NEED vs WANT | Using English Verbs Correctly ๐Ÿ”ด

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and start streaming okay welcome back everybody a button has been button says tile who is our control man today everybody is joining I think YouTube chat is coming on there a lot of you in YouTube chat already welcome back to our live stream my name is Alisha and today we're going to talk about wants and needs and how to express those in a polite way so I'm gonna wait for YouTube to get streaming and for Facebook to get streaming so as you join please make sure to I send a comment send a hello and hit the like button and all that good stuff and we'll begin in just a moment alright YouTube is first up rosario hi from brasil you are first one always we have a great group from brazil joining us on these stream so welcome George hello on YouTube I see YouTube is coming Daniel hello on YouTube as well looks like Facebook is up to who we are quick today excellent excellent all right so everybody's joining as you join as I said today we're going to talk about how to express your wants and your needs and some of the differences the different ways that we can talk about those things so we're gonna wait just a couple minutes for everybody to join live yes it is live right now and so as you as you join as you wait for us to get started I'm gonna do a little bit of a warm-up type stuff but also make sure to hit the like button to as you join okay so great I don't see any facebook comments yet but I see a lot of you in the YouTube chat so hi hello Brazil as always hi from Portugal Vaughn Wow great I don't see many people from Portugal so that's cool and from France yeah France it's always really really late at night in France when we do our livestream so thank you for joining someone who's watching from France at 3 in the morning oh my gosh that's amazing and Vietnam great lots of people from Vietnam to I'm finding welcome welcome ok uh as I do every week I want to share a little point from my life how I actually used the grammar point that we talked about in the previous week in my own life okay so good Facebook is that Facebook is up as well now too good from Burma Wow maybe first one from Burma and from Mexico Roberta hi Bob as well hi okay um as I said I tried to share something from my life every week last week the grammar point we talked about was the if conditional I talked about a few patterns that we can use with the if structure so if something then something else so actually I did use it in my life I didn't even realize it until yesterday when I was looking through like Twitter and Instagram to find an example but I used it in a tweets I used the if conditional here I was talking about an event I said if you'll be in Tokyo on December 3rd reserve a ticket so here I used the command form so my if conditional my if clause was if you'll be in Tokyo December 3rd and then I made a command reserve a ticket reserve a ticket so this was how I used the if conditional in my life over the last week since we talked about it so this was last week's grammar point if you want to review this grammar point many of you said you wanted to review some of those things because it was a little challenging you can check the live stream on our YouTube channel as a regular video do so that's my example from last week I hope that was useful for you but yes as I said today we're going to talk about how to express your wants and your needs alright lots of people have joined now greats tucky on Facebook good morning from Japan awesome thanks for coming same time zone um Mahmud oh hello welcome and a lot of people still from Brazil some people from India too great and Libya as well maybe that's the first one I've seen from Libya awesome ok but let's begin it is 4 minutes past the hour here so I want to start in on today's topic which I said is expressing once and needs so there are a lot of different ways that we can express these sorts of things but we have to choose an expression that's appropriate for the situation so if you're too casual or you're too formal you might sound a little bit strange so I want to start today with a very very simple example I want to start by talking about how to express you want an object some kind of object that you want so I mentioned at the end of last week's lesson that this is kind of a useful useful grammar point or useful expression or a way of talking about something you want for like your birthday or maybe for Christmas or a different holiday you celebrate in your country so typical questions that we ask in these situations are like what do you want for your birthday or what do you want for Christmas what do you want for a specific holiday so I want to begin with this with this question just a simple question about your next birthday so for your answer for this first question please use an object an object we're going to talk about actions or activities later so for this first example please use an object so this should probably be a noun phrase you're going to use so our first question for today is what do you want for your next birthday what do you want for your next birthday so your answer should be something like I want object for my next birthday I want some object for my next birthday so again we'll talk about activities and actions later for this one let's just warm up with an object an object so this should maybe I would imagine in most cases this would be a singular singular noun or perhaps a countable noun but what do you want for your next birthday what do you want for your next birthday so for example I want a new wallet for my next birthday or I want a new bag for my next birthday