Side Quests and Legendary Items - Enshrouded

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[Music] [Music] hello everyone I'm cryptic Fox and welcome back to in shrouded happy Sunday everyone hope you've all had a wonderful weekend so far I've been uh feeding my addiction for uh Deep Rock Galactic Survivor I played it last night on stream and I I don't know how much time I put it into it today but uh I think I might have a mild addiction to that game at the moment uh welcome every's here in the chat so far if you're watching on the channel afterwards welcome as well as always a huge thanks to everyone who's clicked on that join button to become a channel member thank you all very very much for the support do greatly appreciate it and special thanks to our top tier mistakes are made members for choosing that uh that top tier membership option uh we've got pretty far in in shout already in fact we've already worked through all of the um uh all the core Quests for the game we just have a bunch of like side quests left I think I have like eight side side quest and there might even be more that will pop up as we explore some more cuz you find those little little notes in different places that will give you different objectives and stuff um so I'm going to try and knock those out today uh I thought we'd try to find some more legendary equipment today we can find some gold chests way out in the uh turn off my replay buffer there uh if I can find some chest way out here in the plains then we might be able to uh to get some of that going uh I didn't do this sun Temple yet even though we set up our little teleporter thing there so that's probably what we're going to tackle first and then look at uh all the other quests and stuff that we have I think I even have some from the early area of the game that I haven't tackled yet but there's eight of them here that I haven't done then these are all the ones down here that we've completed very long list of them so not too shabby uh I'm really curious to see what additional content they end up adding into the game uh we've got some new stuff showing up here oh new oh I should make some iron tools I haven't done that yet and I have what I need to make this so I'll make the uh iron axe iron pickaxe oh I've only got one shroud wood that's funny okay hold on let's go get some shroud wood I'm going to make some iron tools so that I have uh I have those available to me little bit of shroud wood down here and we'll be good to go BL don't know why I couldn't get into this game I like watching him but not playing it oh did you try playing it that's interesting I'm surprised uh surprised you couldn't get into it I guess it do sort of depend on the style of game that you like but it's interesting that you like watching it but not playing it that's that's unusual give me oops hard to see the wood when it falls on the ground in here man it's too foggy like playing battle so I thought i'' like this too yeah I mean it's a logical uh logical thought process I mean not everything game is going to appeal to you I guess but maybe it just didn't didn't grab you in the same way I've had a lot of fun with that oh Timber's here he was uh he was hanging out while I was playing Deep Rock Galactic Survivor earlier too he decided that uh anytime I B my desk now is fair game it's not even just when I'm streaming anymore cat cam I can actually get him on cam there we go okay buddy you got to stay in the range of the camera though where people can't see you me personally I don't have enough time to enjoy all the games I want to play yeah there is very much that problem there are so many games that come out on even just on when you look just on Steam now like never mind all the console games or other platforms oh was there something like 10,000 games or something silly that came out last year that's probably an exaggeration there probably weren't that many but there's like thousands of games that come out like every year every year it's just ramped up to the point where there's just pure insanity saw a py I thought I T py Tad I did I did to a py tad now this is timber for anyone new to the stream I largely don't use a webcam I only use it like every once in a while like I'm doing a charity stream or something silly like that I'll probably use it on Tuesday morning when I'm uh streaming uh a little bit of valim or not Val a little bit of nighting Gale because uh the nighting Gale theme sent me a little something to wear on stream so I'm going to I'm going to put it on probably the only time it'll ever get used so I fig I should use it otherwise it's just uh it's a cat Canam basically okay we got to uh get up high here so we can whoops we got to get out of the fog is there a way up here EXC me I just have to get high enough that I can oh that didn't do it forgot I can't can't vault in this game we're almost there it's right there there we go Cat Came me ASMR yeah sorry he rubs his face on the microphone I can't stop him he's uh he's too much of a cat and ironically I'm drinking tea from my uh dog loving mug it's okay Timber you're good too of course going be an iron ax keep the sh getting easier yeah this is true Sean I could have done that did I hear right about po World adding adult materials I'm not entirely sure I mean I I did see something about that I didn't watch the video cuz I just didn't care enough um but I thought I had seen something to that effect I wasn't sure whether they were um exaggerating for the purposes of a video or like whether it was actually accurate oh I don't have enough iron bars I thought I had enough iron bars might going to play Power roll again uh possibly so this next week is going to be really busy with um with nighting Gale and um pafic Drive coming out I enjoy power world but I'm not sure if I'm going to like I I don't know what my plans are yet to Circle back to yeah um I need iron bars crap I wish I'd been making those earlier now all right so we got the iron pickaxe slap that in there this thing I guess can just go now Point having it hang around or Icarus yeah Icarus is that game that I keep circling back to when I have time so there's uh there's a lot of uh a lot of games coming out and Icarus is very timec consuming just doing even like one Mission I often find takes me multiple streams unless uh unless I do a whole bunch of prep work ahead of time but then I got to spend the time doing the prep work a I totally hit the wrong button um me these things is that what I had grapple plants should be in here dang it that's what you're addicted to Icarus yeah yeah did you get fairy wings to wear support n Andale of s ship no not fairy wings uh I put it on social media one second so the uh I don't know what you I don't know what you call it it's not the game's not steampunk it's um it's like my God Timber you're my my keyboard is covered buddy why are you [ __ ] so bad my Lord uh they sent me this fancy hat it's uh the game's not steampunk it's more like I I don't know if you call it like gas Punk or whatever it's supposed to be Gas Lamp Punk or something I don't know um anyway so all the guard is like this uh almost like that Victorian kind of nobl carb and he jumped down so they sent me a fancy hat anyway Victorian Punk yeah something like I I don't I'm not entirely sure what to label it as but uh I got a fancy hat anyway came came all the way from like Hong Kong or something when it showed up like so I knew it was coming and then when it showed up I was like oh that's what they were sending made me laugh though my daughter got a real kick out of it I'm surprised she hasn't claimed it yet and it's like a it's a proper hat too it's not even like it's not even like a like a silly like costume store kind of hat it's it's like a properly made hat I don't know why I had the liquid shroud in here I know I had it somewhere stick it in here I guess I don't know where it was hey lifeless uh there's iron heavily deposited on one of your shroud rout locations I'll let you find it if you haven't already well I mean iron's re relatively easy to get I feel like everything's easy to get mineral wise once especially once you get a decent glider like flying anywhere is not really a huge problem um let's see if the iron's ready if it's not we'll go and tackle the sun Temple and then we'll come back well it's not ready at all cuz my copper tin iron ore all right I thought I had charcoal in there I apparently wasn't paying attention so it's definitely not done cuz it had no charcoal to do what it was supposed to do I should really make a second one of these things but I'm too lazy too lazy okay uh quickly repair my stuff that's good what have I got food wise I could do with some more fruit salad