Obtaining The Ultimate Glider - Enshrouded

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone I'm cryptic Fox and welcome back to enshrouded Thursday we're approaching the end of the week and I thought what better day than today to dive back in and do some more exploring some more smashing and bashing and try to get my hands on the uh the best glider we can get in the game so that's what we're going to do tonight I'd also like to upgrade my armor a little bit you might not have noticed but uh I'm wearing this real hodgepodge kind of armor set that's like half bronze and then this new helmet that I got which actually makes my head look weirdly big for my body I don't know I look disproportion now anyway I want to upgrade my armor try to get the rest of that done uh we're going to go after the glider today so we can get a little bit better flight times and stuff upgrade our flame I don't know just have a good Adventure this uh this evening welcome every who's here in the chat so far or if you're watching on the channel afterwards welcome as well as always thanks to everyone who's clicked on that join button to become a channel member thank you all very very much for the support it's greatly appreciated and a special thanks to our top de mistakes are made members that were highlighted at the start of the Stream I've got my little Spinning Wheel going over here making uh flax into linen I did log in a little bit uh a little bit earlier to try to gather a few resources before we started tonight I didn't get everything that I need to upgrade or to strengthen the flame yet I'm short up by seven saffron I've got everything else I need I need seven more saffron to upgrade the flame to that top tier level in here um which will maximize our time in the Shroud and uh I don't know it's where we are it's where we're at now for the backs anyway I guess until they add more content into the game up on the the uh second floor here we also still have the Alchemy stuff we have to make for this guy he wants the um the laboratory crafted but we have to get this athanor oh I didn't check on the bricks I probably haven't got any bricks started yet either um anyway I can make this thing now so we got that and now to make this I need uh 40 fired bricks but uh I don't think I started crafting any of those so that might be a stumbling block for me for the moment I'll put this in here for now double check out here oh wait I did start making bricks about that I don't remember doing this but maybe I did with any luck that's enough to actually do this what was it 40 bricks I needed Le was only 40 bricks yeah look at that score bam we got ourselves a fancy uh fancy laboratory coal powder and the grinding Stones oo that means we can probably start making gunpowder and stuff soon um where's that thing going put this down now holy cow look at the size of the sucker um this is it looks almost the same on both sides but one of them is definitely one in the front of it uh I don't really want to have it like merged into the stairs so maybe I'll put it over here we'll put it at the top of the stairs underneath this fancy light I'm going have to move that light too I guess we'll stick it there it's like the uh the little flaming uh torch thing is is part of the uh part of the equipment now all right so in here what do we got we've got enshrouded oil there's five recipes I can make here in total we got enshrouded oil paper spice oh nitrate I need nitrate sand salt wood acid and Al chemical base apparently don't have any of those ingredients how's that possible oh I have to put all right this is one of those things I have to put it in here oh and also we can make black powder in here too which is nice cuz I didn't have the ability to make that until now either hey SL samon how you doing what does the fox say I don't know ring ding ding ding ding or I don't remember the words of that song paper paper we can make paper with the only glands I don't know what the paper's used for in this or the spice nobody really knows what it is they just call it the spice it makes food much more delicious though so it's highly sought after saffron alchemical based chamomile royos desert flower isn't that fun I I need to make nitrate because because um I wanted to plant saffron but I can't yet wood acid salt sand and a chemical base I mean I've got to have salt here somewhere there salt um a chemical base might be tricky I don't know if I have any of that made and if I do have it made I have no idea where I would have put it cuz doesn't really neatly fit in anything oh hey look I found it that was easy was way easier than thought it would be there's actually even a little nitrate in here too I even got paper in here paper look got paper Okay wood acid I had out in the uh smelter here I don't know if I I got I got 10 left there that's good this thing's busy making glass I guess still don't remember why I was making that fair enough Fox they're not exactly words you know yeah we don't need know words they got no time for no words this is more than I expected Fox loved it wait what was which was who was what oh the peer peer uh what else did I need oh sand I needed sand right where do I I have sand here somewhere I know I dug up a whole bunch of it there sand they got all kinds of sand okay so with that I can make nitrate in here yes yes give me the nitrate I actually don't want this much nitrate we'll make a little bit of nitrate but I don't need like crazy amounts of it so we'll take we'll take some of that back uh now where did I keep the nitrate oh yeah in here there we go perfect this is spinning nicely in here and then in terms of the armor is a new Shield oh look I can make a shield of light even though I found the shield of light that's funny new Ward the Ethereal plane one-handed weapon although I don't know why I would craft any of those the soldier set is the set that I'm in the process of making so we we made the helmet I've got the lapis lazuli I needed for this but I need padding uh and the padding is made somewhere I don't know I think it's the hunter that makes the padding yeah Hunter makes the padding out of fabric leather resin and linen where was I making the I needed fabric I guess is fabric crafted in here nope string of linen crap I don't remember where to make fabric now oh wait that's out here this thing look I got fabric right there put a little more in there okay now we can make padding it only makes one padding too that's like crazy I need a lot more I'm not going to I'm not going to force trying to make that right now cuz it's going to take me a little bit we'll put that in we'll just stick the stuff in here for now anyway we need the padding and then we can make some better armor I'm not ready to go challenge that uh dungeon for the uh or the tower whatever it's going to be for the final glider just yet we need to go get some more saffron so we'll go gather that while we're waiting for stuff to happen CU got to wait for all them crafty craft things to do the crafti sizing um saffron grows over here I don't really know anywhere specific so I guess we'll just we'll drop in and fly from the ancient Spire that's my food situation make me make a little bit more chamomile tea if I have some chamomile share a me story uh there we go camomile that's the end of my chamomile didn't craft any armor says just use whatever dropped well I haven't really found any good armor if found a lot of the um like the the Wizard armor and that kind of stuff some of the Archer armor I found but I haven't found any good like melee combat armor I think there's some legendary stuff that we can get but I haven't come across it yet there's still much of the little points of interest on the map that we haven't quite uncovered yet so more work to be done to be done um wonder if there'll be saffr in that field on the other side over there I mean it's all part of the same de deserty stuff we'll try that why not we'll fly over here you do need a whole bloody lot of fabric and stuffing for the armor padding yeah we're going to need a lot of flax I harvested some right before I uh right before I started streaming I got it started in the uh the spinning wheel uh and then I replanted of course but uh it's going to be going to be something we just need a lot of in general I think we should be able to find saffron growing on the ground around here somewhere it doesn't really stand out all that much like this this little purple pinky flower kind of thing yeah this thing over here so it's not like we're going to find huge patches of it but I need like seven of them oh is I shot you had to move [Music] he's trying to eat me got chicken wings and Feathers well around it too chicken wings craft armor looks better than the level 25 drops in my opinion does it I'm sure there's some some cool looking stuff out there but the soldier armor looks kind of neat oh that's the save point I thought that was a a little flame Shrine thing I could gather from but apparently not oh what's this over here we got something in the fog right down here as long as we're here we might as well check it out oh that's a drop oh let's no let's not just drop in there I think I didn't just run running headlong the way I normally would would have ended in disaster oh no that's what you think this one's blue it's like one of those bird things with a frostbite guess cuz it was in the Shroud must be chilly in there oh