancient artifact that relates can escape their greedy ambitions still this time is different who do they think they are going after the abyss orders treasures oh traveler it's you it's you i've helped you with everything lane i've gone on your ridiculous commissions to find the sword what are you doing here with one do you have a commission you need to post hello i love her so much just discussing the treasure hoarders yes we were just saying how even the audacious treasure hoarders should know better than to mess with the abyss it's just too evil but we recently received intel from the ministry of political affairs that two big-time treasure hoarders in leoa and monstat are planning some big joint operation two big-time treasure hoarders yes they're known as big sis of the south good night from me if they're night because raptor remembers he tried to run away from amber and monstat but who is big sis of the south big sis of the south oh you already know something then interesting so you must have crossed paths with the treasure hoarders many times before you are correct she's the head of the treasure hoarders in liu as i understand it the treasure hoarders all call her boss okay i don't know if we've met her yet if thieves even bestowed a gift upon her for her exploits making her big sis of the gods but that's probably just a wild rumor anyway the treasure hoarders discovered some previously unexplored ruins that the abyss order has been secretly guarding in the shadows despite how dangerous that makes it all the treasure hoarders can think about is what kinds of treasure could be inside they have already devised a plan they will send out a decoy to divert the abyss orders forces away from the ruins then send an expert thief inside to steal the treasure to this end big sis and raptor have reportedly recruited a certain grand thief from fontaine and thief that's quite an impressive sounding title ah indeed he is an extraordinary individual yeah i don't think we have either grubbs grandfather groups highly respected in the treasure hoarders great adventurers the music changed why stanley like the famous adventure alice let's go with stanley you met the living legend himself while you were in stat correct the grand thief is someone just as renowned as him so despite being relative big timers in liru and monstat big sis and raptor had to put in a lot of work to convince a thief of his status to come and personally oversee this operation with the major changes in leo recently the ministry of civil affairs and the mililith already have their hands full they don't have any time to investigate rumors about treasure hoarder activity gonyu is the level of poise that i desire to be but anything into the abyss makes me feel like there is some unknown danger lurking beneath the surface so i decided to come to the adventurer's guild to post a commission well scissors here let me take this off your hands said swoon i mean am i wrong look at her i love i also like the way when she's when she's like holding an arrow if she's walking around she like she almost like prances around i mean i would i want these i want to yeah i also want her shoes thank you so much good to see this in the hands of a reliable guild member well then good luck the guild will take care of the details of this commission i'm so excited ah gone you cosplay when it's tempting her fit her fit is probably my favorite um oh no this is not no no we're not doing this now i was like that's a lot of ruins pokemon time and explorer call of the abyss ooh okay go for team 2 then i'm air 4404 not friend that's the true oh wow this is cool okay operation don't miss any chess can't use domains of course not there are signs of treasure water activity this is pro this is cool let's go so dark i'm not sure hopes information is reliable oh i'm sure it is oh my gosh okay well um many guards here good yep looks like they're planned to drop okay it's fine that worked out well i think if you ask me uh it's a good start hold on sorry that'll pass [Music] this [Music] got him parrots the best loots more signs than a treasure hoarder was here this should be the right direction oh why does it feel stranger and stranger as we make it deeper into these ruins i can't shoot them okay all right you know what i hated this game i was excited that this part was over this is all training okay this is all training chest it's two there's usually like two or three in each one we're fine we're fine don't worry i know i could probably get hit by it and be fine but yeah i know a hot hotel can uh sprint through them okay good oh my gosh ah hidden area that's oh my gosh he's gonna kill me when you can't go in the hidden area sag no no loot on opens that's four wow this is pretty generous as far as the common chess goes she's so pretty lumen [Music] oh scary this looks like a person he looks dead could it be the grand thief why is he in that position is he praying to something oh this was in the okay oh ooh oh heebie-jeebies i don't like this hanging upside down and the statue's hands pymon remembers they're normally holding an orb right what this statue is holding oh this is something what is that this is some like very dark imagery oh everyone has a really bad feeling about this and the grand thief hasn't moved an inch do you think he's he that position is like hello palmer and you're brave he he's dead doesn't oh my gosh let's get out of here and fast we should report back to kanye and lon now what okay okay okay okay sorry okay all right okay okay just give me a second jeez this is so dark here got it i don't want to take a picture i just want to like yeah okay so this is like taking your health okay wow this is really dark everyone is dying all right let's fuel up let's fuel up everyone okay much better hides the tank so we'll take him oh good yes love that for me i'm very confused okay okay okay one no okay this is exciting i i like that domain is kind of confusing okay run we can make it i'm sure yeah you could totally do this with kitchen or with uh okay with kitchen or with uh albedo together there's such a good like cheese combo hurry run oh we run hurry we're in okay we made it geez gosh i'm still oh oh so this is where the abyss herald is [Music] he will see you now okay all right okay