Learn English with Bill | 27 Lessons | Speaking for Beginners

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hi this is Bill and right now I'm gonna explain to you about a speaking problem that I have seen and heard far too many times since I came to Korea now it's a very easy phrase the simple phrase nice to meet you yeah you probably know it you've probably said it but the problem is so many Korean people don't understand when to really use the phrase nice to meet you because when you meet somebody new that means you told them your name they told you their name many times I'm just walking down the street you know I'm shopping or something and then a Korean person says hi nice to meet you and I think I don't know your name I didn't tell you my name we didn't meet how can it be nice so if you look at the board right here this here I am bill hi Korean person nice to meet you I there's no hi my name is Bill my name is Han nice to meet you there's not that just bill says hi Korean person says nice to meet you but we didn't meet each other you don't know my name I don't know your name don't be that guy okay the proper way to do this now here's a sample dialogue where you use the easy phrase nice to meet you properly it goes like this bill no that's me bill says hi and then Korean person says hello my name is Han Oh my name is bill maybe we shake hands nice to meet you yes because you did meet me and then if there's one more I say nice to meet you too because you met me I met you you said your name I said my name if you didn't learn the new person's name and you didn't tell them yours you didn't meet them so it can't be nice to meet you okay remember that exchanged names then nice to meet you don't just hi nice to meet you because you didn't meet me yet I hope you can remember that and I hope it helps you see you next video hi this is Bill and right now I'm just gonna talk to you about a speaking problem that I've seen many of my students make many times okay now to phrases here now the first one is nice to meet you that's an easy phrase that many Korean people know but I just want to remind you we use nice to meet you when you meet a new person for the first time okay something like hello my name is John hello my name is Tom nice to meet you nice to meet you too you tell someone your name they tell you their name nice to meet you because you learned each other's names that's when you say nice to meet you now you need to remember that you only say nice to meet you the first time you meet that person okay if you see them again two days later don't say hi nice to meet you because it's not your first meeting anymore okay some of my students I've been teaching them for over a month right now but I still walk into the classroom and they're like Bill nice to meet you and I just think to myself you see me every day and we've we met each other a long time ago no if it's not the first time you're meeting someone if it's someone you're seeing again nice to see you okay it's not nice to meet you you don't say nice to meet you too your friends who you see many times all right if you see your friends on the weekend nice to see you because nice to meet you you only get to do that once that's the first time you meet a new person for your friends and other people always nice to see you okay I hope you can remember the difference I hope this is helpful and I hope you don't say nice to meet you two people you met a long time ago see you next video hi this is Bill and right now I'm going to help you with how to ask for directions now maybe you're traveling in an english-speaking country and you lose your way you get lost you have a map but it's not helping you so to make your situation better you have to ask someone for directions now maybe you're nervous to do this but you really shouldn't be because asking for directions is very easy to do it's very simple okay and right now I'm going to teach you two expressions that can help you ask for directions so you can get to where you need to go now the first one I have here is this it is excuse me I'm looking for okay it starts with excuse me that's how you get someone's attention okay excuse me or pardon me same meaning but excuse me is like look at me please but it's polite excuse me and you get the attention they know you want to talk to them so you start excuse me I'm looking for my hotel okay you tell the person you're looking for your hotel but you can't find it so they will help you find your hotel or maybe excuse me I'm looking for the train station and now they know you want to go to the train station so they will help you find it let's take a look at some written examples of this statement alright now here are the examples for you you have excuse me I'm looking for the embassy excuse me I'm looking for the embassy pardon me I'm looking for my hotel pardon me I'm looking for my hotel excuse me I'm looking for a good restaurant excuse me I'm looking for a good restaurant all right now here's my second example for you of how you can ask for directions now the first one was a statement now this time I have a question to show you now the question here is can you help me find now if you want you can start again with excuse me or pardon me because remember that gets the attention of the person you're talking to but then after that you can go with the question can you help me find the bank can you help me find the embassy okay once again if you ask them this question you're asking for help so you know they will then help you find what you're looking for with the simple question can you help me find the bus station okay let's see some written examples of this being used now here are the examples for our next phrase can you help me find the train station can you help me find the train station can you help me find downtown can you help me find downtown can you help me find the market can you help me find the market all right so now all you have to remember are these two expressions excuse me I'm looking for my hotel or can you help me find the train station so please remember excuse me I'm looking for or can you help me find if you remember those two expressions and you pick which one you like more the next time you're traveling and you get lost and you use one of those expressions I promise you it will help you and make finding your way around at a foreign country much easier than you think it is okay I hope that helps see you next video goodbye [Music] hello I'm bill and this video we're gonna talk about something fun that people like to do and that's vacation we like to go on vacation and we like to tell people about our vacations because if we can make them jealous that's even better now there's two questions here that we're going to use to talk about vacation one question is where we go for vacation and the other question is what we do when on vacation now the first question is did you go anywhere for vacation so vacation time is finished and it's just time to talk about it so they asked this question and there's different answers you can give the easiest yes I did but that's boring Easy's not always good because you want to be interesting when you talk so someone asks you did you go anywhere for vacation well start by where did you go I went to Busan or I went to Jeju popular places people love to go to or you could just say I went to the beach because people liked the beach so that's a place as well now went to is good to say you can also go with visit it and again just what place did you visit we have I visited hala mountain or I visited hey and a beach those are all good places to visit but now sometimes you can't go on vacation something stops you from going on vacation and if that happens you can use this phrase we have no I had to and we say I had to be because that means something stopped you so now it could be no I had to work huh or no I had to save money because if you need to save money vacations not a good idea now let's look at some more examples of using these the question was did you go anywhere on vacation this year answers can be I went to the USA or I visited Beijing or I was too busy to go anywhere okay now that we've talked about where we go for vacation we're going to talk about what we do when we're on vacation all right and so when that happens we have this question here what did you do on vacation because we go somewhere but now we have to do something now the answers are not like before with the I went to I visited all right you got to think a little more but it's still easy you start with I of course but now doing something you need a verb so you have to use past tense verb because vacation it's finished so you have to say things like I swam at the beach or I swam in a pool something something like I hiked on a mountain all right just fill in what you were doing okay now some people when they go on vacation they don't like to do many things for some vacation is about being lazy so some people may just say a vacation I just rested that's time to relax time to feel good again okay let's take a look at some more examples of the now this question is what did you do during your vacation you can say I swam at the beach or maybe I rode a boat to Jeju or I just relaxed and read a lot okay so there you have two good and easy questions about vacations you have the did you go anywhere on vacation and then the what did you do on vacation now good to ask these questions to people but it's better to answer the questions because that means you had vacation so I hope you can talk about vacations and I hope you get to take many vacations yourself alright see you next time thank you [Music] hi I'm bill and what I have for you right now are three questions you can ask a foreigner about their country because I know this people like to talk about where they're from it's easy and it's