or I want a lot of money or something like that what do you want for your next birthday Oh Facebook your first month as his cruise I want a new smartphone very nice I want a new smartphone for my next birthday good your first nice one I haven't seen it on YouTube yet what do you want for your next birthday is our question an object an object some items some object that you want here what do you want for you next birthday here's our question Eric your first on YouTube nice I want a bike for my next birthday good Tanveer says i want a gift for my birthday okay that works that works on facebook fab says I want a new iPad for my next birthday great very nice Leandra on YouTube nice I want to go to London for my next birthday yes so we're going to talk about activities here later I'm good Adamo I want a trip to Japan from a next birthday good I want a new phone for my next birthday I want a car for my next birthday I want a new house for my next birthday a new guitar from an ex birthday a new soccer ball from a next birthday a lot of people want cars okay on Facebook I want a pair of earphones for my next birthday I want a new laptop for my next birthday great at something else I don't know I want a new car a lot of people want a new car it seems I don't even have a car on YouTube I want a new lipstick for my next birthday good I want a PlayStation 4 whoo that sounds fun I want youth for my next birthday yeah wouldn't that mean nice good I want a gaming computer I want a car I want a new iPhone fantastic these are great a good morning emmy in from Azerbaijan I want a Christmas tree on my birthday do you have a December birthday and sounds like you might alright so this is the kind of the first the simplest expression we're going to talk about today you guys have done fantastic this was easy for you I think how to express you want an object before your birthday so um I want to move on to our next thing we have a lot to do today actually so bear with me but I want to move on to our next thing as always our team has prepared some stuff to share with you guys so I want to introduce that now let's see I think the crew is getting it ready so every week we have some free stuff to share with you that you can download over at the website and this week oh we have PDFs again this week I think we're doing every every kind of category of like daily life topic like business or like dining or travel for example there some PDFs that we have on the website you can print you can save to your smartphone you can save it to your computer you can check it online or offline so a lot of you have said you like to study when you're not connected to the Internet so these can be a pretty good resource for you I think if you log in with your account to the website you can download these right away you just click the link and it automatically downloads if you're not logged in or if you don't have an account you can make an account pretty quick I think so check this out there's a link to this page below the video on YouTube and above the video on Facebook so please check this link and get your free PDFs there's a lot of them actually I think there are like five or six at this point and if you want to check all of the possible PDFs you can choose from there's a group at the bottom of the page you can see all of them at the bottom of the page so please check that out if you have not already the team is always adding new stuff there all right so let's get back to our topic for today if you're just joining welcome if you're just joining welcome and please make sure to always hit like and share and all that as it's super helpful for us so let's go on to the other important topic for today the word need so we talked about how to use want in our first example sentence but I want to talk about need so there's a key difference between want and need with need we use it for something that there's maybe like some responsibilities or there's something that's necessary about that like we an object is necessary for our life or for our work for a study something like that so of course we can want objects and and need them we can we can have both but sometimes we don't always need the things we want so for example like I want and need water everybody does but if it's like chocolate cake I'm talking about then you know I may want chocolate cake but I don't actually need cake so it's important to make it like to distinguish to tell the difference between the two I want to make one point though you will hear native speakers sometimes substitute the word want for need so like they'll say oh my gosh I need chocolate cake right now but in those cases when it's a non-essential object people will use the word need to express a very very strong desire for something so you see this a lot in like social media like Twitter Instagram that kind of thing you'll see that people will use need in place of want for example all right but I want to actually try to use the word need in in today's practice so our next question is going to be about something you need in your life so the question is what do you need in order to do your job or your studies successfully you'll see the question here in just a second what do you need in order to do your job or your studies successfully oh that question coming I think our question is coming but think about that so again what do you need in order to do your job or your studies successfully successfully so for example like to edit something I need a style guide to edit correctly so the answer to this question should be I need plus noun phrase to do my job or I need plus a noun phrase to do something to study for example so let's