My Inazuma first impressions | Genshin Impact

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hey so i get a lot of comments asking when i'm going to post more gentian impact please be patient with me as i post a variety of gaming content on here not just kenshin if you ever want to catch me playing gangshin before i post these videos then you can watch me on my twitch at sarah key but also please don't spam me to play genjian if i'm playing something else thank you and enjoy the video well that's exciting okay so inazuma is live i'm a little bit nervous like i don't really know what to expect like i don't know if i don't know how big it's gonna be um it looks like it's gonna be beautiful i actually wore this sweatshirt because i felt like it matches the colors of inazuma new genshin impact characters i do want sawyu for sure i want goru really bad i don't know if he's gonna be a four star or a five star but i really really want him so um that's why i'm like not sure about playing for ayaka because i want to i kind of want to save my primos for him oh it's ready are you guys ready it's ready i'm excited maybe maybe we could pull for ayaka i don't know i think we're really really far away from pity so i'm not really sure i have not seen the ayaka trailer we can watch that in a sec it's gonna be under oh okay oh i see i'm so dumb oh my god stop wait it's gonna be huge okay maybe not huge but it's gonna be bigger than i expected this is like i like okay it's reminding me of wow it's not a primo it's reminding me of like when i first played genji and getting to just explore all the areas like it almost feels like we're playing a brand new game i can't wait ayaka is super cute okay so we can test out ayaka sometimes this this helps me decide whether or not i want to pull for a character because at the end of the day yes aesthetic is important to me but what should be more important is like you know if i enjoy playing the character so we've got like a little sprinty thing what the heck i could do it forever okay here okay are you ready are you ready for the cube are you ready yeah okay here we go sakura swirl that's cute um yeah that was really fun i i did like it but i don't know how close i am to a pity i don't want to waste my primos if i'm not close to pity i can check is he no look do you see that do you see that it's not happening can't maybe i'll think about it we still have to watch the trailer and yeah okay so should i just start exploring should i accept a quest first like how do i what do i do i'm overwhelmed what do we got here our conquest setting sale ask catherine for information on going to innozuba all right yeah cause we can't just we can't just go it's that's not gonna happen i'm like yeah i can swim there right yeah i could i could totally swim to anazuma you want me to watch the ayaka trailer okay okay okay okay yeah i haven't seen any of the ayaka trailers yet so the yahshua commission's duty is to assist shrine maidens with sacred matters and to manage distinguished artists of all she's super cute stop they know what they're doing ever since i was a child i've been studying etiquette painting and calligraphy [Music] this is gorgeous meeting a foreign envoy miss kamisado always working hard i see oh my god see they need to get an impact anime what is this ah why these are for the coming that looks like yusuke's mask in persona oh the music too when did you purchase this oh i love her she's precious yeah that was that was a really good trailer as expected always good as your honor embodied your will revealed the wielder's mind must be pure tranquil you strike this is very aesthetic [Music] this is different from any trailer they've ever put out master your blade and seize victory in a single motion too perfect to be buried these were the words of my mother i have long desired to learn the blade work of another land if i may i would like to spar with you i'm mad i'm angry because this trailer is giving me goosebumps and now i want to pull for her and i know that that's their goal oh this music is so good oh my god [Music] my lady your form is as flawless oh heck yeah it seems i still have room to improve tomah looks cool too though tell somebody good care before the traveler arrives spar with me some more as you wish my lady i do not know the traveler's skill with a blade i'm so mad so so wait somebody said budget child what do you want to come fish fasting with me i'll get grounded for a whole day but it's way worth it because the fish tastes so i love clee so much so much she's my my mane i play her the most my favorite is gone you character wise but clea is my favorite to play but oh my gosh having clee say that phrase over and over again sometimes sometimes i i gotta switch wanna go fish blasting with me i'm like oh not right now honey add astra abasas what can i do for you traveler i can't unhear add extra applesauce there you are you're the traveler that beto will be taking to inazuma right i've been waiting all day oh is that right well it's an honor to meet you the fleet is nearly completed reprovisioning once the