comfortable for us to do now the first question we have here is this what is the food like in your country now many Korean people they say our food is spicy but now some countries they don't eat a lot of spicy food so sometimes they might say our food is sweet or even they might answer how do they make the food something like our food is grilled or our food is fried this is all possible answers now another thing is about the food is they could talk about what food is popular okay now just like this we eat a lot of now I know from living in Korea in Korea we eat a lot of kimchi all right it's true everyday even me but now other countries maybe like America we eat a lot of beef it's very popular okay and if almost not every day but almost it seems like that happens or even we eat a lot of eggs just what do you eat a lot of okay let's look at next question alright now here's another question you can ask foreigner about their country and it goes like this what is your country famous for this is just about what is popular in their country what do people do what do people know about okay so now I'm an American so if someone were to ask me what is America famous for I could just answer like this many people know Hollywood yeah Hollywood where America makes the movies okay you can say many people know Hollywood or it's okay it's famous for Hollywood okay now by it I mean my country so my country it's famous for Hollywood we want to change it a bit we can talk about Canada what is Canada famous for well that's easy we could do many people know maple syrup very tasty Canadian food and also it's famous for maple syrup okay so these are two things that are equal that you can use to answer this question okay let's look at the last question now alright now here's our last question that will help you get a foreigner to tell you about their home country and it just goes like this what is there to see in your country kind of what is famous again but something to see something to go see it okay so now what we have here is the answer can go people come to see now if the person is from France the easy answer is people come to see Eiffel Tower or someone from China people come to see the Great Wall or again maybe a Japanese person is visiting they can say people come to see Mount Fuji now again if you travel to another country and someone asks you about Korea you can just say people come to see Seoul or people come to see come book palace the famous things to see all right let's take a look at some examples question one what is the food like in your country we eat a lot of vegetables our food is mostly fried we don't eat much fruit what is your country famous for its famous for ice hockey many people know about our mountains it's famous for beautiful beaches what is there to see in your country people come to see our old castles people come to see our historical places people come to see our modern cities alright so there you have three questions that you can ask a foreigner about their country it's a great way to start a conversation and it's also a great way to learn something about another place I hope this helps you and I hope you can try it soon thank you hi this is Bill and right now I'm gonna help you with your understanding of a word now well that word is free and it's a very short word very easy word but it has a lot of different meanings and well right now I want to talk to you about how the word free is used in a sentence because where the word free is can change the meaning of the sentence a lot okay now if we just look here what I've got written on the board now just two little phrases here and it's the same words see free and alcohol both times but the meaning is very different see up here if we put the word free in front of the word then like here free alcohol that means the alcohol is free and you do not pay money for alcohol if you see a sign free alcohol that means you go and you get alcohol you don't give money the alcohol is free free alcohol don't have to pay money it's a good thing now down here though we have alcohol free that means there is no alcohol okay there's no alcohol in the drink so you can say coca-cola is a alcohol free drink because there's no alcohol in the cola another example here is maybe there's a sign that says free kittens free kittens so that means if you want to take a kitten home for a pet you do not have to give money you can just go and take the kitten home with you all right now another example here where free is after the word maybe you're in a convenience store and you want to buy a little coffee drink and well some coffee drinks will say on them sugar-free now that means that coffee drink there's no sugar in the drink it's not a sweet drink it's just coffee no sugar okay so remember before the word means you don't pay money for it after the word that means that word is not there so alcohol free no alcohol sugar free no sugar let's take a look at some written examples of this here's sentences using the word free differently all soft drinks come with free refills all soft drinks come with free refills order a set and you'll get a free side dish order a set and you'll get a free side dish the hotel serves a free breakfast the hotel serves a free breakfast this park is smoking free this park is smoking free I want an alcohol free drink I want an alcohol free drink the cinema should be talking free the cinema should be talking free so there you saw some written sentences about where the word free can be in a sentence now before we finish I just want to tell you about something I saw once while I was here in Korea one time I was riding the subway and I noticed there was a poster at the station and the poster was for a music festival now what they were trying to do I noticed this they wanted it to say that the festival was free for foreigners which meant foreigners did not have to buy a ticket to go into the festival now what they wanted to do was to make it attracted to foreigners they wanted foreigners to come there okay because if they think if it's free that's a good reason to go we don't have to pay money but the poster said foreigners free now this means there are no foreigners there it's the opposite meaning that they were going for so just remember where you put the word free really changes the meaning I hope this helps and I'll see you next video hey this is Bill and I've got a nice basic English video for you here today now I'm gonna talk to you about silent e now a silent letter is a letter in a word that we don't say it's just there we write the word we write the letter but when we read the word we don't say that letter now silent E kind of a tricky one here and I've got some examples to help you now if you can remember your vowels AE I owe you now now each vowel has two different sounds the short sound and the long sound well silent E is the letter E that comes at the end of a word but we don't say the e the e is just there to change the vowel sound let's take a look here and I'll show you alright now I have this first word here plan okay that's like I have a plan for tomorrow okay so we know that a plant you make a plan then if I do this now it's not plan E no now it becomes before it was short a plan now long a plane okay like an airplane alright look at the plane in the sky not plan E now it's long a plane okay next thing going down here we know this this is a man's name Tim maybe you have a friend named Tim okay but and again that is sound that's short I it but if we go ahead and if we put silent e there that means now time okay what time is it all right not Timmy again silent e don't say it but now you have the long I sound time alright if you remember plan had the app with short a sodas cap with the sound alright so if we have cap right now let's go ahead and make Cape alright now we go to long a with the Cape sound alright keep it going here hop that's short vowel o the all sound alright so we have hop I just did one alright now after hop we put short e don't say hoppy we say hope it's like I hope it does not rain tomorrow because I'm going to the baseball game things like that alright before it was hop now hope with the long vowel o sound alright coming up here we haven't done one with you yet now long you it's a little strange ooh okay but more on that so here's short you tub the short vowel you alright from tub we put silent e again not tubby we say tube alright it's a tube of toothpaste okay goes from tub to tube but still I'm not saying silent e alright after that we come down to bit bit means a small piece you know can I have a bit of your bread well that's bit again same as Tim we have the it short vowel I so again silent e comes in bite not bitty bite going on there now you're probably getting a good idea of it so he's got two more four again here you know remember up the short vowel you uh well here is cut well we go cut now cute okay we have cute ah look at the cute puppy alright and now last one here I've got rip when you don't have scissors alright well there's rip and then there's ripe long vowel I with the silent E so listen to me as I say these we've got plane time cape hope tube bite cute and ripe never did I say the e because it's silent it's just there to make a long vowel okay I hope that was helpful and I hope I see you again soon thank you very much hi this is Bill and right now I have a very simple pronunciation video to go through with you now sometimes in English we have silent letters now these are letters that appear in a word but we don't say them when we read that word so it can be a little difficult when you're trying to listen or read and I'm just going to explain this one idea to you and that is K before n at the beginning of a word now you can see all the examples behind me but of course in this case if you see KN at the beginning of a word you do