Episode 31 - Feel The Bass

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hey guys you know what it is I have to tell you this all right you already know this is last week's episode this week's episodes on patreon and we wrote a new song that we that is in the episode so go check that out if you want and if not then enjoy this one all right all right love you guys bye how long the well hello to you all from Amsterdam I'm yes it's your favorite youtuber PewDiePie how's it going over there man you having fun it's really good everybody hears sounds like an alien trying to speak English works like purchase and worse you don't understand we also have regular words like brood which means bread ah food ruin hazelnut pay something which which means pizza don't don't even get me started on I love to have a nice slice of hazelnut Friday night man don't even don't even talk to me about that man this Mac is not running fast enough to record I could not dude I could i I cannot wait to set up this [ __ ] PC this computer cannot do [ __ ] yep okay whatever I guess it's gonna have to be only audio this week we'll do another episode or so just so make them happy I guess yeah sorry guys so as you can probably tell already we're recording this remotely Noel was in Amsterdam and I am here doing la don't sir this works what make sure just the audio works it does I mean it was good in the other one okay the video is just like it looks like it's picking up one frame every 10 seconds like how was my computer that slow it's a magic dude I can see you fine my bandwidth is fine graphics cards suck [ __ ] yeah that's probably what it is but I luckily I have a brand new one right back there so we're starting over so I'm looking at activity monitor Skype using using 400% CPU sick that's so [ __ ] annoying my computer's is gonna light on fire in the middle of this conversation how's the trip guys oh you're recording right now oh this is what I thought we're starting over what we are starting over this is up this is all right now starting over yet no no we're not starting over I'm just gonna keep it like this oh god damn it all right [ __ ] you're gonna just cut this alright right sick I'm not gonna cut that goddammit so we got we got the PewDiePie stuff because I don't have to do that again it's already it was already but I mean I'm eating Oriol coverage stroopwafel right now oh god damn it I'm jealous yeah I mean have you been here Amsterdam yeah yeah it's amazing how people here aren't fatter yeah I know cuz they say chain-smoke oh is that what it is I think it is man I think Europeans are generally I I don't get that tell me how how was America the one that's the obese place all of you guys ate in Europe is cheese right it's cheesy bread as a two food groups I think it's cuz they walk everywhere and they probably change smoke that'll keep it down yeah exactly so house when you smoke you want to eat nothing yeah and and then you have to walk 20 miles to the next place yeah yeah I find this city's dope it's amazing where are you guys staying looks like you're staying on our boat bro we are staying at the Hoxton kids hopefully won't be staying there by the time this episode cuz live now I got that view Holyoke meet up at the huxton it meet up at the Hawks then this Friday I'll sure be there room number 69 420 bring all your hazelnut Brut bring all your hazelnut I was doing my buddy that I wanted to say because we walked by his place in London called bait palace beep animus yeah and I wanted to be like yo doing a meet-up for my 7:00 to 9:00 and then just sit in the park and like never go over there and just watch if anyone shows up watch the three people in London be like um cuz uh Noel supposed to be here I don't know dude they're like I mean uh he's not here we might as well like upgrade our vapes this um yeah this has been a long time I've been away from god damn dude well you been why for like a month now or something it feels that way almost two weeks what's been the highlight God a lot honestly um you know it's so good I can't even remember no I'm trying to think I've been writing a list or just funny [ __ ] here's something funny how many people have approached them with Ola Oh approaches you soon yeah I just assumed I'm Spanish so I already tweeted this but I get off the plane right yeah the first person to talk to me goes applause in glace unlike [ __ ] of all countries where someone would probably speak English i'ma say one or England is probably the place yeah number okay so that's firstly that's weird what do you mean so they legit thought you were like Mexican or Spanish yeah okay didn't give me a chance yeah and and then the second one was in Italy this bum he's like begging for money and and he's like miss you I miss you I miss you and I ignore him then he starts going hola hola I'm like mom it's no pesos [ __ ] yeah then today Mina lien are walking down the street and some [ __ ] random it's random dude he's in a business suit watch bias and goes Olaf you want talking we're talking buddy what talking anyone just walk down the street and said hola this really just does out of nowhere yeah just hola was like hi and then as you said hi Alina goes oh that's not at all she sounds no she said it in Spanish yeah that's dou man's favorite city so far what's river city you've been to what are all says you've been to Paris Rome and here Amsterdam how the Paris it's dope I think you ever been yeah when I was younger though I don't really remember it it's cool like I I like it I think it's way better as an adult obviously the speed of that city's real [ __ ] slow really like people just go to a cafe and just post for like hours like on Instagram or what