Episode 12 - Thank You To The Gym

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what's up guys welcome to TMZ podcasts this is actually last week's episode if you want today's episode that'll be on our patreon right now you can get it a week early if you contribute its patreon.com slash tiny meet gang so thanks if you do that and if not enjoyed this one who's Noel just was talking right before we started recording this no I was talking about how is how his girlfriend what is he complaining about how is she no she told you how all of your old shirts don't fit yes she was pointing out that they fit sick man yeah that's sick yeah so happy you told me that yeah [Music] all my t-shirts don't fit you know you [ __ ] start going to the gym as huge as this program is working I mean your shirts aren't fitting you either my shirts don't fit in the waist area the stomach well there are wear shirts that are too long yeah I don't fake as I'm too fat yeah well they used to be long now they kind of sit higher up it's like the dick bid has come up well it's actually nice it's good too I think men should start showing their midriff a little bit more I don't feel like we do that enough dude so I'll [ __ ] around with Elena because one night I jerking we pulled up my pants like high-waisted you know like girls will work wasted yeah and I was like oh I still got like a shitty gut I just need to hide that and I pulled it up and she was like I can't take you seriously so now I just walk around the house high-waisted it just drives her nuts she's like please I'll try to have a serious conversation with her I'm like you know we should really think about how we put the laundry in the machine she's like can you just pull it down I'm like what's I can't wear a high waisted man should be able to do high-waisted all right we don't like our gut we should be able to pull it up high and tuck the shirt in dude Devin sometimes will come out of the bathroom after he's taking a shower wearing a towel like this like a girl does and it's like I get so creeped out it is the cuz it like Vinick just ends right here and you can test like just covering his dick says it's so for some reason it's six like the creepy thing I don't know why it's so bad it's funny how like in like the late I don't even know like mid to late or not I said early 2000s you know the trend was for girls was like wear jeans as low as they [ __ ] go right and now it's like cuz high she's right up to the tits yeah now right I'm just just just another tits tuck the breasts into the pockets yeah if you can put them into the pocket I don't mind you guys think it's interesting yeah well welcome back every 2018 everybody yeah hope everyone's doing well hope your holidays were great yeah we tried this yesterday it uh didn't really work out why I dude you I didn't listen to it I was going to but I didn't listen to it well I chuckled at the beginning you know and I can cut out the highlights but we were so clearly just not in a funny mood yeah we talked about poker for like 17 minutes no but that shit's actually I feel like people actually find that interesting but if you like if you don't know what poker is we started using a lot of slang so it just it started turning into Chinese like I'm like yeah through a seabed and he like did a soft raise and you know I'm thinking he's got a weak game and anyone who doesn't play poker is like what well I mean like that's bad then the UFC conversation must have been awful yeah but at least like we could have backed into the Joe wrote people understand getting the [ __ ] knocked out he by the way did you like those [ __ ] videos you send me yesterday what Noel sends me like it was like some other UFC Instagram account or something posting like highlights knockout highlights of the year and one of them dude the Alistair Overeem one was at the elbow oh that one was bad one to me was just oh the uppercut is I'm like yeah dude oh my god that guy got I was like he's dead for sure and not only the worst part about those clips is the punch they get in when the guy is knocked out yeah that's always he's always just like a he's like a like a punching bag at that point you don't I mean he's like kind of falling over and the guy just just takes another big one in his face goes boom seeing a guy get punched without him being able to defend is like the scariest [ __ ] super it's like scarring yeah that's why I'll never get in a street fight yeah because he get knocked out there's no one there to be like do you can't kick him oh [ __ ] dude well that's a really dark thought so Alena and I like when she started watching UFC with me like she'd always get a little frustrated because she feel like the fights ended too early like hey that guy he's knocked out but he could've kept going I'm like no no no watch the replay it showed in slow-motion the dude's eyes roll up in his head and then when they hit the mat and you get you see the one punch come down like Alena would be like oh yeah he's dead oh that's what it is he's like deceased so I guess he couldn't yeah there's like no way yeah I have to send you one more of so the dude in that like set of four instagram clips the first one the dude Edson Barboza he has this like famous high kick where the dude gets like rigor mortis okay the dude was like gonna counter and he get hit so hard that he's like face and his a hand like twist up like he's like he just goes to the ground in that position like this on the ground he can't move his fist that's the scariest I gotta there was my the one I think it was like a third one with the elbow yeah the guy just like grabs his head it just has time to wind up for it just like he like oh my god he even moves his head like into the elbow and it's like the back of the head and the guy's just like a long reset I shouldn't laugh what the [ __ ] sorry oh speaking of hot oh I wanted to open with a little story okay I get it dude the girlfriend thinks you're two jacks now yeah she thinks I'm so hot it's a nice change for her being me being hot no I took the hottest [ __ ] oh good at the I'm gonna say he goes right at the end of 2017 okay before New Year's Eve okay physically the hottest [ __ ] okay it was like a Bikram yoga class and I'll explain like it okay yeah so you feel the heat on your ass no like I would like the bathroom I was in was like a sauna oh I think man this [ __ ] was hot I I mean like you know when you heat like a real spicy meal yeah yeah and you take a [ __ ] and then you can feel the heat coming out of the water and it's heating up that's what I thought you meant that watch [ __ ] well it might have been that way but I couldn't tell okay you know so is the bathroom was that hot yeah so we're in Chicago and I had to take a dump in a Ghirardelli cuz you know that's the ideal place to do it I mean I'm pretty sure everyone as soon as they eat that [ __ ] they just yeah yeah so let me let me preface by this story was set up to be really [ __ ] funny hmm but there was a change in events that only made it pretty funny so I'm waiting outside the two bathrooms hmm and I can like I think maybe 10 minutes went by and I'm like prairie dog and the dude is just not coming out of the men's restroom and the women's restroom was open so I'm like [ __ ] this you gotta imagine it at that point someone is just like washing their hands for the third time yeah you know me just taking the most amount of time possible yeah you know it's a single stall or the single fathom where they lock the door and you're waiting you're like what the [ __ ] could they possibly be doing that you hear the toilet flush and like 30 minutes later they come out and so we're just looking at yourself in the mirror for 30 minutes no there's a wine we gotta take a [ __ ] and then as soon as you get in there you're like all right now I'm gonna dig this much time as I need that's like when you get out of a gas station on your way to Vegas like when you take the gas station [ __ ] and the entire line of everyone from LA is like really really that long you're gonna take that long you mean when you drive from Vegas yeah I've never driven from Vegas oh yeah I used to do that pretty uh draw who drives to Vegas it's like a half an hour flight and they're like sixty bucks well yes and okay anyway sorry the story that's fine what was I gonna say you're waiting I'm waiting no no you went to the girls I said [ __ ] it I went to the women's restroom and I waited a long time I'm gonna just say I did that as well in Miami and I thought I was gonna get it like arrested yeah it feels so wrong well that's at that moment I was like yeah all gender bathrooms are a great idea I love that idea let's flip all these signs around because there was another restaurant we went to with all gender bathrooms and it was great mmm he just which everyone opened up yeah that's one you want to show anyway so gonna women's restaurant and I'm yeah the