Enshrouded Base Tour : Manta's CRAZY Desert Temple!

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what is going on Gamers we're back for our second base tour from all the people that uh happen to put entries into the competition So today we're here with Manta um world famous Australian artist uh we're g to we're going to look around man's going to show us around this one was probably one of my top picks from from the nominees for the competition so I'm super excited to look around check it out but without further Ado I'll hand it over the man to show us around so what we got going on here uh so yeah this to start we got probably the last Edition that I added to the build is this Fountain this is actually really cool I haven't seen anybody use the uh use the that why can't I think of the name for water actually some stuff yeah no it's there it's like a placeholder until we get the water block I guess yeah replace it with the water whatever however they're going to do the water block however it works yeah if it runs or sort of thing 4 million copies sold and it's and it's in the it's in writing I got it we can only dream I guess yeah right so what's your plans for this little spot right here or is this like a um I'm still not sure with this I'm not sure if it'll stay or if I'll remove it but it was sort of Just a Spare of the moment yeah few blocks there you go just messing around with pillar ideas and stuff I mean you've obviously got some insane pillars going in here so and we move up this is sort of where I started you got little start base in the side of the Hill here there you go got all my stuff my my chest very cool heck yeah as much comfort as I could get this is the headquarters yeah this is where was come out of and then yeah s to come out and this was the first area that I built out it was probably the most painful because I had to terraform the hill on the side here oh yeah yeah I know all about SL all the way down sled to about where I am now to it all back out looks like you texturized it pretty nice too so that's good it looks looks pretty good um I used the pickaxe for that oh cool so it's yeah sort of triy to dig down make it look as natural as I can to match the mountain mhm yeah that look sick took a lot of time a lot of placing dirt back and digging it back out I love these pillars too what what blocks are these oh those are like the dark uh the castle walls yeah yeah that's amazing they do like a they do kind of like a weird thing on the side Corners I'm not a huge fan of but the way that you did it here it doesn't you really you really can't see it too well so that's pretty good they were originally um like the pillars inside are full pillars and these were originally full pillars but it just looked out of place I cut them back a little bit made them a bit shorter that's pretty cool definitely one of the one of the big yeah definitely one of the big things that makes your build stand out for sure is the is the stupid wall design dude like it's just it's just crazy it is honestly crazy many many hours oh I'm sure yeah yeah yeah it's it's unfreaking believable like if anybody hasn't seen this yet like I don't know how you haven't seen it cuzz it's crazy the ceiling and everything definitely the ceiling was something that rubius looked like he didn't even look up like this is this is just wild man absolutely wild and You' you've done all this like legit right if I if I recall yeah yeah was Farm I didn't want to use the resource world so I thought I'll just put in a few hours and yeah yeah I'm not going to lie the very the very very first time I saw this because I I I think I recall you telling me or telling saying something about it being all farm stuff but like the first time I seen it I was like there's no way yeah F base du just digging I get it and you used and you used you know the least expensive stuff it seems like I don't know what the black stone cost to make but uh it's dirt and stone oh I got you same thing as City wall yeah this is this is ridiculous man where we where we where do we want to go here first check out the freaking statues the statues are nuts yeah how many times did you kind of put that together did you like so so you know how I've been doing like the illustrator drawings and stuff or did you just like just go for it or did you plan it out like beforehand I've build it a few times before in um in Minecraft and stuff like most of this build so it's all just previous knowledge really oh okay cool very cool like the walls I've built thousands of times I think like the sections of it so just EMB bettered in my brain how to build that this is just like your trademark design essentially yeah I've never really finished the build fully when I've built it previously this is the closest I've gotten I think this is pretty freaking cool yeah it was very Bare Bones when they announced the Build contest and it sort of pushed me mhm I know that feeling towards finishing it yeah like oh okay I guess I got block out the next two or the next week like literally no sleep or nothing okay yeah I think I had half the pillars and maybe three or four of the walls up and that was it I had everything else was sort of rushed yeah I I love the scale of this I I love the whole big build idea like I like the small on too but just like the extremely large stuff is is so cool yeah it makes it easier to do details too is that is that what this is the Pit of Doom yeah I feel like I've done a few times in there I feel like like you should kick me off of it SP it's a work in progress of been adding details to the wall slowly but yeah dude absolutely crazy I actually like the yeah I like the way that you did the walls down here too looks really freaking cool really cool special entrance in there detail the center apart as well yeah you know what I wish is I wish I wish that I haven't seen this already before I kind of do I wish I was looking at it for the first time because like this is absolutely crazy yep oh wow I'm not sure what I want do with here I'm thinking when we get the multiple NPCs I'll probably have like shops or something in here for them oh there you their workstations and stuff in yeah what do you think about the what do you think about the new update stuff are you you got anything you're super stoked about or probably the the building blocks mainly to see what new building blocks I add right yeah that's going to be sick dude this ceiling in here is crazy it was painful it was so and the fact the fact that I can see a few minor things that's screwed up but I'm not going to it it the thing is is the way that you did it you have you have room for error like there's no way that you could tell that it's off unless you're like looking at it with a fine tooth com yep but yeah it looks hour my time doing that roof oh I'm sure I'm sure that's crazy is there anything at the top of the stairs or we going back down H that that goes back outside and back up into the top all right cool we can go down there's a staircase down the other side here oh wow sort of a last minute thrown in staircase just to get out in case you fall but it goes down I completed that wall last night I think that's behind those stairs yeah looks awesome God man I can't imagine the amount of I I wanted to use bronze torches so freaking bad but I just cannot I cannot stomach the three bronze bars for one torch like that's just yeah I wouldn't advise it it's just that's sickening I can't believe they did that man they really hate us for