who is this distinguished gentleman look at the way he is standing okay let me heal right now i just want to know how long he's been there just vibing dang he's like scary he's like child's foul legacy but doesn't look like as playful okay good morning peace cannot spy on the secrets of the abyss you have come here you have seen our secrets for this you must pay the price please you guys are such a sim bowl nope didn't say that that's a legal word oh damn bad damn bad how about that simple pleasures how about that what's with the voice the als i didn't make a dms committee he defeated that okay i need to go touch some grass the one dane spoke of dean what a sweden what a cute nickname dane's lift his feet i thought you were just a couple of pests that stumbled in here by mistake so you are with dain's life that constant annoyance in our affairs everyone smile okay did he send you here to die he calls you in the hallway against the abyss has gone nowhere for a long time there is nothing you can do to change the tide the abyss smile unstoppable attitude this dialogue that oh okay we're starting never seen it this is cake don't worry i think one can dream freeze this power it seems familiar he's really distinguished with his he's got good posture i'll say that um you guys needs help man it's probably stinky and old why is he so easy to beat i bet he's clean he's hydra after all oh my god you i you guys are too far gone to get help okay look this is you is it so you want to be jeez i see so it's you you are the one in that case i shall stay here no longer the one who knew the abyss order had monsters this powerful among them huh what is it what are you thinking about oh right yeah we're near the exit now let's get out of this scary place before something even more dangerous shows up all right is this who we are is this what we represent i don't know tell me you're kind of fine with this oh my we meet again a little sooner than i had expected hey it's dane dayne's leave a moon only for jaden perfect daddy emote only emote only so express your sim bowl jizz i need to eradicate that word for my um uh from my from my from my uh vocabulary judging by your expression it seems you just experienced something quite strange could it be that you encountered an abyss herald in those ruins huh and abyss harold i thought there was only one on the abyss heralds trail i didn't expect to find you here as well uh i was doing something strange with the best held on the ruins yeah the statue is way creepier than this herald statue of the seven holding abyssal power in its hands no i have never seen such a thing during my time fighting the abyss though i have had my suspicions tell me the rest of what happened in there so you escaped the ruin depths filled with abyssal power and then and then as we got close to the exit and a busy herald suddenly appeared and blocked our way we fought a big battle with that thing maybe it hasn't gotten too far yet yes this is a rare opportunity indeed come let's catch up to it let's go a rare opportunity with dave helping out maybe we'll be able to solve more mysteries about the abyss ask him how he likes eggs in the morning all right get your luck everyone get oh shoot i gotta move that enjoy your get get a nice long look at it guys okay it rock cam's on cooldown i gotta move it i gotta move i i'll move the rock game things look at us for behind sheesh get a nice long look everyone no they were just digging through these abandoned ruin guards looking for something of value oh is that so the traveler here seems to like doing that a lot too looking for chaos devices chaos circuits you know that kind of stuff hmm they wouldn't be searching for such ordinary objects in fact i was nearby investigating precisely because abyss mages often come out from that ruin to explore they seem to be searching the remains of ruin guards for a certain valuable object to take back to the ruins however they look disappointed so it would seem they haven't found it yet he's from kinder too right he looks like my brother and it makes you a gummy this is where i leave chat i can't stand you all today just close chat just close it dane's voice japanese ed please no edward you know everywhere there's a line and sometimes you cross it okay say cheese so things leaf is incarpal from china what are they feeding these these people why didn't you grab one of them just now and ask what they were up to that's the deal you just said that before you should have been rougher with them i certainly don't mean to be merciful towards these monsters of the abyss but i have a feeling that their plan with this object is of major importance to the entire abyss order one cannot discover the truth behind it through interrogation or rather these abyss mages likely fear something else much more than they do a painful interrogation they have given 46 gift subs in the channel you guys are out of control out of control today and thank you for the gifts up to daddy dain i hope daddy dane actually does come through because that would be um dane apologist but he did nothing wrong there's nothing neat he did nothing roxas don't need for that ah hear me out okay all right mia you know what get some help get some help get some help okay let me take a picture real quick so i can send it okay perfect i'll send it to your therapist i'm not the major buy it's monday morning it is monday morning [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i made sure to do my hair for this andreas the wolf oh that's pandemic it's just you all need to go outside everyone go take a walk what did he say he's extreme i beg of you what did she say i'm proud to say i have never found the midotrols if that's if you're proud of that the bar is literally on the floor the bar the bar is in is is in the basement before it's ascendant to celestia i'll you know what i'll i'll i'll give you the people what they want and i will switch to japanese for the next interaction with dane okay [Music] all right we shouldn't waste too much time here let's continue our search i'm also gonna title this youtube video um catching my chat in 4k say hi youtube everyone okay language japanese all right exposed all of you are gonna get exposed yeah i hope you guys are i hope you guys know that when