same way for the CIA is waiting outside yeah yeah as soon as I as soon as my ass cheeks touch the toilets yeah it's not illegal to piss in the women's bathroom it's illegal take a [ __ ] in the women's bath yeah just the moment I sat down just put mustard gas on me just a little bit just to give me coffee yeah zip tie me on a [ __ ] stick and carry me out and rip me of all my clothes and shame me in public they hang me outside of the Ghirardelli saying shame you're sick did you ever watch Game of Thrones yeah like a little bit there's there's a scene where one of the queens whatever they rip off all her clothes and they make her walk through the city and everyone's just screaming shame and throwing [ __ ] at her oh I think I did yeah that's probably what they would how dare you so I [ __ ] I sit down and I feel terrible the whole time but I'm like and and this was like I was primed but it wasn't ready to fire and I just like need a little more gunpowder to get moving so I'm sitting there and I'm focusing I'm concentrating all my Chi and to dropping this deuce and then I text Alena and like the grouper with on my a just camp outside the bathroom you know make sure it's cool and they pull up and outside the bathroom and one of our friends text a group and she's like there's a woman out here who looks like she's gonna cry she's in so much pain like dancing around like wanting to go to the bathroom Oh and so I'm like Jesus Christ so finally as I'm waiting the dude in the men's restroom comes out Elena says he comes out like Fanning himself Oh God now that could have been because again these bathrooms were like a hundred and ten degrees okay the moment I walked in I felt like a layer of sweat just develop on the back of my neck okay it was disgusting yeah it was so [ __ ] gross this is the worst yeah absolutely worth so anyway like I was like disrobing to just take a comfortable [ __ ] I'm like how naked can I get in here before it's weird yeah so he finally comes out and then my buddy Eric is out there is like you can use the men's it's fine she goes oh my gosh thank you so much it's like dances in there she comes flying back out she's like oh he took a poop in there it's so disgusting and I'm just sitting there about the deuce I'm like moments away from blowing up this toilet and I just wanted to be like it's not gonna be much better in here lady there ain't no breaks in the real world you better get tough like she doesn't one where she's man oh man hey man using restrooms for all of their own but listen dude I was in an emergency State and I and I apparently so was she well yeah I bombed that toilet within seconds of her saying that so you did yeah you let her go I couldn't Wow well no no so I I deploy okay as I light as I said on Twitter I made my porcelain deposit okay and check into the porcelain Bank has to check at the porcelain Bank anyway so I do this and everyone the group chat is like lol lol all capitals they're like this is gonna be [ __ ] priceless when you walk out of this bathroom so I'm like taking longer I'm like just maybe she'll leave or change online yeah that's so far super [ __ ] which thought now what if it was a women in the men's bathroom before and what if it was a women and we met at 17 women's what was 17 women's in that manner so anyway so I come out and I guess she had to go so bad that she took off yeah her pants and just dropped a hard [ __ ] in the bat and public area flipping me off all men are pigs now she left man I feel I feel for that girl me too I feel for that at the amount of times I've been in that position where I'm I just [ __ ] get out of the bathroom what are you doing so you know when you do something you know that's mean and you're like I never have to make eye contact with that person so I don't feel too badly yeah well we were waiting outside the Ghirardelli for an uber and she walks past us and Elena's like that's her and the guilt I felt just looking at her face I was like I want to just pull her inside and be like I'm sorry I'm sorry for doing this to you but uh it looks like she made it you know where did she go I have no idea damn yeah sorry David shot out to the Ghirardelli yeah [ __ ] girl [ __ ] to the [ __ ] girl let's start off with a little poop story bring the new year into the poops man yeah that's great that's pretty on a scene character for us yeah um characteristic of us women say they're you start the year off with a [ __ ] story yeah about wayman's about Wayman Wayans what if it was a women in the men's bath what if it was a women in the men's boy room what if there was women's in there what could have been seventeen women's in there Wayman in there oh my god dude wait Randall I'm eating this oatmeal if it were possible to puree a grandma that's what I think someone just jammed a grandmother food processor come here Nana where are we going we're making you into breakfast blam this tastes old how much glue did you put in there oatmeal it's just like bones and glue a little bit of water it's so [ __ ] nasty oh man today's infinitely funnier than yesterday holy [ __ ] you notice I sent you this last night I think the wet blanket was the Logan Paul thing yeah but yeah you know what I watched her video and that was like almost like a catharsis for me what do you mean I don't know what that word means it's like um it's like like a like when you have like winning pain yeah right yeah yeah I didn't know what that mean you was a win a win away away man and women went away man women goes and down yeah yeah did you like the video no I did okay guys I felt like you said I felt like you made real observations about like you watched it and you formed your own conclusion I feel like everyone else was like he did a thing and it was bad which is you know whatever but we don't need 172 videos of he did a bad thing yeah yeah I think the takeaways were the real takeaways one he just doesn't have a idea of what's like what's okay anymore yeah that is not on the [ __ ] front of his brain and yeah if you have younger people in your life be careful I think that's the biggest one yeah because you can't you can't leave it to Logan Paul to raise your kid or entertain your kid or little sister or whatever no I know and now people I there's a BuzzFeed article this morning about like parents that are now being more careful there was like interviews basically with with young parents or parents that had you know 8 to 12 year olds or whatever who previous previously like Jake Paul Logan Paul and they're like they're like turning them on to different people very good just like it's like you know have your kid worship like an athlete or something with the code old days you know yeah good good classic man yeah exactly I said man other like the Reagan yeah exactly dick conservative [ __ ] as a big ol Republican hanger Weiner Republican Weiner that was my whole thing is I was like I watched it I watched some of the other videos people just liked just like basically watching his vlog and making fun of it and I was like I don't know it's more that didn't and a lot of things were said about it obviously yeah but I felt like that was part of it it was it was just like you know you've gotta be [ __ ] careful what's what's happening mm-hmm the Anna Akana tweet was pretty Oh which one she tweeted at him I guess her brother committed suicide who Anna Connors brother oh really yeah you hung himself and I think like she has a sister or another sibling that found him oh man and she was like you don't film that you just don't yeah it's like yeah pretty pretty you know would be obvious to the rest of us some another guy said I mean I shouldn't laugh at this but it just sounded fun he's like Irish yeah he was like oh yeah the video yeah yeah his video was actually good really good I loved he was just a little Oh Paul and then he starts crying like in the video yeah yeah the witch is I mean is reasonable I think it's reasonable yeah I mean like it looked real like it looks sincere like he got so worked up like yeah cuz that's and it's yeah it's [ __ ] up I was laughing it is like well you know I loved his backhanded just condescending like you know normal people would turn the cameras off go to their hotel room be freaked the [ __ ] out for the rest of the day and maybe like you know call their family or say yeah and really think about what the [ __ ] they just saw that's what normal people do so true it's so [ __ ] true yeah how was he not [ __ ] himself oh oh I I didn't even realize this one I made mine but um his editor wrote an apology video oh saying that they discussed it for like hours about whether or not to post it come on he finally was like yet do it oh come on come on hold on I got to eat Nana real quick I'd like to UM Oh stood yeah you know my girls he says like the amount of meaning is just super hot yeah dude she's a mean oh my god sorry I do does my bicep ripped all the [ __ ] wasn't down