crews have taken a head count we can get underway captain beto sent me to come get you until we meet again ad astra abyssk add astra abasas catherine oh it's kind of hard to say goodbye now we practically see each other every day hold on a second does that mean there's gonna be a different character so there's another catherine and nina zuma see there's no need to get all sappy now okay because i i used to always be so confused as to how catherine could be in two places at once so they're different catharines well i guess it's time for you to bid farewell to lee ua harbor now that i've delivered my message i'll be heading back the ship is currently anchored off of gullion stone forest okay thanks for coming all this way to let us know that's so funny how like self-aware the game is that it would be like oh you're gonna meet another catherine yeah like nurse joy yeah that makes sense that's so funny first i have to steal the vegetables very important ah you finally made it yeah and i'm excited all these years come rain or storm the crux fleet has never suffered a delay if it were anyone else i might have set sail already apologies captain don't look too serious i'm only joking you're just on time the crew have just finished making final preparations well now that everyone's here we set sail for the land engulfed by storm and tempest the nation of eternity this is so exciting beto is so cool oh this is epic i can't wait to hear the soundtrack in inazuma oh my gosh after braving the raging thunderstorm the alcor finally comes into port oh it's so pretty oh my goodness [Music] oh hey i didn't know we were going to see him this soon oh hi there oh i already love tomah so you finally made it you sure kept me waiting captain and it appears we have a couple of stowaways or perhaps i should say honored yes you can blame your almighty shogun nice to meet you thomas oh it's sure nice to hear you say that with any luck it'll give you a head start here thomas resided on rito for quite some time now i wouldn't be going too far to say he's the fixer around these parts if you run into any problems here just talk to tomah but if he tries to pull any moves on you i'll be sure to deal with him personally the next time i'm around no need to worry i'm sure we'll get along just fine he seems nice then if it's all settled i'll be going i wouldn't want to be caught with my sails down here i do have a wanted fugitive on board after all oh right kazua until next time traveler remember to give it your all no matter what perilous storms you may encounter we got this captain bye-bye look at the sky it's so pretty i just want to sleep that's so cute can i just run off and explore sorry i'm outie i just want to explore hey stop who is there oh it's someone from the kanjo commission we've been caught no is that a travel permit you cannot enter or leave okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry we are here to trade wine and ore we are here to find my brother i feel like we should be honest oh well i'm sorry we cannot approve entry for purely personal reasons so unless you have a valid reason for visiting in accordance with the rules um uh my apologies but i'll have to ask you to here are their entry papers for your kind perusal what take your time no brush or anything i just wanted to see what you'd say sorry about that i see okay your papers are all in order welcome dorito so where do we go next the outlander affairs agency they only check entry permits here if you want to remain on retail there's a process you have to go through with them [Music] okay the processing fee will be two million more are you serious i think 600 mora should cover it if i'm paying on their behalf 600 how does that sound that's like a huge barking the difference down but all right then as you wish mr toma i will make a record much obliged what how did he get it down that low the residency application is processed smoothly at the outlander affairs agency i have a lot of maura because i never spend my maura but still but she went from 2 million down to 600. there's something seriously wrong with people's sense of finance around here oh like jean-lee reminds me of someone else's strange relationship with maura it's not as mind-boggling as you think a processing fee is just a figure of speech the way some here at the agency see it the fees are easy money so it becomes a question of how much they can make that's blatant oppression against outland yes but when you're an outlander in inazuma far from home in this closed nation era there's very little that can be done about it that's how the international trade association came about essentially it's an association devoted to both commercial excellence and survival skills the ride in shogun feels further away than ever sounds like just staying alive is an achievement when you're an outlander in inazuma okay i'll give it to you straight i know of a way to introduce you to the ryden shogun okay really wow the reno fixer is better connected than we thought in fact there's no real cost as such it's just that if this is something you really want