Episode 2 - Cucktober

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what's up guys welcome to TMZ podcasts this is actually last week's episode if you want today's episode that'll be on our patreon right now you can get it a week early if you contribute its patron calm slash tiny meet gang so thanks if you do that and if not enjoyed this one ooh we're looking good all right first of all uh before it why won't it look so much smaller Kody has figured out the reverse aging process he's officially twelve that's why he's smaller I'm just I'm Benjamin Button up in this [ __ ] are you so short I don't know dude just ruin everybody's ears again yeah and me making mouth noises apparently I dude I got like a hundred comments on my last individual episode that said like stop do end up people were pissed some girls like waist want to punch in my phone when you make those gross mouth noises your mouth doesn't make noise what is your mouth do how do you at what you've been [ __ ] that mouth dude but your mouth do your mouth do you got silent ass mouth why that quiet look like a scribe mouth a little quiet mouth oh oh dry mouth nothing going on in the mouth mouth [ __ ] mutant mouth you looking at [ __ ] got you what do they want you to do cut out your tongue it's annoying yeah that I'm just gonna do that every time instead of laughing no every time you make a joke there's golfclap a grocer but more moist moist which is appropriate because you know we deliver on this podcast is dripping soaking wet content moist yeah I'm talking just oozing funniness first of all I want to start this off by saying oh yeah big WOW yeah big Wow big Wow big Wow big Wow big wow man big Wow big Wow just clip that so hard we just we just literally shot everybody in the ear yeah somebody just fell over in there what a library lecturers study I want to say a big big WOW and thank you to everyone who is now a patron yes you couldn't do this without you guys and it's amazing we were blown away we're at 800 and I forgot to turn the Wi-Fi off again whatever yeah I think it actually affects it probably not 899 patrons by the time we're done this podcast will probably be over 900 yeah that's 900 paying people yes that like to watch Noel and I discuss politics other interesting things yeah huge thank you I don't have to go get a job now yeah which is pretty [ __ ] incredible right yeah they see $400 a month yeah so I can pay rent and afford groceries now which is awesome because prior to this that was not in the foreseeable future as your girlfriend all prior you know um like a baby actually my share the rent this month this is a little bit like whoa what why what are the okay no she's like super amazed this [ __ ] yeah like wow I really didn't think I could do it she checks it every day she was like she's the one texting me yeah did she laugh at my little description oh yeah yeah if not for us too for Noelle's girlfriend who's getting very sick yes yes yes please please you're like babe that you think that's funny she's like yeah yeah definitely funny Oh more true let's look at the goals so we had we had a bunch of goals lined up we had first one was 500 bucks and the reward for that or the goal for that is no L will go to sweet greens and scream who's gonna do the white here at the manager that's so now you have to do that these aren't jokes the guy and I meant like you should actually do these yeah I know I know and I'm thinking like you either do that as a bit for the vlog or you just felt like we film it on snapchat or something and we'll just do like a private patreon for all the 900 little rib cutlets little rib cutlets by the way that's that's I made that up as a name for the tiny meeting listeners I'm but I think we should maybe riff some new ones yeah I'm thinking well I was thinking what it was Riblet little Riblet yeah I was also think veal cutlet okay that's what I was singing I like little cutlets a little a New York Strip yeah maybe now it's too it's too expensive yeah minced meat little little mean C's hey there little min C's I don't know I like Riblet I like Riblet too actually but some chick tweeted today she says she said I'll support TMG til I die or something but if someone calls me a Riblet I'm gonna freak out or some [ __ ] like that see use my coughing beef medallions little beef curtains yeah it shout out to all the beef curtains beef I love you that's a really good one I like that one how's that is that better than Riblet little beef great little beef curtains let us know let us know what you what your preferred meat pronoun is yes I know I was gonna go to sweet green screen I don't know why people eat green yeah well I was thinking do we set it up like a whole prank like do I like get a laugh no well because it has to be a little setup I can't just go in there be like can I speak to the manager who was gonna do the what that actually might be funny as well she's gonna be like I'm sorry just that a what who's gonna do it what's her I don't know what you're what do you mean you know exactly what I mean the what who is gonna do it who's gonna do it guys not me right now and it's not clearly not all any of you remember from the top down it starts from the top and it comes down so who is gonna do the what right now my kids are hungry she's a hot on you don't have kids there's no way you have kids I'm gonna come up behind you with my Kate Plus eight haircut he has kids okay let me tell you you really did look like the can I speak to your manager haircut in your last vlog I know I know it was bad dude it was really bad I almost like I looked at that I was like I almost I almost got to cut this out yeah I mean no this is like a the worst haircut that's ever I'm getting a haircut today so what I'm doing is slowly cutting the blonde off slowly but surely it's coming out yeah surely sounds like the name he's getting a surely on your on your dome there no it sounds like the name of the girl oh yeah yeah yeah surely surely yeah let's see dude yeah goal to I had a point I'd have no idea where I was gonna go with it dammit I'm gonna keep refreshing until we hit 900 episode baby okay wait and then we got and then we go that's 500 for a thousand says Cody will do an entire episode is blaze which I don't think anybody wants that at all yeah think about these goals as I was like all people will want these ones though they're enticing and people were like please I know you just hit a thousand but please don't don't it's same with the tech support there like that do you see what I said no someone you can look it up her name is Lauren she said it's really funny but please do not do a whole episode I was like fine we won't do one we'll do five yeah exactly little do we know these goals were actually like what's the word I'm looking for like encouraging people not to yeah they're like donate yeah maybe we take the money back yeah so they don't do that 3,000 is Cody and no I will stop being greedy and turn off their own personal patreon yes it's gonna breeze by that one yeah well no if you are I mean I only have like 250 I like fifty patrons on mine so if you're subscribed to mind you're subscribed to this one just go all in all right I set it on my patreon go all in here contact your financial advisor let them know you're doubling down on TMG yeah alright the stock is up you don't want to miss the growth yeah tell me you're very very bullish on TMG bullish if you don't i buy buy buy buy