sorry hold on a second two things you know how everyone's been ripping on the 12 year old hot take on the situation no people like look at the twelve-year-old fans they're idiots but you got to get plugged back in here yeah Cody just pulled out during sex on accident now we're there we go there we got a now keep going he's gonna fidget with this anyway so yeah mmm and I saw a comment from one of these 12 year olds that was like what if Jake could have saved the guy what if he was like breathing in his final breaths and then he could have saved them I first wanna be like you damn well actually entirely possible entirely entirely boss yeah that the dude was at the end of it and Jay Paul's like and then he runs over there and the girl blew and stuff and doesn't get it um here's the best hot take I've seen okay has someone on Kotaku wrote this article that was like Logan Paul's only gonna get bigger I'm like I don't think so I think 15 million parents who were just like late my kids watching what yeah and I think it's gonna be hurtin for him he's still a good-looking white guy with a great body and there are still 14 year olds looking a Homa oh you're not done looking at the internet so yeah he'll be fine I see some of these IG celebs sometimes on my feed as suggestions and I'm mystified that 14 million people follow that [ __ ] and find it funny but I remember when my cousin's son was 13 and thought Dane Cook was the funniest man alive so I guess it's pretty normal it sounds to me like this guy wants to [ __ ] Logan Paul and Dane Cook also come on that's Dane Cook was funny at a point he was he was funny yeah he was like a successful stand-up comedy special you have to be somewhat funny in order for that to happen right yep my dick feels like corn remember that now is that a that's one of his okay my dick feels like ah I remember like I granted yes like all 15 year olds at that point thought he was a [ __ ] god yeah I guess his humor is it a little bit juvenile plus he thinks he I think he steals jokes right that was one of the conclusions of that whole era the Dane Cook era but look like look first of all Logan Paul is not attractive I don't know what the [ __ ] yeah these people are like I saw that someone else said that yeah I'm on Twitter or something or on reddit or some [ __ ] because someone's like who is Logan Paul what's a Logan Paul or whatever the [ __ ] like that's gnarly like I don't know what this is I don't piss on the Internet at all because I'm I play video games and jerk off yeah I play poker yeah I don't know yeah and someone was like well they're just like him and his brother is like attractive 20 year olds that have a lot of kid followers that to me says what do you that is nerd before anyone thinks that they're attractive no except old I'm confident that if it were me against Jake or Logan in a social setting you know I would out game them ten out of ten times dude we get it man I live you're a jack yeah we get it yeah if the game was lifting I got him locked away no absolutely not that's one of the things they definitely have on you Logan could a high kick my [ __ ] that kid could probably just with his a single ass cheek lift what I use my entire body the way yeah definitely the thing about them is that they're loud that's what it is and they're loud that's what they are yeah that's all it is yeah it's not the attractiveness it's not the bodies it's not whatever they're loud yeah that's it yeah actually you know what they're loud which is which two kids kids mistake that is charisma it's not yeah it's just volume yeah and they're just attracted to the fact that someone's screaming screaming at them because it's just sensory stimulation you don't I mean whereas like as you get older it's like well you know I mean I more don't don't yell on my [ __ ] yeah exactly do that it's um more sensitive yeah I brains a little bit more sensitive it just made me think you know who likes him seventeen-year-old girls whose Instagram profile is I'm so random lol yeah yeah it's the most annoying people no I think snow once you've reached the age of like 14 you think yeah yeah actually yeah yes when it stops that's true yeah that's when it's like alright I'd stop yeah cuz there's in high school your freshman year there's always just one girl who stays that way yeah and everyone's like yeah [ __ ] Brittany stop it just stop it she and she think she has to be louder yeah she gets crazier hair she's the one who goes to Jamaica and gets colour braids and comes back alright [ __ ] was I supposed yeah the part of his apology letter when he was like he's like I make a 15-minute TV show every day well no one asks you to do that was just your own that's like this isn't don't make this out like it's not your [ __ ] fault no one's paying you to do this you know I mean like like I make a 15-minute TV show every day it's like yeah but I could what do you mean like I could I could film 24 hours a day every day I would go [ __ ] insane but it would be my own fault like it's not like someone's making you do that did you see his uh I watched his 2017 in review video I didn't see it yeah you know was it Oh better or worse in mine um better because um he just owns more things yeah yeah I mean candidly I watched it I was like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] was he like didn't go over the [ __ ] that he bought oh yeah oh that's so [ __ ] is so [ __ ] he he flexes so hard working shitty yeah he's a shitty he remember on insanely chill I said he's like the evangelical preacher he is exactly that like to the [ __ ] tee like he opens up the videos like man this was a crazy like that fake [ __ ] Herbalife like CEO god it's like such a pyramid scheme that's like his whole personality yeah I was a crazy year this year where do I start maybe with the six point five million dollar home I purchased and I can just hear his fans going he said that yeah yeah God what it did yeah he's like by my first home worth six point five million dollars if that's not an achievement it's a is that an achievement I don't think that's a like material things that you buy like that's not it that's now I because I don't think that's like in a like an achievement they're a lot of ways to get that yeah you could be a cam girl you could like you could scam people on Facebook into buying dumb t-shirts I mean there's a million ways to get money I mean I like I think like cuz I would use my own home yeah like that's an achievement right there yeah but being like I purchases six point five million dollar house let's start their previous previously owned by [ __ ] Drew Carey or whatever no it was owned by some I actually looked it up it was owned by some guy on who's the who's the dude on whose line is it anyway is not the black guy Wayne Brian style Ryan Stiles I think it was his house the older the older guy brunette yeah yeah I've never heard a man described as a brunette before a broom a broom yeah here's a broom he's a broom really tall lanky yes yeah that was his house before Wow yeah holy [ __ ] yeah crazy right yeah I love that guy yeah he's great [ __ ] funny yeah such a shame that Logan Paul's I mean his house desecrating yeah something so awesome yeah just ruining it yeah then he'd like then he goes I was like I'm gonna put a koi pond in it it was like just the most braggy rich guy video and talks about like he's like took a school bus turned it into a cool bus and he does a little dab before he says it it's just [ __ ] lame it's making me sad yeah talking about this [ __ ] let's not talk about what's ruined our day yesterday yeah no black mirror yeah oh I saw you tweet that on the if you guys haven't watched are we gonna spoil it yeah we're definitely [ __ ] I put this is a spoiler this is an official spoiler alert a snape kills dumbledore and and I don't want you to pause it and be some [ __ ] weenies about it alright we were going to spoil the first episode of black mirror season 4 right now yep right now so fast-forward it how long were you talk about this I don't know what they need to do rest of the episodes turn it off right now what they need to do is pause it and go watch the episode then come back okay yeah I like that you know like that black mirror it's on Netflix Netflix yeah it's basically about technology so enjoy that's it that's the spoiler all right well I gotta finish this I gotta finish the rest of Nana real quick keep me entertained okay so black yeah black mirror I I don't know it's one of those I realized I was going back and like through the episodes yesterday to try and find another one and I think I've seen them like almost all of them I didn't realize it but I I think season one is infinitely more [ __ ] up okay then the rest of them yeah cuz that one just has like grotesque like the politician [ __ ] the pig I know that [ __ ] was crazy visually jarring sty think that's the first one I ever watched yeah yeah and