yeah just just keep posting yeah it's the same [ __ ] over and over no it's just like sit there and read a book and chain-smoke and they just I think that's why they're skinny like they don't eat at all and they just I think you just get an omelet made of cigarettes in the morning you get it ormally si vous plait ah si si vous play you cigarette cigarette mommy the whole time I was there I just kept taking of the crypto [ __ ] the boys buzu [Laughter] [ __ ] so many people have been [ __ ] tweeting me that don't pier it is reached a million subscribers dump it dump it again his confidence is rising karai [ __ ] yes awake it's not begging the only [ __ ] friend actually no one was even everyone's like oh everyone in Paris is [ __ ] everyone is super nice to us I feel like they're more open to tourists and [ __ ] now no one was a dick the only thing I would say was talked funny was like a little they gave a [ __ ] like certain people couldn't speak English and they just didn't even [ __ ] try to just point to [ __ ] and be like you wanna yeah okay cool I'm gonna get you that alright [ __ ] you too it's got to be Sofra so [ __ ] frustrating to deal with terrorists that don't even speak the language it's annoying enough tourists in your city you know you're like just [ __ ] move what do you stop what do you taking a picture of this move you know could you imagine if they just didn't speak I mean like most people I think most tourists that come here speak English yeah and so they can like get by and like a cat like especially especially when you're doing a [ __ ] service job they're already frustrated with just people that live here you know yeah it's like you ready to order yeah I'm ready okay what would be what's the most popular thing on the menu said you were [ __ ] ready you said you were ready now you're not going to imagine if they just didn't like gum it some eat um okay they may ask that question like really shittily what what's it in in this one you don't even know egg no all right spicy very spicy yeah we went to this one restaurant this dude like first of all I think in Europe I hate that they don't bring you water that's the one thing I appreciate about America first thing they do hi some waters and they bring you gigantic tap art in Europe you have to say tap water otherwise we'll bring you a bottle mm-hmm and then they give you just like a little ass portions yeah for people and ice just doesn't exist no yeah they don't like ice they don't like being cold I don't get it but it's like hot there and they give it like a heat up the water hot water you know you like walk because you already walked 20 miles to get to this restaurant you know you sit down you're [ __ ] god it's hot it's wanting some water just something to refresh cool myself and they bring you they bring you it just a hot glass steaming the heat coming off of it I think they just they don't like to be cold I think they want to be as humid and a sweaty as possible building on like a like when they make out it must be a weird flavor up top like it's got sex just must be like water sport yeah it's a completely different smell in Europe it's got a beat salty and it's savory I mean they just like sit outside in the Sun at these cafes drinking coffee smoking cigarettes such so hot just the hottest things like coffee reading a newspaper smoking a cigarette just in the Sun wearing pants and like a suit just so hot everything is so hot no water no pour is just oozing cigarette like that's the only thing that's been in their bodies just nicotine coming out of their [ __ ] pores yeah drinking a warm beer mug yeah it's it is I was like how naked can I be before getting arrested because it was so [ __ ] hot here awesome I'm like I've been buying shirts and I've just been trying to look for the ones that my nipples show because that's the one I know are you good yeah [ __ ] I've turned this the wrong way this is just like slowly falling the mic stand yeah Razorback up and slowly Falls for sure for sure for sure sure first yellow pepper here whoops for sure that's for sure should I just hold mine like all right I don't think it's actually recording I think it's you're getting your computer or maybe it is I hope to [ __ ] it's recording as I feel pig and you brought that thing just for this purpose such a waste yeah everything in Europe is [ __ ] hot I think that's why I like Amsterdam because it's naturally cold Amsterdam's isn't it beautiful yeah it's like one most people places I've ever been at the fact that everyone here just like casually owns a boat or not everyone but like that you can do that yeah SoDo yeah oh you won't get in my my dinghy yeah I'm on Mike my gondola no that's not that's Venice right yeah that's yeah yeah you see manageable you ever see the people in Amsterdam like just chilling on their window sills mm-hmm that's such a [ __ ] Amsterdam thing or like Europe I think in general people just sit one leg out the window sill and smoke a cig and like listen to like CDs you know yeah I just picture she was sitting there like going through like albums new vinyl smoking cigarette pop him one the thing just like it was just chilling why is everyone in your people in Paris I mean everywhere really everyone has [ __ ] mic style up here okay what passes dude in Paris this was the craziest he's the craziest look his black dude he had braids but they were braided and like just like into a man bun okay and I'm like I've never seen braids into a man before he didn't man month it was [ __ ] crit and his like his bun was made of really dope intricate braids I'm like this is nuts and he's wearing like a [ __ ] Admiral jacket like it looked naval but then it had like a