Smithing Tools for the Blacksmith - Enshrouded

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[Music] [Music] hello everyone I'm cryptic Fox and welcome back to enshrouded my wonderful Adventure here in my fancy bronze armor I don't know how he can still Glide when he's wearing all this heavy metal armor but it still works so I'm going to take it welcome every who's here in the chat so far if you're watching on the channel afterwards welcome as well as always a huge thanks to everyone who's clicked on that join button to become a channel member thank you very very much for all the support it's greatly appreciated and a special thanks to our top tier mistakes are made members they were highlighted at the start of the Stream we're going to try and get the blacksmith tools tonight we're way off to the east but we've kind of been adventuring over there anyway so it's only maybe a little bit farther than where we've reached uh so we can try to unlock some more stuff for our fancy blacksmith friend over here to make uh and see what he can do for us in making stuff that's made of steel uh I don't know if Steel's actually implemented in the game yet but maybe like iron stuff or something I don't know I guess we'll find out uh I probably don't need to bring these uh things with me I got this fancy Hunters bow that's 35 but I kind of like the wolf Wolf's bow so I think I'm just going to keep the wolf's bow it's got like fire damage and stuff it does too um they're both level 25 so I mean whatever it's pretty sweet although actually this one I leveled up to level 25 to unlock all these things so this one would probably actually get up to like level 28 or something but I don't know what that does power-wise whatever we'll scrap this I'm going to keep the gold one cuz it looks cooler it's not about functionality in this game it's about Aesthetics or something something looks like I got a bunch of skill points again I probably do uh let's see what we got here skills I got eight of them eight skills I can be so skilled uh why can't I zoom this is weird it says right at the bottom right there you can zoom with the mouse wheel but it's it's not zooming at all I know it's done something else in time all right whatever okay so um I was putting points over here into some of the athletes stuff last time so Constitution to get our health up or bash Perry bash is eny for 20 blunt damage I mean parrying would like doing some damage with Parry might be nice um I did go through the warrior tree down here but I don't really care all that much about Swift blades allows you to attack fast with one-handed swords and axes I mean actually faster attacking would be good let's take that uh Constitution one would give me more health strength constit um also I've been using the bow a lot so I I could go down the the uh the bow or the Assassin tree sniper when attacking with a range weapon your critical hit chances increased by 10% so that would give me a higher crit rate all damage de with range weapons increased by 10 I mean Marksman might be a good one to take increase range damage by so Dex affects range damage just got the first Iron Quest nice yeah I got uh I guess it's probably iron it's not even steel that I have access to but we got to get the blacksmith tools we can see what he can do for us backstab Mastery all Damage Done from the back is increased by 30% really over there that's weird uh you know what I think I'm going to take the uh The Marksman all damage dealt with range weapons increased by 10% we'll go that way and then I could probably take a DEX or something here which would increase my range damage as well cuz I do use the bow a lot I know I'm kind of Distributing my points I'm not really concentrating into one thing which is maybe a bad idea but we do have most of the warrior tree built out now so it's not a complete waste right maybe or something we have to find a whole bunch more of those uh more of those roots to destroy so we can get more points more skills equal more better I don't remember where I put my runes here we go I did a bunch of reorganization last time and uh I don't know I feel like it makes it harder for me to find things now H special arrows we can make the exploding arrows now those are fun we need Flint arrows and black powder but I only have one black powder I wonder if this the aremy guy can make it for [Music] me no steel yet just iron yeah see if we can make black powder with the The Alchemist you do you make black powder these are all spells grinding stone Alchemy Station bug dust explosive barrels well he requires black powder too maybe I can make black powder at one of these chemistry stations here recipes nope that's inic an alchemical base so it's not there I wouldn't think it would be in the grinder no definitely not there H black powder is a long and grindy road is it is it really yeah I don't see black powder in here that's interesting all right well let's go adventuring cuz that's what I enjoy doing in this game exploring and stuff I mean the building is fun too but exploring is where it's at in my books uh let me just make sure I got food here available to me uh I could probably use a little bit more chamomile tea please rest a one give me the chamomile spice te is plus five endurance or five Health regeneration two endurance I do want the health reg Jen we'll take that sulfur's cool good idea make explod arrows more chance for mistakes oh imagine the thing is like a blow up it would be wouldn't be great if we like started to shoot stuff around my base with the explody arrows and blew up the whole building that'd be awesome you know except that I have to go and fix it again that would be a nuisance all right we're headed off oops hold on let me turn off the replay buffer to try to Minimate our uh stutterin on here I still have all these little points of interest that I haven't found I don't even know what this is that's actually not that far away where am I I'm over here let's go see what this question mark is on the way over there set that as a wayp point we'll teleport here it' be fun if we got the uh the ghost glider today too if we managed to get over far enough for that that'd be pretty epic or some might even say legendary all right where am I going pretty far it's probably down in the Shroud over there too actually all right let's chance it what do Leroy Jenkins it it'll be fine probably maybe wonder how quickly you could stop Flying and then start flying again to get more elevation there's one of the guys we cut his head off when we fought over here before so it was definitely over here apparently you can do it pretty quick oh boy tight fet we got this bam that's weird this thing looks like a shroud mushroom even though it's not in the Shroud there a few of them super weird okay whatever we want is down below us in the Shroud there but I don't know how to get out once we get down it's all red down there uh maybe it's up here says location below but I don't know if I should believe that or not it's very red down there have I upgraded my backpack uh yeah what have I got here going on with my backpack uh I have the large backpack currently the 24 slot one pretty sure it's the biggest one unless one adds like a column on the right or something hey Mr old man how you doing going to the deadly fog that'll be fine W that's the deadly fog there too okay so we're not going that way anymore but we're right at the bottom of the map it's got to be underneath but we can't touch the ground down there cuz the ground is hot lava see what this has in store for us I think there might be actually uh something behind us there that we can land on just can't oh wait there's a shroud route down there okay score let's go get that thing please show me a safe place to land Oh wrong one there we go trout required that wasn't too bad here I was all worried and stuff Fox still plays the floor is lava yeah exactly it's been a little while since I played floor is lava kids are a little little grown up for that now I guess uh oh we're down below sur's rest there was Elixir well over here too that I haven't gotten let's set that as a wayo we'll go see if we can tangle that thing sure no one will take exception to us running through here except maybe these guys search for clues about Lorraine Crim I'm tracking on different Quest are we here think the path it will help our stamas okay that W was a little farther away than I thought it was felt closer h I don't know where this goes exactly but hopefully it'll like wind around to where I want to be so watching Brian play more bishers hope you're playing on playm more too yeah it'll really be dependent on how it does views wise honestly it's kind of cool I like the story and the premise behind it it just uh I don't normally do very well on my Channel with story with games that have like really heavy story so we'll see how it goes there's enough interest in yeah I'll play more okay we found it you go the gladder you can screw around the mountain to stay out of the Red Mist stay in front of the mountain not behind it I'll take your word for it bronze bars you don't even need that just got here oh hey friend oh crap hoping I could get a few hits at him before he flew up higher than I could get him he's [Applause] down another one B of dust oh who whoa whoa whoa got to reset my shroud here Victory so we got to go down EV bugs back off get your own sandwich po bu it wanted to re shroud too well tough he's got to find his