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hello everyone how are you we're here once again English like a native my name is Ana English let me turn on the light it's been a little while and you might hear my voice is a little bit off and that's because I'm full of a cold so I hope you'll forgive me I have missed you all terribly but I've got lots to share with you and today we are doing another slang lesson yes we're covering slang words beginning with the letter F now slang is important when learning English because it's basically how natives speak so if you're communicating with a native then you are going to find these words helpful whether you use them or whether you just hear them and need to understand them it's good for you to know now I have found recently that looking at slang words it tends to be words that talk about embarrassing things or things of a delicate nature so you do have to be careful when deciding to use slang words they're not really for formal situations mostly to use around your friends so without further ado hello everyone let's get straight into it I can see you all say hello in the comments I will try and answer a few comments as I go but I've got a lot to get through today so a word of warning because we're covering s today there's going to be a few words that are a little bit naughty okay so you've been warned here we go s you good start have you ever been given the sack I have but we won't go into that right now okay and after this lesson I'll be having my dinner and then hitting the sack for an early night because I sound dreadful okay the next one you might have seen is the word scarper now if you scarper you basically run away very very quickly so the example sentence I've given here is the dog scarpered when the cat woke up and a dog scarpered when the cat woke up the dog obviously knew better not to be around when the cat is awake okay Oh some of you are saying no sound no sound okay let me double check the sound going on here so maybe you hid now can you hear me hello everyone I'm so sorry okay there we go little technical hitch there so hopefully you understood you could read quite clearly what I was talking about Scarpa to run away the dog scarpered when the cat woke up and sack to be fired or to go to bed oh okay let's carry on hopefully without further ado Oh Julia hello darling thank you so much Julia has just dropped a super chat and just so you know because I'm trying to keep these lessons shorter any super chats I will answer but other comments I will only answer a couple as we go through but thank you Julie you've dropped a super chat which is a contribution to the channel and you've put yipi yipi why i PP why yippee you're back thank you yippee I'm so happy to be back okay so the next word is the word screw so if you screw someone then you're cheating them you're scamming them or doing wrong by them or if you have screwed something up and then you ruin it okay so I come right here I screwed everything up so I've ruined everything after I was screwed cheated by the tool company so I've been a little bit silly here and made a little pun because a screw is like a tool or it's part of a tool kits you have a screw driver and a screw and I've said here I was screwed by the tool company so I was cheated by the tool company a little play on words I screwed everything up after I was screwed by the tool company hopefully that makes sense okey-dokey and then the next one on the list is scum or scumbag you've probably heard this in the movies I hear this a lot in American movies hey you scumbag we sometimes you're over here and we commonly also say scum if you call someone scum you're saying that they are unpleasant they're an unpleasant person so you don't want to call someone's or a scumbag if you can help it my mother always said if you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all it's always best ok so the example sentence I've given here is my aunt has a habit of dating scumbags my aunt has a habit of dating scumbags hmm we all know one don't we one person who consistently dates unpleasant people they just have a habit of dating unpleasant people alrighty so we've got 84 people in so far if you are here and you love learning English with me then do me a favor and just click that share button and let's get everybody in ok and when you've done that give me a holler tell me you've shared it and I'll give you a little shout out so while I'm waiting for you to do that I'm going to tell you the next word which is the word shambolic now shambolic can be shortened to sham or it can also be referred to as shambles shambles so if something is shambolic a shambles or a sham then it is a state of chaos it's crazy chaotic it's not good basically you don't want any anything to be shambolic so it's a mess or it's chaotic alright and just so you can see it written down here sham shambolic or shambles it's a shambles now if you say it you could say it is shambolic but if you use the other versions it is a sham or it is a shambles you have to use the article ah they're a sham sham is a shambles or it is shambolic doesn't even article okay so a state of chaos and here I've given another silly sentence which is the knitting Association meeting turned out to be a complete shambles due to the fact that baa baa black sheep didn't actually have any wool now if any of you are confused by this very silly sentence I was in a silly mood today when I was writing these notes if you are confused by this sentence baa baa black sheep is a very famous nursery rhyme that children sing in the UK baa baa black sheep have