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what is up you guys glitches here and welcome back to the channel today I'm going to be bringing you the first video in an allnew series for a game called enshrouded I'm sure a lot of you that have been following me have been keeping up with my once human videos I know I took a PLL on the channel and asked if you guys would be interested in seeing some enshrouded content because it's sort of a similar type Survival game um and it was an overwhelmingly positive feedback on that um so I wanted to make a couple guides I've got probably seven different ideas lined up if you guys have specific things you might want to see be sure to comment down in the comment section below and let me know some different guides that you want um but for today's first video I plan on showcasing my go-to endgame mage build um Mages are super overpowered and enshrouded right now do more damage by far than any of the other classes being Warrior or the archer in my opinion I will be making U my best variation of those two builds uh for those particular class Styles as well but for now I'm going to go with my main bread and butter um but yeah it's super overpowered um I'm want to go over all the weapons all the skills the talents that you will unlock and the progression order that you should pick them up as well as the different equipment that you can use and where to find them um so without any further Ado let's jump right into it so right out the gate um if we go to our character um for equipment I'm going to be using the end game uh actually a mix of uh all three of the end game armor sets that can be found in the sun Temple I will probably make a guide on this um so uh you can know the location of where to farm it um it's going to be in the basically the far bottom right hand corner in the sun Temple you can put a little uh alter down and quickly Farm a chest that's in the basement basically of the sun Temple to get all the pieces of all the three different sets um and once you do that uh you can mix and match and make the set that I have now so for the helmet I'm using the Elder hat which is the Mage uh one of the the set um that will basically give us plus 15% magical Critical Strike chance as well as 12% Critical Strike damage um which is really nice for our spells for the chest piece um and the other reason by the way um before I go too in depth that I'm mixing and matching is because of the Rings that we're using and I'll go over those in a minute um and also because in the late game um there's a good combination of both uh heavy hitting U magical attack based enemies and physical attack based enemies so you don't want to to 100% go all in in my opinion on just like wizard magic base armor cuz then your physical defense will be really low and vice versa so I have it set up to where with this particular balance we get a good mix of everything um and we have a Balan physical and magical resistance with this um but for the chess piece I'm using the warrior based endgame uh Sun Temple set called the radiant Paladin chest plate that will give us plus 240 health and plus 24 stamina for the gloves I'm using the Elder glov gloves this will give us plus 9% damage against magical foes as well as a 12% magic damage multiplier uh for the trousers this is the hunter uh pants of the sun Temple set the called The Eagle Eye trousers that will give us plus 18 stamina and plus one Sprint speed um the wizard legs you technically can use but it basically gives you Mana regeneration and mana and with the rings that we're using um Mana is pretty much pointless and so is spirit so I went with something that we can make use of and stamina is one of the few things that we're lacking in this build um so having that will give us the stamina boost and uh Sprint speed boost that we wouldn't have had otherwise um and then lastly for the boots we're using the wizard Boots the Elder boots from the Sun Temple that will give us plus four Mana regeneration and a nice bonus to our Mana timeout reduction um moving on to the Rings this is big and basically in my opinion the most important part of this build um it is a double usage of the Ring of opacity it um it basically negates uh you get minus 20% to your Mana uh cap but it gives you plus 20% Mana regeneration so between the two it's plus 40% man uh Mana regeneration which is insanely fast um you can see here we have a small bar but it refills almost instantly so as long as you have enough spirit and enough Mana to get maybe two to three casts of Any Given spell um you can pretty much spam them infinitely Because by the time you get one done casting one your Mana will be fully recharged and you can just instantly cast the next one now there is talks that these Rings might get nerfed in the future and if that does change and you can't get that instant man uh Mana regeneration buff anymore you may have to switch to something like the um Commander's ring uh which I have over here um something like this will work well because that will give you plus 30% mana and plus 20% or plus 30 health and that plus 30% Mana when doubled up will basically in increase and give you a huge Mana bar so instead of it being small with a fast regeneration it's going to be a slow regeneration but a ton of Max Mana to use um so it basically will equal out in the long run um so that is another potential option that you can do um but moving