own shroud thing oh there's tin down here is that funny wait a minute I didn't make more oh oh God no why okay I did not mean to do any of that be cool if there was something over here that I found by accident no oh wait bam Mystic boots totally planned for that that was all strategic it definitely wasn't me hitting the wrong buttons or anything absolutely not I had intended just go look at my inventory and it resulted in me flying all the way over here cuz you know awesomeness uh I don't have a crazy number of arrows left I guess I got a few though yeah we got this guy you ain't so tough probably shouldn't be fighting him on this bridge thing where I could theoretically roll off and die oh wow we're a little overpowered for him I almost feel bad about that fight oh my God ah ha that was super effective right uh actually I probably should collect these things using stop might be able to use up or something I can't remember what I need the Shroud sacks for but it's useful for something found the bandish is boring at the start uh talking too much got a bit after the prolog what's this now oh I see yeah from the banish game yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah took me a second to clue in yeah there's a lot of it's very dialogue heavy at the beginning uh I mean the whole game itself I think is very story driven which like I said on my channel typically hasn't done super well so why I'm kind of being uh I'm sort of like hitching my bets with a little bit about how much we're going to play it yeah very very story Heaven you at the beginning a little bit more action as we get into like trying to solve for the uh hauntings and stuff that's kind of [Applause] cool we on up here who's hiding all the chests in this place it goes back to the beginning well your viewers do tend who having attention defic said o shiny yeah well you know that's probably why they watch my channel cuz that's pretty much me and a nutshell least when I'm playing video games not much of any use here I don't think Dar with the Super Chat I like banish content but to be honest prefer the survival games yeah well that's just it like the vast majority of my audience is built around survival type content these days I mean there was a lot of uh obviously a lot of people were here for the uh not included type stuff then as I started to play more and more survival the audience kind of shifted over to that thanks for the super chat but uh yeah totally get it nightwood bow level 16 we're going to scrap that thing for uh for runes it's not good for anything else just going to double back over the area that I flew past cuz I was uh wildly out of control see if there's anything I missed back here then we can get out of here head a little further east and see what we can find nothing that's all she wrote like community building too yeah I feel like that's kind of like the the niche that I sit in really I do like to play other styles of games you know just for my own entertainment or whatever but uh the stuff people are more interested in watching is generally not those games for me okay so two more uh shroud rots out of the way that actually gets me two more skill points so I'm up to four now uh all range damage increased by an additional 20% let's do that other two points boost my endurance to get more stamina I'm always complaining about that probably should have grabbed that bash thing earlier let's go for the stamas there's another stamina I can grab think that's it right now it's the only stamina I have direct access to so we'll sit on that last point we're zombies well zombies are often in the survival game genre just as they you know like how it tends to play out all right we're headed east uh oh what's this over here do I have a Teleport Point anywhere near there got that one it's actually near the southern Caravan I don't know why oh this is a that's a thing that won't go [Music] away I forgot we were going to drop down into those holes by surat's rest too cuz I think there's a shroud route down there somewhere Also let's go east I want to go all the way over here home level one and then we can go to the uh scientific scientific instruments Oasis somewhere is the metal thing hearts of iron is down here that's what we're after today look at survival tree there's a perk that boost passive regen probably should grab that then I can maybe uh skip out on the tea that I'm using to get regen and uh instead use something that's more like a stamina stamina regen oh it's du T you know what I should go back and get my uh we'll rest we'll make a daytime so we're not running around at night reset my uh my rested buff you're a cut scene Skipper yeah yeah s games for playing yourself maybe not watch yeah it's just one of those things yeah there is an audience for them it's just maybe not my audience that's all they also tend to be sort of a race cuz once you've seen the story you don't necessarily want to watch someone else play the story right uh that game actually comes out today though banisher just released today we had a day early access on it was kind of fun jining I hope they Implement something in this game at some point where you can like like hot deposit to your chest you don't have to go through them one at a time stacking things in the places they're supposed to be that would be great I don't even know where I had shroud liquid but it didn't didn't pull it away from my inventory so let's stick it in here I guess all right uh wizard boots level 18 we don't need those we just delete them same thing with these gloves and then Salvage this put those away what was I missing for arrows probably sticks right it's always sticks I'm missing air hose yep Twigs need more Twigs let's go Harvest some of [Applause] those this gives way more fiber than it gives Twigs but it does give [Applause] twigs can Jen [Applause] sing like it makes me feel like singing stop that stop that stop that right no no singing Don't gravity singing around here gen sings it gives you stamina he know all right uh the Twigs I think I put in with the wood which is um somewhere where I put the wood put the wood somewhere this is like stones and stuff it's not wood it's all leather and cloth and such dang it there we go sticks hook me up with them sweet sweet arrows baby uh I could make bronze arrows which would be stronger but I've only got two bronze bars so I'm not going to do that right now we'll just stick with the fossilized ones for the [Music] moment all right back to the front you will do what I say when I say back to the front o there's another Elixir well there God there's so many points of interest out here it's crazy hey Rich gaming how you doing post quests I guess I'm going to farm resources and not up until full release oh yeah let so I feel like once you get through the the all the quests and all the points of interest and all that stuff you're pretty much down to uh yeah like you said stocking up waiting for the next update or just like working on building some interesting things personally I'm going to be uh probably focusing more on uh on Nightingale next week after the release little less un shrouded then but um we should be through most of the content that's already available and enshrouded by then okay I need to go south as brittle Bush running the wrong direction ah crap oh yeah this is working great ow I just hurt myself bad get off there oh boy okay we're out of here don't really need to kill these guys anyway I don't have the enemy or the energy to fly up anymore either perfect oh there those green guys over there I forgot there were Green Guys in this town I think I need to be up top for this make sure we get the save point here 10 out of 10 Landing yeah no laughing you guys seriously no laughing listen are you mocking my impeccable flight skills I forgot to repair my stuff when I was back home cuz I'm smart who you get backstabs on these guys even though they like it's really more of like a the back side not really their back really per se there we go this what this shroud fun is here looks like oh that's a nest those are Twigs a whole nest of Twigs up here that's cool looking trying to get some more yoka fruit while out here jum attack doesn't do a lot more damage than the normal attack it seems no not really a ton more it's fun to do but uh yeah no it doesn't do a ton of extra damage it does uh I have a a a skill perk or whatever that makes it do 30% more when I do the double jump but it's not that significant hit or anything I'm standy for like avoiding an attack at the same time as you're doing it there were a ton of sticks you could have harvested while you were there I guess I could have all right we'll go back we'll go back and get some sticks see so I I did just have to gather some for arrows a Sul for here too it's not actually giving me that many sticks when I break this thinking we get more sticks there we don't really in the in these nests yeah this one's not really giving me a crazy amount it's that done for me I got me 20 so like it helps but it's not it's not like do or die kind of stick numbers you know oops [Music] seems to be that guy Feel Like the Wolf then turns up turns out a few more sticks in this d oh look it's actually like right into the into the pillar too this little pillar of stone is made of stick it's a bit of a sticky business all right that got me a grand total of 72 I mean that's not horrible not fantastic but it's not horrible either just keep moving interesting rock