my parents were like what when it black we were started getting popular Elena was like I heard a lot about the show I'm gonna check it out I was like I was like writing code at the time so I'm working on my computer I'm like oh yeah go ahead and I just hear her from the couch go I just turn around her face is like I look at the TV am i oh he's [ __ ] that pig what are you watching then she's like got her hand in her pants I'm like what is going on okay Christ so that's the that's why the pig head is in my fridge now gotcha yeah gosh I was worrying while I was in there had took them that was bad that was a bad one yeah so we talked about this yesterday but we instead of explaining the episode for 30 minutes mmm-hmm so everyone's made the observation that he looks like Skippy yeah yeah yeah that's that's a fun one that instantly makes the episode even more fun cuz he's a big overt yeah yeah big older guys a virgin in fact that he [ __ ] made his own world and took away the yes if I plug into some sort of matrix VR [ __ ] the first thing I'm doing is making my dick huge and I'm [ __ ] that's the first easily easily I'm gonna [ __ ] yeah I'm gonna [ __ ] easily that's that's the first thing I'm gonna do I'm gonna plug in mmm all right what can i [ __ ] I would just make a big tree of vaginas yeah and just crawl over it yeah they don't have to be personified mother tree and I'll just just inseminate the mother told different types of China's just a vagina monument yeah come in there and literally and then I'll also come into the game and then bow to it and cry on it yeah that was the thing I wrote in my phone I'm like this fool took away the vaginas in his own devil everything in his dev build what a loser what a [ __ ] loser that guy sucked I did not feel bad for him he might as well have been dead his [ __ ] is borderline impotent yeah I just I don't I don't understand you really like really are that obsessed with Star Wars space star space where the [ __ ] stupid like arcade game [ __ ] story this is that you're gonna take away like a basic human function yeah oh my god so closing me off yeah it was just I don't know and then and of course they went in for the kisses though he got the kisses but he just was just like Peckham but that's Skippy Skippy won and the kisses what can I mean Skippy wanted to get [ __ ] lay true yeah Skippy wanted to put his pee in a V it was on [ __ ] mode yeah with that girl [ __ ] and that was a crazy thing I think she was willing to take it from him but he made it all weird Skippy yeah yeah people tweet at us all the time now yeah and they're like Skippy has a YouTube channel Skippy did this Skippy do that and I'm just like I've never even get into that max just that first video was enough yeah I'm gonna just leave it alone yeah I don't need to I don't need to know what Skippy's up to anymore no that was totally not so we touched on that that was over only way I want to see Skippy is I want someone to tag me in his Instagram and be like skip he's gonna kick your ass and I want it to be him with a before and after and he's just [ __ ] yoked yeah I was like just my own fitness business and if you want to get trained and switched up and [ __ ] all the time like me then sign up you know for Skippy transformation never calm dough that's the only thing I would like want to see he just gets [ __ ] jacked becomes a new Logan Paul yeah I start screaming into his camera every kid in America is like Skippy he's like yeah it's yes I follow this do on Instagram and occasionally he'll pull out these videos of him working out and this this fool I don't know if he does this purposely but it just makes me cry laughing to the point that I watch his videos to hear him do this he lives and he makes this sound like he's the [ __ ] Hulk I'm like you're not Ed doobies like this was straight-up coming in the gym the other day dude not like a like he was hidden curls and he was like [Laughter] everyone at the dumbbell rack was like looking in the mirror each other like eyes wide open like it's dis muhfucka serious number one dude thing when they busted insane orgasm ever told a girl thanks yesterday 100% just you just you know you come back down to earth and you're like thank you thank you thank you for that thank you it's so Jesus Christ thank you so much and it's not even like it's naughty I understand if a girl does it because girls don't always guys do it every time we know why fully whereas it feels like of a caliber where you're like no thanks oh my god those are the ones I mean I think that's a very telling of when you found someone you actually like yeah yeah those are the girls you keep first time I told Elena was sick thank you was six years ago okay and we've been saying come for the first time thank you thank you he just starts cuddling the weight on the floor and so I was saying I wanted to make a bit or a dude walks up I Superman did like it could be you and me to be sitting down as a machine you walk everything hey man can I work and I'm like oh yeah sure it's like lat pools and then you just go in I think the more sexy uncomfortable because what I want is tons of coverage of everyone in the gym just turning what the [ __ ] I just imagine this shot where the dude was originally working out a staring at the guy with his eyes hello wide open and then the dude finishes it says like oh dude thank you so wait the guy just left black mirror okay yeah black mare um yeah Skippy I think if you haven't watched the episode if you watch it as Skippy it makes it that much more entertaining cuz yesterday he's a pretty Skippy dude I mean besides his face yeah yeah yeah he looks like Skippy but he's also just very Skippy like yeah no no actually Skippy had Wayne more game than that did he did in confidence yeah that dude was just like real like just weird timid engineer hey cuz scoot over yes Skippy is not he's he's actually not all the way Abeyta yeah he's just he's just overbearing hmm everything else is great yeah yeah also as an engineer if you're a CTO and a girl walks into your office and goes you have bright beautiful code how have you not like his boner right in that shot should have just gone through the table yeah should've been like oh thank you so much and just kinda the bathroom immediately Jesus Christ that's my wife that's my wife no no no but instead his inclination is to remove it but her inclination is to collect her DNA remove her genitals and make her like a commander on his spaceship and it's a weird little VR world that he created it's [ __ ] weird dude I don't know that's I was saying yesterday but that [ __ ] that idea about like being fully conscious but trapped and whatever the [ __ ] computer you're in or something now to say we aren't doing that right now who knows you know I'm saying the old simulation thing but that scares the [ __ ] out of me well Cody I pretty made you [ __ ] spaceship the red pill just I pulled them out right now and I was [ __ ] Marv you know yeah yeah I agree that is a pretty it's a pretty haunting concept yeah it's [ __ ] up like to be stuck in that and what the [ __ ] else wasn't gonna say oh yeah I met so imagine what I was thinking was imagine that becomes a real thing like you people start having their own little dev builds at home and you just start going to parties and [ __ ] you like take a simple drink you're gonna go the trash limit you know throw that away no no I'll take this with me ah he's got like a cotton swab like under his thumb [Music] what's your little [ __ ] world you're gonna put me in everyone's dinosaurs I'm sorry I'm sorry really good t-rex yeah I don't know I like I want to [ __ ] with my face he just does a bag over your head and takes you home oh this is all black mirror there you go there's we should be writers for the new season yeah we should make our own black mirror but it really sucks yeah or just about technology now yeah oh this is my last one Skippy is creating a massive VR experience to lock everyone into being virgins so he wants to lock everyone into infinity and then take away all their penises and vaginas like that's good thanks dude that's good that's the that's the conspiracy theory about that episode I think that it sounds like the main oh no it is it is now yeah yeah it's giving us I think we'd there's a deeper meaning yeah in this black mirror episode and that's what it is we should just start a black mirror fansite no let's not do that but I'm always thrown off by those what the show is over yeah I well actually I don't know I kind of like like you know ready to saw there's like subreddits about black mirror and people like discuss the episodes after oh that's cool I'm talking about like like the weird like Wikipedia [ __ ] or people fill out like full bios for each character oh yeah yeah and and I'm just like it's over it's it's done yeah you don't need to read this yeah just watch it yeah and then you'll get it