he just like a supervillain I think that's the way I could describe it like tall a scholar Admiral [ __ ] and loafers I'm like this dude [ __ ] whenever he wants he walks into any establishment and I said just think of the litter it's just you look like you walk up a spaceship or something future is like a fictional spatio she's the captain of some crazy ship one jewel I would like to [ __ ] your wife wait please I love that jacket where'd you get that space nice nice love that store yeah where do people get clothes in space shows they always got like some high-tech knitted [ __ ] is there like an H&M in space I don't know seven answer name to long I'm I'm stoned no it's a party central or whatever the [ __ ] it's a costume store what's the costume what's the store I'm thinking of store that awesome Halloween party City baby Party City I remember last year for Halloween I tell you this no like I I knew what my costume what did I even go as a referee we had our costume looked out like Matt early and Kelsey's like stress you said I don't know what I want to be in and this and then there's like four different parts to the outfit that she wants to wear and so one the Sunday morning or in a Saturday morning we wake up so the party's on Saturday we woke up I went to three different party cities on Halloween weekend one drive like stop that one didn't have it stopped in the other one didn't have it went to a third one didn't have it yeah I don't want to ever go to a party city ever going to now three in one morning it's a depressing place dude yeah oh yeah it's it's the only store you walk in and it's dead silent Halloween then everyone's there be like do you have sexy wolf costume yeah the guys like I don't know let me check yeah it's like a what no you go no gig on there you go hey there so hey hey Noel you so there so I'm thinking Humber's this is great of a conference college that's what this will be insane oh we can talk about that well I was gonna say I've bought a lot of clothes here oh did you I'm sure I'm overpaying but everything here is [ __ ] dope did you like leave room in your suitcase like purposely I always bring you too much [ __ ] and then I'll buy [ __ ] you know and just have way too much [ __ ] I'm just gonna stuff it I'm just gonna push it down yeah hopefully it goes through no we could talk about a conferencing in it's like a work we missed that bit oh yeah right I've been on like five different conference calls conference calls in the past week and it's all I just it's just such a [ __ ] like archaic technology it sucks and I don't know why it's not better well I don't know what the is there a way around it like people have made it like people have to kind of try to solve that issue of like where I like it I don't know I don't actually know if someone's here so if they'll just sit now they'll make you say your name and then they'll before they connect you with everyone else and then when they connect you with everyone else the operator will just announce your name it was like it's like the first two people that are there are like hello oh oh great Janet hi how's it going hi is mossad here how was your weekend ba-ba-ba-ba - sure yeah same them cody has entered the conference hey what's good oh hey Cody yeah yeah can you guys hear me sorry my service might be a little bit hello oh wow No this really well you really just the white was so bad that he actually didn't [Laughter] what are the odds that [ __ ] oh my god holy [ __ ] dude that's like I was watching I was wat good just freeze like while we're talking well they can hear me god dammit I love that [ __ ] man trying to trying to catch up and so just plays the frame super quickly oh yeah I went to the restaurant you're just like oh drink what is he on some you're some [ __ ] answered Dhoni in myth I mean the weed here is pretty strong wait have you smoked weed there yet yeah oh really are you go to cafes and doing the thing yeah I mean I don't need much we just like buy blind and I kind of walk with it and did we had to we had to roll one last night we did enroll in a blown just roll and it was rolled in paper but my buddy hadn't rolled in like years cuz he just like smokes you know pins or whatever so it's all these dudes in there I'm a man I mean I know weed has all these uses blah blah blah but why do we like stores and stuff like everyone just happens to look like the ultimate loser like I just can't all the guys in there they just felt like losers I don't know how to explain it mm-hmm but I it was at the one time I've been insecure around those types of people like I know these guys spend all their money on baked in car parts yeah but we were afraid to roll the weed in there because we knew like they would turn around and be like yeah these these people must not smoke weed all the time use it all yeah well you don't burn they definitely don't burn look at them [ __ ] trying to roll up a blunt it's easy for someone who burns it's so like we're in there everybody's like give me pre-rolled ones and the guys like no well he goes we're all out and I'm laughing like it's not [ __ ] bakery of you like it's not like you need 16 hours to like pretty roll joints no that guy comes in at 4:30 a.m. makes a batch a couple dozen pre-rolled joints yeah fresh out the oven baby I was joking about like a soccer bomb coming in it like three yeah hi I need I need eight pre-rolled we're out what what but my nephew's birthday party is tonight and I need the joints fine whatever just give me just give me the mace windu and and the og og mango and I'll just do it myself do myself [ __ ] life full-time mom here rolling joints myself anyway we start so we get the weed and like we're we