Estate Clean Out Haul - What Did We Get?

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all righty welcome back to the channel welcome back to the video I still have that treadmill in there that's gonna come out when I got a scrapyard but empty in here for now I have a subscriber actually contacted me said they were moving and they have a bunch of stuff to try and get rid of given the circumstances everything going on I know it's very difficult to kind of get rid of stuff you can't donate and a lot of trash companies just aren't picking up stuff so if you're moving you might be in trouble here so I'm going to try to help them out and get some of the stuff out of their house they did say I can take a bunch of stuff and some furniture so we'll see what we get join me on another house cleaning adventure I don't know if I'll be doing too much too much filming there so whatever I get I'll just show a recap at the end can I switch it up a little bit and let's make it a good one let's do it it's gonna rain here shortly so just kind of show this briefly but this is all the stuff I don't know how much is stuff in my show but there's a lot here there's you know a bunch of smalls glasses might be a little tape of some sort or maybe I don't know but there's a lot here as you can see it's pretty much I'd say halfway full this is probably about maybe happen yeah I say close to about how much I'd bring to the flea market on a given day unfortunately flea markets are closed still because this would have been awesome just to kind of go there tomorrow and take everything out but we'll do a little bit of separating here shortly hopefully once this rain passes over all right so we got going on it's day two I got a whole setup over here let's say I took out the metal metal rack but this is all the stuff that's inside lots of stuff as you see there's a lot in here obviously I don't think I'm gonna be able to go through all of it someone to stop it might just kind of briefly go through because I know I think a lot of people are interested in certain things that's something like I think the majority of this is actually clear mason jars holly the lady who gave me all this stuff is subscriber and she did a lot of canning she said so fortunately I think canning is definitely going to coming around this year it's just a matter if we can get up to the market or not and I think canning jars will definitely sell I've always stayed away from clear jars because they're like a hit or miss but I'm fairly very confident this year it's gonna be a lot different and someone out there is gonna be able to use them so I'm very grateful for that but I did make a little little space you guys see over here this is kind of space that have in my spare spare building you guys can probably tell these these dressers came out in the trash that toilet paper came out the storage unit those boxes you guys might remember what that box is all about we have another dresser down here but I made all this space right here in the middle for this entire bunch of inventory that we are going to get adding on today I still have the kids desk roll top desk that's I think the Victoria Victoria and then more and more boxes of those prints so I did make space in this building it's kind of refined running out of space but usually I keep this just for my lawn mower however I'm gonna be using it so often when I just keep it out I'll try and go from there alright so like I said there's probably gonna be a lot of mason jars I believe these all are clear mason jars she did do a loft canning just off the bat we have a box it's kind of windy in here I have you inside so I don't know if the winds picking up on camera okay I'm table forward there's a tab there we go box here it looks like one of those roaster bucks it's exactly what it is not roaster box a roaster pan this one speckled front this one just like this one is also speckled front here's a drill bit of 5/8 drill bit make sure things so here's just another one those looks like a whole bunch of adapters sharp bite plumbing solution I move the table up a little more there we go so you got a bunch of these which I have quite a collection myself this is a brass key ball valve I haven't shown up I have quite the collection of plumbing stuff myself and the one thing I absolutely hate doing is going out and buying it this I think is for pipe cutting or pipe fitting free to tread or uh it's not going to take I'm putting this aside cuz I probably can use that one of the few things I do in this business is that I keep stuff for myself and I've learned through the past couple of years you gotta keep stuff how you think you're gonna use starting off with the mason jars anything so these look like the harvest ones I believe that's what they're called they're ball these are actually older ones they don't have the registered trademark on them they are blue but they are the older ones in terms of they're not from the last ten or fifteen or twenty years believe if they stay added the the registered trademark in the 70s don't quote me on that but yes great collection here of jars this one has not reports heat on it this one is a curve or a care ke or our jar once in a while you come across also I think one brand is called root it's a little bit different than the typical ball jar