I see what it is there's a shroud route right there fancy oh uh hold on guys let me get a weapon ready yeah just stuck in the ground suckers Banshee thing here getting shot from behind too while I matter oh double sword okay let's not go there that's a shrouded birdie he's a little chilly needs to warm up a bit that's why it was flying into the sun it wasn't actually chasing me it just really needed some sunshine I don't feel compelled to fight those guys cuz they're kind of a nuisance and I don't want to uh bone Shard excavation let's go back there see what's up there while we're in this immediate vicinity oh things have changing color where did that road go that I came in here on something sounded noisy bone Shard excavation Camp there we go get some more ancient fossil type stuff here fossilized bone or whatever who's from a shaman I met a shaman while investigating the bone graveyard quiet unwilling to speak or answer my many questions a typical for a Kindle waste dweller notes of Silence maybe perhaps he lives amongst the fossils as he seemed to rever them in a way I did not understand when I uttered another question in his way he simply drew a rune in the sand old hieroglyphics and became intrigued I returned to East lapis where the archive held a Dusty codex for the ruins the shaman wrote I recognized the one he drew immediately and its translation shocked me dragons well I mean it make sense given the size of these skeletons shouldn't really have been that shocking maybe they're just dinosaurs though terrible lizards hey Bagels how you doing oh are you chasing me [Applause] come here chicken wings okay we've got the chicken wings now we have to find some Buffalo to kill so we can have some buffalo sauce very important can't have chicken wings without buffalo sauce hello and good morning how you doing you must be on the other side of the pond for me if you're saying good morning like way on the other side of the pond who's hiding all the saffron around here the flame shy up there but I don't know how to get up there yet probably there'll be a tunnel we have to go through is to be Theo with this [Music] game what's in here sulur no stinking Su what about buffalo wings with chicken sauce well I tried to get buffalo wings but I couldn't find some Buffalo that had any I could cut off I think maybe they've been in too much demand and so somebody got to all the wings before I could get them so I was trying to make do I can't Harvest this thing it's in the ground too deep there we go where is that noisy bird oh it's in the ground too that's fun har har listen I don't have good jokes all I've got are bad jokes okay I'm fine thanks coping and shrouded is a fine morning oh it's 3:32 in the morning there oh yeah so 3:32 in the morning 6 hours ahead of me where is that it's not the UK is it isn't the UK 5 hours ahead where I am eastern time we farther east in the UK unless memory fails me doing like no damage with that thing I did a little bit come on friend oh I did not block that effectively my food Buffs are all going away too that's better take cover you have to give the Buffalo Red Bull first oh that's what I was doing wrong okay I'll man how much red bull do Buffalo drink though that seems like something that could get really expensive real quick no wonder buffalo wings have gotten so expensive thought they were price cing but as it turns out their costs are just skyrocketing huh an infernal wand not even a very special one nobody shot at me oh there he is Get Wrecked wait a minute is he lost sight of me so let me get close enough I can backstab him come on sneak attack for the win hello he's on of me so much for my sneak attack like he knew I was there somewhere well enough that I couldn't sneak attack him but not well enough to actually face me oh a them what you doing buddy oo extinguished sword I want one of those but like level 25 and yellow that would be better how you doing buddy hold on a second get cat cam on uh I can get my stuff to work right cat can for the win Timber has arrived who's making the grunting noises it's not the cat dude you're rubbing on the microphone again stop that hi how you doing what going on with you your breath stinks buddy what are you even eating please don't see your butt yeah give me attention whan yeah I am a is aan of all donations this hour go to Timber's cat and re rehab fund rehab fun I thought we were supposed to be oh that's what I've been doing wrong all this time I thought I was supposed to be supplying him with the c now that's the first guy I've got into fall was death I think oh don't do that come on green boy ow going to be night time already go with the glowy sword Axe Whatever I guess it's an axxe oh there's another one I see him there I can't hit him how do I get a one critical damage shot on him what was that there we go come on ow jeez these guys are actually weaker to blunt weapons this m seems to do more damage than my axe does a little healing in CN is for cats yeah you're not supposed to roll it up and smoke it yourself it's not actually Poor Man's uh Poor Man's weed you know another gold chest for longbow it's only level 23 though which is little bit less than Stellar oh there's a dude up there I knocked him clear and I caught the explosion myself back Cam's part of the mint family I see this has been another useless fact next will be Dot's poetry Corner hey buddy it's like why is nobody paying attention to me that's a weird door what the heck who puts a door like that that's super weird short people live in this house where does that door even go to apparently goes right here all right I think someone probably should have worked on their architectural designs before they built that thing dwarfs up there maybe can it be true my grandmother dear Hama used to tell me stories of this ancient flame Shrine Hidden Away In A Mountain Way Out East right before I Drift Off to Sleep she'd low me in with Promises of sacred Scrolls forgotten books and prayers a withered Testament to people's devotion keep Sates and ch offerings glistening in the warm light of the flame if it's really true that a popular Shrine was forgotten perhaps I could find it charge for entry collect a percentage one coin prepared prepar does not sound too bad does it no guarantee that's the way the Conway spir that's the Conway Spirit I'd say all right wants to rip off his neighbors to pray at some Shrine thing that nobody wants to see anymore that seems reasonable oh easty says you're purring yeah may you might's look at my hand now stop look at my hand I don't need a wet hand buddy hey hard to stream if you move my microphone too far away yeah we got a fair number of enemies here oh missed a green guy up there down there whatever over there oh that's not a green one oh there he is found you oh God I didn't mean it oh my God I'm hugely failing on my blocks there we go it's dark in here I don't like it okay I think I might have got enough saffron for us to uh um upgrade the flame oh oh boy somewhere down here there's a croud route too we can get right over there an Elixir well well well well oh there's a chest there somebody shooting at me oh jeez not sure where that shot came from all right somewhere in here the shr route oh two of you guys at once come on it's cheating ow stop hitting so hard okay your cat sleeping behind you in your cat tree nice they don't have a cat tree for our cats but they do have one of those Ikea cube shelf things down here it's like four cubes High kind of thing they like to sleep on top of it so we put some soft cushy stuff up there for them going to say I thought I saw one of those exploding oh come on and there it is found it more bugs for you to pop those things yeah they're all over the place over here gross okay hitting the target would be way more effective than missing I'm out of ammo oh that's so bad okay now we go if I don't have regular ammo I got to have explosives on me somewhere a come on really he's up way too high I can't even hit him ow [Music] whoa oh crap ah problem is he doesn't hit until he gets to the ground ah I can't hit him need some darn arrows that wasn't enough there we go ah that was lame I going need to find some arrows somewhere oh see if I was smarter I would have just use the wand in the first I'm not very bright all right whatever we got a wand you don't have The High Ground yeah forgot I picked up a wand while we were out here killing stuff oh well problem solve now I guess oh or is it you know what I don't like about the wand is it chooses its own targets oh stop me bugs already down to 5 [Applause] minutes more of the red stuff that's a lot of dudes you it would be really anyy right now is if I had one of those explosives that I had oh you jerk oh my god let's just chop this thing so I get more time ow little jerk TR to chop oh boy oh don't kill me there we go that's [Music] better there finally may not have been the smoothest attempt in the world but we got it to with the 12 month M message the rumor of my assimilation has been exaggerated resistance is futile oh we got another one of these guys h using the magic wand doesn't feel good to me in this game I know some people love it but I don't know I don't like the the fact that it just feels like it's always targeting on its own [Applause] ah I'm trying to shoot the ones that are running at me but instead of shooting the flyer there we go ow it's my face attached to that