on for the weapons uh melee weapons don't really matter but in this particular instance I'm using the light forged axxe um only because it has three uh extra fire damage perks and once I go over the skills you'll see that we have some bonus to fire damage uh as well as Mana leech so if in an emergency situation you're out of Mana for whatever reason um you can whip this out hit an enemy a couple times and that can regenerate your Mana a little bit quicker um but for the bread and butter the main thing that you're going to be using for the build um and I'll go over the wands in a second is the Shroud Weaver staff this is by far the best staff in the game um it can get up to uh level 35 at Max um and it has plus 24 Fire magic damage which again will combo with some of the skills that we have to do even more um and where you find that is actually right by the sun Temple as well and it will be a guaranteed drop every time basically if you're at the front of the uh town where the sun Temple is if you follow the um edge of the cliffline they're basically right down here uh just below the um shroud route is going to be a chest on a platform on the edge of the cliff that chest will basically guarantee you the Shroud Reaper drop every single time um and then for the uh I'll probably make a whole separate guide for this as I mentioned before but um the armor pieces can be farmed from a chest in the basement of the sun Temple and uh you basically just throw an alter down right outside the side entrance and you can just run in there over and over and over again and uh keep farming and within about an hour or so maybe about an hour and a half I was able to get all five pieces of all three sets so you got the best armor in the game for all three classes um so that is where you can get that um so shroud Reaver op staff by far the best staff in the game um for WS however in my opinion um the best staff in the game would be the legendary ritual Tempest weapon uh Tempest wand right now I only have the Epic variation but the gold legendary version does drop I'm I guess just very unlucky and haven't gotten it yet even though I farmed for hours for it I still haven't gotten it but this gives us uh four bonus plus n shock magic damage uh perks so it's one of the few wands that is straight up um uh additional magic damage and we do have a shock bonus in our skill tree um there is a uh Blaze wand that has the same type of thing but it's all fire damage that ideally would be the one that I would use instead of um The Tempest wand but in the Early Access there's only a blue Rarity of that Blaze wand no one's found even a purple version of that yet so as it stand stands uh the ritual Tempest for inside the Shroud um is going to be the best wand now when you're outside of the Shroud in my opinion the best oneand in the game to use is the Helix um and that is because pretty much everything um this includes animals and basically any of the bandits in all of the endgame Bandit camps are going to be uh critically affected by shroud damage um so this is basically similar to The Tempest one uh in the sense that it's straight up bonus magic damage but in this case it is all shroud and because it's legendary we're getting five of these damage perks instead of four um so huge boost and damage there but that's not all with this particular weapon it also comes innate with two additional abilities the first is ethereal duplication which allows the wand to have a 50% chance to spontaneously create an additional projectile this combos amazing with a skill that we'll go over in a moment in our tree that makes you also spawn an additional projectile so there is chances during battle when you're fighting enemies that you can actually spawn three projectiles at the same time and just one shot an enemy with one swing of your wand um because if especially if it's a crit because it's going to be doing all three hits instead of just one or two um and then lastly it has overcharge this wand holds a chance to amplify its damage output and the attacks deal bonus damage up to the overcharge percentage and this particular wand has almost a 20% overcharge percentage so if you crit plus all the bonus 9 shroud magic damage plus the bonus we're getting from the talent tree and have it proc the uh overcharge buff uh you can see how this could be a super high damage weapon um that can swing really really quick and as I'm sure you guys know wands don't use ammunition so you can just infinitely swing this thing until its durability goes away so super super handy wand um for when you're outside of the Shroud when you're inside the Shroud though that is the big downside it is basically useless um almost all the enemies with this in the Shroud are uh ineffective to shroud magic damage so you're basically going to be doing almost no damage to them so I always have both the Tempest and the Helix equipped it at the same time so that way when I'm outside the Shroud I use the Helix when I'm inside the Shroud I use my Tempest wand um that way I can get an effective attack on basically every enemy type in the game so that is the weapons U moving on for spells um there's a bunch of spells in this game but I can tell you right now the only ones you probably really ever use is the Eternal acid bite this just throws down a carpet of uh basically damage overtime acid and as long as the enemy is standing in it um they will basically get