that you all that you always see we also have she had this right next to her scrap pile we have three insulators this one is a Hemingway this one is kind of a different one I've yet to find a Pyrex insulator I do know they do exist this one I can't find a name on it this one's also probably Hemingway or hemming rash saying it is there's a couple other ones I think there's I think it's called white stone is maybe one that's pretty common something a little bit different than usual a hanging star it looks like wolf painted printed the glass and orange it's actually really really nice so I keep getting a box this is something like if I had decoration like this in my house this would definitely be a keeper but I do not I'm trying to think about where I would hang this this would probably look great in the sunlight I would say but very very cool star there's gonna be a lot of his books these are very simple books Atlas books do any of these even show up on camera maybe I'll have to find a new space cuz it's some lights kind of an issue but we have yeah I see alright okay we have a bunch of Atlas books in here as well as encyclopedia of organic gardening all right here we got a whole box of mystery items everything is wrapped the only thing of sigh at the flea market when everything's wrapped so I'll probably have to unwrap everything and then just save the paper I don't know if that winds picking up on camera I could feel my shirt is rippling as well as this stuff on camera is rippling oh I think having things wrapped like this when you bring to a flea market or a yard sale as people are going to want to unwrap it a lot of people also aren't going to on wrap it they might pick up one or two things that do you know there's thinking oh what's inside they find one or two things it's not interesting then so you might miss out on a couple good things so I probably will unwrap everything in here and Branton flea market and keep this if somebody wants to wrap at the flea market themselves we have what looks like a little glass cup here [Applause] here looks like a lid to something it's actually really nice kind of an amber yellow most likely this actually really heavy weight so it's of high quality this is probably vintage I would assume it's not like a made in China reproduction one which you'd find out maybe dollar tree or Dollar General but I believe it is for a tea light candle go ahead put this aside because you know what I might want to keep that myself rooster in your ceramic a lot of rooster collectors out there chickens and roosters we have a handful of other smaller cups this one was wrapped also I think a candle holder that one smaller ones more glassware kind like a shot glass candle holder what appears a lot of this stuff is this is Anchor Hocking company made in USA in your blue it's actually gorgeous blue colors a couple of these I don't know if these would be more for candles you can pry use it for a lot of different things [Applause] this is for I think your pillar of candles surely is a lot of glass one in here very all right here we go something a little different little pottery guess you can even call it a hand spun pottery most likely done in a pottery class with a pretty nice glazing look to it very very cool it's kind like a handle mug Cup very nice I think it's really nice this is me you might sell for a couple dollars three to five bucks I would say this more of like a Lambertville piece I think my flea market it's more of a practical usefully market or antique flea market not really a designer flea market in terms of crafting or something right this is awesome check out this bowl I thought nice that is got a bunch of little hand prints on it as well this is gorgeous dad I'm gonna put aside some pride gonna want to keep that this is gonna be a problem if I started keeping things but I'll debate about that stuff and first her take also another gorgeous piece pottery very nice colors as well so unfortunate I can't keep all this I'm not gonna go through every single piece in this van this video would probably be like three hours long if I did so you got some more frosted glass but you can see what the general gist of this box is is there a lot of glassware candleholders some small pottery pieces it's not coming to me this I think is for like one of those candle trees so like one of the inserts for it very impossible so I'm gonna go through this I didn't want to show this because I was wondering if anyone knew what this was I was thinking for maybe a paper towel holder but it looks like a flyer for like wet washcloths you put it like that and you hang your washcloth on that if you're using that to wash dishes or even maybe in your bathroom if you have a light washcloth so very very cool box here and um stuff as well very large print very neat these are sometimes they sell but like I said it a couple times a lot of people like to buy them just to kind of repurpose them and do their own crafting on top it's also kind of cheaper like to buy this stuff at a flea market or a yard sale and just paint over it and if you want to practice your own painting that works as well it's much cheaper than buying it you know from the store you know for the canvas or whatever might be we do have a couple things of your decoration so we have this piece which is