Hoarder House Estate Clean Out - What Did We FIND?

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all righty on to a pic with blue bus Dave and paper moose we're going to go check out that one house that he's been doing a lot of videos on got a cop across the street waiting on the bridge because she came and walk over that but we're following them there so see how this goes and make a video out of it hopefully grab some cool things I think we might just be doing the beastmen so we'll see you guys there all right well you just entered they just entered this is the kitchen go find something it's really a lot of stuff in here this is too crazy shoeboxes nice lamp up there it's kind of dark in this one this isn't too bad most of the rooms are pretty jam-packed with stuff some old fabric and stuff I know Dave in his video he posted that he grabbed a bunch of vintage clothes out of the basement some really nice drawers I'm gonna there is so many plates it's kinda in here it's really nice drop away table in the corner there's a lot of stuff it's kind of a hike but we're going to have to be able to grab a couple things I think a couple boxes looks like a growing station right there right for plants there's a drop leaf table I saw but it's busted up I don't know if blue boss Dave is actually clearing out the whole house in terms of game array of all this garbage but he sure has his hands full I would say so there's a lot of a lot of stuff in here a lot of stuff are you clear out the whole house looks that way you're don't like paying for the dumpsters yep kind of crazy come on a crazy what like that stand let's think plastic or something on it what's my stressor just kind of showing everyone what's here you know definitely be digging and we have a couple hours but definitely for there's a lot of just like paperwork and stuff like that I got my gloves this has got so many different alleys and stuff look how old this is Wow I think we're gonna grab this one table you got to take off all the stuff on top this is really nice has a drawer on it but look at these these slide out as well that's really cool don't know if I writer space work but we'll make space in terms of space to like store it I have a bunch of tables already we'll grab the table old wideness killing canler Pyrex Bowl blown a question of collecting Pyrex that seems like I know deep handed me a clear bottom one or a a blue one put this downstairs I don't think there's anything in these drawers yeah not all right you know you come full house you grab stuff and while my grabbing di sir because I need this badly curious what's in that little thing down there sorry got a box going really do appreciate blue bus don't let me go through stuff like this they're just looks like a bunch of paper plates so that's one it's really the only way from the from the outside oh there's one from inside there's electricity down there yeah oh yeah there we go on the left now looking for oh I see it up there there's AA stuff down here Wow gain deja vu I looked over there as Nicole I remember seeing that from a video on the other side of this dumpster yeah you can't go anywhere like there's here's some early tile maybe there's a lot a lot of dollar bills for the paper you know like the full boxes easy easy sell at the flea market yeah not as much scrap as you think yeah aside from like pots and pans upstairs I'm really yeah there's no wire spools wire thing yeah I been working on that this work oh yeah we used to have a pile outside in the yard [Laughter] there are newer lights up there pride like step in a bunch of brown recluse spider nests it's probably not the best idea but a vicars gonna pick a plate down there right grab the plate it's actually really I think this is a sprinkler I can be completely wrong I might not be a sprinkler I'm gonna grab that it's kind of cool different I don't know what it is it's right not even a sprinkler what it looks like one looks like that's display thing this that's a boiler that might be an old check that's why I say it's probably old auction thing it's not bread this have a small box going to different cheese boxes that painted them probably not delicious I'll pop these things often just so much cheese boxes there you go hi great brand never heard of it like there's more paper maybe yeah it's uh they look like just now they're from the 70s cinema magazines there might be some more stuff in there you know what that is that's neat I think it'll sell though if anyone out there knows what that is let me know alright so there's a couple old shirts down here which I think well we'll examine and we'll try it those old see your shirt Cedar's that's pretty much gone oh that's nice I probably went to the original house yeah it's a nice piece there's a lot of look at the wood paneled Dwarfs yep a lot of hidden hidden treasures [Music] why can't these be like rock shirts like all anniversary shirts and that Cruz shirt I talked to him they said they went to mostly jazz okay house recently but like my buddy collects all the rock shirt yeah huh hold her a-game down there that looks like the workout mat older ten but it's shot and look we got our juicer let's just go on it wait see if I can grab that juicer thing [Music] alright well we're about heading out of here not they're a bunch of old photos or something we're going to try grab this table kind of running short on time today that's the only issue but we did grab some things I'm not like walking around be there's a million-dollar piece laying over there and I'm missing it but there's you know whoever comes in next you can definitely