buy start a second mortgage on your home contact your parents get all the money you can say i'm trying to buy TMG buy yep yep I didn't see ya and they're gonna say who's TMG you like let me tell you it's the future yeah you know they're doing the what they're doing the what out of all the companies out here who are doing know what finally mm-hmm in the weeds of it all yep a shining star comes to do what same thing for Cody's patreon yeah so I posted my mind I was like you know just stop what move the [ __ ] over yeah I wish you could do that you know which patreon allows you to do that average patron there's still a thousand bucks online that I'm like trying to you know I'm gonna give him like I'm gonna get people like a week because people are still doing it and then we're gonna shut that [ __ ] down that will have list closed let's see what else we got we got 5,000 Noel would will do an entire episode in the tech support voice it's just how I talk don't quite understand the job the best joke I would listen to I would listen to 7 hours which brings us to our goal for 10,000 no 7500 is we're gonna let Marcus on the podcast and bully him relentlessly which is also something that nobody wants everyone was like dude don't do that Marcus must be protected at all cost Marcus is the is the little B VARs all the junk out of my [ __ ] mouth Marcus is the low B of our friend group yeah 100% he is dude [ __ ] is he just preaches positivity he's a weak [ __ ] oh my goodness I'm joking I love lo be God Marcus goddamn a boogie huh just beating them up now you say it hey Boog a boogie hey boogie with isn't it a boogie with the hoodie no I didn't prisoners a bogey a boogie I'm pretty sure what duddy yeah with the hoodie listen the whitest dude ever right now wit da hoody a bogey wit da hoody bizarre name P a P and B rock dependable rock Pennbrook Burnett rock I'm actually kind of a fan of a boogie yeah well I don't think it sucks that they punched up little B I know for what reason Oh cuz he said you didn't like his music or something no he didn't I just said he said I think he said that a boogie sounded like deja loaf or something he's like you really I don't know he was like I [ __ ] what I don't know you know how lobbies tweeters just [ __ ] weird and creepy yeah yeah like just not even like just you're like what did he mean by that yeah you ever like read a tweet like that by a rapper that has like really just what weird punctuation everything and you're like I wonder what his face looked like when he was writing that I'll give you was sitting on in a canoe burr or something I just what do you look like shooting off that tweet like was they'd like yeah this is a good one you know I was probably proofreading it at all or it's just no I think it's his third eye is open it's well it's his eyeballs are probably rolled up in his head such as like his white it is not looking Xander yeah or Zen doubt yeah and Zen Zen Zan's by tiny Misha we're coming out there on drugs though we're gonna make a song all about Zen it's all about meditation yeah how important meditating is yes it's called Zen X xanax oh man well Zhen Liu Zhen Zhen X you see [ __ ] wait I was gonna say oh yeah you ever do fall bar barstool sports on Instagram no are they funny I saw that their show got canceled and wait what yeah they had a show on ESPN but they had one episode really got canceled yeah their Instagram is just really funny it's like just like a funny video okay but like their videos I you don't see them anywhere else I think they like have people constantly setting them videos and someone like selecting the best ones it was this video of this dude it's like this guy on a motorcycle just like cruising down the highway at like 70 miles per hour must be and he's lying on his back on the seat like just like yes like just complete relaxation and the person filming is like it's a minivan like two lanes away just like oh my god oh my god the guy just kind of like looks over and smiles it goes like this hey like this and the caption is like you know like BAE come over me and I'm zan doubt of my mind phase like you're butters I'm like that my parents aren't home like just on the way Wiener out naked on a motorcycle the crazy [ __ ] was he was like changing lanes and [ __ ] I knew what the [ __ ] he was doing he was like late I guess he just gave this like big just [ __ ] money smile at the person filming how was he steering I don't know just leaning I think oh my god yeah [ __ ] baller yeah insane [ __ ] that's like um oh those memes are so dumb but they make me laugh slimy meme really it's just a video I'll be like you know come over I can't my parents aren't home but my favorite one is like this [ __ ] Nissan 240 just doing a it's just like an empty road which is like and you just rip the ebrake that's a hard you turn like around us like a roundabout is like [ __ ] comes all the way back so it's if anything's slower yeah yeah so much slower yeah then going the speed limit that's what that means that seriously like I always laugh I come over I can't get blank and my parents aren't home yet [ __ ] you ever see the one that was like I can't uh what was it it's like a truck transporting an entire house like I can't my I'm looking after my house sitting right now China house just be taking the whole house over yeah sorry did you walk did you watch the video will be getting beat up yeah I didn't like it yeah it's [ __ ] up man super I was like sad after watching the same like in fact that he's alone yeah this made me sad he's kidding begin beat up and then like he gets up and like no one come here it's like yo good yeah everyone just like kind of like walking away yeah he just and he was just there like all right yeah cool and they took his [ __ ] that's the only reason you didn't do the show like I think they took his CD or whatever the [ __ ] that's so dumb yeah a socks man yep I'm surprised rolling loud didn't like taxon or anything like that that [ __ ] no they kicked him out they kicked PMB rock off the lineup oh I didn't know that they were replaced him with creation I'm Madison isn't it just crash on how like I don't know how to pronounce it this creation creation krrish crustacean creation every time I [ __ ] read this sign of the place in Venice called ke re a tion I said creation because her it was like P and B rock has been kicked off the hurdle has been like removed from the lineup and replacing him his Bay Area's own creation and everyone's like what the she still make do the crazy [ __ ] I was like because a bunch people were like what the [ __ ] like this is you know first of all this is like the most demeaning thing ever for P and B rock to be placed by someone that nobody even knew was making music anymore yeah and so some of the comments were like what this chick is still making music or something and someone replied I were like what has she been doing or something someone replied and was like just like link to one of her tweets yeah and her tweets was like one of the someone someone tweeted at her and said like what the [ __ ] happened like where did you go or something is she just replied and was like I fell off and now I'm hella broke or something whoa it was really sad whoa but she like totally new yeah you know I'm saying yeah that's [ __ ] man it's [ __ ] how that [ __ ] happens yeah music is just so everything everything just create the creative industry yeah but I feel like peace