very nice for your plants why is everything now focus in nobody I don't know if they even showed hey there you go very nice and your bluish copper cutted copper coated kind of color you know like if copper gets old with with aged a kind turns this teal green color some galvanized as well another piece of galvanized you have a kart grill cover for your barbecue grill this one said odd dishes and glasses so probably run through this pretty quickly if it's with this same consistent category it is but we have this very cool wooden car I like that that's probably handmade I know James and Jess who are one of my biggest antique buyers they bought one of those off me before check what's in this box so yes it looks like a bunch of odd dishes and glasses there you go do vow I don't know if that might be a name or a place wine glass stuff that they're all sirs [Applause] it's actually really nice bun light I don't dream but light and all my neighbors drink Miller Lite but they drained Bud Light I would definitely give them this actually a really nice bug light glass really nice glass it's like a square the more modern look throw it on the old man cave in the basement just kidding I don't have a man cave in my basement as people for I've seen its in some rough shape we got a really nice place here looks like a bunch of as well very similar patterns on it so we won't go through the rest of it what check it out later all right so this is all the stuff I still have left to go through we'll probably go through recognize four more boxes and you know I'm will actually make this into two part video just thinking like this is what be a very very long yeah if I show every box I know some people I know I've done these kind videos in the past and people really love them but a lot of you will say that they wish I would have went slower and they wish I wouldn't went through everything so although I probably won't go slower because this would still take me like four or five hours I will try to get through almost everything we do have a nice piece of well that's all right lights went off nice piece of I believe this is depression-era this is your waterfall design waterfall furniture and I think this is the end table or the side table I figured this would be a great project piece if somebody wants to work on it I know waterfall around here is its hit or miss it's like one of the things that's it's in style like every five years and that goes out of style there is not too long ago actually the auction I met Larry yet there's a whole bedroom set and I think queen-sized very very nice shape and no one no one decided to bid on it so you know it goes in and now style I know a lot of people in the south have also said and left comments that waterfall is really really hot so it's all it depends on where you live but I think somebody might want to work on this as a project piece and we take off the veneer and we stand it or you know in some cases around here everyone likes to paint furniture white so it got this nice piece here and will continue to go through about I don't know three or four other boxes see what's in this box nice assortment of random things as well he's always good do some these are sash brats it all sorts of stuff got a thermos these are actually great don't know what it really does to your let school in terms of you don't really want to overpower your electrical but these all these are great and they sell pretty quickly at the fleet looking for like a dollar I don't know if they really cause at the story just cheese grater here we go we got some more some more bits don't go with mine here we go oh there you go here's your Spade bits the rest up so I don't know what I haven't turned my own tools so that's why my look for that this might be for bottles or a gun coming Kappa Rattus this one's got some weight [Applause] oh that's gorgeous it's a frog and I don't know if I'm stone it is that's very very nice camera doesn't I'm kind of like looking at the camera trying to see if you guys can see the colors Wow there's me yeah I feel like it wasn't showing the colors before since this camera is kind of weird in a way that's angled but very very nice frog there that I might keep that I just I know I got to take out of the wrapping it's a nice old angel it looks like and cast iron let's try it like a white background probably can't see everything maybe I'll move the box that are right do not really do much but a very very nice cast iron angel it's like a piggy bank and a puffer fish [Applause] some more pottery now I'm curious I know there are probably people that are curious right now like where can you buy this stuff on my eBay store work my work can you possibly purchase something stuff right now as long as I'm still doing eBay full time and YouTube's full time and flea market full times long as I'm doing all these different avenues I unfortunately cannot make these sales online if you guys know me at the flea market in your regular I've no problem if you come up to me me like hey look you know do you still have this I probably know where it is and I have no problem making a sale if you guys are interested in something like that I might in the future I talked a little bit about this I know that video did not get many views but I might in the future end up making private