Anna English: The Naked Truth

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hello everyone and welcome to well this English session not lesson my name is Anna English and I am here live with you to answer your questions this is a celebration of hitting 50,000 subscribers so if you are one of those subscribers on my youtube channel who's clicked subscribe then this session is in celebration of you so thank you so much for being here and helping this community to be as awesome as it is today and so as promised this is a Q&A session Q&A means questions and answers this is not really an English lesson this is not questions about grammar or how to learn English this is for you to get to know a bit more about me and I hope in return I can ask you some questions and that you will give me the naked truth what do I mean by the naked truth did you have expect me to be naked right here right now no the naked truth for those of you who don't know basically means the absolute fact the cold hard fact with no embellishment no kind of hiding things just pure unadulterated truth complete honesty so I'm here to answer your questions I have a number of questions lined up that I've already been asked on Facebook and if you have any questions that you would like to ask me then please save it to the end and I will go through the questions that have already been asked and at the end I will say the floor is open and you can ask whatever questions you want to ask it's probably best to come and ask me on YouTube I'm I'm Jill streaming live on Facebook - book and I'm live also on YouTube if you are able to access YouTube and you want to ask questions then it's best to pop over to YouTube if you don't know my YouTube channel it's English like a native come and subscribe so let's get straight on to it hello everyone hi hi hi hi so many of you here already alright so Georgie one of my patrons has asked have you prepared tough questions for Anna he's asking all you guys have you guys prepared tough questions for me most of the questions haven't been too tough actually but let's see what has been asked shall we so here we go so the first one came from our med Nam had said how can I meet you how can I meet you um well I don't really do live like events or anything I do offer private lessons I do offer private lessons so some of my followers some of you guys have met me face to face and do talk to me via Skype one-to-one on a regular basis because you're either a gold member or you're part of my private student Network and you pay for private lessons in terms of actually just meeting people maybe when this channel gets bigger I might be able to in the future it's a long way off but maybe in the future I might be able to organize some sort of meet-and-greet kind of event and it would probably be in London but then of course I do do my travels occasionally I go abroad so if this channel if this community grew and you know it becomes possible then I am NOT against offering meet and greets and holding like big all get together proper lessons with any of you guys who want to come along whether it be in Manchester in London in in whichever country I'm able to get to but my my channel will have to get a lot bigger before I can start offering those current events but I'd love to do that so thank you I'm ed for your question and the future in the future there will be possibilities other than that being a gold member or a private student is the only way really to get access to me privately okay so the next question came from Jing I think we say it Jing or King I'm not quite sure how you pronounce this I'm sorry why do you want to teach English and singing why do I want to teach English and singing so as you might know I do have a singing education channel as well where I teach people singing the reason I teach singing is because I from being a child loved to sing when I was very little I just wanted to be a singer more than anything in the world I wanted to sing I wanted to stand on stage and I wanted to make people happy and I wanted to make people cry and I wanted to move people with my voice and I didn't have a very good voice so it felt like it was an impossibility that I would I felt like I would never be a a singer Oh sky you it's you who's asked his question hello sky so I felt like I could never do it and then I worked extremely hard and I managed to learn how to sing and I did some amazing jobs I worked with Elton John and I worked on the cruise ships as a signal for two years and I did some amazing gigs and then I wanted to start to help other people who felt the same way as me because I felt so passionately about singing and I was able to achieve my dreams and I wanted to help other people achieve their dreams too strong with thank you so much bless you you sent me a super chat of five euros thank you even though this is not an English lesson all super chat contributions will go towards the growth of this channel so anyone who wants to contribute to the growth of this channel then your contributions are very gratefully received so thank you strong with us very kind and if you want to include a comment with that or a question I'm happy to answer them okay why am i an English teacher well English teaching kind of came through by accident I was teaching elocution which is the art of speaking and communicating well I was teaching elocution because I've been teaching drama because I'm an actress I mean that's my my trained profession is at and I was teaching drama and lots of my students had problems with speaking so I started to teach speech and pronunciation and accent work mmm excuse me I've got a bit of a cold still so um because of that I ended up with lots of private students learning accent reduction and many of them were not English and on many occasions they would ask me grammar questions and I eventually just decided that English kind of just came naturally it just seemed to be the way I was going the reason I decided to do English teaching in the public forum like this as opposed to privately is because I felt very passionately about wanting to offer education to people who were unable to afford it and of course I still need to make a living and of course I still need to eat and still need to pay my rent I still need to look after my family if I ever have a family but I wanted to find a way to give education to people who desperately needed it but um couldn't afford it so for example in Syria with all the with all the troubles in Syria I had a few students who were unable to afford private lessons but they really needed English because they were moving to a different country because of the troubles and they wanted my help and so it just seemed like the natural progression is to I already had a YouTube channel with my singing so it seemed to make sense to offer an English Channel and that's how I ended up teaching English and that's why I teach English and singing because I feel passionate about it and if it helps then it makes me feel good I guess it's selfish really it makes me feel good helping other people and hello everyone that's saying hello hi hi hi hi so many of you in hello it's lovely to see you all here and all my patrons only a couple of my patrons and patrons if you guys have questions I'm feel free to ask as well so let's have a look at the next question that I had on Facebook so the question came from Zee year who is one of my moderators on YouTube and he said are you feeling good about what I'm doing for you while broadcasting yes is the easy answer to that one when I first start to do live broadcasts I was getting trolled like you wouldn't believe people were sending me the most disgusting messages and it made me feel very sad and sometimes it made me feel angry and sometimes it made me feel like I didn't ever want to