Meeting the "Geo Daddy" of Genshin Impact

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heard that someone placed a custom order wallet ordered some fisherman's toast so deliver within 130 seconds without sprinting or being affected by any elements i don't even know if this is where i should have worked like i have absolutely no idea oh oh no what am i supposed to do just follow the path i guess what go go go wait i was i swear i pressed the space bar to fly what happened come on why isn't it here yet it's right here you ungrateful brat what what where we can pull let's go oh it's purple oh my oh nice okay i have a lot of this character we should try him out sometime look at that i got him so many times i don't even know why okay so the resin thing is because i a while ago um when i was spending resin i ran out of resin it gave me like the option to turn my resin my fractured resin into regular resin so that's why all right let's spend some resin do you guys want to do co-op oh man i want to be the luke i'm jealous i want to be dilemma oh oh [Music] why is it okay this is way quicker than solo are you kidding me i'm actually like mind blown right now it's real what's it sweet flowers will do for sugar as for salt i found a load of rock salt in a cave the other day and there's still plenty left i just can't help you she's so cute a chance to try something new hey what do you think what would you think if i added a bit of slime condensate that's i mean couldn't you add something a bit more normal there's no such thing as normal ingredients to me you can turn anything into a delicacy if you cook it in the right way i will not stand for having my creativity shackled by what ingredients i can and can't use food cook like that is destined to be boring period what's that smell it's gorgeous oh she likes the way venti smells what is she doing is she needing invisible dough what is happening right now well then show me what you got dang maybe i could give you some feedback oh my god are you gonna backseat cook her who wants to eat a roast when you can taste everything except the roast whoa whoa whoa stop arguing a culinary clash of the titans well there's only one surefire way out of a cooking dispute i declare suits me if you can't beat my cooking it'll show that giraffe was clearly wrong about you wow this is so petty i don't think brooke's going to win for geo daddy sir be careful ah another purple oh cool i don't have this character she's cute okay okay i keep forgetting that i'm supposed to put my camera top left when i'm pulling i'm sorry oh gosh oh my gosh oh nice guys why are there so many of those for geodesy did you know that you can get hottest merch around at oh my god we're gonna end up hitting the pity here we go after this this is it you guys don't waste your money on this okay it makes me feel bad okay it's purple maybe we'll have a fully leveled chongyoon it's possible maybe that'd be nice oh my god [Music] he's fully leveled uh okay i guess we're gonna do singles then purple i think razor's closed too actually a max out razor i really like razer so this is actually those were actually some really good pulls i know i didn't get geo daddy but [Music] wait wait wait wait there's spikes i read that this board was hunted to extinction because its meat was so highly prized condensate of jumbo cryo slime and extinct boar not one but two priceless treasures this is honestly like unfair we should probably get disqualified for this like how is this fair what's her name beth i don't know her i don't remember her name she's going to be cooking up like a like a basic chicken or something and we're like bring in the exotic meat brook i'm sorry brook a rare exotic meat like pineapple yeah like pie mine oh oh are you sure this is springvale they look the same see oh so he like great-great-great-great-great-grandpa of draft i can't remember which generation it was from but it was definitely on there so a great great great great grandfather but with a whole lot more greats what an unusual turn of events reunited at long last isn't that just how it is how did a story about like cooking and like doing a cooking contest turn into a story about a great great great great grandfather being preserved and frozen i win of course we won i thought i was sure to win with pork chops so fresh they were practically still grunting well honey i mean did you really think that pork chops was a good option for a cooking contest chang the ninth how are you the heavens are smiting me to pay off my debts i had no choice but to pawn off my beloved book collection every last book do you have any idea what that means wrong that was my life's work i'm sorry hey chang uh-oh you've got some nerve keeping me and my boss waiting like this i need an answer will you sell the core lapis or not perhaps you'd like to take your books with you to an early grave do you ever just wanna wow so that's how that turned out this whole passage is just extraordinary ah this guy is so annoying from now on he shall be known as okay then um guess we're getting geodaddy oh he's so cool i haven't even gotten to meet him yet in the story but i saw him in the trailer very cool i'm very excited thank you so much you guys this was not streamer luck this was a pity poll but yeah thank you solidify ah it's actually really cool it's the same as i remember oh my gosh i wasn't expecting him to sound like that that's a deep voice the dragon spine update is here i have enough for tuples listen i'm not gonna pull him the thing is right the thing is i i just use my pity i'm excited to do the main story again oh yeah i don't know who's stronger him or clee i can't i can't even tell at this point they're both so strong oh yeah has anybody tried albedo yet has anybody gotten it i like his character design how about a quick break so i can sketch this beautiful scenery what an adorable character my great undertaking oh look at that look at me well this is nice wow how sweet of them all right uh polls or start quest main quest we're gonna be doing main quests should i go to dragon spine first or should i do my