welcome back give me the fruit salad lady oh I'm L of purple berries what that does that even happen got to find some purple berries out here I don't have any planted cuz I just never thought I would need to plant purple berries got to be some purple berries around here somewhere there's some don't M with me wolf oh you stupid wolf he made me wreck my berries these ones are dried ones I don't know if they can use them for that recipe or not mistakes were made I smashed my berries hooray we got two of them go me I think it was what was it two berries per salad I got to have son of a gun was all that Wolf's fault it definitely wasn't my fault Revenge all the times you wreck their den yeah it my defense it wasn't their den it was like their cousin's Den or something there wasn't a den right here that had sticks in it that I could mine I'm very curious to see what this game when the uh when the first significant update will be where they'll add more stuff in I've had a lot of fun playing it but we're already pretty much at the end of the all the planed stuff okay I got a few berries that can give me a little bit of salad still weird that you mine Twigs yeah it is a little bit I not going to complain cuz it's a decent source of Twigs but it is a bit weird oh let's plant the seed okay that can get me two of these anyway no that got me one cuz I'm out of honey oh yeah I have Fai son of all right it's fine I got two of them we're good everything's fine it's fine let's go over here I should plant them but then I got to like set them up to like grow the little um seedling things and then I got to plant them and that's just too much hassle for me so I think I had seen that there's actually a way to get right to the end chest on this particular Sun Temple um but I want to go through the whole thing cuz I want to I want to experience what it's like we can always I can always come back and like raid the thing for legendary stuff later by just diving down to the end so we're going to go across it out the other side um which is where we'll find the entrance as well as some saffron we'll do the whole thing it's all about the adventure man that's what happens when you to hire a professional farmer yeah right exactly it's also what happens when you put a slacker like me in charge I'm like a professional procrastinator just ask my wife what have you learned don't beat your wolf because you'll smack your blue wow that just felt Rife with euphemism there also factually accurate okay there's probably multiple trigger points in here we got to hit up can we ask her next week yeah I don't know if she'll be around I guess we'll see get B skele bones all right we got uh quadruple buttoned in [Applause] here now why would they have spikes up there that's unusual oh I see how the heck are you supposed to shoot that maybe oh maybe it don't maybe there's a different direction it's dark in here very strange to me that they have this here oh there we go it's up here nothing oh see they they oh those are the buttons they just don't glow okay that's interesting usually the the buttons you shoot are like glowy buttons okay we're fine my brain will work eventually probably not today but eventually okay that's one button I don't even know what those are lighting up actually I didn't uh I didn't look around and find the door that we have to trigger probably in that oh there it is there right above that Central Building there okay so that's one can't sleep Cloud leave me uh what oh inter they got the path above here yeah the path is on the ceiling we're supposed to follow to walk through here safely huh that's kind of neat tou simplistic but all right oh and it's just far enough you can't fly all the way across it too okay let's two down all was a horrible flight now I can't reach it is there's a there's got to be a grapple thing here oh there it is up there all right we'll go the way they actually have it planned out even though maybe not you get to the grippy stuff [Applause] there [Applause] woo I almost cut it too short anyway we're here so I'm off the wall flying the the funny thing with this new glider that we got is it's uh it's so fast it's hard to maneuver when you're just going short distances the way I use used to with the other glider everyone El have the infinite garden bug where all your harvested crops keep coming back when you log in again oh really no I don't have that that's interesting said maybe you really want to know how your G grows yeah this is the the place I'm thinking of so you can actually fly in down here from the where I have my uh respawn thing up top a little fire and then just like run down here and grab this so we could like I could come in here to like log in and log out over and over again try to get some good stuff ignited Hammer not just any Hammer it's ignited look at all the bonus blunt damage on that thing inheriting the power of the flame this Hammer can break through lines of enemies easily have infinite tges now nice it's a bug yeah hey if it works in your favor I think like call it a feature it's not a bug it's a feature what we got here desert temple blocks nice deserted sand fills my throat my lungs grow heavy with dust the Storm still rages outside whipping drifts to dunes and dunes to dust Els oh how he earned to feel the cold again the sapphire Coast Windswept waves glistening in the sun children sharing Sun seared Yuka and silk hammocks torturous memories too bright to hold close my throat aches why did the Ancients forsake us after all CU he weren't good enough uh it's really dark in here night time's Fallen okay that was a quick Sun Temple I was was expecting a little more combat it wasn't even like a uh like a mini boss kind of guy in there anywhere all right so that leaves me with seven things on my journal uh reach and loot The Cove you heard rumors of the collapsing Cove near the capital explore the area and search for potential valuables let's set that as the active Quest and show it on the map it's way up there C of Curiosities it's not going to be ending of decent uh decent level value in here cuz it's pretty early on that's all right bugs found a truck floating 10 ft in the air and 70s to die earlier oh nice every game's got them it's just a question of how many y okay this place is uh right over here on the side of Pike's Port here welcome to Huer Square where every vendor is totally reliable we swear H that flame went real far to light that stuff up uh I already got the uh the Shroud roots in here and we killed the boss in here and everything so there's not much point in going through the city but if we can fly over the darn thing we may just get to where we want to go oh somebody saw me and they didn't like it there's the cavern over there welcome to pik's Port that's got to be it right there in that opening here's hoping it's not all glowy death down in here cuz I cannot see where I'm going oh crap all right we lived we lived everything's fine and a gold chest too arsonist bow once again the coolest bow with too low of a power level thing even looks neat look at that thing looks way cooler than the bow I have what I really want is to be able to put like a skin on my bow Andor other equipment that would be good no one's seeing Dune to I mean I will see it I know that I'll see it instantly in the movie theater uh location I got to go is actually up above oddly enough or did or Noe no I knocked it out that was it that chest was it all right Pillars of Creation uh set is active show on map the sanctum why is it telling sending me to the flame sanctum I wonder oh I'm in the Shroud I can't fast travel ah get out of the smoke there we go uh where were the Pillars of Creation again over here search for the vuka relics that's the glitch Quest oh okay we can't do that one then swear I already got those whatever they are you on Relic we got the relics gation reached oops well get these things over here I guess you can collect those things over and over again for some reason so this this Quest is bugged huh so the the southern Caravan one is bugged too actually uh let see search the southern Caravan oh wait no wait Emily Frey's Tavern let's search for the tavern uh reach the next traveler Camp find the farmer's ring hit the well blocks find the lost equipment reach his former camp and under the equipment chest to claim its contents is this it here show it on the map nope that's a different one one all right we'll go do that to the carpenter cab apparently I didn't get whatever I was supposed to get there it's not Bugg you just have to do another part first uh okay I mean it hasn't listed as a quest that I could be doing but I don't know holy for holies did I go to the right tower I'm facing the wrong way [Music] fly