made of sticks yeah it's kind of weird it's like a it was hollowed out and they like were stashing their sticks in there where people wouldn't find them I was curious if there's anything over here where this little Nook was but it doesn't look like it yeah welcome to cryptic twig borium we got all your twicky needs the best part of Maran she gets to the hammock with you chicken wings and Feathers baby man can you imagine how hot it would be like sprinting through the desert in this armor that'll be just sheer awful it sounds like right on top of me he was getting Twiggy with it what am I Will Smith over here n oh none of those shots yet that's [Applause] fun he ain't so tough new location at uh obis excavation Camp orisk you say excavation Camp you say a new Venture our previous expedition to the old Boneyard was a major success I'll always be indebted to the stranger our Fateful Encounter revealed more than I could have hoped for although I wonder how we knew those old inscriptions I'm beyond inspired the library's ruins show similarities to ancient writing so I've begun analyze the ancient obelis to verify my theory there's just one issue I might have left my scientific instruments behind an elmir Dam when the Draconian vultures came soaring one Shadow and I dropped them in a panic Well for now my trusty glossery and glasses will have to do cannot be too hard can it despite all evidence to the contrary okay so that is sending us to somewhere else I don't know where it was telling us to go was it the Oasis I don't know some kind of damn it mentioned obis over here too we can get finally remnants of an elusive age Cast Away drowned waves yet another evil Kindle was Secret Keeper read all the Obelisk and the Kinder was uh drown waves another evil a mistake brushed away and sealed let the water flush out all that is Tainted after us the flood these are awfully cryptic pillar things feel like they could be a whole lot more obvious I don't want to have to use my brain to figure stuff out that's Sac religious there like nothing else up here oh what's this smoke too soon a little little uh ruined building right here that's nothing in it hooray okay it solves that a flame Shrine down here let's go there think there's a nest up here oh there we go ah crap do don't kill me oh scorpions too good times okay we got him if you don't eat your meat how can you have any pudding how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat for the longest time I never understood that that song when they were saying pudding it meant generically dessert some a British term I wasn't familiar with I was like why do they only eat pudding all the time that was real smart dude someone's shooting at me oh rude this is like the same layout as the last one we were just in wrong button again there we go wild wanted to be friends but they scared me so they didn't get to be my friend now a little farther than I thought it was wonder who built all this stuff in these caves into this ground I mean I'm assuming it was all pre- shroud days but oh chest that's not a rofe that's just nasty red stuff ow oh got exploded dude H they blocked for him that's not fair okay targeting on there we go there's a spawner there too it's gone now though yeah explosion well the explosion get me it got them so I'm all right with it what is this it's not tin is it this iron oh yeah more iron blackberries it doesn't look like a bunch of blackberries but it's uh it's just iron all right we don't need to get it all get some um I wonder if I should have been I should have been using my other mace when I was uh and I was not in the Shroud that would have been the thing to do good friend spawner here not anymore oh he fell good what's in here oh another [Music] spawner oh this is a tough spawner I don't want that one things got to go oh my weapon broke oh CR these guys are in the Shroud this is not going to work very well on them I don't think okay not likeing this out here bu no the SW oh God like they can't see me I'm hiding ass suckers ow stamina woo these guys are cheating man they're teaming up on me get rid of this spawner over here too while I'm minute this this weapon is not going to be very effective on these guys you chop it down while you're standing on top of it I don't know if you can actually hit it when you're how about we don't do that to the cryptic little jerks there's another spawner slowmo ow onun down I did like no damage there that was crazy got get him from behind you [Applause] down [Music] a there we go there shall be only one greetings Highlander all right those guys are dead we got the treasure chest thing B bobber duber out of here I think we're good let's get out of here oh another one of them [Music] might hurt a little bit dude oh boy we got a shooty dude silver storm level 21 wand that's a cool looking wand it's all spiraly like a pig's tail man only you know more silver crap crap crap oh my God no are you joking right now A how do I die to that why couldn't I jump up there before I did it like a minute ago not even a minute before that that's just insulting ow that didn't happen you didn't see that that definitely never happened all right where's my corpsey thing in here oh nice chain reaction look I even put it up top here like why can't I get up there now seriously what's going on with this there that was nuts did you grapple the first time I grappled to the platform that was below it not to that upper one so below uh right down there there's a grapple thing but the upper level didn't have one I don't know I swear I just I double jumped to get up there but doesn't matter I guess either way we got it uh we got it sorted wasn't the smoothest but uh we got the job done as a royal Wii you know as usual it was a trap yeah it was a trap all right what do we got to contend with here now oh there's a building over there what's in that building I really need to repair my weapon I think I'm going to go back home fighting these guys with this uh croud mace is probably not going to net me a ton cuz that's too far I got to know I got to know I'm too curious probably going to get me killed but I got to know not exactly dising out fantastic damage right now F short bow ooh Thunder rol axe 41 damage it's cool looking plus eight shock magic damage yeah I got to go home so I can repair my stuff it's a zappy one yeah sadly it doesn't it's only got like one upgrade level available to it so not the most Stellar thing in the world but uh it's it's a thing I guess we'll just scrap it before I forget let's get my stuff fixed [Applause] fire Wiis summon summons a fire W that follows and assists you in battle and provides light oh that's cool all right gu this can just get put away 4 a.m. there have a good night Jens thanks for stopping in for the stream I should probably put the iron out here it's going to need to be smel toied and I really got to get around to making a second smelter too when I'm minut it uh charcoal Oh I thought I was making charcoal I ran out of dirt of course course I did I ran under the thing there's an infinite supply of around here how I manage that let that do its thing now I Brak this fire whisp thing with me I'm curious get and G sir stack my iron arrows in here sleep and make it daytime again actually organiz your box the other day just sorted The Boxes by category materials train consumables yeah it's kind of what I did some stuff doesn't fit super neatly into a given category so I have some some boxes that have a few mixed things in them but uh for the most part it's all sorted that way all right [Music] uh oh what do we got here scientific instruments oh that's where they went here I see uh how did I get up [Music] there I don't have a convenient flight point to go up to there I guess uh I guess if I go here I can just run back up out of the city and up the walkway here got to get those S matific instruments hey everyone long time no see finally got some free time to enjoy you cheers from Argentino welcome nul nul I don't know how to pronounce that but welcome get up there very excited for new zones yeah I'm curious to see how long it'll take before they can roll some out hopefully they already had some stuff kind of in progress that they just need to like finish up as opposed to just starting the process of working on the other content TBD I guess I thought there was somebody following me give me your chicken wings wonder how someone with OCD deals with boxes I guess like a individual box for each individual item maybe as opposed to collecting groups of things together that didn't even come close oh come on Bird come back so I can shoot [Music] you had to learn him maybe what have we here bones in the sand the Kindle way hide many Secrets none more mysterious than the massive fossils of the creatures long extinct I pondered the origin of their species but this Wasteland of a desert holds no answers if you ask the local tribesman they'll tell you the bones are of the Gods but I know this to be false I have theories but need to do some more careful digging I have a promising sight in mind already line Crim Crim seems a little crummy to [Music] me Je [Music] thought there was another one coming yeah this is too this is too intense it's all like I'm a TB I'm nope can't clb on that thing oh yes I can what we got up here string random crap oh experience scroll nice didn't mean to trigger that the ever useful glass shards oh I got green fabric what the heck the color of life a wonderful color