Episode 136 - Call Us Daddy

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what's up guys welcome to the TMG podcast this is actually today's episode today's free episode but if you want the bonus episode that went up today as well you can find that on our patreon that's patreon.com slash tiny meet gang and that the free episode will be ad free as well on there so and if not thanks and enjoy this one peace peace all right I want to start this episode just by real giving a real quick thank you to everyone that's subscribed to the YouTube channel we just hit 600,000 subscribers oh my gosh on the hood yeah on the tiny meat gang YouTube channel so I don't know pump it if you listen to this podcast on you know one of the various podcast apps on your phone or perhaps you watch on YouTube let's wanna thank everyone that's been why the show's been doing really well recently and and it's nice to know that we can do it virtually yeah have still have people enjoy it so just want to thank everyone right off the bat just want to give a big thank you to the listeners Big Ups we appreciate you guys yeah thank you for supporting this nasty habit of ours also yeah nasty habit nasty habit makes it sound like we're smoking cigarettes or something yeah I know this is nasty little podcast habit of ours I think it makes it sound kind of you know sexy this little bad-boy habit we got going on we're the nasty podcast yeah and you know when you know once you know once podcasting starts like you know interfering with your real life that's when you got a problem yeah you know that's when it's nasty what do you think rock bottom is podcast rock bottom podcast rock bottom is potentially doing a segment with the guy who did a video calling out the amount of likes you have that one no sounds of the boy Bevan he hit he hit me back I got no way did he yeah what do you say he's got time next week so I figure yes yes let's have Kyle set that up so I was thinking we should just try and get Michael Reaves one more time just to do like a zoom thing like why don't we do zoom guess on here yeah we should and what how we should do it is we should publicly we should each upload a video through our YouTube channels titled Michael Reaves is ignoring me knowing me as well and then yeah dude stir up drama that seems to be the [ __ ] this week there's a lot of [ __ ] lot of [ __ ] drama well no with everything I'm just saying it was a drama packed week it was I don't want to talk about the [ __ ] keemstar h3 [ __ ] but I do want to talk about the collar daddy [ __ ] yeah yeah come on that's so good yeah yes so much fun following yeah yeah so much fun I just you know I don't want to do a podcast about podcasts you know but that one is about business that one's about business it is about business that drama is about fumbling the bag big bag they didn't even fumble it they were they they got a they were in they they got the touchdown and then it got reversed or wherever the [ __ ] that's called you know yeah I don't know sports terms but you know when they take back that you know I'm saying no here's what happen they got the touchdown and they did a celebration in the end zone that was so flagrant that they got ejected from the game and then suspended from the team that's what it is yeah totally it was what do you think what it was a celebration they [ __ ] after they got the touchdown they pulled their pants down and and peed into a t-shirt cannon and then shot the pee all over the cup all over Bill Belichick and they were like [ __ ] you we have the best podcast in the world [ __ ] you were the best quarterback receiving duo and if you [ __ ] if you want us to do another touchdown you better pay us all the money and everyone here better make zero dollars or we're gonna [ __ ] hit you with PP again [ __ ] and the reference the ref was like that was just lewd yeah yeah so they got ejected from the game and then they disappeared and then the coach was like well I guess they're fired cuz they won't come back to practice so I don't really know what to do here I don't even want to explain what happened because you just got to go listen to it's so good you got to go listen to it but like we'll give I'll give you the gist basically you know call or daddy the podcasts which one from zero to being like the big one of the biggest podcast in the world in like four months and it's all because barstool bought it and then helped them blow it up and so all of a sudden it became that this crazy pod you know crazy huge podcast about having sex basically and you know the Gluck Gluck 9000 or whatever that's all from that podcast you know so they blew the [ __ ] up and then basically there was a bunch of like contract disputes they wanted more money people thought that they were like continually saying on their podcast about how little they make and how much they're struggling blah blah blah meanwhile behind the scenes the CEO of barstools giving them half a million dollars each a year saying they still were not happy with that and so yeah they like tried to renegotiate a bunch of times we have bonuses for downloads as well yeah so they were making more than that and there they got merch and they got a percentage of merch - which apparently they were doing millions and merch and they were caking dude and didn't they have a beverage deal yeah I guess there's some alcohol portion I didn't know about that but yeah but if the mean the throw fans are buying that but they were easily making a cool M&M you know probably probably they was looking like an M&M pack and now yeah yeah yeah yeah peanut M&M yes what that is let me let me quote the man Benny the butcher okay and let me just you know if I could just quote rap rap Bible chapter 7 verse Grizelda keep talking while I find this [ __ ] line so I guess now granted they are one of the biggest podcasts they probably get apparently the CEO of barstool said they make like $100,000 in advertising revenue an episode off this podcast yeah off this podcast which they've been losing because the girls just stopped doing it they just stopped coming to the office and doing the podcast so now every week barso loses 100 thousand dollars or whatever but if you think about it that's like you know like what half a million bucks a month just on ads just on mid-roll ads so yeah like if they had done this podcast independently they they be making more money