Trying Tactical Products

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Didn't take Danny as the type to get a tesla

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/virtualisticx 📅︎︎ Feb 16 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GuntherYoshi 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone and welcome back to my second channel this is my second channel it is not my main channel and if you thought it was my main channel then guess what you're a stupid little worm that's right if you came here and honestly thought that this was my main channel and not my second channel where i like to get goofy wacky silly and honestly just downright random then you're off your rocker i haven't posted here in a bit and honestly it's just because i haven't had any good ideas to post here i don't really know what to post on my second channel i sort of started it because i had all these ideas that i felt like weren't good enough for my main channel and i wanted to post on there but then i sort of ran out of those ideas and now i just don't have any ideas for this channel so if you have any ideas for what i should do let me know i've got a lacroix here it's a pamplemousse which means grapefruit in french that's refreshing that's good all right well you probably saw the video that i posted on my main channel about all the tac products in that video i reviewed the commercial for all these tac products and i actually bought a bunch of them for that video and ended up only using a couple of them for sketches and stuff just because i wanted to have them just in case i needed them and i only used like two of them but i have all of them that i talked about i have all of them here you know i figure why not turn this into a second channel video i don't want all this stuff to go to waste and not get any content out of it you know because i spent a lot of money on it you know so i've reviewed the commercials now it's time for me to give my review on the products starting with the tack bad i already opened this one because i used it in the video but let's just take a look at the box real quick to see what we're getting ourselves into 40 times brighter than this regular flashlight and there's a picture of a flashlight also i don't know why they really like taped this thing shut and put like cardboard all around it it was in another box and then when i opened that box there was just like cardboard taped all around it so i had to like peel that off and destroy the box while opening it probably ruining any value that this thing might have had on like a collector's market or anything i don't know if people are gonna be collecting tac products in the future but if they are i'm out of luck visibility for four nautical miles that's crazy what are nautical miles is that different than just regular miles does that mean it works under water for four miles is this for navy guys let me just google this real quick what are nautical miles okay this says that it's 1.15 miles so a nautical mile is actually more than a mile if google is correct this can actually light more than four miles which is perfect for those situations where you need to see something that's four miles away oh and if you're wondering yeah this is the 12 inch edition so we're getting crazy and ladies and gentlemen here it is the tack bat aka the attack bat oh yeah it doesn't have batteries in it yet i gotta put those in it requires three double a batteries now let's put this baby to work i'm curious to see how bright it actually is and how good of a weapon it is it's a tactical flashlight and a tactical bash light that you could use in a practically brash fight all right let's turn this baby on and see oh wow okay it looks bright wow that's a cool lens flare too look at that yeah i'm gonna light up this back wall but first you know what let's test a civilian flashlight first i'm just gonna use my phone flashlight pretty standard brightness actually probably less than average brightness and okay that's shining on the wall but it literally doesn't look like it's doing anything so that's what the phone flashlight does now let's try the attack bat holy moly she's dude okay this thing is bright [Music] that's so annoying so to turn it on you just press it once but then if you want to turn it off again you have to cycle through all the different modes which i think like goes down in brightness and then turns on strobe mode and then a different flashing mode and then it turns off so let's say you've got it on right the super bright light you're creeping through your house in the middle of the night trying to find the bathroom you find it and then you're like okay great i've gotten to the bathroom it's time to use the potty so you press the button you press it again it gets dim your eyes start to adjust to the darkness and then just when you think it's time to take a little pee pee and then it turns off sort of like you're using self-defense mode on yourself all right let's take a look at how good this thing is as a weapon all right i was half expecting the light to stop working when i hit him in the head because it just seems like something that would happen but you know what this thing's military tough i mean say what you want about the commercials but i'm actually kind of kind of impressed this uh this is military tough and i'm sorry i'm sorry that i had to do that to you should i try self-defense mode on myself should i see if it disorients me i'm gonna do it but from a distance okay so this is self-defense mode i'm gonna set it on my desk and then i'm gonna walk over here about the distance a bad guy would be and i'm going to be doing my little bad guy things and then i'm going to turn around and see if it's disorienting no it didn't alright guys so i want to test this out in a tactical situation so what i've done here is i've set up a situation that i think we all pretty much fear in our homes there's an attacker in my basement pretty much everyone's worst fear a creeper from minecraft is in my basement he's about to attack me as you