walk out at some point my buddy's like I don't want to try to roll it in here also something gross in these [ __ ] cafes was bongs like they would give you a bong to smoke out of em hmm and I was just looking at people like hitting the [ __ ] like the top and I'm like it's not like a hookah bar where you can just like put a cover on it you know I'm saying yeah that's why those many people have smoked out of that and you see how willing these guys were to get Hillier yeah it's like they like don't replace the water oh it's like just brown pong water Oh people have been smoking out of that thing just tourist AIDS just yeah maybe we've had this bomb for like three years oh yeah no we actually it's great we put milk in there instead of water and it makes it way smoother but we haven't replaced the milk for like a year I remember Taylor would do [ __ ] like that he'd be like yo I'll put some milk in here makes it I'm like I'm pretty sure it's just gonna burn [ __ ] same gonna get sick to our stomachs who's that [ __ ] it's not like hot food it's not a hot cheeto just [ __ ] chase it with milk oh it's better yo you know what's super dope put some hot sauce in there that's what Europeans dude dude weed outside they put hot sauce in there just get a little extra sweat on you know Europeans were like bro we're going to hotbox this place and then they turn on the heater we're going to hotbox deeply no no man he just plays the window naturally always going to make we are going to hotbox the sauna you coming we are going to smoke at the bone got to the hot box in the in the furnace it's Comfort wet please where's Paul soon my flight in the Amsterdam my [ __ ] airline like the flight attendant who was like please fasten your seat belts and [ __ ] he was like he spoke like some weird like deep house like EDM DJ okay like you know it's like the tone is always usually really cheerful like everyone thanks for reporting even if you have an accent hello Bonjour thank you for flying at France please buckle your seatbelt seat belt this guy was like good afternoon everyone and thank you for flying don't forget to fasten your seat belts we don't want to not have you flying out of your seats in case of a crash and last but not least put your hands up just like just deep house starts playing please look at all the signs crashing your seatbelt and get ready for the base like a nun descent we have we have we have started a descent into in to see a pizza area please on behalf of me and all of KLN remember that we are all one in this plane uniting to the sound of sea pace Miami can I tell you one time put your hands up like what the [ __ ] is happening are we at altar right now and prepare to feel the bass sea flight attendants my co flight attendant will be coming around with complimentary drinks and Molly it's just a bottle girl spark [Laughter] I feel like that's what Dutch Airlines should be deep house first-class is all [ __ ] wait say it again say yes we're good last one I was saying a Dutch airline should just be the first class is like VIP yeah it's like circular couches only Dutch guys with unbuttoned shirts down their belly buttons and then then coach is just standing everyone's facing forward and this occasionally people will be like excuse me excuse me with their girlfriend pull my hands to the front or wherever the [ __ ] on takeoff they drop the misters like this machine as we prepare for takeoff [ __ ] girls are on guys shoulders oh [Laughter] but Dad for dBase join a positive we can read we can restart it yeah just to check that this is check the file yeah all right peace hello brother we are good brother okay it's good yeah it's great thank you for flying KLM drop the business please look to your left and right find someone to hold on to and feel the rhythm okay so the first night in Amsterdam we go to something like food hall it's got a bunch of food and [ __ ] whatever and there's a DJ and we sit down at a table and they're playing like deep house wares they're playing disco and they switch to deep house for some reason and the shit's like going it's like disco house what I don't [ __ ] care and it's pretty hard and we're just sitting there like okay this is really not the right tone for the place and then out of nowhere she drops this vocal and it's the [ __ ] our Father prayer in like that voice well I think our Father who art in heaven and deliver us from evil I thought I was gonna be like deliver us from music holy hell that would kill in Rome the [ __ ] tiësto Pope [ __ ] it's like it's like a Pope hat but it covers his head it's a mask no one knows who the Pope is you're the new pope prayer [Laughter] [Laughter] the Father the Son the Holy Spirit in the base so someone tweeted I forget whose over tweeted that the picture of a girl in the bathroom brushing her teeth and some and some dudes sitting on the toilet taking a [ __ ] he's like if we're not like this then I don't want to be with you or something and then someone reply to that saying like who took this picture and I was like her husband and then someone responded to that the Holy Trinity and that thing had me [ __ ] crying just the husband the wife the [ __ ] or the bull would be the bull I got that but it has me forgetting my my terms you high right now no oh did you smoke today at all not yet no what have you guys done today what time is it there it is 8 or 9 o'clock it looks like [ __ ] 5 it's crazy Oh at night yeah damn we're like hours ahead that's tight you can go out for dinner yeah probably just been chilling here just like pretending you live here yo you know it's a great place that you should go for brunch tomorrow Morgan and Meese it's called okay Morgan and me look