that's why they're pissed but it's like you signed a 3-year contract you just have to do it that's what that's how contracts work and he let them renegotiate a little bit to get more money so like he was like earless and I'll take six months off the the end of your contract you can you can leave six months early just just finish it out so that we can have this revenue for you know during the coronavirus times or whatever and I guess they started shopping the podcast around and they got another offer from another place and so now they have no offers and now it's just up in the air like what the podcast like doesn't exist anymore and basically the CEO of our still posted an episode on on their podcast feed which an at was an absolute insane move self wanted so funny he posted an episode that's just him explaining everything from his side on their feet because they own it bro so funny dude and and the fact that you know there's like there's a certain character that motivates it seems like he motivated the whole thing and it's just it's oh my god man that what this like villain boyfriend guy and HBO boyfriend guy it's just so it's honestly team's fake it does it does seem fake ten perfect if we got got whatever but if you haven't listened to it I actually think it's a very good example of you should listen to that [ __ ] and listen to how bad some people [ __ ] it up so you know in the future if you ever get in a good situation you're gonna go oh I don't want to call I don't want to call her daddy myself yeah I don't want to glug-glug myself yeah you know if they did nothing they were said to make what they would have made like a million their first year I mean if they made like five six million the next year and then and then everything and then they get the IP back that was one of the things the guy was like listen I want to make this work so here's the thing six months early you can leave you get the show you can own it again which you are still owns it now you can own it you can do it independently if they had just done that and waited and it's not like waiting would be that bad either caking in the mean time yeah Oh collect your million then go off and make ten Oh bro if they if they just sure okay if they just played the game it would've they would have made like 1520 million over three years once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and now they're gonna make zero it's like why would anyone know anyone this is how contracts work yeah it's a it's it's a little bit unfair but keep in mind there was a 90% chance that your show was gonna go nowhere and Barstow would have been out money on you guys right you wouldn't you could have just been another average radio show that made some money you know made back whatever barstool invested in you in the first place it's just by chance by luck a little bit whatever yeah you get their good but their [ __ ] blew the [ __ ] up and now they're in this situation and they think that contracts can just be like it's like dude you're gonna get sued oh man oh and bro the fact that they were trying to go to legal battle with like a massive corporate entity Oh get out of here you know you don't have the [ __ ] cash reserve barstool is pulling down big money well I think the idea was that they'd get whatever company they shopped it to to pay the legal fees to get them out of their contract Oh assuming they make enough money to warrant you know to cover that over the next couple years with this new company right yeah but then they didn't tell them that they don't own the IP so then it's like it's so entertaining honestly so go listen to go listen to the caller daddy episode it's another thirty minutes yeah it's like thirty minutes of him just describing what happened from his perspective like all the deals he offered them and stuff like that [ __ ] bonehead uh you know warning it's probably gonna piss you off because you're gonna listen to two people who got an insanely good just easy opportunity and they just [ __ ] PP t-shirt t-shirt cannon to that thing they did and they just Oh oh that's an ear I'm gonna try and do sports terms here that was an easy lob on the two yard line yeah right yeah wide receiver wide open looking at the ball oh he's good now for the wind yeah it's 58 74 yeah 58 59 yeah that's a football score right yeah it could maybe it could be he's looking at it oh and then Oh goodbye goodbye go bye goodbye and goodbye goodbye unreal bro that's all I can that's all I can say about it that's the most intelligent thing I can say about it because truly you can't believe you cannot believe how bad somebody could fumble the [ __ ] bag I was listening I feel so bad feel but I feel bad for every party involved I know I feel bad it's stupid it's their own fault but it's like I still feel I just millions just evaporated just I have a hard time being empathetic I have a real hard time being empathetic I don't empathize I just feel bad okay all right you know no saying yeah I don't feel about like oh they deserve those Milly whatever it was their own mistake sure is that I just just a hat just a bit for it to be there and now it's not there anymore yeah that's for everyone yeah it feels bad but you know I can Wow [ __ ] Wow speaking of fumbling the bag it's not really fumbling a bag but speaking of blowing a bag to get your [ __ ] daughter into college and then end up doing prison time let's go our Laurie lock Lori Loughlin yeah shout to Lori Loughlin free her okay the system is [ __ ] up watch her come out of this and talk about how jails are so terrible oh my god we got to make free Laurie shirts dude how funny would that be you know the irony is that she is you know she got a charge for you know faking her daughter's transcripts and now she's basically just gonna do a semester of college as a punishment she gonna sit in a [ __ ] small cell and then go to the library during rec hours and read books and then go outside occasionally and then be trapping her own thoughts for eight weeks and then that's it yeah lesson that two months dude that's nothing what's where she going [ __ ] probably maximum security Club fed she's gonna have a cell phone and a Playstation and it's going to yeah she's going a tennis prison yeah it's just like giant tennis courts beautiful it's just like summer camp bro she's probably gonna the long beach prison that dude that [ __ ] is in a cove on the water