Enshrouded S-Tier Archer Build

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what is up everybody so today I thought I would go through and do a video about my opinion of what an S tier Archer is whether you're a brand new player or you already have a bunch of hours into the game um I think this video will be good for everybody I keep seeing some Archer builds out there and honestly I I tried a few and in the end I had to make my own because they just were not working um they're decent but there's a lot of talents and stuff people are using and gear that did not make sense and and this is my opinion obviously but we'll jump right into it so your bows now I don't know if there's a level 25 bow I've been hunting for it um I also don't care for this either um Arrow speed is not the greatest and it has a long draw speed at first I was concerned about the stamina cost but we'll get into all that now this is good for sniping but and if you're with somebody personally I have not used much of the longbow even even in stealth most of my damage is done even opening with the ignited bow um I've seen a few others that have dropped I just liked this one so that's going to be your bow um when you get to the iron tier convert your iron arrows over to poison obviously exploding arrow um for your stun and W because and we will get to the talent tree but if you notice early on we have a lot of skill nodes that buff exploding arrow but let's let's get let's go through the gear so now uh personally I chose the etheral plane um I just thought it looked cool and honestly most of our gameplay is with a bow okay very very seldom do we have a sword out where we can block so that's why I really didn't care what it looked like um now I've seen I've seen a lot of people run the ice Blade with the light forged axe um I I think Nova looks cool uh shroud magic I do agree is a little underwhelming now if you don't know if you are in the Shroud against Fel enemies they are shroud magic resistant so that's why it's good to run these um this also has 15% crit hit chance but this was cool um I do like the damage and honestly I just end up using light Forge axe most of the time I do want a legendary version of white wolf sword and it's mainly because I like the look of The Sword and the retaliation we're going to have a sword out might do that uh 20% damage reflect if that makes sense but honestly with swords you're barely going to use them it's up to you so for helmet I'm using the eagle eyee helmet we get the 133% crit strike strike damage 15% ranged Critical Strike chance I do believe the deer stalker s that a lot of people are running is the same stats it's just less physical and magical resistance um I have seen a lot of people talk about you want your physical and magical on somewhat of the same terms I agree but however I believe that physical resistance is way more important and the reason being is it's a lot easier to dodge more of the magic attacks then something running up on you and hitting you and that is a big issue especially when you get the dual wield poison Cleaver Berserker guys and they just beat the hel you know it just it hurts um for chest we went with radiant Paladin chest it has high physical and a decent amount of magical 240 Health 20 4 stamina this is 48 and 24 now it's a lot now this isn't terrible it's 82 and 82 right so it we'll even that out if if you do want to even them out a little bit better you can however I lik the more physical and I wanted more Health than stamina we will not have stamina issues for gloves we want the Eagle Eye and also I wanted to mention if you have access to the Gloom Monarch you can rock that that is a decent chest as well for gloves we're going with Eagle Eye gloves 12% range damage say no more um I know there's another set in the game that's close to it I think it's it might be the deer stalker but again this is level 25 armor it has higher you know uh resistances overall for pants we went with the radiant Paladin now this is a personal preference this just goes this literally goes back it's what I said previously if you want your physical and your magical to be more evened out go with the Eagle Eye if you have access to Gloom Gloom works too now I use this because it's 90 Health in two health regen this is nice too I use these on my Mage because I want I want faster speed having to kite a lot with that Sprint speed for this I wanted the health regen Mage doesn't have health regen problems Archer I feel it this is not bad either it's Stam and health regen whatever whatever you have access to with health regen I that's what I would personally do and then for boots we have the Eagle Eye boots now a good mention also is the Gloom Monarch a little more physical less magical I didn't like that this is Mana regen and stamina regen it's not horrible you get that four stamina um I know there's another set of boots somewhere in the game I I couldn't find them I have so much armor but this is seven stamina regen and in the stamina timeout reduction for Rings we went with ring of Health for the health regen mainly and then ring of stamina for another five stamina regen which means while we're kiting we have no