HOARDER HOUSE Clean Out Job - LOADED With Inventory

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how's it going to YouTube how's it going stackers welcome back to the channel welcome back to the vlog today we are doing a foreclosure clean-out with Tucker up or yes I'm doing a collaboration with Tucker upper today I'm driving about two and a half hours down to where he's at I quickly stopped out I quickly stopped that wawas to get some breakfast but it's about two and half hour drive to the Lang State area and he's apparently he has a whole house full of antiques and vintage stuff and he said you can grab whatever you want as long as you come down and grab it so I'm really throwing a couple hours of helping them out with labor and whatnot and we'll try to make a cool video I kind of rigged up the Jeep back here to be able to transport some things back to you know my house and whatnot so I'll show you around the house show you around the property and I hopefully can find some cool things to add to the collection so hopefully it's going to be a good day the weather is holding up first time seeing Tucker as well so oh let's get out there let's enjoy all right so here's the property he said like everything has to go this isn't going to be great because I should have definitely found a way to get a truck or something but it's to properties and wheelbarrowing him in bed but he said you gotta go in here somehow and figure out this lockbox clutch I figure that thing out some house there's two keys alright guy what's going on here came to open the door all right well go into this one you said it's two houses so we'll do this one I don't know what's going all that thing I swear talker this thing doesn't work either all right next plan of attack is you tried a side door I think I remember telling me something about side door so I guess I screwed that one up so I'm turning so wait right here hello hello all right Lighting's not the best in here apologize holy cow this looks a little sketch got some glorious waterfall furniture over there bunch of clothes and stuff got a clawfoot cast-iron bathtub so that's old that's a nice piece this is just a really old bathroom this attic though empty hash trucks bunch of CDs I think that's the attic notice to the Attic do I go up you're not in okay all right might be I'll find some older stuff up here whole box of cars so you go through the red lines this is a red wheel what is this matchbox 1971 box of hash trucks don't really won't be breaking stuff right now I know I think it looks like cookbooks and stuff looks like crafts whole crafting thing nope looks like we got some Pyrex they find their way somehow it look like they're fried I don't know if they're dishwasher damaged for what they're just white no and I'm gonna grab that don't don't let me forget that and that that jadeite bowl over there hopefully it's far a king it is so Thank You Tucker for that that will make up for the whole trip I think I don't know if this set goes for I know he said I can't take anything I love the jadeite color I'm not a huge collector of this kind of stuff but when I grab that for sure holy dog room I don't know if this is Oh that's ten I think I'm not too repro got Norman Rockwell's up there those are really cool as well lots of cool smalls that's why I'm kind of gonna try it take a nice I can take anything so I'm going to try to take the smalls so I can fit more there is outside you got this awesome butcher block table right here I do have a buyer who would want I just don't know if I should should grab it he always buys these things it's a big one so it's gonna be kinda heavy but I'll figure it out and we got a glider over here yo what up I don't know what you thinkin I know well you're probably looking for 400 no yeah I mean it's pretty sturdy it's pretty sturdy I feel like I just kicked it a little hundred bucks well that's the thing like I grabbed that I can't grab much else yeah it's all carved out on the one side let's go what's up dude man it smells great in there that's why I tell you what alright good thing I'm not that nice in there okay yeah I feel like I lost about ten years of my life already oh you're right brake lights out yeah cuz it's pretty old do you know there's anybody hills and stuff like that or is it just all down here I was light its glorious by the way I mean it's awesome yeah yeah they're not all enough unfortunately would you take off scrap from in here and take it this morning there's a lot man yeah about like nine hand trucks I've seen I've seen them everywhere am i yeah no I'm gonna do one Sunday you got a lot of stuff in here I hope oh I bet bringing that thing in just peer Oh does this keep laughing yeah that's keep it's not bad you want this I'm gonna pass I don't ever know what it was man I'll give you five bucks if you drink that come on 21:20 well I don't know what glycerin it's water dad don't talk to me about my coke bro I'm that thing's all Boston man yeah that's that's Keith yeah she's gone this jars golden dude check it out the cash no get that you got some some old a vault that's keep like though [Laughter] there's one good dollar here one sides good dollar house is brutal what's that drywall this is like chicken all day garbage and they're picking the garbage cheese maybe the good all right so just leaving now it's about 2:05 so I got there at about nine o'clock leave at 2:05 we filled them about a trailer load picked up some cool things I'll show you guys shortly I'm about a two-hour drive left been driving for about 20 30 minutes got some lunch so yeah when I get back I'll show you a couple of the pickups all right so finally made it back home I got stuck in Philadelphia rush-hour traffic which was terrible it took me a little over four and a half hours to get back but finally made it picked up a lot of great things I know Tucker contacted me last week and said I wanted to come down and pick up anything I can grab it as long as I came down and picked it up so I knew you had this antique foreclosure antique house or ant house full of antiques and