you any wool yes sir yes sir three bags full and so this is something we sing as children so the Knitting Association is an association of people who knit if you knit means that you have needles and use wool to make scarves or cardigans or jumpers you knit so the Knitting Association meeting turned out to be a shambles due to the fact due to the fact means because due to the fact that baa baa black sheep didn't actually have any wool so there was no wall for the Knitting Association it was a shambles so hopefully that all makes sense to you okey dokey let's move on da so the next one is the word shaft now if you shaft or shaft shaft shaft shaft is it northern is it southern which vowel do we use so America's a shaft northerners would say shaft I was shafted I was shafted I think it'll probably be the long vowel are shafted it doesn't sound right though does it shafted so I was born in the north and sometimes pronunciation of southern vowels sounds a little strange to me so let's consult the Cambridge dictionary and if you are ever unsure about a pronunciation in English American or British English then you can look at online dictionaries and use the phonetic spellings they also sometimes have little voice little voice notes so you can hear the pronunciation but you can use the phonetic spellings to know exactly how it's supposed to be pronounced and if you can't read phonetics then you need to look at my recent video the International phonetic alphabet which helps you to learn and understand all phonetics that are used in the British English language okay so shafted oh we have the Cambridge dictionary website is being a little bit tricky shaft long vowel and American is short vowel so shafted if you're British English and shafted if you're American English so if you are shafted then you have been cheated so it's another word for cheat just like screw you've been screwed you've been shafted you've been cheated and here I've put we got shafted by our so-called friends and they're stupid light cheap n idea now this might take a little moment for you to understand but do you remember pineapple pen do you remember this crazy thing that happened not so long ago it became viral pineapple pen it became a big hit everybody wanted pineapple pen well I'm being silly and suggesting that my friends had an idea about a business named lye cheap n but they weren't very good friends they were so-called friends because they obviously shafted me they did something wrong by me they cheated me and the idea was very stupid we got shafted by our so-called friends and their stupid ly cheap n idea so I hope that makes sense all right let's move on to the next one and that is Oh naughty word naughty word alert avert your eyes avert your eyes if you are too young to look at naughty words and look away I know you probably won't but this is a bad word we use it gently and any adults in the informal situation are okay to use this word don't use it in a formal situation and don't use it if you are young if you are a child don't use this word but say shit-faced basically means drunk very drunk if you're shit-faced you are very drunk okay so there's quite a few words actually to describe being very drunk on this list but the example sentence I've given here is we were sitting in the bath fully clothed while listening to BBC Radio 4 totally shit-faced of course we were sitting in the bath fully clothed while listening to BBC Radio 4 totally shit-faced of course okay so if you are in the bath fully clothed listening to the radio then you probably are very drunk I would imagine the next one Oh lots of rude words okay remember these are only fit informal situations the next word is if something is a it is a dump it's messy it looks horrible maybe the paint is coming off the walls maybe it smells bad maybe it's just got stuff everywhere it's just a mess not somewhere that you want to spend much time because it's messy and I've written here forgive me my desk always looks like a I'm a lost cause so here I'm being a little bit dramatic forgive me my desk always looks like a a home a lost cause what are we going to do I'll never have a tidy desk and it's true my desk is tiny I have this horrible little desk that I I picked up secondhand for free someone just left it on the street and I was like can I have it and it's a it always has stuff all over it it's not big enough there's no drawers have nowhere to put my things to take them over there instead okay while I am in the middle of the rude words I'm going to jump over and say hello to my patrons hi patrons how are you andraia says hi Anna nice see you again Eric hello Anna nice seeing you again hello without further ado let's get started Anna no sound okay yes we got that thank you I wish I were luleå hmm but in my country no super chat is available oh I see okay yes in some countries you can't do super chat which is a shame if you do want to contribute but I appreciate your support in the Ukraine the first Sunday in October is a teachers Day holiday oh well happy holiday to any teachers which will be have we had yeah it was Sunday the other day well I hope all teachers were happy that day and oh dear eric is shit-faced today well perhaps drink some coffee okay let's move on so the next word again is a naughty word and it's the word shitload a shitload means a lot a lot a lot a lot lots of so I'm gonna come back to lost cause in a minute lots of you are saying a lost cause I don't know it means I'll come back to that but a shitload means a lot so if I have loads of work to do it means I've got a lot of work to do if I have loads of