you fools where's the camp there it is Carpenters can't so I see a bit of a glow going on in this Dirt Pile over here so we probably have to dig this up there it is I could have found this ages ago I'd been a little Smur ring of Mana another Quest off the list Emily phas Tavern I want these building block types Let's uh set is active show on map all right she that's actually pretty close to another one of these things just finished it but it also showed for me right there until I did something farther southwest corner don't remember which oh okay well F that be required to this shot um okay far away Frey Tavern interesting that they don't have a specific point for it here but it's this way all right we got these green guys here who whoa whoa whoa whoa did not mean to change weapons there we go there'll be a few of these green guys around here they're a little bit envious think my armor is too fancy all right far away Freight Tavern supposed to find something here I don't know what take a look inside and claim any unused building blocks to expand your base building possibilities where will they hide the blocks but know better think fox actually plac his flam strategically yeah if yeah exactly you didn't know better except I've had this one here since for a while Emily phrase diary entry one the Earth becomes drier by the day it crumbles betwix my fingers into sand and white beat the sweat from my forehead pale sorrowful drops stain the field I doubt they'll find their way into the uh depths to feed the crops pray silently for my lips are too dry to speak but I muster a smile when I serve the little I have I built this tavern with my own hands therefore I cannot rest nor leave I will work the soil until the end as my ancestors did before me she lied to herself in her own journal she left she's back at our base now she thinks she's so special all right Pillars of Creation Hammer thing we got the Oasis uh on fertile ground the farmer lost a Keepsake from her mother in brittle Bush oh that's actually right in the same area fin the Lost ring return to Emily okay let's set active show on map yeah that's not far away let's go tackle that thing still got a decent amount of rested buff too we fast as fast can be you'll never catch me some those green dudes down there oh crap fell right in the opening okay we're going past those Rock pillars this General vicinity sand Digger Camp is right here judging by the sand that they've formerly dug mother's eye temp what that 10% wood chopping something earlier huh plus 10% wood chopping strength and I learned something today and only four left well box the Carpenters asked you to explore an Elixir well in the Kindle waste descend into the well and retrieve the well blocks from its depths set is active show on map that one is farther away we're going to want to get to that ancient Spire so we got to get out of this nasty stuff oh [Applause] crap there was another one behind me think that's Ring after turn it is yeah I got I got to take it back to Emily love how you can skim along the ground if there's enough of a slope cover a lot of ground that way [Music] new location oh boy that's a big Exploder dude may we should grab some iron while we're here on the way through can't hurt that more evening Scott happy Sunday just waitting for that moment that something eats cryptic's face while he's checking his map it's going to happen eventually oh get wrecked evil bug got me to playing Deep Rock Galactic survival oh it's addictive isn't it I played it last night for what know three three and a half hours something like that and then I ended up playing it today for probably another 3 or 4 hours I I I beat a couple of the levels so I've unlocked all four of the dwarves now and I'm working on unlocking their upgraded weapons and stuff yeah minor addiction now pretty good for a $12 game well $12 Canadian anyway to vampire survivors quit a lot de Galactic it's great mash up of the two yeah it is it's kind of neat strange that video games never make you feel old like music or other cultural media well it's I think it's cuz they change too quickly the thing with music is that you will often like some of the same music forist several decades and then it's got the Nostalgia factor that brings it back up when you listen to it like years years down the road my wife was watching something on her phone last night and like uh that Cory har song uh sunglasses at night came on I was like oh my God I haven't heard that song In Forever it's weird but video games they uh they rotate out too quick like you can go back and look at the the older games and they can have that Nostalgia but they just look old and dated they don't have that same the same feel to them but music doesn't really do that F specializes getting people addicted to games yeah it's part of the uh part of the Allure right with the channel it's why I get all the big sponsorship dollars I say that factiously because I've done some sponsored spots but not for a lot of money play a game without streaming it sounds like a wasted opportunity 100% Ricky that always feels that way to me except that I can't always go live literally though when I'm when I'm sitting at home and I feel like playing a video game if it's something that I could be playing on the channel I'm often uh often have a hard time playing it cuz I feel like I'm missing out probing the sun Temple for top tier armor in the game yeah that's that's going to be my plan I think because the the odds of getting a piece of really good stuff is relatively low and the different chests I think have different types of specific things that can spawn in each one so we're going to need to find a couple of good spots for that um this Temple that we were just in down here whever that is uh one Temple this one here this has um it has a a gold chest down in there I'm going to have to find a couple of others sometimes you just need some me time no no it's but it's exactly what I do Ricky like when I'm when I'm playing a game and I'm like oh I really should be streaming this on the channel or making content with it or Mak it very hard to just sit and enjoy a game back my stamas Florida my name's Florida pretty good pocket of iron here best Temple is the one you found the ghost glider is it the one uh down here this one kind of regret taking away my little thing there then but I guess I can fly from this Tower it's I'm able to make that distance all right let's go check out this sun oh we got the oases right here let's maybe do that one first since I'm going to be right next to it set is active rather than run off somewhere else else let's do that one first okay where am I that's not what I want we got to go to the east this can't be the Oasis it's dry as a bone my what an oasis they found it's gorgeous supplies lost a blinding Sandstorm struck my Camp yesterday and buried my supplies such horrific winds unprecedented still coughing up sand I'm not sure where I've landed everything was swept away it's all gone but I can't turn back already I sold everything I have I have to find that a US what's this seem to be a shimmering in the distance I could turn back but it might be closer to my goal than I thought the winds bring me near here a blessing in disguise I'm unafraid I will investigate what will either be my salvation or my demise I'm guessing we find this guy's body in a little bit uh all right show The Next Step oh it's way over there it's not even close to being close shows plenty of chest to try for legendaries legend wait for it Dair I it's a real shame about this some of these weapons they're very quite cool I did not mean to delete that oh well mistakes were made many more will occur okay we need to go to the east ish off that way well that's not it there's lap is Lely right here though oh boy oh can't see go go go okay that hurt a little bit mostly on my own Landing I think there we go well we found him Mirage The Forsaken Mirage led me further astray I curs The Man Who Sold the this map water I need water my brain is rotted I see Visions I spot another way as real or imagined just over the ridge if I hadn't sold my precious glider I could reach it Shadows overhead spinning a spiral like an unwinding thread keep seeing a figure in the corner of my eye some sort of phantom a ghost mocking me in my rotted brain curses this cannot be my last written word it must be remembered please remember the name cner Meers I don't want to fade away sucks to be cner Meers so I guess he's going to send me down there probably oh over there uh all right J The Oasis okay one yeah that's it can't set that as a wayo that's funny maybe because it's in an Undiscovered area there's Cate passage over there too look at that flame