pick up you know $500 probably in this room $300 in this room unjust dollar stuff like you were saying so we're going to try and grab this guy holler out all right so this is one box I grabbed they grabbed right like four or five boxes of stuff there's some Pyrex and here we have that wagner's things silver plate works got some stuff myself some wd-40 they go to a clean eye you grab wd-40 of course something that I would do I leave something is probably worth $1,000 I know Dave definitely found a bunch of other items as well here I got that whole bag of clothes she got her stuff she got a bunch of photos just throw it anywhere all right was what he grabbed he found this stuff today so he's been here for quite some time he's continued to find stuff that was my favorite thing the loose laid out and was really nice now watch this upstairs he found that we put down the bracket that matches so the chances of that were that's hard to think no so definitely piece and everything together look at the detail on that it's probably Civil War but a lot of people like depression so yeah guys I know use in my last video but if you guys want to check out him again put a link down below blue bus Dave he does a lot of flea markets lots of clean outs lots of really cool stuff and he really enjoys the the treasure hunting aspect that is really cool so it's it's enjoyable and enjoyable watch as well so check them out thank you for some of the stuff out of there we've removed some of the clutter I guess you can say from the house but we appreciate as well so thanks Dan yep all right so I made it back so I'm gonna stuff it's from the flea market pretty much yeah when I grab all right so we grabbed that one table this is the drawer for the front of the table very very nice we grabbed a couple other things some bread boxes butter cheese boxes this is actually for a clock just missing the whole clock part I just thought it was really cool so I think that might sell there's a license plate down there sprinkler this dovetail there figured jointed box as well looks kinda like a drawer so that was that and then I got another two random box of stuff nothing really to clear nothing too crazy or spectacular they got an ice crusher this is just for myself nice it's actually vintage you know you might be leavin just sell this as vintage but actually need that stuff wd-40 I can use that as well prime my favorite pieces maybe this Wagner we got some silver plated at the bomb some silver plate forks and spoons some brushes I noticed with doing the the crafting video kind can always use these in terms of like what was really in the house there was tons of stuff that needs to be recycled paperback books moldy paperback books so I mean that stuff's gotta get recycled I kind of just picked up a couple things I know we were really short on time so that was kind of unfortunate but as you guys know if you guys haven't checked all right I did a flea market yesterday this is just the second half of the day essentially so I've been up since like three o'clock this morning standing out in the cold for six hour it just been it's been a very long day I've always closed here as well somebody's abstained but a lot of them are just vintage t-shirts so far whatever I've come across had not been anything too spectacular lava sizzle a Marvel New Jersey kind of stuff but it's more like marathons and stuff like that there's no rock t-shirts like that's some sort of political thing but it's not even it's not like a present present presidency a political thing it's like some sort of political thing that some movement that they had going on I guess oh yeah paper moves got a bunch of books I guess she left those by accident because we carpooled down the Lambertville this is all the flea market stuff that didn't sell and then after that blew by Steve told us there's a place they stood and clean out for and we only had like two hours to go through the whole house and see if we wanted anything kind of parked a little far away from the house it was kind of like one of those things where like oh if you find anything you really want you can grab it if you want come back another time it's about two hour drive a little over an hour and a half I'd sail about a two-hour drive there so it's not exactly you know right down the road but if there's anything that we wanted he would give it to us for free so I greatly appreciate that it was really fun go around picking in that house you guys haven't checked out his channel check it out also paper musha's there she made a video oh so on that it was like I said we were at the flea market so she has a video out as well so paper mousses channel and blue bus Dave's channel will be linked in the description below if you guys want to check them out and yeah lots of fun hope you guys enjoy if you did smack like one subscribe down low for more treasure hunts and I'll catch you guys next time for a next adventure and as always have a great day keep living the dream peace [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 53,055
Rating: 4.9046865 out of 5
Keywords: Hoarder house, hoarders, hoarder, hoarder house cleaning, hoarder house clean out, hoarders poop lady, estate clean out, bank forclosure, buy hoarder house, buy hoarders, buying a hoarder house, inside hoarders, inside hoarder house, recycle, resell, estate forclosure, estate cleaning, buy and sell, blue bus dave, taco stacks, taco stacks ebay, taco stacks trash, abandoned house, abandoned, abandoned estate
Id: qN7M6Ff8J1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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