melted this is basically your heavy shielded unit uh slow moving unit or boss melter um those big uh brutes in the Bandit camps or even I'll probably show footage of the Fel winter Von that you fight um you can basically One-Shot them um with this ability just one cast it does have a long cast time so you kind of want to uh play your positioning right right um and you can get um lower tier versions of all these spells that have shorter cast times but honestly you're so powerful that 90% of the enemies you're going to one or two shot and I have never really run into a situation where I've gotten so caught up with a bunch of enemies that I couldn't handle to where the cast time really made a difference um but acid bite super good for slow moving or tightly packed up groups of units and bosses next for range units and single targets that are from far away this is basically your sniper spell is going to be Eternal Fireball this does um really nice uh range damage and we get bonus damage to this through skills in our skill tree as well uh has a little bit lower cast time than uh acid bite uh which is nice and it also has a nice AOE damage effect so when it blows up on an enemy not only you're going to hit that enemy but you're going to hit every other enemy within probably a 5 to 10 meter radius which is nice um and then when you combo that with things like chain hit and mass destruction in the skill tree it basically just spreads even further and you can clear out entire rooms with just one Fireball which is super nice um next we have eternal light burst um this is basically a very quick cast low damage um uh spell that can push back in stun enemies so enemies that have shields things like that flying enemies even that can be really fast and annoying you can quickly throw out this eternal light burst and that will stun them temporarily and give you a few seconds to either reposition or cast one of your harder hitting spells that might be a little bit slower so really good uh combo there and then last but not least one of the most overpowered spells in the game which we also will be boosting in our skill tree that I'll show in a second is going to be shroud meteor this basically has near a 180° um cone uh effect where um you just point it in any direction and basically within a huge cone uh in front of you uh any enemy that's within that uh um nearby vicinity will just basically be autot targeted by this and a meteor will drop from the sky and not only plummet them into the ground and actually create a crater in the ground but just do a ton of extra damage um and that will combo like I said with some of the bonus perks we have in our skill tree as well um moving on to consumables that I would recommend um always try and bring your meat for constitution highest level one that you can find you'll start out with lower level like bore meat sheep meat wolf meat things like that um but as you get higher you can get things like grilled sand diager meat you can start making like soups and things like that if you have the farmer unlocked and get some higher tier recipes so this is uh not even the highest one you can get plus five or plus six constitution on some uh food items um then I would also recommend definitely a mushroom based food which will give you a plus to your intelligence and uh this one gives you plus four there is an Higher One that gives you five or six um that you can make uh that just cost a few more ingredients that you can unlock in the late game um so make sure to grab those um and then the other two big ones that I highly recommend is the Elixir um you get minus one minute maximum time in the Shroud but it gives you a 30% uh damage multiplier bonus for 30 minutes and then last but not least the legendary prayer of the flame Scrolls um this will give you plus one minute in the time shroud uh time in the Shroud and a plus 20% magic Dam uh Magic damage bonus for 30 minutes so combination of those two plus any of the consumer sybols you get to increase your intelligence you're going to be doing a ton of damage U most enemies are going to get one shot by everything in this build um except for really just the level 30 enemies might take two three max um but yeah that is all of the consumables and the weapons and armor uh last but not least let's move on to the skills this is the most important stuff so before I go over the actual build um in no particular order you can probably pick these up halfway through the build or even at the end end of the build um if you really want um but these perks in particular are ones that I would recommend on every single build um is going this route right here to get endurance Runner and double jump this is going to help you uh reposition more easily in fights because um we're not very stamina heavy the couple points in endurance are going to give us a little bit more stamina and our Sprint speed uh will be increased and our stamina consumption will be decreased by an addition to percent and then last but not least updraft which will make our gliding a lot more efficient and when I go over and make my guide for the ghost glider location which is actually in the sun Temple um I'm also going to be dropping some tips on how to Glide more efficiently there's some tricks you can do to make your Glide last much much longer and you can go way further um but you have to have updp to uh updraft to be able to do that um but for the main