How To Tile Over Tile

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in this video I'm going to show you my system for tiling over tile in your shower listen it's a secret the contractors don't want you to know you can do it yourself you can do it in one day we're gonna go from this bathroom to this bathroom [Music] truth is most bathrooms in this world are not malfunctioning they're just ugly or maybe they're getting old to the point where you're starting to get a little bit of mold creeping in around the corners but there are ways that you can solve this problem and here they are step number one make sure your walls are solid if you're good to go then you can tile over tile now this is something contractors don't want you to know you know if you have a bathroom is starting to get a little old and ugly you bring in a contractor the first thing they're gonna say is tear it all out let's start over from scratch because that's the only way they can make any money I'm gonna show you my system to do this job yourself in one day for under $200 all right let's get started so one of the reasons why we're redoing this shower is because of the tile itself there was a time when you could buy an expensive ceramic tile and just glue it to the wall and it would perform really well for a lot of years but now everybody wants to have a waterproofing system and you need to understand what that does is all the water that goes through the grout and get some behind the tile it's now it's collecting and behind the wall and you'll see the discoloration that's happening in these tiles is because there's water sitting in behind the tile trapped by the waterproofing system and it has no exit basically when you add the silicone for the decorative purpose it also seals the water in so what we're going to show you in this video is not just how to tile over tile but how to keep the water from accumulating behind your back wall and we're going to show you all those secrets right now so before we go through the seven steps I'm just going to talk real quick about the materials are gonna need get yourself some latex gloves the products were using today if you let them dry on your skin it'll be there all week I always have a roll of electrical tape you never know when you're gonna cut yourself and this is an amazing band-aid finally grab yourself a disposable kit this is one of these cheap things from Home Depot come to the cheap cage a couple of roller sleeves and throw away brush the products were using here they're really difficult on your painting here you don't want to use good painting gear this was like having $11 to decent sleeves are gonna college at 12 so just buy something you can throw in the garbage and we done with it when you're done just not worth the hassle all right that makes a lot easier to get on all right now we are gonna go step one is prime the walls there is no other step leading up the step one you just get the brush out and you go any kind of glazed tile you're gonna need a primer if you want to avoid using a primer you can always get a sixty grit sandpaper put it on an orbital sander and you can take the glaze off of your tile you can scratch it up real good so there's a surface there to bond to with the waterproof membrane which would be step two but let's just focus on this for now we are using eco prime grip that product there now this one pale see only size that comes in is the smallest size it'll probably prime five or six showers and a couple of back splashes so same product I use in the kitchen backsplash video it is awesome stuff it's also a little bit runny now the goal here is to get this primer on the tile it's not about getting it on thick and some of getting it uncontrolled so it's not running all over the place the goal here is to just get it on try not to push too hard it's a little runny it's gonna make a mess you can see this already you want to have your paper towels around clean as you go if you don't it'll be there for a long long long long time we're using the old 90% rule which basically means if 90% of the wall has coverage then that's a good result once you have all your walls primed you can use the little brush that comes in the kit then you can do your inside corners as well go right over all your existing silicon [Music] so the reason we're using the parameter and let's face it the waterproof membrane is pretty sticky stuff it'll probably bond flying to the tile but it's not gonna hold the weight of the tile that you're installing and that's the key so you really don't want to skip this step so like I said you either set yourself up with a sanding machine where you can get rid of the glossy surface so that your cement has something to bond to or you use this product because you want to make sure that after your said and done your tile stays put there we go ah oh no it looks ugly it's not a great paint job but the goal here is not to do a painting job it's to prep the surface so it'll have something to bond to in a wet area you want to vote in ninety percent of vision remember the products were using they're all gonna be pretty sticky but this is just designed to make sure that we have left bond to hold the weight of the tile so we're good up against the edge I didn't paint that because we're actually gonna cut this away it's part of my next secret and then we just got to give this about 20 minutes or so to dry and then we can waterproof okay so step two and step three are basically the same step one is remove your plumbing fixtures so then you can put on your waterproofing layer now today we're using aqua defense this is a matte by-product and I use it because I'm buying all my cements from the same supplier and they carry the whole map Highline you might be using a red guard there are probably four or five other major manufacturers and have their own