not say the K sound okay just forget the K's there well don't forget but ignore it okay don't make that sound so our first one here this word is not canal alright that's horrible right there what you want to do is you just want to think no and you should know this is like I know how to speak English alright these are the things you know how to do it's not Cano we just know I know how to do things alright and then down to knowledge alright again no K sound we have knowledge now knowledge is all the things you know if you have a lot of knowledge you're a very smart person alright stupid people they have no knowledge okay or maybe you just don't know about a certain topic it's like I have no knowledge about the Chinese language that's a true thing I don't know anything all right next we have night now this is not night time like Oh day is finished it's night time now if there's a K here this is like the old style in England like King Arthur and his knights and they wear the armor and fight with swords that sort of thing that's what that night means we also have this one here new okay now new is just the past tense of no it's okay like many years ago I knew someone named Paul alright that was in the past I don't know him anymore but I knew him many years ago all right we also have me that's a that one right there okay it's like that middle part of your leg where your leg bends that's the knee again not kane' remember that now kneel very similar to knee just plus an L now kneel it's now sometimes people sit down on a chair but then kneel just means to go down on your knees okay probably because you don't have a chair so you have to kneel on the floor down on your knees okay another one knife very simple you have to cut something knife okay if you ever cook food or prepare food you might need a knife to cut your vegetables so remember not connive just knife after that another example is knit okay you know if you have a handmade scarf or maybe a handmade sweater that means you knit the scarf okay it's the old style making a scarf you knit the scarf handmade style all right then there's knob all right now knob is on some door some doors have a handle but some doors have a knob and this is you grab it and just turn it it's almost like a ball shape grab the knob turn the knob it's good thing all right also for a door you have knock this is knock knock anybody home alright you're going to visit your friend don't just open the door well maybe but it's polite knock knock then someone will come and open the door for you okay then we also have not okay now this isn't like I am not going home no with a K not is kind of like when you tie something like your shoes okay you take your shoestrings and you tie them into a knot so that they don't fall down fall apart okay tie your shoes in a knot alright and then down here we have knuckle alright knuckle kind of like how knee is on your leg a knuckle is on your finger all right right there where your fingers Bend those are my knuckles alright so as you can see here there's many words there's more than these but these are just 12 of these words where it starts with K but we can't say the K well can't we just don't say the K or it's you're gonna look silly so try to remember k n for your pronunciation do not pronounce the K just ignore it and give it the n sound no knowledge night new like that I hope that helps you and I hope you can remember it thank you hi this is Bill and I'm here to help you with some pronunciation okay sometimes in English we have words that have letters we don't pronounce we call them silent letters and well right here I'm going to tell you about how the letter P can sometimes be silent now this happens when the word begins with the letter P but then it is followed by another consonant now this is when we ignore the letter P and we do not actually pronounce that letter it is only silent so let's look right here what I have in this word PN begins the word but I'm not going to say put pneumonia okay the P is silent so all I'm gonna say is pneumonia okay and pneumonia is a sickness that you get in your lungs that you know when you're breathing you can get sick it's more common in the wintertime and it's kind of serious so if you do have pneumonia I hope you're seeing a doctor getting help for that but please the help I can give you is don't say put ammonia just say pneumonia and remember it's a lung sickness when you're breathing it's kind of like all right here okay now the next one here it's not Poisson all right now this we just say Psalm now Psalm is it's a part of the Bible if you read the Bible if you go to church there's a part of the Bible that's known as the Psalms like Psalm one Psalm two and it's just you know information from the Bible and things like that if you go to church you probably talked about that sort of thing but what we'll talk about right now is that you should pronounce it psalm remember we have a silent p so just pronounce the S now actually for the rest of these you notice PS is getting very common because as you look at the next one here psych all Lachie okay now psychology is a subject that maybe you or someone you know studies in school psychology is all about how people think it's like the way the mind works like why we think the way we do that's the study of psychology again not psychology just psychology so that down here on the next one similar to psychology we have psychiatrist now psychiatrist is a doctor who is an expert of psychology okay they've studied psychology all through university they know psychology they help people who want to talk to someone about how they're thinking you know they want to see a doctor about their mind they see the psychiatrist and he helps them with emotional problems or things like that but yes so a psychiatrist studied psychology now also similar we have the psychic now the psychic doesn't study psychology the psychic is more of a fortune-teller if you're curious or you want to get an idea about the future you might visit a psychic and maybe they check your hand or they look at cards but a psychic tries to tell you about your future and that's what they do so yeah a psychic is more of what we say fortune-teller that's a similar term right there and then down here at the bottom you've probably heard this before is psycho alright this is someone whose mind is a little broken okay and maybe they do bad things because of it many many scary movies have a psycho character in them who's causing problems for other people so yeah we have that the psycho person it's kind of maybe even a little crazy here but okay so as you notice PS is very very common but don't say the P alright so just one more time I'm gonna pronounce these for you so listen up we start with pneumonia Psalm psychology psychiatrist psychic and psycho so alright if you ever see these words and something you're reading just remember there's a silent P when the word begins with P and is followed by a consonant I hope that helps and I hope you remember it have a good day hey this is Bill and I'm just gonna talk to you about some things you can know for when you want to go to a bar to have a drink and a good time all right simple ones today what we have here is a lot of places you see in Western countries they will have a sign that says happy hour now happy hour doesn't mean everyone stands around smiling well hopefully they are because in a happy hour that means all the drinks at a bar are a discount price there's a lower price for drinks maybe you can get a beer one plus one or there are cocktails with a lower price than what is on the normal menu now just because it's called happy hour that doesn't mean it's only one hour it's not just sixty minutes sometimes happy hour can go for two hours but it's still just called happy hour because it really means discount time all right when all the prices are lower than what you see on the normal menu okay we also have this one here it is draught beer okay now this is beer that comes from a keg now a keg is a large metal container that gets delivered to the bars specially okay and they have to connect it so they can pour the beer into a mug what you all know as sang Mex you we say draught beer now a lot of bars offer different varieties of beer on draft so they have many different kinds so if you're talking you could ask the bar bartender excuse me what beer do you have on draft that just means what beer can you get in a glass mug and not a bottle right we also have this one right here a round okay now around in a bar means drinks for everyone at your table okay so maybe you say I will buy a round that means you will buy a drink for everyone at your table all right let's look at some more examples sentences of these three things okay let's look at the first example happy hour is from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. cocktails are half the normal price happy hour is from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. cocktails are half the normal price let's move on to the next example draught beer tastes fresher than canned beer draught beer tastes fresher than canned beer and the last example let me buy everyone a round of whiskey shots let me buy everyone a round of whiskey shots so as you can see these are some good things to know if you plan to go out drinking and your do remember happy hour can be longer than an hour so read the sign carefully and just know you get a lower price on the drinks you want to have so it's good to come for happy hour and pay a discounted price and then also draught beer the beer that comes in a nice mug and not a bottle alright it's very popular because many people you can't get draught beer unless you go out for a to a bar and then also around hey I'll buy a round makes you very popular with everyone in your group thank you and have a good time [Music] hi