think about it for your job or for your studies what do you need what do you need so I'll make a sample pattern here so to answer this question you'll use I need plus a noun phrase plus two whatever so I need plus a noun phrase to study to work so for example we need a team of people to make these live streams so here in this case I changed my subject we need plus a team of people is my noun phrase and then to do these live streams so I need or we need and so on so what do you need to do your job or your studies successfully what do you need Andrei's on Facebook says I need a lot of money a good Razia says I need to improve my English ah okay good point Manasa says I need more time to study great hmm Anderson on YouTube hi you say I need more room and silence more slick a big space maybe I need a large space and silence that's good um Wesley says I need a notebook good I need to learn English yeah many of you are saying I need to practice English I need to learn English more for sure to do your job or to do your studies Eduardo says I need to add more professional experience to like progress in my job or to develop my job good someone says I need wine really to do your job or your studies Daniel says I need more hours per day to finish my homework good someone says I need to speak I need to speak English and Japanese fluently okay I need silence to study good I need more hours to finish my tasks to finish my tasks great I need music to do my homework okay good I need peace to do my job right okay I need to find a job yes some of you have written like I need to find a job and need to find a job many of you are students I think I need your lessons to study English I hope it's helpful I hope it's helpful um other things I need to talk with a native speaker a native English speaker to improve my English great very nice I need to sleep I need sleep to wake up early tomorrow okay all right um other things I need someone to help me with my English great yeah lots of you are saying that ah pan meal Romero on Facebook has a great question what about don't need to and when and how do we use needn't Oh need it is really not used much in American English so this person's question great question they've asked about the negative don't need to so in the negative form don't need to means it's not necessary to it's not necessary to so when we make a negative with need we would put don't between the subject and the verb so I don't need bla bla bla to study so like I don't need wine to do my job or I don't need I don't know I don't need a dog to do my job for example so this means it's not necessary it is not necessary but this person asked about this word very interesting this word needn't needn't I mean need not need not so like you need not bla bla bla meaning you don't have to you don't need to do something however in American English needn't is really not used is really not used I'm not sure about British English I'm not a British English speaker and I don't know off the top of my head but needn't is not an expression we use in American English like to say you needn't worry about something it sounds extremely old-fashioned in American English if I say you needn't drink any wine before you come to work today it sounds very very strange extremely formal extremely old-fashioned so instead instead of using needed please use I don't need to or you don't need to do something I don't recommend you use needn't in this case alright great though lots of things and lots of you saying you need to do some some English studies so I hope we can practice together alright sounds great to me let's move on to a couple of other points though so we've talked about want for objects and need for objects things you need to do but I want to go on to talk about some of things that are like that our situation based situation based so in these cases with I want and I need there may be closer situations you're talking to your family members or to your co-workers but let's talk about when you're in a service situation let's say for example you go to a restaurant or a bar a hotel a shopping mall something like that if you use the phrase I want in these service situations you will sound in my opinion you'll sound a little too casual you sound impolite I feel because we usually use the expression I want with close friends or with family members we talk about something we hope to receive in those cases so using I want in a service situation sounds too direct to me however there are other phrases we can use so in service situations I think you'll see it saying in service situations we can begin our expressions of what we want or what we'd like to receive with these instead so for example I'd like so please keep in mind I'd like this is the contracted form of I would like I would like much more polite than I want same thing here I'll have I will have this is the contracted form of I will have becomes I'll have I'll have and one more I think this is maybe a nice one I like to use this one this is phrased as a question can I have blah blah blah so for example to use these if I'm at a restaurant for example I could say I'd like a salad please or I'll have a beer or can I have the dessert menu please so these three patterns are much much better in service situations I don't really recommend using I want in a service situation it just to me it sounds very direct and a little - a little too informal so in service situation please try to use I'd like or I'll have or can I have to talk about something you want okay then let's change to a different situation so when you are at work then - at work is a bit different from a service situation or from like when