you chat in my chat you consent to being uh to being this is all public and ken will be used against you on tick tock and youtube saint joe's going to step on grass and be dead all right everyone just mia i think mia needs to need some help oh no it's so deep oh okay all right all right all right chad all right everyone take a deep breath take a deep breath take a deep breath take a deep breath make a beef breath okay all right all right all right all right this is this is not a pg-13 chat everyone chill everybody chill everybody chill everybody relax all right besties take a deep breath why did you put it in japanese i don't know for the content i'm regretting it though man this is not an adult stream this chair looks like a one-bed comment section oh maru thank you for the bit thank you for the bit spare another line please you guys are uh you guys are unwell thank you mods and i'm sorry i just want to formally apologize to my mods for having to deal with this all right relax with the pregnancy jokes okay just like your appearance in the tavern time is just waiting for the seeds to sprout foreign is out of control i shouldn't have i should have just played this off stream i should have just played the quest off stream can you figure this to yourself is free you know everyone listen to pari here pari you want to give sub for being a sensible person par you want to give sub huh absolutely okay the abyss order is from okay this makes a lot of sense so that could oh wow okay my mind's blown so that means that's why kaya has correlation with the abyss order or seems to because it's left over from the nation of kanye okay wow this is really interesting foreign okay i'll just this one's the most interesting so go for this one [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] your brother told you that the destruction of kinera plunged the whole world into chaos and that you two should leave this world called to that [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] m interesting okay so wow okay so the traveler is more cognizant of their situation and their past than they've like let on up until now like we know more than then well the main character knows more than we knew that they knew the second most promising lead after looking for the 7. [Music] oop howdy everyone [Music] foreign so where does kynrian like abilities come from so yeah so he doesn't have a vision kaia does have a vision but he was given a vision when he was in monstat so i wonder where the power is derived [Music] has the power separate from his vision yeah i was wondering that too cat um the delusion well assuming that they don't use so he's saying that kainrians only used power that was drive from humankind so it seems like he wouldn't use any kind of like magic but i don't know yeah that zoom in was really cool with the like the backgrounds fading out that was cool uh art of kamia oh kynry and alchemy yeah yeah delusion users all have masks i feel like kaia wouldn't use a delusion because it's what killed uh krypus and dear what explanation the gods have for their actions it it's fine for me okay how these ancient machines are from kanria so this is stain sleeve mom have a lot of ruins that need it to be guarded no ruin guard is the name modern people have given these machines no one called them that five hundred years ago because the ruin guards were known as field tillers by the people of conrier field tillers what a strange name oh so they were yeah so they weren't it's not like you think field tiller was just a code name oh the people of conrie like to give code names to their weapons the land is not to be tilled with farming tools but rather is to be fought for with steel and blood this is how the field tiller came about fought for with steel and blood well that's an interesting way of understanding tilling doesn't think it's a very positive interpretation after the destruction of conria these masterless field tillers went completely out of control they wandered aimlessly over the centuries gradually spreading to every corner of tavat perhaps oh my gosh the sorrow of other civilizations lost to time it's all coming mechanisms away to various ruins across the land where they lie dormant well that sounds so sad he's very grandiose dane sleep is uh wandering asleep this is yeah that's like really sad if you understand more those details won't mean much to you but no matter their past all that remains of them now is the danger they pose so destroy them all i would but they respond you know that rain outlies your fate huh listen this may drop the talisman okay this is tired how about rain cutters you know about rain cutters connected to the abyss herald but why would an abyss mage be carrying it perhaps it really does contain information about their operation like pylon can't read the writing on it oh is that the same engulf the faith of the enemy in flame and bring glory to his highness the prince the poor okay okay okay okay there are theories that kaia is the prince of kineria it's not confirmed there's definitely some some good evidence for it though what is that what it says loom of fate initial operation they the abyss seem to be carrying out a large operation the key word here is luma fate it seems like they are still launching the operation or rather are still conducting preliminary tests luma fate what's that is it literally a say weaving machine uh keep on those rounds been getting those eerie ruins are super likely to be related to this fate weaving operation so dane what message does this talisman contain i'm reading it now hmm an ambitious operation but some parts are difficult to understand how so in short the first phase of the plan is related to osil overlord of the vortex the overlord of the vortex you mean that god in the ocean yeah it was just crushed by the jade chamber i know of your past heroics regarding divalen and i also know of the abyss orders role in the storm terror incident though you may not have been aware of it at the time you were thwarting an abyss order operation similar to this one last time it was vendi's old friend this time it's a huge ancient god the abyss order keeps setting their sights higher and higher will the abyss order use their lies and dark magic to corrupt osile just as they did