thing exp one okay let's get out of here it's way too buggy down here we can Bly Target it but when you're like when you're looking at like a bunch of enemies a little like a little group of them or whatever and they're at a distance then you got to go like go through all the problems of like tab targeting to try to get the right one I don't like it I rather just like draw an arrow and loose pick the specific Target they want you know that's just me I don't know let's get out of here yeah the Boon bugs are kind of a nuisance aren't they just a minor inconvenience what's going on buddy you were so comfortable why you moving no more cat he's like I'm out of here you're way too boring for me he's like all you do is talk to yourself and play video games what's wrong with you and I'm all like you sound like my wife stop it all right let's go uh to over here home again home again jiggity jig just hit with a giant Fireball and be done with it yeah that would work too all right get all my stuff fixed up we're going to have to craft some more arrows of course reallya do that before I forget but first we need to unload cuz I got a lot of crap on me right now scam bunch of these things extinguished sword 44 damage versus 41 it does more damage than the axe does interesting oh the ax is only level 21 that's why although no longer inflamed this formerly magical sword still has a sharp edge that's extinguished I get it doesn't do fire damage whatever Salvage it saage that too I don't need hog Booth we'll just delete him he didn't wreck the mic he's uh he's forever like rubbing himself on the mic so it like pushes it out of the way but I have a pop filter so he's mostly rubbing on the pop filter okay I don't know where I had glass shards I guess I could put that in with the dirt and rocks and stuff I got regular glass in there so I guess that makes sense uh I've got 13 of these revitalizing health potions so let's use those man I need another I need a whole another chest for potions so I can separate my potions and my spells that's not going to take what's it going to take oh he'll make glass out of shards here uh storage I don't really need the huge one I just need like another well if I make some Nails we can make a medium chest that'll work be don't need to be all fancy like happy to help Happ to help all right snap it rotate it grab it perfect I'm going to take all the potions out of here and I forgot to bring a drink down with me uh that can go there we can sort all that here we go I've got a lot of these Elixir things so I haven't really been using them too much uh By too much I mean at all like ever you can make shards out of glass yeah that's a different that's a different task though a little bit of a different skill set for that one really like it's a good idea to have a backup liit or two just in case yeah I mean I've got two weapons um and then my arrows I guess I mean there's something else entirely I suppose I should probably probably trying to keep a wand around just in case but since I'm not really using it it feels like a waste waste of an inventory spot you know uh I need arrows quite a few bronze bars I could make bronze arrows now oh ran out of Twigs again oh wait can I make poison bronze arrows is that a thing or just poison iron arrows arrows no just poisoned air iron oh well bronze arrows will do okay out here we can commute with the flame strengthen our flame I finally got enough saffron by one got one more than enough blam flame level six now we're super tough can I make new chest armor nope what I need oh the padding right right right got to make the padding I need five padding I only haded up for three dang it tell me I got more L out here one shees this is going to take a long time what ODS we'll find better armor before I can actually craft it Twigs equal Fox Bane yeah pretty much I actually have uh I have more Shrubbery planted out there oh I don't have any more in here though that's problematic um I should grab the one saffron I have left over and turn that into something plantable oh but I need fertilized Farm soil oh for that that's what I needed the nitrate for um so we've got that now I can go on here oh my Lord I've got okay this is really full in [Music] here okay so she makes the whoops she makes the fertilized Farm soil in here raft fertilized Farm soil I get 15 of it oops take some grenades with me uh nah I keep finding grenades all over the place all the time okay we'll do the fertilized Farm soil up front here wow I haven't built anything with a hammer in a while fertilized Farm soil I'm going to put this one up nice and high that might be too high I literally raise the [Applause] ground [Applause] very nice I create free Farm soil just needed to make the seeds yeah I like the fact that I I wonder if it'll actually make the uh the stuff grow here faster uh and it's free anyway so why not right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for here let's see if it grows any quicker can't hurt got carried away with building this game your Tower is now 10 stories high it's not really carried away until you get to 100 stories or all I've heard hey it's that Nate guy Hough he's probably not here yet cuz YouTube's super slow welcome Nate Andor anybody hopped over from Nate stream top of the evening to you st and Co we're on our way to get the uh the big glider tonight and I'm trying to work on some armor but it's like it's kind of a super slow process it's not really going very good uh I should see if this oh yeah my flax has growing out here again I going need to make more flax seeds cuz I uh planted them all we're going to do a bunch more stuff on the spinning wheel oops oh yeah I got to get chamomile too cuz I need to make more chamomile tea just Harvest all our cam cam meal camel mile how's it going buddy yeah I like tea too tea T gr H uh well there's not much point of putting in here cuz I'm not going to be able to grow anything there CU he making saffron over there right now right here we need to make flax simply the flax ma'am simply the flax uh it takes only takes one to make 10 so let's uh split that like 100 oh and I should leave some camomile in here too actually so that I don't turn it all into tea before I get a chance to replenish it drink at least four cups a day I mean I used to drink a lot more tea than I drink now I'm kind of a coffee addict now when particularly since I work at home it's a little bit too easy sometimes just to go to the kitchen and make another cup of coffee is probably not ideal for someone uh with acid reflux but you know [Music] whatever okay well that stuff's working to get our armor excuse me our armor sorted out slowly but surely let's go get this silly glider thing now it's like way over here among the Blue Jays that's our Waypoint and it's actually by a sun Temple over there too hopefully we can fly that far oh you know what I should have done was bring a Mana potion or something soone I'm fly and I could like drink a Mana potion and something you know it makes it drop as soon as you start to drink but if you're up high enough you get time to drink it and then use your glider again and then use your lift ability to kind of get back up so I'm thinking it's that building right out there I don't know for sure but it's kind of in line well that's probably the sun Temple and it's like right by the sun Temple so that's re loock get Pras prasid uh I've got uh I use Nexium long term it's not awesome cuz it messes with my vitamin B absorption but works pretty good even better would be just losing some weight and changing my diet up that would probably be way more effective and not require medicine coffee that's like drinking a hot mud puddle I don't know you know I used to hate coffee and then uh quite some time ago I was working um working for an investment company and um in the uh in the office in the break room they just always set a pot of coffee so I just just found myself drinking it cuz it was there they didn't have tea yeah round shape is a shape but it's just not the ideal shape [Music] okay now we made it the whole way didn't have to go on the Shroud at all now I got these guys to deal with oh he level 30 over [Music] here dang okay guess it makes sense since this is like current endgame content kind of cheating though cuz I'm only level 25 ow stupid wolf okay I could really use some food Buffs that's better wouldn't that be great just like dying instantly yay live hey AR Alexander how you doing put a teaspoon of butter in your coffee it takes the acid down I mostly don't find that it's like like I don't I don't get hearted from drinking like a cup of coffee it's the fact that I have four or five of them in the course of a day is really not ideal ow that was not what I wanted to do those are round here that's weird oh God it's one of those guys chees it got me level 302 no less God dang was not ready for that fight hey where'd he go okay he went back over there and come up here where I can at least see ah that sucked oh I almost died that was not that was not Bueno okay too aggressive played more defensive there guys it hard man oh I interrupted him while he was having dinner guy was having chicken wings probably don't need to sleep especially not with a corpse laying there with me doesn't strike me as being a comfortable way to sleep okay this uh this quest for the glider among the Blue Jays Camp of the aamus mentioned it's right by an