can clearly see he's wild he's crazy and he's probably gonna be violent if i had to guess so i'm gonna act this out as if it's a real life situation and let's see what happens oh no i hear a bump in the night there might be something in my basement let's look around we start with a wide beam is it you no okay those are always there the wide beam is good for like a a quick search to find out who's in your basement and then oh [ __ ] then you kind of zero in on him with this now i suppose what i want to do as you can clearly see is about to attack me this does not look good i suppose what the tech commercial would have me do first is try self-defense mode in the heat of the moment you have to get to self-defense mode really fast luckily it's only one two three clicks away and now i'm in self-defense mode and actually i can probably even focus it all on him his retinas are probably burnt like on fire right now if this was a real person his his eyeballs would probably be like burning in his sockets i love that it's three clicks away like if there's really an attacker and you're like oh [ __ ] uh okay uh hold on one second and haha gotcha [ __ ] you're dead or maybe you're just supposed to walk around in your house with the self-defense mode going the entire time is anyone in here hello now that i've stunned him i guess now the only thing really left to do is attack him because it's either i attack him or he attacks me i guess do the stance on your mark get set go whoa this was on right yeah it was on okay it turned off for some reason when i when i smacked it but jesus dude come look at this damage all right i'm feeling pretty good about that but you know what i'm still kind of worried that he's about to attack me so yeah okay yeah he's looking pretty bad now but let me just go ahead and just make sure with this you know it's a good idea even if your attacker is unconscious with a giant gash in his head and he's missing one of his legs you still want to defend yourself against him because he still is probably about to attack you that's why i like to keep on self-defense mode i'll probably just stand here like this until the police come i'll say honey there's an intruder in the basement don't worry i think he's dead but can you call the police and then i would probably just wait here until the police come and i think that's pretty much it you know i think that's pretty much oh [ __ ] sorry i thought i saw i thought i saw him move i think we're good now thanks takbat all right well that's the tech bat my review nine out of ten it's actually pretty good i can tell it's made out of genuine uh aircraft-grade aluminum or whatever and it makes quite a beating stick okay next up the tack visor this is the other one that i actually used in the video if you remember two in one car visor i feel like they didn't talk about that enough in the commercial but there's a nighttime driving visor and a daytime driving visor the second you flip it down you see a giant truck coming at you this guy looks really happy and then there's a nice before and after picture before it looks like you're driving straight into heaven and after you're just in new mexico or some [ __ ] so i have already opened it and i have it right here yeah i mean this is pretty much it it clips onto your car's actual visor you're the non-tactical one and it goes up like this and then when you need it it flips down like so i actually am noticing that it kind of does that thing that it did in the commercial hold on one sec and i'll try to show you what it does all right watch this ready you see my reflection in it but if i turn it this way by the bing bada boom there's the eagle you can see him clear as day i mean if i take this off you can still see him but that's how polarizing light works if you turn it then you can't see him anymore maybe i should take this into my car and see if it actually works in there or if this makes any difference all right guys time to test this thing out i've got my visor here my regular old visor that will block the road and all the cars and make it impossible for me to see let's get a quick demo of that so let's say i'm like driving and it's so bright and i can't see it so i put down my visor and as you can see it's like pretty much useless i can't even see the road anymore probably gonna crash and probably gonna die that's why you want something like this the tack visor i believe it just clips on to your normal visor making it actually useful for once okay so my garage opener is already kind of in the way and then it flips up like that let's just do a quick control test for comparison i'm gonna drive without it it's a nice snowy day and snow always reflects light you know sunlight so it's it's very bright out let's see how i drive without the attack visor [ __ ] [ __ ] as you could probably tell it's almost impossible driving right now without some kind of some kind of help i mean if you want to just turn the camera so that they can see in front of us it honestly kind of feels like staring right into attack bat in self-defense mode let's go ahead and flip down the tack visor wow okay interesting huh i cannot tell if this is helping much i mean it is making things darker because there's like bright windows behind me like the side windows to the back windshield i can see all of those reflected in this screen and it's kind of really distracting and i can also see like my reflection i can see my mouth moving in the reflection here as i said in the commercial this is basically just like it polarizes the light which is basically what most like sunglasses do if you have polarized sunglasses so i'm gonna see i think that these are better i think i think i would just prefer to use these using them at the same time however this could be a game changer actually i just like lifted my hand up and moved this thing i feel like that i feel like that could like drastically affect your driving abilities now maybe you can tell a little bit better how many reflections there are and also this is a good example right now because