you're talking with your family or your friends so when you're at work I do not recommend using I want to make requests of your co-workers or your boss it sounds rather informal and you can sound kind of pushy so pushy means aggressive so it's generally not a good idea to sound pushy with your co-workers with your boss so instead like I talked about in the sir of a situation try to make it a request meaning make it into a question form yes you can see this video later to those of you who are asking so when you're at work um there are a few patterns here we can use so when you're at work you can use can you could you or the very formal would it be possible for you to these three are much much nicer than saying I want you to I want you to blah blah blah I want you to blah blah blah sounds too direct too aggressive I do not recommend using it with your co-workers or with your bosses it just sounds too strong to me so instead please use something like this like for example when you have a chance I could say to the crew like can you help me with the microphone for example or when you have a chance could you send me the file making it a request or I use this one in emails actually - would it be possible for you to let me know when you're free for example this is a very formal a more formal expression here so at work try to use a request to explain the things that you want this is gonna sound much more polite and much I think more fluent it then I want so please use these at work and the aisle have I'd like and can I have in service situation so again this is a lot of information but you can check this video again after the lesson we're recording on the YouTube page or the Facebook page okay great that was a lot so let's take a break let's take a quick break then if you're just joining maybe you missed it before but this week we're talking about needs and once so please make sure to like the video share the video and all that but I think we want to share our PDFs again this week I think we're going to share that one more time so if you missed it before if you're just joining in we have again last week we had something a bit different but this week we have our free PDFs on the website so please take a look at that I think you'll see in just a moment yes so this is uh we've shared this a couple times before but the team is always adding new things here so to find this page please click the link in the description below the video on youtube or above the video on facebook below the video on youtube above the video on Facebook to find these so these are like kind of just a quick vocabulary reference things so if you're if you find that there's some vocabulary that it's difficult to remember like at work or when you're traveling or to to talk with family members or whatever these can be really really quick reference sheets that can help you it could be fun studies as well so you can print them out as they're PDFs and you can take them with you like on your phone on your laptop and so on so very easy to use so if you have not checked those out please make sure to check the link in the description below the video on youtube and above the video on Facebook okay alright let's go back to our topic for today I have one more point I want to talk about at the beginning of today's stream I mentioned we were going to talk about how to explain an action you want to do an activity you want to do so this is useful when you're making plans for the weekend or a vacation so as I talked about before it's important to explain your plan to explain what you want to do but you don't want to sound pushy so again pushy means aggressive so so that you don't sound pushy when you explain what you want to do you can use an expression like this weekend I wanna so keep in mind when we are using a phrase like want to or have to or need to it's very natural to contract these words it's a very informal manner of speaking I suppose but keep in mind when you express this want to should become wanna in your pronunciation I wanna I don't wanna and so on so please keep this point in mind and some of you have been typing wanna that's fine just keep in mind though in this like chat situation that's fine to use wanna but don't use this in like a business email I don't recommend that in formal situations like if you're writing an essay for example or preparing something I don't know a formal like letter of recommendation I don't recommend the contracted form please use the full form but for today Oana is great and in your conversations with your conversation partners or when you're practicing using wanna is much better so let's use this to talk about what you want to do this weekend so this weekend we can say I wanna blah blah blah and we're going to use an action in this case some activity you'd like to do you can also say I kinda wanna I kinda wanna I'll talk about in a moment or an expression I've been wanting to so let's take a look at our patterns our last ones so finally what's something you want to do this weekend what's something you want to do this weekend so as I mentioned we've got I wanna for example I wanna go home and sleep or like I I kinda wanna so I talked about this word kinda kinda is the contracted form of kind of kind of which is like a little for sort of maybe you know that word too so I've included in my exam I example answer I kind of I kinda wanna I kinda wanna kinda is a softener for wanna I sort of one a little wanting to do something so I kind of want to cook something new this weekend for example we also have this pattern I've been wanting to I've been wanting so here if you've been watching our live streams hopefully you know