divalent no from the contents of the talisman this operation goes one step further they won't just corrupt osil's mind they also plan to use the ancient technology behind the field tillers to completely transform osil's body is that even possible so wait the abyss order wants to make some sort of cybernetic squid god of mass destruction oh pymon always always ready for the comic relief these days keep getting longer i truly understand the civilization of kanye though of course the accuracy of that understanding itself is difficult to judge only the abyss order has consistently sought out the remnants of kanriya despite being far from human they seek out this lost human civilization quite persistently the talisman's message states that they will use the defiled statue as a base attaching osil's limbs to construct a mechanized god oh my gosh the that dude the dude just like crunched over by the thing that was scary enough nancy if narrated official character videos yes he does he is very dramatic he is very dramatic she put dane sleep back to english yeah seriously i'll not be accepting archon slander i mean these gods the gods in this universe are not perfect so and the new core that shall replace the orb usually held by the statue of the seven is the eye of the very first field tiller oh okay first field tiller oh piemon gets it all those at this pages are looking for the special eye right it would seem so uh they haven't found it yet let's find the eye before they do everything keeps getting more complicated but basically it all has to do with that eerie statue of the seven we saw yes according to the talisman the eye should be placed in the hands of the defiled statue thereby imbuing the newly born god with the power to topple the divine thrones of celestia oh gosh oh boy oh this sort of sure isn't holding back with this plan where the first field tiller is how about we take the information about the statue as the starting point for our investigation statue looks like the animo archon yeah that tone-deaf board is too difficult to track down anyway let's go to the cathedral hmm huh what's the matter dean he's anti he's he's he's an atheist by mom let's get moving just kidding there's so much to take in wow primo games everywhere they added more back music and blurred out backgrounds in this quest it's nice yeah this quest is really really cinematic and cool five prima guns so generous well when everybody's old all right the grandiose cathedral grandiose the people of monstat couldn't use that word a great deal of resources and energy to construct them but how aware of this was the animal archon on receiving this gift and how much did he give back in return that's a great question great question dane faith doesn't ask for anything in return though does it great point pylon great point as long as the gods have a clear conscience about it all there's nothing i can say about it we're about to enter the cathedral don't say anything bad about the animal archon as like a christian who believes in a god this is very this is also very interesting actually the animal archon is never mine i never specifically said i would enter the cathedral i'll leave you two to mingle with the sisters let's mingle with the sisters everyone we've done everything else together aren't you curious they will surely allow you to poke into these affairs with their utmost trust having me tag along would only make them suspicious you don't think you'll be popular among the sisters and just as our little friend said i might say something bad about the church at any time when a non-believer steps onto holy ground the result is never pretty i have never received the favor of the gods in the past i don't see any reason i would need it now or in the future either that's enough about that while we've been chit-chatting the abyss order continues to act okay i should warn you about one thing don't go mentioning the defiled statue inside the cathedral the church of favonius wouldn't ignore the matter of the statue but if they rashly tried anything against the abyss order it would only ruin whatever element of surprise we may have also meddling in the affairs of the abyss usually doesn't end well for anyone okay this is very interesting dane's scared of another scared of dps barbara oh wait we gotta take pictures okay but of course at the same height kind rain [Music] the kine boys together can they look at oh no i can't get seems all the other kids already have their hands full can i get both of them to look at the camera yes i can here bladeless there we go nice hit me up if you want these pictures nice all right anyways bye piece of vape how have you been do you need anything today but i should first make it clear that if you need to borrow the holy land elegance you cannot oblige she hasn't realized it's just an illusion oh barb here to ask some questions about something sweet innocent barbara have you heard about the first field tiller hmm what's that field tiller what does it do ah of course you wouldn't know anything about that okay next question can i lost the statue of the seven if i want please oh be a little bit more vague will you kai isn't going to say everything around him because he's ice cold huh you're here to ask about that old story oh well i didn't expect that that was such a long time ago barely anyone mentions it nowadays a long time ago there was indeed one statue of the seven that disappeared one night without a trace nearly every member of the church joined the search for it but it was never found in the church's records as you might assume this incident has been called the lost statue of the seven so much lore pymon no spoilers excuse me do you guys have a statue seven in the lost and found box nothing so do you have any other clues uh uh timeline means any other strange stories sorry barbara but we can't tell you about the statue we saw just yet like dang said outside it's funny she looks cute she looks cute right there though other strange stories i'm not sure good thing barbara is just a sweet little girl incidents are in the church's records she don't know oh the tyrant's final fury no that's from another time probably unrelated the tyrant's final fury she's not slate i know lumen just lets it happen also love the difference