this is bill I've got a special video for you about slang now I hope you already know but I'll tell you slang is a different way of speaking English it's kind of like people use words differently than you see in the dictionary but it's normally a large group of people are saying it this way so it becomes more common than you'd think okay now I'm gonna tell you some examples of British slang because if you're ever watching television from England or a movie from England you may hear the characters speak differently than you would hear in from American speakers or Canadian speakers so I've got some examples here on how they speak British slang because well the British invented English but they speak it very differently all right so the word we all know woman okay oh that is a very beautiful woman or she's a pretty woman now we understand that but now British slang oh she's a pretty bird oh look at that bird over there now when they say look at that bird over there they don't really mean like that bird woman from someone living in England say oh look at the bird at the bar she looks good cheeky all right now that's one there we also have truck we all know that trucks make a noise on the road all right hey well when the truck drives by it's very loud now over in British slang they call a truck a lorry okay I'm waiting for the lorry to deliver my package or there's a delivery lorry on the road or the moving men are coming in a lorry the moving men are coming in a truck have that one truck for lorry now we all know this apartment my apartment is too small well in England British slang my flat is too small I want to move to a bigger flat I want to move to a bigger apartment it's all the same thing again slang of britain same thing here we all know elevators we I hate being in elevators but in an elevator you got to get in the elevator or if you're in England you use the lift please take the elevator to the fifth floor ah please take the lift to the fifth floor that again British slang they changed elevator to lift now here's one that I really like an old friend of mine uses this a lot we have air in here we say an idiot you know uh what an idiot he's stupid all right but British slang they say ah what a knob he's stupid or like look at that knob over there I don't like him all right we use knob to refer to a stupid person in British slang okay now there's lots of different ways that people speak English all around the world that's probably why it's so hard to learn but these are just five examples of British slang from words we all know and we see almost every day okay I hope that helps you and I'll see you again next time thank you hi this is Bill and right now I'm going to teach you an idiom now this idiom is very common people use it a lot and actually everybody uses it old people young people it's that common that it's easy to use with whoever you are talking to and that idiom is gut feeling okay now you see it here I underlined it in blue now first let me explain to you gut because that might be a new word for you now your gut is just right here this part of your body kind of your stomach okay but now a gut feeling isn't like a sick feeling that's not what it means okay a gut feeling is just kind of like an inside feeling you have just kind of a instinct maybe but just something you have an idea you can't really explain why you have this feeling it's just a gut feeling okay and sometimes a gut feeling can be a good thing or a bad thing now the sentence I have up here I have a gut feeling today's going to be a good day now by saying I have a gut feeling that just means something inside you is just telling you today is going to be a good day you don't know why you just have this idea today's gonna be a good day or there's the opposite here you could just say I have a gut feeling this is gonna be a bad day now that just means something is telling you today's not gonna be good okay again more like an instinct kind of feeling all right now we're gonna look at some written examples of gut feeling being used now take a look at sentences using the idiom gut feeling that couple fights all the time I have a gut feeling they will break up soon the sky is so dark I have a gut feeling that rain is coming I have a gut feeling something good is about to happen okay so there you saw ways that we can use the idiom gut feeling now there's lots of different ways you can do it as long as you remember it's just an inside feeling that's giving you an idea about what's going to happen okay maybe you look out the window and you see a lot of gray clouds so you have a gut feeling it's gonna rain soon okay maybe you buy a lotto ticket and you have a gut feeling it's going to be a winner just you get a feeling from inside that tells you something's gonna happen maybe it's good maybe it's bad but your gut feeling it's just a feeling you got more about instinct than anything all right and I have a gut feeling that your English is getting better and you learned a lot from this video see you next video hey this is Bill and I've got a video for you about smoking cigarettes all right now in a lot of foreign countries they don't really like people smoking cigarettes everywhere so you got to be careful when you're traveling that you choose to smoke in the right places now usually you will see a sign that just says smoking area whether this is in an outside place or even a bar or restaurant you should try to find a sign that says smoking area if you cannot find a sign an easy thing to do and this is what I always did in America is just check the ground and if you see people have thrown down their trash cigarettes on the ground that means many people have been smoking there so it's probably okay if you do too all right now but if you are in a nice place that's gonna let you smoke the first thing you should ask for is an ashtray okay this is so you can it properly put your cigarette ashes and then also trash out your cigarettes in the nice ashtray so may I please have an ashtray it's Chapter II do say oh yeah I just did that okay now if you're the kind of person you don't know where to buy cigarettes or you ran out or maybe you just want to have one what you can say to ask someone for a cigarette a very common expression would be can i bum a smoke now smoke means a cigarette okay so if you say to someone can i bum a smoke you're just asking may I have one cigarette please you say that to someone you see someone smoking in the restaurant or in the bar you ask them and if they're nice they will share their cigarettes with you or they'll say I don't bum cigarettes if they're rude who knows but now also sometimes you go into a convenience store or maybe you're in a bar and maybe you don't usually smoke maybe smoking is something you don't do very often so here's a phrase you can ask you can ask do you sell lucy's now a Lucey means a single cigarette because you don't want an entire box of cigarettes you just want one so that's what we call a Luci and they'll sell it at you know a low price because you're just buying one cigarette some bars do this and also some convenience stores for the people who don't really smoke maybe just on the weekend or maybe you're in a bar and you had too much to drink so now you want a cigarette you can ask do you sell Lucy's so one more time find your smoking area because that's okay nobody's gonna bother you if you're smoking in a smoking area if you're sitting in a restaurant or a bar ask for an ashtray please may I have an ashtray that's where you can put your cigarettes when you're finished and then there is oh I have no cigarettes well maybe you see someone smoking or maybe your friend has some cigarettes hey can i bum a smoke and if you're nice and you smile they'll probably give you one but if nobody has any ask the bartender or the convenience store person hey did you sell Lucy's and maybe they'll have a pack that they'll take out one cigarette and they'll sell you just one cigarette if that's all you need okay I hope this was helpful for you and I hope to see you next video thank you hi this is bill and in this video I'm going to explain to you some easy online gaming slang all right many people love to play games online because there's so many choices out there Warcraft has been going for a long time there's the Starcraft there's the new Diablo and of course every year there's a new Call of Duty where people run around shooting guns killing each other online so what people have been saying when they've been doing this for a long time are some easy phrases here now a simple one here is to start off noob okay now noob it was first newbie and that means a new person to the game so someone is still learning how to play the game and they're probably making a lot of mistakes so when people playing a game use the term noob they usually use it to tease someone they mean it in a bad way kind of this noob has no idea or this noob is easy to kill or I don't want a noob on my team because we will lose all right now on the other side of that one someone who's been playing a game for a long long time they have a lot of skill so they know the tricks they know where to go they know how to win so someone who's very good at a game they're gonna win a lot and what they say is poem it's pronounced pwned okay they don't type the O but they say pwned and what this means is if you're playing a game like Call of Duty with guns you shoot someone say I just pwned you alright because it's like I just owned you I'm better than you so I own you because I'm better alright so yeah use but only if you're winning all right if you're winning you can say I just pwned you because then you look very strong then simple ones here for like online games with teams and things like that there are what we call NPCs that's just how you pronounce that you say n P C but