that's over there I can see right down hill that's not a flame that's a safe spot that's interesting level 30 my butt a crap so I thought this was going to be one of those Flames we can pick up but it's just a little safe spot going to go south along the ridgel line I guess unless we can find something else interesting along here there's a well a the guy was so close to water too he just couldn't get down here cuz he did him a glider kind of Cav Den thing is this thing oh that was just the back window people died in there though oh scorpions forget those things it's actually tragic being so close and dying yeah poor guy oh they'll never know I'm here too late they already know I'm here ow dude shot me I was going to shoot me as I climb up all he's dead where's the other one who was shooting at me oh there he is get B nope didn't mean to take a nap here I am Rock You Like a Hurricane mining into the Cove leads to deadly shroud pretty quickly oh yeah oh oh oh how dare you got tried to kill me for absolutely no reason see a chest here Shepherd's lightning think it's pointless even if you put it on off you only get one shot yeah I tried to do the whole sneaky thing early on when I was playing the game but it didn't turn out to be terribly worthwhile uh all right we got to go farther eastsh this was not this was not the place I was going it was this was just it's a side distraction the latest squirrel as it were missed a couple crucial shots there well we found the Oasis and it's not looking too pretty it's a little bit stanky actually well that's not water Neil with the Super Chat one last shrouded Super Chat uh based on your videos will have a new Addiction on Tuesday ah yeah thanks for the Super Chat Neil appreciate it yeah me too I mean I'm already addicted to night Andale so there's that I'm here but what do I got to do here I can't oh oh there's actually e o gold chest radiant Paladin chest plate I say pardon 240 Health 24 stamina sparkly MC sparkleen that's cool all right we need to throw a little marker down there got a fancy uh man likelihood I'm going to find that thing in this little cave again when I'm not actually pointed at it is going to be probably less than positive let's see how this armor looks carer so the armor I'm wearing is pretty good 24 stamina 240 Health this one is 240 Health 24 stamina the same slightly better armor and slightly better magical resist o it looks a lot fanc here too I'm practically radiant hence the name I guess yeah that's much cooler looking and that the helmet doesn't entirely go with it but it's also not entirely awful I'm a medieval Iron Man that's right I am Iron Man what is going on on here I don't see any climbing hooks inside this Tower just like a guard Tower or something but there's nothing to guard out here who on Earth would even build this weird okay that sun we already got Journal okay another one knocked out the well blocks show on map that's right here we'll hop up here and fly over there pallet helmet super cool yeah I want to get my hands on it now so we got one UPG oh look it even like it glows it might if I'm in the dark will it light up o it does look at [Music] that that's what we call fancy well blocks uh set is active oh you know what I should probably go home and unload my inventory and I'll get my rested buff back cuz it's about to run out on me right there I haven't done yet maybe was a more important place before the Shroud maybe I mean there wasn't a ois right there oh yeah we got to give her her ring back need a hey I found your ring it only took me like forever in a day oh my lost ring thank you Flame born this means the world to me for you see this ring is a powerful artifact it's a blessing that's traditionally passed down the F the frey family now I think about it I'll hardly be able to carry on that tradition besides when I took look at the ring I see my mother's tired eyes she never got to leave old Rose Shell burrow keep it let's see the world does that unlock anything new to craft with her or no I guess [Music] not well thanks for the ring I don't need lady I need more inventory room have to do some uh some more more chest crafting I think uh I guess I'll just put the Rings in here 10 Mana two Mana regeneration I don't know if that's any good or not but Salvage that sucker this thing's cool and all but I'm going to salvage it too yeah I got to repair while I'm here too well I guess I don't really need this armor anymore we can just get rid of it provides me no utility uh we can salvage this thing for 140 oops not that we have a use for that either right now I guess but okay I got a couple berries we can stick those in here I guess for no no I can't that's very full stick them in there pending the uh arrival of more Berry goodness there's uh 124 damage epic two-hander 70 is me oh well isn't that fun I mean I don't really like the two-handers anyway I I've never in video games I just I can't get past the like the slow attack patterns and stuff on them so I never use them much prefer sword and board or something like that it's Berry full that's right okay we're going this way down into the well now I guess we're going right away we're flying down into the fog over here we'll take out the Elixir well and then the well blocks should be in the same general vicinity not that I can see oh there it is little towers there is where we're headed here I come to save the day oh jeez almost fell to my death that would have been a wonderful start to the adventure all right we're in baby I didn't check my arrow count that's 75 it's not horrendous could be better though hey wreck bugs oops wasted an arrow dang it where's all the chest hiding I've got to get an upgraded weapon this is still only I think a level 21 weapon I think it's 21 yeah level 21 I haven't found a decent one-hander I can swap it out [Applause] with ah got myself with the barrel horse Longbow not special oh begar these guys are coming out after their coffee break legendary wool for the cutless is best I know of okay yeah I haven't seen either of those I haven't really like started farming legendaries or anything I guess uh there probably have to be a certain amount of that once you get to a certain point can we talk about this a got him something's wrong your a isn't usually this good is it it depends on the moment I have hot streaks and cold streaks let's just say I'm consistently inconsistent I'm almost competently incompetent little chest here that's not talk of CF and streaking yeah I'm a little old for streaking nobody wants to see that [Applause] I off oh god oh there's a monstrosity down here crud you know where was the guy that was shooting at me cuz I kind of like to get rid of him I really need to upgrade my weapons it takes so many hits to kill things okay I've got five 5 minutes and 20 seconds can I get by this guy and just chop this thing down ow there we go I can pay attention to this guy and not have to worry about the timer ow ow oh jeez right into a hole [Music] [Applause] cheating yeah I'm stunned again what if this guy susceptible to this thing it does shroud damage so I would think it could not hurt too bad but no definitely not mag off [Music] you we got another ad we can collect there we go I was like what's going on oo Gore Striker level 25 good okay so I have a gor strier already it also does 47 legendary damage cuz they seem to like max out of the damage level there so the funny thing is like this thing does 41 this does well that does 47 so it's also got shroud blunt shroud blunt and then it has shock as the last one so there's an extra shock him out there we can replace our old Gore Striker with the uh the legendary one that's a good upgrade Salvage that thing we got another head we can put on the wall if we wanted to broke my axe too right at the end comes out for [Music] timing okay the well blocks we did not get yet though they they here somewhere I'm going to have to use this thing even though it's some optimal huh theoretically they're right here somewhere oh wait no I saw blue glow down there I thought I was going have to fly down that little Channel there and try not to land in the red stuff but it doesn't look like it either oh it's over here well blocks well well well well Mark's Quest completed you're mounting that thing in your house will leave a nice pleasant Aroma yeah I've got one already mounted so it' be like a second one actually double your freshness basically okay I don't really want to walk through there if I don't have to uh [Music] okay cave passage so there's still the stuff down here I haven't checked out what we got one last Quest the one of the Pillars of Creation researchers left vuka relics at a flame sanctum in oh researchers were investigating