in tone between lumens blonde and barbara's blonde she definitely uses a toner oh this refers to a time of great danger that engulfed old monstat the place now known as stormterror's lair many many years ago there was a time when balls of fire would rain from the sky whenever anyone approached old monstat fire raining from the sky how terrifying people at that time believed it was a curse laid down by the god of storms so they referred to it as the tyrant's final fury this strange phenomenon continued for about a year no one was ever able to solve it it just gradually ceased on its own [Music] right later the theory of the tyrant's final theory became less probable in the eyes of the church common reasoning dictates that the god of storms wouldn't shoot fireballs perhaps it was something else that caused the disaster anyway this incident might not be related to the lost statue of the seven but i just can't think of any other strange incidents that might be it's okay thanks anyway there's that pointless word thank you again i can never get used to hearing it zarya rosaria it's you if you're looking for the knights of she got the she's got the school monsters again she got the scoop for sure help us out monsters those monsters that tried to attack monstat last time during the storm terror incident they're next to each other this is so funny they're so different they're at it again indeed they're gathering in wolven them causing great unrest among the wolves could it be that the abyss order is targeting the spirit of lupus boreas as for what purpose i can't say for certain master gene has already headed off to wolven dem i must also begin to make a move myself then i will go as well i will go swimming mr gene said you should stay at the church and continue your work with the clergy but you're also a member of the clergy right we'll go give master dean a hand oh barbara if the honorary knight will be there then but please everyone be careful may the animal ark on protect you all this stupid city's so boring oh victor you don't know anything has the abyss order already launched a new operation yes julian i decided i'm not going to cover my uid anymore there's uh there's no reason that it's linked to account hacking so we're done with that yeah slow mode slow mo we could probably turn it off at this point but it was getting a little crazy earlier this could very well have something to do with the defiled statue we should go as well what is the abyss order going to woven them for anyway are they looking to do the same as they did with divalen ah not again laborious it's not likely thanks nick unlike osile who was just suppressed andreas died long ago today it is just his spirit that stands guard over wolvendom this herald may just be targeting the spirit of andreas in an attempt to garner some information from one of the animal archon's old companions okay good morning everyone [Music] don't underestimate the enemy let's take them now okay who throws me on my way down yo okay i hate how long characters wait to stand up dodge this it's infuriating child came home congratulations there sure are a lot of enemies around here first spirit he sure tries hard i just pulled amber i'm so sorry we get to the target the more enemies whoa what that fits the abyss orders style yeah let's go i'm not going any further what huh why not is it because you're afraid of fluffy animals it has nothing to do with wolves it's because boreas was an ancient god yet he willingly became a servant of the seven i cannot possibly agree with his actions i don't desire any interaction with him besides you're the one people like i'm less likable really don't like social interaction there's nothing special about god's anyway it's just my opinion but a word of advice always be on your guard when around gods you shouldn't place too much trust in them but at the same time don't go too far in the opposite direction don't go trying to overthrow them or hunt them down even if the god in question is your sworn enemy don't trust them and don't hunt them that's some awkward advice does dane hate the seven or is he protecting them imagine hating strongly it's gonna be me unless i repeat the failings of my forebears i will tell you one final fact huh what fact the destruction of the nation of kanriya by the gods is the reason the abyss order now seeks to destroy the nations watched over by the seven well enough chit chat we should get back to business i will go take care of the remaining abyss order members in the area try and keep your visit with boreas brief afterward let's meet at the entrance to wolvendom up there he goes strange man you can kind of see where he's coming from that's true you also keep your guard up against unfamiliar gods at the right of dissension and leo your decision was very similar to what dane would do there's a lack of trust it's best to just avoid the situation entirely not the easiest situation honorary night chair yeah probably hates the archons too yeah i hadn't thought about that g g g g g gene he might be an archon imagine vt hi pariah john lee was a bloodthirsty god i mean yeah i mean yeah strongly john lee has pretty dark past like you can't really overlook that rosaria told us that you came here to fight the abyss order so we came to help genie is greatly appreciated the abyss orders sudden offensive is very strange they have surrounded wolven dumb i am preparing to send out some nights to fight back i just scouted out all of wolven dumb but but the abyss order and bereas what is the connection between them they just like to cause trouble ah do they really need a reason the abyss order already went after davaon it's not too surprising that they would also go after another one of the animal arkhan's buddy hmm that is true regardless whether the reason behind the present threat is clear or not i will handle the situation honorary knight please go and check if lupus bereas is in any danger if he's a spirit is he really in danger this god spirit he does not often see people but i hear that you have met him before maybe it is best that you are also the one to meet him this time yeah we meet up every week okay be careful thank you for your help honorary night of fuvonius all right great wolf of the north hold on let me just pick