that [ __ ] up I swear to god it's unreal okay it's so [ __ ] good great spot also there's this place this is place in Amsterdam that you'll like a lot it's called the red-light district I definitely suggest that had a great conversation she was yeah kind of weird you know I paid money we kind of went in there and just talked and it was great but she was in the lingerie the whole time kind of was coming on to me and I was like what I'm sorry what did what is this I thought this was just kind of a nice you know I I was for sure that this was just a you know I come in hello lunch we started Dungeons & Dragons campaign I don't don't you what do you didn't stop and now what I paid for that area I can only describe it's like a weird haunted house yeah that's just how it feels cuz you just walk down those alleys those girls just pop up against the window I one of them came up and I legit what stop yeah yeah no yeah totally like you don't expect her you're looking at one side and then there'll be someone on the other one she'll tap on the glass ah what the [ __ ] and then she's not a girl do you feel the bass yeah that's what I thought I was gonna we're gonna go in the room and just listen to music so like someone looked up like how the blue light means like not a girl hmm and I was like I want to post a picture on Instagram like like by holding one of the doorknobs like to a blue door and being like being like wow aleena gave me one pass and so I'm going for it Oh have all the comments be like dude do you know what you're getting into are you sure amen hey dude this have fun I guess explorers let one pass I just don't just don't know if you know anything that was the end of the article says sorry if you had to find out this way no I'm just imagining some guy who's like hey blue light means a check what money's like what no no let me search that again he's like I had a great time but [ __ ] but she she I mean he's like [ __ ] and then he goes right back in it well exactly do the craziest [ __ ] about that area is when you walk around you'll see like the same dudes just go like room-to-room man honestly I started getting depressed I couldn't be there that long it's like yeah I mean cuz we went on like lie like a Friday night or some [ __ ] there's like hell of people and there's like Mars and [ __ ] around there and we would just end up seeing like the same dudes just like it was just like oh man I mean no no no judgment but I know it's just a difference I don't know different style different style does it remind you a little bit of Thailand yeah reminded me of Thailand it's just less like organized in Thailand yeah but like a lot of Germans and suckie suckie just a lot of German dudes chain-smoking yeah that's one good job debate song is building try she drop it do you like steak frites yeah I just want to say me had like French food last week I had a croque madame it doesn't count that's French it's called a [ __ ] Madame no but it's oh yeah I mean you're right it doesn't what can be like French French like French onion soup hello like French onion soup hey Noel hey hey can you hear me oh you're a you a street okay I'm walking down the street what do you mean real French food what are you talking about steak frites I don't know steak frites or [ __ ] escargot or any of their other crazy Jill I haven't had that in a long ass of a stupid Elena just put down like for snails no problem she's like it's not that bad oh I could do that that she doesn't gross me out I couldn't man I couldn't do it just looking at it you couldn't even have one ah [ __ ] my stomach just turned over just looking at it come out of the shell I was like ah see that's you then and that's you finding an excuse not to eat what it is the my priority is food matter what the [ __ ] it is that doesn't deter me looks kinda that's going in here yeah red-light district depress me a little bit how was Rome that's cool was the phone good you pizza or anything oh really John and Vinny's I it's just all right now dude dude so first of all I kind of agree with you but for different reasons huh we went to we went to like some dudes birthday last Sunday on son yeah I just said that on Sunday we went to this dude's birthday and we we ended up like getting like cousin I got like four drinks each over the course of like three hours or something but I don't know like who they were strong or they were really sweet or something so we were both like pretty drunk by the time we left this restaurant and we were we were close to eat Jon and Vinny sounds like let's order it for pickup and take it home and eat it I said yeah for sure so we ordered a bunch got it brought it home and like I ate so much of it and this is that like 10:30 p.m. oh I was but go on so I eat like and I'm like like disgusting amounts of of like I'm discussing like level of full I'm like well at least I just get to go like go to bed which is like the worst thing to do after you eat that much food I woke up in the mill the night and was like hey heartburn I had to like take a [ __ ] in the middle of the night and then never felt worse the day after that cuz I was like hungover Plus still so full my body's trying to like digest the food and like which is not the hydration name it just was bad man and now I have this a tainted memory yeah one more you should and that I know dude I'm stupid change your mind oh yeah know one more time going back there it's gonna be all back all back to good so I save you a picture of that pasta and so it's this place Anthony Bourdain went okay and I like I don't know how I figure out how I found it but everyone's like it's in the cut you gotta go there so we go and it's that same cacio e pepe thing