makeup on it means I have a lot of makeup on yeah if I have loads of money then it means I have lots of money okay so hopefully that's quite clear and the example sentence I've given here is please leave the ants alone they have a shitload of work to do and again I'm being silly here because we know ants are well known for being hard workers ants are always working aren't they carrying things back and forth making their nests destroying things breaking things down moving things and so I've said please leave the ants alone they have a shitload of work to do alright coming back to the word or the phrase rather a lost cause a lost cause just means it's hopeless you can't help them or help it it is a lost cause they are a lost cause so you can apply it to a person or to a situation it's a lost cause stop trying to make it better or if somebody perhaps is addicted to drugs and you've tried many times to help them but they don't want to help themselves and they continue with their addiction you could say that person is a lost cause okay hope that helps alright what's the next one oh it's not a rude word see you the word is sure T sure T now sure T this is a good word not well it's not a good word but it's not a it's not a rude word it's not a swear word so you must get this vowel pronunciation correct it's a wide Val sure sure T we don't pronounce the letter R we just do sure sure T sure T and if you're sure T you're bad-tempered you're feeling angry you're being angry in your manner you're sure T so my example sentence here is a rhyming sentence listen Bertie don't get shirty with me I thought that was funny Bertie is kind of a short way of saying Albert some people just shorten it to Bert and some people like to be called Bertie it's a male named Bertie so I've said listen Bertie don't get shirty with me all right listen Bertie don't get shirty hopefully that will help you to remember the pronunciation lots of you asking me about my holiday thank you very much my holiday was nice I love Italy it was amazing it was um when ballasts bellissimo no yes it was bellissimo however due to injury and illness we had to come back about three days early which was a shame but I had an amazing time and I planned to go back very soon alright so the next word on the list is the word it's a swear word again I'm sorry it's the word shitty now if something is shitty then it's not very nice okay it's not very nice at all so I've said here Trevor's dog Tina so Trevor's dog is called Tina Trevor's dog Tina was in a shitty mood she was in a bad mood after the pooch pampering lady failed to file her claws so a pooch is another word for a dog and to pamper is to treat something very nice or treat someone very nice so the pooch pampering lady is a lady who makes dogs feel amazing by grooming them and clipping their nails and giving their hair a wash and a trim and things like that but the poot pampering lady failed to file her claws so poor Tina the dog had still ruff long claws which Tina thought was pretty shitty so here we said she was in a bad mood and she thought the fact that she didn't get her nails filed was also very unpleasant so Trevor's dog Tina was in a shitty mood after the pooch pampering lady failed to file her claws which Tina thought was pretty shitty okay good excuse me I have to cough I have a very tickly throat I do I do apologize nice bit of tea to soothe it might help okie dokie so we are now on a hundred and thirty-four people watching lovely to see you all here from now on I will be doing live lessons twice a week so that I have more time to make shorter more concise pre-recorded lessons for you which I hope you've been enjoying while I've been away and at the moment I'm thinking Tuesdays and Fridays are going to meet my live days I hope that suits you and I hope that's not too shitty for you and I hope you're not in a shitty mood with me for going live only twice a week because you will get still a lot of lessons all right let's move on and the next word we're looking at is the word shot shot so the word shot can be used to mean a try or an attempt okay so you have a shot at something or you give something a shot or you could say it's worth a shot hmm very dry so I've put here as my example sentence I want to run for president of the United States of America after Donald Trump succeeded I figured it's worth a shot okay so I'm saying here I want to try to be the president of the United States of America I mean it's probably impossible but after Donald Trump who was an outsider who people didn't expect to become president because he wasn't a politician but after Donald Trump succeeded which was unlikely but he made it I figured which means I decided or I worked out it was worth giving it a try it was worth a shot I do apologize I might be coughing all the way through this now oh dear right so the next one is something that I'm definitely not doing and that is pulling a sickie so this is an important one to remember we use it all the time so if you pull a sickie and we do regularly say pull sickie it means that you pretend to be ill to get out of work or school even some let me just put school there so here we have been silly again I was told you I was in a silly mood today mm-hmm the elephant pulled a sickie and spent the whole day skiving in the monkey enclosure now skiving is very similar to sickie I'll explain it later on in the list but just means taking time off when you shouldn't be but I've imagined here that an elephant has his job in a zoo but instead he's pulled a sickie and decided he's not going to work today and he spent the whole day skiving