quest first i don't know what to do there's so much to do okay let's do one bull and then we'll do another pull later have a plan i'm gonna spread it out oh yeah i was gonna do a pull uh don't expect anything good because we already had our pity recently so prepare for um bennett purple that's not bad what did i say i think i manifested that whoops my bad awesome wait you don't get another one from that oh you talked to his son twice okay that was a fail fishlyn oh okay thank you for telling me i'm like not okay oh perfect okay thank you wow i'm such a dweeb okey doke what would i do without you guys okay here we go oh okay welcome friend of child and congratulations on the first day of your illustrious career with the fatoui i'm down for a cook-off i understand i do please do not worry hmm the subordinate i sent was not quite so optimistic in his appraisal is somebody being uncooperative you know i would not just dream of disappointing you very spicy we shall see when the time comes i was not expecting that at all ooh i feel like i'm stealing i feel like i just dropped the bang chat told me to do it seriously looks like he belongs in persona as promised i've found someone who can help you yay we're gonna go meet john lee john lee has like the coolest voice in the game in my opinion allow me to introduce mr zhong li consultant to an organization known as wang chung and a trusted associate of the fatoui discretion shadows is watching some kind of business involving with people indeed it is as you have guessed what did you think he was some sort of hired killer i brought you to meet mr zhuang lee because because i can bring you to see rex lapis's vessel oh what traveler child has told me a lot about you since you have had dealings with the animal archon could i ask you to help me prepare the geo arkham's last rites a child says too much uh alex wise decision how pretty it is in here oh it's so pretty betting no no we're here for um what was it again go on pick whichever one you like a man who makes his living off betting on stones can't be trusted so lightly let's not be so uptight okay what do you think mr charlie you want me to decide that is fine as well if it were me the answer would be simple i'll take them all boss oh maura hmm it is as you say i suppose i overlooked this particular aspect of the transaction oh he rich rich when buying things he's rich one must always consider mora before acting then in all things one is bound by maura sounds like he's loaded ugh you ignorant shoppers always coming in here with your stupid questions golden house maiden valley weaver and fates yearning one of each to start with if you don't mind my goodness this gentleman is quite the connoisseur how does this man expect to get good business talking to his customers like that's refrain from any further attempts to contribute what this is what i get for calling pymon emergency food ah now then please peruse at your leisure pick one you don't know now that's settled a question [Music] do you have any maura on you what's up with that since these flowers will be used to glorify our lord they're free of charge just don't forget to pass on my regards thanks bolive thank you boss that's wholesome i think i speak for all of us when i say that your generosity has saved our skins our skins you were the one who was about to bring money i think john lee might have some credit card debt or something going on you smell great wow just wow well hello you found me at last i've been waiting for you what how did you know we were coming oh i heard a rumor about a couple who are snooping around town looking for a sweet-smelling lady you have extreme tastes for someone your age maybe the rumors i heard were true after all and need some sweet smelling ammunition okay this is going a little bit too far you got a problem with that um i'm gonna say it i'm gonna say it i'm gonna say you had a problem with that who let this tiger out of the cage now i need you to extract the silk flower essence using a crafting bench why are you talking to me like that uses an altogether different technique from alchemy here let me teach you very carefully take hold of the mortar and pestle gently does it you need to keep your wrist firm so your hand doesn't slip now use your strong hand to stir it with a persistent rhythm keep going until the juices start to come out i swear i swear i really don't have a dirty mind but like [Music] all right children there is no need to worry i didn't place the bell very far away i want madame ping to bake me a nice apple pie and read me a bedtime story we're going in we're going into a teapot this music youngsters this is where this old woman gives all her is interesting and the music is gorgeous this is actually really cool [Music] wow this is so cool look it's the bell we did it this is so cute indeed this is the cleansing bell there we go it's in good condition so what's the next step in our preparations hmm next we need to purchase kites well then granny sham i shall take these back with me as for the payment [Music] has her payment he says he's got no money allow me oh okay oh by the way take this bag of money you probably won't want to let john lee do the bargaining if you know what i mean hmm seems i missed out on some interesting information i suppose i'll just have to find a more opportune moment next time what what do you mean child that is very suspicious of you to say cheesy huh the reception is deserted and it seems kind of spooky in here hello is anybody there welcome to boo-boo pharmacy yay [Applause] chichi she's so cute oh there you are but you can't even reach the counter is she a zombie that one's funny too ah hyman thinks you might be right look at the talisman on her forehead welcome to booboo pharmacy i am chi-chi once upon a time chichi died then chichi was saved by the adept eye now chichi is a zombie i love this something like this would be unimaginable in monstat excuse me sir did you bring your prescription i surely no prescription is needed to purchase everlasting incense it's not a controlled substance chi chi can get your medicine but only