that they served with John and Vinny's and it comes in like this parmesan crusted bowl it's like [ __ ] crazy that's the first thing we had in Rome okay and it's what's at the bar like I'm here everything was good but it was like we went to the best thing first so everything after was just gradually like really they're so good yeah but like we definitely should've did in Reverse um food was amazing I felt like I could close my eyes and just walk into something and it'd be great like every time yeah every time damn that's crazy yeah objectively and it's cheapest [ __ ] Rome is super cheap really yeah dude that's like one reason I'd go back huh like that that thing that picture I sent you yeah that was like eight bucks oh damn so you can go to Rome go to Rome yeah it's like you're on a budget and like you want something this is actually a good time to announce that this episode is sponsored by Rome Tourism you've done to us and they asked me yeah yes would you mind reading an ad for us no and that was it yeah it's like the city's real old it's weird like after like five I like five like late at night it gets really quiet like I don't know if they have clubs or bars Oh like it's like not a party place doesn't feel like it I mean there are parts of this city I could [ __ ] I could cough up a hairball and it'll probably sound like I dropped a tray of metal like it was just [ __ ] funny cuz every time we say some [ __ ] like that I can already see the comments in my head no it's not you from Rome no it's not you guys are wrong we turn up in Rome okay all the time okay yeah yeah we drop Sybase okay you want to talk about dropping the base dude please unbuckled your seat belt that's not even an Italian excellent the funniest thing to be was we went to that restaurant I forget the name Roma something and we're waiting there we're trying to communicate with the restaurant manager he's like you know how many do you have blah blah blah as we're talking two priests walk up he just goes and like in the middle of my sentence just shut the [ __ ] up it goes right up to the priest and he goes where did you like to sit really and they're like outside and I'm like see in America that's usually like half-naked girls and it's the complete inverse in Rome it's like men covered neck to foot granted they have power but you know that is extended from something that means more but like it was just a funny [ __ ] these two guys walking like yeah well though we'll take the table outside then he just scratches us anything I just kept imagining going to a club and priests like skipping the line push it up alright there's nine of us you should get in no problem Oh your holiness the bouncers like flirting with the brain like it's the complete inverse situation there yeah hey fathers Oh fathers drink free baby this is the most this is gonna be the most problematic episode yet father's drink free tonight [Laughter] holy hell and holy [ __ ] what a pun I'm sure I can't even remember what I was saying cuz I just keep imagining oh yeah but the imagining walking into a store here in Amsterdam I'm expecting it to be like hello how many leads would you like as you just walking in it's like some dude like yeah what's up I'm like oh you American he's like yeah four shirts so my name's Trevor I moved here from San Clemente my parents wanted me to take over the winery I said [ __ ] that I want to answer professionally so I came here and opened up a shop with their money it's pretty sick not bad dude I smoke free weed all day long I'm growing dreadlocks I saw a tweet that was like I saw a white dude red smoking weed in public I called the cops on him he's like if I'm not allowed to be black and be outside you're not a lot of people I could be outside that's great dude yo did you see you see this is America yes yeah how good is that [ __ ] genius it's so real good man it's got a lot of locals to that video yeah the first time we we like we're coming we were driving back from San Diego and I read that he came up with a new song so I played it on Spotify and I was like this is [ __ ] weird like just first listen just audio only and that's a bizarre I don't understand it at all yeah I was like I don't know what like just stylistically I was like I have no idea what he's going for it here yeah and we turned it off and it's like incredible how like the songs you don't understand at first are the ones that have like the most longevity to them or like are the catchiest in the in the long term I guess like I now am obsessed with the song I can't get out of my [ __ ] head all day and it's you know it's partly because of the video mm-hmm watch a video and you're like oh helps you understand the audio now I can listen to the song better right way yeah you know it's definitely art yeah the I hate like all the right up listen like Stewart a big journalist trying to like give their opinion on it and all that just shut the [ __ ] up I know just shut up that's stupid girl I don't want to talk about her the amount of [ __ ] hidden meanings videos in on YouTube right now so funny man I tweeted that I was like I wonder if there's any hidden meanings and this [ __ ] dick that one could be twisted in a weird way exactly you see that chick this the shitty girl comedian not even comedian she did this is America female edit and she tried to make it like she just oh it's bad wait what Nicole Arbour it's so bad oh god she's the I hate fat people girl yeah yeah what did she do she just redid the song but it's like supposed to be about women but it's like it's so bad cuz she can't sing she can't even like really - the cadence of the song it's just oh yeah and that's awful one of her lyrics is I got rape