do an English lesson live ever again and so I I decided that I didn't want to stop teaching because of hateful people then I should try and find a way around it and I asked you guys I asked the community can anybody help me can anyone be a moderator because I don't have a team of people to help me it's just me and so I said can you help me and here was one of the people there's a couple of you but was it here was one of the people who said yes I can help you and since they're here has been moderating I think you've done a fantastic job and you've gotten rid of most of the trolls I very rarely see any hateful comments coming through anymore which makes it more pleasant for me and more pleasant for all the people in the room so thank you so much okay next question what do we have we have Raphael says hello Anna what kind of music do you like to listen to and could you recommend any British bands for your subscribers I would love it I because I like singing I actually I listen to the same things over and over again I like Disney I love Disney and particularly at the moment I like Disney's Moana I really like stuff I like sake songs and I like sake songs that I can sing along to so I like I like Sam Smith ed Sheeran and I like a bit of Little Mix I love SIA as well Adele so anything I can really sing along with and Phil passionate about in terms of British bands I mean I sound Smith and Ed Sheeran I would definitely recommend I think they write wonderful lyrics and it's good for your English listening any of the old bands Queen Queen is an excellent band Michael Jackson Michael Jackson wrote some amazing songs he's not British of course but his lyrics are great yeah that's probably all okay what else do we have how do you manage your time you sing do gymnastics travel teach English and probably do other things too many other things too I want to know the secret behind this so how do I manage my time it's difficult hmm it is really really difficult I think time management is something that I'm still struggling with I I don't have a social life honestly I don't have a social life so most people get up in the morning they go to work they spend 8 to 10 hours at work and then they come home and they relax and then at the end of the week they have a few days off to relax and I don't I haven't for a long time I'm trying to now I'm trying to put in rules and boundaries so it gets to a certain time at night and I try and make sure I get to bed it used to be that I would work till 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning and then get up again at eight o'clock to work straight away and work all through and I'd work all weekend but now I'm trying to have the weekends off and I'm trying to stop working and get to bed before midnight I still get up I get up at 6:00 now I get up 6:00 in the morning and start my day earlier but I'm trying to be in bed before midnight but yes time management is a nightmare and I am looking now for a manager or someone to help me it's a good time actually to say that lots of you email me and lots of you send me messages on Facebook and I'm not sure if you do on YouTube I haven't actually looked lots of you message me on Instagram and you leave lots of comments which is great and I do sometimes get chance to go in and read them I just can't always respond because there are so many and this is why I'm looking now for a manager someone who can help me with the emails because so many emails come through and so many comments come through that sometimes I I just can't I can't cope with it all so say yes if you do message me thank you so much and please don't think I'm being rude or that I'm ignoring you I just I don't have the time always to respond so I forgive me I'm sorry okay oh gosh one of you says I wake up at 5 a.m. or I mean 6 a.m. is hard enough I don't know about 5 a.m. goodness lots of you saying congratulations on 50,000 subscribers thank you and if you are here and you are not subscribed then please do subscribe this is an an unusual session normally we do focused English lessons so if you're wanting to learn English then please do join us we have a nice little group of people here so um a question from one of my patrons David hello David how do you edit all your videos and do you have your own tech team who do who does that for you I have a program called a Final Cut Pro 10 it costs about 200 pounds and then you own the software outright it's it's it's a professional editing software I've had it for about 8 years no yeah maybe 6 years 6 or 6 to 8 years I've had it for a long time I haven't upgraded it for a long time and I edit myself I learned how to edit and I edit myself I wish I had a team because editing takes so long I was editing a video for you guys this morning on another accent and it's taken me so far about three hours and it'll still take another hour before the Edit is completed and so it's a long time so you have to plan the video shoot the video and then edit the video and then upload and share it and you know it takes an awfully long time and so I don't have a team now because I can't afford to pay anybody but like I said if this channel grows if the community grows and I get more sponsors and maybe I get a little bit more support a few more patrons then all that kind of help and support goes towards things like paying for editors more equipment so I can bring you more better quality lessons yeah so so yeah right now I do everything I plan I film I edit I market I answer everything I do everything it's very difficult it's very difficult indeed but you know I love my job so I'm not complaining okay and the next question came through from let's see if I can pronounce this all Alec Aleksandar Aleksandar Aleksandar like Alexander but Aleksandr am I saying that right I hope so you said teaching English for you is a hobby or a full-time job so is teaching English a hobby or a full-time job teaching English is it's it's a job it's a job what I do for you guys it's it's my job I don't have a job besides this other than obviously my private students but there again that's teaching so so teaching is my full-time job and your other question you have lots of questions and what university did you graduate and this should be from what university did you graduate from so I studied speech and drama at sorry I'm trying to get comfortable I'm sitting on my knees I'm kneeling and my knees are very uncomfortable if I can just readjust here am I going to no I'm gonna go too low on it hello Larry see if I can hook myself up and so I went to the Royal Academy of Music and now I went to the berming a School of Speech and Drama I'm really uncomfortable here excuse me um burn this was a speech and drama yes and then I am I came out of that with first degree honors and and then I went to the Royal there we go that's better the Royal Academy of Music where I studied ah my study music I'm just losing my Facebook feed there we go and I studied musical theatre and I also studied teaching and and that's it really mats and then I've done a lots of workshops besides sorry just this is what live live stuff is all about it's about getting cramp in your legs and dropping cameras okay so so yeah that's my that's my university and I don't have any and this is a question that's coming up I don't have any actual English teaching qualifications that's what you're going to ask me I don't have any actual English teaching qualifications so yes your question there Alexander was were you trained to be an English language teacher at University no I trained in speech so I have a lot of knowledge about exactly how you produce voice I have a lot of knowledge about accents about how to sound access about phonetics but I don't have the the English language grammar teaching qualification as such I did start and get