yeah these two characters are never gonna [ __ ] just stop drawing them anime of the two of them [ __ ] hey speak for yourself man I read those Wikipedia every before every single movie before anything I don't read the Wikipedia on each character I really want to know who they are yeah yeah dude did you do you see that [ __ ] on reddit about the VR chats yeah what was that oh my god oh my god I was crying laughing what was that didn't really get it though it was a [ __ ] did you watch I don't know it's something where I was like tons of people speaking and there's [ __ ] going on like everywhere so there's one where everyone looks like knuckles from Sonic the Hedgehog really small yeah it's like running down the hallway yeah the funny one I saw I was like a group of people standing in a VR circle you know and the [ __ ] Russian dude pulls up as like a little knuckles in a tank okay USSR flag is like a Soviet Russia flag like screaming at the top of his lungs and the whole circles like what is happening he just drives away in his little tank he starts playing like this Russian like is this a real thing yeah it's a real thing what yeah where can you chat in V like what is what whit what game can you I don't know but I want to do it pretend to be knuckles there you go like a communist knuckles good you're that kid on YouTube was like a full on he claims to be a communist no who's like 6 years old what it's so funny yeah yeah what's the story he's just like a little vacuum client like is our so here's communist he's just like a kid in like I think but [ __ ] no we're just making little YouTube videos it leans like so I think communism is good because with the [ __ ] off [ __ ] I think his dad just might be like a comedy genius yeah maybe it's like drill yeah yeah scripts alright just yeah this yeah read it holy [ __ ] dude did you watch this fake Priya Tyler girl no what other one i oh yes yes I didn't say yes dude that's gonna be part of my video I'm doing I wrote a video yesterday about what we were talking about okay I'm not gonna spoil any any jokes or anything in it but it's basically about like travel okay okay and about like the I don't know like wish for these I don't know this [ __ ] you watch is like because I think I was like tribal it down yesterday yesterday and I think what it is is that it's it's a genre of content I'm talking about like I'm talking about like the the J Alvarez type content right it's a genre of content that's supposed to inspire you to live your life to the fullest yeah but what it's turned into is just make you feel shitty about your life that's all it is yeah because all these people do is they make these compilations of them doing super dope [ __ ] they don't talk about how they got there what it takes blah blah blah right it's just like hey look at me I'm doing this yeah what are you doing you're sitting in a [ __ ] cubicle at a desk at a job I'm in some blue ass water check out this water how blue is this [ __ ] this is a way more blue than it needs to be I mean [ __ ] Greece chilling I mean the Mykonos in this blue ass water white ass buildings what are you doing you're [ __ ] working your damn job they're pouring food coloring in like I'm trying to undo this water yeah - blue blue blue hair it's seen it's not even on the color wheel just adding red ass water yeah you know what I've actually I've got a subscriber here who does not have a life worth living so we're gonna drain his blood yeah into the blue water yeah try to turn it purple your David he's just like oh thank you so much cuz you look at it in the video you're talking about the one you sent me it's this girl and I watched it oh it's like it's actually really well made but she edited that all credit goes to her for that [ __ ] it's really well made but it's his video she posted say 220 70 the tweet says 2017 was or I challenged myself this year to make it the ode to live as if this was my last year on earth cool that's what it was and the video is like a three-minute compilation of her traveling and smiling and exploiting third-world countries for likes that sort of [ __ ] right and it's like a hundred thousand likes on this [ __ ] everyone's responding to it like oh my god I want to live like this I want to live like this and it's like I'm watching this thing and I'm like it's cool but what is it what are you where are you who are you with what are these sort of stories I don't want these little bite-sized things if you just smiling on a cliff and leading some dude that you're gonna [ __ ] later on the beach saying like I want to know what wait how you got there what do you what do you mean it was the best lot you don't I'm saying it's easy to make these compilations right and and her answer to all that would be I just decided to live my best life live my best life it's like what you put it's like well my parents love me a bunch of money and I just gotta flew around surround I took a chance yeah yeah but you didn't do anything traveling it's not progress you're just traveling because you don't have I did the same [ __ ] maybe that yeah I don't know what the [ __ ] I wanted to do so I just went traveling that's fine everyone can do that [ __ ] but don't act like you're like better but living life you know you know saying yeah I don't know I've already said this on a previous episode I've already been to this rant it just like I see like that'd piss me off because people that don't aren't aware of this look at that in there like oh my god my life sucks it's like now I'm stuck here and people in LA watch that [ __ ] in there like I'm stuck here in shitty LA yeah something I mean I should be in Bali it's like you're on the beach yeah you have real friends yeah when I was traveling I was [ __ ] lonely yeah the whole time I was lonely you know I was making relationships I was making surface-level friendships I haven't talked to a single one of those people no yeah I can see that and all I wanted it by the end sorry to keep [ __ ] interrupting you all I wanted by the end is to come back here and deal with my real friends ya know the Lina and I will like we did we did two weeks in Thailand the first week or like was a lot of fun then the second week we were like [ __ ] we just want to go home yeah like talk to people like we know and like people like [ __ ] to give a [ __ ] about yes it's just like it's really it there's like you said there's something to be said about having actual friends yeah you know like that I think there's 100% some you take for granted mmm you know it's like you went I think that's something you can learn by traveling a little bit but you don't need to go to Greece for that yeah just go to Montana for a couple weeks I'm doing mmm home is pretty good I don't I mean I think I think definitely travel and if you want to go to like a foreign place like that that's really cool for sure and like there's absolutely valuable experiences you can get out of that my whole issue is just people using exploiting that like like the FOMO aspect of the footage and everything yeah and posting pictures and everything when I go back in Greece and it's like the people sitting at home are like how did you do this I want to do this well I want to do it and they know that and so they exploited also it's all very generic captions about about how life is about experiences not blah blah blah and whatever and it's like you're just using your parents money yeah and making people feel shitty about their lives where they're working towards something also I'd love to pull the [ __ ] rug out from that from videos like that and say it's actually not that expensive like it's not you just Scout like a good flight deal yeah yeah like I sign up for that [ __ ] Scott's cheap flights won't grease them shits are $300 all the time yep all the [ __ ] time yeah you just do that yeah and here's the part they don't tell you when you go to a foreign country oh [ __ ] no one speaks English it's really [ __ ] hard sometimes to get the [ __ ] around can you you don't have all the same food that you're used to yeah you might eat some [ __ ] might [ __ ] you up permanently yeah it's like there's a lot of steps to get to that place and sometimes you do the math and you're like you know maybe maybe I'll just go to San Diego yeah exactly like that's the other thing I don't like about those videos they hit the hard rock yeah they make this travel seem like it's like ooh like whoo that's been locals don't give a [ __ ] I mean yeah there's so much shitty this about travel yeah some of them are nice to you like oh wow you're American some places you go they're like like Spain how many people rolled their [ __ ] eyes at us for just being Americans yeah like uh you again yeah it was like said like they had to pull it from their gut to John's English it's like what about that part yeah yeah I know the smiling hand-holding thing on the beach that was cool what about