in my area and I'm like okay cuz it's just I don't know it's it was a weird it like the point of the perversion is supposed to be like female empowerment but it doesn't seem that way well no but it's just taking something that's already about like this is a prodigious an art piece mm-hmm that was made for you know I mean I guess like to express like blacks oppression and stuff like that why do you got to take that and just make it about you make your own thing if you want to empower females like don't twice what he did like this is something that has a very specific message and purpose yep and that's like the [ __ ] that pissed me off about is that's like you you're not clever enough to think of your own thing yeah you would never make something that good and you try to just take it and yeah just do your little remix on it and it's like oh god damn it yeah so annoying so annoying and now she's like I don't understand why no it's taking it the wrong way and I mean she just it's just like belittling what he like you know you think you just appreciate it for what it is and then if you want to know saying you shouldn't make stuff that empowers females at all but like do your own thing yeah yeah well that's I think everyone can see that the the attempt is not it's not genuine yeah like I don't think she actually cares about empowering females yeah oh no just to get her name yes yeah yeah that being said now I'm being a hypocrite because the edits where they edited call me maybe and stuff like that I find those very funny anything is absolutely yeah like stomping on the the whole purpose of that [ __ ] video Hey look at night just edited in this pop track from [ __ ] a little 2009 oh I felt like disrespectful like chuckling a dick I know dude but it's like I don't know he created something so good and but I think what's not fair see here's what's not fair about that if you put in call me maybe against anything serious and and it matches its gonna give me the laugh because it's saying yeah just put that song just like a home video of me getting my ass beat and I would laugh everyone would laugh at that it's not fair like it's not fair it's like the girl getting a hit with the shovel and then the Kendrick edit yeah I go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like then she just got nailed they should why it's brain damage but but [ __ ] funny stop it's on beat dude that's well that's the things that people are like do that oh my god I can't believe how well this song fits it's like all you gotta do is just take any song that's like 140 BPM or whatever it is and it's it like it's gonna match every time because every intro is like eight bars or whatever mmm or every verse into the chorus is gonna be like eight or sixteen you know and so it'll fit it's not fair I hate that I know whatever I see like LMFAO if I see like LMFAO but it's got like 20 O's and then brah I know I'ma be like first of all you know the person didn't make whatever the content with them selves you know it for sure yeah and secondly you're like oh [ __ ] I'm not supposed to laugh at I just I know I'm not supposed to laugh at this and then you press it and it's like a girl throwing up in the club there's something just or that or putting pop music to like to some horrible you know you ever see here comes the stapler no [ __ ] Devon just send me this to you real quick let me take a moment here to discuss our sponsor for this episode it's Rome Rome please send us and we'll get positive reviews to drive although I don't think we're gonna be giving them any more traffic than the [ __ ] Vatican yeah that's true brother I was thinking I'm like who sells more tickets the Vatican or Drake and it's definitely a bad again like the Vatican does what Drake like in a day what Drake does in a tour like there are lines are long what is what what is the matter like is it like oh don't know whether people go to service there bro I don't hope comes out he comes out of the Vatican but they do they do like regular [ __ ] there I mean so like in Vatican City it's pretty closed off like you can't just be anyone in there yeah it's like it's like the central hub for Catholicism yeah right yeah I know they're like so you can line up to go see like the Sistine Chapel that's where like they do mass and stuff got you in there well yeah we stood in that Square where the Pope comes out and like you're not cool I mean yeah spins hello Vatican City come together fold your hands and feel the base you all look so beautiful for my Pierre I have one more for you tonight Vatican City thank you so much it has been an absolute honor again this is DJ Paul put your hands up it like I was saying this was like some total eight-year-old [ __ ] but I'm like not even 8 year old just like some dumb high schooler ship and I'm standing there like looking all the [ __ ] in Rome and I'm like dude they should have taught me this like here like I didn't give a [ __ ] but now that I look at it like I kind of look in care and I don't know it's pretty surreal like standing there looking all that old [ __ ] yeah dude there's looking at all that old [ __ ] I mean just like like like 2,000 years ago they're getting AIDS and we can fix it now and they couldn't yeah and it's crazy that we lasted that long yeah yeah true man I read it so we were reading about the red-light district although this relates to Rome I promise mm-hmm and this is what and said this relates to Rome I promise okay we're leading about the red-light district and the phrasing it's the same article about the blue light it was like some workers in the red-light district will offer Greek stuff on my books Greek stuff is that anal what is this so then so