supply chains all over North America doesn't really matter which one you use but if you get a roll-on waterproof membrane you are good to go alright this membrane rolls on very similarly to the primer product if the secret here is in order to be a continuous membrane you really got to make sure you get in all the nooks and crannies don't leave any white spots on your wall you want as thick as you can subjective to the how much of this you actually need on a back wall this high up I think as long as you got the can open and you're painting you might as well waterproof the entire scour but important to note definitely the bottom two feet you definitely want to use your two coats you definitely want it nice and thick and this is a two coat application basically what we're looking at here is get your first coat on and when it dries you'll tell the difference right away it actually changes color and that's how you'll know that it's ready that will go much darker here we go so just a quick note I'm going to put all of the products that we're using in the shower remodel in the description below tried my best most of these are available on Amazon so be able to follow our link and get there to pick this up and if you're a contractor or your DIY or with experience using these membranes I'd love to hear in the description below just type out which product you use are you using the map by aqua defense or using red guard or using a different product from another supplier I'd love to get your input and the experience that you have one right yeah make sure you put a nice thick layer of this on in the inside corners most situations you're going to be going over silicone and after a couple of coats this should bond and if you have any issues you can always grab your kill spray and use that to get a good seal all right here we go now it's time for our second cup again this one what you want to put it on nice and thick remember the goal here is not to paint the wall it's to create a membrane so you're not trying to be cheap with this stuff as much as really wanted to fill in all the cracks all the voids you're gonna do a waterproofing system take the time to be extremely picky especially with your second coat car there's no sense even starting it at all because water that gets behind the tile it's gonna travel for a way out you don't want that way out to be in behind your tile there you did all this for nothing now I should just mention real quick for anybody who is doing tile over tile and you've had signs of mold appearing through your your your wall one of the things you're gonna want to do as part of your preparation before you go through the the priming in the waterproofing system you want to get some bleach you want to clean that mold you want to dry it off always best to run a fan in the bathroom overnight after you've cleaned it all up just to make sure everything is as dry as possible one of the things that this is going to do for you is it'll help to isolate whatever small amount of mold that's in behind your wall and if you've seen any of our videos you know that when we rip apart a bathroom usually there's a small amount of mold usually on the bottom side about in front of all the fixtures or underneath this edge here in a long wall and if you isolate that mold so they can't get access to water anymore the mold will stop growing and that is the greatest way to solve your mold problem so as long as your wall is stiff and solid to the touch you can isolate that mold and get that area dry before you seal it up you're gonna find it does not have the ability to grow through to the new layer you know it's not a guarantee because there's a lot of different situations in life so don't go writing me saying I try what you said in the mold came through I'm just saying if you don't want to rip out a mouldy wall and you want to look for a quick fix all right after we get the rest of this wall done with our membrane we're gonna let this dry overnight and that's just because we started late in the day if you start first thing in the morning you have time to get the eco primed grip two coats of this membrane that should all be applied and dried in about an hour and a half all you got to do is set up a little fan in the room to get the air moving and if the air is moving and it's a relatively not humid day outside you can be ready to tile in about an hour and a half and if you can start tiling at 10:30 or 11:00 o'clock in the morning a couple hours of tiling something basic and simple you can have time to grow later that afternoon all right we'll show you all the products that you're gonna need to do that coming up next okay it is day two an hour shower and we are doing this maybe a little differently than you could we you could waterproof and everything and then install your tile on the same day but what we're doing today is we're installing our tile and then grouting in the same day right so now it's time for step four now step four is really kind of simple what we're gonna do is we're gonna cut out the existing tile within the last inch and a half because we have a plastic edging that goes covers the side and goes behind the tile here so what we want to do is remove this assembly and replace it with this new tile ledge that is three-quarters of an inch thick and the point is this once we've installed that we cut this back sorry and then we install this with the cement and then the new tile that sits on this face will come up and finish flush on this so it's important these trims come in all kinds of sizes they're not always in stock depending where you go so if you plan and band so you know the thickness of your stone and the thickness of the stone you're installing add another eighth of an inch for cement and then you can replace your trim and get a perfect look without having something capping