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hello and welcome back to english today this is DVD 11 and the third DVD of your lower intermediate level and in this DVD we'll begin with another two episodes of the story that's life followed by our special TV programs where we will look at climactic change and then in our cooking program we'll talk about planning meals then in the grammar section we're going to do some more work on the modal verbs can might and must and the concept of probability and possibility will also be studying the grammatical form used to okay so I hope you enjoy yourselves Alice is an at home I just met the postman and this package is for her no she's not in now my a large package please be careful I think it contains fragile objects hey Peter do you know if it contains a set of porcelain plates that she won with the sweet biscuits bonus points well I think so at least that's where the package comes from all right Alice I have to go now see you later and we'll be so happy she's been waiting for it for a long time bye hello Anne this is Alice I've got great news for you your set of Chinese porcelain has arrived they're beautiful no I opened it I'm sorry Anne I just couldn't resist oh no and I'm so sorry it broke okay okay I'm not allowed to touch any more plates you're absolutely right I'm so sorry bye Jack be careful don't touch anything this packet contains an set of Chinese porcelain I hope you didn't break anything I already broke a plate and guess who heard me breaking it and oh my I didn't notice anything well you should look where you are going I'm sorry what are we going to do well let's get ready for Anne to lose her temper who knows maybe she'll forgive us she can't get that angry they're just plates remember we can't cook if n gets angry we'll have to learn to cook that's true I've got an idea let's go get something from the local takeout place then we can pretend that we cooked dinner she might be happy and forget about those plates that's a great idea let's get going hello and welcome back again to your live English language program and I want to talk to you more about can now how do you express can in the future or in the past can in the future do we say I will can what do we say in the past now this is interesting because it's very strange we use the verb to be able to that's what I want to look at now with you on the language screen to be able to isn't that strange we have learnt to use can in the present we've had examples like I can cook can you cook and the negative I can't cook now when we talk about ability in the past everything changes and we need to use this verb to be able to when that goes into the past we say I was able to cook yesterday you see the verb to be goes into the past I was able to cook yesterday strange hey another example the question were you past tense of the verb to be were you able to cook and the negative is he wasn't able to cook so can in the future we used to be able to and in the past to be able to so was were able to the future let's look at that now you want to say can tomorrow so we use to be able to and say I'll be able to cook tomorrow I will I'll I'll be able to cook tomorrow the question becomes will you will you be able to cook and the negative remember the negative of will good I won't be able to cook tomorrow so isn't that interesting when you want to express ability in the future and in the past you need to use this verb to be able to now there's one more thing I want to tell you about and it's about permission imagine that you are in a restaurant and you can see no smoking the person next to you starts smoking now it's a rule and the regulation that you can't smoke in a restaurant so what do you say to that person in English we say excuse me you're not allowed to smoke here you're not allowed see that you're not allowed now that pronunciation is difficult allowed okay you're not allowed to smoke in here for example if you go to a museum often they say no cameras so you're not allowed to take photos ok you're not allowed to take photos another example if you go into a library and people are reading silence you're not allowed to speak ok so those are interesting things we've looked at to be able to and the use of you're not allowed to great now we're going to go back to our friends and Anne is very angry about something she wants to communicate something to her friends let's find out what it is and I'll see you later bye hi Anne what's that you're holding hello everyone listen we need some rules in this house living together means obeying some rules I've written this list of house rules that every person who spends time in this house must follow no one is allowed to leave this living room until they read and memorize these rules bad day huh she's right jack anyway and dear what about these house rules first of all don't call me Anne dear now listen rule number one you must never and I stress never open my post rule number two from now on clean the house at least once a week rule number three we have to take turns washing up rule number four okay okay we understand you must be angry well yes Jack I'm very very angry I was really looking forward to getting that set of Chinese plates I saved the bonus points for a year eating the same stupid biscuits which for your information I can't stand anymore