it's anal oh it is and so yeah so I look up I'm like what the [ __ ] is the origin of the Greek way and I get like this Urban Dictionary definition it's like four paragraphs with citations oh my oh [ __ ] this is real it was like the Grecian penis it falls on the lower end of the scale below the already modest Caucasian penis I was [ __ ] dying laughing at breakfast already modest yeah so we like small dicks apparently and it was like then it said like other races like it's like it's like it's like it's right there with Irish and German penises and I'm like all right maybe that's why Hitler is mad I don't know it's like they can't please a woman so they prefer to go in the anus because it's the only way the grecian penis can satisfy all like whatever I'm like it's kind of seems like opinion is the person writing it yeah satisfy a woman okay so now that's the Greek way remember that article I got tweeted back like Greeks desired the small penises no I said those small penises but there's some article saying like smaller penises were preferred amongst Greeks because to have a large penis meant that you were like dumb and you were like sex driven and smaller meant like you were more intellectual so I was just laughing at the idea of like for bankers with really tiny penises like shaming a dude with a massive dick in public yeah and like the guy feeling like [ __ ] yeah that would never have yeah just like ah look at this blacksmith over here what's wrong oh your shoulder and walk home huh I mean it takes all the blood from your brain that's why you can't think gigantic penis man but all the women in public surrounding him look at him he could absolutely satisfy all of us that's why we do it the Greek way all right watch here comes a stapler I think you should do a sponsored drop while I watch this okay ladies and gentlemen this this episode is sponsored by ultra Miami what do you want to do you want to feel the base with all of us here as one moving and breathing together we are one people then come the hot rap you watch well just wait dude it's crazy if you guys are listening you can find this video on liveleak I believe it's like a world star like fight video but they just this like they start just fighting out of nowhere this guy just runs and just kicks him in the face and they're fighting and the one dude is like insane and he picks up a stapler from the desk oh here comes a stapler and just starts stapling this dude and then he's like going it like I don't even know how to explain it bro he hits him with his stapler yeah and he starts head-butting no dude that part insane concussed then he's just like [ __ ] deleting parts of his motor function oh sure that's like he's like insane now he's that's gotta be like insanity yeah one of those bad kids classrooms yeah oh yeah I'm is it Borowski I gotta go pretty soon every episode Cody has to go because I got [ __ ] to do Monday's a banana you just wake up and it's like [ __ ] I gotta clean up all my [ __ ] I got it like just Garren's I gotta do before I can actually I do anything productive yep yeah that's gonna be me next Monday ah yeah I said know what I was thinking earlier today I'm like well never fully be rappers because we got to do regular [ __ ] like errands and like I know rappers don't do errands they don't think about other people's feelings they don't they don't do any of that [ __ ] to do any regular [ __ ] rappers just like they just don't give a [ __ ] they smoke weed all day in public yeah a rapper just going to a church and just you want me to do what yeah I put this out one second it's gone you see any footage from rolling loud not yet now [ __ ] looks it's insane I'm sure it's such a cool [ __ ] festival yeah I mean I want to go but like backstage yeah or like the VIP area yeah cuz it's just like a mosh pit I don't want to be at the madness yeah there's like footage of xxx and ski masks doing that song [ __ ] up [ __ ] up [ __ ] you know that song no nevermind it's super it's just like it just meant for just the head banging and moshing okay and so the song drops and it's just like this audience it's just like [ __ ] it looks like a looks like it just like a like a giant like creature from like a science fiction movie it looks like we're together as one people to the base I'm going to animate kids mesh together to form a giant xxx it starts punching all the girls in the audience you know like the Power Rangers form to make the Megazord yeah all the SoundCloud rappers with domestic violence charges and it's like screaming separate the art from the artist as it's punching women in the face [ __ ] oh my god oh god damn it what time yet I don't have my watch on me my time is wrong in my life like an hour five minutes oh really I gotta go I gotta bring in this [ __ ] application for sure next week you'll have video and audio I will be back maybe we'll hit a stream that Monday who knows yeah I think all of my [ __ ] should be here by then um I should because I have to rebuild my [ __ ] oh yeah right well uh make it a squad bill dude yeah let's do it dude unboxing it you're sure deed all right dude have fun man go smoke some weed I will smoke up I'm going to buckle my belt release my mind and feel the base thank you for flying KLM we hope to see you soon thank you for listening to the tiny meat gang podcast later guys peace
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 196,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satire, tmg, podcast, long form, conversation, comedy, lol
Id: 5lot2V3maxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 10sec (3910 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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