portion of the build how you want to start it rather um is you're going to want to start in the battle mage tree pick up the point in intelligence as well as absorb um which gives you a 10% chance to generate one Mana for each Health that you lose so anytime you get hit it's going to increase your Mana a little bit faster uh pick up the point in intelligence followed by unity damaging enemies with wands has a 24% chance to recover more Mana uh and early game to Mid game you're going to be using your wands constantly later on you're probably going to be using your staff most of the time um but for fast moving enemies and stuff early on having these bonuses to W damage early in the game is going to be very very helpful um you're also going to want to pick up wand master in sting this gives you uh a 20% increase to WAND damage uh with repeated hits and also this is the one I was talking about in combination with the Helix wand the Shroud wand gives you a 30% chance to spawn an additional wand projectile so you combo this with the Shroud wand and that's what allows you to do three projectiles with one swing because of the innate built-in perk of the trout of the Helix wand so super good combo there U moving on pick up this spirit and then lastly this point in intelligence they're just super cheap and you want to try and get all of the single point intelligent markers that you can so that's why we grab that moving on you're going to want to pick up blink and emergency blink um you can pick this up um a little bit further into the tree so I would kind of leave this for now actually and go over to the um healer section um and in this one you're going to want to instantly pick up the point in intelligence followed by healer um healing spells will be increased by 10% then healer 2 for an additional 20% pick up the point in intelligence and then this is where it starts getting really beneficial pick up water Aura and Waters of Life basically all players within 15 meters regenerate one Health Point per second for every point of your intelligence and as you can see our base intelligence when we aren't buffed at all is 17 um once you put Max food items on there it can get to 25 plus so you can see how when you combine the uh one point for every intelligence there plus an additional point with Waters of a life you're basically getting 35 Plus Health per second anytime you take damage so the second an enemy hits you your health bar is just instantly going to fill right back up and it basically a little uh Elemental Sprite is going to appear next to you and just tether to your body and just instantly start healing you over time automatically you don't even have to worry about it don't have to pop a potion don't have to do anything it'll just kick in the second you get hit and just instantly start regenerating your health um and then last but not least pick up the spirit and intelligence for the easy mana and easy intelligence there and then martyr this one isn't as important it's kind of a a perk to get you to this final one um but what martyr will do is when you're killed by an enemy um if you're in a group with friends um all allies within 50 m of you will heal for 30% of their maximum health so a nice little group based ability there um this is why we really picked that one up exalted you will gain one intelligence for every two levels of flame and in the end game um you probably want to pick these up um like as the last two things um when you're unlocking perks um because because this is really only helpful once you max out your alter to level six um I'm assuming once Early Access goes further on and you can upgrade your alter further that this will be even more beneficial um but you're basically going to gain one intelligence for every two levels of flame so that is three points of intelligence that you're getting at level six um which is going to be 15 bonus magic damage because uh it's 5% for every one point of intelligence that you get so really nice buff there um but moving on um before you pick up those two you're going to want to probably swap over to the wizard tree grab the point in spirit and head over to this is the way when attacking with any magical weapon all damages increase by 10% um pick up the spirit here followed by arsonist and pyromaniac which will give you 30% damage bonus when using fire magic and because Fireball is our main go-to spell that we're going to be using with our staff um having these uh 30% damage bonuses is super super handy um next we're going to go to the point and intelligence here follow Follow by wizard when attacking with a magical weapon your critical hit chances increase by 10% followed by Chain hit and mass destruction which basically will increase up to 20 M um the amount of shock damage you do to every single enemy within a 20 M radius of you anytime you crit with a spell and we have a ton of crit chance with this build um pretty much every other spell is going to be critting um so super super helpful and it just does like really really good AOE clear um especially for like easier ads those bugs things like that if the radiant aura that we'll go over here in a second doesn't kill him literally one Fireball will you can just throw it out the ground the AOE from the Fireball and the chain lightning if it procs will basically clear out every single enemy in the area instantly um as LA and last but not least the final point in