then like plural so just NPCs don't say s now this means non-player character so in a game like Diablo these are like the monsters that you fight that another player is not controlling they're just part of the game that you have to go through so maybe you're playing on a team in Warcraft and you say things like these NPCs are really tough that means difficult you're having a hard time finishing the level because all the monsters or soldiers you have to fight are very difficult to get through so we say NPCs characters that are part of the game non player characters now if you think that means non-player character there's also pcs now not personal computers like the PC room when online gaming slang when you're talking or typing if you write pcs we say pcs this means player characters these are the characters in the game that other people are controlling alright so maybe we need more pcs to join so maybe you're trying to plan something in a game that requires a lot of players so you need more pcs to join your team before you can go and finish what level you're trying to do so one more time we have noob for the new person so if you see someone running around in circles they don't know what they're doing this noob has no idea or I hate newbs because they don't understand the game and of course I just pwned you or I'm honing a lot today I'm winning a lot today then we have these NPCs are really tough these monsters are tough the NPC's of the game are giving us a lot of difficulty and then PCs we need more pcs to join oh there's many pcs playing today just means there's many people playing today okay I hope that helps you with your online gaming and I hope to see you next time thank you hello I'm bill and in this video we're going to talk about how you can introduce yourself and your job because when you're meeting new people knowing what you do for a living is kind of important and it happens a lot so think about what's important about who you are and what you do for work now think about the three most important things they are easy your name standard when you introduce yourself and then also your title now your title is what you do at your job maybe you are an accountant an engineer maybe you do marketing or you're a Salesman or a manager any of these things okay that tells a lot about you as a person or what your job title is and then also company what company do you work for because different companies do different things if you work for a company like Samsung you probably know a lot about electronics if you work a lot of work for a company like Doosan you probably know more about heavy machinery and industry so that explains a lot about who you are as well so if you're introducing yourself and your job you want to focus name title company the orders not too important we'll talk about that later but here as an example I will introduce myself to you so you can see how people do it alright let's take a look at my example okay so this is my official introduction I say hello my name is Bill and I am an English professor at a university in Suwon so one more time this is how I say my introduction hello my name is Bill and I am an English professor at a university in Suwon there as you just saw I clearly said my name my title and my company now there are many universities in Suwon that's why I didn't say the exact name because not everyone knows every University in Suwon but that's okay not very important also just remember always start name first then company and title you can put them in a different order if you want to and in the next examples you can see how there's different ways to organize your introduction let's take a look let's look at a few examples of how to introduce you and your job my name is David and I am a director at SK again my name is David and I am a director at SK there's another way to do it I'm Paul and I currently work in the human resources department at Doosan let's do it again I'm Paul and I currently work in the human resources department at Doosan now we'll take one more look yeah my name is Chris and I do marketing for Samsung listen again my name is Chris and I do marketing for Samsung so there you have it several examples that can help you remember how to do this okay if you remember them you should be more than ready and confident to introduce yourself and your job I hope this was helpful and I'll see you next video hello I'm bill and in this video I'm gonna tell you about two questions you need to know for business okay now they're really easy so you should not have any stress about this okay what we have here is this question what do you do now if you say it really fast what do you do gets a little sounds a little strange but just don't worry go natural with it what do you do what do you do what do you do that's what people want to know now if this question we're longer what do you do on the weekend well now it's about your weekend your hobbies your fun time but if the question is just what do you do it's about work and that's all it is so if you ask me what do you do I say I'm a teacher that's my job that's my work now of course you may have to change a to an if you're I'm an engineer or I'm a student just the a ok that's what we have so think job title for this one now there's also here I'm in charge of now in charge that means duty what are you responsible for what do you need to do for your job if you're a leader of a marketing team you may say I'm in charge of a marketing team you're the leader that's your duty take care of them or you ask me I'm in charge of helping my students that's what I have to do so I'm in charge of my students of course a very easier than that we have the simpl where do you work you can say the company name you can be very specific and say something like I work at worry Bank or you don't have to say the company name you can just say I work at a bank that's fine too let's look at some example dialogue where we put these two questions together okay all right here's our first examples here the question was what do you do well the easy answers I'm a doctor or I'm a banker or I'm an accountant what's whatever you do the next question where do you work well I work at a bank I work at a store I work at a school just the place you work at put that in there all right just like those two phrases I just showed you there's another question that's very common especially in American conversation and it goes like this what do you do for a living now for a living you know we all have to live we all have to pay for it so that's our job right there so it's basically asking how do you pay for your life what do you do for a living now just like the what do you do question you can simply answer I'm a teacher I'm an engineer I'm an accountant or you can go ahead and give a full longer description of I work in the personnel department at SK so you can keep it short you can keep it long that's okay let's take a look at examples of long and short answers to this question all right now here's the longer question what do you do for a living now the short answer would just I'm a teacher and that's fine but you can also give a longer answer like I work in the legal department for Lotte so here you can go short answer or long answer both are okay okay so there you have it three simple questions you can use when you meet new people in business so what do you do which is always about work remember that what do you do people want to know about your job than me where do you work just what's your company where is it what do you do and then of course what do you do for a living that's all about how you earn your money so you can live I hope this was helpful for you and I'll see you next video hi I'm bill and in this video we're gonna talk about some business small talk now we remember small talk is just conversations that are not important okay they're not about giving a lot of details it's just easy conversation usually when you don't know what else to talk about now these questions are about business and you can use them at work with a co-worker you can use it when you meet friends or just when you're having conversations with new people it can also be a get to know you kind of question and well the first one here would be house business or like house work kind of like that just how is your job going now remember you don't care about details it's just how's business so a positive answer would just be business is great thank you for asking or I'm having a very good month at my job no stress but then there's also the negative side how's business oh it's not good right now my company is losing money or oh I have too much work to do I'm so busy it happens okay but now this is the short one how's business you can also go with the what has business been like it's kind of this week or last month very close how has business been same meaning just a different way of asking the question same thing what has business been like now here the answer would probably be something like business has been good business has been not so good let's take a look at some written examples really quick all right all right here's some first examples okay question is how's business well you can say business is good or you could say work is good then kind of bad right now because it's not always good sometimes work is not good and then the other question what's business been like you can say it's been all right you could say it's been stressful or it's been a good month so far all right now let's say you're in a situation you're not at work you're out to dinner you're meeting new people and someone asks you how's business well maybe you don't want to talk about your job you want to talk about something else well there are easy ways to move on from the question polite ways and easy ways so if someone asks you how's business you can