Enshrouded: 15 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Playing

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after playing more than 50 hours of in leading up to its Early Access release I put together 15 tips and tricks to help you get started before we get started two obvious tips that are not included in the 15 or to always carry a torch and make sure to repair your weapons and tools at your workbench before heading out of your base first up is to increase the Comfort level of your house and you can do that by placing down specific items so I'm in the workbench here and you'll notice that under the Comfort section there's beds tables fireplaces chairs benches and illumination each one of these will tell you how much comfort it's going to add and what you going want to do is maximize this as quickly as possible because that's going to give you a better rest of buff which is going to be tip number two second tip is going to be to make sure you always have a rest of buff you get that by sitting either near your campfire or by the in being inside your house you'll notice here that I have a pretty high rest buff right now it's actually 25 minutes cuz this is my character that I have the 50 hours in right now if I Max it out it'll actually be 30 minutes you can actually get it higher than that at the beginning of the game it's going to be much lower but having the rest of buff is going to be huge because what it does is it's going to give you better stamina and health regeneration third tip is going to be to make sure you're upgrading your flame as quickly as possible so you do that by going up to it and communing with it when you commune with it you're going to have the option to upgrade strengthen or reset your skill points we're going to click on the strength in the flame this is a new world I created because I didn't want to kind of spoil anything cuz my other world the uh flame is actually upgraded pretty high so you'll notice here what you're going to have to do is collect these resources and when you strengthen the flame it's going to increase the alter capacity so by default you only can place two alters when you upgrade it the first time you'll get four you also have a shroud passes level that'll get upgraded that's going to allow you to pass through more deadly shroud Cloud so if later on in the game you get to a point where it says there's a deadly shroud more likely than not you just have to upgrade strengthen your flame and you'll probably be able to get through it character attribute bonuses will be multipliers that are affected by the skill points you choose and the time in the Shroud will also be upgraded the upgrades are going to be generally using resources that are found like the first one's going to be resources you're going to find pretty early on and then the further along you progress through the game the further along you're going to have to explore to be able to find the resources in order to upgrade your flame level the next tip is going to be more specifically for when you're starting out but one thing you should always carry with you when you're first starting out is going to be a campfire the reason for that is a campfire can provide you with a rested buff and also provide a light source early on in the game before you have really good rested buff so right now because I have such a high rested buff cuz my level's so hot or the the ba my base was so high on my main save if I don't really have to worry about it but early on in the game when you're walk running around cutting trees down stuff like that and you're just exploring and fighting and just working your way through the world having that campfire to set down just to be able to be able to reset your rest of buff is going to definitely be huge and help out a lot in addition to that something you definitely want to make sure you have throughout the game is going to be some type of range weapon I would normally go with a bow so you want to make sure you have a bow and an arrow as you're playing through the game you can use the magic the magic like specifically the two-handed the staves can shoot projectiles but it's to me it's much easier just to have a bow and the reason you're want to have that is there's two reasons honestly one is going to be there's going to be puzzles you're going to need to solve where you'll have to you won't be able to reach them so you're actually have to use a project jeti to hit them and a bone arrow is going to be the best way of doing that secondly there might be situations where there's a lot of enemies and just kind of want to take them out from above or maybe you want to shoot one of the exploding barrels that's in the world and have you're going to need to do that using a range weapon because if you do it with melee you're going to up probably end up killing yourself next up is to always always always make sure that you carry lock picks the reason you want to carry lockpicks is there are going to be locked doors and chests as you explore through the world of in shrouded there's nothing worse than getting to a point when you're following along a quest line and finding out that there's a lock door and you don't have a lockpick you can easily craft these yourself or you can use the blacksmith to craft them for half the cost all they cost is scrap metal so make sure I typically carry between five and 10 of them and I make sure when I go back to my base that I pick them up one thing I've noticed I'm 99% sure that if you end up dying these are one of the items that gets dropped on your body so you won't have them with you so just be mindful of that so as you're exploring you're going to come across lots of things that are destructible in fact pretty much the entire world's destructible but when you come across items like maybe this cart right here so I hit this card it's going to give me wood if I hit this little package looking thing here you're going to notice it's going to drop a different resource in this case it dropped me some torn cloth this one's also going to drop some string and some torn cloth sometimes water most objects are going to be destructible perhaps you might not have the right weapon to break them at the time but it's definitely worth breaking everything because you'll get lots of resources from doing that so another thing I'm not sure if this is intentional or not but it is currently in the game as I'm recording this things respawn when you break them specifically uh like objects that are in the world the ground if you mess around the terrain or terraform the terrain that should not respawn but you'll see here I just broke these Reloaded The save and came back in here and all the things I just broke her back and I can get the resources again this is really really can be helpful for getting uh lots of resources again I don't know if this is intended or not so you might just want to take advantage of it there's going to be some towers that you go to that you'll basically be told to go find there's one you can see off in the distance those will have containers in them they're like earns and you can break those I generally use my pickaxe to break them although you can use a melee weapon those will usually have resources in them as well and fast travel around to the different way points that are because you can fast travel to those will allow you to just gather lots and lots of resources pretty quickly so earlier I mentioned that you can place a specific number of flame alters and right now I have just this is the the fresh world that I started for this video and I have the flame alter placed here as you can