intelligence um moving on I would then pick up the Quick Charge which uh reduces the time stabs are required to charge up a spell by 50% super super handy and probably one of the most important spells um in the mid to late game once you start using your staff more frequently um because uh some of those cast times can be pretty long um then you have Counter Strike which will um give you basically a 20% chance to reflect 50% of the damage that gives done to you back to the enemy as fire damage which does combo with the 30% arsonic um arsonist and pyromaniac skills um then we're going to want to pick up the point in intelligence followed by beon not really that important you're really never going to use it but we use it to get to the next two um basically it replaces your melee when your melee weapon is broken with a magical powered punch that can stun enemies when you hit them pick up the point in intelligence followed by Terror this is a big one on a critical hit with a spell which again you'll be doing all the time the target will be stunned for 4 seconds so when you're using things like the acid bite um that does multiple rapid ticks over time so the chances of this proing are pretty much 100% when you're using acid bite so you can stun lock big bosses um pretty much instantly if you don't kill them right off the bat with one hit um if they have bigger Health pools you can basically stun lock them this is also good for like fast-moving flyers I found that when I throw a fireball at one of the Dres which can be annoying at times um they basically get stunned in midair and that'll give you time to throw at your second one you don't have to worry about them chasing you down so super helpful ability there um and then last but not least uh you're going to want to pick up radiant Aura and Sun Aura which basically all foes within 10 meters of you take one fire damage per intelligence and because we have such high intelligence you're basically doing a ton of free damage um this is really good for those fast moving bugs again and things like that that kind of surround you really easily um you basically don't even need to attack them the radiant Aura and the sun Aura in combination with each other um will basically just be taking uh extra damage without you even attacking and just kill them for you um so super handy there um and then last but not least you're going to want to pick up thunder and lightning to give you 30% um increased shock damage for use with your um ritual uh Tempest wand and then what I pick up which a lot of people don't most people spend the points in things like Necromancer I don't think the Wisps do that much damage so I'd rather put the points elsewhere I like to put it in the dark arts um for the 30% bonus to shroud damage because again when we're outside of the Shroud we're going to be using Helix which does a ton of shroud magic damage and one of our heavy hitting AOE spells is going to be shroud meteor which does a ton of shroud damage as well so comboing that with the 30% buff with our skill tree is super beneficial um ice right now is really underwhelming so I wouldn't waste any points there um but uh yeah that's pretty much it um last but not least I think I went over the points in the Warrior tree but if I didn't um you're going to want to come over here and pick pick up the couple points in Constitution to increase your health um and then last but not least shiny plates and heavy plates to give you 20% bonus armor and lastly this one point extra into Constitution for a little bit more Health um so basically in combination with all of those um damage mitigation perks for the bonus Health all of the crit and Magic damage B bonuses and Elemental bonuses we're going to be getting for all of our spells you are basically Unstoppable you can one hit almost everything in the game um the only thing that takes multiple hits are the level 30 enemies and even they can get taken out with like two or three hits tops um so super super powerful and I might show off some clips here of just how fast you can take some of these enemies out um but yeah that is pretty much it you guys we can guess we can quickly go over the attributes um base 17 intelligence plus 95% magic damage and this is all unbuffed by the way um critical damage plus 62% so super super handy um we got a balance of uh physical and um magical defense which is nice so you're covered on all of your bases for pretty much every enemy in the game um at least in the Early Access um but yeah that is the build um if you guys uh enjoyed it you found it helpful be sure to smash that like button comment down below I appreciate all of your guys' feedback but until the next one I hope all you guys have an amazing day and we'll see you all later
Channel: Glitchiz
Views: 15,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded best weapon, enshrouded legendary weapons, enshrouded legendary weapon location, legendary wand weapon, enshrouded best build, enshrouded magic, enshrouded magic build, enshrouded mage, mage build, wizard build, wand build, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded combat guide, guide, gameplay, weapon, wand, best, best build, build, mage, wizard, enshrouded best wizard build, endgame mage, enshrouded endgame gameplay, enshrouded all spells, Glitchiz
Id: N8zdf_P_MmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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