the side so we're going to just grind this off real quick this is just a simple ceramic will give us any difficulty at all and then once we have that look these down we'll be able to install those give it a little bit of a waterproofing real quick and we are good to go now the best way I've found a cut tile out of the way is they using tile grinder and the vacuum in conjunction the idea is to hold them close together because this blade is gonna kick all the debris off from the bottom heel if you put the vacuum here to pick it up and use both hands you can just run it down and not make much of a mess at all [Applause] so now the goal is just to chisel sake should all stay attached to that plastic and safe in one piece give or take at this point it's very important that you clean off the whole area and get a nice uniform surface now you'll notice you're gonna have a few different options for a substrate that you're gonna expose here whatever it is don't worry about it your outside of the shower so here you can see we have the leftover orange cloth from the Schluter system again it doesn't matter if the membrane is affected here because we're outside the shower put your trim upside down and then mark where you want to make your cut will cut all the way through to the end all right and here's a secret don't cut from this side take the metal and you just open it and close it we're going back and forth and that heats up the metal and then you can go a little bit more and it gets a really pretty decent cleaning that cuts there and that ends up being the part that goes against the floor perfect every time there we go so now we'll have our trim we'll just put some cement there and set our trim in when it's time to tile and it's ready to go now our new tile will come up flush to the side so we've chosen an 8 by 24 tile that pretty much matches the floor although it's in the gloss and you're gonna see when I slide this over it is almost perfectly flush so they don't even like to do is to account for the thickness of that cement boom that is gonna be spectacular step 5 is to tile your shower now we're not going to go through all the steps of tiling your shower today because we are trying to show you the system for installing tile over tile if you want to comprehensive video on how to install tile in a bathtub area we're going to put a link to the video in the description of the now for our sexy reveal too absolutely Wow Max's mom we've come with these geo tiles these are all different styles and different shades these are going to be really cool along the back wall and that's for the dramatic pub now if you should know how to shop and you've got a great store like we do Euro tile you can find products like this that aren't that expensive now remember we talked about in beginning video that we have a system here you can do this whole shower for $200 the truth is you can do it for 200 or 400 or 800 or 10,000 it's really up to you with the selection and the products you choose and at the very end of the video I'm gonna break it down how to do this for 200 and then probably a more realistic approach is how to do it for around 4 that's pretty much what we're spending on this actual bathroom today so we're gonna get started I've got my awesome laser level here this is a new fire core laser level it's a green light laser level and it is amazing and it does not just horizontal not just vertical but it does cross line all three at the same time this laser level puts a line square on the floor in both directions plus the wall and this is amazing if you're bringing tile on a floor up wall pattern it helps you to keep all your lines perfect and I'm telling you right now if you are going to be doing a lot of work with tile and you're in the trades investing is something like this it's a few hundred bucks but it's worth the investment because it will make your work absolutely perfect every time for us today we just need a simple line that's the one we want and we're gonna use this as our as our establishing line so that we can keep all of our tiles nice and level and we'll deal with the gap in the slope of silicone later one of the beautiful things about tiling over tile is your walls are already generally flat so for putting on cement we're using a quarter by quarter trowel I also have a quarter by 3/8 deep in case I need that extra depth they make the side perfectly flush with my mental corners but for the back wall I'm going to go to quarter by quarter and that'll cut down how much cement I mean you're gonna need some tile spacers we were using 1/8 this is a large rigid plastic we're gonna use that on all three sides of the tile just to help keep things from sliding and shifting around you're also gonna want some wedges these ones here are perfect for putting under the first course to keep the tile from being in contact with the acrylic tub remember when tubs are full of water in people they tend to move around a little bit and you don't want to get that scratching sound from the tile cutting into your acrylic so with all that said you've got all the tools and materials to be able to tile let's get this done so while Matt's cutting my tile we just came up here to do some quick measurements and we found that the center line in this tub is exactly where the grout line is on the existing wall which is perfect it means the guy that did the tile work before us here did a great job and for some of you that is a bit of an inside joke because you know it was me all right so we're gonna actually start tiling from the middle off our center line going left to right the tiles just a little bit wider than it would be normally because we already have existing wall tile on the sides the back wall is now a little shorter most cases wall tile like this is designed to go in a regular 60-inch wall so this would have