partway through a TEFL course which is the teaching English as a foreign language course but and this is my moment of honesty I found it boring I found it boring I grammar learning grammar and grammar rules and sticking those grammar rules in your head a really alien way to learn for me I found learning grammar rules really difficult to learn and difficult to learn in a way that I could then tell you as a teacher in a very easy way for you to understand and I figured that there are many teachers on you too and in universities and schools and colleges who are excellent at teaching grammar and I didn't feel like I was going to be one of them and so I teach in my own way and hopefully most of you find the way that I teach interesting and educational and that's why you're here and I think learning in lots of different ways is beneficial to you as students and so yes there is my there is my confession I am NOT a qualified English teacher however I am an English native I am born and bred an English native so English is my first and only language and therefore I can help you to improve your English that's my thinking all right if you haven't already guys then give this video a like okay what was the next question from Alexander has loads of questions and where does your husband work I don't have a husband I am not married shot Cara I'm not married so there you go a lot of you asking me am I married no I'm not married there are no rings on my fingers I'm not married or engaged I have been engaged once but we'll talk about that later the next question is when do you plan to give birth to a child Wow I mean that's quite an interesting question probably the bet if you're ever talking to an English native the best way to phrase that question is to say do you have any children and if they say no you say do you plan to have any but just saying to someone when do you plan to give birth to a child is it's quite an unusual way to phrase that question it sounds quite funny I I have no plans I have no plans to give birth to a child and at any point soon but I know I'm not getting any younger I don't have any children and I would love to have children but at the moment I'm far too busy looking after your english-language needs and having a child is very expensive and so I feel like I need to get into a more secure place in my life and do a lot more teaching and just do a lot more stuff and then maybe I'll be ready to have a baby I don't know you know if I'm blessed enough to have a child then if it happens it'll happen I not everyone is lucky enough so we'll see who knows okay the next question what camera do you use to take your photos well right now if you're watching me on Facebook I'm using my iPhone this is my iPhone 5 and if you're watching me on youtube I am recording directly through my iMac my computer my Apple computer however when you watch my pre-recorded lessons I'm usually filming on my Canon 70d Canon 70d it's a lovely deal DSLR camera it's very good if you're shooting yourself if you're filming yourself because it has an autofocus so it automatically focus on what it thinks you want it to focus on which is very helpful I previously had a Nikon camera and it didn't have autofocus and I constantly had problems with filming myself because the footage was always out of focus so Canon 70d if you are interested in this particular camera I have put a link to it in the description of the YouTube video so if you're on YouTube and you're interested in what camera I use I've linked it in the description below ok alrighty so how many do you have oh yeah 260 people watching live hello and goodness knows how many oh 78 on Facebook hello that's quite a few of you alright what's the next question the next question is ah same question as before do you edit your own videos or do you have someone else to do it for you no I've already asked that one so i-i-i do edit my own videos and i have no one else to do the editing for me i do everything everything myself it's very time-consuming do you use time management programs no I just have my calendar and I put appointments in my calendar in that song what do you think is the most important thing to make your videos popular okay so if you are a youtuber then or some sort of social media provider you're providing content on the Internet I think the most important thing firstly is the content there is no point in having something that looks pretty on the outside but that is awful on the inside there's no point in having a great cover photo at having wonderful copy copy means wording so you can have the best title the best description you can have the best catchphrase to pull people in the best photograph to pull people in but if your content is rubbish then no one will stay for longer than a few seconds and they won't come back so the most important thing if you are providing content of any sort on the internet or in person then make the quality high high quality content will win you a loyal customer base and that's what we want lots of people talk about click bait on YouTube and titles that are unrelated to what what the video is about just to make someone click or a photo that would make someone go what's this that's shocking what's this but you are just tricking people you're fooling people you're conning people to get them to look at your video and and that's that's not fair that's not nice so keep your titles relevant make your thumbnails catchy but make them relevant and make your content good that's the most important thing if you want popular no I've lost Facebook Facebook could literally just disappeared okay well I'm still live here on YouTube so I'm just going to carry on with YouTube hopefully those guys will come over oh that's upsetting oh well I'm sorry if you were on Facebook and you lost me and hopefully now you've come over to YouTube instead okay so lots of people be very very sweet in the chat room you guys are so lovely I'm so blessed I'm so blessed to have such wonderful people here should I go live again on Facebook click that like button yeah let's just go live again when these guys I don't know why that happened it's bizarre my phone isn't not happy okay so hi guys sorry I don't know what happened if you want a constant good feed then make sure you come over to YouTube but I'm here now so let's go to the next question next question is from Jason Jason is that how I say this jitan and jason says how long have you been working as an English teacher well this channel has only I only started this last year so it's been going for about a year and a few months and I guess that's as long as I've been teaching English language but before that I've been teaching elocution probably for about ten years I've been teaching speech and communication but I've been teaching singing even longer than that and I've been a teacher even longer than that because I was teaching singing dance and drama for many years before that - okay next question is from William how do you arrange your retirement when you have an advanced age of around 60 well in the UK what you do is you if you're in a job if you are employed then you pay some of your wages automatically goes into a pension scheme normally and your employer will pay into a pension scheme for you if you are not if you are not employed if you're self-employed like me then when you pay your taxes and your national insurance some of that goes towards a pent estate pension but you have to pay enough tax so if you're a low earner like I have been some years some years not some years have been low if you're a low earner and you don't always pay a lot of tax because you haven't earned very much then those years don't count and what you should do as a self-employed person is have a private pension scheme set up which you pay into every month and then