ancient Sun Temple the legendary glider must be inside inside the Sun Temple or inside the camp this is the question of the moment it's probably in the sun Temple unless there's a matron here somewhere that we can kill maybe she has it ow [Music] there turn my back of the guy somehow so c fox I've been thinking did it hurt what are you thinking who at the fur patch laying in there when we join the cool gang the Mages I've got a like a a little bit of equipment that i' kind of been holding on to in case I wanted to to try out the mage build but uh I've been so having so much fun with the melee combat that um I Haven felt compelled to do oh God stupid rats having fun bashing stuff so I didn't really uh end up changing over to do any magic even though the magic is crazy powerful he had bombs ah guess I should watch where I'm walking pole glimmer staff so second one of those I've gotten oh what's up with that Tower over there that took too many arrows see those things are made of bronze it's probably not a good idea Get Wrecked we found the mid Heap I gu problem why didn't I believe the mon Camari oh come on what's in here oh hey budddy SM them Andrew deae with a oneye membership renewal thanks Andrew appreciate the support first playthrough is a Bas and slash might try magic or Ranger next build yeah I've been uh I've been using the arrows a lot so I I kind of sometimes wish I had gone with the like like focused more on like a split between Ranger and Warrior kind of thing as I was spending points I I just kind of like was reading through and picking stuff that looked fun and interesting to play around with more so than like focusing on a specific build so I didn't really min max but then I don't really ever men Max so this Courtyard looks like a possible place to have a fight with something bigger oh this guy sleeping here that's awkward look like he's napping poor guy went to bed and never got up again it wasn't me I didn't do it you have any points in the Shroud Roots yeah I probably do actually we killed a couple tonight already so I got 10 points so no not too many to spend oh who a crap uh yep that meant to do that oh crap now I can't get out of here dang it okay none of this is working right sun setting too oh there's a chest oh look that I wouldn't even no that's not a chest that's a dead dude anyway let's Bend our skill points uh I got 10 to work with with I'm thinking I'm going to put some more points into the ranger tree over here skill shot all damage dealt to enemies head is increased by 20% kind of like that damage against flying enemies increase by 30% beasting you can draw and use your bow while gliding you'll fall slowly or multi-shot that's 20% chance to spawn a flurry of arrows that spread slightly that's cool don't really care about the increased zoom on the bow we don't need that all right let's do bonus damage to the head shots uh Ranger plus two endurance plus two dexterity plus 5 stamina recharge plus five crit chance plus five crit damage all seems pretty good you only men never Max all right fair enough Joseph I mean I can't say that's in acccurate although I do want this bash ability over here too so that way when I Parry I do damage I kind of like that idea uh that's it for now two points left there is the matron I was expecting problem is I'm not really up high enough for her not to hit me oh she's calling in help oh jeez where'd you come from no no no no no no no I don't run to the exploding Barrel that would be bad let get CR on her before where are my crits now stop calling in help too it's cheating oh good there's two of them that's awesome okay one down did the second one spawn in reaction to the horn blow from the first dang cheese it oh got tra get out of the Trap they blew up the whole freaking floor on me it's down to like only a few bronze arrows here this isn't good not really even hitting her what's going on with this okay hold on uh explosiv put those in place of the torch for now the targeting is a little funky in this I don't like it doing like no damage to to her better a mage get here you're probably right nope no no no nope show me some arrows in here deep root axe oh whoa whoa got somebody shooting at me now I don't like the the uh the Berserkers down there too oh crap chees it oh one shot kill it couldn't get out of the way oh that sucked there wasn't even a respawn point over here so I got to go all the way back to the tower all right well as long as I'm already over here I might as well go home and make more arrows N na it crunch y yeah melee with those those uh maton things are rough they've got that acid spray thing that's just like instant death kind of sucks uh I got to get twigs imagine not dropping an alter over there imagine that [Applause] huh we can fly straight over there anyway it's just it's just not a A short flight as all that's okay because we get uh we get Air Miles when we uh when we fly now yeah can never rra off ammo tell you about [Applause] it all right we're all twigged out now what's going on with the lighting what's happening here why is it so bright it's like a weird purpley glow going on over here it's like my it's like my buildings possessed demon fog a quit 200 arrows that should be all right for in the moment I used up all my Twigs so I guess uh it better be enough uh this stap I think I already have so I don't need to keep one oh I no wait I got one that's already better all right oh metal lockpicks too okay we got food for Buffs oh no I don't have about chicken soup um hello friend hello friend Constitution chicken soup what am I looking here oh bell peppers I got I have bell peppers we got those out here I grew a whole bunch of them in the garden Close Encounters of the Shroud kind yeah let me know what you need don't be a stranger [Applause] for I need to pick up a flame alter somewhere that I don't need anymore uh jeez we'll go get this one over here I'm not really going there anymore sweet Zombie Jesus that's a lot of storage yeah I built a few of them well I go released it today instead of 22nd when I present the day off ah that does suck however it doesn't come out on the 22nd it's coming out on the 20th now they've uh updated the release date to have it come out 2 days early so it's still still the Tuesday which is you know not still not maybe ideal for some but it'll be out on the 20th now oh I'm going to go back home we'll get uh we'll sleep and make a daytime work you repair over there well sometimes they they have like the metal anvils you can find around to repair with too sleepy times no stay time already oh actually do I have the stuff I need to make my armor yet I needed like a little bit more padding that's all I was lacking padding Fab oh fabric right another four fabric half that in there is that enough show me armor yeah baby okay anything else let swap up my armor so from 82 physical resist up to 104 so a nice little jump up and it looks cooler I still look really short though kind of short for a stormtrooper okay let's go back sorry for the lag when we're in the oh hold on let me turn off the my replay buffer there that should fix the lag H War just watching this player's character run around yeah he kind of moves around a lot to see small land came out of Early Access finally yes February is a crazy month this year for survival games so I mean we're busy playing and shrouded now um on the 22nd uh Pacific Drive comes out on the 20th is um is nigh Andale uh 1.0 of Sons of the forest comes out uh that's also on the 22nd um I think it was yet well today actually the 15th is when uh small and 1.0 came out it's just a like a busy month for survival games it's crazy crazy Rock of the cloak that's a long cloak too man that thing drags it's going to get so dirty further evidence that he's short does it have the new armor smell yeah and if it didn't we would just put one of those little air fresheners in it it's fine starting to get tired of survival games there is a lot of grinding involved in survival games lot of repetitive action all the time should be enough to get us all the way across see the Valentine's Don't Starve video claiming I did yeah it's one of the first ones I've seen for uh for Don't Starve where they had actual voices usually the characters don't talk in them I was like wait a minute why are there words I don't understand [Music] hand oh I'm so dumb I didn't fix my equipment while I was back home it's funny even with somebody suggesting I make a workbench to repair my stuff I didn't uh still didn't clue one that I needed to fix my stuff okay um where did I kill that one matron and is her I wonder if her oh it's still there good back off Eli trousers great I got her pants this what I was hoping we'd find ow ow okay okay okay nope nope nope oh my God oh God they're fast man got a bunch of cheaters some heals in here not so tough now are you ow dare you shoot me my job with a 25 month message why you running around a burnt pizza this stuff here somebody left it in the oven too long cheese get a little over crusty there's a repair M somewhere in there yeah there usually is around the uh the sun temples I found okay so the maton is there I need to need to get a height Advantage here so I can use my arrows up there hey look I found my stuff the little guy's like what's the matter with you her whole face looks like a porcupine with all the arrows stuck in it okay this guy can take in melee combat if I can bad