music is where you can feel it the hardest because you can make something on accident and it just pops and everyone grabs it you know it's like it's like yeah that's true actually it's like having a viral vine but it's smart it's like it can be monetized yeah yeah yeah so just like it blows up and everyone uses you if like whatever yeah and they just yeah like there was one I saw this one vine it was funny it was like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire sort of yeah oh yeah yeah I do with a hat and and the girls like who's this [ __ ] and I was like four options right super viral yes no one knows really is I have no idea yeah he also made another vine later called skinny yes that was the same guy yeah yeah yeah holy [ __ ] make a viral twice yeah but I mean it's funny for like four-year-olds yeah three I didn't laugh at it but so you know that what he's doing now no idea boy fella [ __ ] off probably got a podcast now probably got a podcast and everyone got a podcast so you do when you fall off you started yeah wait a second like we should should have called this like the fall out fall off boys yeah fall off boys sort of chat weighing follow I had an idea on the way over here if we had to ever rebrand this podcast we're gonna rebrand it as no parking in Venice and the whole podcast is going to take place in a car while we drive around looking for parking or even just me hosting the podcasts well you like an empty sea right here no one's gonna be right here just trying to find parking but I think I figured we're not kind of a time crunch so I'm gonna start the podcast it's an hour and a half I never well you start you know you show up right at the very end oh my god dude I'm just wrapping this thing up alright guys well thanks for listening appreciate it yeah see you next week maybe I slept in for our second day of work yeah what the [ __ ] man alright look listen listen I got a I got a semi valid excuse can I can I explain what we're talking about yeah alright so you know we started this on patreon now we're at we're at a decent this is this is like a decent working income oh that American that the average American I don't know what is the average American make oh you're Nick you know that no oh he's just blasting music right just kick it over and hear us at all mmm [ __ ] are stats guys there's deaths gonna these are stats dude oh just pop in ding what's the average wage that an American person makes a year annually please 40 K there we go I love how a man I love just the on deck British the accent 40k all TK and it sounds like or yeah seems 40k sound a lot more it does sounds like you know posh people mia 40 40 40 K but 40 K it's like we don't talk like that so we got fifty four hundred doing the math doing 64 864 thousand eight hundred but I know on yearly yearly yearly so if we you know split that it's close to a working American living American wage so right so we're both now this podcast is generating us a decent American wage right so we're like alright let's [ __ ] this is the thing let's take it seriously we're planning out bits we're planning out segments we got that there's a lot of like add minute admin administrative administrative stuff to take care of you got to get that YouTube channel we got to the patreon we got a whole bunch of [ __ ] we're getting posters made we're getting the we have to send out the pins now at the end of the month all that [ __ ] we have to take care of and we will do that yes we will because like I said we're taking this seriously right well I am and a well here he was he was the one that started the calendar now we have our own TMZ calendar slated on the calendar this morning 9:00 to 10:30 the podcast record podcast episode 2 episode 2 and I get back I woke up at 6:45 what else was up man was up bright and early I managed just to set this up oh well I was laying the mics out at 7 a.m. I was putting the stands and then I was like well maybe not the stands and I was making coffee and I was laying the computer here I was writing out topics look at this oh that's good ream of talk of that I got notes written down for us to talk [ __ ] about if we if we if we are bombing yeah yeah right planning all this [ __ ] out right now is about 8 a.m. okay I just actually not sure I went surfing I didn't yes I was gonna say everyone Cody is identifies as an airplane because of the hours he is awake obviously okay he is sexually an airplane this man is up at 4:13 every morning ready to take off alright so can't can't hold me accountable you live in a different time zone and where it is but needless to say at about 9:15 this morning I roll over and I wake up and I look at my phone I'm like I'm 20 minutes late this is how many 20 minutes late being here being here and you're just waking up just waking up that means you're gonna be extremely late yeah sorry if this is gone but you know but that's how I knew that this was a real job because I was late I'm like ah you woke up to sixty texts for me yeah I screenshot at the calendar and sent it to them that's Rho da da da da da da da da that's when you know people are mad when they screenshot the event yeah like huh just slip your mind urban are not bored enough this RSVP remember that yep okay just just checking just checking so guys I think now we're gonna record this on Thursday so just remember Thursday's yes 9:00 a.m. tweet no L no tweet them at 8 8 a.m. make sure he's up I'm talking just a barrage of tweet has us [ __ ] it [ __ ] my phone [ __ ] my whole phone up I do sexually identify as an airplane that's what I say before I clear for clear for landing clear feeling clear for landing we pull them to the sky bridge please just thank you forever go to the dock it's a she's like sorry there's too much traffic at LAX just four other dudes sorry bro yeah there's four other guys you know like dressed up as other airplanes like Lufthansa it like that now no an air time that [ __ ] they're all bigger than you know Wow Boeing 1087 Dreamliner Dreamliner rocking the 737 sorry babe we still have a dream liner inside it's gonna be another hour prop planes take it back yeah yeah and then you're just talking yourself I'm talking to your sperm um well I have a bit of delay someone's still at the gate we don't really know when we're gonna get in there and this ladies and gentlemen is a bit about airplanes for [ __ ] my girlfriend good [ __ ] bigger airplanes yeah bigger airplane sorry loader this is this is a bit about meeting getting cooked by bigger newer airplanes cooking is the new thing for me it's so funny [ __ ] Ilan [ __ ] my wife yeah the bit with Spock I did we were talking about how the trainer at the party was gonna just [ __ ] all of us talk about it was huge there so he gave us all business card oh and they're put there like in all of our bathrooms like someone put them up in a hall of our bathrooms dude we could stare at him we we were walking out of the party and there was just one around and Spock girlfriend K she goes oh my god she like Yanks that she's like yes yeah that got cut to all of us that dude was comic-book buff yeah like he [ __ ] look drawn on that dude Cox yeah that dude cups to Cox hard dude Cook's hard wait are you talking about the really tall dude with the man bun or the shorter dude ball dude the trainer he's the bald guy yeah yeah yeah bald bald guy yeah yeah huge dude here an insane story hmm what is it this guy was like a child slave Oh