when you're old and you retire you can start getting the money back to pay for your old age unfortunately I have been a little bit silly and I haven't started a private pension scheme which is a concern and it is something I've been thinking about for the last few years that I need to sort out but it never seems to be a good time and I never know where to where to start really so I don't know yeah the question the question is a very good question and I need to sort it out but normally if you're employed then then you're sorted out and your employer will help you okay let's have a look what the patrons are saying are you willing to recruit any volunteers to manage the messages or edit your videos I guess many people want to do that and lots of you in fact there's a couple of messages in my inbox of people who've offered to do things for me I think one lady is a graphic designer offered to do some some graphics for me and I regularly gets offers of people offering to help and I really do appreciate it and in some case I you know I do think oh I will take you up on that offer but in terms of video editing it would be very hard for me to take a volunteer because it's very hard to send the files it's hard to manage it's hard to editing takes a long time and I would feel really bad if someone was editing my stuff for free I I wouldn't feel comfortable I'd want to pay someone if they were going to be spending so much time on something that was going to help me so I wouldn't feel comfortable is the answer I guess and the other question from andreas was do you know yet when all the other an Alone's videos will be released I'm still I'm still struggling like at the moment I have a list of seven videos that need to be edited there are kind of high high high priority videos that need editing about seven of them and they take me about a day or half a day to edit each and then around that I'm trying to provide lots of live lessons which take me a good half a day to prepare to set up to do to market and it's difficult so they off sat there in my to do list but I can't make any promises as to when I will catch up because I just don't know I don't want to make any promises I know they're there and no they're waiting and I will do them as soon as I can all right I'm sorry okay next question are you when will you get married when will you get married I guess I will get married as and when or if the right person asks me I have been engaged once in my life I've been engaged once and I I didn't I didn't feel happy so I left that relationship and I didn't get married and I haven't been married because I've never really felt that a man has really appreciated me or understood and you know I think I think you have to feel 100% happy with someone if you're going to marry them and so I haven't I haven't yet been asked by mr. right is is is the answer so I will get married if mr. Wright ever asks me and I must say I get lots of you lots of you asking me to marry you so yeah lots of wedding and marriage proposals thank you so much it's very very flattering but I I'm waiting for mr. right and I know I'm getting older and I might end up being an old maid who's never been married but I would rather do that and then be unhappy in a marriage with someone I don't love okay and next question so remember once I've got through these questions are not open up to your questions so just bear with me so I don't know how I say this name go Yin Yin Yin says I'm a big fan of your voice how can I change my voice at least I won't have the same accent as yours was your first question well I changed my voice and my accent over the course of a year by studying vowels and consonants learning phonetics just learning what sounds my natural accent had and learning how to adjust them I have also put together a course to help you guys if you want to or anybody who wants to do the same for their accent so if you are interested in that it's available really reasonably priced it's 45 pounds for the whole course and you have access for life is over four hours worth of videos and there's mp3s and written stuff in there as well and that is available at www.english pro like professional PR o comm British English procom okay alright what are your dreams was your second question and my dreams Wow I mean I have so many dreams and aspirations and they change regularly but my dreams are my dreams are to be to have an impact to have an impact life is short and whatever your beliefs this is the life we have now and I want this life to count whether we have another life or not I just want to make sure that this life that I'm sure we have right now that lift this life counts that this life makes other people's lives better that I make people happy that I have a positive impact on the world and on the people around me and that's that's for me the most important thing I would hate to die and not be remembered I would hate to die and not to have had a positive impact on somebody and when you start to help people the more people you help then the more addictive it becomes the more you want to help people and so yeah I I just want to have an impact and I also I do want to have a family I want to have a family because I want to raise a little human being and I want to give them everything I want to make them the happiest person in the world give them all the opportunities to be amazing and I also then want to hopefully create a human being who has an even bigger impact on the world in a positive way that's my dream okay next question Alexia says which jobs did you have before you became an English teacher on which one did you like the most hmm I had lots of jobs uh gosh I'll see if I can remember all the jobs I've ever had I started off working in a carpet shop I've worked as a cold call person sales woman going hello do you want this product mmm and they're like no go away okay I I've worked in customer services I've worked at Boots the Chemist I used to work in a photo shop developing photos I've worked in a stables cleaning out horses I've worked as a waitress I've worked in bars I've worked as a dog walker I've worked as a singer I've worked as an actress in films and theater and touring schools with education I've been a presenter I've been a teacher of all ages I've been working in nurseries in primary schools in secondary schools in colleges and universities I've been a cleaner I have been an ironing lady I've been a babysitter I've been a leaflet a leaflet girl handing out leaflets at 6:00 in the morning to miserable people going to work I've been a hostess giving out drinks at posh parties I've worked in Buckingham Palace making tea for the Queen and her guests I have I've done all sorts I've been a model I've been a photographer I've been a videographer I make content for brands adverts all sorts and what did I enjoy the most I mean I guess performing anything that involves performing and creating other jobs I've enjoyed most I've enjoyed creating content making videos love making videos I love doing YouTube stuff I love I love doing my life lessons and making my videos for you that help you some of you have to go some of you saying goodbye forgoing the jobs I haven't enjoyed are the jobs where I've had some either Pleet people my there is a northern word that means to bother to irritate to upset so the jobs where I've had to phone people and say buy our products I didn't like that because people don't like to be phoned in their home and advertised to I felt like it was very intrusive interestingly the two times in my life when I've been sacked when I was sacked from a job they were both sales jobs where I had to cold call people and because I didn't like it I was bad at the job and that's why I got sacked because I didn't do a good job I just was like I'm so sorry I'll leave you alone