MASSIVE HOUSE Clean Out Job - What Did We Find?

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all right everyone welcome back to the channel another day today is an estate clean out video if you guys haven't checked out blue bust dave on youtube he invited myself and paper moose down to a clean out in southern or southeastern pennsylvania and he has a house that he's cleaning out right now he has a job and he said that we can grab anything we might want to be interested in so we're going to head over there check it out when we do a little videoing on the house it's still on the house itself uh the contents inside the house and possibly what we grabbed so i know a lot of people have requested more estate clean outs house clean out videos here it is so let's head over there and see what this is all about and make it a good one let's do it all right at the property i don't think the beamer is for sale there's dave's truck gonna run through the garage quickly looks like dave cleared out a lot in here there are tons and tons of books that's a nice bag that's all the camping stuff that's all your steaks not cheesesteaks but your steaks to uh put your tent into the ground yeah you cleaned out a lot [Applause] so [Applause] cool interesting prints here ferrari thing lots and lots of wine boxes which are going to help to grab stuff [Applause] run upstairs wow books on top of books on top of books just look like all socks so so i don't know much about these these seem like lens for some sort of snorkel apparatus in here it looks pretty pricey i know you did a lot of traveling so got the manuals i don't know where the rest of the snorkel stuff is for this but kind of cool i think i'll grab that grab that medicine ball got a box of dvds some cds got an older walkman and i think possibly a little cassette player which probably is vintage i think it's a decent lot all right i went inside i walked up these stairs this whole way over there right right to this room that's where i had all the snorkeling stuff the clothes i think dave is saving not that but there's a bunch of scooby stuff dave's gonna take that stuff uh but he did say there's a bunch of like patagonia stuff on the floor so i've seen some sneakers over here shoes it's not in good shape northeast oh that's a cool one it's a really cool one all right what is this got a lot of patch oh let's go holy moly this is awesome that's awesome what size is this this is an awesome try get this into some light i think this would fit me that's a keeper that is a hundred percent a keeper it's gotta be like a larger an xl or something excel all right all right so we got boxes starting to form here a couple of these bags might be worth some money my pharma la fuma all right moving into different parts of the house i didn't want to spend too long in there i know the camera work wasn't too well but grabbed a couple boxes um there's a ton of books here and i think he had someone come over and do a bunch of scanning because obviously you know if you're somebody who does amazon or i guess amazon fba you scan these books quickly there's a lot of different apps out there and you can you know there's some apps where they'll pay you 80 cents a book they'll pay for shipping you know you pile in 500 600 1 000 books out of this for 80 cents a piece they pay shipping you'll do all right so i think he did have someone come in and do all that because the books are all scattered they're probably on bookcases um but there also are a lot of just like neat interesting books like random you know tabletop books i guess you know there's a decent amount of retail here when these books were first purchased it really is a beautiful house i mean i don't know what you call this a fireplace area a living room and you walk over here and it's just really really awesome it's a little step up you got another stair gives off that very victorian like feeling here ah i see what happened they probably had a television like over here or nah that's probably over here and that was their couch and sit down here you guys had the fire over there maybe a television in front of you very very cool a nice old oak beam all right i'm grabbing one case of cassette here a bunch of other cassettes here he said some of these are worth money um i don't know if you want to sell them himself i think these are the ones they just talk about like just like um not podcasts i don't even know what you'd talk to what you'd call them but i'm taking some of the uh the band ones nothing really too great uh a couple blank ones here which i'm going to leave for dave i don't want to feel like i'm taking advantage of the situation at all i know he has to make some money he's giving me a very very fair offer here so cool puzzles there's legitimately a maze in this whole house like i don't know how to even kind of get in here oh duh i kind of didn't think about that one too thoroughly up here that's the staircase that goes down to that one room it just looks like paper a lot of stuff is marked shred i'm not walking down that all right back this way all right i can't come to one of these places and not grab a couple books um i'm trying to think of like what would sell so i grabbed some philadelphia books off of that uh one of bucks county um like some of these are just novels these ones that you kind of just put on a table and leave them there like that might sell got a small collection right here so you get the hudson river and it's painters this bucks county one this one is 100 years of philadelphia and just a larger book of irish monuments it look like i guess i should probably take the march of penguins book because well penguins i'll take that all right hanging out in the corner we have a whole thing of pencils with all different kind of advertisement on it funny fact of the world is somebody at the flea market i see them at auctions they say hey if you ever find pencils random names random towns i saw some minnesota in there uh something training center over here something training center uh to pick them up because they want them so throw that over there external hard drive this has got to be old external hard drive thing this has got to be a fossil it's probably let's see we can look at windows 98 or xp this is old this thing was probably not cheap back in its day this is kind of cool there you go get yourself a world series ball you guys know my