The free game that stole my wallet: Genshin Impact

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and this mascot what's the deal with it [Music] we're friends we've only been hey everyone first of all thank you so so much for a hundred thousand views on my first gadget impact video i was not expecting that at all it's pretty wild second of all i wanted to thank you guys for the title idea very clever enjoy the video puppy come here yeah come on good boy oh i just love when you come down here to say hi it makes me so happy all right i'm gonna just play with mouse and keyboard today i don't want my controller to to crash my stream again so oh maybe i could do a pull oh ah sorry guys do you think i can do a pull already i don't know who to pull for though here's the thing right i really want to luke but i also remembered how good venti's like wind attack thing is so i don't know who i don't know who to pull from oh only 176. i am close i am very close so the last time i played this i my computer crashed so i was in the middle of something i'm sorry to rain on your parade but your gang won't be participating in your current plan if you'd like to ask why you can go see them in monster i just like how kaya enters like that even though he's in my party or perhaps like but to join them permanently he wants to see your treasure kai's been here a thief has no right to criticize the methods of the knights of wait what are you you're not gonna get me okay oh god what is this i didn't mean it wait wait wait wait we're you're almost [Music] dead okay it's weird fighting in a hallway i don't really like embarrassing leave it to me all of it whatever it is oh i just reached level nine exactly wait how did i do that i don't even know how i'm doing these things um i need to give them better weapons like honestly and then maybe oh these look like yeah it's like a buster sword that's freaking cool when i give her this because that looks cute with her outfit and then let's enhance it [Music] he's strong how come you guys don't like better oh ow hey traveler i've been looking for you everywhere how's that wind glider i gave you seems like it's really growing on you but then again you don't have a gliding license do you a gliding license hmm what's that isn't it obvious you guys so we're illegally gliding illegally glide in monsta oh but we've been gliding for years now this is the first we've heard about it today i'm here as an examiner to oversee your official gliding exam after amber leaves you begin to read the gliding instruction manual with pineapple when the first wisp of wind brushed across the land this is cool what birds that yearned for the sky had wings they threw themselves off the cliff and flap their wings amongst the howling winds until they were able to fly freely in the sky to the animal god they went to gleefully say we understand now all we needed was a stronger wind to fly wish me luck yay much better party except kya what is going on why i wish i had another ice character so bad i don't see amber where i'm i'm here where is she oh it must have something to do with this oh i see her whoops how do you expect maybe i need to use my q i'm lucky i had my q because if i didn't then great you're here did you have a good read-through of the gliding manual got all the rules down ugh the gliding manual is super dry i couldn't get into it at all don't tell gene though really hmm pymon thought there were some pretty cool stories in the gliding manual uh what let me take a look oh shoot this is the storybook i used to read as a kid oops sorry i put both books in the same pile and must have grabbed the wrong one when i was leaving how in the heck do you confuse a bedtime story with an instruction manual uh this is so embarrassing okay then you just need to follow the marked route to the finish i'm ready let's do it whoa this is fun wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i don't really know what the ah i need a redo i didn't see any more rings i only saw those ones oops sorry you gotta focus if you wanna cool okay let's have a pay better i see i see now okay i i feel like i needed to go through them though wow no oh i get it okay so actually going through the rings makes you higher and faster see i'm afraid to drop like no are you supposed to make it through each hoop is that is that a thing am i i'm i'm supposed to make it through each and every one oh the gold ones okay yes you nailed it but it's no surprise given the way you handle your glider in a storm the next part of the exam is in monstat see you there don't keep me waiting why do i struggle so much with that [Music] god that sounds like orchestra in middle school this game has tremendous value i know i can't believe it's free it's so mind-blowing to me like yay i got you gotcha gotcha whatever you don't need to do the gotcha i mean you probably should at least do your like you know the free pulls that you can have like when you have enough but you don't got to pay money that's fine i'm all set up let's carry on with the exam same deal as before glide through the markers and get to the finish without stopping in the middle [Music] anything tonight hey i messed up i messed up really bad wait why does it do that [Music] [Music] give me my license now let's do the final stage why easy you've flown this way before anyway my god this reminds me of the spyro flying levels you know know what i mean winborn traveler you are required to land at once by the order of the knights of fibonius i am otto of the knights of fevonius you can go otto what's going on it is against the law to glide without a