The Pillars of Creation and mentioned a dig site of their notes find the camp and explore set as active show on map that's the camp there maybe I got to dig somewhere wish you could custom make your own weapons in the game in terms of like the stats and stuff they would have on them or like how do you mean oh uh it's night time okay let's actually let's we'll go home we'll dump my inventory we'll repair reset my buff make a daytime and then come back oh plus I can upgrade that um upgrade that fancy new mace we [Music] got oh I did a thing I can do it well blocks ventured out again did you see you found some well blocks let me take a gander never seen a stone quite like it so smooth Sleek the black Sheen almost ominous gives me the Shivers you should put these to good use Flame born so he'll make me the improved water well got to make a wooden bucket which needs Metal Sheets surprised I don't have it this all kinds of stuff I haven't ticked off yet go get them quick repair ditch all the junk never got the whole bringing dead thing uh Parts back in your home you're just asking to be sick oh the whole tax and everything I don't uh I don't get the appeal either but some people are definitely really into it not this guy uh we got the chest with the heads over here somewhere this one can go on there got a whole box of heads in here now let's upgrade this mace thing damage doesn't go up but it uh whatever never force it so organized yeah I'm quasi organized it doesn't happen often people were shaming me for my lack of organizational methodology so I uh I did something about it now everyone's confused like wait a minute why why is he organized I don't I don't I don't get it make the world make sense again the extra damage is improve yeah I get so I assume this is additive damage on top of the base damage so we'll get like an extra nine shock damage or whatever that I wouldn't have had on the other weapon said earlier your cat have been shedding crazy mine's doing that too matter how much I brusher there is more for yeah he's uh he's a shedding machine it's everywhere like our our one dog Ren is a really big shedder too like she'll come and like rub up against me and like leave like a matted coat of fur on me it doesn't seem to matter how much I brush her he has an almost wiry kind of a coat too so like the brush doesn't really seem to accomplish a lot all right so that one's toast uh let's go back over here and see what this is confusing to me something I either didn't do or something I I did incorrectly or the something I don't know maybe the quest is broken but I feel like it's probably me make some food buff food before we head back out I mean I've got a little bit on me and it lasts quite a while I'm running out of got to get berries again okay so the one I want to go down is over here hello Tim bro land here first so I had thought maybe I had to like dig something up and I thought I did that already um but then there's like it's pointing me to like the the thing up top yeah this is the this guy is the one that drops the axe that I have equipped in spot number one the giant dude that's under here so I like I I swear I dug up something here and maybe I didn't find it I don't know well that's a deep deep mck right there maybe not and the question mark is somewhere so it doesn't seem to be that you never found anything here yeah I don't I don't I don't know what the deal is I have a feeling it's it was about the VAB brawler but supposed to search for some relics and I've never found said relics come on buddy I've already got a couple of your heads on the wall D I really need need to put another one oh you hit [Music] me he ain't St ow okay that hurt bent a little jerk just Min as apotheosis that's the same ax we already got drops the same one every time like I go to journal should have been awake I wasn't they stormed the camp but have my brothers whatever whatever old site rediscovered I never thought I'd see this uh like this one's done another can two or three pages found I don't know yeah four four pages found so like it it shouldn't be shouldn't be showing up on there but it does explore the flame sanctum with the Pillars of Creation search for the vuka relics oh so the flame sanctum is only one spot research life luk relics of the flame sanctum and the NAD Highland search the location and retrieve the relics call shananigans so ni to clean out their latrine pit oh yeah we took care of all their night soil don't you worry it's our uh that's professional skill right there unless I'm supposed to like search around outside to find the relics and some wax well let the relics be got to be a broken Quest right wonder if shouldbe I can look it up online see what it says maybe there's just uh something I need to that's not it I thought I just found it right there but no that's not it oh was it that was it oh my God so dense the number of times I looked at that and then didn't go up there and finish off the quest that's that that skill right there here boom no quests holy for I hole LS cleared the whole Quest log but there's still stuff that's marked here like this thing here whatever that is a shroud route over there so a shroud route there we've got uh this is probably another shroud route that's a ring of rot whatever that's all about it's not any ring it's a ring of rot uh we still have shroud rout over here a shroud rout there at The Elixir well we got two of those we can snag oh we're here it's more Lord to discover yeah talk Emily freay about the pages um I had something I had talked to her about and it you know normally when you when you have the conversation with them it drops off and it's no longer shows anymore you know what it is it's uh where the lore I've got all these pages I haven't [Music] found got all the lore and the Kindle was all those ones [Music] anyway there was a one from the Caravan that there Northern Caravan there's a page missing there Commander his ring was found inside a mouth of a large creature in the pike page has not been discovered yet I can't show where they are on the map though although I guess I could go to my completed quests I wish there was a search oh my God not even like alphabetical order or anything cam of Curiosities ganders vuka encounter Caravan raid jeez lik of finding a completed quest in here without a search function is like non-existent currently finding all the pages yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay let's go down to here we smoke another Elixir well lero Jenkins love how far we can fly with a new glider this is great it really shrinks the world when you got the the final glider ah crap a I didn't see it in time there's a waste of a food buff least I'm like right here dude just insta killed me hav't taken any food yet all right now we're ready going to exercise a small bit more caution this time like backto back deaths I respawned with lower health and uh oh oh so that um that bird thing only had to hit me like once oh you didn't back off bugs jeez okay this thing's got to go ow oh my God he's going to kill me I got a stamina that was close oh this guy's tough there we go I came out of nowhere it was at this moment he knew he'd effed up looking for spawners in case there's one here no grapple point to get up there whoa almost went over that would have sucked oh there's the route over there be one of his kids watching YouTube right now no my uh my feed looks fine I think it's a YouTube problem right now this time I don't think it's me oh crap oh man that sucked oh come on got that other spawner over here or dude comes out of it there we go and there was a chest hiding back here I think this is one of those fell flying rat oh in here the big bad that's fun the route there but how do I get over there oh I think I'm actually just spiraling around upwards I don't think that's actually supposed to be an opening I'm going to get stuck in there H all right this one's kind a confusing layout compared to all the rest of the other ones I've been in why is this one unique this one's all windy whoa whoa whoa a that was a death shot hey how you doing happy Sunday can't r with the Shroud sh sacks are used for but I might as well grab them antler bow level 25 power 35 same power level I already got a Max Level bow though I guess just doesn't look cool I'm a cool looking bow man you're going the right way when you said you thought you were going up yeah yeah oh crap hate these guys ah oh Bo that sucked jeez no no no no he hit me oh God I'm going to die oh you son of a he hit me just as I was going past the Gap knocked me right into it a jerk what a jerk H maybe I should have made more food the way somebody suggested oh well what could possibly go wrong ah I got to