what in Nigeria oh my god and basically was like left out to die like was tortured and [ __ ] yeah and then some like woman white woman from America or something like after him yeah when he came here and like and now he's just like a he's like a bodybuilder he competes he's like crazy successful trainer holy [ __ ] I couldn't believe that [ __ ] dude I just want to do a micro documentary on him that's it that's insane yeah I know this isn't that just like when people have stories like that you're like well I didn't get pokemon cards in there going I'll stick that's it I didn't get a cell phone that I was until I was like so I guess I kind of know what that feels like oh never mind I got a cell phone for yeah speaking of white women adopting children okay this one's a little dark Angelina Jolie so buddy of mine worked with someone I can't give the details but oh well yeah I'm a little veal cutlet little little little Bert beef curtains little Bert's beef curtains Bert's beef curtains yeah my little coal boss's sausages my little cold cuts yep love you guys deli meats a little Latin of the deli meats there's unlimited meat jokes yeah that we could do it'll go forever sorry keep going now back to the dark things yeah um so this woman he's working with he says she's very weird older a little sexual okay he discovers that she adopted two young boys but these don't look like young boys these are grown men okay like these are like 20 year old men okay and the suspicion was that she adopted them and was as used sex slaves yeah and was like doing things with them cuz like all her picture he like dug up pictures on Facebook and they were just not mother they're not parental pictures like it was very weird and how do you even adopt a 20 year old I think they were from Africa like it was like some program so it's a little predatory felt a little predatory like the you could tell these dudes were a little they weren't from America yeah Jesus yeah was some really fucked-up [ __ ] did you like report her years well no and my buddy is in law enforcement yeah he left it alone yeah but we had a good chuckle over that what yeah laughs Tovar that I mean we couldn't not we we were laughing our asses off to be honest well hopefully that's like nothing hopefully not putting me in adopting young strapping men to s tee off on is [ __ ] it's funny welcome to America doc me both of you I feel bad for laughing invisi man I mean yes that's what they leave they leave like did everyone there gets like sexually abused I'm pretty sure that's true yeah then they get used as items yeah that's what every surgeon in America at least its American a good American stable motherly / so how will wait coming speaking of scary things yeah I was actually thinking what could we do a little Halloween well Halloween goof Oh Halloween episode a little bit yeah okay yeah like what um we have such come someone come in like made episode go bra oh Jesus you scared me just throughout the episode actually like we're just like talking to Emily and one of us who's or I could just cut in on the video episode like like jump scares it'll just punch in on it just like go from the yo how that would have worked perfect with Arthur oh my god what I thought it was so a man telling me that she was laughing and watching it back I was laughing even harder cuz I didn't see it on the playback he's so fast it was so courteous really it's like a half a frame he's like in out it was so good the captions were killing me is like when your boys like so much like was smoking weed if you're nobody's talking about go to my Twitter screenshot it like the last one that the last episode that we did yeah a weekend edition yeah weekend edition and one of my friends was like just chillin in Devon's room and like poked his head out oh [ __ ] the recording and like went back and someone like I didn't even notice that it dude there's so much like we record so many episodes now yeah that like I don't have the time to go know and listen and like watch everything yeah ever so like when the [ __ ] happens it's like hilarious to me the last one that wasn't as funny was I someone saw my phone code oh yeah they've just been saying that non-stop yeah yeah and so now I got a [ __ ] change that [ __ ] one of these days this movie stopped automatic recording will not yes of spooky spooky spooky things my brain just like went like five thousand miles an hour right there I was taunting as some Halloween theme like maybe the creepiest thing that's ever happened to you all here by the time we record the next episode of Halloween zoomy over isn't on Wednesday it is but so this one has to be our spooky yep okay we have to have a little spooky sighs look [ __ ] oh god we have to end this early just poop myself everyone listening to this is getting scared problems probably like someone was like oh thanks for my in-between listening like the classes she's studying the Halloween segment is that we just clip the mic as many times as we [ __ ] can what would you give out yes yes what would you give out for Halloween if you were an adult and you had kids coming in coming to trick-or-treat would you be the full candy bar guy now I would be the giving pamphlets just something probably my next movie said Jehovah Witness give you yeah or just give them back yet kids kids here kids I received this and I think I too have it they come to eat they come to your door trick-or-treat you're like can I actually have a second talk to you about the Lord and should pull up a seat let's have a discussion here these are parents I'll only be about 10 minutes listen what you're doing is wrong I give him the TMG mix a yeah hey you pump this enjoy this is real comedy right just take that that's for me to you that's for you I don't know I think I'd be that not answer the door guy or you know what I do you know this is me oh actually this is creepy I never understood dudes that did this but I'd probably do it cuz it's funny leave the big bowl of candy and dress up like a scarecrow the classic scarecrow move those guys were just living alone and you go after like oh my god [ __ ] anyway you drop all your [ __ ] you take off running you have to be a special kind of dude yeah well that prank on children yes prank children in general you gotta be a special kind of dude dog let me go in the story mode okay [ __ ] dude on my skin baby up in baby story mode yeah we need a sound effect for that okay we're gonna bounce around here first of all I wonder if they can hear this leafblower should we close the door yeah keep them keep them occupied listen guys living in Los Angeles this is every morning a leaf blower because some person thinks there are four inches of lawn is just so important and it needs to be yeah there's there's none there's no fall leaves there there there are no folly is that [ __ ] grammatically correct one of you a one college students let me know there are not enough leaves in this city yes yeah well heap blower guys SWAT team and they all have leaf blowers just Matt that would be actually a great way to get barged in on what if you just ran a leaf blower some criminals like [ __ ] it that's the guy again and then just gets broken in that be the a one distraction dude actually when we were shooting Sookie we had the opening like shot we wanted her to cry yeah and dude starts going off with a leaf blower so I said Taylor out there to like argue with him and they're arguing so the