Enshrouded: SOLO Fell WispWyvern Boss (Pikemeads Reach)

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today I'm going to be showing you how I took down the Wisp wavering boss now this is a really difficult boss if you just accidentally walk into it as you'll find out in a moment because I actually died the first time if you do find this video helpful make sure you do leave a like on it though and subscribe to the channel for more and shrouded content and night Andale content coming up in the next week so I actually doubled up on my weapons because when I fell into the arena to fight this boss the first time I Broke My Sword I broke my wand and I broke my staff so this time time I went prepared I actually took two ones and two staffs and I made sure I just didn't use my sword as much because getting into the arena with a half Broken Sword isn't ideal because you will have to use it to clear all of the ads that the boss spawns if you're not a bow user you don't really need a bow for this fight but I just found a legendary bow as I was getting to the boss so I was quite lucky I'd recommend taking 20 hp potions now for the this fight I had a mixture of the greater health potions and the Lesser take either 20 of each or just 20 of one if whatever you're comfortable with I also took some bandages just in case I was absolutely fine though and obviously Mana Pots if you're a Mana user now the food I took was berries because they're simple and this gives me a health regen of plus two tick for 30 seconds meat just for that extra buff and cam this is the important one for me because it gives me plus five health regen which is important during this fight especially get clipped by one of the big eo's from the boss and plus two endurance there's a couple of notable Buffs that I'd recommend for this fight as well the prey of the flame scroll I'd highly recommend this this would be very help helpful if you do magic damage so we'll grab this about three of them are found so far so they're not Uber rare also taking Elixir plus 30% damage multiplier yeah yes you lose one minute in the Shroud but that's not really going to affect you going into this fight just in case plus 20 Stam I never really needed this if you're a big Stam user then this will be beneficial to you so the gear I'm using for this fight is the bore not really necessary if you're not a Bo user the Valiant Shield small backpack the advanced glider the improved grappling hook the Ring of endless life now this ring here the commander ring I actually got from the boss drop itself so this is not what I used for the actual fight I used two of the Rings of endless Life along with the ryen fighter helmet the chest the hands the pants and I'm using the warrior boots going into this fight it's good to have a good really high rested buff so I'm I've got a rested buff of 29 which is more than enough time to get me to the location of the boss and actually fight the boss so my build currently as of recording this video for the fight for this boss I was Warrior SL battle mage I am branching out a little bit into various other things now but one skill I'd recommend if you are a warrior or a tank of some sort get Feast meat now increases your health by an additional 15% once you reach the Imperial Gardens you do not want to jump down off this wall that is the Boss Arena make sure you're buffed up ready to go into fight as this is where the boss will be it will jump down and the fight will start the minute you fall off this wall so once you've jumped down off the wall the boss will jump down and you'll see tet locations all over its body like little circles so this is one of its main attacks do not get caught in that it's pretty damn hard hitting now this one's a really annoying one the minute he stands up in the air and starts firing up into the air just dodge roll out the way cuz the first location's always on you so keep on moving but when he does fire up into the air what happens is Little Critter spawn you need to take these out this this is what I use the sword for so I can just melee them down there's normally about three to four Little Critters he also has a jump attack as well but you can easy Dodge roll out of that if you eyeball in the boss yeah you'll see something interesting when the boss is facing you you can hit it in its face that's when you do the most damage but you've got to be quick cuz you have a very short window so when he's facing you you can do the most damage so the boss is a lot of repeat after what you've already saw so I've skipped at the end of the fight and there you go the boss is down reach the capital Pike needs reach you see you get the boss's head which actually need to upgrade your flame as well bear in mind you do need to keep the head of the boss you can't make it into a trophy and put it on your wall because you actually do needed to upgrade your flame to get into the desert biome but you can repeat the boss again if you want so you can actually put the trophy on the wall you also get the pike KY as well to go into the tower there's a couple of crappy loot chests here I wouldn't really recommend it to be honest but you might get lucky thanks for watching hope you found this video helpful let me know down in the comments what you thought of this boss if you've done it yourself what did you do differently as always make sure you leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel that
Channel: Fortizar
Views: 20,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded early access, enshrouded boss fights, enshrouded game play, enshrouded crafting, everything you need to know about enshrouded, enshrouded best builds, enshrouded building, enshround top tips, enshrouded top 10 tips, enshrouded guide, enshrouded steam, enshrouded complete guide, enshrouded fell wispwyvern boss, enshrouded pikesmead reach, wyvern boss, enshrouded walkthrough, enshrouded final boss, enshrouded combat
Id: qhBKFDdwFbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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