and no way really yeah it's a resort location dude it's unbelievable that's funny and who the the her husband is doing five months why is her husband doing five well you know the disproportionate that's just you know how like women make less on money yeah you know it's just kind of like a continuation of that when they do less nice plus or prison sentence see there is benefit to gender inequality oh Jesus Christ I am joking I am joking I am joking free lorry man free lorry right the most offensive shirt ever free Lori Loughlin I tweeted that this morning for 10 seconds and took it down just three - what that's just - aided free Lori Loughlin all caps and I had I deleted it just I had to get it out of my system so [ __ ] funny yo yo hey Lori man girl when she didn't do nothing they put in the semen innocent that [ __ ] is gonna be listening to the box in the rec room on ten-year-old Jesus and can't wait for her first day out that's a whack job that's a whack job everyone saying that [ __ ] hell man wait goddamn it mmm it's on my head it's the front of my head took my tongue yeah I lost it whatever I was gonna say something but I lost it it's very new can I tell you something sure so you're grinning I'm gonna slam her as well you gonna jam DUP zeref there's a full house joke there somewhere right oh yeah fuller house something like that yeah so I yeah I do you find yourself getting to that point where I just feel I've hit a point where I guess so lazy sometimes with like humor that those obvious jokes just completely escape me I mean I try so hard to not be on the nose or easy about it that I just end up missing the flake the funniest [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah I know what you're saying are the most obvious yeah yeah I just go straight to farts and that's what I'm thing about constantly now how can I make this a fart joke yeah Lori Loughlin is gonna sit on that prison toilet and think wait this isn't a bidet so small leave that swine Lori sell may just you know farting up a storm at night just you know stinky stinky it's a he or she or she I mean this is a co-ed prison to that because no it doesn't exist right now I feel like that has to do this there's code do this co-ed dodgeball Illinois are though here Cora are there any co-ed federal prisons in the United States oh because I'm trying to go yeah can I get transferred to that I have female camps at the same location with a myth okay they don't interact with each other yeah okay so anyways Laurie's female cellmate some you know stinky ice cream girl sippy she's lactose and it made you lactose-intolerant yeah when they're serving ice cream one night and she's just ripping stinkers in prison Laurie soon see that's funny party notes man and lanlan and Laurie just can't stand it she now regrets the top bunk put me in isolation yeah I can't handle this anymore crazy I imagine that she's going to cry for the first week becoming just depends on where she goes to jail totally you know I thought about I doubt she ends up in some like real scary ass prison [ __ ] I finally I I don't know who knows how that [ __ ] works but yeah I guess when you're rich can you just buy your way into like a nice bougie little rehab prison or does that not I don't know how maybe like maybe your lawyer can make file some motion to get you to you know whatever or she you know she agrees to serve the two months in prison and then I bet she's there for a week and then they get her out on an ankle monitor and you know she has to live in her pool house for seven weeks and then and then she does a collaboration with 6:9 yeah and they drop a single together oh that Olivia Jade six nine video couldn't happen faster in the pipeline brother wait what I bet they're gonna capitalize Laurie locklins daughter and six nine but they just do a little something together yeah probably like an Instagram live or something something yeah yeah can you get my mom some tips and they're gonna call that [ __ ] ratatouille anyway tell you something yeah so I was gonna you know I was gonna I've had enough of this - I was gonna shave it today or tomorrow I had it in my mind okay I'm gonna do this minute I'm gonna get rid of it it's over okay whatever right and I go surfing this morning and I'm in the water and I keep making eye contact weirdly with this dude and finally by like the fourth or fifth time he's like he's like I'm sorry man I I know this is weird but I just want to say you have like the perfect dad stash that's why I've been looking at you I'm super high right now and I feel like we keep making eye contact and it's weird that's why I'm looking at you I just want you to know that that you have exactly what I'm going for right now so from one man to another I just wanna say I really like your mustache I'm not making this up he's [ __ ] did that I swear to God 15 minutes after I just told Kolby I was gonna shave it there's the most weed [ __ ] so now you're not going to no absolutely not that's all I needed to hear is that come on it's like a [ __ ] god gift from God she just told this guy to compliment my stache for that I would keep it so now it's on it permanently yeah you got that cop mustache forever now it's getting disgusting it's the new Kody it's a new me I mean there's no going back so I have to build my wardrobe and I'm gonna donate everything I have and just build a new wardrobe and look around - this - okay everything is gonna be stashed centric I might saw weren't start wearing like Bill bottoms and go 70s you know feel a Starsky and Hutch type [ __ ] believe me maybe less hair grease you go for a perm that's what I've said permed mullet yeah and what else could you do start wearing a bunch of gold jewelry yes wear suits all the time with top button open show the chest hair mm-hmm [Music] capo old Buick really go overboard roll roll up all your cigarettes the whole nine avy airs yeah you can get a new era you can get a gold gold-plated vacuum shaped straw for your cocaine you know that old school you know those old whiskey ads that we're getting floated around no you know what show me I can tell you I already like this so old-school coke ad no that's like old-school cocaine they'd be advertised cocaine I'm just thinking of like buzzwords yeah you never seen this oh yeah okay these joints go ahead oh yeah classy that's a classy way to do a nun feta mean right there mm-hmm it's just