some berries first you know how it is i'm almost done with the battle pass i'm level 49 i'm gonna have like a 12-day drought or i just have no resources my main source of income is going away oh there oh no [Music] oh no over there right sir oh no bestie is trapped not welcome here go racer go racer so the wolf's wretched spirit likes to raise wild pups now i will burn you to the ground guardian yet your once sharp claws have clearly dulled since your days of godly glory if you serve us we can restore your divine powers you once held in the past it kind of reminds me of the mouth of sauron if you're super um if you're if you're familiar with the movies um rays are my beloved mayo please have mercy yeah you know he looks like he's in a lot of pain oh no why is he called bereas and andreas that's the fallen's mind wolves never surrender but this can't go on it's time for another round with the abyss harold waits on finland all right another round matter how many times you resist us i will murder you are all in vain all right i hope this is more difficult where you going are you headed king where you going my back fight back fight back how was he hot i was he okay this you've got to be kidding me this is illegal this is illegal are you kidding me this is not this is not funny this is the worst timing it's just not funny freeze all right hotel i'm gonna need your old like real quick oh just you and me now rain outlines your brain outlines your life dodge this oh i thought that was like a glitch ceremony was interrupted how fortunate for you how does an old spirit have such determined will no matter this is but a small unforeseen variable our grand scheme will not be affected thank you gabby thank you flabby gabby rayne does outline your fate i mean if you really want to talk about it thank you you came just in time human lubricant i am ashamed that you must see me in my present state but still abyss herald underestimated my strength lupus oh yes never refuses trial but scary outsider not respect trial rules how dare they how dare they two didn't see the trap wait so you mean the abyss order had everything prepared to corrupt lupus borious's mind then lured him out under the pretense of challenging him in a trial it's not your fault razer in the future my claws must get sharper you smell danger and came here no we heard about the danger pyman's nose doesn't even know what danger smells like we actually have something to ask you about too ah excuse us mr do you know anything about the first field tiller i pay no heed to the contraptions of humans i know not what this field tiller is though there was indeed one human-made machine that i can never forget it entered into my proving ground by accident and i mistook it for a challenger but it could not think only fight it was designed as a pure killing machine from top to bottom i eventually damaged it greatly with one of my attacks before it fell to the ground it fled the proving ground by the sounds of it it's possible that could have been the very first field killer right missiles i do not know this strange word as i said i pay no heed to the contraptions of humans now i see what dane is saying brace or aloof um it could spin i need bathroom break into the air and even shoot fireballs although no match for a god it was stronger than even many who wield divisions hey didn't we hear this somewhere else recently as well anyway this pretty much proves that the first field tiller kingdom on stat doesn't it it sounds like the first one was way stronger than the mass-produced ruin guards that came after but in this story it was damaged at the proving ground while fighting the wolf of the north don't know but did we help a reason razor donate the eyes to the poor i don't want my eyes like that yes you are a big help thanks we need to keep investigating something super important the abyss herald may have left but the abysses forces are still attacking it's a long quest i'm happy yes i smell more danger bigger danger bigger danger also be careful [Music] i saw her but purposely avoided her of course as both the lionfang knight and acting grandmaster she naturally would have some reservations towards me if i'm not careful one day i may find myself becoming the object of one of her investigations thank you for the 10 bids but back to the matter at hand i defeated some of the abyss forces but wasn't able to gather any information did you have more success yes i want to hear the traveler speak i see yeah his his fit is really cool very mysterious let's figure out where the first field tiller ended up huh really just from the lupus borea story that information combined with a more comprehensive analysis for example the old story you told me you heard in the cathedral exactly the strange story told to you by that young sister long mistaken to be a curse rained down by a deceased tyrant barbara's the deacon okay irrelevant detail patient people monster wouldn't have seen the fireballs for what they were [Music] so the tyrant's final fury was really just missiles fired from the field tiller after it ran from moving dumb after it was damaged in the fight with the wolf of the north it must have wandered into the ruins of old monsta and stayed there then whenever anyone me took you it would fire a ton of missiles at them until one day it finally broke down for good and the fireball stopped raining from the sky back then the people of monsta hadn't seen many ruin guards before so they came to interpret it as the tyrant's final fury you know what would be interesting is that if there was a point that dainsley was given a vision by one by like one of the gods and then at that point became playable that'd be a really interesting like arc for him it looks like we need to make a trip to storm terror's lair and comb the entire area no no need no i like this one what do you mean i think we need to make a sweep through storm tear no no we're not gonna flip the cologne no i don't think so thanks you mean oh my my remembers too we saw that abandoned ruin guard sitting atop the tower oh can't forget something like that ah right i forgot about that but it looks normal right okay then use your elemental sight to look for the eye no eyeball what did you see you can eat anything once excellent pointness