timing on that thing okay where did that matron head en we go oh what is this ritual Tempest wand fancy looking go too soon ritual Tempest wand 47 damage mid-range wand kind of weird looking got lots of shock abilities on it it's a very shocking wand thing is a shocking turn of events no guess I already looted that thing forgot they sort of like automatically close I'm shocked shocked yeah death by porcupine cosplay exactly she just have a little something stuck to her face it's it's fine guys would look pretty sick the guy with the uh sels or whatever that was trying to kill me those look kind of cool there's some cool player armor that looks kind of like that too it's not for the warrior I guess we got to go in the sun Temple H that's two where's the third one oh wait wait wait wait before we go in here I kind of forgot I hadn't put out my uh my son my flame alter yet come on there we go we'll put it up here oh don't delete it there we go there we go now we can get back easily if we need to [Music] H oh don't do that I trying to push the button Weir that the spikes aren't active up here there must be something that triggers when you do something downstairs chess with the Super Chat Sun Temple is a bright idea sure is yeah those are those were Yuka trees yeah you get Yuka fruit off of them you can use to make the fruit salad this uh I think I have my number two spot there electric trap fire trap there's no other buttons on this floor and I only got to push one there so I got to go downstairs I guess once I missed something else in here the [Music] undead got more flamy stuff want I chees it from the higher Mountain I don't know cuz I'm having fun and I haven't been up to the higher Mountain yet either I don't want to just skip it all if I've never done it before Oh see you gu overcommitted lot of metal scraps see a glow coming from behind here wrong button just with the Super Chat the zombo pull move LOL that's me it's a zombo pole though confused Frozen corand oh there we go that's two of them I got to find two more still somewhere oh look at that activated the spikes they weren't active before I have to open up the traps three more buttons on the first floor well like what what shouldn't be three there should only be two I found one button up here on the second floor already oh see I got the one through here that I got I shot that one from down below no more inside ones where are they down here few of them are hidden well yeah I see that H so I got one person saying they're on the first floor and another person saying they're not on the first floor so basically you guys don't know either is what you're telling me somebody's wrong oh there's one okay we got one more to get oh jeez okay apparently I activated that trap' be funny if the Fireballs kill that [Applause] thing God dang stupid bird thing one left so whatever it is is going to trigger that lightning tra over there I guess so maybe it's something on this side there it is yeah we're in he like Flint we need to find an anvil to fix my stuff I guess I could just switch to the fire axe okay this goes up on the outside I want to see what's up through the middle cuz I could use that grapple to climb up oh crap that didn't work that's better gbo power level 35 not all that Fantasmic um can't get out from up here so I guess we got to go down another mysterious flas you sweet oh crap he ain't so tough well it was kind of annoying feel like I made more lockpicks oh I could have uh oh there we go oh is this the glider yeah baby ghost glider recipe unlocked I assume that was just the oh it was the actual glider too I didn't even have to to craft it it's incredible oops range 200 this one's 250 speed 25 so it goes faster too nice nice can I grapple up any higher in here doesn't look like it oh I could jump higher sweet don't think I can get on this last bit though almost fell with the my bottom okay we got it Victory Is Ours with the glider anyway uh so apparently there are some other shrines over here having on we should probably try to hit those up what's my uh inventory like not bad not bad Wolf's claw start saling some of these to create space a whole lot of this this uh this wand for posterity sake I me they're both this was got plus two Mana regeneration on it though this one's got oops ice protection magic protection ice protection Mana leaches that was are like a protective wand that's weird we can't grab it we can climb up there oh there is uh yeah there is stuff over there yeah if there's anything else any higher up here or if this is just like a higher launch point to fly from like listen we know you just got this new toy you're going to want to use it that's not big bird right there stupid bird where are you I thought I some cheese right ah God dang okay crazy bird a meat Chopper guess who's a chopper all right uh I got my little one home there I don't care about that so this is a shroud over here another shroud route there I want to go over this way and see what these things are all about there's also another Sun Temple over here that we haven't done yet oh baby see a little building down over there going to mine below me there who's in the basement spiders LEL 30 spiders this might have mean business gleaming staff not even all that special hey Rex how you doing we just got the uh got the best glider in the game so we can fly farther faster longer whatever now is Handy okay so that flame is actually off the off the plateau that I'm on found some sticks jackpot it's like finding gold only more sticky now in a desert biome yeah we've been in a desert biome for a little bit now last couple times I played been out here in the desert died too many times of those dying Birds farming feathers and bird meat oh yeah they yeah they can hit pretty hard actually for dessert biomes they taste better little less gritty right not nearly as much sand involved oh oh they're not happy man what something was already damaging this thing it wasn't me you stick it to that oh my God don't be such a stickler higher faster stronger what the million dollar man over here I think that uh crazy bird thing realized it was being evicted and it didn't uh didn't appreciate it sometimes you got to stick up for yourself though got to have a little stick Tui of this you know all right let's get out of here I got me a solid 112 sticks not bad just a little bit of work Salvage I don't need this old glider so this can go do you want to delete this yeah we got the ghost glider now we don't need that Eli shouser level 25 if I had an armor stand I'd keep that stuff but oh man it's getting dark arm i' keep that stuff but they just there's no way to display the cool armor that you get in the game kind of a shame I hope it's something they ultimately end up Bing was that i' collected just for the sake of having it okay there's the shrine down there that's going to put me in the Shroud oh boy oh God this one's way faster I got to get used to the flight path on it read as we all forget I so fondly recall my clueless years foolishly venturing further than the rest The Depths pequ my interest full of wonder and awe I reached out yearning for knowledge veiled in the warmth of the flame I was young and feared no mistakes in the abyss I felt eternity I feel it no more the sand of my hourglass slips away when I hear flame call the name of the eldest my name I'm filled with regret our planet's core has changed the ripple effect of my discoveries tore the valleys and our uh and our youngest apart failure should have scared me not change the abyss is All That Remains and it means Oblivion I've rebranded my name to the stone recorded all my failures on the obelisks burdened to outlast me fearing to be forgotten I signed my name on the last very human of me curious this final feeling so Hollow so cold manior all right well I'm in a place that I don't know how to get of maybe I shouldn't just Dro straight in here like caution be damned I'm going to assume that cave goes upwards so we can get out of here so what else is down here what resources do these [Applause] drop just shroud looking don't like when they fly straight overhead I can't hit them well that was easy to get out of [Applause] new location charted just cave [Applause] passage we's see what's down below could remember Tracy Chapman for the [Applause] song this is where night Gill should take notes I was watching your videos earlier noticed the 10 hours of dialogue 10 hours of dialogue oh oh which in uh in Nightingale there's a yeah there are a couple of uh a couple NPCs early on that have a lot to say mostly it's not too bad but if you uh if you read all the um um all the little lore pages and stuff you find that would certainly add a lot more okay so we found that cave there was another cave down here that I didn't go into let's see where this one goes probably just goes back up or does it a source to get glowy stuff maybe there's iron in [Applause] here more iron just a little resource cave I guess and bugs oh God not that bug oh thanks if nothing else the faster glider is going to make turning interesting cuz the uh turning radius is very different so quick okay can keep fall the edge of the map here we find over this way hope that guy would have bronze arrows on him but I did not get [Music] lucky Tenny comad edged with a 31-month M message you got me hooked to this game been all uh been my obsession for the last week thanks for all the