classy I mean do be you'll never forget your keys again oh there's a wallet that holds joints that's hilarious this is hilarious not did not used to blush oh wow did cocaine not used to be like super illegal off the jump no like was there a moment where people were like you know they were advertising tools and stuff dude he used to be in coca-cola oh right right that's that's nuts isn't it that is actually insane isn't that [ __ ] up that was actually a thing coca-cola used to have cocaine juice and it was a juice and the old world was drinking it cocaine juice man is insane it's in a can it was branded I wouldn't call it some of that straight-up coke that's where social that's where social interaction in America went downhill was when they started forcing all of us to go to the bathroom we should have been having these conversations out in the open yeah code in Coke you know during social distancing is gonna be a lot harder no bathroom trips anymore you got to just lob it to your friends from across the party I wouldn't know because I don't believe in drugs but I don't you don't believe in them you don't believe it exists yeah I don't exist they're not real I don't believe in drugs this [ __ ] is funny man this is from a while ago 2017 this is from but I think it's interesting to bring up mostly because there's the image of the guy with the t-shirt that says I should have right we read the headline yeah so this is a old article that Kyle dug up and that's still hilarious Wisconsin workers embedded with microchips and basically they 40 employees that worked at three square market a firm that makes cafeteria kiosks aimed at replacing vending machines got tiny Rice sized microchips embedded in their hands nice dude I watched this mini doc on stream about they call it bio hacking was basically people putting RFID chips in their palms it was so dumb it was so dumb I couldn't think of a dumber way to put computing into your body what's an RFID chip it's what you use for Apple pay so what's the point what one dude I had it so the chip has a lot of control through an app so it seems like you just distribute information to the chip through an app and it can do mundane things the only one that was kind cool was you reprogramming your car keys so you just have it a car key in your body for her eeeh she was able to reprogram it to the chip in her hand so she could walk up to her car and but um then I thoughts so extreme for like not that cool of a benefit well I thought isn't that kind of like a massive exploit that you can just figure out how to reprogram your car key to an RFID chip oh yeah that seems too easy it shouldn't be that straightforward because then anyone could just do that right but I mean if they had your keys they could steal your car anyways so I guess it kind of makes sense yeah I'm just thinking getting a deal I would be a lot easier I don't or at no avoiding it would be better yeah cuz you never ever keys on you yeah exactly you know what give me your keys oh I I was just taking a nap sir oh wait how'd you I just leave it unlocked huh no I meant like someone's drunk at a party and someone's like dude you can't drive here keys you're not gonna believe this but my keys are in my hand just landed drunk are you dude your keys are implanted in your hand I swear to god they're implanted in my head I can't give me my keys David took mushrooms again what is he talking about I had a speaking of shrooms I thought of a horrifying I was like talking about Ben Khan yesterday cuz I've had him act with this lady from one of the pits I wrote and I was joking with him about could you you know because I saw some video about shrooms on tik-tok mm-hmm and Siva actually sent it to me as well and he said do this is pretty accurate and it was it was a rock with like changing textures on it for some reason I thought of you imagine taking shrooms then looking at your hands and they're kind of just warping around and then they just like turned into the face of your ex on both hands and they just start like yelling at you and giving you [ __ ] you start trying to wipe it off and then the liquid goes off your and just hopefully because this weird [ __ ] nightmare I gotta get out of quarantine man is that what the bit is known is that what you wrote no no I got you got joking about this to Ben and now I have to make that I guess that's funny I like that nightmare fuel there's a bunch of there's like a Netflix talk right now about hallucinogenics no I'll check it out I think yeah I think it's on Netflix it's like a whole bunch of they did a interview a whole bunch of famous people about like their craziest trip or their first time or whatever oh and I don't know it seems kind of cool that reminds me of that segment I think was on Vice or uh what's that do his name it's Shane my main guy the CEO or the founder or whatever Shane Gillis does well they would interview artists yeah yeah it's like that they animate it to I was thinking that it's kind of a ripoff of that show yeah to be honest but anyways I speaking of ripping off you know you should rip off what your pubes or don't rip them off shave them off with manscaped support for tiny meet gang is brought to you by manscaped who is the best in men's below-the-belt grooming manscaped offers precision engineered tools for your family jewels that's why manscaped has redesigned the electric trimmer the manscaped engineering team spent 18 months perfecting the greatest ball hair trimmer ever created and just released the new and improved lawn mower 3.0 their third generation trimmer features a cutting-edge ceramic blade to reduce manscaping accidents millions of balls are about to be Nick free thanks to you it's Kate ever wanted to run a lawn mower over your balls this is your chance but in a safe way in a safe way because they use manscaped advanced skin safe technology when I tell you this is premium I mean Premium okay the battery will last up to 90 minutes so you can take a longer shave one of you gotta exactly you got a big pubic bush then you can spend a full 90 minutes shaving that [ __ ] that's why it's great because I can shave my head and go to my balls or reverse I can get both eggs in the same go you could do that dude one of the coolest features is the LED light which illuminates grooming areas for closer and more precise trimming they've also upgraded to a 7000 rpm motor with quiet stroke