I just kept eating and buying them in order to get the set of Chinese porcelain all for nothing please forgive us and just tell us where to go and we'll buy you a new set but that's not possible they were handcrafted in Shanghai and they cost a fortune okay we'll do our best to make it up somehow now sit down you must be exhausted Jack and I made dinner for you you don't have to do anything we thought of everything really what you made dinner for me yes and it was the least we could do well okay I'll forgive you this time but I warned both of you that I want more discipline in this house when you can't do what you want all the time we need some rules I don't roll your eyes while I'm speaking to you okay okay and you're right rules are important but it's also important to laugh a little ha ha ha oh hi hi and welcome back this is a box which my mother sent me and she said there are some useful things for me so I was just looking come and have a look with me don't go what's a strain what's this what is this what's this well it can't be a shoe can it it's not a shoe can't be a shoe because it's made of metal um-hmm it's made of metal well it might be some sort of lamp or something like it looks like in a Aladdin's lamp a special lamp nobody can't be that ah look here there's a sort of metal groove probably for cigarettes that's it it must be a cigarette holder and a type of ashtray and oriental ashtray how unusual that's very typical of my mother useful though now did you see the language that I used I said it can't be a shoe when I say it can't be means it's impossible it's impossible it's too small and it's metal so it can't be a shoe so I'm talking about probability and possibility okay then I said well it might be a magical lamp now might is when you're not sure might is m IG HT it might be a lamp so when you're not sure you say might then I said no no no no no it must be an ashtray now when I say it must be it's because I'm absolutely sure that the possibility of it being ashtray is certain okay so three possibilities it can't be might be and must be so let's have a look at the other things in the box ashtray um what is this what's this you see this well we can't be I mean it looks like and negative from a film doesn't it it no it can't be a negative because there are no images um well it might be you know I just don't know it I mean it might be some sort of special sticker that you put on things but it hasn't got any glue I don't know what it is just a minute look here is something explaining it a forehead thermometer put it on your head and it reads the temperature what let's try that so I put it on my head like this and said hold it on your forehead and it tells you your temperature some look 37 whoa that's hot it is it's a thermometer incredible now that is very useful because it's small so interesting next thing what's this this is look at this now it's shiny and it's silver but it can't be a mirror because I can't see myself can't be a mirror what can it be oh I know it might be for under glasses you know what I mean um when you lay the table and you have glasses sometimes you you put it under to protect the tablecloth moment okay look what I have here so this for example yeah but it's a bit strange isn't it I mean it can't be it can't be that really not made of metal like this it must be um I don't know again wait a minute here's the box a drop stop a drop stop it must be something for pouring then oh look you put it let's try I just so happen to have a bottle here and it says put it on the bottle like this a drop stop so it stops things from dropping and the pour out the liquid and there are no drops let's try that let's try Wow that works it doesn't drop so it must be something for stopping drops you can see fantastic my mother is a genius she is full of amazing ideas thanks mum let me show you the language that I was using then we were talking about probability and possibility and the first thing that we can talk about is when you are expressing strong probability is when you think almost certainly you know what something is so it must be an ashtray so when I use must I am a hundred percent sure of something it must be an ashtray now if you are sure that it isn't something that it is totally improbable 100 percent the opposite is it can't be like that I said it can't be a shoe it's too small so it must be it can't be and then if you're not sure about something well you use we use the simple verb might look at the spelling m IG HT it might be an incense burner for example we can also say it could be might could both express uncertain probability all right so this is very useful when you are making deductions must be it can't be and it well it might be so those are the three verbs that we use okay great so thanks mom and I'll see you again very soon bye hi everybody Mike on TV Jack's just a minute it's almost finished so what were you watching that was so engrossing it was an extremely interesting documentary about Picasso's life there were lots of details about some of his stranger habits did you know the Picasso preferred painting women with four eyes no I had no idea and that he had lots of different types of dogs he used to give only dogs to his friends strange isn't it and that he liked eating Italian cake at Christmas well I also go crazy for Italian cake at