for clothes literally have not picked up fabric of any kind up to this point the nest robber what got to say I'm an empty nester just not in the uh not in the traditional sense oh God don't get off there there we go oh that didn't [Applause] [Music] work got you bird can't scare me once you're dead cuz you're very scary when you're alive hooray we got scientific instruments bring those back to our Alchemist friend then maybe he can make the gunpowder for us or something on The Disappearance of water field notes day 19 believe it or not water used to be plentiful in the Kindle wastes yeah when I asked some of the locals what befell these lands I could not get a a consistent answer from any of them everything from mysterious sun god sucking the water into the heavens to the ground cracking open and the entire Lake Bas draining like a fishbowl thatone of it made sense the fact is One Day elemir Dam stopped giving water even when the spillways were completely opened I've heard Whispers from Far quarters of Ember Vil of a blight emerging from beneath the ground a world killer could those two environmental calamities be related I think possibly yes sources say maybe okay uh that flame Shrine did I already get that one I'm assuming I did doesn't have a little dot next to it but I don't know if that means anything feel like I was over there already it was a giant with a straw that's what it was just suck the leg dry he was very thirsty wasn't his fault feel certain I've been here what build uh what build did route did you what build rout did I go so in terms of like my uh my skill build you mean I'm kind of all over the place I'm just picking stuff that stuff that appeals to me on the Fly um so I put a bunch of points into Warrior because I've been doing a lot of melee combat few points into some ranged attacks to uh improve my bow damage some stuff in endurance uh a little bit of backstabbin I was originally going to try to go on the Assassin route but sneaking up on stuff in this game is not always the easiest thing so that's very slow oh this this is the dam okay I have been here I just didn't go to the dam I just saw it from a distance there is a uh oh crud there is a flame thing here somewhere is it below [Music] me where's the flame Shrine hiding you break all the pots for stuff yeah this is true they got anything good tin bars coal powder and shrouded oil the laboratory a red cloth iron bucket of the blacksmith iron bars definitely worth the smashy Smashing explosive powder grenade oh iron block nice wall banner and Carpenter probably with the cloth or whatever so I don't see where the flame Shrine is here what's this down I don't see an entrance down below there definely not there well you hiding my flame Trine there some serly yeah there's some good stuff here oh is it possible it's up above there are a lot of walkways going up there maybe I have to find a rampway that will take me all the way up cool if I could get way up top there and fly up from a from up top that' be epic a bunch of stuff [Music] that's what she said this thing's huge well it's a dam right so this is uh it's not a small [Applause] feature it's not just any damn it's super damn it's the dam to beat all dams there lots of good stuff here look like we're the highest point we can get on the dam right now unless there's like uh grapple points over here [Music] [Music] maybe oh God was going to fall to my [Music] death I think we're as high up in this thing as we can get even though it looked like there was like some other platforms I could grab I guess if they don't have anchor points we can't get up [Applause] there ah I can almost land on it oh there are anchor points wait a minute H I did see a like a oh wait a minute here we go could climb the broken face of the dam got a jazz spellbinder at level 23 might be the end of the road let's see anything else we can grab [Music] here it's cool though we got up nice and ey look at the [Music] view okay let's uh I want to head towards that Tower that's out there it' be nice to get a teleportation Point that's out here or fast travel Point that's got to be got to be this here right the Oasis maybe or is it all the way down here try the Oasis first except they can't set it as a there we go as a away ah I fell too far trying to cheese it a little bit that'll learn me good BL distance from there though dude's on a permanent break on that the skeleton that was up there you mean he was just resting his eyes last need more Mana can I build a new flame alter uh nope I maxed out at the moment what I want to do is get to the um the tower that's over here so that I can get rid of one of the flame Alters that I have out here there's probably other ones I can pick up for areas that I'm not really visiting Too Much Anymore Rose Shell burrow what the heck is going on here got like a greenhouse going on down there grapple plant whatever that is dreaming my family and I spent the brighter part of a year searching for this land I knew when I found just the right fertile soil but I wasn't satisfied and then one day we came over this Ridge and I saw the way the saplings sprouted I could taste the nutrients and the dirt on the tip my finger the first season my father was worried I'd made the wrong choice but when the weed came in we had bread for the winter and money in his pocket told me how proud he was however I overgrew the farm I packed my things and plan to open my own Tavern in brittle Bush I could uh not be more excited to share my talent for cooking with travelers from far and wide before I leave my mother wish uh wishes to send me off of the gift I wonder what it could be Emily fry it's me it's me I'm the gift she gave the gift of me I don't know what this grapple stuff is used for but we'll find out soon enough bugs they got [Applause] bugs look the bugs burrowed [Applause] in crap it's you one nitrate what's this stuff here no just fiber we got tons of fiber though you get out of here oh found it how much going on here is there what are you guys doing here is every's house very dark in here I don't like it found the bathtub all right not much here we got some new plants let me see if I can get up high here so we can uh try to fly across to the uh the tower over there 20 base easy base you can't beat these Farms yeah for sure already all set up for growing and everything what's up [Music] here yeah I can claim almost anything this game it's kind of nice let's not blow that Barrel up but we can avoid it look at the views man oh my Oasis way points like right down there uh pretty much down in the Shroud or near the edge of it anyway I think I'm going to fly across and try to get to the Tower over there though instead we can come back and do the Oasis Victory Is Ours towers are super handy they sure are not only because you can fast travel to them but then you can use them for gliding after let you get around a little bit oh another achievement Kindle was Stargazer reach the ancient Spire in the Kindle wases all right what do we got in here that door down there we got to pop swing across [Applause] here did basically nothing for me oh that door does not open oh man my inventory is going to get so full actually I'm level 25 already I don't even know why I'm bothering to use those Scrolls that's silly of me literally can't even use them yeah the gladder makes it really easy to get by the traps shroud meter and lightning okay that second button probably opened up this other thing down here ow wrong timing going up it looks like you can um so that looks like you can run through the spikes after they're already up and you don't get hurt it's just the Act of them like popping up the damage as you ow which I guess makes sense sort of except they don't know how You' avoid stamping on them only one of two open there yeah that door don't open oh here we got to climb here I gets us in here oh fun thought i' check up there something over there but that was a waste iron bars at least one of these days one of those buttons is going to be a trap I feel like it should be at some point but uh I suspect not looks like a similar layout to one of the earlier Towers not the way I came up is it no the one that came up had a swinging spot like right at the beginning that door's open hle glimmer level 25 weapon does extra shock damage versus this one that does shroud damage this one's already 47 power though before I even level it up all right I think we'll be swamping weapons not that way wasn't that way that's funny guess this this door is only here to get out of the way of the Fireballs maybe no think need Ved mobs to some of the levels on these maybe yeah 47 is the cap currently for uh for damage or power level that's a shame ow all right what am I missing [Music] here me up [Music] there should be the way up there we go ancient spot fire the kinderway soul was drained long ago every grain of sand a silent prayer each fruitless as the dead soil beneath past Springs of Life new home uh now jeez can't read past Springs of Life Now home to none former hopes buried under dunes and dust I don't know that ien figured out a way to get stuff to grow out here give me that lifeless [Music] there's even loot up here okay so that gives us a fast TR Trel Point down here uh I think I'm going to skip going to the ois for the moment among the Blue Jays uh Hearts of Iron is right here we set that as a waypoint but first we're going to head home dump my inventory repair my stuff catch a little snooze