TM technology I love these names dude quiet stroke if you are listening to me speak right now I want you to experience it first hand for yourself mmm I want you to shave your balls with this get 20% 20% off plus free shipping with the code TMG at manscaped calm your balls will thank you that once again that's 20% off and free shipping with the code TMG at manscaped calm every woman who deserved that was like it does how many rpm well they're also going to be interested in hearing the next one yeah you know speaking of rpms did you want to talk about something we can all use more of right now sex specifically great sex guards now you can increase your performance and get that extra confidence in bed listen up blue chewed calm that's blue like the color blue you know the only thing that's blue is the pill but not your balls blue 2 brings you the first chewable with the same fda-approved active ingredients as Viagra and Cialis you can take them any time day or night even on a full stomach and sister to well they work up to twice as fast as a pill so you can be ready whenever an opportunity arises that means you can go out for a big steak dinner Morgan's take her to Morton's get like five sides [ __ ] put all that [ __ ] down and then go home bang it out this is a good nitrous button for your blue chew 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have to apologize to this thing no that's it right there right behind you yeah the I mean probably that's a that's a serious [ __ ] machine right there day brother that's a beautiful you got to respect how many horses is that bad boy have Oh too many too many does that thing goes all the way around Wow no honestly um thanks to my guys they launched a gaming they uh they're sending me a new set of pedals and your boy is about to be you you dig but cuz I got telling you earlier now any dream I've ever had of buying a fast car I don't need it yeah but what about one you want can you mod that thing let's say you want to put a sick paint job on it or something if you can you put a turbo in this thing can you really know I was like listen [ __ ] what that do makes the connection go faster even faster even more responsive hmm no this thing I you know this is gonna peak your nerd brain but the this thing is super interesting because it's basically a computer in and of itself and that it's just [ __ ] wild how accurate this thing feels it's it's like I don't know how else to explain it you drive the car and you know when the car slides or if you hit a bump or whatever you get the feeling of losing control but properly and if you if you watch any of the pro guys like you know race online you'll see the car skid and they can perfectly correct the car because they you know they have that intuitive sense of like ok the cars going this way and but yeah so there's some [ __ ] in there basically doing crazy calculations about yeah how far you're moving a steering wheel and what that what that communicates to in real life yeah and and and it can and how it simulates the feedback and this then the third and it picks up every degree of rotation it's it's insane dude it's a sybian basically I sit on it and I do crazy turns on it do reverse cowgirl from the front and I put the vibration all the way up so I can feel it come in middle the night just no clothes on sit on this thing just take a few turns you know let it ride let it ride and I pour myself a glass alone brand let me tell you my favorite track my favorite kind of track is a NASCAR track cuz you're always turning speaking of Matthew dude he was on Fox News you see that [ __ ] what did he do now well the Fox News well he was he was um they were interviewing him I guess because he's got some interesting takes on how the virus has been politicized and about how we all have one common enemy here and it's the virus and why are we fighting each other with with you know this red versus blue we should stay inside we should be free we should be liberated when we should all be tackling the virus got it so he started something he started some foundation or some [ __ ] aimed it okay Mira's I guess and then what happens Matthew Oh what then you invest in a vaccine oh and then you want to put chips and people Oh suddenly Matthew McConaughey is teamed up with Bill Gates for microchips cool Matthew nice [ __ ] try and now we all like pork cracklin we all like pork cracklins bro oh I wanted to say this earlier when you were talking about that surfer and he's oh my man your man's your boyfriend no no no he's my best friend now okay okay maybe he was hitting up maybe he was hitting on me but if so I was flattered it's a weird way to hit on someone dude I'm really high right now I just want to say love your stuff reciate what you got going on fellas you should say that [ __ ] a girl and you're really high yeah I don't really [ __ ] stone but I can see you kind of miss a spot but it's cool as I love it and if you go out a full one honestly you look really [ __ ] hot I think you'd look hotter I love your upper lip hair so just either weed talking but I just want to say I appreciate what you got going on that's what I'm trying to do here would be a shame if the two of us got twisted up I'm the top lip like we got to close and like debbie [ __ ] you want to do a mustache kiss no lips just just hair just hair anyways what were you saying about him no I I found the perfect edible dude this thing is ridiculous I I was hysterical over the idea of a green bean smoothie for I'm not exaggerating 15 minutes oh wow and it's all because of the edible I just I I don't know what possessed me to even think about this but I was just imagining a mom it's asking some kid like some kid invites another kid over to his house whatever they said hi Billy are you thirsty yes would you like a smoothie I'm making some Reina yeah what the country are these people and I don't [ __ ] know Swedish and then she just throws up are you thirsty yes thirsty I'm very thirsty are you thirsty thirsty just throws a bag of green beans into a blender and that's it I don't present what's up frozen green rose yes yeah drink up so what's the edible it's some watermelon THC I don't even know the brand it says it's perfect to eat one it's 5 grams and it gets you on takeoff and then you reload and then it takes you to the moon maybe you know edibles don't work for everyone but this one works for me Jesus