leaf blowers off like you'll get it now get it down so we're like rolling trying to get the shot while Taylor is just wasting time like Oh could you just turn it off for like five minutes he's just really delaying that's hilarious he's just going back and forth he's like what if I give you 40 what about 41 yeah 42 yeah put it in the guy's like no no please sir I have to please 41 oh I went backwards alright Oh 4150 oh god am i doing math wasn't my strong did we get it do we get it no okay 47 huh they don't pay you 47 degrees anyway so guy on my means like thing I wasn't like second grade so wherever the [ __ ] I'm living and whatever year that is the way the houses are there there are lawns but there aren't like big patios back in story mode I can story this is story mo story mode when you know we need that's one of our sound effects it's like some [ __ ] like an MMORPG or some [ __ ] the story mode well yeah that's oh yeah that's what that's good I like that way there ones will be like a rhythm like little bits of rhythm transformer flick anyway um uh speaking of the sound board ID so I spent an hour time like a sound board yesterday and well here's the counter-productive I tried to do a joke where I was trying to find audio bytes of you to stitch together you saying I'm gay and I was gonna tell you I came up with 16 sounds and have you just fired through them and they're all gonna just be I'm gay like that what's weird this is supposed to be a mixtape drop this opposed to be a gunshot I'm gay I'm gay label them all yeah make a joke Oh air horns I'm gay and the closest thing I could get was you and Sam on that video you guys did well you're like wasn't the first time he kissed a guy so I was trying to get used like I like kissing guys but I just wasn't working I had to give up you also slur a lot oh yeah the only cuts I could get of you saying I'm yours you were speaking like I'm gonna do this yeah but you kept saying I'm gonna so it just sounds like I'm gonna gay like okay okay is it just didn't whatever so story mode story hey it's the thought that counts though super yes what's important yeah right yeah I was gonna do it I was gonna do this joke but I failed yeah pretty much oh I'll just talk about the joke that's that the joke yeah there's no way just as funny well now I do have you saying I'm gay god dammit this was your plan the whole time yeah let's just get a clean one no while we're at it I'm gay there we go perfect to our LGBTQ listeners let us know for green light for the I'm gates they're like for Cody Co yeah yeah hopefully that's not too problematic but who knows white guy just saying I'm gay yeah here it goes so story mode story mode 360 button I'm gay just I know that's gonna be on Twitter now just let's get a clean one while we're at it I'm gay when your parents try to find you a wife I'm gay [Laughter] as the punchline to any sort of video when I buy a caramel my come over me Bay come over me I can't I'm gay oh okay story mode yep here we are back in story mode second grade it's a second grade and the way these houses are set up the patios aren't big so a lot of people were issuing the trigger treats either from the door or right there in the driveway okay dude does the Scarecrow move on the [ __ ] driveway oh wow just sitting on a chair in the driveway looking like a prop like kind of in the dark no okay the light is hitting him okay and thinking back I'm like that was the creepiest [ __ ] we should have never cause we're like 9 kids was the end of the night we're like oh dude one more listener crow for like this candy out didn't see it and all of our parents stood back like they didn't go up with us to get the cam like II think a new idea they formed a line knowing like they're gonna get what they asked yeah yeah so we want a lesson here yeah this is exactly what we yeah we go running up like yeah and the bowl is right next to him okay he didn't [ __ ] flinch he waited this dude was like a [ __ ] snake and he struck we all [ __ ] ourselves it was so funny that I ran to get my cousins who were in my house I was like you gotta get candy from this guy it's great candy and then we were just looking for people to get [ __ ] with like first of all like that's really funny because it's like dude this guy's got great candy well they haven't like you haven't seen every single type of thing that night what does he got yeah what does he got honestly like British foreign candy did you know we only [ __ ] with foreign dudes got foreign just go to 1212 you I got a box with someone sent me to my PO box box full of British candy oh yes has been slowly just annihilating that whole thing yeah amazing yeah it is really this one flake is one of them really good so good like an arrow bar but like flakier but flick here the one that meeting right now it's like nougat yeah never had that one with like a rice rice cake oh right space it's like what's it called I forget I don't know it's super good though yeah right so when I first started dating Elena and she was like telling me she's English or whatever I was like buying chocolate for something she does you know American chocolate sucks and I'm like how different could it be yeah then she fed me some and it's like as soon as you eat it you're like oh her she's here in America is awful yeah pompous yeah someone from [ __ ] Wimbledon yeah shout out wimbledon shout on wimbledon he's not listening at all no stats guy doesn't do his job statistics yeah my sister you know what's interesting my sister is a nutritionist and she works for one like the big chocolate companies or whatever and she said that in like years and years ago first of all KitKat is a Canadian candy bar oh and the market the American market is not they sell a lot more in Canada I mean the American markets like not a priority for them so they sold off KitKat to some other chocolate company here yeah or something yes so KitKat is completely different in America than it is in Canada it tastes like way worse like way worse yeah the Canadian versions like way better yeah yeah yeah yeah it's uh you look on the back you see really yeah that's that's what the Lina would do she's like pick up kick catch like and her she didn't put it down yeah her she her she mm not quite up to standard yeah that's really funny yeah well not really funny it's just kind of dressing it's worth I mean not really do you have a spooky do I have a spooky yeah what is it was hit me spooky I mean drive a spooky story yeah do I have a scary story ooh you ever been on a date to haunted houses you ever done one of those no you oh yeah does leave guys still go on pause how many [ __ ] leaves there are there literally zero there aren't any because they do this every single day there are none if there were any the 14 leaves that were in 1988 oh yeah yeah exactly and ever even if there's one straggler that thing is in [ __ ] China by now by the amount that's what the [ __ ] were just talking about Pookie you guys spooky story and how never went on a date to a haunted house scary story I don't really have a have a scary story white privilege again never scared unbelievable I've literally actually never even felt fear seriously in my entire life yeah no no just kind of come on man he's like really he's like are you gonna talk some [ __ ] okay well okay naughty like that show you were the [ __ ] leaves are gonna see like a little leaf blower just like come up here is through the window