problem getting stand back no problem now let's take a look at that without those two items now this is going to be a little uh faster than what a new character would look like because of rebound you see that difference and I do believe in combat I do believe in combat that that is haved I'm not certain but I've noticed that you don't regen stamina as much Health pots is pretty much the best that you can find and comfortably make I would also give a big shout out to the Wisp of light potion one of the nice things about this sword in this axxe is you have low light which can be helpful because the torch where it's nice does minimal damage and when you have a bow out no light so it is very nice to use that food I went with vegetable soup I don't remember if there was better or not um we really don't need the bandages it's a I'd rather have it than not need it kind of scenario I didn't go all out with my bird meat I just took the extra plus three and that was it it this food is so common that it's just easy to keep up with I don't really use it ever I don't use any of these this I will sometimes use but I have it I haven't found the need to use sugar or honey since I personally put on that ring and those boots together big mention is the commander ring 30% Mana 30% Health this is for you have access to this lower you know lower level early on um the health might help you Mana sure um if you're traveling a lot you can put two of these on because the 120 Mana cost for updraft this ring I want to wear this or even dual wield this ring problem is it is not working so if we go to character 55 10 5 176 okay so just remember 55 510 5 5 10 5 17 six um it's a known issue it sucks what can you do like I said I would almost like to rock two of them if it wasn't for the health regen i' probably would again this is personal preference for the gear this is what I think would be your best in the slot and it has proven to be pretty good otherwise um that and it also matches somewhat except for the gloves but I feel like it's a nice touch overall I feel like it looks pretty cool we're going to go into skills as soon as I got my first point I started working on blink not only am I addicted to Blink because of playing a mage it is easy to shoot while aiming backpedal and press it this means if your enemy is coming after you that is a quick fire quick fire I wouldn't suggest doing it too much I have fallen into pits and lava and all types of nasty stuff doing it here and there when I'm not paying attention but I feel not only because of the distance gained is this great but it's also because of emergency blink you can blink while being stunned this will break the stunned State I like this this comes in handy this is probably one of the only things that we have to negate CC this is optional this is a personal preference in my opinion it's when you blink into an enemy you trigger a small explosion which deals fire damage in a small range damage and Mana cost scale with the intelligence attribute um we will show at the very end of this video some combat um I'll show I like it for lower level stuff it means I don't have to waste an expensive arrow and I can just bling in them a couple times and they die but I kind of think it's a Wast of two a waste of two points where I could put somewhere else I just haven't figure out where I would put it we're going to start from the Assassin tree dexterity which is our main stat 5% range damage per decks we took Airborne updraft now that I've used updraft I'm starting to get used to it and it really goes hand in hand with double jump endurance sniper Vitality surge deck shell shock blessed arrows bouncy Bonanza Dex ricochet graceful stride and Chain Reaction this one is pretty good I would suggest not taking this or this until you are more late game and I only say that because this is five this cost Five Points a DEX Noe is one one point any stat node is one point when you find the ones that say every two levels of the flame they're five max level of the flame right now is six so that is three decks for Five Points that means we wasted two points unfortunately there are only so many deck nodes in the tree and it leaves you kind of with no option if you want the decks you kind of have to take it which is fine but the reason I say also you know save this for later is one if you have a level one or level two you don't want to waste Five Points early on you know uh if you have a level one or level two flame level until you're six I would say four or six but even then I would say wait till 6 wait wait until 6 and your end game because exploding arrows a suck to make they take forever and two if you don't have access to exploding era there is no point for us wasting skill points to get this specific Talent for the next part in the ranger Dex Marksman Sharpshooter counter battery Eagle Bane skill shot Ranger which is an amazing amazing I would go for this I would go for the ranger tree early on also multi-shot now adds a 20% chance to spawn a flurry of arrows that spread slightly when I think of flurry I think of a flurry of arrows I I think of you know quite a bit of arrows unfortunately this is kind of the same Talent as one master