this grammar by now you recognize this grammar I've been wanting to blah blah blah meaning this I have been and the progressive form means from the past beginning in the past and continuing to now I've wanted to so continuously wanting to do something so for example I've been wanting to see the new Blade Runner movie that is so true I really want to see that or I have been wanting to get a coffee with my friend for example so for something you have been wanting to do for a now you can use this pattern for something maybe just an idea you have for this weekend you can use I wanna so what's something you want to do this weekend hear me on YouTube I want to watch Thor this weekend yeah that sounds good too Ragnarok oh right I want to see Blade Runner really bad I have to make time uh on Facebook I want to go to the beach and take some rest I want to go to the beach in like relax relax sounds a bit better there okay other things Tapia says I want to go on a short trip with my family good Alex yes it is really live it will be recorded soon though we're recording now you can watch it later but it is really live ah suck guy hey welcome back this weekend I want to play basketball with my friends at PSU nice great okay Gus this weekend I want to go to I want to go dancing with my friends very nice very nice Rosario I want to drink beer with my friends on the weekend yeah that sounds really fun okay um Rosana nice try I have wanted to learn English how about like I have been wanting to learn English that sounds much better very very nice okay yeah on Facebook I've been wanting to see Thor perfect perfect okay um let's see I've been wanting to go to the park Ruben yes perfect I've been wanting to go to the park good read Brandi says I want to watch jigsaw good I've been wanting to watch English dramas great I want to sleep all weekend good I want to hang out with my family I've been wanting to see my Tiger you have a tiger that sounds very interesting please send us photos I've been wanting to take an English class from Nestor and on Facebook good butter I want to be happy what's your advice oh that's difficult everybody's a little different I think Bob on Facebook I want to grab some beers and have some fun with my buddies on the weekend great he used the word buddies have fun with my buddies buddies is a word for friend your friends your close friends good on YouTube Farish says I want to go to my country good very nice Fatimah says I've been wanting to watch Korean dramas oh yeah Korean dramas are very popular these days I think great excellent excellent so keep these two expressions in mind to talk about activities you want to do of course in this example we're talking about things this weekend something you would like to do this weekend but of course you can change this for any period of time so what's something you want to do this winter or what's something you want to do for your next holiday or what's something you want to do later tonight for example so you can change this depending on the situation nice though so this pattern question pattern and this answer pattern you can definitely use those okay but I have 15 seconds to end this broadcast so I'm going to stop there for today we have to wrap up I have to wrap up the lesson because I have run out of time as always so thanks very much for joining me you guys had very very nice example sentences a lot of them - excellent Alex very he says it's his preferred channel to learn English I love your humor thank you thanks that's good to hear and Emin says I've been wanting to join your classes however I couldn't oh well you made it today Congrats excellent but anyway I have to wrap up today's lesson so thanks again for coming thank you so much for liking and sharing the video next week next week's live stream we're going to talk about food and dining related expressions so I love food like a lot a lot of you follow me on like Twitter and Instagram like I always post pictures I think what I cook and all that kind of stuff so I'm really excited to talk about food and dining related stuff next week so please join us next week it'll be Wednesday November 15th that's Wednesday November 15th at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time I think that's it because we just changed from daylight savings time I think so that's New York City time so I think it's 9 p.m. now Eastern Standard Time Wednesday November 15 so if it's difficult to remember just think of yeah New York City time its evening evening on Wednesday nights in the US okay so yes so please if you're just joining I'm so sorry that we couldn't have the chance today to to connect but hope you can make it next week if you haven't already please it helps us a lot if you like the video and share the video like our Holtz it helps our whole team actually so if you haven't then please do that it's super it's super nice for us if you don't follow us on YouTube and Facebook you can check us out there of course and you can also check us out at English class for some other stuff you'll see our free things our free offers for this week when I leave so thanks again so much for joining me this week and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day the rest of your night the rest of your week I will see you again soon wait you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 80,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, need, want, need vs want, english verbs, english grammar, modal verbs, yt:cc=on
Id: 1Y1r6r2NKL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 9sec (1929 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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