Christmas and my name isn't Picasso by the way where is our resident artist Alice she left early this morning she said that she had something important to do she wouldn't tell me what but she did say it was none of my business you know how she is that's strange she usually leaves late well as a matter of fact she was very serious this morning she told me she had a headache but I didn't believe her oh look well it's getting late I'm starting to get worried don't play mom in alice is a big girl now I know I know but it's just that but she didn't tell me she would be late in fact she asked me if I would be late today just a moment a few days ago Alice told me that she wanted to enter a painting contest she said she thought it was her big chance maybe that's where she is today well you're probably right but but it it's almost midnight I don't think contest lasts that long why not we all know that artists are a little crazy Picasso was a perfect example that's true you know something about being crazy Jack don't you hello again did you hear them talking about Picasso some interesting things about him they said he used to give only dogs to his friends he used to give only dogs and he used to eat Italian cake at Christmas now this verb used to well it's written u s e D but the pronunciation is used and we'll see that on the screen later and we use it to talk about habits that people have had in the past and now don't have anymore and to illustrate this I have some here some examples of habits that I have had in the past for example this this is a cigarette well I used to smoke now that means that I did smoke in the past but I don't smoke anymore I stopped the habit I used to smoke okay look at this tennis racket haha I used to play tennis I was quite good actually I used to play tennis but then I stopped I didn't have enough time too much work you know how it is her heart this now look at this look at this this is fur I used to wear this in England it's a fur you know if you are this I used to wear it in England I stopped because now in England people spit spit at you if you wear fur so that is a habit I have definitely stopped now these these are vitamins now I didn't used to take vitamins in the past I didn't used to but then my mother my mother's fantastic she explained how useful they can be so now I do but in the past I didn't use to and this opera yeah another thing open I didn't used to listen to opera but now I just love it so I listen to it a lot okay so there were some examples for you of used to let's go and look at the different forms on the board now so when we speak about habits that we had in the past and we don't have now we use used to look at the spelling s it's it's us Edie and then T ough but the pronunciation is not used it's used unusual used okay so the example is I used to smoke and that's for all the subject forms I used to you used to he used to she used to we used to they used to again so I used to smoke I used to play tennis I used to wear fur okay pronunciation used now in the negative we use the auxilary did so I didn't use notice we take off the D because it's the infinitive I didn't use to take vitamins and I didn't use to listen to the Opera and the question form is easy it's did you use to do a lot of sports did you use to stay in bed until midday I remember that so if you think about your lives and about habits that you had in the past and you don't have now when you talk about those two people that's what you use I use to smoke but I don't anymore I used to play tennis but now I'm too busy all right so very important for describing past habits used to great that's the lesson for now and I'll see you again very soon bye good morning Alice where were you last night we were getting worried good more it's a very it's a very I thought it would be the why what happened well I took part in a young artist competition good morning Alice where were you last night we were getting worried good morning I'd prefer not to talk about it why what happened well I took part in a young artist competition I thought it would be the perfect occasion for me to show my talent so how did it go you made a great impression didn't you well no it went badly they said that I wasn't cut out to be an artist but the jury was made up of incompetence maybe no one ADEs my talent come on Alice don't take it so badly you know you are a genius right that's all that matters yes just like van Gogh who by the way only became famous after he had died maybe that's my destiny maybe you're exaggerating just a little bit I mean van Gogh but you don't really think you're in the same league do you and why not no one appreciates my talent either anyway I want your opinions wait just a moment while I get something here you go this is the painting I took along yesterday what do you think isn't it beautiful it's mm it's interesting um it's a very very unique painting yes unique is the right word Alice you know I don't really understand art don't you what does it represent that's the same question they asked me yesterday I can't believe that it's so clear it's a painting of a man and a woman walking hand hand oh I see mm-hmm well the truth is it's a bit difficult to see I mean at first glance it looks like a whole lot of mixed up colors come on Jack you just don't understand abstract art do you well now I