the 30% chance to spawn an additional one projectile however I have paid attention to this and sometimes it seems it can shoot more than two arrows it can shoot three I don't know if it goes higher most of the time I don't get to notice because I'm in combat and I'm not concerned with how many arrows I'm more concerned with not dying and them dying but I think I've seen up to three I I could be right I could be wrong I don't want to say yes I don't want to say no without having 100% confirmation on that however it is still feel good to take um it comes in handy when you have a group of enemies otherwise this really doesn't need to be taken early on if you want to start getting other things done which in the next tree we will show that this is huge for the next tree I want Beast Master endurance which is our stamina n eater mythus probably but youred that word sorry now this is poison resistance which reduces the damage received by poison 20% your poison resistance is increased by an additional 10% and we also have a 25% chance to avoid being poisoned now this is not make or break but it does help we have endurance Yuka language which is the Big Bear people if you haven't seen them sorry Dex calm Spirit yuk could culture in decks we have endurance nodes here and then Beastmaster which we're not going to take you want to swap something out and and you have enough like say you don't find multi-shot worth it and you don't find blink attack worth it I could see this however I rarely come across a pack of enemies that are near wild animals that I really noticed it's not a big deal for the Survivor tree endurance Runner double jump endurance is nice as you can see our only options to go this way is to spend the one point to get our double jump once you get used to it it does come in handy again we we went this direction because of the very few points I also do like Runner sprinting speed increased by 10% and stamina consumption decreased by 10% we don't need inner fires we have Relentless flame up here which is 5 minutes I think our total time is like 14 or 15 minutes in the Shroud it's pretty generous a lot of people go up this path I don't like Wonder lust um I don't know about you I don't spend a lot of time on roads I know that's probably the best way to travel but I go from point A to point B I fly um even early on in the game I didn't really travel on roads a whole bunch plus to be fair early on we're not going to have access to this side we're going to be wanting to go into our decks you know assassin and Ranger now when I had said early on I would still go up here that is for calm Spirit wild animals within 15 M will be pacified unless attacked animals in the Shroud will still attack you but all the annoying animals like wolves BS all all of that noise they will no longer attack you on site scorpions the big birds that want want to kill you um I don't know about I I think the plants still shoot at you I don't think that counts as an animal but that's why we took that um you can still shoot them and get the XP you can still Farm them it just gives you a chance to you know be in the dark be like oh crap my buddy's not on the sleep I can't go to the base right now but I don't want to be attacked by 50,000 wolves in the dark it it's it's one of those scenarios and it comes in handy so after calm spirit weent this flame we only we only took this to bridge over cuz I didn't really find these that useful to be honest good metabolism rebound probably one of our most important as well because the base St in a regen by 50% when I first started playing Archer I noticed that when I needed a kite I was running out of Stam way too often I couldn't blink I couldn't do anything it was pretty awful getting the getting the boots and the ring together um once I had the ring with the boots paired up it was a lot better rebound has made it so I don't really have Stam issues anymore in fact I can't remember the last time I ran out of Stam other than trying to Blink around the base for fun or gliding Sweet Tooth this is cool but we really don't even eat the honey or sugar anymore because of this this is just a gap filler and then our final point of decks so we're going to go through real quick and let you see one two three four five again blink attack is a personal preference and optional so that is the Assassin tree the ranger tree the Beast Master tree and our survivor tree that is all 114 points you did not know there's 114 total that leaves us with five Constitution five Spirit 10 endurance five strength 17 decks and six Intel I see a lot of videos where while people are showing the build which is this is fine but it kind of drives me nuts when I'm trying to you know follow a build God like why is my build not looking the same as his I do not have any food Buffs on for you guys in fact I rarely use them if I already use them I'd hit a lot harder but the game is already so easy once you get to end game and you get to that point that it really doesn't so those are the talents gear all right so now that we have that done we will pop a food after we do some raw testing we're going to keep these three we're going to go over to my favorite scatter bone we're going