if you show chichi your prescription these are chi chi's orders from chichi go to mount tianheung find the guizhou ballista and hunt a coco goat please and thank you i don't want to hunt to go i really like goats oh yeah that so we've got the guajiang ballista working but where's our coca goat a search using the guijang ballista revealed no significant life forms nearby save for the usual wildlife we found no trace of the cocoa goat adapted beast of which you speak no coco goat what a disappointment coco milk is tasty so tasty better than normal goat milk only an adaptive beast could make such tasty milk ah here this is the name coconut milk it's time to tell you where coconut milk comes from [Music] impossible thank you all for looking after my little chichi oh who are you might i ask who ah how rude of me i'm baiju boss of the boo-boo pharmacy the snake is so cute this little mascot is even more of a simpleton than chichi do you sell everlasting incense in this fine establishment everlasting incense why of course we do three million more top quality guaranteed i like buy zoom that's expensive though we'll just rob the golden house what are we gonna do this is the part where we go crawling back to child 20 minutes later [Laughter] [Music] coco coco he's spying oh my goodness i cannot believe you fell for that that lot is an absolute riot honestly i can't remember the last time i laughed so hard so you've been eavesdropping i hope what have i missed oh yes master child they spoke of the chi-shin taking the golden house well well well ninguang and her chi sing cronies what else would they be hiding in the golden house if not the i apologize but i warned you didn't i as the old leo was saying goes oh my goals have ears oh yeah [Music] i have not been to dragon spine yet i am going to be going very soon i just wanted to finish uh the level 29 main quest first tonight i shall take you both to an old hole in the wall praised throughout leo besides fine wine the excellent ambiance is the reason why this place is so well loved behold the glorious sights of leo harbor stretching out far and wide who the heck they say that when lady ninguan ponders important affairs she retreats to her jade chamber with none but her three closest confidants in tow i love these the rarest treasures in the land are the words brought by the paper snow for the words of the tian twin have the power to move mountains and all throughout the land know it literally gorgeous at last i have found you you who returned from jooheon cursed oh is it the person we just saw i don't know wait uh i am not with the milolith nor am i here to claim your bounty however i am an emissary of the leo achieving my name is ganyu secretary at the uahi pavilion and i have come specifically to meet you she's adorable ah i'm obsessed i have with me a letter from lady ninguang she extends a formal invitation to you in her capacity as tinchuen she invites you to her palace an official invitation wait lady ninguang said this she's modeled after a goat the bell in the horns she's a goat can i can i pull her you guys might not know this about me you might not know this about me but goats are my favorite animal you'd best be on your way now but don't forget about the right of parting once you've finished at the jade chamber meet me at dijuan marsh don't worry we won't forget marsh we'll see you there can i help you oh sucrose huh looks like timaeus isn't here today [Music] customers every character in this game is cute let's be real oh um pardon me are you looking for timaeus i'm sucrose albedo's assistant if you have any alchemy related queries you could always ask me i do my best to help no need to be here do i look nervous that's so cute my apologies i don't get out too often hey aren't you the legendary traveler the one who repelled storm terror and i don't even charge for autographs thank you albedo is the knights of favoni's chief alchemist he's also tomas and my teacher i'm afraid you'll have to go to the entrance to the pass and look for him by yourselves look out for a refined gentleman with the presence of a true scholar here we are [Music] sister rosaria so here you are choir practice is about to i've told you already i don't go in for that kind of thing i've got more important matters to attend to i thought i heard something who are you and why are you eavesdropping this is exciting [Music] well what happened there i need warmth i'll always be warm if i use clean riptide i don't exactly know what this does i just really wanted to do it so whoa there's albedo why would he hang around a place like this hmm i'm afraid the answer isn't easy to explain if you'd like to have a look at my sketch let me give you a clue nah do you have any extra organs a second heart a fourth stomach things of that nature yeah i got three gallbladders you want one i was merely considering the possibility that you were an external organ perhaps there is some invisible force connecting you uh i caught pymon with my fishing ride time for the results we got a myriad of data today and it was very difficult to finish all the research in one go but the integral preliminary conclusion that i can offer you is you're very much like a human from this world albedo what you couldn't tell that just by looking albedo pylon really wants to be your friend thank you both even if dispelling loneliness is not essential for life it certainly doesn't hurt we're friends i'm gonna go to sleep soon because i'm very tired i hope you guys get some good rest um let's go and yeah thanks right now i had a lot of fun today i hope you guys did too [Music] you
Channel: SarahKey
Views: 246,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sarahkey, keybladesarah, gaming, kingdomhearts, vlog, lifestyle, games, twitch, style, kingdom hearts, kh, kh3, nomura, genshin, genshin impact, geo daddy, zhongli, ganyu, new character, ar, adventure rank, pulls, main story, gameplay, pulling, luck, let's play, playthrough, story, quests, quest
Id: 3WrA1DMnaVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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