entertainment well thank you for the 31 months of support that's amazing blows my mind sometimes how long membership's been around now it still feels like something new new thank you for the incredible support that's amazing this is just sulfur down here I think right sure looks like sulfur just needed the iron for upgrading your home flame uh my home flame is fully upgraded now I've got it up to level eight which I think is the highest we can go uh I will still need iron for U for armor and stuff got more saffr in here oh but I've got a few places I could be mining it now can't see anything over here you'll never see my glowing axe if I sneak up on him right a I had a brief moment I could have sneak attacked him ow that hurt a bit yellow ground is sand yep uh oops that's the wrong button oh well it's gross down there scorpions over here all right somewhere down in that uh nasty fog business down there is uh uh whatever this is the Grim I could possibly go wrong ow oh where oh crap oh crap oh crap that's that's what could possibly go [Laughter] wrong uhoh uh used to we have a problem so my body's way over here really have a convenient flight point to get there that's super awkward great was right yeah definitely I was not really prepared for what I was about to face I'd have to say I can't get that high ah to take the scenic grout back there that is not the place you want to drop [Music] into think the old are with me but if I want to come back over here to do stuff over here kind of wanted the alter to still be there don't think this guy can jump ridiculously high what this thing here Sergeant Kelvin the viewers just joined welcome sergeant Gillan and anybody who might be popping in from Sergeant stream appreciate it hey Jason how you doing this almost looks like another one of those vuka fighting Camp things except those aren't vuka those are the regular dudes it's not a gold chest I'm just going to leave it got to go get my body good you have that helmet on bon in your head so many times gliding yeah he's he always Dives face first into the ground funny that it doesn't hurt him he's been training very hard to thicken his skull I guess did he show fornicator I I hope not be awkward uh I don't have stamina cuz I don't have my rest of bonus oh crap uh I don't have any plain wood on me either so I can't even make like a little campfire to quickly get my rusted buff well crud welcome everyone who's who's raiding from uh from Sergeant stream appreciate the raid a lot of Swords there they're violent call him the militia Oh no you're gray here is that trouble with showing up at a new stream you you never get the fancy colored name funny how that works okay so my body is right down there I'm not really thrilled about not having oh I got the craze Elixir thing going on too um really not thrilled about not having my rusted buff I'm sure it'll be fine what could go wrong that from exactly what happened a moment ago oh jeez literally landed right on the explody thing who whoa whoa whoa whoa wasn't very kind I need to find a new a new weapon to replace this one I've been using I like it but it's also only level 21 oh crap oh crap oh crap why okay I'm taking the shrine with me this time it was ridiculous time for an upgrade definitely time for an upgrade that stupid scy throw in what's his face swear to God hold on I wonder if there's uh there's no shorter path I can get to this from the other side another okay I'm going to take the shrine with me we'll go and get um oh well I'm not really taking it with me I guess but I'm I'm extinguishing it so I have one available that I can craft one cuz I can't actually take it with me uh I got to get some Stones so maybe screw it let's just go home I'll fly from a from a closer Tower I guess oh there really aren't any I have nowhere close close hold on I'm going to go get my rested buff we'll come back and then I'll come take the the thing with me and then I can bring stones with me too it's gets so much more difficult and you're a couple hours in on it yeah it's uh it definitely uh as you get to the higher level it it gets a little bit more challenging those guys that that guy that got me with the flying sight things I had to fight one of those in a dungeon too and it was one of the one of the boss things I actually had found more challenging I don't really have a lot to drop off here since all my stuff is on my body right now suppose that's a plus some circles I ran out a camomile how we doing for arrows 151 it's not bad I guess I'm going to deal with these weapons later I'll figure out what I'm going to keep when I'll get rid of um let's leave this behind I'm going to take a stack of these uh flaska that fell with me I don't really use the uh The Elixir so I don't really know why I even bother carrying them around I'll take some Mana potions with me use those to recover my flight boost or whatever upgrade those wands I don't really use wands it's just the thing I'm always I'm uh I'm more about the bow okay oh I got to get some Stone we can bring with me cuz it's getting Stone there will be a pain in the butt I'm sure I hate there's got to be a way to take individuals of these things I hate that there's not we can only split uh I need what is it is it five for the alter or four five if I was smart I would have just built the alter in the first place instead of sorting the stone that was stupid specializing at wasting time tonight uh we got all way over to here I don't have a good fly point so I guess we'll take we'll fly out to this spot I'm going to drop a uh I'm going to drop the flame alter closer to where that thing is that killed me so if it does it again then we'll be a little bit closer near nearby and then when I need the rest of buff I can just I could fast travel home and then fast travel back again he's sensitive about using his wand I don't want to overuse it you know that's how you get blisters oops wrong button it won't take too long to fly back at least place the alter down grab your stuff and run I want to kill that thing so I can mount his head on the wall I used the other head that I got when I when I killed the one the one boss those things to upgrade the flame alter so we got a second one we can put it on the wall with the the dragon head and stuff let to be careful where you use that one that's right it's dangerous stuff packing heat all right oops ah evil scorpion okay put our flame alter down here and then my body's down there somewhere I have two bodies down there now I guess oh actually I did I recover the first one or did they no I didn't they were too busy shooting me okay I got the bulk of the stuff now where is this thing I need to eliminate some of the uh unfriendlies before that oh there he is he's fast oh God jeez gu came out of nowhere [Music] you're next buddy I death really need to upgrade this weapon maybe I should have kept one of those other ones that wasn't gold you guys are totally wearing guard armor yeah some of them are oh there's that dude if I can f him out here it might be easier oh I missed and I missed that shot come on let me up here oh now I can't even see him I need to fight him where I'm not going to get other enemies involved and where I can duck into cover behind this stuff to let his little Grim Reaper shots explode and not hit me that's a regular Banshee over there there he [Applause] is oh God dang oh that was too high up oh god that hurt could work way better if I actually hit him with some of the arrows doesn't help he's level 30 oh Noone got around oh quick shot oh oh they C they keep circling oh Jesus that's craziness now I got sticks instead of my bandages in slot 7even where'd he go don't reset don't reset oh no [Applause] got him holy cow that guy hits really hard oo W SN wolf SS Longbow that's it compared to what I'm using same power level I think they actually max out at power level 35 for the bows and it's not gold that was messy getting hit by that stuff is brutal thought there's anything else to be found at the Grim since we got rid of the reaper oh I missed the h he ain't so tough this one here is just one of those regular re uh G Reaper guys banshees wherever they are brutalis Maximus yeah 35 un upgraded yeah but once you upgrade it I don't think it goes higher than 35 just like the um the melee weapons max out like 47 I'll try it anyway cuz I'll see if it will upgrade but I'm pretty sure the uh the max power level for the bows is 35 I've got some more stuff to pick up oh my second set of body parts where's my other there it is oh I should get rid of this spawner here too too don't that hanging around okay that one's toast what's this over here the greatest game like glider is awesome smack the red Barrel I'll get right on that that that's always turned out in my favor when I smack random red Barrels in video games it's it's amazing how they're just universally always red doesn't matter what game it is if it's a red Barrel it's a problem well or tactic I guess okay we got one of those uh those matrons here oh red can we talk about this oh he got damage down there somebody blew him up a little bit sucker there we go where did that green guy go there he is well lapis lazuli over here and sulfur he he hasn't got a fancy glider yeah he might have fallen off the cliff and take a little damage I guess that's possible too s someone walking behind below me there this guy okay we got to get that matron assuming that's why