I'm sorry is that a problem it's my job a problem huh I'm trying to make a decent American wage here okay what are you boys doing talks a little Saint beg the same things up survey he was late this morning actually so I was mmm oh wait we can go we can bounce back to that let's let's go full a dee dee okay the reason I was late yes because boy mm-hmm what that's been exercising really so I was a little tuckered out morning yeah okay little byes and back went it with today or yesterday yesterday okay so you can go to the gym in that afternoon morning morning morning so that you just decided to take this morning off uh you mean just [ __ ] all your priorities I'm little bit sore yeah so I'm just gonna sleep through everything I have to do today I'm not gonna go to the gym I was hurting but this shows that you don't have what it takes I do you know I'm gonna go lift right now we're done with what do you got been doing with my left leg curls the whole time Jesus that's what it takes to get the tree trunks no matter what no matter if we get these [ __ ] dick Vic veal cutlets you know these are tenderloins that's where they are I got I got some beef stew on my legs here dude what if I just like like [ __ ] liquid yeah a little bit of muscle everything like chunky liquid just bra yeah I got this bucket that brothy legs legs baby yo what if what if it's just like a month from now I accidentally just become super yoked and it's annoying it's like on frame it's like yo man we got it we got to take a break hey some [ __ ] lentils whatever bodybuilders eat just pre-workout and mid podcast yeah hold on yeah this is a new one from bodybuilding guys its flavored like did you ever see that what do we talk about this damas Eddie's pre-workout flavors know them is just house music one of them is so good oh what's the second one it's like Komodo dragon so good that's one of them so like this house music tastes like mom yeah mommy's sweat and like whatever the liquid is for the sprayers smoke juice yes smoke juice yeah Heiser juice smoke juice that's the flavor of our pretty pretty workout yeah it's a new one bodybuilding.com smoked cheese flavored shoots flavor music festivals then shhh it's like that it's like that ooh got that [ __ ] coming out of my ears oh yeah try to hit it not even a little bit everyone just check their iPod they're like well well iPod I'm old no one has an iPod that's my Halloween costume just a guy's like what's that one of the four buttons and you know I had a nano oh this is there was a time there was a time where the music player and the telephone were two separate things yeah yeah I mean you couldn't tell from my vlogs no that was me both of us yeah yeah right I don't know the episode where I use like a really shallow winds and I just couldn't hold it still and everyone's like geez this I'm gonna throw up anyway spooky story never even scared no wait what was I I pod some cartons and iPod Nano oh oh yeah I was gonna parlay that I was gonna I was gonna segue into the device our Oh which is a little segment where we talk about devices now I bought the Nintendo switch it's over there oh I got it I got anyone and the iPhone X comes out tonight oh so I'm gonna cop that to now that i'm making a decent American wage it's like I've gotta go got to do what Americans do don't save your money exactly going all the newest devices you don't [ __ ] need them I've played video games in six years where some reason I felt combined compelled to buy a switch I gotta give you an intro for the device hour okay the device our with Cody Cove hey guys welcome back to tech reviews it's Cody cohere and I'm thrilled today we got the new intend oh switch in Tendo Suman innuendo switch and I can't wait I got the brand new Zelda and I've been playing it all night and I can't wait to let's get into it guys now gameplay here I take graphics pretty realistic okay the gameplay is very very enticing and that's all I can really do for that bit because I don't know really anything about videos so on the Nintendo switch when do you find it most useful on this [ __ ] well actually well the thing about the Nintendo switches I open the ball I don't understand it got it because you can do so many [ __ ] things with it yeah that's why it's because it's like you can switch between like party mode and there's like ultra mode and there's like single loner mode yeah there's like you know scarecrow dad mode there's like yeah it was like die alone mode oh yeah yeah that that one sounds good yet so as a whole that's when I usually play there's a listen to that I guarantee someone's listening to this on their Nintendo switch there's one person he's like what the [ __ ] man unsub if you are you're a [ __ ] loser I'm kidding I have a switch yeah no seriously yeah it's King comes in like nine pieces there's like a left controller right controller you could do separately button you also to turn them and play to play right B and then you could put them in you can play die alone mode yeah and then you can [ __ ] turn the device like lengthwise and now it's like a full-length mirror it's like you can do so many [ __ ] things with this with this device it's like 90 m/s is overwhelmed I don't know I die alone mode I would also call husband mode yeah or when your girlfriend wants to TV mode mm-hmm get off I want to watch husbands of whatever real City yeah okay real city yeah whatever husband's real estate yeah whatever those shows are so yet get off I want to watch the real girlfriends of Dallas okay yeah probably okay baby yeah baby you can dog just hump in your leg it's got to go out so I take it out yeah okay okay and clean up the thing okay I just have one more level give me the give me your toy which too angry my foot angry wife mode that's just off as two settings on an angry wife so do you like it have you played anything yet yeah yeah we bought Mario Kart it's actually a lot of fun oh yeah now I'm sure it is it good it's a good we wanted to buy like I wanted to buy like a social game that we could just like play it whenever people are over yeah and so there's another game called to punch or something which is like a fighting game which I want to get to yeah and then I don't know if I'm really gonna like buy the one player games and get into it I feel like it's kind of like if at night if I'm not maybe for airplanes that's what I hear yeah everyone tells me like swears by it they're like bro airplanes not an issue anymore really they're like intense which saved my life really ideals meal the whole thing yeah yeah damn okay maybe I'll do that meal it uh I mean I guess I'll get zelda I don't know I played it honestly it's it is fun okay it is fun because it's not like it's not like a Zelda where it's like it's not like a game where you have to be like oh [ __ ] I got to remember this story and like whatever the [ __ ] it's pretty like just turn it on and go a little bit like Grand Theft Auto and go [ __ ] around or you can do the goofy story [ __ ] yeah so let's just good for at least in time okay some scenery iPhone X yeah I'm gonna buy it tonight yeah oh wait I want to buy it my phone is so [ __ ] I would like to buy one people everyone keeps some [ __ ] roasting me because the cameras all [ __ ] out same yeah on yours - yeah you arresting me there's no no like okay mines [ __ ] up - well that's because we vape so hard that our [ __ ] lenses are permanently fogged up so leave us alone so it is I