hanging out in the monkey enclosure an enclosure is an area that's enclosed like a caged area where the animals are in as so yes it's like calling in sick but when you're not sick so you pretend to be sick because you just want to stay in bed or you want to stay at home and play computer games or something okay so have you ever pulled a sickie I'd be interested to know tell me in the comments box have you ever pulled a sickie I have once but it's because I had other work to do so I had to pull the sticky with one work to go and do some other work which was better paid and more fun alright so the next word is the word skint in other words you'll hear a lot in the UK we use it regularly it's common slang and to be skint is to be poor so if you say I am skint you're saying I have no money I am poor so you might invite me to the cinema or out for dinner and I could say I'm really sorry I can't come because I'm skint maybe next week when I get paid and then I will pay for dinner and so here the example sentence is if you pull a sickie too often you'll be out of a job and subsequently skint if you pull a sickie too often too many times you'll be out of a job and subsequently and the consequences will be that you will have no money you'll be skint and subsequently skint okay Syed says I intend to pull a sickie next week Oh naughty Syed I hope your bosses are watching and what are you going to do Syed when you get on the phone and put on a bad voice and go I don't feel very well Oh will you get your friend to phone and say he's not well he can't come in or do you just email I always find myself and do this thick voice and coffee bit but I can't come in I think that's the best way to get around it okay so the next word is a word we covered earlier and the word skive skive so we normally use this word when we're talking about school sometimes Albert used when referring to being at work but your skiving basically now I've put pretending to be ill but it can be pretending to work but not actually working so it's pretending to do anything or hang on pretending to be ill or pretending to be working to get out of school it's hard to explain but basically if I if I make an excuse and don't go to work or don't at school then I'm skiving if I come to work and I spend half my time in the bathroom and I spend a lot of time making teas for people because I don't want to do any work and if I pretend I'm working on my computer but actually I'm looking on Facebook or YouTube I'm skiving so to be skiving is to be doing anything else other than what you're supposed to be doing yeah I'll sort out that explanation on the notes for those of you who are dropping super chaps because those of you who drop super chaps get a copy of these notes so I'll sort out that that explanation of skiving for you and can I just say gz DS Zender them please tell me what to say how do I pronounce your name you're you're so kind you drop me so into super chats and I can never pronounce your name thank you thank you so much you've said please take care of your boyfriend yes my boyfriend is is in a lot of pain he's injured from the holiday and I am doing my very best to take care of him I've been getting up very early to make him breakfast and make his lunches for work make his dinner when he gets home from work and making sure that he's not in too much discomfort but yes I will and thank you so much for your super chat don't forget a mail me and remind me to send you the notes and I'll send them to you thank you okie-dokie to the next one Oh a little bit naughty now a bit fruity we have the old slap and tickle so to have a bit of slap and tickle is to have a bit of kissing and cuddling a little bit of grown-up time you know what I'm talking about and the example sentence I've even here is the Randi teenagers oh no hi mom the Randi teens were told that there was a strict slap and tickle ban on college premises until further notice okay so there's been a slap and tickle ban naughty naughty at college so they've stopped any students from having cuddles and kisses and naughtiness intimacy while at college or on the college grounds until further notice so until they say otherwise no one is allowed to kiss or cuddle or have any kind of slapping tickle and this is a strict ban so don't break those rules you never know what might happen okey dokey so then next one is the word slapper now be very careful using this word it's not a swear word but if anyone called me a slapper I might take offense yes so it means promiscuous female I have heard males being called a slapper in a kind of fun way oh you're such a slapper I've also been I've witnessed animals being called slappers so for example I used to have a big Rottweiler dog who was beautiful she was a lovely dog and when you come in she'd lie on the floor on her back and show you her belly and she'd want you to stroke her tummy it's black oh and we used to always call her a slapper because as soon as you walk in the door and in fact whoever walked in the door she'd just lie on her back and be like stroke me touch me and so we'd call her a slapper because we made out like she was a promiscuous female who just wanted anyone to give her attention so in that respect we were using it in fun but if you don't know a person very well and you're just throwing that word around you might offend someone so be careful so here we go I've got the example sentence is Cindy which is a lady's name Cindy insinuate if you don't know this word do look it up it's a good word it's quite a clever word to be using insinuated it's to to imply to make out to suggest without