there was a question marker here actually where did she go there you are Level 32 again or level 30 also you know what I mean not 32 don't spin on me I guess this is where the wand could come in handy because the uh you just keep firing over and over again and never worry about the ammo concern is not showing the health there we go there we go Victory Is Ours Arrow Striker level 25 that'd be two-handed weapon cuz it does 70 damage that it look like oh it's got a big bird head it's very slow oh here we go ah crap stupid traps got to watch where I walk in games oh what the spiked bow shots with a spike bow can Pierce anything you say so swear all the neat looking bows are all the neat looking weapons in general this game so far have been ones that are like underpowered but the bows in particular all the coolest looking bows were underpowered the bow that I have now is just a plain one it looks like a stick it's the legendary one well one of the legendary ones anyway hope over here can't be having that guy shoot at me while I'm fighting okay lots of sulur over here you're wand girl yeah I don't know I just I like bows in video games I don't know why when I had the option to fire the bow I did instead of using the wand explosive arrows are nice I haven't made any of those yet I probably should uh I think I've only just recently gotten access to the recipe for the uh the gunpowder though we just built the laboratory for the uh The Alchemist there we go theal plane apparently the explosive arrows are really expensive though yeah I could see that even just making the explosives or the gunpow or whatever seems to be expensive so I guess I'm not surprised by that he got clear in time I should probably take that execute skill when I stagger them I can smack them with the execution move he's not getting any chries this time oh my God okay where are my bandages I move those out there they are move those out somehow and keep trying to use them that I don't have them there Elder hat 15% magical CR strike chance 12% Critical Strike chance that's a funky looking helmet huh it's not even gold crazy looking though oo magic stuff yeah it wasn't a legendary one but it it looks like it should be just because of the the look of it but okay there is a sun Temple over here I would like to check out um wonder if I could fly there from the ancient Spire here just like straight across that it's pretty far though it's past surat's rest going be night time I'm going to have to fast roundel still pretty far away um I wonder if I can get up to the top of the mountain I to go one of two ways bows are in your face in most games games like this with uh with multiple Tunes to try everything I mean there's enough points that you could divide your your effort into into two different things um like I think it can still do really well with a melee build and just have like uh if your bow as your secondary weapon cuz you can just hit the letter Q to pull it out you don't have to like change weapons which is kind of nice I can't get that's a lot farther away than I thought it was um let's see what's over here then we might have to fast travel it's very dark what going on here it wasn't in this building already was it no it's a weird building in the middle of nowhere with nothing going on totally see everything yeah a little dark when it's inside like that's why I busted out the torch okay so this building really had like nothing just like sitting out the middle of nowhere No Loot just an Angry Bird weird all right h I wonder if there'll be any of the bird's nest up there one bottles of the shell uh I didn't notice those even way I don't really have a need of much potion wise right now just a couple eggs up here I guess makes sense being an EST and all what's that building that must be the start of the sun Temple there we'll go up and see what's over here that all would have worked a lot better if I was actually hitting my target when the P there something a altitude is that for passing gas it's uh he's got a special ability that lets him lift up but yes it's it's basically Bean power he summons the power of the burrito in a way he goes holy for ho oh up somewhere I didn't really plan to be all right I found the sun Temple but I probably should have brought an alter to have up here cuz now I don't have a conveni way to get back here and I've already got eight of eight active Alters the Red Mist has tons of treasure yeah I bet it does from all the dead people that went in there I thought I had seen one of these things you can like fly down inside it's too dark though I can't see anything blasty my inventory is getting kind of full too um okay there's a pain in about getting here but I I'm going to need to fast travel out that was a nuisance I I'll fly from here and see if I can I wonder how far I can make it from there I might be able to get across there what is this flashing why is that flashing I don't have it selected that's weird jet propell yeah they go for Ranger belt I supposed to mix a Mele and archery I definitely wear one of the lighter armor sets uh this one looks pretty this one that I'm wearing isn't um isn't one of the lighter ones I mean it's this is one of the metal armor sets he's got the this is the soldier set that I'm I've started to build I still have three pieces of it that I haven't built out yet cuz I need more padding apparently iron bars too break a leg break a leg I'm going have iron bars out here I've already got started uh tin yeah I've got iron bars out here it's the padding that's really expensive though in this game takes so much material I think this head can go in there too check my journal I've got lots of little side quests left uh We've pretty much tackled the major ones everything else is the side quest now Pillars of Creation Cavern of Curiosities heard rumors of a collapsing Cove near the capital explore the area and search for potential valuables so I got what two four six we got like eight uh eight little side quest that I haven't tackled but all the key things we've already nailed how'd you get a cape uh it's part of the armor set so it's the the the soldier chest armor has the cape thing on it wasn't something that I like added separately all right this ball I probably don't need saage that um this is a 25 bow I don't think I think it's better than this one though this one adds 21 fire damage to it this one only has 14 I'll hold on to the Elder hat just in case I don't know I want to use it at some point uh I'm going to keep the Ethereal plane this axe I don't need we can scrap it I need to find a better one-handed axe the uh the one I have is um only level 21 so it's a little underpowered for what I'm doing well upgrading the bow doesn't get it past power level 35 it just it'll unlock the the secondary abilities on it but the power level won't go any higher guess we have some Rubble yeah I need more arrows take well Paul is like the journal maybe the oh it might be yeah that could be one of the could be one of the quests for that i' got a couple blocks I haven't unlocked yet I don't know maping ta location nearby Oasis Follow The Traveler route maybe I should go do that equipment chest was taken and subsequently lost but reached his former camp and under the equipment chest to claim its contents it's probably a low level Quest at this point I think I've had that in my inv my quest list for ages have a little nap in our room can I see the base real quick yeah so this is uh this is well I'll show you the inside first since I'm already in here but this on the top floor is where I put my my sleeping quarters and a couple things in here I have more stuff I think I've unlocked that we can put in for more Comfort but it's a comfort level 29 right now probably do a bit more uh second floor I kept for the Alchemy guy so he's got uh plenty of space then we stuck a little dragon head on the wall for him and then first floor I have the rest of the vendors as well as my storage and then cooking and stuff this is the stuff I use most of the time The Alchemist I've hardly ever used and then out in the little Courtyard area that I built out here I I put some of the like the crafting crafting machines or whatever I put the beehives over here but I haven't really used them uh I didn't realize that they were like like a crafting station before I thought they were going to passively produce honey I didn't realize they manufactured it so I built multiples not really I didn't need it and then out the front door is where I have like all my my fields for crops and stuff reminds me think I made seeds for a saffron we should plant yeah I got five of them anyway not going to go very far but it's better than nothing five measly plants do love the villa style of the place yeah me too I kind of like it look it's got the little Courtyard thing in here and then I put a I put a hook up top whoops just uh in case I needed to fly anywhere nearby I could just grapple my way up to the roof and then fly from here the trees got really really big cuz I haven't chopped them down they're like gigantic they're like twice as tall as my house almost I got quite a bit of I had a lot of crops planted out here ripped a bunch of them up to use for resources and stuff but pretty decent sized uh crop out here too okay I'm going to go and claim back one of my one of my fires from somewhere else so I can make use of it again um where haven't I been going to but