everyone making me feel like I need to go [ __ ] myself yeah what about that point yeah so it's just like I don't like that either you know we should do we should do a video making fun of that [ __ ] where we're like 20 18 we decided to challenge ourselves that's it yeah and then we go travel but it's just all the shitty parts of travel yeah yeah so what I'm gonna do for this video it's like it's gonna be like me and Kelsey just doing really normal [ __ ] like a over yeah yeah I like lay overs and just like eating shitty food like Airport it's a gel I'm not gonna eat for because this flight is 16 hours and the food on the plane it's just microwaved eggs and I got to the airport late so I'm gonna try to eat this bagel before I get on the plane and dry yeah also the guy um the guy next to me on the plane is uh he will not move he told me before we got on the flight he is not moving to let me [ __ ] so I'm gonna have to hold this for the entire flight the rudest thing I've seen on an airplane was this woman eating it wasn't even paying to express it was like a Chinese takeout before getting on like a six hour flight I'm like you [ __ ] that is such a dick move - just eat chow mein orange chicken and whatever the [ __ ] she just want in it just like smiling why is she eating it on the plane everyone's boarding and she's standing as so like everyone knows what's coming it's like a small plane like it wasn't you know a good way to go to work I hate it when they eat it on the plane that - like when they sit down they board and they bust open their tuna sandwich over here like God [ __ ] Jesus well she brought it on with her so yeah the whole plane was yeah yeah shitty Chinese takeout yeah and then I msg there's also only like two bathrooms on airplanes yeah at all times yeah cuz if you go to the one's not for your section you get [ __ ] yelled at yeah exactly sir sir sir to the back please yeah I'm sorry are you priority boarding have you bought yeah a priority okay so you need to [ __ ] back there yeah yeah and you're like well there's two people in there already [ __ ] together together because no one can [ __ ] in this stupid plane is it this is random it's [ __ ] up that I left during turbulence um yes sorry turbulence I think the natural reaction there is only [ __ ] we're going to die I mean I get scared but I think afterward the motion of it is so funny because it's not like it's such like a jarring like you're like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] and it's always like this kind of like like it's like you're going over like a couple bumps and then it happens yeah and I just the idea of everyone's hands coming up it's like a shitty roller coaster yeah I don't know why it just makes me laugh like hats go flying people headphones cool people people watching you must think you like the dude from Fight Club yeah we're hoping for the [ __ ] you go down I mean this guy man that's like I don't want to die care if you do yes hoping for the [ __ ] wings pop off I don't fly down from Chicago [ __ ] we hit turbulence Alina was passed the [ __ ] out just wearing this beanie I was like sleeping to the turbulence hit this is how like just glib I am about turbulence I'm asleep that turbulence happens I went oh that's going on and I'm just sleeping do the whole [ __ ] thing or like habits leaving like did you just knock it off thank you dude leans on me I'm like please stop so we wake up we're about Al and Helena's like oh [ __ ] is my beanie wheel and is just a stood say um did a beanie go back it was on the floor in front of the girl and she didn't even notice she's like oh oh yeah it's right here oh that's crazy and I know it just would've been laughing my ass off if I saw Alana's beanie just fly up in the middle of it's amazing that she didn't even notice that yeah oh dude Elena could sleep during war yeah we could be on the front line in World War two just passed out they're coming for us they shouldn't mean turn that down [Music] she can also fall asleep in really weird positions dudes on the beach like oh that's such a nice story really oh it's it's insane that's crazy I can't do I can't sleep on my back I can't sleep I have to be in a very specific on my side like a like a baby good baby yeah yeah and I have to be like like basically [ __ ] a pillow yeah like I gotta have a pillow just right up in like a koala yeah I mean like a baby koala that's the position I have this that otherwise I'm [ __ ] okay I can nap I can't sleep on couches at all oh yeah that's my favorite really just sleeping like it's so comfortable that's so cool I'm in like even lying down on a couch I can't sleep yeah I feel that like when there's like something right here yeah can't do it yeah very very but I I sleep heavy but I gotta be in a very specific thing in order to get into it in order to hit that rim I like this this is pretty much the position I sleep in and like I let Alena like lie right here because my shoulder I'm such a sensitive [ __ ] about much on my shoulder your shoulder like just it just I get pain okay so if anything's on it I'm like you can't you can't you can't you can't be on that please please like the I wait and dude I get it alright you live I'm sore from the lift yeah Jesus Christ how am I gonna be ready for competition if I'm just in pain you know what I you know what I want to I want to UM Bagon real quick yeah Urth Caffe the worst [ __ ] restaurant in LA I am pissed at that place the fact that exists in fact it's so popular I hate it I hate it the closest one there's one main street right yeah yeah on Main Street so yesterday Kelsey and I we went for a run and we were we were we took we got some birds we were burning back I'll say oh I get it you have a credit card Wow jeez yeah 6.5 million dollars yeah I actually I did the same thing but I just ran on my fists like I did a handstand okay night and I ran back on that fist all the way home yeah that's impressive yeah and I was feeding myself coffee with my feet amazing yeah dude that's great yeah and soon as I got home as soon as you got home alena just showered you in compliments exactly your physique yeah yeah so we look like a bicycle just riding on its front wheel we were oh let's talk about the new Dave Chappelle specials by the way after this haven't watched it okay I hear their people are getting upset I mean talking about after so we're burning back right and both of us are like we stop and we're like you hungry just kinda agree I'm like yeah I'm kinda hungry too and Earth cafes right there but go to earth yeah yeah I'm like I just feel like it's one of those things it's always mediocre and she's like yeah I kind of feel the same way I'll [ __ ] it let's give us a second let's give it a fourth chance it's like by now I've been there like six nine and we get there we wait in the line for 15 minutes cuz the line is always [ __ ] long for whatever reason we sit down with our number it's chaos in there it's a saying this waiter is just everywhere behind you behind you behind you in front of you some side you beside you really I don't know what I'm gonna stand right here and you guys just move around me but you don't do announce where you are at all times Bhaiji behind you behind you sir by the side of you I'm like [ __ ] I feel like I'm a like a landmine yep yeah it's just utter chaos in there right takes like 20 minutes to get our food of course we order a breakfast sandwich pretty easy thing not to [ __ ] up well it is how do you make a great breakfast sandwich on Thurs cafe that's what I'm saying it's it's it's not even supposed to be a healthy place like it's just like they use bad and greens you can make it good you know I'm saying just Doron [ __ ] croissant and it's good yep it's like this dry ass sourdough with always white flour still on top don't ever bring me eggs on sourdough that's what I'm talking about the the [ __ ] the omelet the actual egg part of the sandwich is dry you can see how dry it is they're a little bit too long yeah it's like barely got any sauce and they serve it though to top it all off they serve it with [ __ ] salad it's like I don't want to eat salad for breakfast who wants that who wants to eat lettuce before 3 p.m. or no 12 I guess you could have a lunch salad salad for breakfast is you should not be a [ __ ] forever yeah I'm just gonna go with ever okay yeah or just never yeah I can't I just couldn't believe it eggs on sourdough is number one I mean I would just would have walked in the kitchen really ate does anyone actually know what breakfast this and yeah where are you guys from yeah exactly where did they eat salad for breakfast what part of the world yeah that's like Spain they don't [ __ ] they don't do breakfast they do birthday do pastries that's for the people like yeah but it's not like brick it's not American brick yeah yeah but it's still good yes it's good but that's the thing I appreciate most about