goodbye I wasn't pushy or nasty like the salespeople wanted me to be so those are the jobs I didn't like but good question okay the next question comes from I don't know how to say this I don't recognize these characters so I'm just going to say set print separate I'm so sorry if I pronounced that wrong separate says how old are you I'm old I'm very old I'm 35 and next month I'll be 36 on the 27th of September 36 I don't think that 35 is old but I know I get a lot of when I do get nasty comments they're usually comments about me being old because I'm not young and beautiful like some of the youtubers like the beautiful Lucy who's like in her early 20s and it absolutely stunning I'm not I'm not I'm not young and flawless I have I have gray hairs I have wrinkles I you know I'm older and I'm happy with that I'm fine with that I'm older it means I'm still alive and yeah that's cool by me and but I do get when I get hate they always aim at my age that I was like oh you're old and you're on YouTube okay I don't care and sorry YouTube I turned you off my face right there hi YouTube so yeah I am 35 and I'll be 30 36 on the 27th of September and maybe maybe I'll do a live lesson and you can all sing happy birthday to me and I'll I'll make out like I can hear you and and say thank you isn't it awkward when people sing happy birthday to you okay so the next question from Seraphim was um what is you wouldn't say what are you say what is your weight and height what a personal question well the last time I weighed myself I haven't weighed myself in many many months the last time I weighed myself and on average I'm usually around nine and a half stone I'm not sure what that is in pounds anyone who's good with maths there's about fourteen pounds to a stone and I'm nine and a half stone so how many pounds is that somebody work that out so nine and a half stone is my weight which is a reasonable weight I'm quite a muscular kind of person look at those muscles yeah yeah a muscle is heavy so I don't really care I don't care about weight I think it's about how what your body type is and you know as long as you're healthy I think that's important but I don't care about oh I put on a pound or oh I've lost a pound I don't I don't care I feel healthy and then I'm happy what hi to my I am 5 foot 7 on a good day and 5 foot 6 on a bad day normally if I'm standing up tall and I'm feeling happier than a 5 foot 7 but if I slouch a bit then I'm 5 foot 6 okay so the next question was why are you so beautiful and so clever oh that's very sweet very sweet obviously beauty this is a phrase that you may not know but the phrase is beauty is in the eye of the beholder so I might be beautiful to you but I might be hideous to somebody else everyone finds beauty in different things and different ways so beauty is in the eye of the beholder is in the eye of the person who is watching and looking ok the next question comes from Luqman Luqman I hope I'm saying that right if my university offered you two and teach here will you accept well probably not and the reason the reason for that is there is it's a very specific reason why I chose to teach publicly and not in a school or a university I used to teach in a private school on every set set day set lesson set classes but I can't reach more people with a set class and also if I taught in a university then the only people that who can benefit from it are the people who can pay for that course and tuition in the UK is becoming more and more expensive and more difficult for people to afford and the point of me starting English like a native was to offer English education to everybody as long as they have an internet signal that was that's that's what I wanted to be able to do that's my that's my goal is to give English to as many people as possible and if I was teaching in a university then that kind of defeats the point of me teaching because it restricts who can who can benefit okay the next question we're nearly there the next question is have you ever married we've already covered that no I haven't I've been engaged but I broke it off and the last question is are you happy ah the quick answer is yes the long answer is I have always got more that I want to do I'm always slightly dissatisfied in life slightly dissatisfied because I always want to achieve so much more I'm a perpetual student myself I want to learn I want to improve I always want to do better and better and better and a good example of that is I've recently in the last few years taken up gymnastics and I started off never having done gymnastics before in my life and then last year I competed my first competition and competed at the British Championships so I competed at national level because over those three years I just wanted to get better I've had lots of injuries I've hurt myself many times gymnastics is painful but I wanted to be good and so I worked harder and harder and harder because I wasn't satisfied and and now I've done the British Championships and I did I did reasonably well but I want to do better and so yeah I I'm I'm happy but there's always more I can achieve I'm happy if I'm able to go out and keep achieving I guess and for anyone who is interested in gymnastics and interested in knowing and seeing what I went through and the journey and how I did at the competition then I did release a video on that exact thing yesterday on a different Channel but I put the link to that video in the description of this YouTube video and Facebook it will be in the other live preview that's now on a separate video because I dropped the feed but if you want to go and check that out and you're more than welcome to it's about 16 minutes long it goes through my whole journey and and what I actually ended up achieving okay so now I've gone through all the questions that were set you are free to ask me your questions so fire away probably best to do it on YouTube Facebook if you're not on YouTube English like a native come and find me and all I would ask is that you do if you're going to ask me a question then please do make sure you're a subscriber I know about 60% of you who are watching my videos are not subscribed and that makes me very sad if you subscribe then YouTube will help to push these videos to more people and the point is to try and reach people all over the globe so if you can just click that little subscribe button it doesn't cost you anything then that would be great and in return I will answer your questions so off you go fire away and let me see what my patrons are saying what are your plans about your acting career says Georgie as an actor acting can take over your life I could get a phone call right now from a director saying we want you to come and start rehearsals next week you're going to go on tour to Island or to Europe or wherever first six months and it's going to be a full-time job for six months and if I did if I did those jobs it would mean I can't commit to what I'm doing for you and at the end of last year I made a promise to myself and to you guys that I would be here and I would do as much as I can to help you with your English that I would not let you down and I know I can't always do lessons every day but I I want to do the best for you and my acting career doesn't help you guys my acting career goes against my commitment to you and so I phoned my acting agent and I said I'm taking at least one year out I want to focus on the English students I want to focus on my English Channel and helping so no acting jobs I have done like a one day acting job for a friend a director who's a friend of mine asked me to do him a favor and it was one day so I thought I could afford to do that but otherwise I'm taking a break from acting for you that's all okay George you said I hi Anna in my humble opinion you are qualified teacher