wind my way all the way back in there now oh jeez almost fell to my death again here's a pit of death yeah is if those guys aren't Nu nuisance enough as it is he's got to knock me into a do a death chamber Famous Last Words indeed oh I don't have my rested buff uh and I don't have a campfire on me either ah crap all right this might result in my death again [Applause] oh that smokes my [Music] stamina second there I thought he died that would have been [Music] great oh my God [Music] can we not do that please sir thank you hate that this bow I have uses stamina to fire it ow he disappeared [Music] again when you get in close with him and he tries to throw those things they go on either side of you oh but that hurts [Applause] [Applause] oh crap yeah smoked him suck it buddy Stone rot sword that one kind of cool looking too bad it's crap Axor that's that's mad skills we in hack's nothing oh okay good for a moment I thought it it had put my body where I couldn't get it all right let's get this thing out of here oh almost ran in a hole again stop blocking with your face wait if I don't block with my face what do I block with so confused oo that was not what I meant to do well that could have cost me oh oh oh jeez B through the floor all right Another One Bites the Dust get out of here before that Banshee knows I'm here crapus Maximus I throw nades in make nobody get the time for healing yeah yeah missed the gold chest wait there was a gold chest in there no no oh okay we'll go back I don't want to miss no gold chest there's another route down there anyway I have to go over that way as it is but uh I'll check for this mysterious chest of gold gold it's gold love gold okay uh this can go that can go this can go he is my cloth chest full what happened there oh crap it is full to throw that in the miscellaneous chest gold yes where I jumped up uh jumped up on in the Shroud room although oh was it literally like right next to me well that would figure wouldn't it all right um what was I lacking yeah Caravan Journey came here with the Caravan from far away Kindle w we were led to Jasmina D blah blah told her fall her anywhere in the end the Ancients forsaw wish they had given us any walk so I I guess I got to get like one more note for that thing to drop off cuz that's the only Conversation Piece that's hung around after I I talked with the NPC about it it's weird I need to make sugar how do I make the sugars cuz I want to make honey but I got to get sugar I've got sugar cane somewhere here's the sugar can I have do I have to grind it up here to make sugar nope how are you how are you oh it's literally just this okay uh somewhere I put water there we go let's make honey [Music] [Music] get to work pleases um all right we got 30 iron bars what was I making the iron bars for again get I wanted iron bars for something I don't remember what it was now oh the uh the iron axe okay we got that so our ax is upgraded now improve well the iron plates yeah I should probably make the iron plates too actually while we're at it uh I need um that's that's just metal scraps though for that I have in here we got a few we get those going so we can make the improved well this axe going to replace that thing getting a nice little collection of iron arrows in here rake gets no love yeah it's still just a scrappy rake oh you can't upgrade it we're on the the verge of Nightfall but it's not quite night time hey s for arrows it's easy uh just coal and iron and the smelter yeah next batch of arrows I make I'll make iron ones now that I have some bars made okay so that's uh he there's a question mark here why is this custom marker here I remember oh I know why I put that there there's um there was Flintstone there um I put that there a long time ago okay we want to go back over to here see that golden chest that I missed bar get fast travel when you're laying down imagine that where are you flashing don't know why that thing's flashing crappy sword still in my inventory oh you're right it is oh I got a couple things down here oh man I got to make Mo food before we go probably should make sugar maybe uh well well how how long does it take to make the honey it was like 2 minutes or something right oh I got some honey all right the honey crft pretty quick that's not bad okay I need chicken soup patience and friend oh I got to go harvest my beets marker flashes on your game also yeah I wonder what the deal is with that one maybe just a bug that it flashes when it's not supposed to he's making me think I'm supposed to do something over there but ow all right that was made me foolish welcome back welcome back oh actually this gives me five Constitution I'm I'm making the me wraps instead of this one here mind it does give one Dex but whatever mol red [Music] shrooms then we should have enough for like one fruit salad one measly fruit salad cuz I got to get more purple berries oh strawberries oddly too finally was using those up okay back to the tower done several times to try to clean the marker yeah it's probably just a bug the game is still in Early Access so there's going to be things like that they're kind of wacky here a meat wrap the strength one that takes wolf meat and fruit salad do not recall the strength one that TI wolf meet lero Jenkins I guess when you have no more quests no that one's been flashing for a while I keep checking on it but it it just doesn't go away is not that a I went the wrong direction I can actually oh oh what's going on in here oh where's the grapple line to get out of here that's weird is there a different exit Point than entrance that can't be that unpossible oh there it is okay so the Shroud thing was like right through the center there right where is this gold chest I missed it's not here that silver chest already open oh there it is ooh finally a bow that looks cool but it's still not yellow no didn't even do the right thing that thing looks cool sadly it's not uh it's not it's I mean it is level 25 but it's not uh it's just not an epic bow6 second draw speed though it's kind of nice matches my outfit yeah cool looking sadly I don't think I can use it yes am a pointing I want that one but to be like yellow right clicking to salvage it'll turn yellow yeah oh that hurt a little bit but all right okay we got to go south to go over to this thing now why do I still have a quest marker oh what's this thing 4,922 M it's flashing as though I have it marked as a quest weird all BW it it was Flawless until I till it wasn't all right nothing here except for this guy oh where' they come from they got patrols out here I them not to gang up on me all at once a wrong guy oh ow ow h there we go we lived I was about to ask you which kid that was that was doing the Flawless per yeah it's uh it's my 11year old she's very good at it when I want to look good in I'm gaming I get her to do it thought there would be a path over the you know what it's got to be up on a ridge or something over here right thought there would be a pathway to it but not looking like it it's like a mini boss battle Yeah well it doesn't help that I'm using a level 21 weapon so it's doing slightly less damage than if I was using something that wasn't low tide but the only uh only level 25 one-handed weapon I have the Shroud damage which I'm assuming is not going to do a whole lot to things in the Shroud so I'm in the shroud I'm using this Axe and then when I'm out of the shroud I'm trying to remember to use the maze no treasure no lore do oh there's the uh BR route over there oh crap can't climb on that I guess why's your Combat music oh oh hey dude oh oh boy that sucked ow did not mean to do that third shot oh another head for the collection ooh ritual Tempest wand yeah wreck dude lot of shock damage on that thing think I already have one of those I got it somewhere else though uh let's see fruit salad I guess I refresh it all a I wasted the food didn't refresh it ow a there's the Shroud route how do I get up to that thing need to get a melee weapon upgrade yeah I I do I like I said I've got I've got this one that's um better but it oops it's not really very good in the Shroud though cuz it does shroud damage oh that did not get me where I wanted to be I can't turn tight enough oh well so much for that idea it's like I'll just fly there nope no you won't oh rest log lightning channel oh I got ounded oil is it that's really the first time I've gotten that oh crap oh man all right thought maybe I could kill him before this guy got over there but oh my Max [Applause] broke oh we got a banse oh got some lure over here too must protect the weapon when I first laid eyes on the reward this mysterious wander promised me I was insulted however I quickly realized this is the way of