just from blowing clouds right into the lens that's filming each other blowing clouds right into the camera dude do that again that was sick I was tight I was I was explaining the other day to like Arthur and other people were like sitting on the couch and I was explaining it like I was I would I don't know I was like smoking the jewel or something and doing smoke rings and like that [ __ ] like we were just like doing the vape joke whatever and then I was like have you actually seen the guy on Instagram that does like real vape tricks and he's like no and I was like this guy calls them lines lines because they're like it's like he'll like walk into it so like blow a smoke ring and he'll walk up and blow another one through and then like he'll turn around and do like a line back so we're riffing on this guy we're like this guy's an idiot whatever and I pulled this video up and show it to him everyone's just like absolutely zoned in holy [ __ ] it's like dude you are not cool yeah you can't even do one of what this guy can do damn this guy blows rings this way and then he'll blow a ring that goes around the ring this way that like VFX I it looks like it is the same that's not talking about the phone it's it becomes like it's there's a moment where it's like all right this is no longer funny this is actually just legit cool yeah this is actually now I'm like a I'm converted yeah I think maybe it's cool now those gonna be one of the dudes with the giant [ __ ] doesn't it feel bad look at this [ __ ] damn damn [ __ ] is sick what's your name bro Daniel yo what a [ __ ] alpha male dude ah holy [ __ ] here's my girl I feel small right dude you are the Boeing 787 of yo man you're my Dreamliner he's like man what I'm a prop plane you would Dreamliner maybe we got to do a song about airplanes cooking but it's like about airplanes okay we could swag it out you know I'm on first class I got the I got Gucci sandwich whatever yeah Gucci anything I told you I tell you I told you what happened when Dan came over No so I did a podcast with Dan yeah shoutout damn folding shadow damn foger he you were the one who mentioned him the first time on the podcast yeah I have a buddy who owns a jet ski that's my very first question what's it like to own a jet ski who's like dude man it's cool but I don't really use it that much it's like what let me just kill myself don't use and I was like actually that's the only thing tighter than owning a jet ski when you're 23 is not using the jet ski that you own when you're 23 yeah cuz you like don't have time really good sounds like no it's like I don't get out to the ocean to my novelty is gonna worn off and die dude I love Dan because he makes me feel funnier than I am yeah yeah me too yeah the few yeah the few times I've seen it was like Brody like a phony is dude on earth do you tell everyone what dick is blushing wait iPhone ex wait wait no so so he comes over he's got a Gucci backpack oh right yeah you got the Gucci shoes ug backpack why don't you something else his buddies got a Gucci thing and they're always like Gucci doubt and after the podcast were like [ __ ] around and Sam goes like take a picture with this on and Dan goes yo look inside and we're like whoa what's inside open it up bands like a like a Gucci Russian stacking doll he's got a Gucci fanny pack inside the Gucci backpack law first of all why did you even buy a fanny pack regardless of if it's Gucci or not what the guy was like I don't know I just like came to the Gucci store with a bunch of cash the guy held it up he's like I didn't know what to buy oh yes when you're at that point yeah yeah like I already own everything in here so what else do i buy the guy held up a Gucci fanny pack is like all right I'll get that cool so I put that on because I think that's really funny yeah and then he goes oh look inside and I'm like oh there's another one in here what do you got in here [ __ ] Gucci huge money clip Gucci mini backpack it's really small yeah just like on the keychain Gucci child shoe yeah yeah exactly so I open it up and there's just five thousand dollars in cash in there his bands and I'm like what what do you even it was the first time I've actually held that cash is amazing it has something called reticle feeling I've worked at a bank before so I've held larger amounts okay well that's not cool yeah I know at all it smells like [ __ ] - yeah it does smells like grass yeah sounds like super ass that's like one of the things that jumps out at me when I see a like a trap wrapper holding the shitload of money and my that must smell like a bag it smells so bad this picture anyway so very true yes dinky money pics yeah next time you see like a like a wrapper like a holding a bunch of money in a picture just comment stinky yeah on it stinky and he's gonna be like this he's gonna think you have tons of money yeah you know what it's like to be around money yeah man you know we out here stinking with that stinky stinky money that's the new [ __ ] Kelsie's face just trying to just move to the door you know we got that stinky money we got the stinky money yeah I'm saying shout-out TMG we got this thinkI money there's another song stinky money that's our new [ __ ] I can get that smelly got a smelly content baby smell that cash stinks what I keep wanting to jump back to the iPhone acts cuz I want to ask you yeah do you think about the features you know a little an emoji thing I don't know I don't know I don't even know what [ __ ] features that has I just know that it has a camera that's not clogged with vape smoke so yeah I mean the cameras gonna be very dope we're talking this morning we were like because Marcus was like I'm really used to touch ID yeah I got pay with it a lot yeah what's gonna happen like how do you gonna pay you know just look at this in front of the thing while you're like trying to line it up hold on hold on hold on Zeke what if I'm in like the middle of a heist and I like have a ski mask on and text someone but god damn it hold the ski mask up okay you know that at that moment your cover's blown and the iPhone acts [ __ ] your hi stop rip yeah rip alright well I mean I will come over to play your Nintendo switch and I will look at your iPhone X I'm not in a position you not buying one I can't well fight but what are you talking about we're making a decent American wage now we are but it's not you know who is by devices I you know gotta be smart that's true I actually have to be smart and buy a xxx camera xxx camera yeah I actually have to buy a little little little redundant storage box for a redundant storage box I don't know what you'd call it oh you're talking like a great driver a great five set up yeah or what just for all the vote it footage yeah cuz Sookie is 2.6 terabytes its back what yeah yeah where is it we have it on like seven different drives but that's a flash drive it's a flash drive I'm gonna split across forty fifty yeah forty flash drives just a thousand flash drives in a bin hold on you Michael at Gucci fanny babe open it up it is my short film I there I got every scene with scene you want a smart individual it stinks on Gucci flash drives they stinky that stinky [ __ ] Gucci flash drive get a Gucci raid Gucci raid Eva that's uh is he is he a patriot but he has a patron I like saying that [ __ ] because it's like people that we shout out yeah are only good like they're only there's only nine hundred of you guys yeah oh you know