you are doing a very effective and professional job but not certified eg assume that every driver is certified DL but does not mean that some of the drivers should be driving the car yes you're you're absolutely right having a certificate having a qualification doesn't necessarily mean that you are good at something in my capacity as a student and as a teacher of singing of drama of English I've met teachers who are not good at teaching who don't understand how to come Kait ideas effectively to students who can't understand how to communicate with people in general and and so yeah I think some people are natural teachers and some people just aren't and I've always been interested in helping people in everything even in my gymnastics club and whenever there's a new person I'm like hello what do you want to learn let me help you even if I don't know how to do it myself I'm like let's do this together let's learn together let me help you see yeah I agree with you George alrighty so I'm gonna jump now to the YouTube chat room and see what you guys are asking me so let's let's let's steer away from the typical English questions I can do those in a in an English based class Danya dhaniya is asking how do i subscribe to a YouTube channel head over to YouTube look up English like a native and then when you find my channel click the subscribe button okay da da da da da lots of English questions let's have some just more interesting fun personal questions I saw your video it was amazing thank you that's very kind English always smiling polite and positive Julie oh it's wonderful that you think that but I I think it's wrong in any sense to to judge not to judge to to class a whole group of people as one thing we all do it we all we all do it's called like painting people with the same brush towering people with the same brush I know lots of English people who are grumpy who are rude who have terrible ideas and views who I don't agree with and then there are lots of people who are polite and positive and happy and smiley and I would say the same for every country that I've ever been to there are happy people there are grumpy people there are crazy people there are sane people there are polite people there are helpful people and there are rude people I think people are just people and we are a mixture I don't think it has a huge mate I don't think it makes a huge difference if you are English if you are Brazilian if you're Italian if you are if you whatever language you speak I don't think that has a huge impact on how your personality is on what your personality is like is that fair is that fair for me to say Ben says I'll share your channel to my friends I'll share your channel with my friends thank you so much please do that would make me very happy hello and Malaysia Rebecca the Scouse and Paul the Cockney friends or colleagues friends actually and so if you watched my how to speak with a Liverpool accent video you will know Rebecca Rebecca is the beautiful blonde Scouse lady and Rebecca I know from my gymnastics club and in fact she is in you might see her yes you will she's in my gymnastics video which is linked in this youtube video description because she was in my gymnastics team so that goes to show that I'm telling the truth nothing but the naked truth I'm so I've known Rebecca for about three years from gymnastics and we trained together and we hang out and Rebecca comes to my house and helps me out with some work sometimes and very very lovely so she's a friend and Paul the Cockney from my cockney accent video Paul I've known for a very long time he's an actor and we've worked together on one two three four different show five different shows six six shows we've done a lot of acting work together so we've spent an awful lot of time together he's like my brother I feel like I know him very very well and he was very kind to come help me with that video lots of things coming through and Amal says do you enjoy makeup you always look amazing how do you keep your beautiful how do you keep yourself beautiful amidst your work very kind of you I I don't really I I don't enjoy makeup in the way that most girls do and the reason I don't enjoy makeup so much is because I don't know how to do it very well I tend to do too much or I make it look bad so I just do the same thing every time because I don't really know how to do anything different I also don't really know what to do with my hair I'm not very good with hair either I just wash it and dry it and that's it I can sometimes do that Platt that you've seen it took me one year to learn how to do that Platt but I'm not very I don't have much time for makeup because I don't know how to do it and so so yeah what was the rest of your question you always look amazing how do you keep yourself beautiful I it's it's lighting I promise you that if you feel like you're looking bad you get some foundation powder to take the shine away and you get good lights I've got two very big bright lights I've got this one see how nice it makes your skin look when it's in front of you and I've got another one on that side bright lights take away shadows take away floors lights are good in the right angle lighting it's all the show I promise you hello Anna any film you've done that we can watch says Ben hmm I've done a few fan films that are available on my other YouTube channel they are from a long time ago now yeah so you can look at Anna's big adventure that you'll find some my acting work on and this big adventure on my other YouTube channel what does perish the thought mean and it means that I I feel I felt awful I can't possibly think about that it's an awful thought I perish at the thought I I quiver I die at the thought oh what a terrible thought do you like poems if the poem is good then yes I do like poems um why you suck why are you such a nice person French Francesco that's very kind of you I I guess there's no point in being horrible I don't I think it's it takes more energy to be unpleasant and it doesn't aid anybody if you're unpleasant so I think if you're nice you attract nice people and if you're hateful you attract hateful people and so you may as well be nice because I want nice people around me is my thinking Giorgio says are you happy with your new apartment it's a flat in England we call it a flat but yes I'm very happy I'm very happy I I wish it had a little bit more storage space because I don't have much storage space but otherwise it's wonderful it's a lovely location it's quiet most of the time there's lots of light and yes I finally feel like I'm at home it's the first time in a long time you don't look a day over 30 says Ben that's very very sweet again it's the lighting lots of you saying congratulations on the YouTube channel thank you if you could trade in one thing if you could train one good thing in your life that you already have for a better thing in the future what would it be that's a difficult question it's a very difficult question if I could trade in one good thing right now for the promise of something better in the future what would it be I would I don't know what I trade in but I know I would trade in something good I don't know i I've worked hard for everything that I have right now but I know I would love if it was possible I would love to have a younger body I would love to have like new knee joint joints and a new backbone and and flexible hips so I'd love to make my body young again so I can enjoy my sports without pain and fatigue and I don't know what I would give for that because I wouldn't want to give up experience that I've had I don't know when you think American songs do you sing in America with an American accent usually when we sing American songs or any songs we tend to imitate the accents of the person we originally heard singing it