the Spectre the ghost who distorts reality as if I'm entering a dream I HD the corrupted staff at top of the wooden structure to overlook the The Elixir Distillery only I deserve it visions of the floating figure still haunt me feel I might be dreaming still oh what's in here unarmed was supposed to be a thing in this game yeah I got to go out this Shrout it just knows my time that's no bueno crap can I get up there will this get me out of the Shroud what what come on game now you're just screwing me come on there we go ooh fancy chest up here that's the uh staff he was talking about shroud Weaver shroud Elixir Elixir well mysterious Wanderer appears got a quest and completed it almost instantly okay another one cleared big rip cage over here there's got to be anything like over here where all this boggy stuff is I should probably go back and try to look for the uh gold chest in that sun Temple there and see we can get something there nothing here if that's low tide is there high oh crap is there a high tide [Applause] see if we can climb up here warm shower cold apartment syndrome ra probably go repair yeah probably should but I uh yeah I probably should I'm going to need my axe if I'm going to be in the Shroud again I guess what's this Iron Mine sulfur mine see what this corner of the map has in store for us oh crap that's out of a scorpion and we don't want to go down there cuz that would be de okay let's uh fast travel back home and fix my stuff drw my inventory too let me convince you otherwise you don't need repairs you're fine oh thanks Joseph I believe you sadly I already clicked the button to go home this game looks fun to play I have some amazing building that people yeah it is one of those things where like uh when you're done with all your adventures you could turn to just building if you're into the whole building thing sure there'll be some creative stuff people come up with so somewhere I had this wand already I thought like a frozen core wand oh this is a staff no no wait that's different staff's different this wand here the ritual Tempest wand although I might have just destroyed it would have been like I don't need [Music] that starting a collection of bows here I want an armor stand I can put this stuff on thisen shrouded oil can go in there I haven't haven't had that yet that's interesting where did I put all the feathers now there we go refixed how about that did you lose your wand like materials are pretty dope uh you made a glow the Dark Castle that's cool got a video on YouTube where some guy building a Dwarven Kingdom in the side of a mountain pretty cool building mechanics are solid yeah I like that you can dig into the terrain and make stuff I think that's one advantage it has over valheim is the uh the fact that you can you can dig in the train and it doesn't just automatically collapse that's pretty sweet we'll just fly the whole way fly you fools what is that castle structure over there have I been over there to that castley thing feel like it sits right in this shadowed patch right here that I haven't been to yet might be area to [Music] explore King out the hollow Mountain yeah you fly so far with this crazy glider oh what's up with this you know what I never did open those when I went in the first time I don't think anyway cuz we just in our way in this way excuse me God I going to belong that's two that's three already got that one call correctly oh man ding uh if I recall correctly the last one was on the bottom floor where the skeletons are hanging out ow my face little jerks but dare they punch me in my beautiful [Music] face now where was that button down here oh wait no I shot the one on the inside of the wall from down down here when the first time I did it that's debatable what my beautiful face I'm insulted I say good day think that's the same ax there every time it feels like it was the same axe I don't remember where it was upstairs balcony oh right here ow good doding skills right there don't remember what was up here but we're just going to spot check oh silver chest right fancy composite bow oh right ow jerk can't out Dodge me have to get get it pretty early in the afternoon all right this one though might be problematic why isn't it blocking it's still hold the bow oh oh oh God oh God there we go smooth always so smooth uh did you like oh my God would you just there we go climb it's dark in here show me something good oh right the ghost gler there's got to be something else in here too was this last chest gold or was it uh no it's not gold oh crap who told me this place oh God let's get out of there who told me this place is the best spot to get gold chests was it old school are we talking in town cuz the only gold chest in there is the uh is the glider feel like I was duped it's not even like you can do anything with this like scraping it doesn't do anything someone trolled you yeah think so too no love loss for the birds you understand if you know it's painful when one of them poops directly into your eye while fly [Laughter] over that's why you don't look up at birds flying overhead isn't a gold chest is the Crypt chest oh is that one gold I couldn't it's hard to tell with the with the Crypt ones okay still got a good resting buff so let's uh let's go over here want to see uh I don't see what's in that area I didn't explore yet there's like a castle over there or something it's the scatter born oh uh Hey guys oh jerk hit me oh my God I got to deal with that Archer so I can focus on this guy a little more effective if I don't use the Shroud weapon imagine that there's not much Point looting these guys they don't never have anything good they'll never hear me coming Clank Clank Clank all the mods uh level scale with you no they don't actually there's uh it's about the area that you're in unless you're talking a different game but this one the uh I'm in the the highest level area right now so they're level 30 or whatever or do you mean just that they're using the same the same mobs but in a higher level Zone that irritates you cuz that would be accurate those where the highest level weapons are yeah exactly yep yeah they're over here too so like we're way over on the Eastern side of the map over here this area over here is like your your where you get like the level 25 stuff enemies are level 30 but we max out at level 25 if you go back to the original area you can just kill everything with one hit the starting zone or whatever that two of those green Berserker dudes fighting down there oh head shot on the Run stand there let me kill you huh he's real tough see IB level 25 versus 30 seems slightly unfair Oh you mean in terms of like we're we're more powerful than level 30s you mean [Applause] or oh jeez don't be so fast a there's a delay if you stop stop blocking you can't block again immediately oh oh that sucked man those guys H hard oh God stuff in here they were very quiet now that you played in shout for several streams what kind of quality of life updates would you want to see added in uh not that many actually um I mean I would like to be able to to make my equipment look the way I want so it' be cool if I could like I don't know if I want to use the wow term of trans mography or whatever but if I could like transform a weapon to look like a different weapon I've already collected that'd be cool cuz I I hate that my bow is like super for plane even though I found all these cool looking ones that I can't use um the ability to put everything in a way in chests at once in the proper chest without having to go one chest at a time would be super helpful uh I'm not sure otherwise I'd have to think about it yeah to like reskin the weapons would be nice dies or something would be cool yeah that could be neat like like lets you customize a little bit would be kind of cool said I I just found so many of these uh legendary bows and stuff and I just I can't use any of them cuz they're all lower lower level they're all the cooler looking ones uh if fall on our Tri if you're lagging it's not me this time but the biggest thing I think for me in terms of the quality of life would be putting stuff away instead of having to go one chest at a time and put like things away it' be nice to be able to walk up and just put have it like put all like things in like chests kind like they doing grounded that would be great and then for the for some of the crafting benches if you could pull it from your CH crud if you can pull it from your chests like you can you can go to the vendors and craft things or the NPCs and it will pull it automatically from your chest but if you're trying to put it into like the smelter or whatever you have to have it on you the raw materials feels kind of lame I thought