you'll have to agree to help other people solve some of their problems first i like to do things in a way that keeps everybody happy it's my own personal rule for dealing with situations like this he's so sweet sounds very reasonable to pinea i want to go meet ayaka oh like look at the trees over there it's so beautiful i don't think i recognize you are you newer rivals you don't recognize me but i'm the fixer around these parts very funny real fixers don't need to refer to themselves that way oh i wasn't born yesterday you know whatever werner is it just me or does the game look prettier like like i feel like the depth of field is stronger or something maybe the models look a little bit sharper i don't know it looks really good you're going to have to help us help you well by all means tell me what you need i'll help as much as i can getting you to go fixing things when you've only just arrived is quite a demand what do you know about werner oh that guy i'm familiar he used to be a bit of a sorry sight selling shells that he collect on the beach just to get by but he seems to have suddenly shot up in the world recently i can only assume he must have found himself a patron after leaving the international trade association so he left the association and turned his back on them i'm sure it's more nuanced than that i believe even the most ungrateful and cold-hearted of people still have some amount of gratitude and warmth left in them somewhere he's so precious i love him what are you doing back here just because i got plenty of time on my hands doesn't mean i want to waste any of it talking to you dang okay oh uh let's say a dandelion wine would sure be a nice on it yeah let's do that monster yeah you were talking about monsta yeah i'm talking about monsta i know you like monster me the anime i do it every time may the animo archon protect you my hometown the home of freedom how i long to go back and visit come get a drink with your friends who needs something i can't show my face there ah come on you scaredy cat look you messed up but now it's time to make things right so come on get it off your chest what's the deal here it's a scheme by the tax collection ashigaru kejiro and his companions they start by overtaxing the merchants then take the extra crystal marrow they receive and stockpile it k-jero it's him after him it's not like i'll get any customers did you like how i was inching up like that what could he be doing at a place like this whoa it's a letter boring time and that he'd hid in a big pile of maura here oh yes the real reason paimon came along yeah so that's it my shop's been closed for weeks now i've even had to ask my friends to help bail me out harrison is lost angry come on harrison we've already struck a good camera angles i'm sick of being pushed around like this i won't let him off so easily gentlemen gentlemen come now tell is here to save the day for this if there's a dispute to resolve let's get a drink and talk it over who are you supposed to be and why in my right mind would i join you for a drink you never heard of the fixer context pie mine contact that's my card huh you're from the yashiro commission well this is kanjo commissioned territory however powerful the yashiro commission may be you have no business meddling in rito's affairs of course not of course not still perhaps you could show the young what what just happened okay that's wait that's ayaka wait that's ayaka's fan right let's get dinner one day soon gentlemen my treat i love thomas so much no response huh i suppose that bridge is well and truly burned then i have one goal here to meet the ryden shogun yes of course i completely understand and has agreed i shall help set that up for you oh we should help thomas thomas sure didn't put up much of a fight i feel bad well my work on rito is done so i suppose this is goodbye for now oh uh one more thing this invitation letter is for you when you get to narukami island you can find me at the komori tea house as per the letter time to run some errands again excellent well then you must know the ching shin yeah a flower grows on the mountain tops of leeway of course we've picked a few of those before so uh you want us to go back to leo yes bring me three hundred yeah would you personally pick diamond absolutely not terribly sorry we're just a little short on people lately what sort of an explanation is that who's that traveler what are we going to do should we really help this guy hmm wait what i'll consider it that's the spirit don't keep me waiting too long now what's going on dear traveler with that i could convey this message to you in person i apologize for the hasty means by which this letter has come to you and i hope that it hasn't left you feeling perplexed or perturbed in any way this is my first time extending an invitation to an unknown outlander after all it is no mere coincidence that our paths have crossed therefore i hope that you would be so courteous as to meet me tonight under the glow of resplendent moonlight please do not fret about retainers and bodyguards i will ensure that their attention shall