stuff like that or foreclosure he was going to do and he may have been on it I was hoping he would get it and hoping that he would want to collab and do something so it's awesome to see Tucker's awesome and see Sammy check out their channel I'll put a link in the description below they do a lot of scrapping videos daily vlogs and stuff like that they are very well known YouTube community and he's one of actually a few people to actually kind of guided me into how to even do YouTube video so a lot of my youtube career towards Tucker so it's obviously awesome to meet him what we picked up I'll do a little quick recap of what we what we grabbed I didn't pick up too much things I know a guy stopped by the house and bought a lot of things from Tucker everything I got I got for free I put it in a couple hours to help him out and cleaning out stuff I spent maybe three or four hours so this guy bought a lot of things very very good I told Tucker don't worry about it if you're getting paid money for this stuff go with it you know I know he's throwing away a lot of stuff himself a lot of stuff that you know I wish I can save but when you're in this business of cleaning out stuff you really don't have that option one thing I did realize is although I picked up a lot of things there were still a lot of things still left there and doing the whole foreclosure thing is a lot of work so I give a lot of credit and kudos to Tucker and Sammy it is very very treacherous weren't walking up and down those stairs up and down up and down all day hauling heavy furniture so it is definitely a business they you need have a pretty strong mental mindset so what I'll do is kind of just show a couple things that I picked up I'm not gonna unload this whole Jeep right now but I will show you a couple things that were just kind of on top my whole thought process was if I have such little space I want to kind of maximize it and pick up the best possible items so I wasn't picking up dollar things or two-dollar things that's kind going for things that would I know I would sell or things that I know I can get a little bit more money for all these CDs although I said I want to pick up dollar things I think I can get a dollar for about eighty percent of them you got two POC you have Nirvana g-unit uh sure a lot of people who I guess I kind of grew up listening to in terms of my era so a lot of those I will sell to calab other things that were kind of cool I picked up this quilt which although has a lot of stains it's authentic authentic quilt it's not one of those things that you can get at t.j.maxx or walmart nice little advertisement in here a bunch of fiery King bowls these are nesting I think they're called spiral bowls a nesting mixing bowl set so these are jadeite this is literally the hottest color right now I think this set you can probably get sixty or seventy bucks for a lot other random things we got here we got some Pyrex in there this goes to this a bunch of other things we have a little advertisement in a little oil tin I mean it's for Texaco a rug beater and some sort of wall trivet kind of looking thing we got this awesome artwork right here this is I think oil it is cracking so I don't think this was put on tight enough which is why it's cracking but I'm not an artist person this is a painting of some sort very very neat is sign at the bottom and the frame alone is worth some money it is kind of deep in terms of the its depth which obviously kind of brings the value up amongst frame owners couple other things I got some Hesse fetch trucks in box we have this cool Garfield hanging ornament for the Philadelphia Eagles I know a lot of Eagle fans around here so I might give that to somebody for a present we got this nice crock uncracked very very cool I picked up some like some Roseville pottery there's a step stool this is kind of the big thing that I grabbed it's a butcher block and it weighs a lot I had a guy who wants to buy it and he was going to give me a hundred bucks for it but his owner his buyer backed out because it was a little bit moldy so he said I can kind of throw some bleach water on it or pressure wash it somehow you would definitely buy it I know at auctions here they go really really expensive in terms of just an auction person at an auction would pay upwards of about two hundred dollars for that so I don't know what the current prices of them in terms of it they're still very valuable but whenever I've seen them at auctions they do go pretty high some other cool things we grabbed a little cookie jar the lids right there we have some Ruby glass I don't know if this is vintage hazel Atlas Ruby glass or what I picked up a whole set in there got some more Roseville some more artwork of dogs another thing at auctions I see these kind of dog prints go for 25 35 bucks I don't get it but I guess if you're a dog owner I guess they kind of all look somewhat identical if you're buying a black lab if you're getting a black lab or whatever it might be it was a very very fun day it was awesome to see Tucker if you haven't checked that was channel definitely check it out hopefully you guys have enjoyed this video if you did and you want to see more videos just like this definitely subscribed to a champ you haven't already and if you really did enjoy it and you want to see more drop a comment below tell me what you enjoyed most about it as always have a great day keep living the dream peace [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 296,180
Rating: 4.8037438 out of 5
Keywords: Hoarder House, Hoarder House Cleanout, Hoarder House Clean Out, Clean Out, Hoarders, Real life hoarder, real hoarder, bank forclosure, estate clean out, house cleanout, bank foreclosure, foreclosure cleanout, forclouse cleanout, estate cleanout, inside hoarder house, youtube collab, collaboration, cleaning vlog, clean out vlog, forclosure, junk yard, land fill, sheriff sale, antiques, american pickers, pickers, inside hoarders house
Id: 2QDuOp3uIc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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