installed and and without any cuts no problem at all but because of the configuration we have to take off a little bit of extra on each side now not be another world and so while he's doing those cuts I now have my marks now we've made [Applause] [Music] so just to get started go to throw in a lot of cement but I'm gonna put on one side I'm gonna keep this line exposed just so I don't lose my mark yeah we're using the quarter by quarter trowel here because a nice flat surface that we're working with this is awesome before everybody asks I'm using the ultralight cement from Mapai this has a really great bond to it okay and then one double-checked it to my supplier is generally I get advice use a non modified cement over any waterproof membrane but over this particular product the mat by water barrier you can use a modified cement and that's what this is and that's why we're using it we want to have the ability to do the grout work later today and this is going to make that possible for anybody who is wondering what kind of a bond you get when the quarter by quarter trowel let's take a look so what area we need that's pretty darn good coverage all you do is you press it wiggle it into place we're using these spacers here just to create that one a little bit of gap and that's all the separation we need to keep the tile from rubbing against itself [Music] okay now real quick before you put on your other side walls you want to have your finished trim installed so that's just a matter of throwing some cement and my gap when the tile was cutting all right and it's okay to be generous here remember this cement cleans off of all finished painted surfaces with a wet sponge so the goal is to get enough in there that we get a good bond no need to use any screws a faster-moving in place here we're gonna rely completely on the cement itself okay if you're doing this system and you're gonna use an outside L trim which is also an option that way you can avoid having to grind out the existing stone you can just cap everything it'd be similar to what you've seen if you saw our video on doing our backsplash tile we did that's a tile over tile for kitchen backsplash is as well it was a little bit different and we just went with a very simple approach of using impel trim a lot of people commented oh I don't like that look that's fine we can always use this option you can cut out what's existing and put in the thicker hedge piece so we're showing this video so everyone has lots of options in their toolbox because there's just nothing like having options to solve problems here we go did that install when we're all said and done and everything is dry we can finish up with painters gawking and that'll be a lovely way to get a nice look but for now be proactive get all that cleaned off and backed up with a white sponge a little bit of pressure you still have a gap you can fill have a nice panel surface okay so quick word of warning for anybody who is thinking of doing this in your own bathroom a couple of things you want to consider before you jump ahead a do I need a waterproofing system maybe maybe not be how am i finishing my edges but the most important issue is this your fixtures on your tub supply and shower supply line might have limitations when they're installed and when they reinstall you might not have the ability to function the handle if the plate is sticking off the wall in order to accommodate thickness of the new tile I've seen a lot of different manufacturers over the years some of them are very very very specific as far as the depth that it gets set in the wall and if you're in one of those situations where you get all done right down trying to put the space plate on and you haven't considered that you could be in for a disaster to find that your handle won't turn the water off because there's not enough room to function be careful now for simplicity we are using an 8 by 24 ceramic tile it's not that thick made miss pane so it is ceramic and it matches the floor but it has a nice gloss and when we put this on our hope is is that it will help make the room look a lot deeper and then let this wall back here be the wow factor so all we have to do is stagger these joints and cut the balance to fit this will be done in no time time lapse begin [Music] okay well here we go we got our tile installed now so we've only got two more steps left to go yay now while this is drying I'm gonna have a coffee so we're gonna see you in just a couple seconds because we're not gonna film watching the tile dry obviously before we go and get into our grouting part of the video I want to just ask you guys hey give us a thumbs up if you're liking this content don't forget to ask all your questions in the comment section below because I'm going to be covering that because there's gonna be a ton of information to go through and don't forget to stick around to the end of this video because we're gonna be discussing all the different price points and the cheats and the steps that you may or may not have to engage in to do your bathroom now we just finished installing all of the tile all three walls in about two hours it is so easy tiling over an existing flat tile surface now we started over here worked our way around this these walls are already dry but if we regret this one needs about another 30 minutes to set up and then we're good to go so we're gonna just wait 30 minutes finish prepping this wall grout it and we're done for the day step six is grouting first step in grouting is preparation get all the waxy stuff off the tile that separated it in the box so they wouldn't get scratched up pull out all your clips wash it down and off you go and if you want to learn how to grow effectively stay tuned at the end of this video you can click the link watch our how to grow professionally that's going to change your world