bliss what's going on are you sure you did it right yes i'm on i know how to use elemental signs using elemental sight on a field tiller is of no use because it is not powered by the elements let me give it a try oh oh what's that and done whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa the very thing the abyss herald has been seeking all along the eyes of the first field tiller all of the ruined guards today are just replicas of this machine as the prototype its combat capability was unrestricted prototype doesn't know that word we may don't know that word doesn't use vision to sparkly fingers as the abyss order has surmised he doesn't have a weapon placed in the hands of the defiled statue he doesn't have a imagine imagine he's like a character that doesn't have a vision and doesn't have a weapon that would be wild he just has like high level talents or something like that it'd be a very interesting method for mihoya to take but i imagine since he's not carrying any weapon either he's like using some web magic or something to like conceal it or he'll probably be like a catalyst user and if the limbs of osama i guess overlord of the vortex are attached to the statue there you have a mechanized god and this newly born god will have the power to topple the divine thrones of celestia yes then what should we do with this eye um under the guardship of the church of evonius i don't think so add it somewhere no one will find it i'll guard it myself huh you dane you won't go and do anything crazy with it will you my soul she's audacious you may doubt me if you wish but i must ensure justice but how will mahelio make money ak-47 user dane's leave his power persuasion he's a playable character but he doesn't fight he just speaks to it just speaks to the enemies no matter where we may hide it they will find it and as for the church well you know i don't trust them oh right but our work isn't done yet to avoid any further repercussions we must also take care of that defiled statue can we let the church take care of this one no the church is not the church couldn't even protect the holy liar we can't have the church get involved let's handle it ourselves his weapon is swerved what i mean by take care of it naturally i mean to completely destroy it dainsley power could be moral support in me oh you'll still make hella money yeah dang sleeve could just be on your team but completely inactive he could be a pet you would still make money he just walks he's just being a really important cultural relic they're actually divine too so like if you pull dainsley from the gotcha system he's a five-star character but he's no no no he's a five-star he's a five-star uh equippable item so that instead of fighting he just walks with you and goes with you wherever you go there that's that who could do that and still make money well good thing we didn't tell barbara earlier otherwise she'd be going completely blockers right now do the seven rounds we'll support me to help them look after what belongs to them let's go back to those ruins and destroy the inverted statue i don't want to go back there lucky we will also run into that abyss herald i'll make sure it doesn't get away this time oop he's a five-star claim where they swing him around this is cool this archon quest because it so after all that running around we end up right back here again look at us we barely escaped statue we just need to follow the path we used to escape last time that yeah i doubt it okay let's go and remember to be on your guard okay good easy this will be perfect what's the hurry okay so that one goes back and forth oh get out of here [Applause] no no there's a chest there don't you know i can't sacrifice a chest please tell me i can go back okay good there is no such thing as leaving a chest behind thank you that is our safe place it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine come on okay no chest left behind oh you know catch the wind okay i thought i could catch myself at least jeez all right it's fine of course there's nothing in here okay pogent get out i can't get out okay great went really well looks like we're here oh he's gone gosh this is so creepy i hate this chests are non-negotiable absolutely not guy definitely did not catch the win that time an eerie light funny dark chamber i understand the evil aura you were describing earlier oh such a scary place be careful to not be overwhelmed by the power of the defiled statue the abyss herald it's here you sense correctly i'm sponsored we don't get a danes leaf trial here just as vexatious as ever james liff enemy of the abyss i sense your soul is stained by terrible bloodshed perhaps from your darkest nightmares unless oh and something far more dangerous oh you're rick of a corruption familiar to me then we are the same but dangers from outside of the abyss order must be caught and caged voices hourglass abyss herald not clickbait he gives goods wait corruption what corruption can we get that's all we get is your words forever reek of corruption time to silence you but i have to fight him myself okay what's the hurry what you brought friends illegal ow freeze maybe i should go for these first oh so sorry brain outlines your face oh freak oh freak oh freak dodge this oh frick okay you know what all of you freeze where he at come here don't get frostbite cool it rain cutter come on give me my oats give me my heart what's the hurry oh oh oh how'd he not die how'd he not die from that accident he's i'm like dying who's hungry he doesn't actually feel like a crazy amount of damage though all right you know what i take it back i take it back freeze geez okay maybe i should just use my let's go for this instead i found dish on youtube like on someone else's youtube come on frostbite someone use my stuff oh [Applause] [Music] no [Music] prince hey could that be wait he just blocked an attack against the abyss harold brother oh my gosh lumine why are you with dane uh-huh yeah why are you asking me something it doesn't matter nose dane ether we meet again what's going on here dane [Music] you shouldn't team up with this man he is my enemy ether but it must be said don't try to stop me don't try to stop the abyss ah my heart is breaking that man danesliff was the twilight sword one of the royal