need more flax for your padding have you planted a bunch happy to see you hello Flame born say can you do me a favor I'm distraught my mother gifted to me a very precious ring just before I left home to build my Tavern in brittle Bush sadly was forced to flee a sand Digger on my journey through the Kindle was had lost the ring please help me to find it goodbye more quests cuz we didn't have enough points of interest to see just yet you need my service perfect my friend you always rise to the task we managed to build a laboratory with the scientific instruments we can craft healing items Beyond any imagination and disaster Beyond imagination will Ur basic tools needed for a laboratory where's the laborator we got to make anthor what the heck is anthor I got glass shards too but I don't have glass does he make glass or do I have to do that in the [Music] smelter assuming I probably do it in the smelter uh turn on the heal Channel shroud [Music] meteor trying to get rid of all the little markings that show stuff as new so that if stuff pops up in here I can actually see it all right so this requires glass bronze bars lump of clay let's go ditch some stuff downstairs here can I put glass in the smelter to make glass yes I can oh I need sand uh okay well that's problematic I'm sure I have more glass shards somewhere that we can turn into glass ditch my inventory first that's what glasses for among other things I bet yeah it said something about upgrading weapons with the broken glass shards but that didn't really strike me as being all that reasonable unless you were like sticking them on like a wooden club or something all right one of these I have a bunch of cloth and stuff me this one here we'll put these uh colorful claws in here too I guess iron bars can go in there uh an aseptic a nitrate I don't know I think I might take the hopeful glimmer in instead of the gore Striker I'll put Gore striker in here for now just so I don't have it hanging around um cuz I'm thinking if it's going to be more useful in the Shroud than this one is then it's a better backup weapon padding experience scroll I don't know where to put half this stuff I got too many things this chest is too small for what I put in here uh I can take um bug parts out of here I guess put those in um this one here guess the padding can go in here same hat so this way can get [Music] trashed I can't believe I need more storage again already going I put these alchemical things I guess they'll work in here grapple plant can go in my food stuff well actually that can go in the farming stuff here that's another growable plant full powder can go in with the dust I already have this in there too linen I would have thought I had a spot for but apparently not guess I can take feathers out of here we'll put Linen in here there we go okay I need some more of that fancy fruit salad stuff hello friend hello friend me crap wow Grill the uer fruit is good for 20 stamina recharger but it only last for 7 minutes unfortunately there we go this is what we want man out of purple berries of all things oh but that was making two at a time so actually that gave me a pretty decent amount sweet Hoy look at this oh wait a minute this is a twohand of it isn't it oh it's a staff totally wasn't paying attention to that ranged weapon okay well that's cool I think somebody might have said something that was Bing a staff didn't you and I just didn't notice cuz I'm that level of observant leading staff level 25 hopeful glimmer plus 9 Fire magic brutal precise okay so let's uh Salvage that not there there we go think's fancy your future Wizards envious armor is incredibly snazzy oh the wizard armor stuff there's uh there's like some legendary armor and stuff that we haven't even gotten to yet Hopey we'll find that in some of the upcoming chests all right I've got food I've got uh arrows I've got my stuff repaired let's fly back over here cuz I need to go get the hearts of iron mes get fancy get all sparkly and stuff okay we all got to go this way 600 and some odd meters in Yonder Direction I'm assuming it's going to send me down into the Shroud oh there's a whole bunch of Red Mist down there too I got to watch out [Music] for yep it's got to be in the Mist what could possibly go wrong okay this Tower is awesome it's nice and [Music] high somewhere down here we plunge straight into Doom oh that we landed right on top of a uh not this weapon use this one that's a little more effective hey we found a glowy chest ooh Shield of light how's that compare uh blocks 12 this is Block 17 this sacred Shield consecrated by the flame allows you to block against physical attacks blocking drain stamina well let's let's equip that suer so can't see it with this uh ax unfortunately but sure it's cool looking sure it's SP oh my God I just fell into a hole there wasn't red stuff down there wow God dang oh no oh no that's okay that's he's not look guy not playing go in the hole again he ain't so tough although he hit me really hard okay we got another mine here of some sort what the heck oh jeez no no thanks no solicitation killed him with a leg shot I [Applause] think oh crap oh I broke something what' I break oh my shroud reset I think broke something shroud cored Hammer oh godam nope not going to do it put me prudent at this juncture them darn explody boys there we go all right what do we got uh I'm trying to find rdge back m way point so somewhere here there should be a not a note we got to read I thought that's what I saw glowing up here but maybe that was one of those little shroud reset vials and I collected it or something so somewhere down here is a thing we got to thing we got to find plus I already got it and I just wasn't paying [Applause] attention it's certainly plausible well that that mean nothing [Applause] oh another blow on one crap more spawners all right did I get the thing I was supposed to get over here because uh I seem to have lost the quest thing underground I didn't find a cave ENT though I mean it is a mine but this must be an iron mine just by the iron nodes here said Quest complete did okay I wasn't uh I wasn't paying attention I was too busy trying not to die didn't see the screen pop ups okay so we got that with the Giants we're so close to this uh among the Blue Jays I think it's that thing for the last how far is that from the tower that's a long flight I don't think I can fly that whole way let's buzz back home and see what Buddy says when we give him his uh his fancy uh iron stuff just shows you were to get iron but should be a boss spawn too well there was something tougher there that was running around with a big sword but it didn't seem like much of a boss [Music] oh okay I thought I was actually collecting something for him but I guess it was just an iron location as you were saying iron bucket o ooh dancier armor Warden Armor takes padding iron bars charcoal and leather this one's kind of cool like a two Soldier helmet so the warden is 26 armor health and stamina oh that's the boots hold on let me look at the uh look got Parry physical bonus physical armor points block increase damage reduction limit from physical [Music] armor Soldier set is Critical Strike chance stamina Health damage against melee foes yeah this is the armor I want right here plus it looks cooler a little bit of charcoal I can already make one piece get myself a fancy helmet look that charcoal that was making yeah give me that stick that in here shr crypted Hammer that's 66 damage that's got to be a two-handed weapon there Sal legit I guess I'll just stick this over here with this other stuff all right give me a fancy new helmet strike while the Iron's hot very nice okay so the one I have is 30 this is 39 so slight increase there tiny increase on crit and crit chance not really a significant increase but oh my God I can see my face now someone's going to stab me right in the eyeholes it makes my head look bigger and my neck smaller I feel a little squished now hopefully the rest of my armor is a little more reasonable all right so for the padding I've got to be able to make that somewhere I guess let's get rid of some of these markers here where do I make the padding what's up with the hunter iron arrows there's the padding there so fabric leather resin I guess I got to make more fabric fabric and linen oh fabric I can't even make wait a minute red fabric blue fabric deer stalker set oh that one's cool looking assassin set that one very plain the Dead I set looks kind of [Music] neat oh I should see if I can upgrade the final flame here I need for this saffron I've only got 20 of the 40 I need Sparks I need a lot more iron ore turned that into iron whoops more lapis lazuli more Yuka fruit I've got most of this stuff actually I just have to like get a little bit more of each of it that's pretty good okay I need shoulder padding I got to make I got to make my shoulders look you know a little more Broad and manly like that'll be all Rough and Tumble you know uh so where do I make the the cloth or whatever I thought there was supposed to be like another there's got to be like a loom or something if I got an outstanding quest for her I haven't done loom for the hunter there it is set that as the active Quest where is it now it's got to be over here somewhere right shouldn't it show it on the map or was I doing something wrong H needs Loom to craft padding kits for better armor she suggests looking for a weers cottage in East lapus the general area is marked