all the tips and tricks to do a quick perfect job [Music] okay now that we've done our growth it's all polished up last step step number seven is install all your fixtures so let's just reinstall everything we took off rigidly and then we can talk about the cost of doing this project so I think it's probably best just to start at the top and work our way down go find that sweet spot there we go when you got a fight with it you know you got a good seal well I think I'm just gonna put one more run a Teflon in there for good measure just a freshen that doing up a little bit there we go all right make sure when you're putting your fixtures back that the gasket is still inside a little washer there you don't want to do this with others to bring everywhere we're at the bottom okay usually hand tight is okay but these there we go make sure you before you put your plate on the thing gap in the gasket is at the bottom in case any water gets in behind here it has a way to get out here we go remember with these screws I always go backwards until you you hear it click and it sets in there so you don't cross thread it we got enough okay [Music] and the last thing they just put the handle back on okay this is a really strange assembly as oh boy that's nice know when you get it on nice and snug like that you're the perfect seal you don't have to use any silicone but looking pretty a long time there's other steps from finishing a tile over tile installation now listen let's talk about the money because you've got a few options here and before we get into that let me just say this one thing because there are going to be a ton of tile guys in the comment section you can't do that the bottom line is this folks everywhere you go to some buy tile they're gonna have a supplier of cements and grouts and all these other products every one of these companies and there's at least seven of them that I'm aware of have their own products available for this solution they all do it that have been doing it for a lot of years these products have been on the market for as long as I've been around so over 40 years it's not new technology but no one wants to talk about it because there's not a lot of money in it okay let's face it if you want to get something like this done you call the contractor before you know it the walls are gone the seal is gone the tub is gone and what could have been just a few hundred bucks ends up being thousands so the basic installation is as follows and if you have these conditions you can do it it's $200 and what you can do is you can just take some sandpaper scuff up your tile and go right over top with a modified cement okay but you can only do that if you don't have a mold problem and you can only do that if your structure is still solid now if you're concerned about longevity you can add the waterproofing agent if you don't want to sand you want to just get it done quick you can use the Eco prime grip and then the waterproofing agent and then you're going to go from a $200 installation up to about a $400 installation because unfortunately they don't sell those products in retail level yet it's and wholesale so you're not with a whole gallon when all you need is a quart so I'm fortunate something I'm trying to work on looking forward to the day where I can make these products available as a you know as a kit just a quart of this a quart of that so you can do your own tub but in the meantime we have to suffer through this now the only other thing you can do here if you really want to dress this up and you want to do tile over tile for aging parents is instead of the curtain rod you can put it in a solid glass door and if you want to see that we have two videos on that we have the video we're going to install this glass here and we also have a full sliding door system so we'll put links in the description for those videos but we also want to put in our support bar here so what we have here is a little Moen grab bar it's kind of nice it's got a bit of a comfort grip on the back there we're gonna install it right around here so the ladies can have an easier time getting in and out of the tub to have their showers now listen if you want to see this installation it's not that terrible we actually know where the studs are but it is possible to do this just into the wall you have to read the instructions in the package for that information but we'll have this video available for you as well put the description link below so there we have it we have the three ways to do a tile over tile $200 installation quick and simple it's a little bit more labor by doing all the sanding you can bump it up to 400 bucks and get a waterproof barrier and everything else and keep your mold from growing through if you have that problem lastly if you want to upgrade your shower so it's good for aging at home you can add the glass door put in the towel bar get all the bells and whistles and you can do this kind of project for less than $1000 I'm telling you right now glass door and talib are included this is the way to renovate your home save your money get a product that works got a product that's pretty win-win-win see you next time [Applause]
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 481,669
Rating: 4.8529387 out of 5
Keywords: how to tile over tile, tile over tile, tile over tile in shower, tile over tile in bathroom, tile on tile, installing tile over tile in bathroom, putting tile over tile in bathroom, tile over tile in shower floor, tile over tile shower, tile over tile shower wall, tile over tile bathroom, bathroom remodel diy, tile over tile bathroom wall, how to tile over tile in your shower, how to tile over tile in shower, tile on tile bathroom, installing tile over tile in shower
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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