sales if I end up quitting doing eBay and that only be for Iams I can fit in a flat rate box or smaller so keep that in mind by the time I get to this stuff for the flea market whenever I might because I'm putting this in my reserved area I might even be able to make these sales but as of right now I give this comment every single day at least 10 to 15 comments and messages about where can i buy this stuff what's your eBay store so that is the current situation with that [Applause] this thing has some weight what this guy's kind of scary it's kind of cool I like that so yeah I'm gonna have to keep going right to unwrap every single thing whatever I I bring it to flea markets like people are not gonna be like they're gonna expect this baby to be all plates and cups and bowls when he got something like that in there it's really really cool and different one thing is everyone likes things that are different so someone might want that and pay up a little bit more just because it is different legit just had a lost land on my myface all right this is vintage ribbon rainbow crafters out there that's in your lace your red in red and cream-colored lace a whole box of ribbon [Music] there are pinks Nora Reds this thing says the vintage crock-pot works so we got some red baskets it looks like bread baskets and a crock-pot as well that's right here all right for the last box of this episode this one is labeled vintage so see what's inside Stan Island and the Narrows nice print there sea life prepared slides oh wow this is bringing back some memories these are a bunch of so I'm not gonna take them out but if you guys remember chemistry class and biology class I don't remember what kind of science that's okay this would not be chemistry well I guess you might have used some sort of slides in chemistry but this is a bunch of different slides I'll just a scale of a dogfish a scale of a sardine an egg of a sea urchin urchin a lot of other words that are really big words that no idea how to pronounce but this might be something on eBay we'll see what that's all about if an older jewelry box or ten possibly now just the trim on it is coming off but a nice little jewelry case there's likely for like a bracelet [Applause] this recipe knows for index cards and can use it for your recipes with an older tray oh these are really nice it's only $1 at one time these are Knapp go we're really really nice they're dogs very very much where was that don't want to break that guys there's some brass candlesticks got a bunch of plates that's Homer Laughlin a whole bunch of plates this whole stack right here is low tena here dream stuff it's possibly this ceramic girl holding a lamp so have you done to your ceramic ware very very cool piece there might go along with the ceramic rooster you've got some other things also and little Swan I guess you'd call that a swan candle holder I sold a bunch of these little candle holders at Lambert field some guy came along I think he paid me 30 bucks per box and maybe five or six it sure beats scrapping I'll tell you that would hate to scratch something like that oh yeah very very cool a lot of assortment we had today very very cool right well this is what we still got left so that will be for a next video we'll go through a bunch of this other stuff I think there's probably going to be about seven or eight different boxes out of all this that we can kind of go through I think right here this is also there's just a box of bags no she used to do flea market or if her husband and they asked if you know I'd want the box of bags and I was like absolutely because they don't know how much longer we're gonna be able to get plastic bags I know some some areas have actually banned plastic bags so at the flea market they're perfect I don't know what will happen in the future but as long as they're already made I guess I can definitely use them so that's gonna wrap it up here for this video I hope I will be doing a second installment to this but there's definitely going to be a lot more fun stuff to go through and I think a lot of people probably want to see it so something to do something a little bit different I don't know if I'll throw in a trash picking video tomorrow or we'll just go back and do this but I have to take a break because I'm exhausted of just putting these boxes around but overall a very very fun day can't thank you guys enough for all the support thank you to Holly for giving me all this stuff as well and I'll catch up you guys tomorrow for tomorrow's adventure if you guys enjoyed the video smack like bun subscribe down below for more treasure hunts and of course until next time have a great day keep living the dream booze [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 51,805
Rating: 4.896276 out of 5
Keywords: estate clean out, hoarders, hoarder, hoarders episode, cleanout, estate, house clean out, house cleaning, estate clean out business, scrapping, mystery box, mystery boxes, moving out, moving business, move house, resell, reseller, resale, buy and sell, selling, reselling, vlog, daily vlog, taco stacks ebay, ebay podcast, ebay reseller, ebay sell, ebay sales, what sells on ebay, etsy, amazon fba, amazon fufillment, reseller vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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