just quickly say it's the same old same old fast answer no details and it answers their question but also hints to them let's talk about something else you can also just do the business is business just my business is my business that's what it is so let's take a look at some written examples of using these to avoid the question now for when you want to avoid the question the question is how's business you can quickly end the conversation by saying it's the same old same old or you could say business is business here's a very simple dialogue that you might see so bill says hey Bob how's business bob says Oh business is business bill says I see Bob how's your work bill it's the same old same old okay I hope you found this helpful and if you can remember to start the conversation how's business what has business been like but then of course if you want to avoid the conversation and not talk about business you can just do the it's the same old same old or businesses business because it always is alright I hope you learned something see you next video hello everyone I'm bill and today we're gonna talk about some easy questions you can ask or maybe you get asked when you meet a foreign visitor for the first time okay because we got to remember maybe you meet them at the airport when they come in maybe you meet them at your office when they visit or maybe at a business dinner you get introduced to someone you say your name's shake hands this is a good thing to say okay now we all know to get to Korea people have to travel very far usually so it's always nice to ask how was the flight cuz sometimes it's a long airplane ride a long flight so if you ask how was the flight maybe it was fine or I slept the whole way if they're lucky I can't sleep on airplane so I'm jealous then you also have was your journey okay same thing just a different way of saying it'd be yes it was long but it was comfortable that's alright but now also maybe you are in a different country and you meet someone and they ask you was your flight okay was it okay coming here and again you can just say it was good thank you or mmm not too comfortable or the service was not very good so really you can get different answers for all of these questions people can talk about how long the flight was how comfortable they were the service they received so a lot of different ways to answer these so let's take a look at some sample dialogues that show how these are used all right here's dialogue 1 you say how was your flight a visitor it was comfortable but I still had a hard time sleeping so you should say I'm sorry to hear that and visitor that's okay I can rest at the hotel dialogue - you can ask was your journey okay visitor it was fine thank you for asking so here you just respond it was my pleasure dialogue 3 now if you travel maybe the foreigner says to you was the flight okay and maybe you answer it was alright but the service was slow so the foreigner says maybe you should try another airline company next time and you can say I think I will alright now you have three easy questions you can ask a foreign visitor when you meet them for the first time just uh how was your flight was the journey ok was the flight ok so if you're when you're introduced to a foreign visitor don't be nervous because this is a very simple thing you can ask them when you're shaking their hand alright I hope you can remember this and I'll see you next time [Music] hello I'm bill now maybe you saw in another video we talked about asking a foreign visitor about their flight over well that's good now to continue from that though a good thing to ask them about would be how is the hotel they're staying in because some people they don't like sleeping in hotels so nice hotel is always good now the question you can ask very easy would be how is the hotel again this shows that you care and you're worried about them well there's different things they can talk about when they answer your question they could talk about the service at the hotel now the service would be are the workers friendly do they have good food at the hotel if there's a problem do they fix it quickly all right now also the comfort of the hotel okay is it clean very important is it clean is the bed nice do they have soft pillows alright that's important because they want to feel comfortable when they're in a foreign country and then another thing that they could talk about would be location of the hotel is the location a very noisy place okay that makes it hard for them to sleep at night or is the location good in that is the location close to things that the visitor wants to see and do is it a interesting location or is it a boring location but still asking the visitor how is the hotel is a good way to make them feel more comfortable with you so let's take a look at sentences in how this is used and answered ok so the question is how is the hotel well possible answers can be I have everything I need the service is friendly the location is close to where I need to be it's very comfortable all are very possible answers okay now I want to tell you another way to ask this question about how is the hotel now a common question that people ask would be this it is is the hotel - you're suiting now this is underlined here for because - you're suiting just means the same as is the hotel something you like is it likeable do you like it so because it starts with is this quick answer would just be yes it is or no it isn't but you could get longer because this is a long question so let's give a good answer so we ask is the hotel - you're suiting common answer it suits me just fine or it suits me well enough but you can also just say things like I think it's good or I am comfortable they're just very basic answers about the hotel let's see some written examples on how this is used the question is is the hotel - you're suiting and your possible answers can be yes it is Thanks it suits me just fine or I am happy there all are possible and fine answers so there you have ways to ask a foreign visitor how is the hotel because it's important for them to be comfortable while they're visiting your company so just remember how is the hotel and is the hotel - you're suiting both mean the same thing but just different ways of saying it keeps it more interesting for when you're talking so I hope that helps you and I hope you remember it see you next time what's the worst hotel you see that worst hotel I've ever stayed at it's a dingy little villa Hotel in New Orleans one time for Mardi Gras they said it was great because it was really close to downtown but it was more of like closets that they made into a small hotel room just to make money off tourists now the blankets in the bed were clean but now the rest of it wasn't at all it was the floor was pretty dirty the bathroom was dirty and it was way too expensive cuz they're taking advantage of the holiday no I don't it was about nine years ago probably just the one in bohr young because the mud festival was happening just because there is everywhere every place in Bor young during the mud festival is dirty because people walk around covered in mud so no matter where you go everywhere there's mud inside outside there is no clean place and again Thursday night we got there the hotel was only thirty thousand won but then Friday because it's the weekend they told us next night is a hundred thousand won and no matter what I did there was mud and sand everywhere even in the bed even in the bathroom just can't stop it I'm bill and what we have right here is a small talk video usually good for when you're meeting a foreign visitor who's in Korea on business and maybe you can't think about what to talk about well how about the weather easy topic so there's three different questions I want us to talk about about the weather and how to ask a foreign visitor so here's the first one here it goes how is the weather over there now here over there that means their country the foreign visitors country how is the weather over there in your country now of course their answer is going to start with it's the it is meaning the weather is so now maybe they could say it's hotter than in Korea or maybe they say it's colder than in Korea or even maybe more of an answer they could say it's raining a lot right now over there remember that okay let's look at the next question okay here we are with the next question now the next question you can ask the foreign visitor would be this is the weather good in your country this time of year now we say time of year that means right now so there's a lot of different ways for someone to answer this question because it starts with is the easy answer would just be yes it is or no it isn't but giving boring answers isn't good so you got to think there's lots of ways to do this you could say ah the weather is wonderful right now or if the weather is very bad maybe they could joke and say I'm happy to travel the cuz the weather in my country is not fun now there's no real common answer so it takes a lot of practicing but there are some easy answers along the lines of it's very good right now or no it's too cold in my country things like that are fine okay let's look at the last question okay we're onto the last question the last question it's a comparative okay we have to think about that and it goes like this is the weather different from here that just means is the weather different in your country from Korea so we have to use the ER here and I'll explain don't worry so we think it is hotter than here or it is colder than here now there's other ways of doing it too we could just say it is raining more than here okay or it is more windy than here these are all fine as well now let's think about all three questions and look at examples of them okay let's now review the questions question one how is