Christ I was eating Green Hornet's for a while with those things dude that [ __ ] is a coma in a gummy bear that is not cool you just pop that [ __ ] and then what oh yeah yeah I think your heart rate is goes to 20 when he [ __ ] eat that thing bad what it is it's a percocet that's all it is you just [ __ ] melt there's no high the only things I've tried to just watch or I say I'm gonna get is it goes from 4 it goes from I'm not feeling it I'm not feel about anything I don't feel it I don't feel my legs we got these kiva edibles they sent them to us oh you're wrong not yet but we're where you're gonna do them last night and then I don't know for some I'm like scared dude and I was say you scared I'm scared I'm not scared of I'm not scared of any other drug except for weed yeah well you don't like weed so I know but I'm just maybe you know it's been like a couple years and I'm like maybe I'll just pop one of these things and just see see what's up was that dosage I don't know they're like the smallest ones apparently it looks like my friends who don't smoke weed I've tried these in there like they're great it doesn't like just makes you feel relaxed which is I just need something just sucking sleep your sleep has been really shitty late lately edibles are fantastic for sleep fantastic that's what I'm hoping that's that's not me I can just doze yeah Yacht Club fantastic it's if I end then fantastic fantastic fantastic when you hang out on a yacht too long you start merging sea life yeah into nice we have those problems because we're on yachts all the time yeah fantastic yeah sometimes I forget what it's like to be on like land you know yes I'm done yacht so much we're actually on a yacht right now yeah I went down a YouTube niche of just yacht review videos no way I love that [ __ ] it's just like stupid though yeah they're so dumb you pick out fifty million dollars for a two-bedroom apartment on the water yep you know who's you know who's buying a yacht now who the rogue stirrer is he really [ __ ] I don't know you probably what else he [ __ ] buy with a hundred million bucks yeah the rogue inator dude you know what's wild you go back on Joe Rogan's channel like go back you know whatever ten years uh-huh on his YouTube channel and it's just like this but like way worse yeah way worse it's him doing uh he used to do his podcast like digitally like video chatting with people in the sound of shitty it sounds like a cell phone I mean he had faith dude it's wild is why do you just if you're consistent you just stick with something for a long time as long as it's growing and you figure out how to smash through plateaus on the way up it's amazing what can happen right this guy's just sits down and just [ __ ] talks about you know monkeys for an hour a couple times a week and now he he if you don't know Joe Rogan have you probably now everyone [ __ ] knows by now but they did a deal with Spotify where his podcast is gonna live exclusively on Spotify video included which is interesting mm-hmm oh dude it was a big upset it was front page on our EDD IT what were they saying people were upset I didn't what were they saying I've too deep I think people were just cool dude you're alienating a large percentage of the audience of people saying this is the end of the show this is the beginning of the end dude think about I um what's the XM radio guy [ __ ] serious guy Howard Stern yeah you had to pay for serious he still got like five hundred million dollars for his show or something like that man and he everybody listened to it yeah if Joe has enough fans and enough like think like you know enough of an engaged fan base and a listener base he's gonna go anywhere they're gonna follow him bro it's the difference of an app yeah but you have to pay for Spotify don't you oh yeah yeah I guess you would get it on YouTube for free so oh no you can use Spotify for free just has ads in it it is his ads yeah it's like just [ __ ] download the app like what you got what you liked the podcast app you tell me you like the podcast app it's the shittiest every podcast app I've ever used the slowest most garbage app ever at least followed by his [ __ ] somewhat good yeah yeah this is just the engineers in us the UX is incredible okay super intuitive no I don't know I just I know I think it's a good move for him honestly yeah bro also he's been doing this [ __ ] for 10 years yeah cash he's giving it to you for free for so long oh god [ __ ] forbid this guy want you know you want you know 6 bucks whatever the [ __ ] it is so that he can doesn't do the show like every day or it's like yeah it's like four or five times a week or something like that bro he's having three four-hour conversations every day booking people that it's a machine of a show yeah you pay for Less entertainment people pay for Netflix and just wait for the three shows to come out of here that are really good yeah and don't watch anything else I don't understand this man yeah I I don't really get the outrage doesn't really make sense and honestly people moving off YouTube it's a good thing it's a [ __ ] good thing yeah we need more competition twitch and YouTube both need competition they the monopoly on this [ __ ] is so bad it's yeah horrible yeah and and I know people joke about you know example people going to mixer but I would love to see more and more Alessi more and more people go to mixer it's just it's a good thing for for the people that make this [ __ ] you know there's a big there's you know speaking of drama there's some drama on twitch with their safety and awareness council yeah I saw that you know they kind of appointed some people and you know was a transwoman part of the group yep but the scary thing was is that you know she to camera says I have power people should be afraid of me and they can't take it away and it just you know twitch is the biggest thing yeah what are you gonna do that's someone who now reviews what you do yeah you know yeah that happen what yeah I now know I was there I know there was a ton of drama over that it's just there's a ton of drama over the safety thing to begin with yeah I just say even having even the neccessity of having a council like that what's it for to make sure people don't get bullied or I to be candid I didn't read too deeply into it my understanding is that it's just it's kind of a YouTube heroes esque type thing where these people