understand that neither of you has any appreciation of fine art Oh artists never tell an artist what you really think hello again to you and welcome back for some more English did you hear in that last episode how Ann said to Alice so how did it go you made a great impression didn't you you made a great impression didn't you do you remember that grammatical form didn't you a question question tag yeah remember we did a lesson about this and the example we used was she's unhappy isn't she do you remember that and yes I want to give you a little test on it and in order to do this well you have to be very careful about your auxiliaries so pay attention number one you're married question tag you're married aren't you hey did you get that right wrong difficult do you remember you are married you take the verb the auxiliary and at the beginning it's positive so you turn it into negative you're married aren't you try this you didn't go to the party didn't his negative becomes positive you didn't go to the party did you great next one he lives in Paris he lives in Paris lives simple present auxilary yeah doesn't he he lives in Paris doesn't he okay they aren't fridge aren't they aren't French positive are they great next one she went to the cinema she went to the cinema auxins didn't she okay she went to the cinema didn't she alright you don't like him you don't like him do you you don't like him do you great they were enjoying the show they were enjoying the show past continuous weren't they they were weren't they great he's coming tomorrow he's coming tomorrow isn't he great you're getting better all the time they'll be late they'll be late won't they they'll be late won't they and the last one we can't buy it hmm we can't buy it can we okay so it's negative and positive we can't buy can well-done you know these are difficult only if you know your auxilary verbs can you these question tags so congratulations we're making progress great so I'll see you in the next lesson very soon take care and enjoy studying bye good morning welcome to this week's edition of climate change in the studio with me is all weather expert Susan thoroughly good morning Eric well Susan there's a lot of talk these days about climate change could you explain exactly what is happening of course you know the first thing to stress is that the Earth's climate is always changing in the past this happened due to natural causes I mean the atmosphere and the Earth's climate changed naturally now things are different scientists believe that climate change today is a result of man's activities our activities hmm and why are scientists so worried about this climate change well before I answer that question I'd like to talk a little about what we call the greenhouse effect certainly scientists often talk about the greenhouse effect what is this exactly the greenhouse effect is very important for the world's weather greenhouse gases help to capture the energy we receive from the Sun they keep the earth warm without these gases the world would be a colder place and our lives would be very different well if the greenhouse effect is so useful for the earth why do scientists talk about it nowadays as if it's something dangerous it's the extra greenhouse gases that are dangerous our way of life cars factories central heating is producing too much of these greenhouse gases these gases are trapping more and more of the sun's energy and the world's becoming warmer is carbon dioxide one of these gases yes carbon dioxide co2 is one of the main greenhouse gases carbon dioxide is produced when we burn coal and natural gas the problem is that over the years the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased enormous Lee so to stop global warming we need to you use less coal and natural gases exactly but not only that we also need to plant more trees and we must stop destroying our forests because they take carbon dioxide out of the air is there anything else we can do well governments around the world need to encourage the use of renewable energy sources solar panels can use the sun's energy wind turbines can generate electricity from the wind and hydroelectric power plants can use water to generate electricity hmm renewable energy is becoming popular today isn't it yes it is but there's still a long way to go okay Susan one last question what are the consequences of climate change well higher average temperatures around the world you know even a small change in temperature even a one degree increase can cause the sea level to rise as the polar ice caps melt in fact this is already happening other consequences more rainfall in some parts of the world and less in others more extreme weather conditions stronger hurricanes and typhoons so this is definitely a serious issue we mustn't underestimate the importance of climate change and we need to use more renewable energy well thanks to Susan for your clear explanation of the problems thank you goodbye and goodbye and see you again next week for another edition of climate change okay now let's have a look at all the terms and expressions we use to talk about the weather and climate change firstly climate change is the term we use for the changes to the world's weather for example higher temperatures and more rainfall rainfall is how much rain there is the volume of rain that falls and I