the weather over there sample answers it's not as hot as Korea or usually very cold or nothing special hot in the summer and cold in the winter question two is the weather good in your country this time of year can say yes it is very enjoyable or it's a lot like Korea or no it's not good this time of year question three is the weather different from here can say it's colder than here it's more windy than here or it's snowing more than here all right so those are three small talk questions you can ask a foreign visitor about the weather in their home country and maybe you'll be surprised how they answer I know for me Korea in the summer is much hotter than where I'm from in America okay I'm from Michigan where it rains a lot it gets hot in the summer but not as hot as Korea so in the summertime while I live here in Korea I'm very uncomfortable sometimes just because of the heat that's just my feeling so ask other foreign visitors about the weather in their countries and enjoy the small talk have a good time hello I'm bill and what I have for you here is small talk conversation okay now this is a great way to start a conversation with small talk because it's really it's all about current events and things that are happening right now so if you're having trouble starting a conversation you can use these to get things going okay now the phrases are we'll start with this one I hear that now you can say I hear that or I heard that you can use present tense or past tense both are fine okay but now you would use I hear that something I hear that the election will start soon now you say I hear that when you're listening to other people or maybe the radio in your car or a podcast on your smartphone that's when it when you're listening to something and you get news when you listen that's when you say I hear that the election will start soon because my podcast told me that that's a good way now the other one would be here I read that the economy is getting better now I read that because I was on the internet reading news on the internet or maybe a newspaper if you read that but anyway mostly internet or an email from someone who's talking about something going on that's fine so it's just I read that the economy is getting better you read about it now you want to talk about it with someone that's fine then we have I saw that now you use this when you're watching TV and you see something on TV tells you news of what's happening now good example here I saw that my favorite actor has a new movie coming ok so that's good news right there and maybe you want to talk about your co-worker or friend about that news so again look at one more time I hear that the election will start soon so can we talk about the election or I read that the economy is getting better let's talk about the economy now or I saw that my favorite actor is making a new movie is he your favorite do you like the new movie small talk let's look at some sample dialogues of these things being used dialogue 1 I hear that there is a music festival this weekend yes I'm thinking about going who are you going with dialog - I read that Samsung stock will go down soon really where did you read that I read it on my internet newsfeed dialog 3 I saw that height Jinro is coming out with a new beer where did you see that on the news last night ok so that's some great ways to start a small talk conversation ok it's all about current events and what did you hear about what did you read about and what did you see and take that information and go start a conversation I hope it works out for you and you should try it very soon all right good luck see you next video hello I'm bill and what I have right here is some ways for you to tell your opinion to other people okay because maybe you're having a discussion or maybe even a small argument but these are good ways to tell how you're feeling and what you think should be done now I have two positive ways here okay for what you think are good ideas so these are for your good ideas and then down here I have two negatives for when you want to talk about bad ideas now an example here with this phrase I think that so if you have a good idea you can start with this phrase to tell people your good idea okay maybe even something simple like I think that we should eat healthy food okay good idea eat healthy food so I think that we should eat healthy food same thing here we talked about this my belief is now this is almost the same as I think that you can use it the same way okay but now we use this for our business here you could say my belief is we are spending too much money on marketing that's a problem right there so if you think you're spending too much money tell people my belief is we are spending too much money on marketing okay so you think it's a good idea to stop that now for the negatives here we have this one talking about bad ideas I don't think that now an easy one here would be I don't think that is good for the company maybe someone's going to make a bad decision so you want to speak and try to stop it so I don't think that is a good decision you want to change that better decision now same thing I disagree that okay this could easily go I disagree that will help the company okay again someone's going to make a bad decision you want to tell them that your opinion says it's a bad decision we need to change it so I disagree that will help the company okay let's look at some examples dialog one I think that is a good deal you're right it used to be more expensive dialogue to my belief is that we should focus more on advertising that's a good idea now more people will know what we're selling dialogue 3 I don't think that we should have a meeting on Friday I understand your feeling there isn't anything new to tell the employees dialogue for I disagree that the new contract is better than the old one I suppose the old one was more clear about expectations all right now you know some ways to tell people your opinion both in a positive way and in a negative way remember for positive just that I think that or my belief is you say that when you want to share a good idea but then there's always the I don't think that or I disagree that this is when you want to stop people from making a bad decision or you have a better idea than what they have there you can use these at busy at work when you're talking about business you can use them at home or even in your normal life just any time you have a discussion with people or even an argument these are great ways to let them hear your opinion all right I hope that's helpful and I hope you use them too thank you hi this is bill and in this video I'm gonna show you a term that is perfect for a business situation okay now maybe you already know the word compromise well there's a phrase you can use that means the same thing is compromise it's just a easy to say kind of casual and it's great for sentences okay now that phrase is meet in the middle alright now it's kind of it's exactly what you think alright so now you can think about it like this there's two men having a business negotiation okay and now maybe the first man wants the price to be $20.00 okay and the second man he wants the price to be ten dollars okay well the first man doesn't want ten dollars and the second man doesn't want twenty dollars so they negotiate and then they decide to meet in the middle that means the man who wants twenty dollars comes down and the man who wants ten dollars comes up and they choose fifteen dollars see that they both give up a little they meet in the middle it's a fair way to finish a negotiation because if you look at the sentence I've written up here it says let's meet in the middle so we can both be happy it's kind of like everybody wins if you meet in the middle this is good for business when you're talking about contract or prices of things you can actually also use this if you're shopping at a market and maybe you think the person selling something is asking for a price too high maybe you offer a lower price and after some talking me you meet in the middle or compromise same meaning okay if you meet in the middle both sides win all right let's look at some written examples of this being used here are some sentences of how you can use meet in the middle we are both far from what we want but if we meet in the middle we can both be happy I want 20 items and you think I should get 10 so let's meet in the middle and make it 15 items why don't we meet in the middle so we can finish this negotiation so there you see some easy and practical examples of using phrase meet in the middle now it's a good phrase to know for business because it's common everybody uses it at some time when they're negotiating it's a good term to use so if you practice it and you use it I promise you that English speakers know the meaning and will think it fits perfectly into your conversation okay so get out there and start talking to people about meeting in the middle when you're trying to negotiate or decide on something okay I hope you use it and I'll see you next video all right hi this is Bill and I just so you know I love baseball longest game in American history all right now what we have here is I've made a very bad drawing but it'll do us well here so what we have here is I've made the infield and of course you know it all starts at home with the hitter you know and then of course we've got our first base our second base and our third base and this right here that's where the pitcher stands right like that so he can throw the ball to home plate here all right now what I'm going to explain to you today is just how a player how the hitter is gonna get on base now the first way a hitter can get on base is what we would call a walk or a base on balls now that means that the pitcher here he's throwing bad and the hitter just watch one no