being too direct insinuated Sindy insinuated that Jessica was a bigger slapper than Trudy so both Jessica and Trudy of female names okay notice how with names I always put capital letters I know you probably know this but I do see this often when I'm correcting my students writing missing off capital letters on names so do you use those alright so the next word is smartass now okay there's a few examples of this so you've got smartass there's also as I'm reading it I remember we've also got smart aleck which is a slightly nicer way of saying it a smartass a smart aleck or smartypants is what you might say to a child they call the child of smartypants you might call anyone a smart aleck but if you're being a little bit more harsh perhaps it could it could come across badly as well you'd call someone a smartass it's not really harsh I guess it depends on the context and how you deliver it but basically if you call someone a smartass you're saying a person is irritating because they're showing off their knowledge or trying to appear clever so if I if I'm always trying to impress you with my knowledge perhaps if I'm always butting into your conversations like did you know that the son is however a thousand however many thousand miles away from the earth did you know that whatever the facts are but if I'm always butting in and throwing facts at you then you say alright you smartass okay so just someone who's trying to show off and it's not fun it's irritating they would be a smart ass a smart aleck or if it child doing it you like all right smartypants calm down and the example sentence I've given here is my husband and I are collectively known as Maisie he's a smartass and I'm a lazy ass together we are snazzy so here I've been a little silly again snazzy is a made-up word obviously I've said it we are collectively known as so there's just a word that I've made up and putting together smart and lazy I'm saying that he is a smart ass he thinks he knows everything and I'm a lazy ass which is the term you use for someone who's lazy you say they're a lazy ass and when they're together you call them snazzy snazzy asses all right I hope that you don't mind that I've been a bit silly today it was just the mood I was in so the next word here is the word snookered Snuka if you're snookered it means you are in a bad situation I've heard this a lot my dad used to use this a lot and I've used it occasionally and so the example sentence I've given here is the champion wine sniffer the champion wine sniffer was snookered he was in a bad situation when a dozy bumble bee got wedged up his nose of course if if a bee got stuck up a man's nose and particularly a man whose job it is to is to sniff wine then he would be in a bad way wouldn't he if a bee gets wedged up his nose I hope that makes sense and to be dozy is to be a little bit docile it's to be a bit sleepy not really paying attention I used to be called dozy quite a lot when I was at school I was always quite sleepy quite clumsy was always falling over things forgetting things and so I would generally be called dozy and I stop being so dozy wake up pay attention all right lots of you asking what's happened to your voice I'm ill I'm ill if if you've just joined me now I'm very poorly but don't worry I will improve hopefully I will improve of course something pretty much get better okay so can you remember previously we heard a word for very drunk do you remember what it was anyone we've covered a lot of words now is a bad word it started with a naughty word it was based do you remember that well I have another word to mean very drunk this one is not a swear word and it's the word sozzled I love this word I love this word because it sounds like you're drunk when you say it sozzled sozzled I'm so sorry I'm a little bit sold right now I'm shoveled and say it's one of my favorite words sozzled if your salt balled you are very drunk and it is quite a fun word okay all right the next one we have here is a fun phrase a slang phrase that you'll hear used a lot in new UK particularly with people who get embarrassed by using the word we' or p so if you need to use the bathroom you need to use the toilet to urinate you might say suspend a penny I need to spend a penny and I've used this I use this quite regularly myself because sometimes it's a little bit embarrassing to say I need a wee so we just say I need to spend a penny and people know that we need the bathroom to urinate and the example sentence I've given here is I need 20 pence to spend a penny how ironic and here I'm referring to in a public place usually like in the station in the train station for example in in Waterloo or anywhere in London if there is a toilet then you normally have to pay to go and use the toilet and in the old days it would be a penny which is where the phrase spend the penny comes from but nowadays to spend a penny you never get into the bathroom you have to spend t pennies or 30 pennies in some places but we still use the phrase spend a penny so I've said it's I need 20 pence to spend a penny how ironic and if you don't know what the word ironic means do look it up I'm not going to try and explain it it's quite a difficult one for me to explain off the top of my head I was thinking about it earlier but if you look it up in the dictionary that should be a good help for you but you should definitely know that word okay so the next one oh I love this word okay so the word starkers if you are starkers it means you are naked you have no clothes or you can sometimes use the phrase stark bollock naked but use a word Pollak is like a very very