the car is kind of bouncing this is like jiggling as it bounces so not only are there like these distracting reflections of things moving behind me but like this is also bouncing which is making all the reflections like just go like one thing i will mention though is that someone tweeted me and said that they actually have a tack visor and it's because they wear glasses and so if they if they have like glasses they can't also comfortably wear sunglasses so that actually makes sense if i was wearing glasses i wouldn't want to put on sunglasses also tack wallet all right this one should be fun they claim this to be fire resistant and bow and arrow resistant let's take a look aha velcro very cool ooh what's this oh okay it's just like just list some of the features of the tack wall i thought it was going to be a card to some like exclusive tack club that i was going to get to be in but it's just a stupid piece of cardboard lame oh came with one of these which is always fun though and uh overall i mean this seems like a pretty fine wallet it's got the lanyard on it which nick volton really loves so that it won't get stolen oh this only works if you're wearing a belt though right because the belt has to go through it so that's i mean that's not going to really help a boy like me i don't wear belts often in fact it kind of makes a nice little loop for some sneaky little guy to come stick his finger through and just i think i'm going to be attaching that okay i don't have like a bow and arrow but i have a pocket knife i think this is a pretty valid way to test how resistant it is to damage i cut through it right away i sliced right through it there's a big there's a slice i actually didn't think that was going to happen i kind of thought that it wasn't going to go through but nope i'm just i'm slicing it right through it's it's not often that someone's gonna be going around stabbing your wallet so i think you're probably good because i was really digging in and trying to slice it it's not like i just went like that and it sliced no it doesn't okay okay well maybe it does but yeah okay it does if i go like that how often does that really happen the only time you have to worry about that is if you fall into like an industrial meat slicer and the only reason you would need your wallet to survive is so that the police can identify your your mangled corpse overall i'm gonna give this like a three out of ten because it's not a very nice looking wallet it's not sleek honestly it's not very tactical looking i mean it's got like velcro which is i believe generally understood to be like the worst thing a wallet could have by anyone who's anyone i'm not super crazy about it it didn't even hold up to the stabby stab very well i feel like if i was wearing this in my breast pocket and a bad guy came up and started stabbing me i don't even think it would protect my precious heart and if you can't even protect my heart then what can you do okay it's tech shaver time let me just slice this open and what do we have here you know i think one of the things i'm most excited about with this is seeing how well it works for navy guys like myself guys who spend most of their time submerged in a swimming pool and grow big fat beards damn it came charged right out the gate so this i believe has a rechargeable battery so it doesn't take any batteries and you just kind of [Music] shave you know like that and it's got a little trimmer for trimming [Music] okay this kind of looks cool right when i first took it out of the box the first impression i had of it was like this looks like a taser i would say that that is kind of a tactical look it looks like you could just kind of one thing i want to test with this is how well it actually handles in water because that was one of the biggest claims they made in the commercial really the best way to test this is just to drop it in a glass of water like they do in the commercial and see if that really works that'll do let's just fill up a glass of water and see what happens i'm trying to think of really like a practical scenario that this would be helpful and so far the only thing i can really think of is like i'm shaving i'm looking in the mirror getting a good shave and then like all of a sudden like oh no oh [ __ ] oh no oh no i dropped my razor in a glass of water and it's fully submerged in there and you know what to their credit it does seem like it's still working i mean it's still making the noise that's really the only way i can tell there's little bubbles coming out of the side it looks kind of like smoke i think maybe that's just air [Music] okay well it's not actually smoking as far as i can tell so maybe it was just an illusion smoking mirrors you know what actually that's a good test for most people you know you're doing a shave and you drop it in a glass of water but that personally would never happen to me because i don't drink still water i only drink lacroix i think you know what we have to do now now if it can handle this i would be pretty impressed as we all know sparkling water is much more violent than regular water okay so i'm shaving i'm having a sip of my delicious grapefruit lacroix oh no not my lacroix it's ruined or is it nope it's good as ever and i can still probably shave well look at it in there it's like coated in bubbles well well seemed like that worked too and i can still get a good shave [Music] did that shave me at all a little bit i think okay it's kind of hard to tell because i didn't have much there to begin with all right well you know i'm going to say the claim that it works underwater is true i don't know if it like works underwater because like i don't know if it really worked to begin with based on the review that we watched but it does what it did on land underwater okay well bye
Channel: 2 Danny 2 Furious
Views: 2,813,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, dannygonzalez, funny, skit, vine comedy, vines
Id: eM678ialAwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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