guards of the final dynasty of conria 500 years ago he failed to prevent the destruction of conria a curse of immortality was laid upon him to forever wander the wilderness while he watched the people he was supposed to protect turn into the monsters of the abyss you're saying dame is from kanye the same conrad that was destroyed 500 years ago and you said the people turned into monsters you're trying to tell paimon that the abyss order is not only related to conria but it's actually the people of karmia themselves and the whole thing about dane being your enemy oh i'm so confused wait i thought we already figured this out oh lumens face is so sad i didn't we already figured this out fine on like two hours ago i don't know lumen looks so sad come with me ether let's go home home yes of course is wherever we are together but i cannot go with you to the next world to find a new home at least not yet until the abyss has engulfed the thrones my war with destiny will see no end listen to me lumine i have already traveled through this world once once you reach the end of your journey as i did you will see for yourself the true nature of this world so we'll meet again though we need not rush sister i have more than enough time to wait for you [Music] we have always had enough time hey left [Applause] okay don't be too sad we'll find them again look on the bright side at least we got some really useful information oh my gosh i'm on not now yeah i was just thinking that a lot of you guys have like a lot of you guys obviously are playing as ether so seeing it flipped is probably really weird it probably is actually more sad oh my gosh really you sure at least now as well as the seven dame is also a key part of finding your sibling too right once we get to inazuma we should keep that in mind as we look for more clues that's right um by the way what they said just now is all pretty confusing did you understand it at all okay so okay okay okay okay let's talk about it so ether the lost sibling says that once we reach the end of our journey like he did we'll see the truth about this world and we'll come to the same conclusion and the abyss order is jeez gosh i don't even know what to think like is are we under some like illusion gosh okay so so there's a theory that he that the lost sibling i'll just use that term the lost sibling uh lived before the the traveler the main character and is essentially like waiting for the traveler gosh i literally i don't know what to think it's i don't i don't know how to feel i just feel sad i'm just upset that's all yeah i i mean did you hear what ether said he said the truth of this world that's something that albedo says um it's just the big boss at the end yeah like i don't know i don't know how i feel about my experience with the game with like tivat because the other twin who's lived through it previously uh has reached this conclusion to to become the prince of the abyss order so i don't know the one thing about the game is that it hasn't hidden the fact that like the gods are not perfect and not necessarily like praiseworthy especially strongly like i like shawn lee but he's definitely like has done some pretty awful things so oh well then let's go over it again okay so pinemon does want us to know what happened at least it seems like your brother is leading the abyss order even the abyss harold answers to him still we don't know for sure if he's the highest ranking leader in the organization also your brother said that he wants to engulf the thrones and go to war with destiny what the heck does that mean could it be he wants to destroy the seven and the seven nations okay next thing turns out the abyss order monsters are really what the people of conrad turned into after their nation was destroyed this story is just plain terrifying and dane is from conrad too he witnessed its destruction 500 years ago but he didn't turn into wildstar monster and now he's fighting the abyss order so that's why your brother said that dane is his enemy right but if the monsters of the abyss are the same people that dame protected all those years ago then why is he enemies with the abyss order now good question how come after all this time is literally us it turns out he's on the side of the abyss what's up with that yeah that is a good question um we have many many new questions with a few answers all right then we can't let ourselves get down about it now she's looking right at us this is weird we're usually not we're actually usually we're usually not in the perspective of the traveler but we are right here yeah i don't like this either yeah she doesn't read the room yeah what about the statue let's get a move on time to leave this terrible dark place and get back to the surface where the sun shines bright statue if your brother wants you to reach the end of your journey show him what you're made of come on traveler let's go something about this whole this whole scene is very like disturbing i feel disturbed by this take my hand traveler excellent point with chest [Music] rain outlines uh hello we're not going to do anything about this yeah we're just here to pimon said here take this chest and leave just get out of here oh i can climb it what about this upper level there's really no reason for me to investigate i know but i can't help but be curious we can't just leave this here right i guess you don't have a choice me holyoke this is so sad behold don't worry about it there's a chest right here don't worry about your troubles just take this chest okay take this take this traveling doctor's medicine pot and leave the scary upside down statue with us i'm really impressed um by this whole quest and this domain is incredible it's awful but it's really really well done so good job mihoyo all right i guess i'll just go do my commissions like nothing happened [Music] well back to regularly scheduled um programming i guess i feel so so weird just like doing normal stuff after all that anyways pokemon anyone oh this is awkward location dodge this
Channel: dish
Views: 895,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZuRESpSEwtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 41sec (5561 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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