mild swear word very very mild I don't mind anyone saying this one but I would be careful where you use this phrase stark bollock naked is a little bit harsher not not too much but the starkers is nicer than stark bollock naked but both are quite funny I think so to be naked to be without clothes I'm pretending I am a delivery driver and delivering parcels and my sentences when I delivered a parcel yesterday a little old lady answered the door totally starkers Oh shock horror when I delivered a parcel yesterday a little old lady answered the door totally starkers shock horror okay all right I'm gonna have a quick look at what my patrons are saying um Dominique oh hello Dominique oh I said hello Anna today I follow you because today I'm you're doing a lesson later and I don't work fantastic I'm glad the timing has worked out well for you and Alex Erik sorry has said thanks Anna I'll drink a lot of coffee tonight thanks for the good advice good and I hope that you don't feel so old after you've had your coffee that should sort you out great oK we've covered a lot so far if you need to spend a penny don't hold it do go I'll still be here when you get back because we still have a few to get through okay so the next one oh my goodness it's another word to mean very drunk how many have we had now we've had shit-faced we've had saws 'old and now it's the word steaming if you are steaming you are a very drunk it's quite interesting that we have so many slang words to mean very drunk perhaps because us Brits tend to get very drunk a lot so we need lots of words to to cover that particular scenario so steaming sozzled or ship-based choose your favorite very drunk word mine is still sozzled alright so the next one is the phrase straight up and if I say straight up I mean honestly we can use this phrase on its own so perhaps I'm telling you a story and you're like no no way really no and I'll be like straight up straight up and I just mean honestly honest honest is true on this be straight up or you can use it in an in a sentence as well the word straight on its own if you say I am straight if you describe yourself as straight you can either mean and more commonly now if you're saying I'm straight you're saying you're talking about your sexual orientation you're saying I am a heterosexual I prefer to partner with someone of the opposite sex so if a man I'm straight I like women if I'm a woman I'm straight I like men okay but you can also say he's straight meaning he's honest but we we don't use it in that way very often normally if I say he's straight I'm saying he's heterosexual okay so the example sentence I've given here he's using both of those examples straight and straight up and I've said straight up I'm as straight as an arrow Steve swore so this is narrative imagining it's in a book and he's saying straight up I'm a straight as an arrow Steve swore so he swore that he was straight as an arrow okay some of you have to leave now I'm so sorry that you're leaving I hope that you'll catch up with the end of the lesson later on don't forget I am going me live again on Friday as well so look out for that but let's move on we are getting to the end now here guys so the next phrase is stuck up if I call you stuck up and basically saying that you think that you're better than you are or you think you're at least better than everybody else so if someone is stuck up stuck up or they're a snob that's another thing you can say you're a snob or you're stuck up your you think that everyone else is lower than you that you're better than them you're cleverer than them you're of a higher class so to be stuck up is not a nice thing it means you look down and everybody else I wouldn't like if anyone called me stuck-up and the example sentence I've given here again I've been a little bit silly and ironic not ironic made a little bit of a pun a play on words I put ever since he was made manager of the glue factory he has been he has become really stuck up ever since he was made manager of the glue factory he's become really stuck up haha haha so funny honest so funny okay so the next one here is the word sucks I'm sure you've heard this it's a very American word but we use it now in the UK a lot so we've definitely adopted that as one of our common slang words but if you've watched any American movies then you've probably heard the word sucks that sucks man terrible I'm so sorry my awful American accent so if something sucks it means it's unpleasant or it's bad so if I say I suck at me I'm saying I'm bad I'm bad at something or if I say the situation suck something the situation isn't very good it's is bad okay so the example sentence I've given here is my guitar playing sucks it must suck to be my neighbor my bucket our playing sucks it must suck to be mine to be my neighbor okey dokey so just checking things out in the old chat room here okay make sure you keep it nice in the chat room guys because if things get nasty in the chat room then you will be removed only nice stuff here please upon ously I say naughty words but other than that I'm just teaching language other than that we all have to be nice to each other so only pleasantries thank you all right so let's not be sucky let's move on and suck it up so if you're told to suck it up it means you have to accept a bad situation so maybe if I'm crying and I'm saying oh I've only got 134 people watching I thought I would get 200 people watching today though because I missed everyone I thought everyone would want to watch you might say Anna suck it up just accept it stop going on about it suck it up accept it and move on