on the map The Cottage should be easy to spot since it's decorated with banners weers con an East lapis it's funny I can't mark it on the map like normally these other ones say show on the map but this one not so much East lapis you say h yeah I don't have the loom yet I got to go get it loom for the hunter should be the quest marked East lapis I don't even know where East lapis is Carin to longkeep sander Camp Oasis I have no idea where this thing [Music] is secret Loom you need to Google it yeah the trouble is I can't tell where East lapis is on the map free [Music] Tavern Fisher's tail Cavern of Curiosities what of question marks can you remove the Waypoint you already got yeah yeah I can uh clear Waypoint Journal still doesn't let me show it on the map though makes no difference it's East yeah thanks I assumed it was way to the east but I don't see uh I don't see it here Sun Temple greatest game I don't know maybe I just haven't uncovered it area yet another Sun Temple back there the long keep all right well whatever let's go adventuring there is no marker that's [Music] fun let's try the sun Temple over here we get over there [Music] this oh crap jeez rolled right into that guy oh Lord that hurt get wrecked the jerk just trying to hide in the corner no one puts baby in the corner all right that was a bit more of a frantic Landing that I was anticipating he slab is almost on the very Eastern edge of the map border also thanks for live streams content well thanks Bruce appreciate that so it's probably like something over here like they have names you like some areas have little names to them but whatever we'll uh we'll have to go explore over there I guess and see in the meantime we can uh see what kind of cool cool things we could find in this sun Temple here Pock trousers we have two-story building oh there it is like where's the stairway up back here oops wow what what the heck happened there jeez I almost fell to my death what have sucked it's even down there probably know it's death fog I don't think it is but my grapple failed me man epic fails welcome to the temple I need this o four Sparks nice I don't care about this stuff that can go this second can salvage this is for the people of the sun you zoom in on your map or the map question mark sometimes the names will show up I can't zoom in any further I'm as I'm as zoomed in as I can get on that one whatever we'll find it we got time to explore exploring fun anyway a crap crap ain't so tough was there a door on the other side I didn't see one [Applause] there didn't pair that one very well one button down oh I got to get a second button somewhere it's Northeast of your position North Northeast of your position okay I see anybody home level 25 staff Shepherd's lightning all right there must have been uh there must been a door I could break through on the other side there that I didn't spot yeah we going have to break in it's regular door Hi friend that takes care of that is this door open no interesting [Music] yeah ah dude got in the way the heck acting like the door still closed when I shoot my [Music] bow where that little red jerk go okay piped me these blers are annoying yes yes they [Music] are oh come on bugs push me out of the way I can't there we go I want to get the spawner or another red one popped out something in there ow I got get one of these guys down there we go that's better hate these guys GS who cares they're awful yeah they are awful I agree they're kind of annoying so we're going through oh actually this door's got yeah we can't go through there that one's not lit up up here come on friend got to reset my shroud too I don't know what door that's going to open but oh that one okay I'm going to have to double back cuz I got to go reset my shroud a little bit I can find my way back and that is all we're good pop one these while we're out here too oh my ax is almost toast that's not good kind of feeling like I shouldn't have I shouldn't be using this thing as my secondary weapon because it's it's not really cutting it you know uh this isn't going to have a bunch of bonus damage on it but at least it's oh you know what yeah whatever it's fine I use this thing everything in this in here is probably resistant to shroud since this whole place isn't shrouded but I guess we'll see this is not the way prow 8413 thanks for the raid welcome anyone who's dropping in from PR's raid appreciate it oh all you fine Raiders oops wait a minute that's not right turned around that was up here yeah okay this door's open now oh another gold chest forsaken level 25 bow 25 power6 draw speed plus 20% Arrow speed Pierce damage shroud magic damage reaping defeat an enemy to gain a stamina origin generation buff skill shots restore plus five stamina wow all right that's cool is that better than the bo I'm using what's this Bo I have a that's power level 35 this one is 25 oh it's way worse wow this is significantly lower power level but it is a 6 draw speed so you hit with more shots H it's got all the nice stamina boost stuff on it too but was that it was that the final area in here not clear if I missed anything maybe better have further upgrade well it will upgrade and the Damage a little bit um it won't get all the way up to 35 I can upgrade it four times that will probably increase the damage by three I would think not there swear that there were other doors that I couldn't open before another firew summon oh there we go no i' already pushed all the buttons uh that's why I didn't hit that one I'd already hit that button I think I got it all now I don't think there's any more doors that we can't open Quick spot check to see but I think she's cleared yeah I was expecting a boss fight too but uh there doesn't seem to be one wait when you push the buttons they do stop turning yellow don't they they don't think but I just I don't see anything else that needs to be opened in [Applause] here wait a minute there we go oh he just Lo back around all right we got it all Sun double clear yeah go back and hit it yeah all it was open up the door next to it so it was really nothing special but just like a shorter way to get back out again it's all good we got her cleared should put like a little check mark on it or something when he clear it out what's around over here oh shroud it said green stuff is not deadly right it's only the red stuff that is just hoping this isn't deadly Another One Bites the Dust a crap dude don't like those sound effect than what's down here oh more shiness oh there's a one of those banshe things up there too no not him Target this guy dang it okay I got to get out here I can't fight him down there come out here I probably should have gone back and repaired my stuff h cricket sounds yeah Cricket's a little loud he's just living his best life leave him be ooh level 25 oh that's two-hander level 225 legendary uh two-handed mace oh hey buddy crap yeah I don't need that shroud capsule thing I guess we'll just oh really that's it dropped into a hole in the basement there's nothing here that's lame for good old aie Happy Hunting good sir thanks break Black raveno Raven o Raven now whatever no these guys it's with you guys another one down trador bow level 25 this bow fires easily against creatures of the shroud weird what do it mean might easily there's something down there but I killed it the enemy you mean we a little Tower poisoned iron arrows those are new okay so that's got that well blocks over there got to find that Loom so we can get the uh the armor upgrades and stuff oh wait I probably should have gone home I got to go repair gu got some shoulders The Shield looks heavy yes big metal shield I'm sure it's not light I should have gone all the way back home I got to repair drop off inventory carom longke keep is the closest to East lapas okay we'll fly over there after thought it said long sheep h all right slap that in there let's put all this stuff away I'll figure out what I'm going to do with my equipment here might hold on to that two-handed legendary one just in case for some reason it comes in handy it's going to hoarder it what we got so this uh Power 47 power 47 Mana increase Mana increase brutal precise spiritual yeah I think I'll take one with all the fancy Mana ones this other one can go that bow can go that bat can go this can go got these new arrows in here oh I can get this camper out of here maybe croud meteor I already maxed out the stack for that let's take these uh these out of here don't need either of these hog trousers they can go oh and then I've got this forsaken bow this one I'm curious about Let's uh let's try upgrading that and see what it looks like so the one I'm using right now is this one power level 35 the power level's not going up on this interesting it's got an interesting collection of like stat effects but I think I'll probably keep the wolf snarl bow [Music] [Music] Lev it's got better Arrow speed faster draw rate it doesn't consume stamina but it produces [Music] stamina I don't know all right know let's try it out hold on see how this thing shoots R snar bow is the hardest hitting bow at the moment is it you can definitely fire that one fast I don't know this is a fast shooting bow that's for sure I wonder if the amount of damage would add up to be more significant I wish there was a way to compare all on for the moment but it's um I don't know maybe we can find like a uh legendary version of that or something now that I wasted a bunch of arrows on it catch