but you know what Siva is a he's a $10 really so so we got a shout out his name well I don't want to reveal his last night alone if you look him up but uh it we [ __ ] yeah his last name sucks okay it's a shitty last name it can be [ __ ] what we said that we were gonna make fun of people it can be [ __ ] with um by the way we should we should end this episode by going through again like the goals and the it's already over no this was fun yeah it is I'm looking forward to the to a week yeah when we double up yeah look at that bonus app that bonus app it'll be what it'll be every like three or four weeks so you got a plan when the [ __ ] that's gonna happen you know so as long as you're awake we can slate another one on the calendar depends how much I've shredded my back not Jesus [ __ ] one erase one of our homies from Texas we call him Ringo and need a body builder and it was really funny because you know I used to talk to him on and off by working weirdly we'll get back in the gold I have to go to one more story that's fine I got another story too I used to like I've told you this I follow like bodybuilding drama okay and I've followed just bodybuilders in general okay for for no reason okay anyway so at one point Sam does that too yeah it's it's I mean it's entertaining yeah because watching wrestling a little bit yeah it's like wrestling without the actual fighting so I was talking about working out cuz at some point I was like I want to lift weights never did it but I started talking about like programs and stuff and he just lays into me like classic bodybuilders like no well this is how he talks it's Big Tex dude there are only three powerlifting motions you only need three that's bench incline bench squat do that get in the gym do some big weight you gonna get big as [ __ ] this all you got to do to get big that was bench and incline bench he hit me with some art on two or three yeah yeah he told you just the forms of benching and then squatting yeah like nothing else yeah just I was crying though just cuz I had gone on like this long like nerd tirade clearly I don't lift weights I'm a [ __ ] like well I've read this is good and this is good like no shut up there's only three yeah that's like that's like reddit Fitness yeah I mean it's you know you go in the gut you go in the in Gold's Gym you see this do that our biggest [ __ ] and they're like yeah I've literally just benched and ate fish for five years and that's how I got here dudes that come in that are like skinniest [ __ ] well I read actually fasting is pretty good on the bodybuilding subreddit it's like no dude this guy's he's literally a chief this body yeah well I don't know about that because I actually heard carbs or and you know should pay Leone just live some [ __ ] [ __ ] that's it take this and you got to move it here you do it for five years and you got a fish that's it and it has to be heavier every time [ __ ] ripped no actually I'm thinking about going vegan the these [ __ ] macros but now dude drink some smoke juice pre-workout get in the Jay house music here here here here that's it holy [ __ ] they got the whole 17 long page thing the workout like no no I so the dude the dude that at the party on Saturday gigantic this [ __ ] was like seven and a half feet tall and the biggest dude I've like gigantic like if you watch mounted muscle on this guy if you watch Game of Thrones people he's like a mountain he's like the mountain yeah but like Jack but like no body fat yeah cut it was insane I was like this guy he's just gonna get roles because he's that big I mean like any fight any any like 300 fantasy movies oh yeah and so he's like I'm talking to him about someone introduced me and so we're talking and you know he's like yeah I'm like he's like this new brand of power lifter or something they're like starting this new league or there's some [ __ ] he's yeah I'm just kind of in a special place because you know I'm so tall but you know I'm also really really big but I you know I like to stay in shape so I'm also like really like cut and I was like dude you just compliment yourself like seven in one sentence in different ways yeah yeah and I'm just like well they call me a milk bag the best I've seen you [ __ ] you to do to come no [ __ ] biggest lies that Gold's bad buddy looks like a milk bag guys a milk bags a milk bag you know that dude can [ __ ] row like 600 pounds oh yeah oh yeah baseball player [ __ ] guy got some milk milk bag yeah yeah welcome milk bag all right guys so they had so we said you have about 7,500 we're gonna let Marcus on the podcast we're gonna bully him relentlessly you know maybe if you guys want he can bully us that's what seems what people want yeah instead yeah and then alas finally last but not least $10,000 we're going to a three-hour episode right and I think like maybe we'll do it at night on like a Friday or something get a little tipsy you can get a little bit high little little stoner and just we'll do it we'll make it like a social thing yeah a three-hour special episode for $10,000 a month yep in case celebration yeah and so maybe that I don't know well that'll happen eventually and then you know we do we get a bunch of fake money mm-hmm and it's the stinky money episode oh I like that okay yeah yes thinking money episode that'll be the stinkiest episode yet yeah our goal is to make the episodes progressively smellier yeah yeah so hopefully we'll achieve that with all the bands yeah guys I'm gonna wrap it up right so again for the rewards we're gonna send out we will make fun of your names and all that stuff in the rewards we're gonna do that at the end of each month when they patreon like advises that you do that so that people don't like buy the reward tier and then do whatever time say you're gonna do and they tip out without actually paying so or maybe on the first of the month or whatever we're gonna do that we're gonna send out hope we're getting the posters made right now and we're gonna send out the pins yep at the beginning of next month yes by the way yeah shout out to everyone who has signed up for a pin yeah like [ __ ] a hundred a hundred and two no more than that 104 it's actually more than the $10 yeah and big shout out Lydia for a designing me my stupid idea yeah of titties and a meatpacker yeah shout out to Lydia again oh yeah and we'll end this by saying the first episode now is live it's the tiny meet gang podcast is on iTunes and it's on Google Play so if you have friends who are too cheap to pay for the episodes early then let them know that it's now up for free and go and give it a review please out help us and we want to get that [ __ ] on the charts yes we do shout out to all you guys again for all of all of the patrons let's see let's refresh it maybe we're ice refresh yeah now 904 went up five people since we in an hour so that's right shout to you guys and we'll see you guys next week with another stinky episode good night rib cutlets good night my little a little chicken beef beef beef / beef a little beef stew I didn't even say a word I just put my little bit beef it'll be fief little bibimbap little bit Bob peace face
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 455,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0DwJ2xlIK9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 6sec (4026 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2017
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