so a lots of people sing with an American accent because most of the music they listen to isn't with an American accent Miguel have you ever been to Spain see of course lots of people in England have been to Spain or France because you're so close to us and and it's you know lovely sunny weather good food good wine of course I've actually lived in Spain for a very short space of time do you usually miss your family and how often you visit them says camp I miss my family an awful lot I wish my mom lived close to me so I could see her regularly unfortunately I only see my family once every like a couple of times a year so once every six months and that's my mum and my stepdad and yeah my father my my father and some of my brothers and sisters I don't see for a year or two years at the time it's very tough they live a long way away from me and and yeah work commitments means it's hard to get up and visit them because they're so far away any advice for a foreigner going to England for an exchange year if you're coming to England then I would suggest that you visit lots of different places in England don't just come to London or don't just stay in one city because England has lots to offer in different cities it can be very very different so make sure you explore either says have you ever been to have you ever been to not in have you ever been to Buenos Aires or Facebook I'm losing you again ha ha have you ever been to Buenos Aires and did you like it yes I did come to Argentina for 3 weeks this year in January and I did visit Buenos Aires for a few days during that time and that absolutely loved one Oh Sara's in fact I have done a number of videos about my adventures in Argentina which are available on my youtube channel and there's big adventure so do come and check those out dudu now we've seen that no more questions ok I'll go back to the YouTube guys hello Anna congratulations on hitting 50000 subscribers says Edie great thing that you're doing a Q&A video I wonder when when you get to visit your roots up north and do still speak northern English I rarely speak northern English sometimes and I'm tired I slip into a northern accent I just start talking a bit like that recently I've not been very well so when I'm not well I start talking more I mean or than accent because I'm tired and it just it's easier to just be normal and speaking mean normal natural accent when I don't feel very well but I I should go up north very soon unfortunately my grandma is very very unwell and so when I got north I always want to visit my grandma because she's so poorly but she's not always well enough to take visitors and so it's difficult to time it right so I should probably go up in the next month or so to see my family hopefully why is your singing channel called verba vocal my singing channel is called verba vocal because initially verba was the channel that had singing and speaking so alec yueshen accent work on it and verb the word verb obviously is I think it's Latin and it means word and I wanted the channel to cover everything that was verbal communication so verbal communication through singing or through speech but then of course as things progressed and things changed the verb of vocal channel became just about singing and I had a separate channel for speaking and English and so I am now just calling that verb of vocal and it just is what it is have you ever visited Morocco yes I went to Casablanca for one day and can you sing can you sing your voice is so nice I can't sing right now because I'm not very well and actually my sinuses are quite bummed up which means they're blocked and so it's quite irritated around here Georgie says how do you celebrate your birthday's usually I always feel weird about birthdays I always feel a bit embarrassed or disappointed about birthdays because when I was a child my birthdays were amazing because my mum was so good at organising prom surprises and parties and having fun and new birthdays were just always magical and then as you get older they become more and more disappointing because your mum doesn't organize it anymore and so I usually will go maybe for dinner with friends or something or I just try to do something like go climbing or just try to ignore it okay what are your who are your YouTube friends my YouTube friends are obviously Lucy English for Lucy Ali from Papa English I mean there's loads there's loads but the people I speak to on a regular basis are those two guys I used to speak to Alice Ali Alistair Cohen quite a lot haven't spoke to him much recently a little bit but not much I can't think who else have I message recently on YouTube there's quite a few of us so you'll find that you too kind of works in little groups of people that just get to know each other and then stay in touch and help each other out and hang out and go to events together and so there's quite a few youtubers but I think the person I speak to most is Lucy and then Ally it's probably the second person alright a few more questions and then oh I've been here for an hour oh gosh this must be terribly boring for you so I will love you and leave you very shortly Mohammed says do you like travelling I love travelling as there's nothing more exciting than discovering new places and finding new friends and eating food and all sorts of stuff how did you find Casablanca says French money um I arrived in Casablanca not knowing what to do or where to go and so I just wandered around the streets and I think I felt a little bit lost and a bit frustrated because I couldn't find somewhere to go and eat and I I'd really wanted to visit Morocco and I only have this one day to be in Morocco and so I did feel quite frustrated and my with my time there because I hadn't organized myself properly I guess the same if you came to London and you didn't know where to go what to visit then you could just have a very stressful day wandering around the streets because London is a busy city and actually I found Casablanca to be very busy I ended up in a market place and it was very very busy and I think I just remember feeling a little bit stressed and tired and frustrated that I hadn't figured out what I was doing before I arrived and made the most out of my time there so I definitely need to go back to Morocco at some point and do it properly and so if you have any advice about what to do in Morocco then please do tell me and do your private lessons yes I do everything I offer you can find on the British English Pro web site so British English procom you'll find what I have to offer there have you ever been to Prague no I haven't actually do you know do you know about Saudi Arabia not much I don't know much about Saudi Arabia do you know how to knit or crochet it's a funny question I used to knit when I was little but I haven't knitted for a very long time it used to be quite therapeutic to make it I would only ever make a scarf because that's I couldn't do anything complicated so I just kept making knitting until it got really long and they like it's a scarf but I haven't knitted for a long time I don't have time for knitting these days I barely have time for myself to relax never mind doing anything anything like missing Erik says what about the roller skates behind you are they yours and do you skate often good question my roller skates I need to get back on my roller skates I haven't skated for probably about a year but I was learning to roller skate a couple of years ago mmm I love roller skating I can skate backwards and do a few little tricks on my skates and yes the thing with roller skating it just you have to just have a good surface and you have to have a clear dry day and yeah you need the time I never have enough time mm-hmm oh gosh so many questions coming through have you ever been to the phillipines yes I have have