I was going to get a sneak attack for a second okay oh good I got repair my stuff here jackpot look it down just a blip yeah it might have been a YouTube blip this uh this time my uh my internet feed was fine wasn't wasn't my internet provider as it so often is light forged axe level 25 could it been yellow probably still better than the one I'm using actually uh there we go oh jeez look how blacken that is they throw there missed didn't miss that time oh I see it's like that is it ah come on I don't really need to kill them anyway unless there's the chest hiding over here somewhere still quality Life Storage where you can set up storage bin with filters ahead of time yeah that that could be handy again like if it's if it's about like putting stuff away with the the least amount of effort possible I'm all for it I guess being able to labor label your boxes would be nice I don't know how much I would use it cuz I'm terrible about organizing most of the time anyway but how come he could go through there that's cheating he's going to shoot me in the face as I come up here [Applause] [Applause] a no more gold chests just the one I'm curious to see how the uh development goes with the game like what else they add into it in terms of like uh changes in functionality new content Etc what the timeline of that content will look like hopefully it's a faster timeline than what valheim uses love valheim but it was the development process has been really slow slow relative Del like release there we go get wrecked floppy sword in their viewers rating hey floppy appreciate the raid welcome everyone Eagle Eye gloves level 25 those look kind of cool they got like pointy fingers on them that's oh that's another thing I really want is an armor stand in the game something we can use to display the different types of armor that we're not actually using but that we find that'll be cool I'd be down for that oh hey buddy just hanging out here in the hole in the ground big whiff oh there's a dead guy in the hole wait a minute did you murder him I didn't kill that guy we just stopped a murderer maybe he was on a timeout I don't know he was sitting in a hole with a cors I feel like maybe we we caught him in the ACT trying to dispose of the evidence welcome everybody dropping in from floppy's rid appreciate it hey floppy have great stream thank you thank you it's already toward the end of the stream actually it's almost midnight almost midnight go see what's in this big castle thing over here what is that I haven't been there it's in the it's in the shadow of the unknown I don't even know if I can get up there a I hit the wrong button oops there we go okay I got to get over to there who oh crap oh no come on I blew it how do I get over there now I had it and I blew it got to get up higher 5 people watching 86 likes for shame uh Mr Anderson it's just a it's a slow update there's actually uh 159 or whatever likes YouTube doesn't always display the uh the actual number of uh actual number of likes on a stream or a video interesting they've got a waypoint marker right here like this is supposed to be the roadway you take you got this thing right here a little mile marker how the heck do you get over there it's got to be up there this a little bit crazy to be climbing this way with all this armor on R bird oh wait a minute there's a like there's a bridge down there I'm going about this the wrong way trying to climb up and get on the side of this thing but looks like there's actually just a bridge across leave it to me to do stuff the hard way is this just a flame sanctum but like super overbuilt up [Applause] top [Music] think this is just a flame sanctum hello it is Ed oh it's another one of those buildings we can't open yet got like these little side rooms with like nothing in them it's almost like future content that's just like hanging here waiting to be used later yeah I'm going to try climb it up top and see if there's anything up there but I think it's just a structure that we can't do anything with yet there's a couple of them like that I've come across um there was one like way over to the West too I thought L I don't remember where it was exactly come on what the heck it won't let me double jump there we go ah there we go ha physics be damned tried subious and digging gets you nowhere they got all these it's interesting they have these um these like Road markers on the little dirt extensions that go up to this thing though yeah this has got to be for future content it's cool though there no doors or anything but it looks like there could be eventually they got stairs up here that's pretty sweet oh crap oh almost fell to my death got to make a YouTube video now about how I almost died hear an echo where am I hear an echo uh I'm guessing you're in a beer can Kevin must be a pretty big can though if you're getting an echo out of it no new point of Interest labeled I wasted an arrow better get cancel shooting when it's already in the process a giant skeleton out here all she Road I think we knocked out all the quests I think we've checked out all the areas of Interest I pretty much just did the point where I'm going to want to upgrade my gear but that's sort of a process of just like constantly logging out and back in to grab chests that you've already opened try to farm for that there's uh there's a shrouded over here we haven't gotten we can grab that I guess so this one right here where you hiding shroud rout why can't I see it yet oh God where am I going to land there it is the ring of rot other one bites the dust oh crap oh jeez that's a very low level area I killed that guy with one shot even one shot the big guy where'd he die I want his head there it is got a level five root stab apparently I was supposed to come here a while ago I didn't quite get around to it I guess light Forge a I'm going to keep that upgraded let's go get rid of this bow it's all she wrote for now I think unless there's probably some uh some more shroud Roots I've missed but it is after midnight they I'm to crash for tonight I'm going to be looking for some more content for this game uh the next little while I'm going to be really focused on Nightingale and probably Pacific Drive uh Nightingale comes out on Tuesday in Early Access the 20th and then uh the 22nd is uh Pacific drive both of those I'm super interested in conveniently enough also on the 22nd is the 1.0 update for Suns of the forest which I would like to play eventually but I'm probably not going to prioritize that one cuz we've already played so much of the forest already um and then on the 15th the 1.0 version of small land came out so it's been a busy month for uh for survival games but uh super looking forward to uh to Nightingale on Tuesday I am going to have a daytime live stream for that I have the day off I'm still waiting to find out what time it's going to be accessible I think they're saying right now 10:00 a.m. mountain time which is noon eastern time um but it may be earlier than that so once I know what the time is I'll schedule that I'll be streaming that during the day and then also at night and then I'll probably be playing Pacific drive on the 21st when the Embargo drops for that um but thanks so much everyone for coming to hang out really appreciate it oh and old school with the super chat using boom arrows to stun your enemies and put them in a crater valuable falling into that crater while running away Priceless I would 100% do that if I had those boom arrows old school I didn't make any explosive arrows actually I guess um someone was saying the process to make the gunpowder is kind of expensive so I I never really did it but uh I want to upgrade my armor and stuff but one thing start to add more content back into enshrouded we'll be back again uh or if we get a lull in other content that I might come back to do some building in this but otherwise this will probably be the last time I stream it for a little bit as we focus on some other games but uh thanks so much everyone for coming to hang out tonight hope you had a wonderful weekend and uh that you have a good day tomorrow and if you have the the day off for a holiday enjoy that I'm as always cryptic Fox I'll see all of you next time I
Channel: CrypticFox
Views: 6,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrypticFox, Gameplay, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded let's play, enshrouded first look, enshrouded live stream, enshrouded part 1, enshrouded ep 1, survival building game, mistbury catacombs, enshrouded building
Id: GM9qA50dDwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 2sec (10022 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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