like America getting the two eggs with hashbrowns and [ __ ] yeah that's not everywhere yeah that is not everywhere I [ __ ] I mean I've told the story but Elena and I when we went to Spain [ __ ] we've been to Spain okay yeah thanks yeah so why so 2017 we decided challenge are saying like to the fullest I changed myself to a live as if this year was my last so I [ __ ] did Molly I didn't by the way yeah I could have well it was just funny how we kept trying to look for American food and I was just saying this is so like this is why people don't like Americans if you come to another country we're like do you guys have to egg breakfast anywhere like no we we've never made that is that since 1700 you guys eat eggs for breakfast that's [ __ ] gross weird weirdest [ __ ] here why are you doing that well we want it yeah I mean if you want something normal like a salad yeah we want bacon and hash browns and Cody's looking into his phones alright sorry I just lunch I got to go to so I'm just making sure oh oh I get it oh I get it dude you have a credit card you have a lunch to go to you guys important lunch meeting you know you know Hollywood is I know I do have an agent so no this is this is with Kelsey's family the family dude the boy hit a hundred K on you sucks because I wanted to post them tomorrow and are today or Friday and all my footage sucks ass wait really it's all of it sucks like how bad like really bad no no it's so disjointed and and just flat like vlog footage or what yeah yeah yeah I mean it was just like comedy was not on my mind okay you know it is you're just like I was insanely boring than boring mode because I was working on just [ __ ] mm-hmm yeah so Jesus sorry yeah I'm liking YouTube right now yeah like you know when you get no groove then you're like in it yeah and you're like in it you and you all the ideas start flowing and then as soon as you stop posting it's almost like the idea stop coming and the inspiration stops and the motivation kind of slows down you're not like checking your channel as much as you I don't know you know me say and then I'm into it you know and I'm like thinking about who I could [ __ ] collaborate with and our lives so I'm in one of those things right now we're it yeah which is which is fun I'm stoked to do this new video about the travel [ __ ] so no I kind of ruined everything that I was just gonna do anyways but whatever this isn't [ __ ] watches this [ __ ] any yeah this is exclusive insider info oh wait at the end of the two-hour video yeah did we say something about if you listened all the way to the end comment that you love Zumba yes okay it's like a hundred and fifty people commented I love Zumba I didn't even realize it was that managed yeah dude so she to you guys all the people that watch to the bitter end love you all the people that watch after Noelle makes us keep going it's a natural end is now this is when the episode should end this is a very natural time to end but we're not going and and I know a lot of people probably as soon as I go well I think we should wrap it up alright yep I was just thinking that and then it all goes yeah wait wait but wait what if feet were penises what no we don't wasn't penis feed oh my god here we go and then right you know who take penis feed as soon as I find something I hate you know in whatever the [ __ ] you're saying that's when I'm like alright let's get back into anyway we we actually we are not done we're gonna keep going on this this penis feet train [ __ ] Urth Caffe [ __ ] that place go on there Jesus go on their Instagram and just [ __ ] on this [ __ ] on it you guys are to make breakfast [ __ ] you guys wait salad for breakfast what is wrong with you come at that we're forgetting the most exciting thing what that we've done so far release to this year what the G PI ringtone yeah oh yeah so we made a ringtone if you don't know yeah if you've seen the if you've not if you haven't seen the video that's cringe a G PI edition where Noel and I watch a Jeep I reading mean tweets and we make fun of him because he's the worst most cringy dude on the planet during that there's like a there's like a little beat in the video and Noel spit some heat to it and people were like make a meal first make a real version so we [ __ ] did it we made a real version from scratch and we made it into a ringtone that's now on the iTunes Store yes it's you know what I'm gonna play it yeah someone send me a DM saying I like the original better can you use that what no we can't use that one what are we gonna do like how do we use that one we can't use that beat it like the vocals or water marked yeah we put hard work into this one enjoy this one heirloom here oh here we go [Music] so if you want that to play when you get a text I was laughing at everyone saying that they're like 5:30 a.m. I'm about to wake the [ __ ] up 66 reviews get out this ringtone let's see that means we've sold probably a hundred that's amazing yeah [ __ ] yeah that out shoutout to you let's read some of the reviews groundbreaking TMG changing the scope of the music scene as we know it a masterpiece I'm crying this brought so much meaning to me it really opened my eyes that one's by Jimmy crack corn salad Jimmy crackle Sofo said all I gotta say is do you even English bro that's true damn Daniel thought I'm saying yeah when does the bacon Narwhal brother eat all I gotta say that is yeet dude I got to admit something I have been watching vine compilations oh yeah I do that like the ones where it's like vines that give me meaning to live or whatever the halls yeah I've been watching those things and it's like it feels good it does getting back and you know that you know which one I'm kind of obsessed with now this is I'm fully seven years late on this that [ __ ] where that chick on the talk show it's like they're trying to do accents and Jamaican comes out yeah yeah yeah what bar last day what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that video like I'm like what are you trying to do that's what I want to know I've always wanted to know that's the funniest [ __ ] ever I laughed I was crying like I think I didn't get where she was going with that one is something some of my favorite is a little girl on the swing turning into the Wii bowling ball [Laughter] coming here come get y'all Jews oh yeah yeah dude her knees hitting that oh yeah and just the end ii was like yeah so good dude i put a whole bag of jellybeans up my I hate that vine in my book okay oh yeah the Dave Chappelle [ __ ] that's well yeah I watched it we watched one of them last night oh there's two more no no you just came out with two more Oh two more for specials in one year uh well the other two he just were sitting around yeah but still to release four and one years crazy yeah and I guess so the one called the bird revelation is he did it the Comedy Store super small though like really really like intimate I guess and and we not even that funny just more yep more when he gets up on the chair and he's smoking a cigarette he's talking yeah it's great yeah it's really really good but people are like really pissed because he he just talks a lot about the me to [ __ ] okay and so he like kind of I it's really funny but it's like I can see how people would be mad about it sure he basically was like you have a girl who said that like louis c.k jerking off in front of her like ruined her comet or like what was it discourage her comedic dreams or seems like that's a weak spirit oh my god and many and then at the end he has it he tells this like 20 minute long story that's not funny at all there's like three laughs in the story yeah and the whole thing is basically a an analogy or i guess like a metaphor as to why he left the Chappelle show yeah he's actually really interesting I've like I've heard it's like about the pimp and yeah but yeah I mean if you read that [ __ ] I mean it did you hear his short version of the baboon's story maybe he's like a News interview and like oh this is someone - today he's like well I was he let me tell you story and he's like baboons love salt and the way the the bush man captures the baboon is he he puts salt in a tree now what the baboon doesn't know is that his hand is too big for the tree so he reaches into the tree to grab the salt but he can't get his hand out something like that and he's like now that the baboon was smart he would just let go the salt and he could pull his hand out basically it's like the salt can't come through it's like a brick of it or some chilli can't come through the hole the tree he's like was the bush man due he comes he gets the baboon and he puts him in a cage and he brings him wherever and he gives him all assault he wants on this and when the baboon wants water he brings him back to the watering hole he lets him out they both drink till they get full and he put some more salt out and he couches him all over again some [ __ ] like