the ancient Vault of the farmer I can claim this one go over there yeah you get infinite water if you pick your well up and put it back down again I can't be bothered you only get three at a time when you do that um if feel like just let it sit you can collect a total of eight out of it I found all right extinguish let me reclaim that I got to go get some Stone well I'll just craft another one actually to have in my inventory box knows the whole area schedu to be in shrouded in 5 minutes right yeah right all right we got that okay so to get to the sun Temple there the closest point I can get is here I don't think I'll be able to fly all the way across though pretty far you gotten as much as 20 every once I only ever see seem to get eight out of them at a time need to go East I want to go this way 1500 M oh yeah this thing is definitely not high enough for [Music] this oops that didn't work there we go he's floating oh there's a uh Elixir well there I must have gotten that one already had to [Music] have oh I fell off dang it um yeah that's going to be too high I can't go straight across there I can go across to the side here though I guess oh even that's a going to work let's we guess we'll just cut straight through maybe I didn't get this uh well cuz it is down in the fog find out that jerks I thing is they respawn too just been question whether I get any reward out of it ah ow son of a oh there's iron down here or is that tin it's got to be tin stupid bugs all right I haven't seen one of these guys in a while I must have oh wow wow okay fighting in a ring of those flowers madebe not a good idea h crap I definitely got that one before I didn't get any points well that figures check mark means you got it oh I wasn't paying attention to the check mark ow you little jerk he a bug I couldn't really fly much farther anyway I'm going to have to go through the fog to get over to the sun Temple I guess jeez this thing's fast hey we're at surat's rest which is up above don't think I can freaking see anything oh man good thing I didn't land in the wrong spot holy cow whole lake of death right here h I can't even see across it [Applause] [Applause] who's shooting at me I think there was yeah there it is see I thought there was another one I knocked off got to be Upp planes to cross over there yeah I see that I was hoping I could like cut through the lower point and then get over but I guess I can't there's got to be a cave or a tunnel Network here somewhere that will take me upwards mind you this is kind of wrapping around oh maybe not oh no fair he can run down there he's cheating [Applause] that's say no to shrooms man turn right especially these rooms what's that shroud route be a cave over here somewhere [Applause] need to find a way to get up a little higher thought I can see anything there we go oh jeez [Applause] ow okay where is the Shroud route now wait I see it found you oh God got a big guy I didn't know God that was not friendly at all oh boy I can't get over there h there's a chicken in here that's super weird oh he's stuck and broken and bring me a Shrubbery we are no longer the we now the Ling F only level 18 but we got it another PL uh another ground route de there's another one over there too I'm going to get over there or more important I'm going to get out of here oops a CR oo chest proba going be level 18 though is no good I can't climb up that way uh I need to go to the West is I guess there's got to be a way to get out from underneath here turn a come on trying to jump where am I going now can I go this way there's a wall can't go that way well I could go I could a that's really backtracking but I can go down to the South uh Southwest here I get that other shroud route if I can find it I got no no man left getting close okay I'm in the right general area but I don't see the Shroud route not hiding back here C to North Northwest and trou is it's all up above me so I'm I'm like way down in the the lower level here the upper Plateau is where all the the buildings and stuff are there's a cave passage near here that's good uh I got to go North to get to this round R wherever it is the heck is this thing is it up above it is saying the locations above run okay we'll go to that uh Cave instead I at least get me out from underneath all this crap done that way that guy's exhausted hooray we're finally out of the Shroud good Lord that was ridiculous now where's this shroud thing over here said it was above ground but oh there it is oh want I go down there not going to be able to get back up again okay we got another one down what's the glue GL blowy blue glowy pillar it's basically just a like a glowing fungus kind of thing you can use to make glowing blocks though if you harvest it just doesn't have a very good harvesting rate all right another one of those down didn't get over to the sun Temple yet despite my suboptimal attempts okay Sun Tumbl in that mountain straight across from me now ooh can I even climb up over there if I fly from here and I get down too low I don't even know if I can get up the mountain range there nerve that guy I can't see what's below the fog so I don't know how steep the slope is there that might be a Fool's erand L Crystal good for mood lighting yeah do some cool stuff with that I guess oh I should get that flame Shrine up there I haven't got that yet Le I don't think I [Music] did good view from up here I might have to go around I don't think I can fly there straight there let's go this way find this next flame Shrine over here up on top of this mountain here jeez found some cats nice kitty a I was out of magic I don't really understand about the flame Alters they put everywhere is that you um you can run around and collect the little Sparks off them but it's not one time only you can go back to the same one over and over again and just keep getting Sparks off of it every time we reload the game it's it's refreshed and it's not even here oh it's down below you g magic fast you was seeing I've got the magic in me 100% proven huh okay still not a good Crossing Point here [Applause] going to cross that way and see if I can get yeah that's right right whatever that's the worst that going to happen oh crap there's red stuff down here like red stuff would qualify as the worst that could happen jeez why so [Applause] serious I'm got to find a way up on top of this thing to my right n he has one job who does a je those ones hit pretty hard oh the bird yeah yeah yeah he's got one job to eat my face I got back here at night time again that's too funny I literally can't a come on I can't see anything now I don't know what a good place is to put the uh the flame alter out here just in time for it to get dark this C needs a bed roll yeah in dangerous I can't see where I'm landing uh I think I'm going to put my uh I'll put my alter up here cuz it gives me the most options got to get fast travel back home signs and armor stands I really want the armor stands yeah it'd be nice to collect up some of the stuff that I found and put it on the stand for display there's a couple of armor things that I would never wear cuz they give you like a well the one in particular that gives you that huge um negative time debuff to being in the Shroud be cool to have it but it's I'm not going to wear it cuz it would be a little too detrimental but it'd be cool to put it on the display somewhere being able to store things in chest without having to go through them one at a time to to place like items would also be really handy spent too much time doing this uh this I can salvage this second Salvage I must have Aon glands somewhere but I don't know where I would have put them let's stick them in here I guess sweet all right it's almost 12:30 my time I need to crash for the night I got to work in the morning uh but we did make some progress tonight finally got the fancy uh fancy top end glider the ghost glider a lot of the uh we knocked out all the major quests all we have are little side quest left now and and then exploration and stuff too so I would like to upgrade my gear a bit more from where I am right now uh there's a few other points and V that we haven't tagged there's still parts of the map I haven't seen yet so still some exploration to go but in terms of the actual quest line that's pretty much the extent of it everything else is like shroud roots and other little side things to do and then looking for uh some legendary equipment and stuff anyway thanks so much everyone for coming to hang out tonight really appreciate it thank you for super chats this evening as well uh I should have some more content being uploaded for nightingale next week is going to be probably a little on the busy side few more streams this weekend and stuff too though although we don't know we going to play just yet uh I got to figure that out U but thanks so much everyone I'm as always cryptic Fox I'll see all of you next time for
Channel: CrypticFox
Views: 11,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrypticFox, Gameplay, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded let's play, enshrouded first look, enshrouded live stream, enshrouded part 1, enshrouded ep 1, survival building game, mistbury catacombs, enshrouded building
Id: vSgcfnv-iAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 3sec (11643 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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