see right now when I go into this it's it's going to tell me that the maximum number of Alters I can place is two again as you strengthen your flame you'll be able to place more and more Alters I think I'm up to I think the maximum is probably going to be like 9 or 10 right now I'm not exactly sure what the total number is I think I have where I can place up the eight of them on my main save so as you explore through the vast lands here again you'll be able to fast travel to those giant Towers over there but those are going to be the only fast travel points in the world so if you want to have kind of fast travel points in between I recommend setting up the flame Alters as you're exploring through the world you can always take them down as well if you go up to them and hit extinguish flame it'll actually take them uh remove them so you can kind of just place them out so maybe I'm heading over to that Tower over there and I want to set up a weight a a fast travel point in between I can do that it's really good for setting up like maybe you're in a situation where you've kind of like stocked up completely on resources and you just want to head back so you don't lose anything or you just want to make it faster to get back and forth between places before you get all those way points set up so definitely make sure you place down as many flame alars as possible you can also build them up as well you can use them just for fast travel or you can kind of build them up so you can just have multiple bases around the world providing you extra comfort so one thing you'll notice as you're playing through and shrouded is a lot of times when you're told to go through PL go to places is you're going to be told there's going to be roads that are basically going to take you to the POI so if I follow this road here it's going to take me to this POI what I would recommend doing is obviously following the roads to the pois but don't be afraid to Branch off and just kind of explore out into the wild and I'm not going to show you any places right now cuz I don't want to spoil it but I will say more often than not this game feels really like kind of like an old school RPG or well-designed RPG where when you wander off the path there's usually something to find there might be a cave there might be a little house that's off the beaten path there might just be some resour ources hidden back there maybe some enemies or even a treasure chest or something like that so don't be afraid to explore off the beaten path and when you do so make sure you uh you can break you break things so along the same lines is going to be you'll notice there's Rubble here so a lot of times you're going to find Rubble in specific locations if you destroy all the rubble there's a chance there might be a chest hidden underneath of it there's going to be structures like this scattered around the world that look like there's kind of abandoned make sure you break those if you have the ability to dig out the rubble because more often than not there's either going to be a chest underneath of it or there might just be like a hidden little dungeon under there next up is going to be to make sure you read the lore so as you're exploring through the world you're going to come across different items usually books or sometimes Scrolls or maybe it might just be a it might be like an object in the world it'll usually be glowing red and it's going to have lore now they don't always provide useful information but many times they'll be very helpful especially if they're part of a quest line they might tell you where to look for something like maybe it's saying to go find an item and it might tell you where that item might be located it might also tell you what type of enemies to expect or what to expect as your progressing through it so the lore is actually really well well written and it's a pretty decent story generally in video games I don't like reading but reading the lore in this game has definitely been helpful in terms of being able to just figure out what I need to do next and uh just kind of guiding me along the way next tip is going to be there's going to be Wells like this around the world I recommend since it's telling you to build a base right at the beginning here in the spawn area this is just to the uh I guess the left of the base or the west of it this Well's going to be here you can scoop water from this and it should give me five water because I've not grabbed anything from it the well this well will give up to five water a day and I believe the maximum let's see if it gives me five more two three four five yeah it should give me a maximum since I've never collected from it of uh 15 well you have to actually be three days three days in game I think this world only has two days in it but these Wells the ones that are spawned in the world will have five will give you five water a day and they'll hold up to a maximum of 15 so if you come across and make sure to scoop all the water out you can also place your own Wells down later on they will not be able to have as much water but you can get water from them every day so water should never really be an issue for you next is going to be a combat tip and that's going to be learn how to Parry so I'm going to see if I can Parry this guy so basically if you parry I did not Parry properly there if you parry what it'll do is it has a chance to St the enemy like that and then you can kill him now this guy's a level one so he's going to get one hit anyway you're going to definitely need to learn how to Parry when you're fighting tougher enemies because if you sit there and just try to face tank it a lot of times what will happen is they'll actually hit you through your blocking because you won't have enough blocking power but even if you do have enough blocking power it's just definitely beneficial to Parry like I did there and the reason you want to do that is because like I said it has a chance to stun them when they're stun they won't be able to defend themselves and you'll do more damage to them and then last but not least is going to be one of the skills in the skill tree that I 100% recommend no matter which path you take as you're playing through the game I 100% recommend everybody get the double jump skill there's be some other skills that might be useful for everybody but double jump is really useful the reason for that is the regular jumps this high but if we double jump what double jumping lets you do is it'll often let you reach places that you normally would not not be able to reach and it'll often get you out of trouble so like maybe I'm running up here and there's an enemy chasing me that I'm going to have trouble uh fighting so if I only be able to single jump I can't get away if I double jump I can get up on top of this wall pretty easily and it just lets you get to much higher places much faster so it makes exploring much faster especially if you're trying to Traverse like a mountainous area and there's not an easy way through it and also like I said to get to high places cuz maybe there's a chest up somewhere where there's usually going to be a way to get up there but it's not always obvious how to get up there so that's 15 things I wish I knew when I started playing and shouted that will hopefully help you along your journey thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Mediocre Milton
Views: 13,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MediocreMilton, Mediocre Milton, Enshrouded, Enshrouded Game, Survival Game
Id: woZcHC9QaUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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