are sort of given the green light to be the be a guiding source for twitch hey these channels are doing the this kind of material it's us or whatever but why issue with councils like that in general is twitch is a super big platform like YouTube and you're going to find weird niches and things you may not understand and it's not that you know and I don't mean this in the way of I don't know the people telling bad jokes or you know people trying to be edgy I just mean it more in the sense of there's no way 10 people can account for an entire platform yeah so I think it's just a bogus concept in the first place you're gonna have 10 people responsible for literally hundreds of thousands of streamers yeah [ __ ] out of here yeah it just seems like this lazy effort from twitch they don't ever want to acknowledge the problem they have which is they you know with their moderators and so forth these are people who completely bend the [ __ ] rules and it's a it's a weird thing because even me saying this you you I even get a worry that a mod will come into my chat and you know see me joking on a video and he says I don't like that he's making fun of these people on a reality show and strike and yeah that all it takes so yeah no no it's just um yeah yeah just yeah weird and scary but that's why I'm saying like yeah more people move in other places and yeah I think this may be the mixer has a better way of handling [ __ ] like that exactly that you know and maybe because mix are small enough they can create a process where as it scales it gets better mm-hmm you know it's kind of crazy because I brought this up I think maybe if you have sold to go ninja now his peak viewers are like five to seven thousand yeah insane that's crazy it's crazy what he what he gave up for money could maybe the same thing will happen to Joe probably not you know Josie has these incredible guests on that people are gonna listen no matter what but yeah for someone like ninja who just straight-up took money in exchange for influence same thing for him though he's been doing it 12 years is one a stream forever yeah that's true but they like no one's talking about his stream anymore it's all [ __ ] you know the other that people are still talking about Tim the tap man or whatever cuz he's got 50,000 people watching him every single day yeah it's a it's it's man it's a weird thing these yachts are beautiful yeah I looked up ten million dollar yeah cuz I want to see what rogues goodbye wait that the the the black one right there didn't we see that one didn't we see this yacht so now mmm no I would have remembered sorry I'm just I'm on yachts so much it's just they all start blending together you know looking the same that the interior of that is [ __ ] crazy ask well wait can we before this episode before the free episode ends can we just pull up that morning routine video that we meant to watch like three episodes ago oh yeah let's just let's just I want to watch this with you cuz I think it was this is great dude and now I looked at this guy's channel and he's just kind of you know he's one of these like how to be a better man dude you know yeah but he you know he's he small about the hustle and whatever it's kind of in the same vein as as our boy Dre but yeah betray holds a special place in our hearts he does he's a nice guy yeah alright this is Jose daily routine what my favorite ideas I've ever heard have shot was the thought of doing today so I could do tomorrow what the can I'm just gonna let it play Jose's video that this is games my life one of my best friends in the morning is we can open father you look at that dude already winning 5 a.m. what are you doing sleeping what's he doing winning sorry I'm bugging out my apartment is like shaking [ __ ] is that alright I'll get over it anyway yeah what are you doing 5 a.m. this Tuesday snoozing dreaming maybe sleeping taking a nap what's this guy doing he's winning first hello he's he starts his day off winning yeah no else he wakes up he's already [ __ ] winning yeah I love this mentality and I wake up and win and I'm up before you like rappers don't wake up at [ __ ] 3 p.m. roll into the studio till 4 a.m. make a [ __ ] hit yeah dude after reading that book about sleep like the hustler wake up early thing is just complete [ __ ] you know people just have different cycles yeah there's some engineer somewhere at 2:00 a.m. writing a [ __ ] security protocol that's gonna that's gonna you know Lucian [ __ ] United States and revolutionize encryption just cuz you're up doing [ __ ] weights at 5:00 a.m. doesn't mean you're better than this dude you got bro what they came out it's not some engineer how many engineers work till goddamn to 3:00 in the morning on the weekends jority of them oh man head store allows me to outwork my competition to get more things done before it's even worth hours my search is mostly teeth I don't know cool man the exact nice little detail this full lives in a nightclub are you running did I hate morning workout I do both physically how's the mind started day off callus callus your mind I want your brain I want your brain to look like a gymnast hands yeah I want your brain to peel and the peel comes out through your nose as mucus and I want you to just continue to smooth your brain take all the ridges out and make it smooth so you can commit to actions without ever questioning them and just become a smooth egg brain so when you're given a task you just [ __ ] do it yeah and when you're asked to get chipped you do it yeah dude I count I was gonna say I callus my brain just by slamming my head into this [ __ ] table you know it's the easier way to callus your brain yes call of duty that [ __ ] makes your brain really smooth makes your brain really smooth there's a great way to hop in the shower I prefer to use cold water you can you can have you can have a little bit give yourself a little bit of pleasure or something what if the [ __ ] is a point of life if you just have you're just in pain all the time yeah okay dude we get it you want to go to military school but you missed it yeah I don't look every morning I wake up and do the Navy SEAL hell week yeah every morning I wake up and I tie my hands to my ankles and I jump into a pool and see if we can get myself out of a drowning situation in under 90 seconds and then instead of protecting the country I run a drop shipping website as I keep