two three four he throws four balls okay that's not a strike you know three strikes out but four balls there you go you get to go to first base that is a walk or a base on balls now that might not be exciting because no one's actually hitting the ball that's more exciting so now if the hitter at home plate here he's standing there and he swings and he hits the ball out here and he gets to first base that's a single okay he gets to first base he's safe that's a single for him all right now if he's very lucky he goes ahead and he hits the ball it goes a little farther and then he can run four space to second base he gets to second base all safe he gets a double that's a double he hit a double all right and then not very common this one's not normal but sometimes a very fast man like a jong-wook he can hit the ball and it goes out here and someone fast like a John walk he can run to first to second to third and third base safe that we call a triple ok not many baseball players can hit a triple but the fast ones they can do it now again if you're the strong baseball player the strong hitter well then maybe you can hit a ball so far that it goes out of the stadium and when that happens don't don't don't don't home run okay what they say is he hit a home run now he's going to touch them all touch first touch second touch third home all is good home run the most exciting thing in baseball so if we think about it one more time you get to first base safe you got a single you get to second base that's a double you get to third you got a triple or boom Big Shot home run and then remember if the pitcher he's throwing bad you might get a walk or a base on balls and it's like a free walk to first base all right that's words for getting on base I hope it helped you thank you for watching [Music] hi this is Bill and here I have a video for you about signs of bad luck and good luck now really quickly here bad luck is of course in one day you have many bad things happen to you and you just think wow what bad luck that all these bad things are happening to me in one day now of course good luck that means good things are happening just one good thing and another good thing and another good thing she's like yeah I've got good luck today and I like it well some people in the West like Canada and America they believe in signs of luck whether it's bad or whether it's good now some examples here now bad luck these are things that people want to stay away from now people don't like the number 13 a lot like in Korea they don't like the number 4 people don't like the number 13 now very long history about that but it's so bad actually that on many airplanes in America there's no row or seat 13 because people don't want to sit there on an airplane because they think they'll have bad luck and the airplane will crash so it's that bad now also people believe if they're walking outside and they see a black cat they believe that soon someone will trick them now this isn't so bad don't be don't be rude to the cat be nice to the cat just tell it to go away and then be careful the rest of the day because someone's going to try to trick you that's what people believe so if you're careful and you catch someone trying to trick you then you won no bad luck for you now the other thing here if there's a broken mirror maybe you're doing something silly but if you drop a mirror and you break the mirror people think that means you will have bad luck for seven years so that's a long time so you would want to avoid breaking any mirrors at best you can so enough of the scary things right here how about some good luck because we need this one all right now a very simple one is if you're walking outside and you find a coin just laying on the ground pick it up you're gonna have good luck today the old saying goes see see a penny pick it up all day long you'll have good luck okay now here's another one that can mean two different things let's say it's summertime and you open a window or open your front door and let's say a butterfly comes in your house and it's flying around your house now there's two meanings for this one if the butterfly is a very light color like white or yellow or pink that means something good is going to happen with your love life okay you'll meet the perfect man or you'll meet the perfect woman and you'll fall in love so if you see a bright colored butterfly in your house good love is coming for you now if the butterfly is a dark color like dark blue or black don't get scared it's not like a black cat a dark colored or black butterfly means you will have good luck with your business you'll go to work and something good will happen maybe a promotion or maybe you'll get more money or you'll get a better job so just think bright colored butterfly good love for you dark colored butterfly that means something good with your work so as you see we've got our bad luck signs and our good luck signs now there's a lot more this is just a small sample of it thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed it [Music] hi I'm bill and I'm just gonna tell you the reason why Americans are so fat all right because everyone around the world is always thinking look at those fat ass Americans are Americans they can't stop eating okay well there's a big reason why actually there's many reasons why and I'll explain them as I go now the first reason why Americans are fat it's not because all we eat are hamburgers and pizzas every day okay people think that but that's not it okay the main reason Americans are fat is because they don't have the right portion control portions just how much food you eat at one time okay so the average American you know their breakfast will be this big their lunch is this big their dinner is this big that's backwards it should be the other way around they're eating too much food late in the day for before they go to bed so that's the first reason why they don't have portion control eating too much at the wrong time now the other thing is what Americans put on the food okay we love our butter we love our cream we love cheese okay even if you think about a sandwich a normal sandwich should just be bread and meat and maybe some vegetables that's not terrible you got three food groups in one place but then hey here comes the big American he wants to put mayonnaise all over it he wants to put cheese all over it he wants to dip it in some greasy ranch sauce and then ask for seconds that's a big reason why Americans are so fat now I've been listening to this ever since I came to Korea five years ago I walk into a classroom and the students all say hey bills from Canada what why am i from Canada I said because you're not fat and all Americans are fat well not all of us but a lot of us are and another big reason why is because we have the fattest poor people in the world okay and well there's a reason for that too poor people can only afford to buy cheap food and well what food is the cheapest food the bad food believe it or not in America Cola is cheaper than water and that meats like baloney and food that is very unhealthy that's the only food that poor people can buy so really if you want to eat healthy food you need to have more money so there you go it's all about portions it's all about what we put on the food and then the cheapest food is the most unhealthy for you you want to buy fresh fruit it's gonna cost you more than buying a bunch of Cola alright I hope that explains something why [Music] hi this is Bill and I'm in the kitchen not for cooking but to talk about beer because many people all over the world love beer and there's lots of different kinds of beer out there that you can drink and enjoy well today I'm just gonna tell you about the two main kinds of beer all right there's two main groups and that is your lagers and your ales now I'll explain lager first lager is a very light beer very easy taste very light taste and you can actually see through the liquid we call it clear beer because you look and you can see the other side through the beer all right much like all of the korean-made beer such as Cass Obie height that is all lager beer now the ales are much darker than the lager so here's the lager right there and you can see the colour now here's one type of ale and you see it's kind of brown all right now now this one is not as dark as this one so really this might be a light ale this is a dark ale just because of the color now the reason a lager is different from an ale is because ales just have more ingredients put in them they're made with the same things but just more are put into ales and also ales have more hops okay all beers have hops but ales have more and a hop is what gives beer kind of a bitter like floury taste almost and you can notice it when you drink an ale but when you drink a lager it's very hard to taste the hop because they use such little amount of it so basically for a thicker taste you get the ales but if you want it to just be easy to drink you go lager there's an easy difference between a lager and a nail I hope you learn something thank you [Music]
Channel: Shaw English Online
Views: 101,171
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Keywords: shaw english, learn english, english grammar, english speaking, english conversation, nice to see you, basic english, speak english, english lessons, learn english speaking, english course, speak english fluently, learn english grammar, business english, nice to meet you, beginner english, easy english, english for beginner, learn english conversation, english speaking course, english pronunciation, business english communication, american accent, learn business english
Id: i_8nLg1cpq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 38sec (7358 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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