you later what's that tree done to me oh it's done so many things it drop bees on my head so so many things all right back out east uh we've got the ancient Spire that's one shroud rout bone Shard excavation Camp car long keep all right we'll try flying over to the Caravan by the Caravan a long keep there yo there's these lapis right there okay all right going to fly that way car you want the Caravan to Long sheep that's right that's where we're headed cuz a caravan for short sheep is no good they just don't move fast enough they're too short th000 M that's that's a long flight got to get to the high point out there hopefully so I can cross it that's it over there the building's in the distance there I guess that's it for my Boost lift oh I got to get more yucka fruit while I'm out here too I need them for the upgrade uh and I haven't planted any yucka at home I really should oh there's a whole building down there Sun Temple oh that's what that's the sun Temple we just did I just didn't land this high up on it I are smart you did Point East it was a metaphorical East but I pointed East give me all your yucka I get more saffron for too actually [Applause] The Greatest American Hero oh my God I haven't heard that song In Forever can't even remember the lyrics anymore believe it or not I'm walking on it never thought I could feel so fre I haven't seen that in decades flying away on a wing and aay could it be believe it or not it's just me classic should you gather some sand yeah I probably need sand here too I did gather some sand I just don't know how much I got of it what is that shrieky shaky noise got be underneath me oh there's a flame thing down there well it should be red stuff down there but it looks like the red stuff starts afterwards see the uh the red fog over there but there's a sun there's a little um uh right down there there's one of those little fire Shrine things and I'm not going toother getting it right now cuz I'm already way up top here good amount of sand up here yeah the edge of the map is very close there yeah am I making a moat no I'm just taking up sand I need it for the uh for the flame upgrade I think I got me 253 that's pretty quick I wish you could walk while you were uh swinging the axe or the pickaxe so you could like just walk in a line and dig sand up as you go kind of thing be cool if you could build a sand castle Yeah well you can make Sandstone I guess not quite a sand castle it's not not a sand castle though where am I putting all that sand well have you ever been to the beach it's probably in my underwear right now 455 that's a decent amount let's going get rid of that for now don't think I need that so much collect more saffron while we're up here I should probably grow some saffron at home I guess kind of neglected to plant it when I got it before he's a very voluminous prison wallet let me tell you that is the driest backside you've ever seen and slightly gritty it's on a higher level too I don't think I can fly straight over there all hopefully there's a pathway to get up when we get over here I found more sapron o hopefully this cave goes upwards this might be just what we just what the doctor ordered Dr Pepper that is ah God scared the poop enemy one more iron we got iron for days yeah get all scorp Dam the scorin what was that noise hooray flame shine good for a few Sparks nice like have the option to toggle the backpack visible not visible actually I think that would be neat realism backpack snazzy outfit invisible backpack that would be kind of cool especially if the backpacks look neat since they never actually show them I guess you don't know if they're any cool looking ones but Ambush head shots are Grier cheese but hits hard okay why Grier I that lindberger or something Ren baby what's down here another experience scroll which is really kind of useless when I'm level 25 already Frozen Coran that was a nice tall tower that's a lot of dudes down there okay hold on oh my God heal come on there not dang all right uh I think I would like some explosives here please thank you very much oh crap I did not mean to jump it's for the [Applause] record where' the matron go there's no way she died where did she go This concerns me greatly did you despawn me oh I one shot killed that thing m's on union break yeah she's like I'm not dealing with this guy he's not coming down off the rooftop you guys do it I'm going for a nap she's like where's my nachos oh where's my block there that weird can block it all survival depends on me I'm consumed with worry it's one thing to mobilize an army quite another to move entire towns across Ember Vil and yet I am the queen of Kindle wases and my kingdom relies on my steadfast leadership must light out for other lands seek fertile pastures find safety tomorrow I'll give orders to evacuate and form a Caravans a longke keep I fear my voice will betray me shake and quiver I'll push through for mother we'll head into a land of Fern and Moss Lush Greenery Emerald Horizons and yet I see only Darkness will my brother voro have the same idea I cannot bear to face him after what he did to Gander my nightmares are drenched and Scarlet still I hear his voice and it is unkind changed I must rest a big day awaits Jasmina old school Super Chat use an ice wand on The Beetles it stuns them that's fancy mostly I just smack them when they [Music] die except when they're being a nuisance you then they're more of a problem but what have we got in here she noticed they didn't bring any brownies it's interesting that it just completely despawned huh hope I didn't need her head for anything boss Ash corpse have blue smoke coming from and there you'll find the matron head oh my God she died how did it die I have no idea how it died it definitely wasn't me that killed it maybe she blew herself up somehow that's too funny think the dragon baller killed her uh I maybe I don't know weird the whole thing's weird I mean I'll take it but it's definitely weird that was like unintended cheese [ __ ] nice still lockpick okay so that didn't help me find the uh Loom general area is marked on the map The Cottage should be an easy to Spa since it's decorated with banners it's in East lapis so I got to find the cottage with the banners all over it it seems like the ones back there would be like qualifying as having banners on them but did not find what I was looking for there a crap oops there's other straps there for the record miss me I would like to get this uh crazy guy out of the way oops shot him in the foot yooo oh there's another one oh my God what jeez I had the one guy dead look at him his life is flashing to me before his very eyes oh backstabbed where the heck oh no I'm all the way over here well that's that's lame huh going to fly all the way back over there whoops I'm m myself killed there's a trap yeah I don't have a death counter on this I have died a few times but it hasn't been like a crazy number it's not like when we were playing golden ring or anything that was a special kind of death rate the price of the GES I guess so well that didn't work so good oh crap I hope I have enough lift to carry my way across think we're all right just as dark dark nness Falls we hit the ground whoa where am I that was not the button I meant for all right whatever it works that sparkly business going on up there oh God just CU I ran out of stamina like they planned it oh I don't have my rested buff uh that's why my stamina recover is so bad right now all right mistakes might have been made ow jeez even see where I'm going right now oh no don't don't don't don't fall in there almost Dro right back down the hole there we go that's better come back you guys [Applause] oops okay hey guys ow does the stuff you drop on death despawn uh I don't know it it drops as a little uh gravestone you can pick up uh I haven't noticed whether there's a duration that it stays for and then goes away as far as I know it stays permanently until you pick it up the only stuff that drops are like resources and things any weapons that I had collected or other things I still have on me just like certain resources it drops found a trap wait here's my body where was that other Berserker guy that attacked me I don't really relish the idea of fighting two of them without a buff oh he's stuck oh that sucked my stamina bad oh another Cleaver that's only the second time I've gotten that Cleaver I need to find a campfire I can sit next to oh there's the other guy he's in there I might have the stuff I can make a campfire nope me wood logs and all I have are palmwood logs no crap yeah that's an actual wall apparently going get my my buff back since of the porest 1.0 is out next week yeah for some reason everyone was picking February 22nd for releases so nigh Andale originally was planning their Early Access release on the 22nd uh which is the same day that pacific Drive is the 1.0 version of Sons of the forest and I thought there was something else too craziness busy month 1.04 uh small land is out this month too some reason everybody picked February this year be a chest down there I can't get in the opening thought I could just scoot right in there there we go shock ice W what was he shooting at oh this thing [Applause] it's in [Applause] here oh there's a shroud tunnel down here so the for a snooze Fest compared to the first one I think so I mean it definely doesn't have the same fear uh inducing factor that the first one had I don't know I enjoyed it but um the