that honestly yeah when I first made it I made a bunch of them to start out with and I had a room just full of smelters making bronze bars yeah that's brutal there's a lot of smelters um all right yeah I'm not sure what I want to do down here like that's the bottom of the alter zone is the floor so I like that you do like that though you just kind of build something and then you you just don't really have a plan that's kind of how I normally do things it just kind of I kind of wing it as I go type of thing yeah big out an area and I'll leave it for a bit and then I'll come back and figure something out yeah just start dropping blocks down yeah all right the the scale of the build was meant to be probably twice as big but I scale it yeah is this is this just one alter on the inside of here uh there's two there's one here and then there's one off to the right side behind the wall gotta yeah there's like the whole elevator thing over here right yeah there's a whole downstairs part God man this the walls look nuts honestly I mean I know you I know you know that but they I'm just going to keep on saying it cuz it's crazy yeah I think it was with the amount of time I put into Dall yeah absolutely and then so fre s half finished I'm not even I'm not even going to lie to you dude my my Elevator Shaft I'm sure you seen it was definitely just the idea of An Elevator Shaft was extremely inspired by your build I was like I've seen that and I was like oh my God you idiot I'm making a mine shaft and I don't have a freaking Elevator Shaft what is wrong with me yeah yeah I had the idea to build it on the ground that's why it's all indented here in the ground it matches down the side of that so it fit down and be flush with the ground but then I thought know might have it raised up like it's taking resources or something but I didn't get around to adding any detail to it are you still going to continue to work on you're going to continue to work on this build until you're ultimately satisfied I remember this I remember this on on the rubi's live stream because he's like oh look like Disney Disney some I was like what the heck it looked like what is he talking about Disney this is in the same bat as Fountain it was like a last minute it was meant to be another room down here but I thought I might as well do something different so I added a some sort of cave system I guess I really like it actually like the veins and stuff are cool that's pretty cool concept yeah yeah I want to expand on this like there's a room above it where I'm going to build my next part and I want to sort of have it go up into that room and you can see it through like the walls and stuff all the Luminous growth oh I didn't realize these like crystals move around that's weird yeah very weird sort of look I'm excited for like the green and red blocks they're introducing to give us a little bit more like actual solid colors that that's going to that's going col be amazing oh yeah definitely well that green block too that was on the hollow halls or whatever entryway it looked like it was glass which would be sick because we got sand and we can make glass but you can't do anything with glass right now so hopefully hopefully that's what that's doing yeah then it sort of just dead ends here expand out I want to sort of Branch out mine so then I want to have a big room that goes up high enough into the room above I see the I see the dream it's coming to life man you've already done so much it's just it's just unreal the amount of stuff that you get like that you've done man make sure you guys let us know in the comments what your favorite part of this build is I'm obsessed with the walls the walls are are ridiculous and that's actually super cool that you've done something similar in the past in Minecraft I think that's where a lot of us like Mega Builder type people come from is we have somewhat of a Minecraft background yeah I've done other other big projects as well but I think this one was my favorite to build it's just so freaking cool oh yeah we got to the walls oh yeah this is originally this was going to be the same as out where the statues are it was going to extend all the way back here but then I time restraints yeah yeah no kidding but yeah this I want the caves to come up into caves will extend out into the back area here this will all be mined out not sure what I want to build here but it's going to be a giant Circle so when you're when you're digging like this much kind of like like when I was doing it like is there something that you do like while while you're doing it to make it less painful like I was watching I was watching freaking TV shows while I was doing it uh not really listen to music I was making up like weird like patterns to do it in and I'd mix it up left and right up and down and I start like making just it's all been mined out with this little little block here oh yeah yeah I forgot you said you've been using the freaking terrain blocks to dig yeah mainly because I get resources back from it right get with that block yeah that is kind of a big deal kind of a twofer well I think that's about everything is there there's not a way to get up like up to the ceiling is there that's kind of more decoration yeah I'm eventually going to dig that right out to the top of the mountain there'll be walls that go all the way up sort of thing oh do you like plan on having like the the daylight come through or something yeah a lot of the Torches that would look crazy yeah that would look crazy holy moly there's a lot of lighting issues like you stand in one corner you can't see the other Corner lit up it goes dark so I want to eventually bring the light source in and that'll light up the entire area then yeah that would be that would be pretty cool I thought about I thought about doing a Sund dial like creating like a big giant Sund dial that actually like legit works I think that would be cool especially since the game has like a good like Shadow stuff and everything yeah well this is sweet man thanks for freaking showing me around did we get we got everything right I think so I believe so yeah how many how many hours did you put into this uh I think it's just over 200 hours now wow that's actually nowhere near as much as I figured it would be no this is pretty nuts dude all right well uh give everybody a random word to type in comments that watch the video all the way to this point you guys are freaking Champions what word you got for frinkle binkle crinkle crinkle crinkle crinkle all right you guys get it make it funny and hide it in the comments let's go thank you for watching make sure you like And subscribe and all also don't forget to check the links in the description for manta's twitch and YouTube Right twitch and YouTube I think so yeah I yeah all right y'all take it easy we'll see you on the next one peace
Channel: Seethrew
Views: 3,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Advanced Build Guide Enshrouded, Enshrouded Advanced Build guide, Enshrouded Build tips, Enshrouded building tips, Enshrouded advanced Building tips, Enshrouded building gameplay, Enshrouded build guide, Enshrouded building guide, Enshrouded castle build, Enshrouded house design, Enshrouded house tutorial, Enshrouded tips, Enshrouded, seethrew, seethrew enshrouded, base tour, enshrouded base tour, enshrouded winners, enshroudedAoW winners, unicornlover
Id: DlGEyINtvu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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