the door out a lot of brands [ __ ] it to be exact each it will be flying at a time attention and care I'm also fine just building one brand to be nearly impossible so let out of having five sounds insane believe it time I honestly my puny little my puny little bumpy brain can't even fathom the concept of owning one brand your she's a muzzle your puny little acorn brain with ridges and bumps and yeah discusses the yeah bum I guess actually was with cousing your mind make it smoother or or tougher I'm looking at my callous now cuz calluses feel smooth Alice's peel off and then they become smooth and they become like smooth scars so I guess it makes it rough right so I guess in and I guess it's the inverse right we have the smooth brain he has the rough brain yeah yeah okay oh yeah so I take it back well a really good way to calais your mind is Call of Duty bro if you got five brands how good can they be like like honestly you always hear like big rich [ __ ] like who make like fifty hundred million dollars and say my first brand was this one brand and I dedicated my life to it and over ten years I made my big [ __ ] hit and then I went into other things I [ __ ] hate this drop shipping era of dude where they [ __ ] rebrand watches and water bottles and [ __ ] and sunglasses and oh yeah man I got like six seven brands shut up dude you selling [ __ ] tourism merch get out of here [ __ ] magnets loopy straws like owning a brand is like sourcing manufacturer potentially in the States testing products owning a warehouse yeah whatever I mean it used to be right now it's not really that anymore but like you can own a brand I you can own you can you can set a brand a brand a whole [ __ ] brand in an hour yeah right now easily hour you can do that easily half an hour by a 15 [ __ ] minutes you got a Shopify right now deploy your own Shopify store which takes 10 minutes name it and then hook it up to print full t-shirts boom 15 years you can have that done go to Fiverr get a logo yeah go to LegalZoom get your LLC in 72 hours strike dude stripe you can just do that with stripe now and like it instantly oh yeah there you go it's crazy yeah one and done brother rip like April balanced everything perfectly you know dude I really hate this like fake Tony Stark [ __ ] that everyone wants to live mm-hmm you know this is the [ __ ] everyone wants to be low IQ Tony Stark yes I have a Lamborghini and I sell the Iron Man workout source from a Chinese producer is wolf if you want to perform right you got to feed your quality with this fool got five brands but he can't afford anything better than a wired iPod I [ __ ] iPhone headphone mic this [ __ ] is like right up on his lips maybe he's just like a maybe he's like a just you know stronger mentally he's I'll give it to him you know his brain probably is more callous to than mine yeah probably what are you what does he enjoy you really like you really like all these things like the concept of a vice just doesn't exist in this guy's mind yeah there's nothing like oh maybe there's a little brownie that you would like to have after your chicken [ __ ] roast chicken salad and your Pellegrino after you just took a cold shower and did nine workouts at 5:00 a.m. a little mystery it's for [ __ ] rabbit food [ __ ] seltzer water this sounds like hell think of it five cold rabbit food getting pumped full of [ __ ] air water I hate this if that's what it takes to look like he does like that almost a worm with a [ __ ] smooth brain and died 10 years earlier and happy can I can I say another thing to just the way this is shot imagine if this really is every day in his life seems pretty lonely doesn't it oh it's a hole it's horrible he doesn't talk to a single person yet no he hasn't seen there hasn't been one person in this whole thing and this is his daily routine he's going nuts man dammit dude in this [ __ ] he does all of this and this goddamn nylon bodysuit it's full got a goddamn wetsuit it's money which means it's invaluable this is why I don't like to waste time but instead I multitask so while I need I like to do my tedious task my dancer emails okay no source for this but I've been under the impression that the concept of multitasking actually doesn't exist your way I don't only actually do one thing at a time for men yeah that's true yeah so you can't dude eating women and women I think a multitask but dudes I don't think can do it no you're not you're not chewing as you're writing emails [ __ ] that's some cartoon [ __ ] no one does no guy does that I've never I know no dude does that because of how you know how many casualties in the way of frozen food catch ketchup mustard meat just being left out of the fridge dude was making toast oh yeah that's like 10% of the food waste in America is dude on his phone yeah do you know how much TV is not watched because kids are just on their phone cuz dude on phone yeah no it's time from what you mean worker but baby oh good oh good it goes again today Oh every day keep my body in shape is crucial if that means me the weight six times a week so be it now I like to sell my love baby I was a squatty lady - just a few years ago please help me pack thought about 30 pounds of being that I was a scrawny lanky [ __ ] loser like you guys watching this video just a few years ago now I win every single moment of every day I'm winning but before when I was a [ __ ] lowlife loser without a Lamborghini like you by the way should we should we flipped sweet flip to the bonus yeah we'll wrap this up on the bonus thanks for watching guys thanks by the way I meant to I meant to mention the highlight clip or the highlight channel TMG highlights also hit a milestone I forget what it was 250 subs or someone yeah yeah yeah so and that's been you know Nate and Kyle are doing a [ __ ] great job but there was a glimpse and so I wanted to shout that out I want to shout out both of them and so go follow that team G podcast highlights channel if you want it if you got mine if you want to see clips from the podcast so yep thanks guys for listening and we'll catch you next week yeah bigger yeah we love art we love our staff thank you guys yes
Channel: Tiny Meat Gang
Views: 365,694
Rating: 4.9521222 out of 5
Id: Ai56NsUor3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 29sec (4049 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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