story was like super weird at the end wonder if there's anything on the other side of that ore that's there oh crap turns out there was an opening there on the floor and I don't know if anybody noticed it God dang land her right next to the Berserker I got lucky didn't spot me right away that would have hurt I'm most unkind someone that found the the house with all the uh the banners or whatever on it new location mark Weaver's Cottage oh wait we found it somewhere it's right below me another Berserker down here too it's dark in here got a trapo just join the stream but you're digging the shredder helmet yeah yeah it's the only piece of oh crap uh it's the only piece of the armor that I could craft so far it's like a new solders armor that I got access to there we go another acid Cleaver man we got all the Cleavers now leave it to cleaver now where is this Loom found it jackpot nope I'm going that way if I don't have to there we go so I wonder what the loom if I can make linen more cheaply than I could with the hand Loom or whatever the hand spinner well no you don't no rude all right we need to get out of this town uh I don't know if there's any more like any more gold chest to be found in here but oh I get up top there yoink oh wolves Haven seen a wol in the game in a while you want make fabric of the Loom I thought I had said I like I thought I had a pop up for a recipe for uh for lin but I already could make that with the hand spinner I don't know ites to show what I know that is a little [Applause] barren there's a chest up there wheel makes linen linen makes padding among other things I thought wait actually I thought the um I thought the padic was made with uh fabric not linen Uncle dread Bane East lab is quickly becoming a ruin City famine and Dro plag us thankfully Uncle dread Bane as s calls him has taken us in for the time being although this blessing may be a curse in Disguise he carries that hammer everywhere he goes hunch hunch from its weight always hear him in the hallway is dragging around huffing it's for protection he says they crawl below I hear them from the hollow core it's down right creepy we need hope not horror stories went to fetch water for the well nearby but it's been hours and I'm worried I'd go and check but I think I hate to admit it I think I hear it too the crawl below oh another Shield of light I got two of those that's funny same stats and everything and ironically it doesn't really provide light underground infestation okay so maybe the hammer they're referring to will be in the underground de down long long ago L 23 h trousers don't need two of those things I don't need all these Cleavers either I guess I can just Salvage these or I'll just take it of space all right let's see what it deals with this investation if I can find the way back down there again red [Music] ah [Applause] got it hey where did I find the uh where I find the thing of a bobber you know what I mean theom it's not here thought there'd be a cave going into the uh there we go that's what I was looking for head bent dread Bane melee weapon level 25 94 damage that's a pretty significant amount of damage oh crap chees it me out of here i' would really rather not deal with that I'm [Applause] dying you stumbl on another chest okay let's go back home we'll take the uh the loom back here to our fancy Archer friend have night subby you already lied I didn't miss you there we go Loom retrieved very good never underestimate thread when strong enough it can patch any wound or close any throat place place Lo if you want to cut to the chase goodby we'll put that out here just running out of space indoors decent size which way is the front of this thing guess that would be it one recipe fabric nothing but fabric so I got to make a bunch of linen uh where would I have put all of the you know what I'm think I need a whole lot of flags be my inventory I got to go find some PLS I don't imagine I have any uh any linen currently on the uh Spinning Wheel all right got a one lockpick too I got to deal with that uh shocking ice wand don't really care about that Frozen corand does is 47 damage so so I have another oneand here this one is only level 21 so we'll swap that out Salvage that thing tread B level n 94 damage for that thing that's a pretty significant amount how much did this other two-hander do 70 level 25 legendary 70 damage level 25 plain one 94 damage that's a fair amount of blunt damage right there uh okay I put it over the little spinning thing over here I have four Linen in there now I did set up some more flax seedlings to plant so that's good see what we got out in the garden going need a lot more flax I [Music] think so much FX for look at a farming simulator 2024 okay so that was like uh 50 or so 51 Maybe no the Symmetry still have a decent number of seedlings we can plant there too which is good uh I have shrub seedlings I should actually replant also long as we're standing here get these replanted so that we have uh a source for for Twigs again granted we could just go dig up a Wolf Den or something but at least this way just walk out my front door and get Twigs I wish I get like the button down and walk and have it automatically planted certain distances [Music] you but can't plan the whole field one click yeah that would be handy too guess I would take a little bit of the realism out of doing it but also a fair chunk of tedium not even realism I guess more like the simulation of it or whatever wonder if someone's making an autop Plant Mod for the game like valheim I don't know could be so over here we got beets we've got Tomatoes we've got corn we've got Peppers we got flax uh these are just Twigs we got chamomile we've got uh wheat over here I still need to plant uh some sugar couple of other things that we've harvested that I'm going to need what do I need for this upgrade again I plant some saffron I guess I'm got to mine up some iron ore and some more lapis lazuli fortunately those are relatively easy to get uh what's it take to make the saffron in here saffron ceilings saffron water and fertilized Farm soil which I assume I would make with her fertilized Farm soil is sand fossilize bone dust and nitrate see what it takes to make the nitrate not going to lie I assume it would be up here oh wait what's this a mortar so I need to make this this too got with the glass all no nitrate there what about here show me no no nitrate there either CRA the large spinning whe the car is there a large one I got that I haven't crafted yet oh Spinning Wheel oh improved water well also guard speed guard speed I assume that oh man that was already done I assume we can put the uh the spinning wheel in place of the [Music] spindle we make string or linen here one flax per linen was it the same conversion rate for this thing or did I actually just waste a whole bunch of flax ah crap I could have got twice as much and'll learn me dag na it isn't that a kick in the pants Oh another storage box huge it's freaking huge and shrouded oil spon all right where do I make nitrate do you make do you make she make the nitrate fireplace Honey Farm soil fertilized oven no oh you know what I forgot about this beehive thing over here I haven't put anything in there to make honey either so somebody's got to make nitrate would assume the alchemus would make it shroud core but he does not unless he needs his uh Alchemy Station no scientific station whatever this is the laboratory maybe he needs a laboratory AR those bees attack you well those are my friends we treat them nice by not feeding them which I guess isn't really all that nice but they haven't noticed yet made to the lab back to the lab again yo all right so we can't do that yet oops oh wait I want to take that uh let's take this stuff and we'll turn it into some fancier stuff make me fabric sweet all right it's already 20 after 12 I got to work in the morning so I'm going to have to uh call it for tonight think we made some good progress we got some more crafting stuff to go here uh got to do a little bit more farming still more adventuring to do too there so much to find in this game maybe we can actually get our our better set of armor built next time we play but thanks so much everyone for coming at tonight I really appreciate it thank you for the super chats and everything as well uh there should be some more videos coming out this week for nighting Gale I'm going to be playing that a little bit more in advance of the release everything resets uh for the the release date on February 20th so we'll have to start over fresh again um but at least I'll get a chance to dig into it a little bit more uh so keep an eye out for those and then uh I'll figure out what else I'm playing this week as we go along uh I do I want to try and fit in some more um abiotic factor cuz I know that's in the play test sequence again too but um I know we'll see what we can do thanks so much everyone I'm as always cryptic Fox I'll see all of you next [Music] time
Channel: CrypticFox
Views: 11,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrypticFox, Gameplay, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded let's play, enshrouded first look, enshrouded live stream, enshrouded part 1, enshrouded ep 1, survival building game, mistbury catacombs, enshrouded building
Id: oAisisbl1no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 15sec (12135 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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