be elsewhere i look forward to the pleasure of your company's so this means she wants you to secretly meet her at night sweet you didn't seem surprised at all by this what's going on we shared a glance you been up to something behind pymon's back [Music] let's ask her tonight and see what she has to say [Music] let's play i honestly i don't all people get around without venti because uh i don't think i'd be able to figure some of this stuff out brace yourself oh that's so cool looking electrocutes that's what i thought it would be it only makes sense i am hiragi chisato this is technically the second time we have met it's a pleasure to see you again wow she's the daughter of the hierarchy clan all right i'm delighted to see you again no need to be so formal i've long marveled at your accomplishments and at last we have the chance to meet i'm so sleepy today i'm so sorry ah i should like to ask for your help with delivering a letter okay i'm leaving like father like daughter couldn't you be more original no you misunderstand me please allah i was hoping that you could give her a letter to narukami island in my stead it is to be given to kujo kamiji of the tenrio commission my father has always forbidden me from communicating with him he knows that there are prospects for my marriage that would better serve him politically but my heart is with kamaji paymon gets the whole picture now of course in doing so i will also do everything in my power to help you leave rito that is my promise hmm sounds like a reasonable deal hold on please these goods are being sent to watatsumi island my lady this is an unexpected honor uh you are correct these goods have been repeatedly requested by the kanjo commissioner we must be certain that they reach watatsumi island intact is there something wrong lady hiragi no as you were my father simply has some concerns of the shipment safety and has ordered that myself and an additional qualified escort be dispatched to ensure safe transport of the goods i'm out of here my lady please stay back we'll handle it not as well as we'll handle it true right get out of here oh my god i have the aim of a potato that was intense i'm perfectly all right you may stop here the road to narukami island is just over there in my letter i've requested cometchy to grant you a special travel permit from the tenrio commission consider it a token of my appreciation thank you to sodom a lady so that's how it is i i had a feeling something was amiss but shinojo you no lady hiragi would never hide anything from us i'm sure of it but who is this kamachi you speak of my life i'm not afraid to say that he's the one i love oh why you love shinojo did you honestly think but what will happen if your actions here are discovered don't fret my father has always been one to spoil me the worst he'd do is sentence me to half a day without food or something to that effect huh half a day without food could have a soft side that's that that is abuse um wish you a safe journey i'm sure we will meet again [Music] come now quit your staring and let's get moving we've got goods to shift oh he's heartbroken [Music] i suppose it's time we find tomah now where did he say he would meet us again i love you come on tea house these fox statues are so cute oh my oh it's so pretty i love this the music is nice [Music] i wonder how you get up there brace yourself oh it's over there okay let's play nice look how beautiful ah new enemies let's get down to business let's get down to business to defeat the huns all hail this is a cool enemy to the fairy next on the agenda they're so cute they're so cute hello fox he's like i'm not here you don't see me wow look how beautiful and colorful and ah we made it beautiful [Music] oh my god it's so pretty water from hot springs [Music] look at that [Music] that's so cute oh that's so cute ah it's so precious well now that we're here where's toma oh hyman doesn't see do you think him forgot his promise to meet us ah it's the shop that's run by a dog who forgot their promise i was beginning to think you'd forgotten about me what is that dog talking to us is he a dog relax no need to look so surprised i take it this is the first time you've seen me in this form so you're a dog so you didn't see anything like this when you were in leo harbor ah now that you mention it this does suddenly seem less out of the ordinary i know a dog when i see one [Laughter] all right all right i've had my fun i actually believed it i really thought he was a dog somehow i'm a little bit disappointed [Music] you
Channel: SarahKey
Views: 60,286
Rating: 4.9437118 out of 5
Keywords: sarahkey, keybladesarah, gaming, kingdomhearts, vlog, lifestyle, games, twitch, style, kingdom hearts, kh, kh3, kh2, square enix, square, nomura, animal crossing, ac, acnh, nintendo, nintendo direct, reaction, genshin, genshin impact, playthrough, let's play, walkthrough, video games, inazuma, ayaka, tohma, japan, jrpg, chinese, game, free, mobile, explore, exploration, exploring
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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