okay so here the example sentence I've given ears she had to suck it up her Hoover was destined for the bin and there was nothing she could do to stop it she had to suck it up her Hoover was destined for the bin and there was nothing she could do to stop it obviously I've been making a pun there as well a Hoover sucks dirt off the floor and I'm saying she has to suck it up the Hoover is going to go in the bin okay so Jimmy Jimmy I'm gonna put you on a timeout because I think you're upsetting people so you're on a timeout and Syed is saying oh no your lessons too long I'm so I can't please everyone some people like the long lessons and just trying to teach as much as they can in such a short time all right we're nearly done so just bear with me we've got two more to go and then were done all right so just bear with me so the next word is the word Sonny's or shades if it's a bright sunny day you have to take out your Sonny's and your shades and this means your sunglasses okay so if I say where's my Sunny's I'm asking where my sunglasses are or hey do you like my new shades I'm asking do you like my sunglasses and I've said to you here stick your Sunny's on and let's dance like there's no tomorrow stick your sunglasses on your studies on and let's dance like there's no tomorrow one of yous asking what is a Hoover from the previous one what's a Hoover Hoover is a vacuum we call it a Hoover more often here in the in the UK a Hoover is a vacuum to clean the carpets all the floors okay so the next one isn't one of my favorites although it does use a it can be a swear word but basically it's the phrase sweet Fanny Adams sweet Fanny Adams or sweet FA which can be taken as sweet Fanny Adams or sweet F or naughty word which I won't say if you have sweet Fanny Adams it means you have nothing so what's wrong sweet Fanny Adams what you have sweet fatty out sweet Fanny Adams or sweet FA here we go you can have a look at it after an hour of hardcore browsing I came out of the sweet shop with sweet fatty Adams with sweet Fanny Adams so even though I'd been in the sweet shop for an hour looking hardcore browsing I came out with nothing I wasn't able to buy even one sweet yeah okay so guys obviously there are so many slang words so many slang words that I could have gone on forever but as we've already been here for nearly 50 minutes I had to condense the list to ones that we hear regularly so you might be mentioning ones in the comments box and please do if those ones that I've missed that you think are important please do mention them add them to the comments box below and you know go down look at the comments and let's get involved with each other if you like the slang terms that people mention in the comments then give them a like comment on it let's let's all get talking and be the community that I know that we can be so I'm gonna sign off now but before I leave I'm gonna say to you there's one thing that I'm looking for I'm looking for people to come and join me on Instagram every single day and putting out videos to help you with your pronunciation very short one sentence videos every single day to help you speak English with a clearer accent now it doesn't matter if you're learning American English or British English your English needs to be clearer so come and join me on instagram it's free and it's not only me there are plenty of other amazing English teachers on Instagram who are also doing a similar thing and so make the most of that resource it's right there on your phone you can look at it when you're on the bus when you're on the loo spending a penny when you are in bed about to go to sleep so a quick look on Instagram and you can pick up so much so please go over to Instagram the link is right at the top of my description box below it's like the second link in I think and the final thing I'm going to say is I have released about five very short videos in the last week short videos and I need your language so if you can possibly do me a huge favor and help the people in your country by translating the title description or subtitles of any of those videos it would be a massive help and I would be super super grateful all you have to do is go to any one of those lessons click on it open it up click the dot button which is down on the the right-hand side the right-hand side I think the way you look at it the right-hand side this side and then it you can see translations and add it there that would be amazing thank you so much for joining me thank you to those people who dropped super chats Julia and Gustav Azul um you guys are amazing thank you so much thank you to my patrons in the Skype room patron I'll stay on to have a quick chat with you after otherwise make sure you're subscribed click the notification button and I will be back online on Friday so follow me on Instagram and on Facebook and I'll let you know exactly what time to expect me until next time guys take care lots of love from London bye
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 14,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, british accent, british, english lesson, english vocabulary, learning english, Anna English, british english, English slang, improve english, get better at english, get fluent, fluent english, slang words, common slang, s words, slang beginning with s, british slang, english slangs, english slang words beginning with s, slang, s slang, slangs, common slangs
Id: G8Mc8CkD1Pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 41sec (3041 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2017
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