finally understand what greenhouse effect is well a greenhouse is a transparent house usually made of glass where we grow plants it gets very hot in a greenhouse in fact the greenhouse effect is the gases in the atmosphere that trap the sun's energy causing an increase in temperature of the world this is what we call global warming the world becoming hotter the atmosphere is words for the gases that cover the world the main gases are nitrogen oxygen and carbon dioxide now carbon dioxide is one of the main greenhouse gases these are the gases responsible for the greenhouse effect the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing due to men's activities so we have to do something to reduce it we use the expression due to to say as a result of Susan said we should use more renewable energy sources a renewable energy is energy from the Sun the wind and water for example solar panels generate electricity from the Sun and wind turbines generate electricity from the wind the verb to generate means to make well renewable energy is becoming popular today which is good but there's still a long way to go this expression there's a long way to go means that there is still a lot we have to do before we reach our objective which is to reduce global warming we've run out of time so that's all for now see you soon welcome to cooking today all homemakers will be thrilled to know that we're back with Lisa French thank you for inviting us into your lovely home again Lisa I'm glad to have you now Lisa Leslie for obstruction on time is desperate her family is always complaining about her cooking they say it's really mmm yucky and they sneak out to get junk food how can she make her meals more appetizing well actually it's just a matter of gold meal planning that sounds rather serious yes it is but it can also be a fun challenge this means preparing food that's healthy as well as appealing and involves the senses such as smell taste and sight is that why they say your eyes are bigger than your stomach not exactly now getting serious when you say healthy you're referring to nutrition aren't you yes of course nutrition is the key to good health as a matter of fact nutritionists agree that a varied diet is fundamental for physical and mental well-being well what are the correct guidelines to a good nutrition as you can see I have an example of a food pyramid here these six main food groups contain the nutrients essential to a well-balanced diet why a pyramid because it enables us to understand the correct number of servings per day can you give an example certainly you see the largest group includes bread cereal rice and pasta then going up the pyramid you find fruits and vegetables then meats and dairy products what's at the top you mean here these are fats oils and sweets which are low essential to the diet must be in moderate quantities now going back to Leslie's request how can she make tasty meals for her family if she hasn't much time for shopping she can make a weekly plan besides a correct diet she must consider the likes dislikes of her family you're telling me in my family my son hated beans and my daughter was allergic to milk that's a common problem the thing is to compensate with food belonging to the same group or supplements really that's good to know a little secret if you truly enjoy preparing meals then your family will probably enjoy eating them how can I get my family to enjoy my cooking just be creative think like an artist play with the colors shapes texture of food oh my gosh how time flies we've got to wind this up Lisa thank you for inviting us into your home again it's been a pleasure being here thank you for coming and now let's pay attention to some expressions used in the dialogue we've talked about meals breakfast in the morning lunch at noon dinner or in the u.s. supper at night in the US a dinner is the main meal of the day even at lunch time notice that in the UK tea is sometimes used instead of dinner when we refer to specific times during the day we can say lunchtime teatime Lisa showed a food pyramid it contains food groups such as cereals meats dairy products milk cheese yogurt fats and oils and vegetables all these foods contain nutrients then some positive adjectives used to define food are appetizing and healthy while yaki is something rather disgusting moreover the expression junk food refers to food which is not considered healthy at all we say diet to indicate what we eat it also means a series of rules to be followed to improve one's health if we want to lose weight we say I'm on a diet a diet is correct when it's varied or well balanced if you're allergic to a type of food eating that food can make you ill or cause skin problems Lisa talked about texture food for example food can be defined soft crispy crusty or shape food can be cut into slices cubes and rings during the interview I quoted a common way of expressing that somebody has put more food on their plates than they're actually able to eat your eyes are bigger than your stomach all right that's all this week bye bye
Channel: Learn English Conversation
Views: 381,964
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Id: p_-kB0S_pxg
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Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2014
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