session with baseball and sports all right i found these back there never even seen something like this the screensaver prevent screen burn you can buy this and that's your screen saver that's wild guess you install screen savers back in the day i don't know if this has any value but these big box things sometimes do so well just add to the collection of stuff i got a new inbox microsoft mouse which might be kind of cool all right now so i had a book guy come and he it took him two and a half hours to go through the whole entire house and he took about a third of the books but he was a machine i i was so impressed he scanned everything no no he knew he knew what genre sold so he would grab like the whole hiking he said anything fly fishing sells like right away yeah he said uh anything world war ii goes right away so he was just grabbing like big sections and the one weird thing he said about a book was like you take this book right and it could be like a weird printing so if it's like a odd first or like a second that there isn't a lot of instead of being two dollars because you'll scan it it'll say two dollars but if the cover is just a little different it could be 45 so all right gonna head out here pretty shortly uh there's still a ton of stuff here i really hope dave can find somebody to take most of these books uh i don't think he's gonna throw him in a dumpster because i think they can definitely use somewhere else but yeah probably headed out here shortly i did grab probably about five or six bins of stuff uh maybe seven bins of stuff some cool items definitely a lot of things i've showed you so i think that's gonna wrap it up unless dave's around all right dave hey thank you guys for grabbing so much stuff absolutely if you guys haven't checked out blue bus dave's channel i'll post a link down below blue bus dave does a lot of flea markets these clean outs he gave us this hookup on this one so greatly appreciate it check out his channel all right see everybody later alrighty so i did make it back home uh awesome day all around gotta give a big mention uh big shout out to blue bus dave to do a little picking at the uh the states so you know i definitely grabbed a couple really good items at least i think they're really good items we got a couple older brown tag north face sleeping bags so you have a green one this one is a red one see there's a north face tag on it uh the people were huge into hiking and camping i am someone who's never really been hiking and camping i don't you know i like sleeping in my own bed that's one thing with me is like i don't want to sleep at someone's house i will drive home at two in the morning three in the morning uh if i don't have to sleep at someone's house i'll drive two hours whatever it might be i just like being in my own bed so camping and hiking is just not up my alley uh so i don't really know a lot about you know a variety of brands there are a lot of brands that i didn't really know too much about uh obviously they grabbed that one patagonia thing we have some dvds whole box of dvds there some of these odds and ends computer things got some screen savers but in this big box if you're a big star trek person it's really cool very nostalgic in a way the mouse i didn't look it up but still sealed sometimes these old computer parts get a little bit i did grab a couple books there were a ton of books there we got the pencils i did grab one thing of slides i know uh this is actually something dave was telling me is that people grab these all right here's how it goes now sometimes these slides are worth money depending on what's on them these are very simple ones but these slides will probably be i think online on ebay you can look them up they're like i don't know 500 for 30 bucks there's definitely not 500 there uh these cases are great for people who do coin collecting all right because it's the very it's a very very similar style in terms of these cards and they fit perfectly in this container so these things are kind of sought after just for the case alone more books also grabbed very very cool north face kind of like a canvas not canvas uh a bag like a knapsack kind of bag for your laundry awesome very very cool and my favorite piece i saw a couple things of clothes in there got some shoes fanny packs duffel bag or the masters golf bag my favorite piece is most definitely this awesome patagonia check that out it doesn't really do any doesn't really do his thing justice by being in the shade and the sun and all this but awesome awesome patches all around got antarctica you've got some polar cruise things some more antarctica patches i don't know if these are added on this is a keeper for sure just not being sold uh i know a lot of people did come on i know a lot of people did comment on his channel talking about you know oh taco stacks love patagonia taco stacks loves patagonia and he did save it for me knew that was coming over so uh he did not take it obviously you know he knows the value in this and i greatly appreciate that but overall a couple couple good items there a very very fun day there's another bin back there of other things but uh kind of just the gist of what i grabbed also grab this little ferrari thing uh hopefully you guys enjoyed this video if you guys you guys enjoyed the video you haven't checked out blue bus dave's channel check it out paper moves is also there so check out her channel uh hopefully you guys enjoy if you guys want to see more subscribe down below if you haven't already and hit the like button so i know you guys enjoy this kind of content i'll catch you guys tomorrow for tomorrow's adventure until tomorrow have a great day keep living a dream [Music] peace you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 59,359
Rating: 4.9167218 out of 5
Keywords: estate clean out, house clean out, found for free, estate clean out business, hoarder house, hoarder house clean out, hoarder house clean, hoarder house before after, estate clean out find, estate clean out contract, house cleanout contract, house cleanout, estate cleanout, cleaning out hoarder house, 1800 got junk, got junk, junk removal, junk removal business, junk removal finds, resell, reselling business, ebay, ebay sell, etsy, ebay business, books amazon, amazon fba
Id: -VZkyDfpWdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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