that basically was like I felt like I was a baboon in that situation but I just let the salt go yeah I'd completely butchered that but it's like yeah I think that's that's yeah I cuz I think the contract was for five hundred million and he was only supposed a fee no I think the total contract it was like some insane thing where there was an insane amount of money does being made but all he was getting was fifty million so it was like all these people were gonna [ __ ] profit off of the show he was doing it I think I think he was the main moneymaker for the show and they were I think the point of it was that uh yeah I don't know it was it was something like that I'm probably getting these wrong too but it was basically as someone was an on read it was breaking down that like the percentage the fifty million was a small portion of like what the company like Fox and all them were expecting to make from the Chappelle show so some [ __ ] like that yeah it's pretty [ __ ] interesting I think I think it's been hard for people to adapt to his new comedy style cuz like his like his delivering all that [ __ ] is like super to me it comes across like super jaded with Hollywood yeah like you look at his first specials he was a performer yeah yeah I'm not mad anyway energy is like hi now he gets on a comedy stage and his whole persona just like she's [ __ ] up man yep yep yep yep it's very true and now I feel like I read a review and it was unlike variety or some [ __ ] like some some big or like some newspaper I think wrote a review yeah nobody likes it like in the main stream I guess like Carson we're reviewing it nobody really likes it but when I was reading on Reddit and [ __ ] like that cuz I was genuinely curious is like I wonder what people think of that about this yeah that's like I liked it but it's easily very polarizing right sure so every review I read was basically he's tarnishing his reputation by releasing these specials like every single time he makes a transphobic joke every single time he makes a gay joke every single time he makes a joke about whatever of about feminism or whatever he's like you know he's basically like erasing his history as a [ __ ] or you know his legacy as a comedy legend and I'm like it's kind of commendable that he's getting up on stage and doing these super intimate specials and having the balls to release someone he's just like saying his and all of his opinions are very well thought out yeah they are yep it's not like he's just like he's just like I'm a bitter old man now I hate show business and here's what I think about things he's got a daughter you know he thinks about her he thinks about his wife like he's very like update the shitty he says makes you think like yeah lamb though there is another side of this for sure I think I mean this is why I'm so disappointed that Patrice is dead yeah cuz I feel like he he was truly a comedian who had nothing to lose and would not sell out for anything never to like have you ever seen the clip of people talking about things he did and like the line he drew with selling out no I didn't tell you any of this I'll just make the trees yeah okay I make this one brief sure he goes in with this writer like comedy friend of his and they're gonna go pitch a show okay they all sit down like with these foxes not Fox but there's a bunch of executives and like there's like this head female exec and they they kind of get to talking and she's like kind of like a [ __ ] and Patrice goes does your husband eat your [ __ ] like in the pitch and his friend is like what the [ __ ] are you doing and he's like seriously seriously when's the last time her husband ate your [ __ ] cuz it doesn't seem like he does and he just starts like teeing off on her like roasting his [ __ ] out of her and then she starts laughing and then he gets the whole room talking and all the execs start laughing and like he unfolds them because Patrice's thing was like you are not better than me no that's though so then he had enough there's another meeting where this is a female writer she was like Patrice came in to talk to some executives it's like a it's like a spec meeting or something and he comes in the room and like these are all high-level guys that would like just greenlight a show if he just impressed them right and he just comes in the room he's like I'm not here for you I don't give a [ __ ] about impressing you he's like you're a [ __ ] loser like I would never hang out with you in real life and he's making all these guys like feel shitty about themselves like he's just roasting the [ __ ] out of these guys who make you know five hundred thousand dollars a year minimum control all the content on a network and he said I don't give a [ __ ] about any of you and like that's what made him so like he could get on stage and say the most offensive [ __ ] because his whole thing was like I don't give a [ __ ] I don't do this for money yeah I'm telling the truth that's crazy it's so crazy because he's so right yep he's so right yeah and and I've just I've just both of us even have just scratched the surface of this yeah industry right like we're not those guys those guys are but like but like you know I think there's something to be said about like we've created [ __ ] that people like watching which is like 90% of people in the industry or whatever can't do that yep but yet they're in charge of making sure that that happens like people that are in charge of content for big networks and stuff like that that like yeah you know I haven't made anything their entire life for some reason their content exec yep it's really [ __ ] frustrating that's crazy really frustrating but there's a lot of obviously very very talented people but like it's it's you know true talent I guess I'm not saying I am true talent I'm just saying it's few and far between in the industry people have to run it I get it but it's like yeah um I don't know be like poor tree sits like that yeah you should have to prove prove anything he's already proven it yep yep I mean and and so I'd to me like anyone saying Dave Chappelle is tarnishing his legacy is that to me is just like PC cop [ __ ] because whether or not you agree that's like what comedy has always been it's always been the platform for yeah saying something bold and saying what you're not comfortable saying that's what comedy should be comedy is is not it the comedy is not for what you want to hear it's like it is the place where you're supposed to tear down walls and you're supposed to think differently yes yeah and it's the first step to doing that or or being open like you know Chappelle's I haven't seen it with him saying like that's a weak spirit I think he's coming from a place of like if a [ __ ] jerking off in your face is what does it for you he's like you don't even know the half yeah yeah I know yeah like that's my that's what I gather from that which is like that's Macy what he was saying you go set like you could say well given who is you could argue that point maybe yeah you know so I don't know man I have to check it out yeah you should I got to go yeah of course but yeah [ __ ] Urth Caffe watch the new Dave Chappelle specials way I decided to say every time I say wait that's the signature there's 15 minutes left guys take care next week bonus episodes episode and maybe we'll chop the funny parts out of that I'll put it up anyways cuz yeah weird that that's good yeah so but we'll do it additional bonus episode for the people on patreon yes this for free then you will not get it you will not get it [ __ ] we still love you how about this how about this real quick leave it in the comments leave a comment below saying if you want the [ __ ] poker [ __ ] yeah that's like 20 minutes of poker talk and if you guys don't give a [ __ ] about at all I thought it was really interesting the story that you told about that that was really interesting story what I was also thinking was preface income of the [ __ ] so it's like all right you know this means that people can fill in the blanks do you think yes when you're listening to a story it's like alright he was like at whatever what did you say like a sea bed or whatever it's like a table then that's continuation bed sure yeah I don't really need to know the specifics it's just like alright it put pressure on the situation fair enough that's the yeah yeah implication that's my that's my engineer right there I want to provide context yeah they need a glossary before we get into this and read all of the documentation there's absolutely no either to understand how to use these api's you know you guys thank you peace
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 382,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xNs-KTo2K60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 18sec (4698 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2018
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