to go to the ancient Spire in Kindle wastes now if you are farming or don't have access to the last glider yet you will probably land below our mushroom rck when we get there we will show you I'm not going to go hard all out and just fly straight there this can be done with technically out without double jump and without um the updraft so if you have your ghost glider you will make it to this mushroom if not you'll be somewhere below which is fine and then what you can do is fly around the Shroud and over to the side about here there's a mountain here which we will show or like a plateau and you can start there we are going to fly over there by taking that route so this is the beginner route before you have the glider if you have the glider obviously you'll make it there just fine so without the glider I believe we land somewhere over here okay this is about where we usually make it and this is what I was talking about the Wild and not everything's attacking you if you point and aim they're still friendly this makes it so if we're on a mission we don't have to worry about wasting a ton of crafted ammo and resources and health pots just to go and farm also this area is very good for twigs you only get one per but still not bad so we're going to run over here if you do not take the wild animal if you do not take calm spirit I would recommend taking that bird out but all I do is I go over here I run out this hill and this is what we call our safe area if anything goes wrong anything at all we're down there we run up these steps run over here run to This Little Rock thing and jump if you don't have double jump yet just Spam it until you're up or you can use your pickaxe and make a small jump I would not recommend that because then if the Berserker follows you he might be able to get up from here we go here we want to make sure he doesn't come up the stairs you blow that up I don't think he comes over okay second boss h and that was using the updraft um well evidently we have the bug looks like we're not using exploding arrow that hurt so sometimes if you mine yep here we go it is a common bog if you mining or doing something uh exploding arrow does affect the ground so I'm guessing that's why we got hit now mind you this is without food if we eat just our standard plus4 food we now go from 17 to 21 deck for we weren't going to bother head shot the boss because the boss has a helmet on and it actually resists one the helmet itself is some metal scraps I don't know where the Berserker went and that's my only concern right now their pathing isn't the greatest [Music] worth it all right now we find the Berserker Shadow Bane not bad as a starter but shroud magic our first loot normally there's nobody down here meat Chopper well that did not get his attention that's how we deal with those exploding Arrow we'll stun it unfortunately we have the bug which is unfortunate ah come on second chest all the all the loot is random third test after that you can reset your map but that is it that is all to it so let me know what you guys think um I I think it's a great great build you start getting the rested you have tons and tons of stamina you can decently take a hit if you need to most of the time you don't if you play smart I think U the armor match you know pretty well and looks decent and the bow fires pretty fast and then I'll show this one more time for you guys so that is our that is all 114 points other than the blink that is down below so I hope you guys enjoyed um definitely let me know what you guys think of the build um I think this is the most optimal way to do things and I think in the end uh I think a lot of people are going to migrate over to a version of this anyways um it is worth mentioning I have seen people take points over here and stuff um I don't find it I don't find it very smart to do that it's a lot of points that you're putting in that could be used elsewhere um especially for something like radiant Ora it's just fell you know f or the the Shroud monsters um those guys are generally easy other than you know uh the one Lich Lich or Banshee whatever it is the one that throws the Dual sights at you the Dual sickles that one hurts other other than that they're pretty easy they're pretty easy to kite that is the only mob that will probably give us trouble to be honest um only because we don't really have access to Shield so you want to you want to kite around objects and pillars and stuff that way you're not getting hit unless you're really good with your with your swap game and then you can uh use your quick fire on Q which if you don't know so you have this if you hit Q you can still have a sword out and fire this way you can be firing and blocking but I personally like to manually aim so that's the only reason I don't do that but yeah that is uh that is the build thank you guys for watching
Channel: Zzero187
Views: 5,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Archer, Enshrouded, Zzero, Zzero187, S Tier, Best Builds, Enshrouded Builds
Id: lNtpIRKkQbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 31sec (2611 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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