Enshrouded Tips: How to get Metal Scraps! - (Fast Farming Location Guide)

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there's two ways to get a metal scrap and enshrouded either destroying items in the environment or killing scavengers I'll be showing you the best farming location and how to reset the location repeatedly so you can Farm unlimited metal scrap really quickly but first let me start with the easier method and then I'll show you how to do that after so for example you get little pots like this that have metal in and if you smash them like so there's a chance just here that they drop metal scraps and in the same way you'll find these bigger packages here that usually drop linen and hide but they also have a chance to drop metal scraps as well most of the time you'll find it's Lin and I highly recommend look there's some metal scraps but I highly recommend that you actually use a axe when doing this because it destroys things in one hit and it's much faster than using your fists objects in the environment also have a chance of dropping metal scrap especially if they have metal on them like here there's some metal scraps now the best way to get scrap is to kill enemy Bandits like this guy these scavengers actually drop scrap when they die if I can loot it there we go so as you can see he's holding two scrap now a much better location to farm scrap metal is north from lke keep you go directly north you'll find brain Bridge which is that broken bridge now just to the left of that you're going to find Rook Moore and this is the best farming location for scrap metal let me show you why so I'm standing on the broken bridge right here and you can see Rook Moore over there behind me to the Northwest now to get there you can either go down the hill here and just run through the Shroud or if you have a glider which I have a guide on how to get link Down Below in the description you can just Glide over there so I'd recommend just running along the side here coming all the way along the edge and then just gliding from this point here just jump off the cliff here press your glider and you can literally just glide into the sh shroud here and then you're out of the shroud there we go and you can also find lots of Flint that you can mine just up here and Rook Moore is just down here so this is the location we're going to be killing all of these scavengers and each one is going to be dropping scrap metal so the best way to get into Rook more is just by jumping in so you see that guy he has a bow down there so we're just going to go ahead and jump and then Glide here we can actually then sneak and if you have the sneak attack perk you can easily kill him from behind here but we're just going to go ahead and delete him with our legendary sword which I have a video on how to get if you're interested but now if we loot him he actually has free scrap metal they also carry animal fur as well which is really useful and there's a treasure chest in here that we can loot for some Flint arrows and if you just look around you're going to find lots of scrap metal all over the place like in these barrels or this pot right here and right out here look we got more scrap metal I'll show you how to reset this in a moment but first let's just go and kill everyone and also as you you're running around you'll find like these little sort of areas where you can press e on them and they you're normally going to have scrap metal in now I recommend it's usually worth in combat that you just Parry these guys and just go to town on them like so easy kills and criticals look wait until they attack Parry them just get used to parrying them then if you have merciless attack you can do that for big damage and once again another free metal scrap and another two from him he's also dropped a weapon which we can deconstruct and just over here we have something else we can search for six metal scraps so it is worth looting these things and also destroying all of these pots because look even more metal scrap and right over here behind us there is a metal chest which has a forest Longbow level three if you don't need it you can just Salvage it to get runes which used to upgrade your weapons and look even more scrap metal on here there's also a LW page which actually adds quests to our diary and gives you experience as well there's some more things we can search SE down here with some more scrap metal we can see down there there's actually an enemy so let me just show you if I press Tab and use my wand wands are so powerful they have no ammo at all and you can just Spam them while running away from your target to kill them probably the most overpowered weapon in the game there we go more scrap metal torn cloth you see look at this guy he doesn't stand a chance he literally just walk away from him and he can't do anything or alternatively yeah you can use a melee weapon too or just stun them oh or not stun them like I just did and he has another two scrap metal take out this guy get wrecked and you I know what you're looking at another thing you can do is use your wand on these uh barrels to blow them up like this and then sometimes like that you see there's some more scrap metal down there so it's a pretty good way of just uh let's have a look what we have it's even more scrap metal and we come into this building here and there's a little area underground which we can mine away get our torch out oh hello didn't expect to find you down here sir one metal scrap what else is in here oh it's an anvil so we can actually press e on the Anvil to immediately repair all our stuff and there's also some more metal scrap there and by the way this legendary sword also acts as a lifeour so it's uh pretty damn useful for many reasons it's always worth destroying these pots as well cuz they have a pretty high chance of having metal scrap inside and here we have even more enemies so let's go and take these guys out again we'll just block their attack use merciless attack on them like so to defeat them and you sir Get Wrecked yeah so legendary sword pretty damn useful definitely recommend picking it up from the guide below and here we have another chest with some more explosives and there's a book if we read this actually tells you how to make mysterious flasks which gives you a 30% damage multiplier we can break that down go downstairs and there's another area underneath us with another chest and some rats if we destroy these books we can also grab some old books which are pretty useful most importantly there's actually a secret area we can mine into down here as well it's always good to bring a pickaxe with you ah give me my sword there we go get wrecked okay a rare treasure chest with a shepherd's lightning star so let's take that and we can go back outside oh there's some more metal scrap in this shelf that I missed and then we can come out of the entrance there's even more metal armor here which has two metal scrap in so there you have it we now have 54 metal scrap just from that one visit to this location so yeah rmore is the best location in the game to farm metal scrap whenever you need it so after you're done farming the rmore location to reset it what you need to do is press Escape click on return to main menu and then just press play and then go to private server and then go back to your world and now you'll spawn back at your base come back to the mountain jump off and fly back to the bandits Camp once again and then run back to it and as you guys can see all of those Bandits have once again respawned so we can just go ahead and glide in and just start killing all the bandits we want to more scrap iron and as you can see all of those treasure chests I showed you they've all resawn to if you guys want to find my legendary sword and get this armor set check out my other guide linked below or you can find the location of every single resource in and shouted on our Wiki link below and using that metal scrap you can actually come and using the Kil we can craft charcoal and we can put those metal scraps with charcoal into the blacksmith's Forge here and that will produce Metal Sheets which can up upgrade your armor set and weapons
Channel: ESO
Views: 36,091
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Keywords: enshrouded, how to get metal scraps, where to find metal scraps, metal scraps, metal scraps location, enshrouded tips, enshrouded beginners guide, enshrouded starter guide, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded where to get, enshrouded how to get, enshrouded where to find, metal scraps farm, metal scrap, fastest, mining, where to mine, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded need to know, enshrouded 2024, survival game, eso, enshrouded metal scraps, enshrouded metal, metal, scrap
Id: aWhNCTKklJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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