license i am arresting you under section 7 article 12 of the monstat penal code excuse me that was my driving test you're gonna you're gonna arrest somebody who's doing their driving test you have the right to remain silent wait i'm an instructor this is a gliding exam oh i see well you picked a bad time to hold your gliding exam really what the knights of fivonius received a report from a sister at the cathedral claiming she saw raptor gliding around these parts i thought your student here must have been his partner in crime so far we haven't managed to catch him our plan this time was to draw him into the cathedral with a precious artifact and ambush him inside leave it to me with us chasing him down together he doesn't stand a chance once we've got this raptor guy we'll pick up where we left off but no need to worry i'll be sure to have a word with gene halt you're under arrest where's your gliding license where is it i just want to collect everything give me all of it what that's the biggest radish i've ever seen awesome i'm almost to adventure level 10. adventure rank whatever really close heck yeah a strip of cloth with an animal oh that's actually really good oh girl yeah get it girl what the heck thank goodness the knights of fivonius have arrived wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no no no wait if we're gonna do this we'll have to glide and defeat them in one fell swoop you still had one stage to go in your exam yeah but what's that gotta do with anything how about we make this the third and final stage of your gliding exam it's a custom version of the exam designed by yours truly so use the nearby wind currents to keep yourself afloat while evading enemy attacks while gliding you can drop bombs oh oh okay i didn't get all of them over here did i oh my god i don't know i felt like i was missing some back there oops nice you breezed through it can't i can't get this one it's so annoying oh finally that was so weird it kept respawning i don't know why oh over there if you insist on chasing me so be it huh who brought the little girl i don't need to escape there's no way you can make it over here raptor says i'll never make it but if you listen carefully the wind the wind says i will make it and that's good enough for me same i'm gonna go outside and fly because the wind says i will be able to do it what do you expect me to do i won't let you down amber no you're gonna fall you're crazy kid you must have known about the wind current there's no way you would have jumped otherwise the wind takes care of those who have courage now sit still and await your arrest like a good what are you trying to do oh you're going down raptor all right they kind of suck oh nice treasure she just can't sit still can she guess that's why she's the outrider i'm rank 10 whoa yay i can i can continue the main story amazing i want to do a poll like real bad like i am just the two of us we can make it if we try are you guys ready for a pull i keep watch you leave you call me oh i love him wait is that jesse mccartney who's that was that just him mccartney happy halloween what is wrong okay well it's time for a pull are you guys ready we're gonna do the the venti one and then we're gonna do the luke one so all right here we go i've never seen a pool before oh wow a night i'm stupid oh oh man trash that wasn't even a boat it's a slingshot listen don't rub it in just give me one character dude what a nerd i already have her but at least i can use that to level her up man i already have her all right here we go here we go here we go here we go they call give me the luke give me the luke oh it's razer again i already have him stop giving me characters i have shut up congratulations here's your gliding license you're officially illegal now probably don't do that oh no seth thank you for the twenty dollars i appreciate it well great looks like we're going to do some pulls for de luke but like honestly though tell me how [Music] how in the world is um one pole fifteen 15 that's ridiculous that's a that's a bit much i want to luke look how cool he looks i'm gonna do to luke i think he looks cool as heck an all weapon pull all weapon and books no no i was kidding i was kidding you weren't supposed to actually hire a chance to get to luke off of venti's banner wait really wait you can get to luke from venti's banner oh i'm dumb i guess i'll start playing for venti then i guess i should have done that i didn't know you could get delucramentes my bad sorry [Music] do not he's not as beautiful as yuri andrew but let's go dilute don't do not it makes me feel bad i feel bad because you're contributing to something that's so empty it makes me feel bad but if it's content for you guys if you're enjoying it then i i you know i deliver but i feel bad oh my god quality content okay you guys are so naughty blitz thanks thanks for the five dollars what the heck oh it gives you bonus that's how they get you it doesn't like it doesn't like me using the the cards more than one um yeah i don't know what to do because it might be picking it up as like like spam you know before oh it's free on mobile okay i'll just do that let's try that but because it's cr it's cross platform right i can i can do it like that okay that might be the solution i think that might be the solution and that way i don't have to keep like hiding my screen too [Music] [Music] okay it's gonna download do you know anything about we might have found the solution thanks guys hey it's venti oh it's beautiful the windborne bard strummed his strings dolce this is so cute holy liar answered his quest what the heck