you ever been to Italy yes I've been to Italy lots and lots have you been to the Ukraine yes I have been to Ukraine a couple of times can you tell me what fat chance means fat chance just means you've got no chance fat chance means no chance there's no possibility of it happening so if I said to you hey can you lend me ten pounds you go fat chance and I go alright it means your there's no possibility of you giving me ten pounds go away no way mmm hope that helps Spanish French German Russian Japanese Chinese Arabic which language is most important in business I don't know if you ask me about business language I would say English because I think programming in terms of computing programming is is mostly done in English I think and so I think English is important but then I guess it depends on the industry that you're in I can't really help you with that I don't know hmm have you been to Turkey yes I have you should start vlogging it's so exciting to watch says Ibrahim I used to vlog a little bit and I do do some vlogging when I'm going on my adventures and you can find that on my vlogging channel which is Ana's big adventure I do say miss your I do say miss your channel has really gotten me into thinking more and more about wanting to teach English of course I probably teach Shakespearean English and pronunciation fantastic let's do it if you have any any wonton or interest in putting content on the internet starting YouTube channel then do it there's nothing to stop you and if you don't like what you create you can always take it down you have complete control mmm Jefferson have you ever met the Queen yes I have because I worked at the Queen's garden parties and so I met her there can you visit us in Sudan I have no holidays booked this year so far um but perhaps one day I will visit Sudan tell me what what what is good about Sedan what should I come and visit tell me what I can come and do I like adventures so if there's mountain climbing or anything physical I can do I love doing that stuff diving maybe mmm English and Mandarin are probably the dominant business languages says auntie Bionic good how many words do you know in Spanish yo no se and probably not very many and have you ever been to Spain of course I have you do gymnastics and rollerskating maybe you should try figure skating as well I love I lost I love skating on ice but the problem with skating and ice is it hurts an awful lot when you fall over and I like your sunny lamp it looks like a little Sun in your room and you look like a second Sun Thank You Eric that's very sweet have you ever been to Wales has been my family live in Wales so yes I've been to Wales many many times Ruben's has come to Mexico City if not you should greetings from Mexico I will come to Mexico one day I promise definitely definitely next year I'll come to London to continue my study my study would it be possible to see you I mean I'm pretty busy I'm pretty busy and so even my friends don't get to see me very often but who knows like I said if this channel reaches a certain level and I have enough people watching who want to do a live Meetup face to face we'll do a group meeting event a live lesson in person in London perhaps maybe when I hit like five hundred thousand or something if I ever get that not far it's a long way away okay lots and lots of questions coming through what kind of movies do you like I like good movies movies that make me laugh or cry dramatic movies I loved the Lord of the Rings movies I haven't seen any movies recently I don't have much time to go to the cinema but I tell you what I am watching I'm watching stranger things and Game of Thrones the two things I make time for to watch gal says have you ever been to Israel you're most welcome promised you a tour bless you girl thank you I don't think I've been to Israel I have a map I need to put it up on the wall I have a map where the little stars of every country I've ever been to because I've been to a lot of countries so I forget where I've been can you tell me your timetable in terms of live lessons I can't because every day is different I know that I won't be able to do a live lesson tomorrow and if I do a live lesson tomorrow it'll be a very late lesson because I'm filming all day tomorrow for my children's channel and that's going to be quite a long day so probably no live lessons tomorrow but definitely a live lesson on Thursday and definitely a live lesson on Friday and I will put a schedule on Facebook and on Instagram as to when to expect those lessons okay so have you ever been to a Brazilian restaurant not I remember I don't think we have many Brazilian restaurants in London we have lots of Chinese restaurants Indian restaurants Italian restaurants loads of Italian restaurants Thai restaurants and that's about it a couple of French restaurants but we don't have we don't have any Brazilian restaurants is that what it was Brazilian there's some Mexican restaurants for sure and okay everyone just asking if I've been to their country tell me it is I've been to lots of countries what do you think about the documentary showing the Diana in her own words I haven't seen it I did want to watch it you're talking about Princess Diana I was I was quite a big fan of Princess Diana and I was obviously obviously like most most people around the world I was very upset when she died I was only a young girl when she died and I still remember it very clearly the day she died and so I did want to watch the documentary but unfortunately I was training for my gymnastics competition so I was out at the time and I haven't had time to watch it what did you think of it okay so guys I am going to wrap up now I think I've been here I've taken far too much of your time been here for an hour and 17 minutes so I'm going to wrap up and say goodbye thank you so much for joining me and I hope that you've found it educational learning all about your English teacher I do hope that you all have a wonderful evening whatever you're doing wherever you are in the world I hope that you will all continue to be happy and to be nice to everybody around you and if you haven't already subscribed then please do subscribe to the YouTube channel give it a thumbs up and I will look forward to seeing you in the next live lesson which will definitely be on Thursday if not tomorrow and my patrons I've asked my patrons to give me some ideas of lessons that they really want to see and so and they come up with some good suggestions so you've got some good lessons to look forward to over the coming weeks so thank you patrons those of you who did answer that request for lessons suggestions otherwise guys thank you so much and gonna say goodbye to Facebook first goodbye Facebook bye-bye now there we go and YouTube guys thank you so much for joining me thank you to my patrons as I said you guys are awesome yes I gave you the full naked truth I didn't lie or cover anything up just me answering your questions thank you too strong again for your super chat that's a very kind contribution and I look forward to seeing lots of you on the live lesson next time hopefully tomorrow but probably on Thursday you guys absolutely Rock take care be kind to each other and [Music]
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 203,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, british accent, british pronunciation, learn english speaking, anna tyrie, british, anna english, english listening practice, english lesson, english vocabulary, learning english, Anna English, Pronunciation, S sound, the naked, the naked truth, truth, vlog, naked, honest, Q and A, 50k subscribers
Id: M1SG8iQlxeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 26sec (4766 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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