dragons but a child full of wonder and soared the heavens free from care the bard's sons invited him to sing along as a vile dragon approached monsta over the cathedral loomed death in his friends of the people's agony the bards soon sang the soaring dragon heeded his grave it's the windstorms blood of venom sent the skydragon into slumber only to awake to be expelled in abhor why do people in this age loathe me so but the holy liar replied no more the dragon's curse sprawled in silence but the liar could no longer see his cries wait you guys are green fellow you're the ones that scared the ball and playing [Music] who's that huh oh right most people seem to call him storm terror why do you call him that are you too meant to be close or something oh so close hey so pymon thinks this guy has a screw loose ah that's not nice oh isn't this what the crystal has been purified when it's the anguish he feels has brought him to tears tears the ball he was once such a gentle child now so full of rage and suffering i also came across a teardrop crystal can you purify it [Music] that's beautiful i like fenty what do you make of that as far as he's concerned you're a weirdo too you know know what coming from pie mine is here familiar oh wow this is cool on mobile what the heck and the fact that it's cross platform this is so cool well we should be good now finally we could do our pulls before i get off i i don't know why it was so complicated but i just need to make sure i check that it didn't overcharge me after stream because that would suck the workaround was real for that do it okay i don't think it did stop how many polls are you trying to make me do i'm gonna have to cut you off after that one no more i have to get off soon all the weapons give me character oh another barbara that's okay i like barbara i mean i'm let's let's buff her up i don't know who that is but she cute she cute as heck she's asked here yes sweep okay we got another one of that it's okay to get duplicates fine we're not skipping it i like this scene barbara that is a oh that's a good weapon okay we got a good weapon very nice very nice here we go again i feel so weird doing this i don't normally do things like this okay how many times the likelihood of those characters must be really high i can only do like one more after this maybe two yeah i think just one it's a five star it's a five star she's so cute oh heck well that's satisfying i hope i hope that those of you who donated are at least satisfied by getting a couple of good pulls i keep getting wings together a lot oh my god well that's exciting that's my first five star oh my god how adorable that's the best healer in the game that's awesome i'm so excited i think you can only do one more yeah all right here we go [Music] i got another official pretty cool okay at least i got a five star i kind of wanted to get venti or my man to luke i want to good good pulse good pose thank you guys so much for donating i feel so bad it's like i'm like ah but thank you i hope i hope that was entertaining at least let's go try these characters out a little bit before i get off i'm excited jonathan and i are gonna get what a burger and play crash bandicoot it's gonna be really fun yeah when i'm not streaming i play video games i've i pretty much like i think i don't i don't know what percentage of my life i'm playing games but it's pretty high hi venti i didn't pull you but hi i speak of the god of animal barbados he already disappeared from monsted a long time ago leela and inazuma's respective gods of geo and electro are still present but monstat has seen many a moon since they last saw their own god why do you wish to know about the god of animal does it have something to do with divalent oh uh it's because gods just how is it that everyone sees storm terror i'm quite curious that said there's no need to rush i have not been back in a while it seems there are a few who are unhappy with my arrival i know she's a healer but and she does ice stuff [Music] um i forgot to give fishel a better weapon oh it's rain oh sweet who's better razer official i really like how in this game like you know you have to kind of try and utilize all your characters i really like that i mean i'm not the best at it i like it ouch [Music] seems the dragon wasn't the only thing affected by this change in the wind now then you were saying someone had told you about the dragon is that so quite the scholar i must say that lisa she's not wrong the conflict has reached this point only because both sides have resorted to the use of force his hate however did not arise from the people not making tribute to the four winds being here with you beneath this great tree feels like when the tear was purified earlier like the poison is leaving my body how pretty that looks feels much better so how exactly did you get poisoned ah that would be because i tried to communicate with divalen earlier but was interrupted as a result not only did i not manage to help divalen break his curse but instead was also infected myself oops yes it was you i'm sorry another sword another sword heck yeah give me all the weapons you
Channel: SarahKey
Views: 379,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sarahkey, keybladesarah, gaming, kingdomhearts, vlog, lifestyle, games, twitch, style, kingdom hearts, kh, kh2, square enix, square, nomura, nintendo, nintendo direct, reaction, genshin, genshin impact, free game, free, gacha, money, pulls, 5 star, five star, qiqi, venti, diluc, klee
Id: a1y7jXXUJBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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